Once Upon A Time In Pebble Country

Saigo and Shizue

Situated between Rock Country and Wind Country, Pebble is a samurai country with the strongest non-shinobi police force in the world. Samurai from world over come to Pebble to train and learn a variety of sword styles. Pebble is split into 3 provinces, Ore, Mineral and Quartz.
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Once Upon A Time In Pebble Country

Post by Tsedas » Thu Jan 30, 2025 6:33 pm

Pebble Country was a place, yes it was. And in that place there was people. They lived, they worked, they slept. But in one town near the border of Fire Country some people were recovering and celebrating after a landslide had caused some injuries and almost a fatality or two. Luckily someone had been doing his usual good will tour of other countries on the down low to help people out. As people celebrated, they tended to drink. And some people that tend to drink tend to cause a ruckus.

Sitting in a lively little tavern, a silver haired man with almost glowing green eyes held a a pair of chopsticks in one hand and was staring at his other hand that was now empty. Blinking, his eyes shifted to the table, or rather where the table had been. In it's place was a pile of broken wood, broken dishes, his scattered meal, and two drunkards having a row. Looking up, he saw a number of people had obviously been deep in their cups as there was a full on bar brawl unfolding before his eyes.

Heaving a sigh, Saigo put the little bit of rice and chicken his chopsticks held into his mouth and chewed slowly. He savored the tiny morsel as it was the first and last bite he was having of that meal. Bringing his hands together, he gave a utterance of thanks for the meal before taking a chopstick in each hand and jabbing one into each of the men at his feet. They yelped in pain before separating and Saigo dove upon them. Grabbing one of them by the ankle and another by his wrist, he started to spin on his heel and made the men shriek like school girls in terror. "WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA MAKING A MESS OF MY MEAL AND YOURSELVES!? JUST HEALED YOU IDIOTS UP DIDN'T I?!"

"WE SORRY!" Both men screamed at the top of their lungs before the Doctor dropped them both on the floor, their eyes little more than comical spirals at this point as they groaned out apologies. The Doctor turned his gaze to the other brawlers and they all stared wide eyed at the approaching doom they'd brought upon themselves. "I think you all need to get taught some manners!" Saigo growled before pouncing on the weeping crowd of men crying out for mercy.

To anyone who wandered in they'd see a line of men all sitting on the floor in a line, comically large lumps on their heads as the Bannin of Konoha, Takamori Saigo heaved a massive sigh. "Good grief, I barely touched you lot and some of you popped stitches during your little horseplay session. I'll have to fix this too now, won't I?"

Red Buster Gaming Youtube ||| Red Buster Gaming Twitch
Takamori Saigo - Konohagakure Banin - [color=#93DDDB]
Takamori Jubei - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#8B658B]
Takamori Kanako - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#AB274F]
Enkouten Hisone - Iwagakure Special Jounin - [color=#E87511]
Ryousei Genkaku - Sungakure Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Kawazaiwa Sagi - Kirigakure Special Jounin - [color=#32CD32]
Retired CharactersShow
Akira - Kirigakure - Special Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Ishikawa Hanzo - Sunagakure Genin - Jinch - [color=navajowhite]
Tenjirou Shigekuni - Sunagakure Chuunin - [color=fuchsia]
Itazura Bokun - Sunagakure B-Rank MN - [color=#00C1B5]
Kutsuzawa Retsu - Iwagakure Sp Jounin - [color=#EF6B00]
Shiimu Mirai - Kirigakure Bannin - [color=navajowhite]
Kojima Nao - Kumogakure -Genin - [color=#A0522D]
Matsudaira Tokoha - Sunagakure - Jounin - [color=#ED2939]
Ishiguro Nui - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=brown]
Awai Mariko - Konohagakure Chuunin - [color=#B2397F]
Jinrai Setsuko - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=#D60270]
Toukai Mukade - Kirigakure Chuunin - [color=#8B7765]

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Joined: Fri Jan 24, 2025 9:34 am

Once Upon A Time In Pebble Country

Post by Shizue » Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:58 pm

The landslide's rumble reverberated through the very earth beneath Shizue's feet, sending an undeniable signal of danger rippling through her soft leather sandals. The shockwave rattled the foundation of the surrounding area, and the eerie toll of a distant bell filled the air. The houses shivered and groaned around her as the shifting foundations bent timbers that had held firm and unshaken since before she was born. It was a sound she had heard before—the emergency bells that signaled calamities. The bell’s tone was somber, its message clear: the earth had claimed something, perhaps a whole town. It sounded a deep sonorous siren’s song to all that could hear, “Help, my people are in danger.” It seemed to say with each low, echoing tone. A wraith-like silence fell between each deep sob of the striking of the bell.

Shizue, miles away in a quiet village near the Fire Country’s border in Pebble Country, felt an icy shiver trail down her spine. The quiet of her village, once calm and peaceful, was now filled with a deep tension that echoed through her bones. The familiar sound of the bell was all too clear in its warning, but the distant toll of that bell was not just a sound—it was a command. And one that Shizue was intimately familiar with. She knew better than to wait for confirmation. There was no need for anyone to tell her what was happening; she could already feel it in her gut, the way the earth trembled as though in protest. The mountains seemed to be groaning with their age, and somewhere beneath the surface, something had broken free. She had felt the pull of catastrophe before, and it was always the same: the rumble, the uncertainty, the dread.

She had experienced it long ago when the earth had swallowed a temple in the hills very near to her village, killing half of the Shinto priests in its gaping maw. The shifting waters beneath the earth hollowing out a yawning, inescapable, vacuous, and insatiable mouth that fed the earth the lives of everything in it. That time, she had been younger—too young to understand the full weight of the destruction, but not so young that she didn’t feel the crushing presence of death. She remembered the panic that had gripped the villagers, the rush of bodies running to safety, and the heavy, smothering air filled with dust and fear. The landslide had taken more than just the ground beneath their feet; it had taken their peace, their sense of security.

Her thoughts were brief but sharp. There was no time for hesitation.

With practiced urgency, Shizue moved swiftly, gathering her medical supplies and preparing herself for the task ahead. Her bag was heavy with the weight of healing tools—bandages, salves, tinctures, and a variety of small instruments meant to stabilize and heal the wounded. Each item was carefully placed, each action precise and methodical. A trained medic for years, she had responded to emergencies countless times, but something about the tremor that had just rattled the ground felt different. It was the deep, guttural sensation that stayed with her, refusing to be shaken. It was the gnawing feeling in her chest that told her this wouldn’t be like the others. There would be far more to face here than just broken limbs and sprained wrists. This would test her in ways she had not anticipated. She wasn’t just a healer this time; she would be a lifeline, a thread connecting the survivors to the world they had once known. And even that seemed fragile in the face of nature’s overwhelming fury.

As she trekked toward the site of the landslide, the roads leading through the mountains were narrow and treacherous. The path had been carved into the side of the cliffs by generations of villagers who had braved the heights and the unstable terrain. The air was thick with dust and the scent of pine and wet earth, and each step forward felt more like an act of defiance against the mountain itself. The mountainside, which had once felt like a protective wall, now felt like an adversary. The jagged rocks above her seemed to loom as if they were watching her every move, threatening to crumble at any moment.

Shizue couldn’t help but think about the families that lived in these precarious villages, nestled into the folds of the mountainside, their homes clinging to the jagged edges like birds’ nests perched on fragile branches. The landslides were not uncommon here. In fact, they were an accepted risk of life in such an unforgiving environment. Families had learned to live with the constant tension of knowing that at any moment, the earth could take back what it had given them. And yet, no matter how much preparation one had, no amount of precaution could truly protect them from nature’s chaotic whims. The mountains were beautiful, yes, but they were also indifferent, their beauty hiding an ever-present threat.

She wondered about the children who lived in these villages, about the elderly who had no strength left to run when the earth beneath their feet began to slip away. What would happen to them when the landslide had come through, sweeping everything in its path? Would anyone be left? Was there even time for a rescue? The bell continued its mournful toll in the distance, each strike seeming to echo Shizue’s thoughts. As the minutes passed and the ground trembled again beneath her feet, she quickened her pace, her heart pounding in time with the rhythm of her footsteps. The mountains were waking up, and it seemed that only those brave enough to face its wrath would have any hope of survival.

Upon her arrival, the scene was as chaotic as she had feared. Healers from surrounding areas, both experienced and newcomers, were already working tirelessly. The relief camp had sprung up in an open area near the base of the mountain, with tents and makeshift shelters filled with the injured. Those who were able to walk were already being attended to, while others who had been trapped beneath the rubble were still being dug out. Shizue could hear the cries of those in pain, the steady murmur of voices offering what comfort they could, and the steady hum of medical activity.

The ground was slick with mud, thick and brown from the debris of the landslide. The air was heavy with the smell of dust, damp earth, and the faintest trace of blood—a scent Shizue was all too familiar with. She moved into the center of the camp, already scanning the scene for those who needed her most. But there was a new level of urgency in the air. It wasn’t just the usual chaotic scramble of a disaster relief effort; there was something desperate in the eyes of the injured. The villagers, who normally would have shown resilience in the face of such calamities, now appeared hollowed out, broken in ways that were not just physical.
As the hours passed and more wounded were brought into the camp, Shizue's reputation had begun to precede her. Her hands moved with a practiced precision, calming the frantic patients and tending to their injuries with steady focus. Her touch was both gentle and firm, allowing her patients to feel the safety of someone who had been through the worst and come out the other side. She didn’t need words to assure them. Her actions spoke louder than anything she could say. And still, despite the best of her efforts, her thoughts kept drifting toward one name that continued to float through the camp—whispers of a healer, someone who had been spotted among the wounded.

The rumors were brief, yet filled with awe. It was said that he had arrived quietly, without fanfare, and had immediately begun assisting the injured. His skills were said to be nothing short of miraculous, even in a situation like this, where so many lives hung by a thread. As Shizue worked, she couldn’t help but overhear the whispers of others, the murmurs of gratitude for his mysterious presence. But no one knew where he had come from, and there were no stories of his origin. The healer was simply here, and that was enough.

Curiosity gnawed at Shizue’s mind as she worked. In a world where many sought recognition and accolades for their skills, it was rare to find someone who worked without expectation of acknowledgment. His selflessness intrigued her. This was someone who, unlike so many others, didn’t seem to want praise or fame. Instead, he worked quietly, diligently, and with a purpose that could only be understood by those who had seen the true cost of healing.
Shizue’s curiosity grew, and as the camp began to settle into a rough rhythm of treatment, she made a decision. She needed to find out who this healer was. Something about him didn’t sit right in her mind—his presence was too unusual, too unsettling. He was either a man with a hidden agenda, or someone whose skills surpassed even her own. Either way, she had to know.

Her search led her to a nearby tavern, a simple and humble establishment that smelled faintly of cheap liquor and warm, greasy food. The laughter and voices of villagers filled the space, creating a cacophony of noise that barely registered in Shizue’s ears. People were trying to drown out their worries, their pain, and their grief, and the tavern was their sanctuary, a place where they could forget the reality of the world outside.
It didn’t take long for Shizue to find him.

The silver-haired healer was seated at a small table in the middle of the room, completely unaffected by the chaos unfolding around him. While others laughed and shouted, indulging in their drink and distracting themselves from the grim reality, the man sat with an air of calm indifference. His posture was impeccable—he was completely at ease, holding a pair of chopsticks in one hand, his other hand resting on the table in front of him. His eyes were unfocused, gazing at the broken wood of the table and the mess around him, as if lost in thought.

What struck Shizue first was his complete detachment from the chaos around him. The tavern was in an uproar—men were shouting, brawling, and causing a general scene—but the silver-haired man remained entirely undisturbed. His movements were slow and deliberate, as though he had seen this all before, and somehow, he seemed to have a quiet authority that drew the eye. It wasn’t a physical dominance, but something far more subtle.

Shizue observed the situation carefully. The brawlers, drunk and reckless, were oblivious to the fact that they were causing a scene that would soon escalate into something far worse. The furniture was overturned, food was spilled everywhere, and men were yelling insults at one another. The silver-haired man, however, did nothing. He didn’t even flinch. Instead, he calmly picked up his chopsticks, leaning forward to jab them into the sides of the men closest to him. They yelped in pain, startled by the sudden attack, but the man didn’t hesitate. His movements were quick, precise, and almost effortless, a stark contrast to the drunken chaos unfolding around him.

One by one, the brawlers found themselves incapacitated by this seemingly gentle yet ruthless force. The men who had been shouting and brawling were now nursing their wounds, sitting helplessly on the floor. Some clutched their sides where the chopsticks had struck, while others simply stared in bewilderment, unsure of what had just happened.

Shizue blinked, her thoughts racing. What was she witnessing? This wasn’t a typical healer. This was someone who wielded power in a way she had never seen before. He didn’t seek to calm the situation; he simply took control of it, imposing his will without a single word. It was as if he had been trained not just in healing, but in managing the human spirit, in understanding how to command a room with nothing but his presence.

With the brawl subdued and the room quieting, Shizue made her way over to the table. The mess in the tavern was staggering, but somehow, the tension had lifted. The silver-haired man was still seated, the same calm expression on his face as if nothing had happened. His gaze met Shizue’s, and for a brief moment, their eyes locked. The room seemed to go still.

Without a word, she stepped forward. “Honestly,” she said, a light laugh escaping her lips, “couldn’t you have given them a chance to learn their lesson without turning the place into an arena? Or did they deserve that kind of spectacle?”

Her words were laced with both amusement and genuine curiosity. The atmosphere in the room remained tense, but Shizue’s curiosity burned bright. She wanted to know who this man was—why he acted so unbothered by the chaos around him. And more importantly, what kind of healer would choose to intervene in such a way?

Her mind churned with questions, but for now, all she could do was wait for his answer.

The tavern’s din started back up again, the joviality starting to seep back into the patrons like oil into a thirsty wood. Soon the din of joviality could be heard outside of the shuttered windows again.

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Once Upon A Time In Pebble Country

Post by Tsedas » Sun Feb 02, 2025 9:57 am

After the line of ruffians had been seen to in order to make sure their popped stitches and other bar fight related wounds were seen to, Saigo walked back toward his chair. He watched a few of the more sober people giving the men a talking to as they seemed ready to die of embarrassment or from the stupidity of their own actions. Either way, Saigo had made sure to tell the bartender to cut them off. As he sat, he raised a hand to catch the attention of a passing server. "Could I get my order remade, it seems someone fell into my food." A chuckle escaped the young woman who nodded and claimed she'd get it right out after finding out what the Doctor had been hoping to dine on earlier.

As he was set to enjoy himself a proper meal, he could still taste that one morsel he'd gotten in before things went topsy turvy, his eyes shifted to scan the room as things started to return to their festive nature. Through the jovial vibes that filled the air, Saigo's eyes met with a woman who was approaching his table. As she spoke, Saigo merely raised his hands with a shrug, gesturing to the bar around them, "They're the ones who turned it into an arena. Besides, They'd already popped stitches and injured one another. A little force to put them into prime positioning for some light medical attention isn't beyond me. After all, some patients will be rowdy from time to time, you just need to have them restrained to keep them from hurting themselves further."

Saigo stated before leaning back into his chair. Shifting a foot, he pushed the chair opposite him at the table out. "Besides, they spilled my dinner. I hadn't eaten all day and was looking forward to a warm meal." Lowering his foot, he'd left the other chair pushed out as an invitation to sit, the Doctor's youthful features betraying his true age. However it was quite obvious there was more to this man than could be gleaned from appearances. "Not gonna lecture me on being rough with patients, are ya?"

Saigo had to suppress a cackle of amusement at that thought by grinning from ear to ear. The idea of someone lecturing him on medical procedure was amusing but patients and beside manner, that was something he'd be open to hearing a little on. He'd definitely improved his own social skills over the years, but his bedside manner, especially breaking bad news to patients needed some finessing. The thought of people lecturing his old bones was an amusing gesture and he'd probably humor it anyway, especially when his food would be there soon and he could have dinner with his show.

Red Buster Gaming Youtube ||| Red Buster Gaming Twitch
Takamori Saigo - Konohagakure Banin - [color=#93DDDB]
Takamori Jubei - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#8B658B]
Takamori Kanako - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#AB274F]
Enkouten Hisone - Iwagakure Special Jounin - [color=#E87511]
Ryousei Genkaku - Sungakure Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Kawazaiwa Sagi - Kirigakure Special Jounin - [color=#32CD32]
Retired CharactersShow
Akira - Kirigakure - Special Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Ishikawa Hanzo - Sunagakure Genin - Jinch - [color=navajowhite]
Tenjirou Shigekuni - Sunagakure Chuunin - [color=fuchsia]
Itazura Bokun - Sunagakure B-Rank MN - [color=#00C1B5]
Kutsuzawa Retsu - Iwagakure Sp Jounin - [color=#EF6B00]
Shiimu Mirai - Kirigakure Bannin - [color=navajowhite]
Kojima Nao - Kumogakure -Genin - [color=#A0522D]
Matsudaira Tokoha - Sunagakure - Jounin - [color=#ED2939]
Ishiguro Nui - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=brown]
Awai Mariko - Konohagakure Chuunin - [color=#B2397F]
Jinrai Setsuko - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=#D60270]
Toukai Mukade - Kirigakure Chuunin - [color=#8B7765]


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