There Once Was a Frog

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There Once Was a Frog

Post by Nick » Sun Jan 22, 2023 10:36 pm

There once was a frog, who sat on a log in a River. The frog was young and sickly, but had within him great Grit and Heart, and his family loved him so, all thirteen brothers and sisters, mother and father too. Many stories did he love, of grand warriors whose strength flourished through even the harshest times, and another tale altogether, of a great goddess who freed her people from oppression. The frog devoured these stories until they devoured him, and with them in his Heart, he grew stronger, and stronger, till he was without peer like the stories of so many samurai around him, and he freed his people from oppression like the stories of the great goddess, and even got to meet the great goddess herself...

But all could not be well forever, as giving people the freedoms to choose meant sometimes they had the freedoms to make harsh choices, bad choices, evil choices, but would the greater evil be to control those people from making choices in the first place? The Frog decided it was not for him to decide, and in doing so, he had made his choice. His people were united under one banner, one voice, and in their own ways took care of each other without him. Slowly, the effort that the frog had put in to gather these people meant that his efforts were no longer needed, and slowly he grew silent, returning to the River, to live out his days in peace.

Unfortunately, real life rarely ends in peace on a river.

The Country Lost in Seasons was coastal, and its high towers, bright lights, and large dockside towns made it easy to spot from miles and miles around. This made it obvious, at least to outsiders, that its capital of Xincha was impressive and likely the head of some important, powerful figures. This made it a target for those who came across the ocean. A single ship approached Xincha, its bow massive and its imprint deep, of a design and style never before seen in these lands, likely capable of carrying over a thousand soldiers under its decks. The alarm was sounded as soon as it was spotted out on the waters, fear being that Water Country was sending out massive war machines in retaliation for what had occurred in Tea Country, and the Grand Shogun was summoned.

It was early in the morning, and he'd been 'entertaining' his partner Kisama, Oban when a knock could be heard at their chamber doors. After some shuffling the door would open to a barely decent Fuhen in only a loincloth, while Oban behind him boldly walked over to her desk, naked as the day she was born. The Shogun's Aide, Sen Matsumatsu was standing and looking away from the door, trying his best not to peek into the room, understanding full well what had been going on behind closed doors. Next to him stood a sharply dressed man with bandages over one arm, and a cigarette hanging from his mouth, Noujin, Goro, the Grand Shogun's... retainer? It wasn't spoken of. He didn't avert his eyes as the Aide did.

Sen quickly explained the situation, and the door was shut for merely a moment, before opening back up to find the Shogun dressed in his traditional samurai regalia. Given their positions, Ikuto might have been the first to be contacted, but he was old and needed his sleep, and might also take too long to walk to the front door. A shame.

The Shogun leaned over to give his partner a kiss, wordlessly, but the look they shared spoke miles. She promised she would dress and join him before too long. And so they walked, calmly and confidently down to the docks for a first hand look, the time that had passed to give this information to the Shogun allowed the ship, rather fast for its size, to get closer offshore, and a single small boat was lowered off the deck, a handful of soldiers slowly rowing towards the docks. Perhaps not of Water Country origin, after all.
"It's so sad!" the reader said to the writer with a frown. "The character in my book just died!" The author turned to her and burst out into tears, "I know!" he said, "So did mine!"
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There Once Was a Frog

Post by Nick » Sun Apr 09, 2023 10:48 pm

As the rowboat moved closer and closer, one of the men stopped rowing, bending down in the boat to lift a rod with a banner atop it, unknown symbols to all present. A mutter went up from the crowd. A ship like this was far too large to have come from some minor country they hadn't yet heard of, and it wasn't of a style that those in the Shrimp continent would sail. There was confusion, fear, trepidation, and Fuhen felt the emotions of the crowd around him as they rowed closer and closer.

All the soldiers were wearing armor of a greenish-blue tint, a material or hybrid material that was not familiar either. One more man stood up in the boat, his armor being slightly different than his compatriots, most notably his helmet having a sharp red plume of some kind of stiff hair standing off the top. "Permission to tie down?" Said the man with the red plume, an accent that was gentle and foreign, where he rolled his R's and his I's were long whether they were meant to be or not. Several heads turned to Fuhen. "Aye, sailor. Be ye in need of supplies?"

The boat gently rolled up to the dock, and the rowmen quickly got to work putting their oars away and tying the boat to the dock. Their leader stepped off the boat and onto the dock, removing his helmet and tucking it underneath his arm. "Of a kind. Allow me to introduce myself." He bowed deeply, the arm not cradling his helmet extending out wide as he did so. "I am Eun Dak-Ho, commander of the Praetorian's grand armies." The word "Praetorian" was not one that was familiar, and the way it rolled off of his tongue implied there was no easy translation for it. The mention of armies was something they all understood far too well, though, and all soldiers present tensed up.

"Before you stands Iyashii, Fuhen -- Grand Shogun of the glorious Heart Empire. Blessed by the goddess Takiyasha-Hime, and Stalwart Victor of many wars." Sen was the first to speak up. He'd never used such titles for Fuhen before, but something told him that the situation necessitated it moreso than usual. Gracefully, Fuhen returned the bow, not missing a beat despite the grim nature of the man's title. Eun's eyes went from Sen to Fuhen, and quirked a brow, clearly something about the situation seemed off to him, but he did not say so.

"We are men of a kind, then." He said, inclining his head much less steeply this time. "For I am also blessed by our gods... But I'm sure you do not wish to exchange titles for the rest of the day's light."
"Nay, commander. Ye must know we're all of a curious sort as to... Many things."

Eun laughed, a deep hearty chuckle as his men stepped off the boat having finished tying it down, stepping into perfect formation behind him. "This is my first time meeting someone from here, and I am getting the impression it is a first for you as well. We come from Yeong-Wonhan. Until recently, it would have been impossible to meet someone from here, such are the times we live in..." Something sparkled in his eye, as if he himself was partly responsible for the change, a dark pride. "I am sure you have many questions, I come bearing a message from the Praetorian themself, and I hope while we are here, you may treat us as countrymen."

Something about the way the man spoke worked to put Fuhen at ease, even as he reached into a pouch at his side to withdraw a scroll, slowly unraveling it. Eun cleared his throat, and his men tightened their posture. "To the savages that inhabit these faraway lands..." He quoted from the paper as if it couldn't have possibly been an easier thing to say. "Your lands are forfeit to the strength of Yeong-Wonhan, we who have mastered our own continent have come to extend that mastery to you." The ease that Fuhen had felt started to melt away, and he began to sweat, a single bead rolling down his face. "By my command, Praetorian XXVI Dae Chun, my men are to be treated as if they were me, with only the highest of regard. Prepare your food stores for transfer to our ships in the coming months, and your strongest men to be brought back for labor."

Silence filled the docks, and Eun slowly rolled up the scroll, still a polite smile on his face as he put the decree away. Grim tidings. "If you have a message to send back you may, but I'm certain your cooperation will speak well enough to the Praetorian."
Last edited by Nick on Mon Apr 10, 2023 7:49 am, edited 3 times in total.
"It's so sad!" the reader said to the writer with a frown. "The character in my book just died!" The author turned to her and burst out into tears, "I know!" he said, "So did mine!"
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There Once Was a Frog

Post by Nick » Mon Apr 10, 2023 8:06 am

As silence reigned over the group, Eun looked from person to person, not seeming to understand what a problem such a ridiculous request was. The crowd that had gathered at the docks didn't even have the propriety to murmur suspiciously. Once more, Sen was the first to gather his wits about him. "Sir, you must understand we need time to meet and consider what you have just told us. We would be happy to..." But he was cut off by the soldier standing before him. "Does another always speak for the 'Grand Shogun'? You must forgive me, I am not familiar with the customs here, but it seems odd that such a mighty warrior would rely on... Well, he's not much of a fighter, is he?"

Sen stopped for a moment, looked to Fuhen, and recognized that bead of sweat dripping down his face. He took a step back and bowed his head. "Goro? Get Oban. Now." Fuhen finally spoke up, that sweat growing in intensity as his face took on a much more grim look. "The Grand Shogun speaks for the people, and as such, his people speak for him." He said flatly, his chakra starting to leak out of him, causing the visitor to quirk a brow again. "Ah, he does speak!" The man replied, earning a grimace from Goro, before he disappeared in a flash, off to fulfill his request from the Shogun.

"I was starting to worry this would be much more difficult if you hadn't come to some kind of unification already, dealing with so many leaders is quite difficult." Fuhen's fist clenched. Sen opened his mouth upon noticing this, working to salvage the conversation, but of course that was his job. Before the first word could leave his mouth, Fuhen spoke up again. "Our reply to your 'Praetorian' is ready." He said, and Eun gave him an expectant look.

Suddenly, Eun flew backwards, headfirst back over the water out towards their massive warship, and his men in time behind him flew off to the sides, some sliding off the docks and into the water, and a split second after Fuhen's body punched the air where he had once been. A connection between fist and face was never made. "The people do not accept your Praetorian's kind offer of submission, you may leave now and never return, or find a country of men who will fight to the last to stop his oppression!" The Frog croaked out, readying his stance on the dock, sword after sword popping back out around him as he prepared for battle. The crowd dispersed, and Fuhen jumped back up off of the dock towards his foe.

The man had dodged his attack, not many could do that when it came to the Shogun.
"It's so sad!" the reader said to the writer with a frown. "The character in my book just died!" The author turned to her and burst out into tears, "I know!" he said, "So did mine!"
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There Once Was a Frog

Post by Nick » Mon Apr 10, 2023 7:04 pm

Oban's position in the empire was one of structure and systems, planning and preciseness, care and control. Surprise and serendipity were the realm of her husband, which made them a great pair for him to deal with the strange and stupefaction and her to deal with the order and outlined. Early on in their relationship, when it had been one of business rather than personal, they'd both come to understand and respect this of each other, meaning that they mostly worked separately and didn't ask much of the other outside of the bigger picture.

This made it all the more surprising when in a flash of speed Goro appeared next to Oban. Without a word being spoken, she set down the brush she'd been using to draw out her designs and details of the empire. "He's scared." Was all he said, to which Oban narrowed her eyes. She opened her mouth to retaliate, but the look on Goro's face made her close it once more. After a moment of silence, she finally spoke up. "I did not hear that. You did not say that." He nodded, ever the servant in the face of the few pieces of authority who earned his respect.

"I take it there's little we can do."
Goro pulled out a cigarette and ignited it quietly. "Watch."
Oban spat a curse. "The bastard knew I was busy today."
He took a long drag of the cigarette. "He knows you're busy every day."
She sighed, and for the first time that Goro had seen, she took the time out of her busy schedule to falter ever so slightly. "And yet he keeps... He keeps..."
Goro spared her completing that sentence. "Selfish, isn't he?"
She laughed bitterly. "We owe it to him to watch, don't we."

Goro didn't nod, he didn't need to, it wasn't a question. Slowly Oban stood up from her seat and walked to the door, pulling on a long coat hanging next to her desk. A few drops of liquid were left on the paper she'd been working on, but the ink had long since dried.
"It's so sad!" the reader said to the writer with a frown. "The character in my book just died!" The author turned to her and burst out into tears, "I know!" he said, "So did mine!"
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There Once Was a Frog

Post by Nick » Mon Apr 10, 2023 7:43 pm

Fuhen sped across the surface of the water, carried by his cadre of swords as he chased after Eun. He caught up rather quickly, to find the commander with his helmet back on, flying as naturally as he was above the surface, an angry look on his face. "I came with a hand outstretched in friendship that we might bring unity of my people and yours, and you outstretch yours in a fist?" He spat, assuming a combative stance, one fist out in front of him while the other hand reached down into a pouch at his belt. "I offer you one chance to back down."

Fuhen's own face was one torn in anger, and it only grew angrier as the man spoke. "You speak of unity?" He stretched a hand out to his left, his bow Arrakoa forming in his grasp, turning to face the man. "Nae, ye speak of forcing our people to become your 'laborers', slaves, and making our home your own." Three arrows appeared in his hand as he drew back the string of the bow. "I offer you one chance to leave and never return." Eun stared hard at the Shogun, and from the pouch at his waist he withdrew a single coin of pure gold, glittering in the sunlight reflecting back off the sea. "The gods damn you and your people."

Simultaneously, Fuhen released the trio of arrows towards his prey, and the coin vanished out of Eun's hands, igniting his fists in exchange for the offering. He swiped his hand across the air in what seemed like a cold, calculated movement, and the arrows all impacted with a trail of fire that stayed in the air. In a volley, Fuhen fired off arrow after arrow from the bow while advancing on the man rapidly, who stood his ground irrespective of the assault on his person, calmly blocking each arrow.

When the Shogun got close enough, he let out a mighty Kiai yelp, attempting to close off whatever strange ninja arts the man was using... except nothing happened as a result of his technique. He yelped again, and growled as he approached, throwing the bow to the side where it dissipated in a flash of his pink chakra, a pair of katana appearing his hand instead. Eun drew a sigil in the air with his flaming hands and a much shorter straight sword with a broad, flat edge appeared in his hands.

"The people damn you and your gods!" The Shogun yelled as he swung his blades down, and yet more rained down from above, only to be stopped one by one by little discs of fire, no matter where they tried to turn their edges.
"It's so sad!" the reader said to the writer with a frown. "The character in my book just died!" The author turned to her and burst out into tears, "I know!" he said, "So did mine!"
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Grand Shogun of River
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There Once Was a Frog

Post by Nick » Mon Apr 10, 2023 8:21 pm

Fuhen rained down blows on the man from all sides, and he was protected either by his discs of fire, or by the blade he brought to bear, expertly moving between each of his hundreds of sword strikes. He did break a sweat, at least, and it seemed the Shogun had him on the defensive enough that he couldn't mount a counterattack. "Mightiest of warriors..." Eun said aloud, his lip curling up in disgust, his free hand reaching down to the pouch at his waist, unclipping it from his belt, and flipping it upside down, every last coin glittering down into the water below.

Fuhen's attention was drawn to the coins as the fell in slow motion into the water, one by one disappearing as soon as they touched the crest of a small passing wave.

Goro and Oban appeared at the docks, watching the fight from afar. From their perspective their Grand Shogun had his opponent on the fences, but they saw the glittering coins only thanks to the light reflecting off of them as they plunked into the water...

Fuhen's sword finally left a crack in the plates of flame that blocked his blows, and his attention drawn to the coins didn't slow down the onslaught, even as... A hand, belonging to a being that could only be described as truly colossal shot out of the water at a speed that Fuhen's brain couldn't even fully comprehend, faster than him at his absolute fastest. His gaze was down into the palm of the massive hand, and his head turned to look at his foe, all swords brought to bear once more, renewed vigor. He'd made his decision.

The giant hand reached out of the ocean and obstructed the view of their Shogun, and swords obstructed the view of the commander that he had been fighting.

The swords shattered the discs of flame that protected the man and cut through to leave deep gouges all over his body... But the hand closed around Fuhen tightly, and the swords all disappeared in a flash of his pink chakra before they could slice the man to absolute ribbons. Silence filled the very ocean itself as the fist slowly retracted back into the ocean, and Eun slowly fell to the ocean with it, battered, bloodied, but still able to breath.

Oban fell to her knees. From between the fingers of the giant hand came several flashes of light, that bright pink flower-petal chakra of Fuhen's that scattered across the sky... And cherry blossom petals rained down from the sky all over the Heart Empire, harmonious, peaceful. A rowboat went to where the commander had fallen and lifted him up on to the deck, pulling him back to the larger ship. This was not the last the world would have heard of Yeong-Wonhan.
"It's so sad!" the reader said to the writer with a frown. "The character in my book just died!" The author turned to her and burst out into tears, "I know!" he said, "So did mine!"
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Grand Shogun of River
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