Gamora, Teruko

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Gamora, Teruko

Post by Niro » Sat Apr 22, 2023 1:54 pm

𝒢𝒶𝓂𝑜𝓇𝒶, 𝒯𝑒𝓇𝓊𝓀𝑜
General Information Age: 12
Gender: Female
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 100 lbs

Physical Features:
  • Face/head: Teruko possesses long cherry blonde hair tied into twintails and fairly childish facial features, her cheeks in particular still being fairly chubby and her blue eyes being large and round.
  • Body: Still being a child in most respects Teruko is lacking in height and muscle. She also doesn't possess much in the way of curves, her hips having widened only slightly and her waist having a barely noticeable curve to it. To her pleasure she has had some small degree of growth in her chest area, though not as much as she would really like.
  • Notable Features:----
Clothing/Accessories: Teruko's primary outfit consists of a light pink short sleeved blouse and a white knee length frilled skirt with knee high boots that have a slightly raised heel. Accompanying her normal outfit is typically a short hooded cloak and in her hair is a lacy headband

  • General: While generally kindhearted and sociable, Teruko is sassy and bursting with confidence, shyness seeming to be a foreign concept to her. She generally speaks informally, with the exception of those she feels deserving of respect such as healers and soldiers. As well she absolutely wears her heart on her sleeve, having a tendency to be brutally honest when giving her thoughts and not hesitating to speak out when injustice is being served to herself or those around her.
  • Hopes/Dreams: To one day succeed her mother and create the world's strongest medicine, one capable of curing any ailment
  • Fears: Teruko's greatest fear is to lose her family, though heights make her queasy and she has a tendency to scream and run at the sight of a spider.
  • Combat Mentality:With her only experiences in combat being spars with her new classmates and brawls with neighborhood bullies Teruko hasn't yet developed any specific methodologies for fighting, though she does tend to favor heated head to head fights.

Battle Information Village: Kemurigakure
Rank: Genin
Power Rank: D
  • Chakra Pool: 5
  • Endurance: 5
  • Control: 10
  • Strength: 5
  • Speed: 5
  • Willpower: 10
Equipment: Dangling from her hip is a wakizashi, 20 inches in length
There's also a multi-compartment satchel strapped diagonally over her left shoulder and coming to a rest near her right hip that she uses to hold various items.
A gifted set of weaponry consisting of 5 kunai, 10 shuriken, 10m of wire , 5 exploding tags, 1 smoke bomb, and 1 flash bang
FIrst AidShow
A roll of bandages and a roll of gauze, 2 empty vials, a pair of scissors, a small bottle of rubbing alcohol, swabs, a set of sling wraps, and various other odds and ends to suit a patient's needs
Companions: (0/1)

Affinity/Specialization: Medicine
Abilities and Concentrations
First Ability
Second Ability
Third Ability
Ninjutsu[Place them here]
Deft Hands:
The fundamental skill of [Deft Hands] indicates the user’s proficiency with using their hands in very specific and complex movements, like sleight of hand and targeting very small and specific points on an opponent’s body. This facilitates their use of related Taijutsu in various ways.
The fundamental skill of [Medicine] describes the user’s mental and physical ability to perform traditional and mainstream medicinal practices. This facilitates their use of related Taijutsu.
Sword Weapons:
The fundamental skill of [Sword Weapons] indicates the user’s proficiency with swords and sword-like weapons such as knives, daggers, sword-breakers and the like. This facilitates their use of related Taijutsu.
Sight Initiation:
This user has learned to use visual cues to initiate genjutsu. Allowing them to perform actions, or draw the eyes to something to capture their targets in a genjutsu.

Arts of MedicineShow
Arts of Medicine:
While many medics have the luxury of chakra to treat their wounds, some lack that gift, and many others prefer to supplement themselves with more traditional means. The Medicinal Arts are a series of disciplines and maneuvers that display a mastery of traditional healing techniques and treatments. While anyone can learn them, true mastery of the Arts of Medicine demands a thorough knowledge of both these, Iijutsu, and surgical techniques.

Requires [Medicine] and [Deft Hands] concentration.
D-Ranked *[Medicinal Style • Bandage Wrapping]
D-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
The user knows how to utilize bandages, wrapping a wound in a manner that creates a near-perfect barrier from external forces, keeping the wound clean from bacteria. The bandage is tucked in place, preventing it from falling off, though excessive rubbing, pulling, or getting the bandage wet can cause it to fall off.

*[Medicinal Style • Wound Cleanse]
D-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
The user knows how to use sterile water or alcohol to clean out a wound, destroying any bacteria in the wound to prevent infection.

*[Medicinal Style • Injury Assessment]
D-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Unlike the mystical means of diagnosis utilized through iijutsu, those who utilize the Arts of Medicine must learn the most effective manner to assess a patient. Learners of this discipline have learn the most effective manner to diagnose a patient, starting at the head, and assessing for head wounds, then moving down through the torso, both arms, the groin area, both legs, then the back. Those who learn this discipline will be able to account for any wounds that present with physical symptoms on a patient.

*[Medicinal Style • Pressure Points]
D-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
The user has learned all appropriate pressure points on a body. In the event of bleeding, they know where to apply pressure to slow the bleeding while treatment is administered.

*[Medicinal Style • Splint]
D-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
The user is able to create slings and wraps that support fractures, sprains, and breaks in patients.
Yoshin Kenjutsu:
Waterfall Country's samurai are the creators of Yoshin, a style of Kenjutsu honing one's precision to strike more precisely than any needle or arrow at the enemy's inherent weaknesses. The human body is full of natural weak spots and vulnerabilities, and Yoshin takes full advantage of those weaknesses in combat with calculated, precise, intelligent strikes and thrusts to cripple and cut down their opponent. Common joints, unseen nerve endings and nerve clusters, critical tendons and muscle groups, and even vital organs are all fair game to the users of Yoshin. The precision required for this style causes most users of its techniques to prefer short blades such as kodachi and wakizashi, often with serrated edges to maximize damage on the blade exiting the wound, though katana can still be used with this style.

Requires: [Deft Hands], [Sword Weapons], [Medicine] Concentrations.
D-Ranked *[Yoshin • Prey's Anatomy]
D-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Detailed knowledge of the human body's vulnerabilities and weaknesses are fundamental to learning Yoshin. This Discipline represents the practitioner's knowledge of the precise location of all major organs, tendons, blood vessels, and nerve clusters on both their body and the opponent's body. This allows the practitioner to accurately target those areas even in the heat of combat.

*[Yoshin • Ambidexterity]
D-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
After practicing for a long amount of time with the concept of using both of their hands with equal skill, the user has developed a level of ambidexterity that allows them to utilize both hands equally and as effectively without any penalty. This extends to other methods of combat or simple everyday life as well.

*[Yoshin • Break the Antlers]
D-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
With a very quick snapping slash or thrust, the practitioner attacks the back of the opponent's weapon-wielding hand or hands. Opponents hit by this technique must have an Endurance equal to or higher than the practitioner's Speed to avoid being disarmed or losing the use of the affected hand until the end of their next post. This technique is only useful for short term debilitation of the hands and cannot cause any significant long term damage on its own.

*[Yoshin • Whip Snare]
D-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Forgoing the typical practice of aiming one's blows to do the most critical damage possible, the practitioner instead lashes out at the opponent with a quick snapping slash or thrust. If the attack lands, the practitioner curves and angles the edge of their blade along the cut, making a shallower, irregular cut. While these cuts rarely cause any serious damage on their own, the nature of the cut not only make them difficult to mend or stitch, they also contribute to significant blood loss over time and are incredibly painful for the opponent. This can make moving and executing techniques more difficult for an opponent hit by this technique unless they have an Endurance equal to or higher than the practitioner's Speed.

*[Yoshin • Glancing Arrow]
D-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Aiming to hinder the opponent's mobility, the practitioner launches a quick snapping slash or thrust at the side of one of the opponent's knees, damaging the tendon and causing the muscles in the joint to flare up. Aside from causing significant pain, an opponent hit by this technique will not be able to fully support their weight on the targeted leg, hindering their mobility and creating additional openings for the practitioner to exploit unless they have an Endurance equal to or higher than the practitioner's Speed.
D-Ranked *[Genjutsu • When Pigs Fly]
D-Ranked Illusion Genjutsu
A rather simple genjutsu that is put into place when the user says a statement ending in "When Pigs Fly". Seconds later, anyone who hears the user say that will see several pigs with full hawk wings fly past, just a few feet above the user and the victim’s head, serving as a somewhat confusing distraction.

*[Genjutsu • Smell Of The Deceased]
D-Ranked Illusion Genjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals, any victim that sees the user preforming the hand seals will be induced under the genjutsu. This causes the target to begin to smell rotting flesh and decaying bodies. The jutsu can cause nausea and vomiting from the target, depending on how sensitive their sense of smell is. The smell of the dead can also cause some mental stress on the target. This genjutsu lasts for three (3) posts.

Historical AccountsShow
Teruko was born in the samurai nation of Iron Country to a single mother, an apothecary by the name of Hanako. Her father had been a samurai but he had died in battle shortly before her birth. Even from a young age she knew that her mother cursed herself for not being there, for being unable to do her job and leaving her own daughter without a father figure. Nonetheless Hanako was determined to raise her the best she could even if it had to be done alone. Luckily she had the help of her younger sister, Teruko's aunt Akiko.The pair worked together to raise the little girl while Hanako kept her apothecary business running. Needless to say it was a challenge at times but the years went on and their little girl began to grow up little by little. While she did at times have a bit of an attitude she was nonetheless highly sociable and loved her mom and aunt both.

Soon enough the Great War came and in what seemed like the blink of an eye the country was overtaken and they had a new Taishou. Still being a child unable to fully process the gravity of what had just occurred it honestly didn't mean much to her. The war did however mean that her mother had become busier than ever, a fact that she didn't accept quite as well. Perhaps it was due to a gnawing sense of loneliness or out of a true urge to help but it was at this point that she asked Hanako to teach her so she could one day make medicines herself and help with the business. Hanako was a bit hesitant at first but with the urging of her sister she eventually agreed to teach her.

More time passed and eventually Hanako received an offer to move her clinic to the newly formed village of Kemurigakure. It was an opportunity to expand her business but it was for a different reason that she accepted the offer. With a new village had come a new academy and Teruko had been given a chance to enroll, apparently having been showing burgeoning signs of a capacity for chakra. Nonetheless it was a perfect opportunity for her to further her studies while mingling with other kids her own age.

In the end it was an easy decision with little protest and with that the little psuedo family moved to the new vilage, Hanako working to open her new clinic and Teruko beginning to attend school and continuing her training, all while Akiko watched over them. Nobody knew what the future held from there but it was looking bright.

Username: Kabu
Ryo: 0/50
Prestige Perks: 0/0
Stat Trainings: (0/75)
Last edited by Ace Trainer on Mon May 13, 2024 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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