Ghost Characters

Purpose of the Ghost Character Archives

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Ghost Characters

Post by NSRP » Sat Jul 23, 2022 3:44 pm

On the 13th July 2021, NSRP introduced a revised set of hunting rules which included the ability to hunt inactive characters. From this date forward, if your character is a missing-ninja or has a bounty of at least "X" level or higher in the bingo book, then they can still be hunted even in the event of player or character inactivity. However, for the sake of fairness, characters that were already inactive prior to this rule change are protected and placed in this "Ghost Characters" subforum instead of the regular Inactive archives.

"Ghost Characters" stored in this forum can still be hunted. However, when you hunt a character from this subforum, you are hunting a "ghost" of that character, meaning their death in the course of a hunt will not be permanent, and the original owner can still return and reactivate them without resorting to the the reincarnation system. Reactivating a ghost character will exclude them from being in this archive.

If you need help, please contact a moderator through the Naruto Saigen Discord or private message one of our Moderators on the forum.


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