In Search For Power


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Heavenly Fabled
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In Search For Power

Post by Heavenly Fabled » Thu Jun 08, 2023 3:42 am

Caliban stood in the heart of Tea Country, surrounded by lush green fields and serene landscapes. It was in this tranquil setting that he had sought out a renowned laido dojo to further his training. The dojo, nestled amidst the beauty of nature, exuded an aura of discipline and serenity. The master of the dojo, a wise and experienced swordsman named Master Hiroshi, had taken Caliban under his wing. With a long white beard flowing down his chest and a gaze that held both wisdom and intensity, Master Hiroshi commanded respect. He had seen many aspiring warriors pass through his doors, but Caliban's determination and potential had caught his attention.

Under Master Hiroshi's guidance, Caliban immersed himself in the art of laido. The discipline and precision required for this swordsmanship style resonated with his samurai spirit. Every day, from the early hours of dawn until dusk, Caliban devoted himself to the rigorous training regimen. The training started with the basics—a focus on posture, footwork, and the art of drawing the sword. Caliban honed his form, striving for perfection in each movement. His muscles strained, but his resolve remained unyielding. He understood that mastery required both physical and mental strength.

As weeks turned into months, Caliban's progress became evident. His strikes grew swifter and more precise, his footwork agile and fluid. Master Hiroshi marveled at his student's natural talent and relentless dedication. He saw in Caliban the potential to become a true master of the laido. One fateful day, after months of intense training, Master Hiroshi introduced Caliban to a secret technique known as the Reincarnation Draw. It was a technique whispered only among the highest ranks of laido practitioners—a move that tapped into the essence of past warriors and channeled their spirit into a single stroke.

With great anticipation, Caliban listened as Master Hiroshi explained the intricacies of the Reincarnation Draw. He learned that it required not only physical skill but also a deep connection with one's own spirit and the spirits of those who came before. It was a technique that required focus, clarity, and unwavering resolve. Under Master Hiroshi's watchful eye, Caliban began to practice the Reincarnation Draw. With each attempt, he sought to merge his own essence with that of the ancient warriors who had walked this path before him. His sword became an extension of his very being, and he could feel the power of the technique coursing through his veins.

Days turned into nights as Caliban tirelessly refined his technique. He delved into the depths of his own spirit, seeking to channel the wisdom and strength of the warriors who had come before him. With each stroke, he felt their presence, their guidance flowing through him. And then, one fateful evening, as the moon hung high in the sky, Caliban stood in the dojo, ready to showcase his mastery of the Reincarnation Draw. The air crackled with anticipation as Master Hiroshi and his fellow disciples watched in awe. With a single breath, Caliban drew his sword, his movements a symphony of precision and grace. Time seemed to stand still as his blade sliced through the air, leaving a trail of energy in its wake. The sheer power and elegance of the technique were mesmerizing.

As the final stroke landed, the dojo erupted in applause. Master Hiroshi's eyes twinkled with pride, a smile gracing his aged face. Caliban had surpassed all expectations, proving himself to be a true master of the Reincarnation Draw. In that moment, Caliban realized the depth of his growth. He had transformed from a skilled swordsman to a true warrior—one who could channel the spirits of the past and harness their power. But he knew that his journey was far from over. The Reincarnation Draw was just the beginning—a stepping stone toward greater heights.

As he sheathed his sword, Caliban's heart swelled with gratitude for the guidance and teachings he had received. He thanked Master Hiroshi for his wisdom and mentorship, vowing to carry on the legacy of the laido with honor and integrity. With newfound confidence and a heart filled with determination, Caliban stepped out of the dojo, ready to face the challenges that awaited him. The path of the laido was an endless journey, one that demanded constant growth and self-reflection. But Caliban was prepared to walk that path, his spirit forever intertwined with the ancient warriors who had paved the way before him.

And so, with the moon as his witness, Caliban set forth, his sword gleaming in the moonlight, his spirit ablaze with the fiery passion of a true warrior.

The tale of his training at the laido dojo in Tea Country had come to an end, but the story of his journey was far from over.
Technique Trained (2k Words)Show
*[Iaido Ougi • Reincarnation Draw]
S-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Prerequisite(s): 39 Speed, Must be trained at the Tea Country Dojo or learned from someone who has trained it, 10 Iaido Kenjutsu techniques.
The ultimate Iaido technique requires speed that outright shatters human limitations and transcends to near god-hood. By momentarily torquing every single muscle in their body for a split second, the practitioner builds up an immense amount of force. They then release this force, dashing instantly to the opponent's location (up to a number of meters away equal to 4/5 the practitioner's Speed score, rounded down) and delivering a slash so fast that properly reading this attack requires the opponent to have a sight-based or sound-based Perception technique of equal or higher rank than this technique. Otherwise, the opponent will be completely unable to register the attack even happening or making contact. The dash itself is made with such explosive speed that it creates a massive 360-degree shockwave that follows the user to the end of their dash, pushing away anything from the practitioner within a number of meters equal to 4/5 the practitioner's Speed, rounded down, with a strength equal to 4/5 the practitioner's Strength score, rounded down, serving as a protection against reprisal should they somehow not connect with the attack. This technique cannot subvert obstacles or terrain and requires a relatively clear path to execute. The quasi-teleportation effect of this technique constitutes the use of one of the character's two teleportation uses per thread.
Last edited by Heavenly Fabled on Fri Jun 09, 2023 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Heavenly Fabled
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In Search For Power

Post by Heavenly Fabled » Fri Jun 09, 2023 6:19 pm

Caliban's reputation as a master of the Reincarnation Draw spread far and wide, reaching the ears of warriors and swordsmen from distant lands. His skills were revered, and many sought to challenge him, eager to test their own mettle against the renowned samurai. From humble beginnings in the heart of Tea Country, Caliban's name became synonymous with excellence in the art of laido.

Word of Caliban's prowess eventually reached the ears of Lord Takeshi, a powerful and influential nobleman who ruled over a neighboring province. Intrigued by the tales of Caliban's mastery, Lord Takeshi extended an invitation to the samurai, requesting his presence at his castle. It was an honor that Caliban could not refuse.With his sword at his side and his spirit aflame, Caliban journeyed to Lord Takeshi's castle, accompanied by whispers of his legendary skills. The castle stood as a testament to the lord's wealth and power, a sprawling structure that overlooked vast lands. As Caliban entered the castle grounds, he was met with a mix of curiosity and admiration from the lord's retainers. They had heard of his exploits and were eager to witness his abilities firsthand.

Lord Takeshi, a stern and regal figure, received Caliban in his grand hall. The lord was known for his appreciation of martial arts and had assembled a gathering of skilled warriors to witness Caliban's demonstration. It was a daunting audience, filled with seasoned fighters who had honed their skills in countless battles. Caliban's heart pounded with anticipation as he prepared to showcase his artistry. In the spacious courtyard, Caliban unsheathed his sword, its blade gleaming under the sun's gentle rays. The air was pregnant with anticipation as he gracefully moved into his stance, his every movement a testament to his training and discipline. With each strike, his blade sliced through the air with precision and grace, leaving behind a trail of ethereal energy.

As the demonstration continued, Caliban's skill and presence captivated the audience. His movements were a symphony of power and finesse, each stroke filled with the spirit of the ancient warriors he had invoked through the Reincarnation Draw. The courtyard echoed with the clash of steel, the audience in awe of his expertise.

Lord Takeshi, a connoisseur of martial arts, observed Caliban with keen eyes, his expression inscrutable. After the demonstration concluded, a hush fell over the courtyard as the lord rose from his seat. Approaching Caliban, Lord Takeshi spoke with a voice that commanded attention. "Caliban, your skills are truly remarkable," Lord Takeshi began. "I have witnessed many warriors in my time, but few possess the mastery and presence that you have displayed today. I am impressed."

Caliban bowed respectfully, his gaze fixed on the lord. "I am honored by your words, Lord Takeshi. It is my lifelong pursuit to embody the spirit of the samurai and honor the traditions of the laido."

Lord Takeshi nodded, a glimmer of intrigue in his eyes. "Indeed, the way of the samurai is a noble path, and you have proven yourself a worthy guardian of its legacy."

Hideyoshi, found himself inexplicably drawn to Caliban. Yet, it was Caliban's unique blend of strength, grace, and deep understanding of the laido that captivated him. With each swing of the sword, Hideyoshi felt the energy coursing through Caliban's body, a seamless connection between master and weapon. Caliban's movements were a symphony of precision and elegance, leaving Hideyoshi in awe of his mastery. Hideyoshi admired the way Caliban wielded him, recognizing the years of practice and unwavering dedication it took to achieve such grace.

As Caliban continued to refine his skills, Hideyoshi's admiration for him deepened. He saw in Caliban the embodiment of the samurai code—a warrior who embodied loyalty, honor, and a ceaseless pursuit of personal and societal growth. Caliban's humility and reverence for the ancient ways resonated deeply with Hideyoshi, reinforcing his belief that their connection was not just happenstance, but destiny itself.

In their shared pursuit of mastering the laido, Hideyoshi became not only Caliban's guide but also his confidant. Through their silent bond, Hideyoshi offered guidance and encouragement, whispering ancient techniques and strategies into Caliban's subconscious mind. Together, they pushed the boundaries of their abilities, striving for excellence in every stroke.

In a secluded meadow nestled amidst nature's embrace, Caliban sought solace and focused his mind. The wind rustled through the lush grass, carrying with it an air of anticipation. Here, amidst the tranquil beauty, Caliban would undertake his journey to master the Reincarnation Draw once more—a pursuit that held the promise of reaching new heights in his art.

With Hideyoshi resting within the sheath, Caliban closed his eyes, grounding himself in the energy of the earth beneath his feet. He breathed deeply, feeling the interconnectedness of all things, and summoned the spirits of the ancient warriors who had walked this path before him. Their presence enveloped him, imbuing him with a profound sense of purpose.

As Caliban drew the katana, a surge of power coursed through his being. His movements became an intricate dance, fluid and precise, as if guided by forces beyond his own. The blade sliced through the air with a swiftness and finesse that surpassed his previous attempts. The wind howled in response, as if marveling at the sheer force and elegance behind each stroke.

Caliban's connection with Hideyoshi had grown stronger over time, transcending the boundaries of master and weapon. They moved as one, a harmonious fusion of spirit and skill. The spirits of the ancient warriors danced around him, their presence lending strength and wisdom to his every movement.

In this sacred meadow, Caliban's determination knew no bounds. He repeated the Reincarnation Draw with unwavering focus, each repetition refining his technique. Sweat poured down his brow, his muscles strained, but his spirit burned brighter than ever. The art of laido demanded relentless perseverance, and Caliban embraced the challenge with unwavering resolve. With each successful execution of the Reincarnation Draw, Caliban felt a surge of exhilaration. The wind shrieked through the air, as if echoing his triumph. He had reached a new pinnacle in his mastery, a testament to his unwavering dedication and the bond he shared with Hideyoshi. Technique as flawless and executed was only god given, perhaps time would tell if the samurai was descendent from the gods or not.
Technique Trained (1k Words)Show
*[Iaido Ougi • Reincarnation Draw]
S-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Prerequisite(s): 39 Speed, Must be trained at the Tea Country Dojo or learned from someone who has trained it, 10 Iaido Kenjutsu techniques.
The ultimate Iaido technique requires speed that outright shatters human limitations and transcends to near god-hood. By momentarily torquing every single muscle in their body for a split second, the practitioner builds up an immense amount of force. They then release this force, dashing instantly to the opponent's location (up to a number of meters away equal to 4/5 the practitioner's Speed score, rounded down) and delivering a slash so fast that properly reading this attack requires the opponent to have a sight-based or sound-based Perception technique of equal or higher rank than this technique. Otherwise, the opponent will be completely unable to register the attack even happening or making contact. The dash itself is made with such explosive speed that it creates a massive 360-degree shockwave that follows the user to the end of their dash, pushing away anything from the practitioner within a number of meters equal to 4/5 the practitioner's Speed, rounded down, with a strength equal to 4/5 the practitioner's Strength score, rounded down, serving as a protection against reprisal should they somehow not connect with the attack. This technique cannot subvert obstacles or terrain and requires a relatively clear path to execute. The quasi-teleportation effect of this technique constitutes the use of one of the character's two teleportation uses per thread.
Last edited by Heavenly Fabled on Fri Jun 09, 2023 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Heavenly Fabled
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Joined: Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:00 pm

In Search For Power

Post by Heavenly Fabled » Wed Jun 21, 2023 5:01 pm

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow over the shores of Pebble Country, Caliban found himself drawn to the tranquil beauty of the shoreline. The rhythmic sound of crashing waves provided the perfect backdrop for his practice. With his katana unsheathed, he stepped onto the sandy beach, his eyes focused and his mind clear. Aurayumi and Hideyoshi watched from a short distance away, their gazes fixed on Caliban with anticipation. Aurayumi's arms were crossed, a playful smirk playing at the corners of her lips. Hideyoshi, ever the observer, maintained his calm composure, his presence radiating wisdom and guidance. Caliban took a deep breath, his muscles coiling with anticipation. He closed his eyes for a moment, centering himself, and then with a burst of energy, he unleashed the full power of the Reincarnation Draw. The air crackled around him as his blade sliced through the space, leaving behind a trail of shimmering energy.

The first strike was swift and precise, the blade moving with such speed that it seemed to blur in the evening light. The sand beneath Caliban's feet shifted and danced as the force of his strike sent a small shockwave rippling through the shore. His movements were a perfect blend of grace and power, each swing of his katana a testament to his skill and determination. With each successive strike, Caliban pushed the limits of his abilities. He moved effortlessly from one stance to another, his body a blur of motion. The wind whispered in his ears, carrying the echoes of his strikes as they sliced through the air. The waves crashed against the shore, their rhythm in harmony with Caliban's movements.

Aurayumi couldn't help but be impressed, her eyes widening as she witnessed the sheer speed and precision of Caliban's technique. "Well, well, looks like you're finally starting to show some real finesse," she remarked, a mix of awe and pride in her voice. Caliban flashed a brief smile, his focus unwavering. Hideyoshi, ever the sage advisor, chimed in with his customary wisdom. Small whispers coming in the wind. Caliban nodded, absorbing Hideyoshi's words. He closed his eyes for a moment, visualizing the flow of energy within him, the connection between his mind, body, and blade. With a renewed sense of purpose, he resumed his practice, each strike imbued with newfound intention and precision.

Time seemed to stand still as Caliban continued his training. The sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting long shadows across the beach. The air grew cooler, carrying the scent of salt and adventure. With each swing of his katana, Caliban could feel himself growing stronger, more attuned to the power coursing through his veins. As the last rays of sunlight disappeared below the horizon, Caliban lowered his katana, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. He had pushed himself to the limit and emerged victorious. The Reincarnation Draw had become an extension of his being, a manifestation of his unwavering spirit.

Hideyoshi joined them, his expression filled with pride. "Indeed, Caliban. Your dedication and perseverance have yielded remarkable results. But remember, this is just the beginning of your journey. There is still much to learn and discover." Caliban nodded, his gaze sweeping over the shoreline. And so, as the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Caliban stood on the shore of Pebble Country, his heart filled with determination and his spirit ablaze with newfound power. The echoes of his training resonated within him, a reminder of his unwavering commitment to his path. With each passing day, he would continue to grow stronger, to refine his skills, and to forge his destiny as a warrior like no other.
Last edited by Heavenly Fabled on Wed Jun 21, 2023 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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