To Capture a Queen

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Heavenly Fabled
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To Capture a Queen

Post by Heavenly Fabled » Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:05 am

It felt like an eternity since the last anyone had heard or seen of the Jinchuruki. Once celebrated as a hero, Caliban had become a shadow, a fading memory in the public's eye. It was as if he had vanished from existence, leaving behind the legends of his heroics to gather dust in the annals of history. The world was changing, and with it, the need for a warrior of Caliban's unparalleled skills had seemingly vanished.

The Heart Empire, once a bastion of power and might, now stood secure. Wars between the nations had dwindled to a halt, and the winds of peace had settled across the land. The Nightingale Unit, which Caliban had once led, now seemed like an artifact of a bygone era. Deactivating the unit, allowing it to fade into obscurity, didn't seem like such a bad idea anymore. Perhaps, in the quiet of anonymity, Caliban could finally find some semblance of peace within himself.

As he gazed out over the rice fields of Tea Country, the horizon shimmered beautifully, casting a warm, nostalgic glow. It was a fleeting moment of tranquility, a reminder of the world that once was. But the serenity was short-lived. The distant echoes of clashing swords and the cries of warriors in battle shattered the illusion of peace.

There was a large-scale battle unfolding in the distance, a stark reminder that the world was far from free of conflict. The grand shogun's death had cast a shadow over the Heart Empire, dimming the once-illuminating beacon of hope. The soldier's voice, filled with pain, brought a harsh dose of reality.

"Lord Ikuto, our forces are being overrun," the soldier reported, his voice trembling with the weight of the dire news. The world may have yearned for peace, but in that moment, it seemed like war was an inescapable part of their existence.

Just as despair began to grip the situation, a dynamic entrance shattered the tension. From the edge of the battlefield, a trio of figures emerged, cutting a path through the chaos with an air of unyielding determination. ”Long time gramps” Caliban announced as he approached the battlefield, a beam of light bouncing off his headband proctor.

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Heavenly Fabled
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To Capture a Queen

Post by Heavenly Fabled » Wed Oct 04, 2023 3:57 am

Caliban’s eyes were stoic but his lips held a smile unlike any other. A massacre was unfolding and yet the warrior felt exhilarated. Ikuto had gotten wounded from the battle, his side had a large gash to it and his arm was drenched in blood. But when his eyes caught wind of Caliban, it was like welcoming a ghost in silence. “That boy—is familiar to me..” the wounded man exclaimed to himself as a heart samurai appeared to support his arms. The battlefield was disgusting, devoid of any signs of life, with the air saturated by the stench of rot and metallic odor. Investigating closer you could even see a corpse's jaw move before a rat gnawed its way through the cartilage of the departed. This was Squall’s first skirmish with ronin, he couldn’t hold in his excitement, merely letting his words pour outta his mouth. ”There’s a lot of mouths to feed, I didn’t know we were having a feast” the agent said with a sly smirk.

Aurayumi began to glow with chakra as octagonal shapes spiraled around the group. Digital corridors expanded forward while the trios frames sparkled and illuminated a blinding white. The power of Cell Factor was always a sight for sore eyes, perimeter rings soon overlayed their body and commenced to manufacture armor onto their person. A computerized voice resonated into the air, adding an eerie, almost otherworldly quality to the scene. ”Dyna Pilot interface initiated, synchronization imminent”. it intoned, its words echoing like a prophecy of power.

And then, in a flash of brilliance, the transformation was complete. Colors burst forth like a cosmic explosion, bathing the trio in a kaleidoscope of hues. It was as though a galaxy had come into existence within the span of a heartbeat. The rings that had scanned over their bodies now settled into place, becoming a part of their enhanced form. Visors manifested, adorning their faces with constellation patterns that served as both a symbol of their unity and a source of enhanced vision. But there was no time to marvel at their forms, for a group of ronin, driven by madness and desperation, charged at them with reckless abandon. Caliban moved with the speed of a lightning bolt, leaving a thunderclap in his wake as he drew forth Hideoyoshi and intercepted their blades with a strike.

The ronin who dared to approach him found themselves ensnared in a whirlwind of strikes and parries, their attacks countered with an almost preternatural grace. Each movement of Caliban's blade was a deadly dance, a symphony of violence and precision. Beneath his red helm the jinchuruki’s eyes frantically raced the panel of his visor, analyzing the diameters of their attacks and placing correct solutions as a result. The ronin soon found terror in their hearts at the last moment, a splatter of blood erupting from their torsos while rigged margins displayed deep cuts on their bodies. (“Your lives are forfeited to the shogunate”) Hideoyoshi’s voice announced in Caliban’s thoughts as several ronin staggered in place and fell to the ground in unison.
Last edited by Heavenly Fabled on Wed Oct 04, 2023 5:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Heavenly Fabled
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Joined: Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:00 pm

To Capture a Queen

Post by Heavenly Fabled » Tue Oct 17, 2023 11:59 pm

In the tranquil yet enigmatic lands of Tea Country, the seat of power rested with the Shogun, a man named Ikuto Aono who had seen the passage of time over seven decades. The peace of Tea Country had been a delicate balance, preserved through a legacy of vigilant scrutiny and leadership. However, beneath the veneer of calm, the shogun's rule bore the heavy weight of a past mired in controversy and secrets that haunted him to his very core.

In a painful flashback to a bygone era, it was revealed that Shogun Ikuto was not always the aged, world-weary leader he had become. He had risen to power during the tumultuous times of the Genma Wars, a time when the primordial spirits threatened the very existence of Tea Country & samurai. The shogun, a fierce and resolute man, had faced adversity head-on. Driven by a relentless determination to protect his homeland, he had chosen a path that would forever cast a dark shadow over his reign.

Amid the chaos of the Genma Wars, Ikuto had insisted on manufacturing their own jinchuruki to contain the most volatile and violent spirits. These jinchuruki were not volunteers but rather child soldiers, young souls embedded with powerful modification to endure the procedure. The purpose was clear – to produce a formidable force of warriors, using these children as dispensable war dogs in a desperate bid to shield Tea Country from the ravages of the Genma.

The war had been brutal, and the sacrifices made weighed heavily on Ikuto's conscience. When the last echoes of battle finally faded and peace returned to the land, the shogun chose a course of action to atone for his wartime decisions. With great remorse, he sealed away the jinchuruki using a potent Kage seal, locking their terrifying power within a hidden, desolate chamber.

But as time flowed relentlessly, taking its toll on both the land and its ruler, the Kage seal, too, began to weaken. The shogun's once indomitable will waned as he grappled with the memories of the past and the devastating consequences of his actions. It was a time of growing frailty and despair for the aging shogun, who had witnessed the transformation of his young warriors into nightmarish entities.

Then, when Fuhen, a beacon of guidance and wisdom, perished, the crushing weight of grief struck Ikuto's remaining will to live. The seal that had held back his terrible creations slowly deteriorated, like the final crack in a dam about to burst.

As the lands of Tea Country grieved the loss of Fuhen, they remained unaware of the storm brewing within their aging shogun's heart. The horrors of the past, locked away for years, were on the cusp of being unleashed once more, threatening to plunge Tea Country into a darkness it had never known before. Ikuto's secret sins and the impending storm cast a shadow of uncertainty over the peaceful lands, and the fate of Tea Country now hung in a precarious balance, teetering on the edge of a cataclysmic revelation. This fowl procedure was given the name, ICARUIS.
Fade Back To Battlefield: Enter The Bad Guys
A voice, as chilling as the winds that swept the battlefield, cut through the tension. "We come at a bad time," it declared, and the girl behind the voice revealed herself with a sinister grin that seemed almost out of place amidst the chaos and destruction. Her presence was a contrast to the smoky, war-torn backdrop. Yet, as her gaze fixed upon a distant, snaring, twinkling light, her amusement transformed into curiosity. She hadn't expected what came next—a blinding burst of explosive force that dispersed the black clouds and unveiled the source of the light. "Tardy in fact, not a good look for your report card," Caliban's voice resonated, laced with a blend of sardonic humor and confidence. He stood between the girl and her intended victim with Hideyoshi poised a few centimeters from her throat. The only thing rivaling the clash, an ectoplasmic khopesh in mid swing. ”You don’t look boring”, ”Gotta crush on me now” Our protagonist shot back as he bounced gracefully in retreat, managing to clutch the collar of the soldier’s armor and reel him back to safety.


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