MYLF- Make Your Lovely Fate

Deleted User

MYLF- Make Your Lovely Fate

Post by Deleted User » Sat Sep 16, 2017 5:09 am


Traverse Crossing- a major city bridging our world and the Faeworld, where the Dryad, Naeko, Levia, and Faerie Clans rule the city, with a menagerie and multitude of other species abound, with humans developing paranormal powers, where the FourClan Security Force patrols the streets and the Orange Pickle Park, where the Sevensworn believe all life needs to be in balance and regularly tread the paths of vigilante or murderer, where people go to the MAREO to get smarter, or to participate in the Mixed Magical Arts and become superstars! Where anybody can become (almost) anything!

In a city where light and dark turn upon the wheels of fate like the cycles of the sun and moon, can you find your way to fame and glory? Or will you be sucked into the darkness and perish in anonymity? Come join us, seek your fate, here in the city

Traverse Crossing

(We're pretty much a standard "Magical City" roleplay with optional stats; the reading is pretty much just Original World history, setup, and information about the groups running the city)
*Site grand opening Sept. 14th, 2017!
*No mandatory species lists!
*Jcink premium 18+ site with honest, friendly-ish, but rather lazy admin Sparky who's hoping to get more staff soon
*OPTIONAL stat system
*Site desperately needs staff who knows what the heck they're doing with Jcink
*Also Sparky would like to greatly apologize beforehand about the sh**-tonne of reading on the site.
*It's just that Sparky works full-time away from computers and wanted to leave as few unanswered questions as possible.
*Sparky has set up a Discord so Sparky can reach people after Sparky gets back from being away, which Sparky probably is much too often. Also for Pokemon main series game discussion: Sparky's Discord

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