Nayumi's Training Thread

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Nayumi's Training Thread

Post by Oak » Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:08 pm

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Nayumi's Training Thread

Post by Oak » Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:51 pm

The moon was high in the sky as Nayumi trudged across the Kumogakue gates. All afternoon after her academy class, she spent training in lieu of the next mission she was to go on. Not knowing all the details, she just knew she was in a group of jounin, and it was A-Ranked; therefore, she needed to be in peak condition for battle or any other situation that may arise on this journey. It really wasn't going to be easy.

As she reached her apartment door, Nayumi paused to rest as she gripped the doorknob. With a sigh, she turned it, and walked straight into it. It was...locked? She swore she left it open. Twisting it again, confirming it was locked, a frustrated and irritated frown crept across her face. Patting her bra (which is usually where she carries her apartment key), she felt nothing. Good luck getting in now.

Creatively thinking, she thought back to the days when she was just learning fuuton ninjutsu. While spying on her parents as they badmouthed her abilities, Nayumi did pick a lock using her fuuton abilities. How did she do that again? It was more or less a freak accident more than anything, but maybe somehow she could utilize this accident, and unlock her apartment door.

Pressing her index finger up to the door handle's key hole, she began to channel fuuton chakra into the hole, creating a heavy breeze into the hole. Thats what happened last time right? She was so aggravated that she was focusing chakra onto the doorknob uncontrollably, while her finger just happened that door's keyhole. However, still nothing happened.

Nayumi released her finger from the hole and analyzed the technique again. Maybe the trick wasn't to blow air into the hole, but rather increase the pressure to click the lock mechanisms to open. With a snap of the fingers, and a eureka expression plastered across her face, Nayumi knelt down with one knee on the concrete floor. Carefully putting her index finger back to the keyhole, she formed fuuton chakra to the tip of said finger.

Quickly, pressure began to build within the lock. Ping, Ping, ping. A trained ear could hear each of the pins begin to pop open. After the three pings, Nayumi used her other hand to clutch the door. With a quick turn of the knob and a push, the door opened. Her technique had worked; pretty good for creating it on the fly, wouldn't you say?

Closing the door behind her, she locked it again. With the turn of the button, she noticed how truly easy locks were. Perhaps it was time to invest in fuuinjutsu to really secure this place.

445/400 words needed.
Jutsu LearnedShow
+Fuuton• Cloud Thief
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After putting her index finger to a lock, Nayumi will increase the pressure within the lock's cavity causing it to unlock, just as if the key was in it.

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Nayumi's Training Thread

Post by Oak » Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:39 pm

"That's all you've got? You've got to be kidding."

Nayumi grinned as a genin from kumogakure panted a few feet in front of her. Apparently, it wasn't all he got, as he began forming handseals again. Her musculature clenched up, bracing for the kids last attack. A crackling sound could be heard as a ball of lightning appeared in his hands. With a triumphant roar, the young man shot it at her. It was defiantly raiton based, so naturally, she covered her tessen in fuuton chakra, and assumed that would be the end of that.

Upon contact, the ball of raiton expanded and exploded, causing a 1x1 meter shockwave of electricity. Nayumi didn't feel much of the raiton blast due to her makeshift fuuton shield. She did note, however, that she was pushed back a few inches, as she could see it from the marks on the ground. She did like the subtle practicality of this technique, and decided to adapt it as her own.

"You're done for the day, very well done Midori-Chan." The sweaty genin grinned at her praise, and headed back inside Kumogakure.

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Nayumi's Training Thread

Post by Oak » Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:49 pm

Climbing the trails up a mountain just outside Kumogakure's gates, Nayumi found herself at peace. All was quiet and tranquil, and today was going to prove to be a day most conducive to her training. It was a weekend, so no academy classes were in session. She had asked another jounin by the name of Aoi to train with her for the next couple weeks. He was known throughout the village for his gift and proclivity for the illusion arts, known as genjutsu. Seeing as genjutsu was never really Nayumi's strong sort, perhaps this illusion master could shed some light unto her struggles. As Nayumi reached the mountain's peak, she could see the frail young man waiting for her. Looking at him, he was just the type of guy that would major in genjutsu. Skinny, and sickly, clearly not one to fight directly on the front lines.

"Anika-chan. Good to see you." spoke Aoi quietly, with a small sniffle. The two embraced in a short hug, as Nayumi was most grateful for his time and knowledge. "You are ready right? More mentally than physically. This will be quite taxing..."

"I think I can manage." she replied, confidently. Though, to be honest, she wasn't -that- confident. But hey, what he didn't know can't hurt him.

"Perhaps we should go inside the peak, in the cave." He sniffled. Sick as always. He pointed to the north where dark gray storm clouds were brewing. "Looks like we may even get some precipitation."

Nayumi nodded in agreement. The last thing she wanted to do was get her hair, or herself in general, wet. She thought it was interesting that a storm moved in that quick, but hey. They were atop a mountain. Anything could happen. With slow footsteps, Nayumi followed the young man into the pitch black cave. They kept walking further and further. About 20 meters inside the cave, he spoke again, as the light from the entrance started to get smaller.

"Your genjutsu skills definitely need work. I mean, you fell for a pretty low grade genjutsu-- or did you just not even look to see what the weather was this morning." He sniffled, and blew his nose, still back to her.

With a quick glance and from what she could see at her position, the sky was perfectly baby blue; not a cloud to be seen. He was right-- she did fall for it. Never can trust these slimy illusionists. Seaking of which, she peered back in front of her to find him to be gone. With a noise behind her, the cave entrance was instantly darkened; completely encasing herself in total, pitch black darkness. Wonderful, what a great time not to be a sensory ninja.

Thinking he may have artificially closed the entrance, she kai'ed, fearing that he ensnared her in another genjutsu. Nothing. The entrance stayed completely black. It was no genjutsu he had closed a door. He began to speak again.

"Be quicker on your feet. I'm a deceiver. Win this engagement with me, by either hitting me, or leaving the cave. No lethal force of course." His voice was coming from every direction. First in front of her, then behind; then right-- or was it left? Nayumi continually cocked her head around trying to pinpoint the exact direction of the voice. He couldn't be moving that fast, it had to be an illusion. She formed the handseal.


"Well done." spoke Aoi applauding her, now clearly left from Nayumi's position. Naturally, she darted off in the direction of his voice. When she was about halfway towards his location, out of nearly nowhere, a large mass of flames appeared forming a sort of wall. Nayumi quickly jumped backward. Fire wasn't an element Nayumi was keen to facing; it was her most detrimental weakness. Perhaps he could use fire? Or was this another illusion? She paused for a moment and analyzed the situation.

What could make this fire different than normal fire? It sounded, looked, and appeared totally like a katon technique would. It would be detrimental to get up close to see if it caught things on fire, and throwing an explosive tag might make this place collapse if it did produce heat and was real. There had to be another way. Scrutinizing her surroundings, she noticed a piece of information, and instantly made the appropriate handseal.


"That wasn't a guess, right?" spoke Aoi, with an inquisitive tone, "How could you tell that was a genjutsu?"

"Well, I guess dragging me to a dark place wasn't most beneficial after all." began Nayumi, confident in her progress. "Your illusionry fire lacked the glow of a normal fire. If that were real fire, the cavern we were in would have totally been illuminated. Buuuuuut, it wasn't. Though, I'm confused on one thing, where was the trigger?"

"Genjutsu operates via a trigger of the five senses. Now answer your own question."

"Well, you've blocked my vision. So it clearly wasn't a visual trigger. You didn't touch me, I didn't smell anything, nor eat anything. So it had to have been aurally. But the trigger was really, "well done?" How practical is that in combat?"

"Close, but think harder. You're almost there." spoke Aoi with a calm demeanor.

Nayumi replayed the situation within her mind. What else did she hear at the tim-- That was it!

"You clapped. When you applauded me." A grin of success crept over her pretty face.

"Bing, Bing." said Aoi in a sing-song manner, as if a buzzer to indicate the correct answer to a game show question. " Out of curiosity, I'm going to skip a few ranks, and we're gonna get into some pretty harsh stuff. Are you ready? I don't want you to be unprepared."

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Lay it on me."

"Alright, brace yourself." spoke Aoi, as he let out a loud whistle. Nayumi put her hands up in a natural defensive manner. Within seconds, feathers began to fall from the ceiling of the cave. This technique even Nayumi knew of, it was named Temple of Nirvana, or something similar to that. Commonly used to put people to sleep. Quickly, she formed her handseal, and released the illusion.

"Temple of Nirvana, right?" she began, "It puts people to sleep. My brother used it on my parents at one point. Give me something a little harder."

"Alright you asked for it!" spoke Aoi quickly, as he let out a ruthless, blood curdling scream. After her next blink, Nayumi was in a completely different place. It was cold, very cold. Looking around her environment, she couldn't see anything, just snow everywhere she looked. Totally an illusion, but she couldn't even move her hands to release the technique. They were so black and blue, clearly frost bitten to a pulp. Pain, So much Pain. Then she lost feeling to her face. Her arms and legs began turning turn black and blue. Her face had to have been just as colored. Tears rolled down her black cheeks due to the crippling, freezing pain. Though, they just simply froze to her face.

She collapsed to the ground, body in the fetal position in that bank of snow. The cold snow packed down underneath her, forming a deep imprint of her body amidst the frozen tundra. So this was the true power of genjutsu. So much cold. So much pain. Eventually, she blacked out.

Nayumi woke up in her consciousness the moment she fell to the ground in the real world. Coughing, she struggled to maintain her breathing. Her fingers dug into the ground as she tried standing again. Every time she almost gained her composure, she'd fall back to the ground. The pain, even though it technically was gone, still lingered and coursed through her body. If it wasn't real, how could she be subjected to so much pain?

She heard a snap off in the distance and the cave immediately illuminated itself with dancing balls of flame circumventing the cavern. With a clacker of heels hitting the ground, Aoi was at her side in seconds. He crouched down, and did a brief examination of the body before rolling up his sleeves. He turned Nayumi's dead weight body over, and put his hands to her forehead. With a surge of relief, the pain seemingly went away.

"Was...Was than an--?" spoke Nayumi softly, before Aoi interjected.

"That was a branch type of genjutsu known as Overlay genjutsu" he began, checking her pulse. "It's arguably the most powerful type of genutsu-- at least the most powerful in the form of sheer brute strength. Overlay captivates and plays on your entire body, taking you to a whole new place in your subconscious. With the one I used on you, I'm assuming you felt a few hours go by? That's normal. But you see. the moment I finished casting you were already on the ground back in consciousness. That is the deadly part about these overlays. They happen in a couple seconds or less, but look how debilitated you are. You get much more side effects from overlay if you are not as proficient in it. Lets say someone used that tundra on me. I would feel as if a deep bone chill surged through my body. I would be still able to move around, but I would only be hindered for a few seconds afterward. You'd be hindered for a couple hours, if I hadn't cast another genjutsu on you to alleviate that one's effects...Try getting up."

Nayumi slowly got up to a standing position with the assistance from the man. However, the moment she got to her feet, Aoi sucker punched her, and jumped back. Anger could be seen amidst Nayumi's eyes. That was totally uncalled for. She fell to one knee, wiping a small stream of blood from her busted lip. As Aoi moved farther back, Nayumi was able to stumble to her feet. She put her fists close to her face, as if being defensive in a boxing match.

"You asked me to train you, did you not?! Why are you so surprised with a simple gesture. You're a ninja. Especially a ninja now currently in a skirmish with a genjutsu based ninja. Watch for deceptions and lies!" He darted straight for Nayumi. This was no longer a simple exercise and kai based. He was going after her for real.

Arming her large war fan, she batted at him when he got into close range, though, she simply phased through him. Clearly a genjutsu. Forming the seal, she kai'ed but to her disadvantage he was already behind her, and cornered her in a headlock. Instinctively, she channeled fuuton chakra to her hands, sharpening them. With a chop to the neck she attempted to to damage. However once again, she faded straight through him. She had to still have been under some illusion.



Another punch square to the face. Nayumi was pushed back a few feet. Clenching her teeth, being hit in general aggravated her. Her increased anger caused her to start to not hold back anymore. With a violent flip, she sent a gust of wind to Aoi's position, who got hit head on by the current. He flew back and hit the wall, attaining minor gashes in the process. He began forming handseals, and seemingly stopped; saying:

"I give. You hit me."

Nayumi was overcome with a feeling of depression at the sight of her colleague with cuts. Perhaps she had gone too far? He began coughing, which made her feel even more bad. With every slow step she took towards him, she gained an increasing weary for attacking him. Why did she feel so bad? She was perfectly fine just moments before.

She stopped walking. His voice echoed in her mind. "Be quicker on your feet. I'm a deceiver. Win this engagement with me, by either hitting me, or leaving the cave. No lethal force of course." This had to be some genjutsu. No way would she feel this bad about leaving some cuts a chuunin medic could even handle. After all she didn't even break any rules.


The depression faded almost instantly, and her emotions returned to normal. Aoi got to his feet and smiled. However, within seconds the cave door opened and two kumogakure jounin poured through the entrance.

"There you guys are!" the heavier set jounin began. The darker skinned woman jounin that was with him began healing Aoi's wounds instantly. "Us four as a team have been summoned to a high case mission. We're been looking for you, but now we're behind and it's pertainant that we leave now. You guys have any last minute supplies you can't live with?"

The two shook their heads, following the two jounin out of the cave. It seemed Nayumi's training would end for the day.


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