Flock Together

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Flock Together

Post by Izanagi » Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:16 pm

So, the time had finally come to stand ground against the expanding empire of Kirigakure. Takeo had always been a cautious man and he knew there were signs of a looming war involving each of the five shinobi nations. Therefore, when he and Hayate received information from their scouts that Iwagakure shinobi were deploying to Kiri and that they were intending to sail North to Soul Country, he knew they had to make a stand. Regardless of who won this staging ground there would be more altercations to come but it would provide valuable information about the strength of the enemy forces and the specifics of their key shinobi. If they could repel the invaders it would boost morale and deter a direct attack and give valuable insight for potential counter operations. But in the end maintaining a full roster of Bannin and promising up and coming shinobi was essential and mattered more than this small island.

The Hokage waited in a large grey tent, easily 30 meters across, lit by a handful of hanging lanterns. He stood by a large map of the island, labeled with the key locations, the temples and the Palace that were the prioritized areas they had coordinated with the local samurai and monks to help defend. It was still early, only about 3:30 am but all Kumo and Konoha forces that would be partaking and even a handful of healers from Suna were instructed to gather for a final briefing. Most of the Bannin had been given information about each other's abilities already so that they could best decide how to complement one another, likewise, some of the elite Jounin had been briefed on who they would be working alongside but there was still some room for adjustments and individual choice depending on how the enemies deployed.

Wearing his full combat attire: forehead protector, a brown and black haori, black pants and black metal arm and leg guards, as well as shoulder pads lacquered with the red Kanji for fire, the muscular, bearded leader of the leaf village, was prepared to lead his men. To fight alongside other Bannin and hopefully fight the strongest of the opposition directly so that those younger and less experienced could fight shinobi closer to their skill level. Next to him stood his oldest son, Natsuki Yozei, a 17-year-old red-haired Special Jounin with bright cerulean blue eyes. He wore brown pants, an olive-green shirt, and a hooded brown jacket as well as a Katana with a red sheath at his left hip. He would be leading one of the defence teams as well. With 5 locations they wouldn’t be able to keep Bannin guarding all of them and every shinobi needed to step up to do their part. “Gather around” the Hokage’s powerful voice rang out as shinobi began to muster in. “The Raikage and I will go over the mission briefing shortly, make sure each of you receives communication seals from Fanho and if you have any special talents or support roles to play before we depart speak freely” he stated. Most people with a role to play had already been briefed but just in case he wanted to make sure everyone was on task with getting their forces prepared. “If you have any questions or input, you can address them now or wait until after the briefing” he explained. There was still some time before everything gathered around anyway.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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Flock Together

Post by Zao » Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:58 pm

There seemed to be one late arrival to the gathering of the three nations, the first gathering of its kind really since the last war between the nations ended. Was this leading to the inevitable end of another great shinobi war? Who really knew but the demon hegemon in control of the former Suna Bannin's body couldn't help but outwardly smile at the thought of such a thing. Perhaps his end goal would be much easier obtained then first thought as he believed the Bannin's memories that their was still peace between the nations. Things had changed a bit in the few months that it had taken for the Demon to take over the young man's body and then return into the human realm.

Currently the demon had transformed itself back into Zao's original human form, aiding his cause to infiltrate the camp and determine just what course of action the human's had planned against the other village. For those who might have known the middle aged man before their might have some sense of something being off about the Suna-nin but nothing that should scream danger to them. Other would most likely not notice anything off about the white robed figure as he stepped softly through the encampment leading towards the largest tent dedicated for planning. 'I wonder...'

Most notable on the shinobi was the wide bladed sword hung diagonal across the man's back with the hilt coming over the right shoulder while on the left hip hung was a long metal war fan folded up, both radiated the chakra of Fire based spirit energy for those in tune with their mind's eye. Both weapons held complex fuuin markings on them. Hidden from sight on each arm by the over sized white sleeves of the man's plain looking robe were his two spirit pet hybrid companions, Toge and Hana. It only took a short while to navigate the field of Konoha and Kumo shinobi, even spotting a few Suna-nin that his body held some memories of.

'This might be fun...' The Demon spoke to himself within his vessel, reaching out with his tattooed left hand to pull aside the cloth flap at the entrance of the tent, slipping inside the briefing tent just as the Hokage had began to address those present...

Tsukino Hisato - Kiri Chuunin - Seven Swordsman Dagger - S-Rank

Saisuko Ziv - Second Year Sky Reach Student - S-rank

Sachi Battosai Member - Heart Country - A-rank

Kouseki Kiiro - The Yellow Monk - A Rank former Suna

Arashiyama, Toushi - Kumo Bannin - Rakurai - Retired Shinobi

Ekibyou - Kiri Missing Nin - A Rank

Kyōhō Ken - The White Snake Sage - Heart Country Assassin/Bounty Hunter - S-Rank

Aburame Kemuri - Konoha Missing-nin - Cresent Coalition member - S-Rank

Old CharactersShow
Kisama, Jimmu - A Rank Bounty Hunter

Akujin - Konoha Genin, Art Ninjutsu Guy / Root member

Saisuko Zao - Suna Missing-nin - Spirit Weapon Saint - S-Rank - DEAD :( , used as inheritance.

Arashiyama Ning - Kumo Chuunin - Weilder of the Ghost Spear

Yami Kasai - Mizukage - The Black Reaper - DEAD

Genso - Elemental Crafting Shaman - A Rank Monk - Inactive

Aburame Akiro - Konoha Jounin - ANBU Member - Inactive

Hyōryū -- Suna S-Rank / Dead / Used as Inheritance.

Xi - Iwa Jounin / Inactive

Sato - A Rank, "The Cleaving Swordsman " / Inactive

Toukai Touma - Kiri Genin / Inactive

Hitachiai - Iwa Jounin / Inactive

Ji Ning - Iwa Genin / Inactive

Naegi, Chin - A-rank MN / Inactive

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Flock Together

Post by Rain21199 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:46 pm

Zakuro sat motionless, legs crossed, in the corner of the tent. He wore a dark outfit that covered his body from the chin down. The first layer was a skin tight sleeveless turtleneck shirt. The collar doubled as a face mask. A leather belt holding multiple throwing knives was hung across his chest. Over that he wore a leather jacket, thick enough to protect from the cold, the rain, and debris or brush, and easily able to be opened to reach the knives around his torso. He wore gloves, with the symbol of Konoha etched into a metal plate on the back of the right one. Wrapped tightly around his right forearm, under his jacket and out of sight, was the chain of Kagu-suchi. One of the newest additions to his arsenal. His trousers were loose fitting. In his pockets he held more projectiles, on his left hip was an empty sheathe roughly the length of his body. It's normal contents was flat against his legs. In addition, two more katana were attached to his left hip, above the empty sheathe. On his right hip sat three more katana, all waiting to be unleashed. On his back, tucked in his waistline were two knuckle blades. They radiated with a powerful aura, and occasionally gave Zakuro chills.

Despite looking like a walking arsenal, Zakuro was calmly meditating. His mind was empty and he blocked out the surrounding sounds, until the familiar voice of Takeo reached him. His eyes slowly opened. Calmly, yet with a purpose, Zakuro pushed himself to his feet and sheathed the massive blade at his side. In all of his years, the man had never faced danger like this, yet he was not filled with panic or fear, but determination. It was rare that Zakuro had the chance to test his mettle against other shinobi without holding back. This was the perfect opportunity to see what he was truly capable of.

Zakuro approached the Hokage and his son Yozei. He gave a slight nod to them, but spoke no words. Today would mark the beginning of something new. They all knew it. There was no going back from this point. He let out a deep sigh and awaited the briefing.
Hazashi, Soseki
Owl Country
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Flock Together

Post by Kabu » Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:28 am

So it had finally come to this, after centuries of relative peace a conflict of some sort was finally about to break out among the shinobi nations, one that may very well have drastic consequences for the entire continent if they were to fail in their objectives. And Masami really had to wonder what Takeo was thinking letting her tag along on such a delicate operation given her status as a Jinchuuriki. Frankly she was more than a little restless and so found herself pacing back and forth outside the command tent, Aturasu sensing her restlessness but staying silent, the beast never having quite been the comforting type.

After a while she let out a sigh and entered the tent, knowing very well that she couldn't keep nervously pacing forever and that there was a briefing that was about to begin. Granted she had already been briefed to some degree on the task that she would be partaking in but still it was important to listen in anyways, just in case there was extra information or even perhaps a motivational speech, either of which would greatly do her nerves some good.

Still though... all things considered, she had to admit that some small part of her was looking forward to this altercation, to having a chance to finally prove how strong she had grown over all these years.
Shinsen Kyoko - #99840A
Ibakuro Rin - #9E4FA5
Nakiya Hotaru - #9E540A
Nakano Kiyomi - #8E47AD], Nakano Ayaka - #0C1C8C
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Flock Together

Post by Hayate » Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:55 am

A deep pit had formed in the stomach of Taiga. From his very birth into a noble Shinobi family to becoming the host of a Genma he had been bred for battle but for the first time it was finally here. From the stories he had heard of the last time the shinobi villages had went to war he could not help but feel a sense of impending doom and yet this time, his superiors had assured him it would be different. Letting out a deep sigh to calm himself the freshly anointed Jounin stood resolute. Despite years of complaining and insisting on his desire to fight now that the time came he could not help but feel his nerves...

Watch over me, Uncle Shou.

Stepping forth following the Hokage's speech he would speak up.

"So many of you may not know me but I'm Sarutobi Taiga..." he gulped- it would be odd to say the next lines and he had contemplated it a bit but it was clear that everyone here would learn who he was in the course of the battle. "I am the host of Deigenma, and damn good at using his abilities." he said clearing his throat and taking another step in.

Only cause I let you, runt. You're pretty useless without me. Sukairaa's voice chimed in his head.

"Once we are comm'd, I can basically be anywhere pretty quickly and get you anywhere or out of anywhere..." he said. The boy dropped through the ground suddenly out of site, only to reemerge moments later. "I'll stay in a neutral zone in the middle, and if you call, I will get you to the medics if I can, though keep in mind there is only one of me unfortunately." he said before bowing and stepping back.

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Flock Together

Post by hobnob » Mon Jul 13, 2020 5:10 pm

In the dark of the night, the shinobi of Konohagakure and Kumogakure were busy preparing for the battles that was soon to commence. The young sandy haired genin of the Village Hidden in the Leaves woke up in his small tent after taking a tactical nap, he used recover the energy he had lost during the busy day he had behind him. He stepped out of the tent, to see a camp that was busy and made his way through the camp; looking all around him to see who needed help, who needed an extra pair of hands to aid the preparation. But, something else caught his attention; a female was pacing backwards and forwards parallel to the entrance of the biggest tent in the camp, before eventually making her way in. He knew what the place was; 'That's the Hokages tent... and the headquarters of this operation.' the youth thought as he began walking towards the marquee.

The hussle and bussle of the camp had occupied his mind to the point of forgetting what was awaiting him within the next couple of hours. He and his friends, the kids he spent years at the academy with would be sent to fight against other shinobi villages. Fear pulsated through his body as if it were another heart. This fear also stimulated other emotions, like excitement that was fueled by adrenaline. A part of him was looking forward to making his way to the battlefield, and testing his abilities in a life or death situation. His heart rate was elevated, his breathing quickened; he was not sure whether it was because of the impending doom, or the fact that he was about to walk into a tent full of real Shinobi.

'That's where I want to be...' The youth whispered to the elements around him before taking a step forwards. The tent was a different world. The atmosphere was calm, collected and organised. The thing sheets of fabric that separated the inside from the outside somehow managed to silence the hussle and bussle of the camp. Izaki saw a group of people stood around a table, he heard the voice of a man he once met with his Sensei, Taiga. A Moment later after a close look he noticed Yozei stood next to the Hokage, taking note of their similar facial features. Finally noticing Zakuro, the leader of the Sekkoutai, his Senpai. At that moment he realized, how out of his depth he was.
Senju, Noeru - Chuunin - A-Rank
Fukusha Kurai - Genin - D-Rank
Igarashi Ryoto - Genin - D Rank
Ikigai, Itoshii - Genin - D Rank - #C2B280

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Flock Together

Post by TheLacarix » Mon Jul 13, 2020 7:23 pm

The young genin, known as Nobu gulped a nervous gulp, trying to swallow the sense of dead that filled him. He gingerly traversed though the Camp, within Soul Country a unique and beautiful land, travelling was completely alien to him, he hadn’t even left the Konhagakure No Sato before, never mind the Fire Country. Now he was in a foreign country on the brink of a war, a day away from fighting some of the most powerful shinobi and kunoichi known to man. His hands began to tremble at the thought, sweat poured from them. Nobu had spoke a big game, saying he’d do anything for his village, anything for the good of Konoha and its people. Coming face to face with what it truly was to be a shinobi was a daunting task, though something he’d have to overcome.

Wiping his moist hands down his jacket, balling them up in a fist and nodded his head with determination. He wouldn’t let his emotions get the better of him, he’d serve his village and if it meant giving his life, he’d do it. Though in reality he hoped it wouldn’t come to that. He hoped that he’d come out of this a better man, a better shinobi.

His fingers ran across the cloth of the large grey tent, stepping inside catching sight of a variety of shinobi, some faces he recognised, others were simply strangers. There he stood, the most powerful shinobi in the world or at least in Konoha, but to Nobu Konoha was the world. The Hokage. The usually kind faced Hokage looked striking in all black armour, the red fire country symbol stamped onto his shoulder guard. He looked to his side, a young Jounin perhaps? He looked eerily similar to the Hokage, his son perhaps? Though Nobu was under the assumption that all of Takeo’s children were of the Hyuuga clan. It almost felt to Nobu that Yozei was stood where his own brother Yoru would of stood, by the side of his sensei and his hokage, if he hadn’t of died he’d be here right now and Nobu wouldn’t have anything to worry about, his sense of dread would be washed away immediately. If only he was here.

He’d being expecting Takeo to give some awe-inspiring speech, that would all cheer and clap afterwards, give them the bravery they’d need to move forward and win this battle. Though it appeared as that was mostly just something written in novels, in reality it seemed more like admin work. Reality was a bitter pill to swallow.

Takeo asked if they had any special abilities that could be of use, he’d already noted that he was a trained Medical Shinobi only knowing the basics, but enough that he may of be some use. He didn’t feel as though he should say this now to Takeo, it would be rather embarrassing and pitiful in comparison to everyone else’s abilities. He knew his place, he was here for medical support and nothing else, he’d play his role, stay silent and wait for instruction.

The White Eyed Demon of the Leaf
Aizawa, Yoru
S-Rank - Bannin
Konohagakure - ANBU

Shiazu, Ico
D-Rank - Genin

Aono, Ikuto
A-Rank - Shogun
Land of Tea

Hondo (Aizawa), Haru
Land of Tea

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Flock Together

Post by Director » Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:34 pm

Fanho stood leaned up against a tent pole out of the way cloaked in a dark poncho with a hood with the Konoha symbol emblazoned in a inconspicuous grey on black on the back of the poncho. As the Awai Bannin searched the camp as he listened to the Hokage speak, Fanho raised his hand as the Hokage mentioned his name to indicate who they were supposed to gather around in preparation. Fanho's hood was down revealing the youthful nature of the young man. In comparison to some of the weathered older Jounin, Fanho stood out where he did not wear the strict uniform he wore a more relaxed outfit compared to those of civilians. As the camp returned to those talking about the Hokage's questions, Taiga spoke up about being the host of the Deigenma, while most higher ups in Konoha were aware, it was quite a big reveal to make it known to the other villages Konoha's hosts would be participating. Fanho walked by and gave Taiga a light chop on the top of his head as Fanho's seal transmuted into the lip of Taiga's mouth and on his ear so he could hear.

"Keep your eyes on the prize ground swimmer. You'll do great." Fanho ruffled the late teens hair as he chuckled walked through the ground tapping people on the shoulders such as Zao, Masami, Zakuro, Takeo, Yozei, before arriving next to Izaki and Nobu. The two genin had looked nervous, after all this was their first real conflict out of the academy other than basic remove moles, help farmers type of missions. It'd be a drastic change that'd even involve fighting live people with their own families, dreams, and wishes it'd be difficult for the genin to overcome that hurdle. Konoha wasn't like Kiri, it didn't raise savages, and blood thirsty children on a doctrine of slaughter. However that may have given them the upper hand in a situation like this. "You two knuckleheads not getting lost? I mean to be fair this is an island, if you did we'd find you eventually." Fanho pulled the two genin in a headlock as he channeled chakra tagging them too with the audio link fuuin as it inscribed itself on their lips and ears.

"You two will be fine. If things are getting a little hectic, head back to the camp and regroup. Your guy's lives are worth a lot more to me than some silly temple. I won't be able to be with you guys, I gotta take on the bigger badder ones, but I trust you two have enough sense to stay in one piece. If you a loser a finger you might be okay, means you can't pick your nose anymore though." Fanho bopped the two genin in the back of the head lightly as he chuckled, and stood over in the tent by the stage with the Kage to further designate his spot as the audio link guy.
Jutsu UsedShow
Augment Fuuinjutsu • Link
C-Rank Fuuinjutsu
By placing a small seal behind the ear and on the inside of the lip, then channeling a bit, Fanho creates an audio link between themselves and any targets they personally place this seal combination on. While hearing is always active, channeling chakra into the seal allows affected targets to speak, their words being stored and transmitted to the other seals.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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Flock Together

Post by Hayate » Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:06 pm

To the left of the Hokage in the large grey tent the allied forces had erected stood the Emperor of Lightning Country, the Raikage Nakajima Hayate. To many of the non-Kumogakure forces here they would only know him by the legends that glorified him and the stories and rumors that assassinated his character. One thing was certain though- many would know that of everyone here today Hayate had seen the most of war. The man's lithe but very fit physique occasionally showed beneath his haori, white with the kanji for lightning embroidered down the back, as he shifted his position ad arms. Dressed in his typical outfit, his arm guards and leg guards had been polished and his flak jacket reinforced- the man looking no different than he had on many of the battlefields of the Lightning Country over a half a decade earlier.

The Raikage was there at the battle field, but his conscience was not.

He could not help but feel they were overstepping the sovereignty of Soul, yet he understood the stakes they played at the necessity of their actions today. If they did not intervene, the peaceful islanders of Soul would be forced to serve a Kirigakure and Iwagakure regime... one which festered with the worst ideals of humanity such as slavery.

It was clear to the Raikage that as long as minor countries without chakra or shinobi arts existed, this kind of tragedy would exist. Shinobi nations would abuse their power, hoarding it to themselves to control those weaker. When the Hokage's words finished, a few members of the camp would begin to chatter, however the Raikage would remain silent and solemn. When a lull in the conversation came, he would nod before stepping forth to the center of the tent. He could see the anxiety on the faces of the young shinobi here- he could feel the fear of their seniors... that fear before any potential life and death battle. While he felt it too he needed to use his words to inspire.

Good leaders stood strong even when their hearts faltered.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama and shinobi of Konohagakure." Hayate said as he bowed very deeply and perhaps past even a 90 degree angle, showing his respect to the men gathered here today. When he ascended from his boy he would raise his hands towards his small audience and engage in the oration skills he had nurtured in his tenure as the Raikage.

"Today on this rock- this operation may seem small but I assure you the triumphs and sacrifices we will see today will give birth to a day that will be remembered by historians for centuries to come... Today, our world is on the brink of war as those who don't even regard the most basic of civilities of humanity attempt to force yet another helpless island- nay, victim, to bend before them." the Raikage's hands lowered and his gaze became resolute.

"If this campaign of ruthless monsters is not stopped here today, I fear it will reach the shores of the mainland we call home and many more will come to suffer. Remember this in each step forward, each blow taken, and each strike delivered to the heathens. Remember who you are here to protect and I promise you we shall prevail." the Raikage said.

"But, do not be afraid to lean on your fellow man. Draw on everyones abilities- we are strong in numbers. I will provide each location a clone of myself, but above all, you must survive so we can continue the battle. If death seems imminent, know that the clone will do its best to ensure you make it out." Taking one more bow he took his place beside the Hokage.

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Flock Together

Post by Toshi » Tue Jul 14, 2020 5:56 pm

Tousha was there too, probably just hanging out in the back or something. He was wearing clothes as he often did, his hair was black as it often was. Some people were saying things and he was listening to them say these things. He would continue listening to the things being said until he had something to say, maybe.
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Flock Together

Post by Nafan~ » Tue Jul 14, 2020 8:01 pm

Senji stood beside his leader, all evidence of his preferred mirth whiped from his face. He remembered the cold, harsh realities of war. Looking into the crowd he could see some of the gathered shinobi thirsting to prove themselves in real combat. Pity was all he could feel for them. It had been years since the other nations on the defensive side had fought in a real war, and while this was only a taste of true warfare, the magician knew it would carry its fair share of horrors. He and most of the present Kumogakure shinobi had seen their like before in the Lightning Country's civil war. The difference in the veterans' attitude to the coming conflict was significantly noticeable. Hopefully they could convince their eager comrades to be cautious.

After the Kage had finished their speeches, Senji stepped forward to present his suggestion. "I also would like to suggest that at least one person from each squadron receive some of my Fuuinjutsu, so that I am able to sense both their state of wellbeing and all of the chakra signatures around them. It will allow me to assist our efforts' coordination handily, and I promise that they will be removed once the conflict is over." He prepared himself to do just that, setting up with some ink and a small table ported in from his personal realm.

He also took up one of the communication seals from fanho, once they were offered.
Stellar Node
A-ranked Sensory Charge Fuuinjutsu
Senji places a seal on a surface or object and channels chakra into it to activate it. For as long as the seal remains, it maintains a sensory field detecting chakra signatures around the seal and records them within the seal. The field extends for 65m, and is capable of detecting individual chakra signatures. Senji must normally touch the seal to access the information.

Health Monitor
B-ranked Iijutsu Augment Fuuinjutsu.
Senji places a seal on a target and channels chakra into it to activate it. For as long as the seal remains on the person, Senji remains aware of their medical / health condition, including what injuries they’ve sustained and their state of consciousness so long as he is within 50m of them.
Last edited by Nafan~ on Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Flock Together

Post by Tsedas » Tue Jul 14, 2020 10:17 pm

Standing outside the tent that housed the gathered shinobi, a man was adjusting a cloth mask that came up over the lower half of his face. Once he was sure it was in position, he pulled up a more ornate mask with a spiral motif and slipped it over his head and secured it to hide his features. Pulling his scarf up like a hood, he concealed as much of his person as he could before walking around the tent, listening to the goings on inside before moving inside. Upon entering the tent, the masked man looked from one person to the next, taking them in and noting things about them before looking to Takeo. "Sorry for my late arrival, had to ensure I packed everything for this little meeting of the cultures. Hazanko Jukai, Medical shinobi."

With his introduction out of the way and false name given, 'Hazanko Jukai' shifted over towards the Hokage. "I'm going to be playing more support this time for whoever I'm with, better to reserve my chakra for healing and use tools to start. Plus I can look for weaknesses to exploit should the aggressors leave me to my own devices." The Doctor stated before shifting to one side of the room, bowing briefly to Hayate as he passed.

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Takamori Saigo - Konohagakure Banin - [color=#93DDDB]
Takamori Jubei - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#8B658B]
Takamori Kanako - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#AB274F]
Enkouten Hisone - Iwagakure Special Jounin - [color=#E87511]
Ryousei Genkaku - Sungakure Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Kawazaiwa Sagi - Kirigakure Special Jounin - [color=#32CD32]
Retired CharactersShow
Akira - Kirigakure - Special Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Ishikawa Hanzo - Sunagakure Genin - Jinch - [color=navajowhite]
Tenjirou Shigekuni - Sunagakure Chuunin - [color=fuchsia]
Itazura Bokun - Sunagakure B-Rank MN - [color=#00C1B5]
Kutsuzawa Retsu - Iwagakure Sp Jounin - [color=#EF6B00]
Shiimu Mirai - Kirigakure Bannin - [color=navajowhite]
Kojima Nao - Kumogakure -Genin - [color=#A0522D]
Matsudaira Tokoha - Sunagakure - Jounin - [color=#ED2939]
Ishiguro Nui - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=brown]
Awai Mariko - Konohagakure Chuunin - [color=#B2397F]
Jinrai Setsuko - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=#D60270]
Toukai Mukade - Kirigakure Chuunin - [color=#8B7765]

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Flock Together

Post by Izanagi » Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:13 pm

Takeo looked over the assembled shinobi, a small group of skilled operatives. Their forces may end up spread thin if they weren’t careful, though fortunately they did have the temple monks and samurai on their side. He listened to the Raikage’s words with mixed thoughts, he was a flamboyant man and it showed in his speech and depictions of the enemies though he touched on many good points as well. “Right. Everyone here had been chosen for a reason, you are some of the most skilled shinobi we have available and in the case of our Genin you are both exceptionally talented, useful in scouting or protecting civilians. Remember, that as shinobi we have a duty to protect, not only our countrymen but those who cannot defend themselves, we offer our assistance to Soul Country and we will stand firm against the aggressions of Kirigakure and Iwagakure who exploit these smaller nations and threaten to endanger our people as well. Our mission is to protect the people here, preserve their culture but despite this I prioritize the lives of each and every one of you. Stand together, defend the temples but know the value in living to fight another day, we are shinobi. There is no dishonor in retreat, you each have much more to offer alive, remember that.” He clarified. He didn’t want to see any needless deaths here, but this annexation attempt demanded a response, a test of strength and a deterrence against their enemies.

“We don’t know the full strength of their forces but do not underestimate them. Taiga, you will take Nobu and Izaki to temple 3, its located in the middle of a town and has the most civilians. The three of you use the least destructive techniques, keep them safe and use your scouting talents to keep vigilant. Yozei, Masami and Niku will protect temple 4, the area is rich with natural elements to utilize and there are few civilians allowing you to be a little more liberal with your techniques. Keep each other safe and take advantage of the Raikage’s clone in assisting you. Lord Raikage will accompany Jukai to the forested region of temple 2, the monk there should compliment your skills well. Senji and Zakuro will station themselves at the Daimyo’s palace, inform us immediately if you are engaged and we can distribute reinforcements as available. I’m counting on you two to provide a strong line of defense. Lastly, Tousha, Fanho and I will work together. We will start off at Temple 1, a more barren area where we can fight without so much worry about destroying anything. If necessary, we will be the first to split up and provide reinforcements where needed. If anyone has any questions or concerns, now is your time to voice them. Oh, and my friend Zao. I know Kiyori hasn’t officially authorized direct combat but I will welcome any assistance you are willing to provide, at your own discretion.” He explained, hoping that perhaps the man could find some grey areas to bend the rules a little. He knew the man was a powerful spirit user after all, surely some of his summons could be distributed at little risk and without technically having him involved personally.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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Flock Together

Post by hobnob » Fri Jul 17, 2020 4:00 pm

Fanhos arms wrapped around the youths neck and suddenly he felt a warm sensation running along his neck, and suddenly stopping upon his facial features. The mans seal took place and it established connection with Nobu and anyone else who was affected by the technique. Izaki let out a small chuckle upon hearing his senseis words; he was good at lifting up their spirits and that is exactly what made him a good leader. 'Don't worry about us, Sensei.' The youth said while he was still in Fanhos hold. 'It's you who needs to come back in one piece,' he let out before letting out a small chuckle, 'I really don't want to change squads once again.' a grin appeared on his face as he finished speaking, this was not the place for them to get all emotional, not like it was their style anyway.

The youth listened carefully to what the higher ups, the Raikages introduction, and to the orders given out by the Hokage. Izaki and Noby were teamed up with the high ranking friend of their Sensei. Although the youth did not know that much about the man, he noticed that he looked strong. He would have to do his best to provide support for him and Nobu from the skies. He could not wait to see just how strong the shinobi from across the world really were, and how far much he would have to improve to be able to keep up with them.
Senju, Noeru - Chuunin - A-Rank
Fukusha Kurai - Genin - D-Rank
Igarashi Ryoto - Genin - D Rank
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Flock Together

Post by Tsedas » Fri Jul 17, 2020 5:09 pm

As 'Jukai' listened to the arrangement, he motioned about to everyone assembled. "I would recommend at least one person on each team have some kind of communication Fuuin, that way they can call for reinforcements as needed and we can divert our forces as need be. Wouldn't wanna have someone standing around twiddling their thumbs if no one from the enemy force shows up. But I think that given we're spreading out to cover all this ground, it also helps us to know when and where the enemy shows up, how strong are their forces, and how many there are per location. That way reallocation of forces can be handled more easily. Try to handle situations at your locations as best as you can and if you put out a call for reinforcements, then hold out as long as you can. If you can, try to converse as much chakra as possible so you don't wind up being burnt out within the first contact of your encounters. Try to be mindful of the surroundings too, we don't want civilians caught in the crossfire if at all possible."

With that said, he looked around the room as he didn't know who was capable of utilizing communication Fuuin. "Speaking of communication Fuuin, who do we have here that can do that? If someone can, go ahead and place one on me. As a medic, I feel it makes sense that I have one for my team so if we have a handle on things at our location, I can shift to a secondary site and help out as needed."

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Takamori Saigo - Konohagakure Banin - [color=#93DDDB]
Takamori Jubei - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#8B658B]
Takamori Kanako - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#AB274F]
Enkouten Hisone - Iwagakure Special Jounin - [color=#E87511]
Ryousei Genkaku - Sungakure Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Kawazaiwa Sagi - Kirigakure Special Jounin - [color=#32CD32]
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Akira - Kirigakure - Special Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Ishikawa Hanzo - Sunagakure Genin - Jinch - [color=navajowhite]
Tenjirou Shigekuni - Sunagakure Chuunin - [color=fuchsia]
Itazura Bokun - Sunagakure B-Rank MN - [color=#00C1B5]
Kutsuzawa Retsu - Iwagakure Sp Jounin - [color=#EF6B00]
Shiimu Mirai - Kirigakure Bannin - [color=navajowhite]
Kojima Nao - Kumogakure -Genin - [color=#A0522D]
Matsudaira Tokoha - Sunagakure - Jounin - [color=#ED2939]
Ishiguro Nui - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=brown]
Awai Mariko - Konohagakure Chuunin - [color=#B2397F]
Jinrai Setsuko - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=#D60270]
Toukai Mukade - Kirigakure Chuunin - [color=#8B7765]

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Flock Together

Post by TheLacarix » Fri Jul 17, 2020 5:19 pm

The Raikage stood next to Lord Hokage, know as Hayate. Yoru had told Nobu of this man, apparently one, if not the fastest man alive. Apparently his elder brother idolised this man, though he said once he actually met him he was disappointed. He began to make a speech that did seem it was out of a novel, like Nobu had expected Takeo to do.

However, it surprisingly didn’t fill Nobu with him, talking of sacrifices & ruthless monsters and stopping this said monster from moving to the mainland. It gave Nobu an impression that Hayate seemed focused on stopping the enemies from spreading and not saving the civilians of Soul Country.

His worries were soon washed away as his sensei, Fanho wrapped his arms around Nobu and pulled him under his arm, Izaki under the other. Gave them a small reassuring speech and topped it off with a side of humour. Nobu chuckled at his sensei as he set the pair free, “Thank you Sensei.” his words trailing off as his sensei went by Lord Hokages side. Nobu smiled up at his sensei, it seemed likely that he would eventually take Takeo’s place one day, he’d be the one stood their giving rousing speeches, he chuckled at the thought of Fanho leading a huge battalion and making stupid jokes in the midst of it.

Nobu’s eyes shot to Hazanko, Jukai or so he called himself. His nostrils flared with annoyance, an Iwa shinobi who lived within the walls of Konoha a distain of his brothers that had passed onto the young boy. Though for now it wouldn’t matter, a battle was on the horizon and for now they were allies, he wondered if the man would be a target for Iwagakure shinobi once they saw him on the field. Likely.

A glint fell across Nobu’s eyes as Takeo called himself and Izaki exceptional, he certainly didn’t feel that way, he knew a handful of jutsu and a couple of iijutsu. Though he was here for a reason and the Hokage had obviously seen something in him. He looked at the young man known as Taiga, who’d said he was the host of Deigenma, did that mean he was the host of one of the powerful Genma of Konoha? He’d never interacted with one before but he’d heard stories of his elder brother guarding Awai, Minoru and Aturasu. Nobu pondered if the other Genma would be on the field aswell.

Taiga, Izaki & Nobu were placed in a squad together, the three young men were to be sent to temple 3, that was apparently surrounded by a small town. Hopefully a location that would be surrounded by civilians and hopefully a temple the enemy would spare, if Nobu planned to invade a country he’d want to keep as many civilians alive as possible, without it’s people it would just be land and if the they hated their new found leaders, they would quickly rebel.

The White Eyed Demon of the Leaf
Aizawa, Yoru
S-Rank - Bannin
Konohagakure - ANBU

Shiazu, Ico
D-Rank - Genin

Aono, Ikuto
A-Rank - Shogun
Land of Tea

Hondo (Aizawa), Haru
Land of Tea

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Flock Together

Post by Isuzu » Fri Jul 17, 2020 8:16 pm

Amongst the shinobi sat a samurai from the Hidden Cloud. Well, he was technically a shinobi, as he served in the army of the Cloud Village, but he had the heart of a samurai. A man's heart is all that matters, in the end.

Kisuke'd stood somewhere in the center at attention, one hand holding the other arms wrist behind his back. He'd listened to all of the strategies and stations of everyone else. Patience was second nature to him, but when assignments stopped being given out the normally stoic warrior began looking around hastily. Was this some sort of mistake? He hadn't been given an assignment as it seemed most of the others had. When it seemed the meeting was over, the young chuunin pushed his was politely through the crowd to the location where the two kage were.

Once before them, Kisuke stood with his arms by his sides and back straight - a stance of respect. He looked his commander in the eye first. "Lord Raikage," A quick head bow towards the Raikage preceeded a turn towards the Hokage to do the same. "Lord Hokage." Respect was something Kisuke never forgot. "I have not been given my assignment. I am Kisuke Ishiguro, a chuunin from the Hidden Cloud." Kisuke being a fresh chuunin most likely meant his kage had not heard of him - so an introduction was required.

"My birthrite have allowed me to combat particularly well against shinobi. I am able to supress chakra of those around me as long as they're in range." Kisuke would look towards the leader of his country for further instruction.

"I am ready to serve wherever I am needed."

Nakamura, Takeshi | A-rank MN | Kirigakure
Hinoshi, Isuzu | Genin | Konohagakure
Ishiguro, Kisuke | Chuunin | Kumogakure

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Flock Together

Post by Izanagi » Fri Jul 17, 2020 9:14 pm

Takeo smirked wryly as Saigo advised the use of communication seals, of course if he hadn’t been slightly late to the meeting, he would have realized Fanho had already linked up most people. “Of course, Fanho is taking care of that” he gestured to the young Bannin who was going around to each person. "Also, Senji here has offered to inscribe more advanced sensory and diagnosis seals, one per squad leader. I’ll take them and so will my son Yozei, I recommend the Raikage take them as well and then Taiga.” He considered. There didn’t seem to be a need for Senji to apply them to Zakuro seeing as they would be stationed at the same place. “That’s precisely right, fight smart and remember our goals, don’t stray too far from the temples and if you wish to move to a new location to support others, consider carefully who you leave behind. Once we’re out there you may have to make calls on your own, even with communications the Raikage and I may not be in a position to give further orders, defer to your squad leaders when possible” He explained, more so for the Genin and Chunin though they would still have superiors with them to rely on, at least to start but there was no telling when they might be separated from their initial squads.

The Hokage awaited further comments and considerations when a Chunin from Kumogakure moved to the forefront and spoke his piece. “Excellent, you’ll be a great help. Your skills will fit in perfectly with my son’s team” he said, gesturing to the red-haired teenager standing next to him. “I’m a long range Katon and Doton specialist; don’t let the sword fool you. But Nikuya over there is a kenjutsu master” he said, referring to his own Katana in a red sheath and then gesturing to a thin girl wielding several swords and sitting somewhere in the back, “And Masami is skilled in close range and from a distance with elemental jutsu” Yozei indicated toward his ‘aunt’ the Inuzuka Jinchuuriki standing not too far away and looking a little apprehensive. Yozei was quite familiar with both of the women he was paired with but wanted to develop some familiarity with a new teammate that he hadn’t accounted for. “Natsuki Yozei, a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to the team” he introduced, bowing politely.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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Flock Together

Post by Zao » Fri Jul 17, 2020 10:45 pm

'What a cunning man this Hokage is...' The demon couldn't help but inwardly smirk from ear to ear at the words that were spoken from the muscular man and co-leader of this gathering. Disguised in the middle aged man's old form the Hegemon had taken the orders of the village to assist the Leaf but restricted them from any direct combat. A decision the demon couldn't help but laugh at and view as a sign of weakness that the leader of the village was unable to use this opportunity to demonstrate their own strength...what a strange human woman the current Kage was. But this had been an opportunity that he'd been hoping for as his mind's eye expanded out to over fifty meters in an invisible bubble of sensory chakra washed over those around him, allowing for him to take in the group and pick out those monster's that might be hiding amongst the sheep.

Right after then mention of his name the long, white haired monk looking shinobi began to softly step across the distance between himself and the Hokage now after giving a nod...silent consent towards the older man that'd of course he'd help out where he could in this confrontation with the powerful opposing force of two other village's combined might. Of course the Hegemon had many other plans for these human's and their so called 'great villages', but everything needed to be taken one step at a time for the time being. It would only be after the man's son began to speak to the Hidden cloud chuunin that Zao would arrive next to the Kage as he removed what appeared to be two cloth wrapping from within the white robe he wore. The cloth was a bit special, as each wrapping held one of the man's true link kunai which would allow for him to teleport to whomever was carrying either of the kunai, "Please take these. Should the need for my assistance arise, contact me."

The tattooed fingers of the man's slender right hand extended somewhat in order to offer the 'gift' to his vessel's friend, as the wide sleeve pulled back it would reveal the plant like thorn vine and what appeared to be the pedals of a rose bud almost escaping the cloth, the spirit pet Hana remained quiet without the consent of her master to speak or act. It wouldn't be right for him to jump right into the conflict as that was to out of character for Zao and the demon wished to maintain this vice for as long as he could in order to gather more information on the current strength of this world's shinobi. His words were spoken in a gentle whisper, as if wanting to keep them between himself and Takeo.

Tsukino Hisato - Kiri Chuunin - Seven Swordsman Dagger - S-Rank

Saisuko Ziv - Second Year Sky Reach Student - S-rank

Sachi Battosai Member - Heart Country - A-rank

Kouseki Kiiro - The Yellow Monk - A Rank former Suna

Arashiyama, Toushi - Kumo Bannin - Rakurai - Retired Shinobi

Ekibyou - Kiri Missing Nin - A Rank

Kyōhō Ken - The White Snake Sage - Heart Country Assassin/Bounty Hunter - S-Rank

Aburame Kemuri - Konoha Missing-nin - Cresent Coalition member - S-Rank

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Kisama, Jimmu - A Rank Bounty Hunter

Akujin - Konoha Genin, Art Ninjutsu Guy / Root member

Saisuko Zao - Suna Missing-nin - Spirit Weapon Saint - S-Rank - DEAD :( , used as inheritance.

Arashiyama Ning - Kumo Chuunin - Weilder of the Ghost Spear

Yami Kasai - Mizukage - The Black Reaper - DEAD

Genso - Elemental Crafting Shaman - A Rank Monk - Inactive

Aburame Akiro - Konoha Jounin - ANBU Member - Inactive

Hyōryū -- Suna S-Rank / Dead / Used as Inheritance.

Xi - Iwa Jounin / Inactive

Sato - A Rank, "The Cleaving Swordsman " / Inactive

Toukai Touma - Kiri Genin / Inactive

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Flock Together

Post by Hayate » Fri Jul 17, 2020 11:24 pm

Hayate noted the arrival of a few more figures. One, who was masked, had to have an extreme amount of power to him. His chakra signature was almost vaguely familiar and yet Hayate had no idea who such a powerful masked man could be. It had enough pressure to stand out amongst some of the crowd.

Jukai... huh.

He would nod with a yoroshikune to the myserious figure from his kneeling position as he received seals from Senji and than Fanho. When that was done, he would speak up.

"I have nothing more to add about strategy- I think the Hokage has thoroughly covered everything. But if I so may, a few words..." Hayate said with a smirk as he placed his hand on the Hokage's shoulder, then looked back to the camp.

"A small force, but at least a few jounin-level individuals and bannin level individuals of the temple will be helping us- please consider them your brothers just as much as you would consider Takeo or I, yours. Lastly, while I cannot be at each of your battlefields, I will leave a pair of my hands with each squad to try and help protect both you and the location you are at the best I can."

Lightning would cackle off of the Raikages hands as a gauntlet on his left began to glow. Copies of his hands would suddenly appear as cackling lightning- four sets of them forming a circle behind him, as if he had many arms. Kioku would insure the clones could exist at any distance away from him and continue to provide support for his teammates- via either imbuing them with electrical auras or more.
Taiga would get all fuuinjutsu offered and one set of hands would go to his back, following him.
Assuming my mod is accepted by the event...

Raiton • Hands of Raijin
C-Rank Ninjutsu
By channeling chakra into his hands, Hayate will cause lightning to crackle off his hands which quickly forms into clones of just his hands. The two hands cannot travel more than a normal human wingspan (about 2 meters) away from each other and while they hover, they are bound to a maximum height above the ground reachable by normal human physiology, as if they had an invisible body. The hands have stats equal to the user and are capable of using Raiton jutsu. If they are not destroyed after [Control/4] posts they will disappear.

Last edited by Hayate on Sat Jul 18, 2020 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Flock Together

Post by Isuzu » Sat Jul 18, 2020 2:25 pm

The chuunin bowed towards the hokage, acknowledging his station. He'd recalled the names of those who were serving in that temple. This one who greeted him, Yozei, looked young but capable. A smile creased the young samurai's face as he bowed towards his new squadmate, recipricating the sign of respect. "It is an honor to fight beside you, Yozei."

Kisuke would get his seals as the others did, before taking a moment to respect the severity of the situation. There were a people on this island whom had a soverence. The Soul Country was a proud one and to be invaded and have their way of life threatened by a larger army was an unforgivable act in the eyes of Kisuke. He could not let these people's home be overtaken by foreign invaders - at all costs. It reminded him of a story he'd read of the noble samurai who'd stood up to an army 10x their size to protect a land which they did not even call home. A noble cause fitting to fight for.

Kisuke would gather with the rest of his squad mates before heading out to Temple 4.

Nakamura, Takeshi | A-rank MN | Kirigakure
Hinoshi, Isuzu | Genin | Konohagakure
Ishiguro, Kisuke | Chuunin | Kumogakure

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Flock Together

Post by Tsedas » Sat Jul 18, 2020 11:00 pm

Once Saigo was given a communication fuuin, he would make his way towards the location that Takeo had indicated him and Hayate would be going. He was curious to see how the Raikage would fight back against the opposition. With that, Saigo was off for Temple 2.

Red Buster Gaming Youtube ||| Red Buster Gaming Twitch
Takamori Saigo - Konohagakure Banin - [color=#93DDDB]
Takamori Jubei - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#8B658B]
Takamori Kanako - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#AB274F]
Enkouten Hisone - Iwagakure Special Jounin - [color=#E87511]
Ryousei Genkaku - Sungakure Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Kawazaiwa Sagi - Kirigakure Special Jounin - [color=#32CD32]
Retired CharactersShow
Akira - Kirigakure - Special Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Ishikawa Hanzo - Sunagakure Genin - Jinch - [color=navajowhite]
Tenjirou Shigekuni - Sunagakure Chuunin - [color=fuchsia]
Itazura Bokun - Sunagakure B-Rank MN - [color=#00C1B5]
Kutsuzawa Retsu - Iwagakure Sp Jounin - [color=#EF6B00]
Shiimu Mirai - Kirigakure Bannin - [color=navajowhite]
Kojima Nao - Kumogakure -Genin - [color=#A0522D]
Matsudaira Tokoha - Sunagakure - Jounin - [color=#ED2939]
Ishiguro Nui - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=brown]
Awai Mariko - Konohagakure Chuunin - [color=#B2397F]
Jinrai Setsuko - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=#D60270]
Toukai Mukade - Kirigakure Chuunin - [color=#8B7765]

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Flock Together

Post by Legacy » Sun Jul 19, 2020 2:38 am

By the time Gene had arrived many of the vangaurd were already issued their assignments and some had even began departing for their stations. As he passed by one group Gene listened to their chatter; it seemed as though some among them -mainly the younger bunch, hadn't been taking the task serious enough. Rather than reprimand the youth however Gene simply thought of a silent prayer for that bunch and set himself to what role he would play in the coming operation. "Hokage no dono," Gene addressed his village superior with his right fist pressed against the left palm and a slight bow followed shortly after by the official parade rest stance indicating that as of right then Gene himself had been operating in a full blown military capacity.

Despite a firm dislike for such politics Gene understood perhaps better than he let on,the need for these kinds on antics. Order and discipline would be paramount in the coming battle hence it would be better to set the example for the youth now less they get too lax and become sloppy down the line - this could not happen. Thus, in place of referring to Takeo by name Gene used his official title and as opposed to his usual liberal dialect the Dragon instead used honorifics ; all necessary things in the subtle art of power, and in war. "My apologies for being late,getting here was no simple task from Mizuno village but I came as soon as I got the news. I take it those markers are the objective?" Gene asked,looking at the giant map near Takeo wondering which coordinate would fall under his jurisdiction .

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Flock Together

Post by Hayate » Sun Jul 19, 2020 4:36 am

Just as one from Konoha who arrived who had a delectable chakra signature- Hayate decided he would leave him to Takeo.

With all that needed to be said done, tatted up with fuuin of Senji and Fanho, and his partner off- Hayate would bow to everyone and give a thumbs up before leaving the camp- the sheer speed his body took off at blowing the flaps of the tent like a torrential wind. The clone hands would all dance, then wave to the kage as he took off.

Once he caught up to his partner, he'd use the nice journey to their locale to discuss his skillsets and that of the mysterious man he was with to formulate any strategies, weaknesses, or bonus the two had between them. He would also share information he had received about the Temple guard- an old hag who liked throwing senbon.

Perhaps they'd arrive before the attackers too given their speed and could "set up camp" a little first.

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Flock Together

Post by TheLacarix » Sun Jul 19, 2020 6:41 am

Nobu had being given his squad, Izaki, Taiga and himself. It was odd that Taiga hadn’t come to address the two Genin, but it didn’t really matter. Nobu knew what his orders were and he’d follow them to the letter.

His gaze looked across the map, taking a quick snapshot of it within his mind, so that he’d be able to navigate the field as he needed. Not checking if Izaki or Taiga were behind him, Nobu pushed his hands deep into his pockets and made his way to Temple 3.

Today was going to be an interesting day.

The White Eyed Demon of the Leaf
Aizawa, Yoru
S-Rank - Bannin
Konohagakure - ANBU

Shiazu, Ico
D-Rank - Genin

Aono, Ikuto
A-Rank - Shogun
Land of Tea

Hondo (Aizawa), Haru
Land of Tea

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Flock Together

Post by hobnob » Sun Jul 19, 2020 7:06 am

With the communication seal upon his persona, Izaki turned around and walked out of the tent. Before he made his way out of the camp, he stopped by his tent and packed some bits that would come in handy; food, and water. He threw his backpack onto his back and made his way in the direction of the third temple. With his small map of the country they were currently in, he marked the location of the defense camp and created the route in his head that appeared the most efficient in terms of time and effort.

The feelings of excitement pulsated throughout his body, he was eager to finally face his opponents.
Senju, Noeru - Chuunin - A-Rank
Fukusha Kurai - Genin - D-Rank
Igarashi Ryoto - Genin - D Rank
Ikigai, Itoshii - Genin - D Rank - #C2B280

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Flock Together

Post by Izanagi » Sun Jul 19, 2020 10:14 pm

Takeo smiled softly as Zao offered the pair of kunai wrapped in cloth, recognizing the fuuinjutsu patterns and understanding their purpose, after all he had seen the man utilize space-time techniques through kunai before. “Thank you, with any luck we wont need to involve you but it puts me at ease to know I have a friend to count on” he stated softly, clasping the man’s shoulder in a show of comradery and appreciation. The two had known each other for a number of years now, they had fought spirits alongside one another and traveled together to one another’s villages, speaking of their ideologies and the good will and prosperity of their two nations as they continued to strengthen bonds. He wasn’t quite at the level of trust as the Kazekage, Kiyori whom was a close personal friend he had known even longer, but Zao had never given Takeo a reason to doubt him. Handing one of the kunai to his son, Yozei and stowing the other away in his weapons pouch as his son did the same he would watch as squads began to gather and depart.

After Takeo and Yozei received their seals from Fanho and Senji the Hokage would perform a set of hand seals, Doton armor would surround him, “Yozei, you should get ready too” he advised to which the Special Jounin promptly began to glow with light blue chakra as his body too became encased in earthen armor, though more stylized to the likeness of a proper samurai. He had always aspired to hone his swordsmanship and at the very least he could pretend to be skilled in close quarters and perhaps deceive opponents into thinking fighting him from a range was preferable and in doing so play to his own strengths.

It was at that moment that Gene entered the tent and Takeo’s expression lifted, forming an excited grin. He hadn’t thought the young elite Jounin and commander of ANBU would arrive in time for the operation, many shinobi had been on deployment when the orders were sent out and of course only some of the best were given the new assignment while still keeping some shinobi in reserve for village protection and other important missions. Takeo had always respected Gene’s professionalism, he had been a true shinobi, remarkably efficient and tactical, for as long as he had known him, personally inducting him into ANBU when he had led the organization before becoming Hokage. He would be an incredible asset. “Excellent, you made it. You’ll lead Yozei, Masami, Niku and the Chunin from the cloud, Ishiguro Kisuke to temple 4” he instructed, tapping the location for emphasis. There were a few smaller maps drawn up for squad leaders and he would fold one up and hand it to him though he was sure he would have been able to memorize it or draw up his own depiction quickly but time was of the essence. “Make every effort to defend the temple, it cannot be destroyed and we must protect the temple master of each location, though they are extremely capable in a fight and will assist you. There will be some civilians who should also be kept safe but ultimately the master and your teammates take priority. If you’ve successfully fought off any attackers or you otherwise feel the situation is under control you may assist teams at other locations at your discretion, Fanho, get him linked up. We’ll keep in contact through fuuinjutsu coms if any of us need reinforcements as well as relaying information on particularly strong opponents and their positions.” He briefed quickly, getting the man fully up to speed and being sure to properly include mission parameters. If nothing else Gene was known for following orders to the letter. With that, unless there were any pressing concerns Takeo would depart with Fanho and Tousha to temple 1 whereas Yozei would gather up with his squad mates and depart to Temple 4 when Gene led them away.
Jutsu UsedShow


Doton • Combat Armor
B-Rank Ninjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals Takeo will flow Doton chakra throughout his body, enveloping himself in a dark brown stone suit of armor. The armor encases his clothes and weapons holsters though leaves them accessible enough to draw from. Enveloping his head is optional and if opted to only his eyes will remain exposed. All in all the stone is about an inch thick and capable of defending against a strength of 50. Takeo is able to extend or retract stone blades which extend from his forearm past his hand at a speed of 20, the maximum length of these blades it 1 meter.


[Earth Element • Samurai Armor]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
Channelling chakra throughout one’s body the user will encase themselves in a semi-malleable full body rock armor. The rock takes on the appearance of an ornate samurai battle armor, complete with a removable helmet as well as shoulder guards. The many tiles overlap and cover his arms, chest and legs utilizing dark brown coloring and a thinner layer of rock between the tiles and along joints. Though the back of his hands are protected the palms and fingers remain bare. This armor forms at a speed of [10] and possesses [50] strength.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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Flock Together

Post by Director » Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:12 pm

Fanho had finished up tagging everyone passing the fuuinjutsu out to everyone prior to them marching out to their temples. Afterwards he'd march with the Hokage envoy to temple one, an open ground where Fanho would be free to use his abilities. He had hoped it could be solved in other ways without bloodshed, but he had strengthened his nerves to prepare for the worst. After checking up on the last of his friends he would head out to temple one, side by side with Tousha and Takeo.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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Flock Together

Post by Kabu » Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:53 pm

With everyone gathered together, fuuinjutsu given out, speeches made, and orders given it was time to set out on what would perhaps be one of the most dangerous missions anyone here had undertaken, though also one of the most important. And even still Masami was feeling more than a little anxious. Yet she pushed down her nervousness and gathered with her team, making sure to greet them each in turn, including Gene whom had only just arrived and the Kumo nin as well.

"Alright, let's do this. We can win this, we have to." she muttered to herself, following along behind the group as they headed out and moved onwards to their destination, that being Temple 4.
Shinsen Kyoko - #99840A
Ibakuro Rin - #9E4FA5
Nakiya Hotaru - #9E540A
Nakano Kiyomi - #8E47AD], Nakano Ayaka - #0C1C8C
Fukusha Nezumi - #E00747
Karagata Yamada - #CE1126, Makura Ayame - #7251BC
Yamanaka Inomi - #FC70BA
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Flock Together

Post by Hayate » Mon Jul 20, 2020 1:03 am

Taiga was almost in shock when Gene arrived. The boy had all but disappeared almost- but never the less, despite all their past, there was a warm sense of camaraderie bubbling up in Taiga. He would walk by, nodding to Gene and exchanging a good luck as he took off, following Nobu and Izaki as they had taken off for temple 3.

With all the gifts taken and a pair of lighting hands at his back, he would teeter along to the temple, catching up to the other 2 to have a nice chat about who they were and what they could do along the way.

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Flock Together

Post by Legacy » Mon Jul 20, 2020 1:42 am

As Takeo extended a hand to turn over a map so too did Gene's left hand extend to take it. Knowledge of the terrain would prove to be a vital asset in the task to come and there was no one more concerned with accurate intel than the young operative. Gene was careful to note not just the regions of his squad's objective but the location of the other towers and camps as well. There doesn't seem to be a lot of places to stage an ambush along the far regions of the tower but we should be able to manage if we can draw them to the ruins somehow... An idea came to him just then but Gene could see that he would have to wait before bringing it to light. For the time being, he held fast while the rest of his team finished linking up to comms.

Unlike the rest of those who'd been present Gene did not accept a fuinjutsu comm link ; the chakra used in the link could be sensed out by an exceptional sensory type and while he didn't believe that such a thing would alter the nature of their task, Gene considered even a small edge over an adversary worth looking into when the stakes were so high. After a brief moment of consideration Gene rolled up the map he'd been given and turned about face before exitting the tent only to return several minutes later...and he wasn't alone."Okay ladies and gents we've got a job to do! Secure your gear and saddle up, pick a horse and get on but leave all non essential items behind. Anything that will slow you down gets left here and anything not conducive to the protection of our allies or the killing of our enemies gets left here. I dont want to hear any complaints because someone overpacked and I damn sure dont want the team to be slowed for the same reason. LEAVE.YOUR.TRINKETS.HERE AT CAMP."

With his part said, Gene exited the tent and mounted a pure black stallion and waited for the rest of the team to handle their individual affairs. Once all were ready and mounted the unit would set off as one toward Tower 4. Naturally,they could chat freely along the way but given the foreign terrain Gene wouldnt have been surprised if the group took the opportunity to become familiar with the local flora and fauna. Just as he'd been getting ready to head out with the unit assigned to him the cloud gazer caught sight of Taiga in time to see the man nod ,Gene did the same."Give em hell out there."

And with those words hanging in the air like a hook, Gene departed with his team.

:konoha: The operation begins :konoha:

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Flock Together

Post by Nafan~ » Mon Jul 20, 2020 1:17 pm

Senji smiled as the meeting was over and each Shinobi went their own way. Being stationed here at the palace, Senji was last to leave the camp. Zakuro had gone on ahead. After checking that his nodes on Hayate, Takeo, Yozei and Taiga were properly connected to his awareness, Senji sighed.

Today was going to be difficult.

"Tululila, Talila Tulula."
S-rankSunagakure no SatoHIzashi, Kougyoku

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Flock Together

Post by Zao » Sat Aug 08, 2020 2:47 pm

Some time had passed and the sun began to rise in the east, each of the assigned shinobi teams had already left to their own destinations and mean while the white haired white robed figure rested calmly in the lotus position near the medical portion of the camp which was there to aid any injuries occurred from protecting the Soul country inhabitants. Though nothing could audibly be heard but the former bannin let an unnatural wide smile form upon his lips as he sat down the cup of tea in the right hand. That was because of the various messages going in and out on the fuuin communications that he'd allowed the Konoha nin to place on his neck. "How interesting..." Only a few soft words were spoken aloud as his eyes turned in the direction of temple one.

'So not only did the Hokage and Raikage show up for this, but even the Mizukage, as well. This might become even more productive than I had previously thought. But my main target will have to remain temple one as I don't have enough of a relationship to make use of against any of the others...' The Demon quietly mulled over his own thoughts about the current situation that was unfolding rapidly across the countryside side as the alliance attempted to protect the main structures. Each structure holding one of the five most influential members of Soul country. Yet, the spirit carried little for them but more for the alliance members who had introduced themselves.

The Hokage was a prime target and then their was the gemna host as well. How brazen he was to reveal himself to the masses allowing for the Hegemon to learn the identity of another host. In the future he would definitely find him again. Sadly most of his army was still unable to cross over i to the human realm and thus his true strength was still limited to the former strength of the Bannin he had taken control of. Thought with the acquisition of the Kumo nin he'd came across and also finding a suitable body for the Yellow King, his power was beginning to grow towards a respectable level here in the realm of humans.

The Hegemon was also thinking about possible using other humans to help facilitate his own plans, there were several shinobi who had left their villages for one reason or another. Several even holding great resentment or even pure hatred towards their former homelands. These were the types of individuals whom could be useful to him and that could be manipulated to helping him complete some of his tasks. Then their were no shortage of humans who would perform all manner of things for money....oh how he loved the human world. 'Looks like it is almost time to start...'

Tsukino Hisato - Kiri Chuunin - Seven Swordsman Dagger - S-Rank

Saisuko Ziv - Second Year Sky Reach Student - S-rank

Sachi Battosai Member - Heart Country - A-rank

Kouseki Kiiro - The Yellow Monk - A Rank former Suna

Arashiyama, Toushi - Kumo Bannin - Rakurai - Retired Shinobi

Ekibyou - Kiri Missing Nin - A Rank

Kyōhō Ken - The White Snake Sage - Heart Country Assassin/Bounty Hunter - S-Rank

Aburame Kemuri - Konoha Missing-nin - Cresent Coalition member - S-Rank

Old CharactersShow
Kisama, Jimmu - A Rank Bounty Hunter

Akujin - Konoha Genin, Art Ninjutsu Guy / Root member

Saisuko Zao - Suna Missing-nin - Spirit Weapon Saint - S-Rank - DEAD :( , used as inheritance.

Arashiyama Ning - Kumo Chuunin - Weilder of the Ghost Spear

Yami Kasai - Mizukage - The Black Reaper - DEAD

Genso - Elemental Crafting Shaman - A Rank Monk - Inactive

Aburame Akiro - Konoha Jounin - ANBU Member - Inactive

Hyōryū -- Suna S-Rank / Dead / Used as Inheritance.

Xi - Iwa Jounin / Inactive

Sato - A Rank, "The Cleaving Swordsman " / Inactive

Toukai Touma - Kiri Genin / Inactive

Hitachiai - Iwa Jounin / Inactive

Ji Ning - Iwa Genin / Inactive

Naegi, Chin - A-rank MN / Inactive

Team and OrgShow


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