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Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:11 pm
by Diatenshi
Masaru groggily awoke from his unconscious state. Through the disorienting feeling caused by waking up in an unfamiliar place, Masaru first noticed the mild pain covering his body. His skin was bright red as if he'd been out in the sun for too long. Thinking through the pain Masaru would think back to the last thing he could remember. His head being a little fuzzy it took him a few moments to recall the run in with the wild spirit. Somewhat freaking out Masaru would give the surroundings a double take checking for the wild spirit. Not finding the best he would start to think about what he should do. Doing his best to remain calm he'd think of his teacher and what they would probably do in this situation, trying his best to emulate their thought process to figure things out.

~What would Sensei do in this situation? Hed start checking for enemies most likely but that's done already. Teach would follow up with a self evaluation, body condition and supplies available.~ Masarue would check for any injuries making note of the various burns on his body, none of which were serious. Finding no broken bones or overly severe injuries, he'd continue with checking his inventory. He was missing his polearm and and had no other weaponry. After he finished the evaluation he'd try to think of what would be next.

~What would be Teach's next goal? Hmmm he'd probably pick up on a bunch of little clues and try to get an idea of his location. Mission is still priority and that means surviving and returning to report on the incident. If I'm lucky I'll find Gene before I run into that monster. If I'm not... well let's not think about that quite yet.~ Refocusing on to his goal he'd try to make note of anything his sensei would have picked up on, at least to the best of his abilities. He'd notice the air was cold and wet. The walls around him we're a cool damp stone. There were small torches that lit up the area. From this Masaru assumed he was in a cave and that he wasn't alone. Clearly something made and lit those torches. The cave itself was either under or enclosed a water source which would explain the cool moistness of the area.

Masaru would peform a few hand seals and create a small leaf. The leaf would allow him to center himself as a reference point as he tried to find his way out. He'd leave it in the room and the location of the room would be an anchor point. Following this he'd create 10 kunai and 10 senbon utilizing his clans wooden weapon creation jutsu. The kunai were to give peace of mind while he would break the senbon as he traveled to create a bread crumbs path back to the room. The only downside to this was it could lead the beast straight to him if it came upon the trail. Hoping for the best Masaru would shamble through the only way in and out of the room and into a tunnel, beginning his search for the surface.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:34 am
by Legacy
Things had certainly taken an unexpected turn for the worst. What was initially supposed to just be a recon operation had now become a search and rescue mission, a fact that Gene loathed to no end. He'd come out of his panicked state rather quickly and set himself to focusing on the task of trailing the beast with practiced efficiency and a very clear sense of urgency. A task made easier thanks to the literal trail of flames left in the beast's wake; burnt trees or singed grass, sheds and vacant homes set ablaze in addition to very distinct hoof like prints (also burning) made locating what looked to be the mouth of some cave incredibly simple. Getting into the cave on the other hand...was ridiculously difficult.

"These flames...they're created by a unique chakra." A low grown escaped the young man, Just throwing water on these fires won't put them out. I'll need Water created with Chakra. It'd only been a few minutes since he'd launched the signal flare for back up and Gene estimated that it would have taken another ten or so minutes for the help requested to arrive. For now, he had no choice but to wait.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 8:33 pm
by Diatenshi
Masaru travelled keeping a mental map in his head. The tunnel system was full of twist turns forks and dead ends. He could barely keep track of the number of times he'd almost gotten lost. The dead ends upset him the most, often times appearing at the end of a very long tunnel that he'd have to back track. Even worse was when multiple forks would be dead ends and he'd wasted time checking each branch. He truely found it infuriating. Add to it the poor air quality and the lack of interaction from another person his mood rapidly soured.

As Masaru slowly made his way through dimly lit corridors of the maze like cave he began to hear a voice whispering in the back of his mind. It was very quiet at first but gradually grew louder. The voice was full of disparaging words as if it was trying to break his spirit.

You're never going to make it out of here. Oooo look another dead end, your getting so good at finding them. Haven't we been here before? It looks familiar. You're going to die down here and no one will ever find you. Could you be more pathetic? Your parents must be so ashamed to have such a good for nothing son.

"Shut! Uuuuuuuuuuup!"

Despite doing his best to ignore the voice he just couldn't take it anymore and shouted for the voice to be silent, and silent it was. Masaru wasn't sure where the voice had come from nor where it went. The only thing he could hear was his own voice evhoing through the tunnel and when that faded all that was left was the sound of his breath and heartbeat.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:26 am
by Legacy
Tired of waiting and concerned for the safety of Masaru, Gene decided that he could no longer remain idle and rushed forward at top speed! The young man blitzed through the flames and immediately found himself besieged with pain and extreme discomfort, still he pressed forward. He'd survived acid burns and worse, an attack from the Hokage himself. Surely these flames would be nothing if but a small nuisance in the grand scheme of things; breaking through the sea of orange prye Gene stripped away the white scarf from around his neck and dropped into a roll to douse the flames licking at his black fabrics, the smell of singed thread plaguing his nostrils alongside badly burned skin. Once the fires were out he turned back briefly to glance at the still raging inferno behind him and sighed deeply, "Forgive me...but I just couldn't wait." And with that, Gene bounded off into the darkness in pursuit of Masaru and the spirit beast who had claimed him.

What foul omens awaited him in this unrelenting darkness he could not say nor did he know where to begin his search but he had to try, he had to. With lungs ready to burst in his chest the Gene pressed onward rounding corners and vaulting across large gaps as though to have no regard for his own safety. He didn't care if he hadn't made it out alive so long as Masaru could return home to the village - for that duty, he would gladly give up his life. Suddenly, Gene stopped. He wasn't sure but for the briefest moment he thought he heard something that sounded like shouting...a voice surely, but who? The cave's resonance was so much that by the time Masaru's voice had reached him all Gene could make out were distorted noises hardly earthly and yet...that was the only lead he had. "Don't die on me kid!" He shouted, bounding in the direction where the noise had come from.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 8:38 pm
by Diatenshi
The silence was almost as unnerving as the voice's loud chatter. Being alone in this place with now way to measure time and no one to talk to was driving him insane. He started to suspect the voice was just in his head, a mere side effect from being alone too long. The lack of anything overly stimulating for his brain didn't help either. The surroundings were very monotonous, cool dark walls and dimmly lit corridors with the occasional dead end. Masaru tried to keep his thoughts on the family he had encountered before winding up here. Between a drive to keep them and other innocents like them safe and the desire to return home, he managed to keep going and not loose hope.

It wasn't long till Masaru wandered into a giant chamber. At the back wall was a ruined altar. Behind the altar was a stone stag. Masary cautiously walks towards the statue and altar taking note of what appeared to be decomposed offerings. All of the sudden an intense wave of heat over took Masaru's body to the point he screamed out in pain. His arm lifted against his control and a stream of fire shot out from his palm incinerating the offerings. Regaining use of his hand shortly after he'd look at his palm bewildered. His hand had been burned slightly and stung.

"Look at what has become of my home. I used to have thousands of followers that worshipped me as a god. Now look at this place clearly no one has been here in centuries. Has your kind truely forgotten me? Fine so be it I'll make them remember and you brat will be my first warning of what is to come."

"What the He- ahhhhhhh!"

All of the sudden Masaru dropped to his knees after hearing the voice. His head was in pain as if someone had lit a fire inside his skull to roast him from the inside out. He had no idea as to what was going on. One second a disembodied voice starts going off on a hissy fit the next he's in pain. He wasn't quite sure what to make of it all he knew is that the pain was nigh unbearable. Just as he thought he would black out from the pain, there's a bright flashe of red orange light and the stag spirit appears before him.

"Why hello there nice to see you again. Welcome to my humble abode. Pardon the mess my caretakers seem to have forgotten their duties. Oh and excuse me where are my manners. I am The Great Iburu, The Father of Rebirth. Now let me see how to make an appropriate message out of you... Hmmm I know let's start with scorching your flesh."

Before Masaru had time to recover and make sense of what was going on, with as much as a snort a gout of fire shot from Iburu's nostrils and hit Masaru's left arm. His jacket began to burn, and with it his arm beneath. Screaming in pain and freaking out Masaru quickly tore off his jacket and dropped it to the ground. Unfortunately Masaru wasn't fast enough to avoid injury and the back of his arm was seared red with a small amount of cracked crispy skin. Tears welled up in his eyes and he bit his lip. He'd always thought that he had a high pain tolerance and wasn't one to cry when he got hurt but this was pain on a whole new level and was something he'd never even come close to experiencing in the past. He looked up at the beast with fear and pain in his eyes.

With his left arm burnt and numb he's unable to create any hand signs to perform jutsu. Swallong back the pain as best he can he tries to get the beast talking hoping to stall for time praying to the God's above that reinforcements arrive in time to save him.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 4:45 am
by Legacy
Almost ten whole minutes had passed since Gene began chasing after the sound he he'd heard earlier and with the flames of hope slowly beginning to die inside him, his mind made room for what if scenarios and possibilities that made far too much sense now that he'd been left alone with them. Had he failed to protect Masaru in the end just as he had failed to prevent his mentor from abandoning the village? Like he'd failed to stop a known criminal from murdering Senju, Shou? A heavy weight pressed down firmly in his chest and would not relent in its pressure despite all of his attempts to quell his breathing -- an anxiety attack.

In the depths of darkness he wandered losing sight of why he continued trying with each passing step. Far too much time has passed now since I sent for no one coming after all? He didn't want to believe it but the current situation demanded it. He'd lost Masaru to a demon spirit and between the time he'd actually started looking and now...anything was possible. For all he knew, this was no longer a search for a still kicking Senju; no, it very well may have been the search for a corpse. With his summoning contract to Yoru broken under mysterious circumstances he could no longer rely on the feline's keen sense of smell to lead him to where Masaru had been and his sense of smell and hearing were no match for one of the Inuzuka clan. Such a fool he was... to pick now of all times to despair in not being born from one of the noble village households. His mother murdered and Father long since slipping into a state less than ideal, the Mitsurugi lineage may as well have died out with Gene and he knew it. Hated it.

Alas, he continued his search even if he knew it may very well have been a failure. This was one thing he couldn't...wouldn't give up on. Masaru was alive, he just had to be.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 8:33 pm
by Diatenshi
"Why are you attacking humans, we haven't done anything to harm you. And why kidnap and torture me? What have I done to offend you?"

Masary would spit out despite the pain he was in, he was certain Gene wouldn't have given up on him and knew help should've been around the corner. He had to stall for time so Gene had a chance to find more than a charred corpse when he arrived. He analyzed the room as best he could to see if there was anything he could potentially use as a weapon but alas the chamber was barren.

"Yes yes you humans did always seem to think the world revolves around you. Why you no reason other than you were there. I mean you have a slight resemblance to the person that sealed me away but it's very slight. Besides you humans all tend to look the same to me. No you simply happen to be a victim of circumstance."

Iburu would casually trot forward closing the distance between him and Masaru. He'd then let out another gout of fire from his nostrils. The fire would while past Masaru's left cheek scorching it like a very bad sunburn, while singeing a few of his hairs. Masaru in turn would help in shock and pain and try to scoot back away from the beast.

"As for why I'm attacking your kind? Have you seen this place it's barren unattended to and in ruins my once glorious and beautiful home. Your kind sealed me away, forgot about me and left my home in ruin. All the artifacts and statues gone or destroyed. Why wouldn't I attack? Also if you're planning to stall for time don't bother I'm going to take my time torturing you. I'll burn you to near death, fix you up good as new and then start the process all over again."

Done with speaking Iburu would release an intense blast of fire from his mouth that would burn away Masaru's left leg up to his knee, leaving nothing but smoldering blackened bones. Masaru would scream as he felt an intense burning sensation at his knee. When the flames cleared his voice would catch in his throat as tears streamed down his face. Whimpering he'd try even harder to escape the beast, the violent movement causing the desicrated leg bones to separate entirely from his body.

Iburu in kind would march forward and pin Masaru down under one of his hooves the pressure causing him to cough up blood. A heat would begin burning spreading from Iburu's hoof out as Masaru's body caught fire. The fire would rapidly spread out burning his body. Masaru would writhe in agony as he screamed from the intense pain. It was almost a blessing when his body began to go in shock and he blacked out.

Not wanting to lose his prey so soon Iburu puts out the flames before possessing his body. Combining his regeneration ability with an ijutsu technique, Iburu would share his regenerative ability with the boy. He wasn't doing this to save the boy. No his intentions were much more sinister. He intended to heal the boy back to mint condition so as to continue torturing him with out the boy dying on him.

As time passed the boy's body would slowly heal, the blackened skin burning off to reveal fresh unblemished skin beneath. Meanwhile his leg would glow red hot like a price of heated metal as new tissue grew out from his stump. Though it drained him more Iburu knew he was on limited time as the shinobi from earlier could still appear after a while as his burning hooves made him easy to track.
Shared Troubles
By possessing a person's body Iburu is able to share his regenerative ability with another. While the host is healing Iburu and the host lives are bound to one another as Iburu merges with the host to allow quick healing.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 11:52 pm
by Legacy
Another chilling scream met Gene's ears and he knew that he'd been getting close. With his sense of hearing being as heightened as it was, he'd finally gained the last bit of information needed to lead him all the way to where Masaru had been. At least...he hoped that were the case. After all, there was really no way to verify if he'd been wandering mindlessly into a trap. "That's just a risk I'm going to have to take!" The statement was firm with resolve, solidifying the young man's conviction to launch himself into danger and potentially Death's grip in order to preserve the life of Masaru.

When he had finally arrived Gene's eyes widened. The cave was dark, much too dark to see effectively. But the smell of burning flesh couldn't be mistaken for anything else, he'd been too late. "Masaru! Hang on!" He'd hoped that things wouldn't have come to this but since they had, Gene did not hesitate to reach behind with his left hand and tear the Tanto blade from its sheath. Holding the weapon out in front of him at a sideways angle with his legs evenly spaced, knees bent and remaining hand raised up in what could be identified as the Half ram hand seal, he prepared for the fight of his life.

"You'll pay for what you've done," he spat harshly at the spirit who he still could not see. While his nerves were beginning to stir at the smell of what he knew to be a burnt body, Gene's instincts had already started to kick in. With his ears trained to his environment he would have no other choice than to locate his enemy via sound alone. Fortunately, since this had been a cave, picking out the source of a noise wouldn't have been too difficult so long as he could pay attention.
Distinction Discipline

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 10:53 am
by Diatenshi
Iburu recognized the higher level shinobi from the forest that entered. Smirking inwardly he'd continue to focus on healing Masaru's body. He'd play a nice little trick on the shinobi using the boys body once it was healed. The ninja would be unable to attack him without harming the boy and judging from the man's emotional state would be something he'd avoid at all cost.

As he continued to poor his chakra into the boys body to accelerate the healing process, he'd keep the boys body motionless. Less moving would keep his presence concealed and would allow the healing to go smoothly. The foot itself had grown back but was still too small, much like a child's leg slapped on to and adults body. The leg itself would continue to grow as it grew to fit Masaru's body. The minor burns were mostly healed by now and the major ones were almost finished, visible by the fact the dead burnt tissue was flacking and falling off, burning up before they hit the ground like small embers burning off a fire.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 11:39 am
by Legacy
Slowly but surely, Gene proceeded forward. Every instinct in his body had told him not to lower his guard even for an instant and he did well to listen, without knowing when or where his enemy would strike he could only hope that his training would be enough. Silence drowned the cave making for an ominous and dreadful atmosphere; it was the kind of set up one would expect to hear about late into the hours of night over a campfire, that foul putrid stench clinging to humid air almost making his stomach turn and still he advanced. He'd come too far now to turn back and while the opportunity was as good as it were going to get he wanted to get Maseru out of this Kami forsaken cave. None the wiser to a vile spirit dwelling within the boy, Gene approached cautiously and took to examining his wounds -- what number of them he could see with the dying flames still burning anyway.

"The fates are surely too cruel..." He spoke low, trying to choke off his anger before it'd risen entirely to the surface. There would be time to grieve later but for now, he needed to try and get the boy back to Konoha's medical corpse for a thorough examination. No...this boy needs attention now or else... that was when Gene noticed something quite peculiar. Although it were dark inside the cave, the flickering flames provided just enough light to illuminate the boy's injuries and to Gene's surprise, they weren't getting worse...they were mending on their own! Wanting to check into his suspicions Gene weaved through two very short chains of hand seals; the first, casting a technique that would serve to sterilize his hands and arms, the second to be used on the boy himself. While he had wanted to take the boy straight to the medical corps for examination Gene feared that moving him in any way would somehow disrupt the mending process of his injuries. In the mean time however, he wanted to know exactly what it was inside the child that was doing the healing.

He had known Senju to be quite resilient and in tune with the natural Growth of their surroundings but never before had he come across a Senju who could quite literally mend their own injuries while unconscious. No, there was definitely something off about this strange occurrence. Extending his hands outward toward the boy, Gene began his diagnosis process starting from Maseru's brain would progressively work his way through the rest. It just seemed natural to start at the brain because that was what controlled all of the body's core functions directly via signals-- however, everything bout Maseru's cognitive state pointed to him being unconscious. Could it be that he wasn't actively trying to heal himself? Gene needed to know more.

As green Chakra flowed from his body to Maseru's and eventually enveloped the child entirely Gene took in the information as though he were unlocking the secrets of some catacomb, remaining intensely focused on the task at hand and determined to get down to the bottom of this odd phenomena. "What on earth...this is..." Gene's mouth was gaping in horror at what the diagnosis had been telling him. It was just as he had suspected, there should have been no way that Maseru could mend such intensive wounds in his current state and every sign from his circulatory system, chakra network and brain response pointed to exactly that. The boy was out and the damage he'd sustained wasn't being mended by him...but something else.

Inside of Maseru Gene discovered a source of power that far surpassed anything he had ever come across before and that was what had been responsible for such high speed regeneration. However, because that regeneration process actively sped up the cells in the body it'd been stealing a considerable amount of nutrients from the boy directly. If Gene were to handle this task he would need more than just the Iijutsu he had to his person; he would need monitors, tools, stacks and stacks of resources to pull from, tests and much much more. Again he'd arrived at the only feasible course of action-- getting Maseru to the medical corpse was the only way to truly help him now.

Ending the Diagnosis technique, Gene scooped the boy up in his arms supporting both of his legs with his left arm and the entirety of his torso with the other, cradling Maseru but making the sacrifice of sheathing his Tanto (which he had dropped on the ground in order to perform the medical diagnosis technique) in order to do it. Not willing to waste anymore time, he headed for the same entrance that he'd come from only hoping that the reinforcements he'd sent for had arrived and put out the flames. If not, it'd be a real problem getting out that way.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:29 pm
by Diatenshi
Iburu remained still as Gene approached. He was slightly nervous when the man began forming handseals but his worries were soon turned out to be unfounded as the man was merely using a diagnosis jutsu. He wasn't afraid the man would harm him as the man would have no way of recognising him while he was hidden inside the boys body.

He'd remain still as Gene picked up Masaru's body. He had a plan all his own. Let the fool take him back to camp and he'll unleash havoc there. In the mean time he can finish fixing up pretty boys body. Almost like a rebirth his new tissue was flawless, his old scars gone as if they never existed. His foot was the proper size now, yet still hot and glowing.

Iburu would make a mental map of his location, no longer active pushing the healing to be faster than the normal regeneration. Instead he rested and meditated, focusing on replenishing his chakra. He'd have quite the field day soon and he wanted to be well rested.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:29 pm
by Legacy
At the very least I can be certain that Maseru's life isn't in any mortal danger. What ever is responsible for his healing powers needs to be examined thoroughly though and that's something only some more trained than I can manage. Still...I can't shake this feeling that something isn't right about all of this. Where is the fire spirit from before? Why did it just abandon Maseru after going through all the trouble to capture him? Did it realize that Maseru didn't have what it was after or... did it succeed in its purpose and saw fit to dispose of Maseru after getting what it wanted? None of it makes any sense and that still doesn't explain how the boy was able to mend such mortal wounds so quickly and while unconscious no less....I don't like this. I wish that I could figure all of it out on my own but there are still pieces of the puzzle that I'm missing.

 Gene's mind had been anything but quiet throughout the entire trek exiting the cave and only when he'd finally managed to find the exit, cleared of the flames that previously plagued it by a squad of Konoha Shinobi waiting to greet him, did his mind finally stop working. "You must be the one who called for reinforcements. Sorry we're late, we got held up putting out the wild fires that seemed to have spread throughout this area. My name is Kotaru Senju and the three behind me from right to left are Nishki, Touya and Rikimaru. We're here to be your relief." Noticing the the boy who Gene had been carrying to be of Senju blood Kotaru furrowed a brow and sternly fixed his eyes to Gene as he moved to set the boy down. "Exactly what happened here?" Gene was in no mood to deal with the scrutiny being cast his way and would have liked to avoid talking for a while until he could figure out what was going on himself but considering the circumstance he quickly came to terms that pride was not worth Maseru's state of being. "I'll explain along the way, can you carry him?" Kotaru fought back an urge to protest and simply nodded, moving to pick up the young Senju and did so as though the boy had been as light as paper.

 In the moments that followed the group had departed quickly and Gene briefed the group about the situation as he had promised. about bad luck of the draw. So you don't know what happened to the Fire spirit then?" Rikimaru asked and Gene shook his head in response. They were all now in agreement that the situation had been much worse than initially imagined and now understood the reason behind Gene's sour mood. He had done what he could with what little information he had. Now, the rest was up to the medical corps provided they could even make it there without being ambushed by the spirit or some other hindrance. Kotaru was the one who spoke next, "I don't think it wise that we return to the village just yet. I'd like to analyze this child's body thoroughly if you don't mind - I feel the answers we seek may dwell within him." Everyone, including Gene, had stopped and stared at the older Senju with questionable expressions. Just what did he mean?...

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:29 pm
by Diatenshi
Iburu was currently oblivious to the newcomers. He'd been in the middle of meditating when his mind brushed against Masaru's giving him a glance into the boys psych. Though it was dangerous to merge to deeply with the boys body and mind lest he get stuck, Iburu was somewhat curious about the will of fire Masaru had mentioned. Diving into Masaru's psych he'd learn about konohagakure and the will of fire that Masaru spoke of. Though it found the idea ridiculous it actually admired Masaru for holding so firmly to his beliefs even if he did think he was wrong. While exploring Masaru's memories he began to delve a little to deep, cutting off his awareness of the outside world.

As such he didn't notice when Gene stopped moving. He never realized that Gene had put Masaru down. Instead Masaru's body was practically brain dead at the moment, Masaru himself being suppressed and the spirit loar inside his mind. From Masaru's mind Iburu learned about the man he had foughtand the location of the hidden village. He also found out that how long he was locked away in the tower and the answer only pissed him off. Over 1000 years he's been sealed away no wonder mankind forgot him.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:29 pm
by Legacy
For the next several minutes Kotaru explained to the group what he believed had taken place and left it to the others to either support or rebuke his hypothesis. To Gene, the only member of the group who had actually dealt with the spirit first hand, everything that Kotaru had said made far too much sense. Especially after he'd made it known that at some point when he'd tracked the large chakra source back the Cave they'd left moments ago that he'd suddenly stopped being able to sense the large signature completely. All four of the gathered Shinobi then fell into a unanimous agreement; until they figured out exactly what had been done to Maseru for themselves, he could not enter the village.

And so...

Maseru's still unconscious body had been propped up against a tree, stripped of his shirt and bound with a tree branch utilizing Senju clan ninjutsu. After the group had been sure that he could no longer move (for the time being) Kotaru requested that Gene use his medical diagnostic technique to probe for further details regarding Maseru's state of being and mind. Without needing to question the request Gene complied and to his surprise found that the boy's brain had been exuding signs of trauma, signs that had not been there before. "Something's wrong! It's as if he's being attacked by something but...I'm not sure what."  Nishiki chimed in, "It's possible that spirit may have invaded his body but we won't know for sure until I find out with this.." Weaving a short sequence of hand seals the middle-aged Shinobi's eyes suddenly began to glow a maroon color and almost immediately after he gasped. "This is bad! We cannot bring him back to the village there's definitely a spirit inside of him and its connecting quickly to his Chakra network. If we don't seal it away now to control its power then chances are it will over take this boy's body entirely. Fortunately, I can utilize sealing arts but I am no expert. The bind that I will place on him won't hold unless his will is strong enough."

 There was no complaints and Kotaru specifically, demanded that the sealing be done immediately without another word about the matter. Gene didn't understand what had made the man so anxious but thought it best not to ask. Meanwhile, he watched as Nishiki began weaving through the hand seals, apparently it would take a while  before he actually finished them.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:29 pm
by Diatenshi
While the elder senju was performing the hand seals toseal Iburu away, Iburu had gained full control of the boys body. He'd started out testing basic movements, wiggling his toes, making a fist ect. However all the while the movement test were going he hadn't opened his eyes.

Deep inside Masaru's body an internal battle was raging between Masaru and Iburu. Iburu kept trying to lock Masaru away for good however Masaru kept hanging on, his enduring will of fire his last line if defence. After a while Iburu gets irritated and splits his focus.he didn't plan to keep the boys body forever so there was no need to completely wipe out his psych. All he needed to do was keep control of the body.

Masaru's body would press forward with more strength than the boy had previously had, breaking through the restraints. He'd open his eyes and slowly look around taking in his surroundings. The eerie part about it was the eyes themselves. Anyone that had met Masaru knew his eyes were hazel. But the eyes in the boy in front of everyone had glowing orange eyes. Beginning to feel a restrictive force around him, Iburu attributed it to the old man's handseals and began a few handseals of his own before pointing his palm at the old Senju, releasing a fireball the size of a basketball.

Iburu didn't think this would harm the man but he was certain it would disrupt the jutsu he was trying to cast. Iburu would Smirk and perform a series of handseals his whole body igniting. He then charge forward and throw a punch towards Gene's face. Mean while Masaru's psych would be screaming and fighting against the restraints the spirit had placed on him. It was like a he was watching a movie, he could see everything that was happening and yet he couldn't move, he was a prisoner in his own body. He was worried he'd kill them while he didn't have control.

Searching for a way to get a message out Masaru realized the spirit was totally focused on fighting and as such had a few holes in his restraint.

"Don't worry about me just kill it! The village's safety is the priority it knows the location of Konoha! You have to sto-"

"Such a pesky child always interfering."

Masaru's message would be cut short as Iburu reaffirmed control of the boys mouth. From there the fight would continue both internally and externally.
*Katon • Fireball
D-Rank Ninjutsu
After performing the correct hand seals the aims his palm at the Target then shoots out a 1 foot diameter fireball at the opponent. It travels up to 10 meters away at a speed of 6 and a strength of 4.

*Katon • Humble Avatar of the Divine Sun God, Amaterasu
S-Rank Ninjutsu
By channeling katon chakra into their body the user both protects themselves from and coats themselves in flames. For 4 posts, their body constantly exerts around 1 meter of flames which push out from their body at a strength of 35. This causes the user's body to become a living flame, causing fire wherever they go and burning all life in their path. In addition to this, the user can just once over the span of the 4 posts cause their encapsulating flame to pulsate and expand out 20 meters at a speed of 35 for an instant before returning to it's normal size.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:30 pm
by Legacy
No one could have anticipated how things were progressing and to say that the group was surprised would have been an understatement. Gene, who had still been looking for an opportunity to rest and regain some of his stamina seemed to be the most agitated. While he wasn't anywhere near fatigued he'd already taken some damage early on when he'd chosen to charge through the flames instead of wait for reinforcement and those wounds were starting to bother him. As for the others; Kotaru and Nishiki were middle aged veterans who's purpose on the field seemed more support based than all out offensive as this situation demanded while Rikimaru and Touya were both Chunin who's specialties were more trap style based. As things were, Gene was the only one among them who could mount both a head on assault and play a supporting role and his stamina had been anything but ideal.

 "Tch. Why does this always have to happen?" Grumbled the Silver-haired Jounin, not attempting to hide his disdain. "If you've got time to complain then you've got time to fight! Worry about the little details later." Gene hated how the old man spoke to him but he couldn't deny that the man had been right. For all his age, it seemed that the Senju clan member had accumulated a rigid disposition. "Avoid using Shuriken and your Kunai knives; right now that boy may be under the possession of a spirit but if we kill it we risk killing the boy. Furthermore we don't know exactly how the spirit goes about selecting a host so killing off one of our own won't necessarily guarantee its defeat for good." Gene wished that he could say his claims were true for certain but when the spirit controlling Maseru unleased a Fire style attack Nishiki had been caught by surprise and the sudden exposition to the heated flames knocked him to the ground.

Touya dashed forward and grabbed his fallen comrade before bounding for the trees high above the battle ground to safety, leaving Gene and Kotaru to deal with the advancing Demon Maseru. Everything that the spirit touched ignited in a frightening display of flames with no discrimination for whatever the object had been. Observing this fact, Gene realized that he could not attempt to take down the spirit head on less he too be reduced to a searing blanket of ash. "Kotaru!" Gene shouted, utilizing the full extent of his speed to place distance between himself and the charging spirit, landing where Touya and Nishiki had been. Kotaru on the other hand, moved opposite the group and instead found safety on the opposite side of the forest with Maseru cutting him off from regrouping with the rest of the team. "As long as he's surrounded by those flame we can't touch him...we'll have to use Water style to beat him. produce a jutsu with the capability to do any damage here'd be impossible." Whispered Touya loud enough so that only Gene and the rest of the team could hear him.

 "Try and regroup with Kotaru. Tell him what you just told me. We'll have to lead him away from the village and toward a source of water and I know just the place. I won't be able to beat him if it's just me alone but with if we fight together then there just might be a chance." Gene's honesty had both concerned and uplifted the group as they knew what they needed to do. However, none felt comfortable with leaving him to play the decoy on his own. Still, all of them realized after seeing his quick escape that he was surely the fastest among the bunch and the most suited to the task. "Understood...Good luck, Gene."

While the others moved to reconnect with their Senju comrade, Gene blitzed the spirit with Shuriken and Kunai knives. Granted the flames may have burned the projectiles before they'd actually reached it, he figured it'd be enough to garner the Spirit's attention. "Alright you bastard. Your fight is with me now."  

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:30 pm
by Diatenshi
Ninjutsu: 45
Taijutsu: 35
"Fine by me. I'll torture you just like I tortured the kid only this time no one is going to patch you up when I'm done."

Iburu would groan as the the projectiles flew through the flame. While the flames were hot enough to melt them, it didn't burn them up entirely and the molten metal splashed on his skin. It burned as it dripped down, leaving furrows in his skin that healed almost as fast as they formed. He growled irritated and charged forward. He didn't even swing or try to fight knowing the strength from the flames themselves would be a threat in and of themselves. Using his body in a full body tackle Iburu would charge forward aiming to grab Gene and crush him in his arms holding him until he is incinerated.

As Iburu charged forward his flames would ignite the forest around him the ravenous flames spreading wildly out of control. If nothing was done to corral the flames they'd spread unendingly. Inside Masaru was struggling against the massive energies of the spirit as he tried to reassert control. As determined and strong willed as he was, he just couldn't beat the ancient spirit. He had noticed that when Iburu was healing his resistance had weakened. It gave him a plan but he had no way to tell Gene. He theorized if that healing his body earlier had actually taken a lot of the spirit and if they could keep hurting him and making it heal it'd run out of energy and he'd be able to reassert control.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:30 pm
by Legacy
Now that he'd accepted the task of acting as the decoy there was no turning back. Any doubts or concerns that Gene may have had about his strategy would have to be put on hold until both his team managed to regroup and he'd fulfilled his obligation of luring such a repulsive beast away from the village. Focus on the mission at hand,Gene told himself. He knew that his enemy would try anything to get under his skin and while the comment had agitated him Gene would not give the spirit the satisfaction of knowing that he'd succeeded. Instead, when the spirit charged at him Gene quickly darted from the tree branch he'd been standing on in order to ascend well over the tree line before landing with a soft thud on another branch five meters south of where he'd been before. Taking the time to glance back at what became of the tree he'd previously been on Gene was mortified. Had he stuck around even a second longer there was no doubt that he would have been incinerated completely! Yet another reminder that there was no room for error, he had to put a stop to creature and quickly!

 While he had the element of surprise (or even if he didn't) Gene removed two explosive tags from his rear hip pouch in addition to a Kunai knife. Without a second to waste he'd wrapped one of the Paper bombs around the handle of the Kunai and flung it with all of his might toward the spirit, aiming for a space of scorched earth one meter away from where the beast controlling Maseru had been standing. Because of the fiery cloak Gene knew that he wouldn't be able to inflict damage directly but the added kinetic force of a paper bomb just might have been enough to at least create some kind of injury when coupled with the shrapnel that was sure to be blown asunder - inflicting mortal damage had not been his intent in the first place however; he already had the spirits attention, all he needed to do now was get it angry enough to pursue him blindly.

"Oi, where are you looking?!" Gene called out to the spirit, intentionally announcing his location before bringing his left hand up in a make-shift Kai hand seal. When the paper bomb responded to Gene's chakra command the tag began to glow white and in the moment that followed immediately after all of its stored kinetic force was released causing a thunderous BOOM. Black smoke permeated from the zone of detonation and pieces of metal among other things were sent every which way indiscriminately! A part of Gene felt bad for having to injure Maseru's body but that feeling came nowhere near close to his desire to keep the village and its surrounding smaller towns safe from an ominous demon spirit. In the aftermath of the blast Gene peered through the smoke searching for signs of his target.

"Did that do it?"

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:30 pm
by Diatenshi
Iburu would roar as he crashed through the tree, the intense heat burning a hole straight through to the other side landing on the ground below. As he landed however he'd hear a thunk and then a mocking remark, then shortly after the ground around him would explode knocking him back a meter. Growling he'd rise back up and charge towards the trees his arms burning through the trunks as he runs felling every tree encounters. As he charged forward he would look around for the bastard that caused the explosion.

Iburu was getting annoyed with the man's projectiles. They couldn't harm him but they could still disrupt his movements. Ad to that he was running out of time. This jutsu took a lot of chakra to use and he'd already spent a lot healing the boys body. With that in mind he'd jump and the flames around his body would blast out like a huge explosion. The flames would rapidly consume the vegetation with in a 20 meter radius making him look like a miniature sun moving through the forest. Iburu would be somewhat upset over the deaths of the forest animals but such is the way of life. He'd claimed many lives through the forest fires he'd caused over the centuries. He decided he would make Gene suffer longer in atonement for their deaths as he hadn't planned to burn this portion of the forest.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:30 pm
by Legacy
Among the ensuing chaos Gene identified his enemy and confirmed his suspicions. Through the wrapping cloud of brown and black smoke he could still make out the vibrant burning flames of the demon spirit, their crackling to his ears acting as a sign of both defiance and a manifestation of the spirits incredibly strong will. Never before had the Specialist witnessed so powerful a Katon based chakra that the very ground, forest and even the very air he breathed buckled under its intense presence. Fighting a spirit beast with a team was difficult enough; his experience with a Suiton monster and brief encounter with an Earth elemental being a true testament to that but now he was alone and could truly appreciate both the aid of his comrades in the past & the awe inspiring power of the Chakra beasts. However, there was no time to dwell on the phenomena happening in front of him and Gene reset his mind to the task at hand.

 With his ever watchful eyes trained to the scene in front of him Gene took note of the spirit beast springing into action and immediately sought to gain more distance by pushing off of the branch he'd been standing on using the refined muscles in his legs to propel him fast in the opposite direction. Only when he came back down to another branch's surface three meters away from where he'd originally been, did Gene realize what the spirit had been planning. His eyes widened and he cursed under his breath as the flames wrapping the spirit violently pulsated outward in a rolling storm of pure and total destruction. "Not good!" If he were going to escape being turned into ash then Gene would have to break his line of sight of the spirit and devote all of his attention and focus to one goal: Staying alive.

Swiftly pivoting on his hind foot Gene took off in the opposite direction of the destruction chasing after him, seeking to swallow him whole in a cataclysm. He ran and leaped as fast and far as his legs would take him sparing no quarter of thought to the animals who were unlucky enough to ignore his frenzied pace as he passed by them. Their fates, tragic as it may have been, was not his concern. His lungs burned in his chest and every attempt to swallow had been choked out by a desire to pull in air only to burn out the oxygen just as quickly as he'd gathered it. With a drumming heart and boiling blood the young Specialist hauled ass for the falls all the while trying his hardest not to acknowledge the growling fire at his back. A single glance beyond his shoulder as he ran only confirmed what he'd already knew...the only thing keeping his mind at ease was knowing that Kotaru and the others would be waiting for him.

  Just a bit further now...then I can make this son of a bitch pay!

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:31 pm
by Diatenshi
As the flames withdrew Iburu would roar knowing he'd missed his target. He was frustrated because he kept having to heal the body he was in as he was pushing it way past it's normal limits. He was faster and stronger than this weak human shell that he was hiding in and he was using his ability to regenerate to counteract the destruction of his muscles and even then he was still too slow for his liking.

He contemplated suggesting a trade to the target. His body for the boys. He wasn't sure if he'd take the trade or not. Probably not as the boys value was clearly lesser. After all it clearly couldn't keep up with the man he was chasing on it's own. This body definitely wouldn't last and he smiled imagining the anguish thean would feel as he watched the destruction of the boys body.

Despite the enjoyment it would bring him to watch the man destroy the boy for the moment his life was tied to the boy's. As such Iburu slowed his pace and cancelled the jutsu. The flames would dissipate though the vegetation that was burning would continue to do so.  As he looked forward he noticed a large body of water and thus stopped at the edge of the trees not moving any further.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:31 pm
by Legacy
Just as the spirit controlling Masaru came to a halt, the earth beneath his feet buckled and then split violently in sections until a rectangle of Earth about the sizeof a door had remained. Of course, this door sized rectangle also happened to have a body standing on top of it, Masaru. Distracted in his pursuit of Gene the spirit seemed to have lost track of the other Shinobi that had been present before all hell broke loose and now one of those Shinobi, Nishiki, had returned to drop the curtain on Gene's act of valor. Under his control the small section of Earth raised to an incline and then shot forward almost at the speed of a canon - likely taking the young Masaru along for a ride with it.

 The aim was project the spirit onto the water's surface and eliminate its ability to send everything that it touched into a roaring blaze. From that point forward, the group would combine their strengths and do everything within their power both to take down the spirit and to prevent any further harm from coming to its Genin container...if such was still a viable option.  Gene, who had found himself a nice foot hold to stand on in the form of a floating log (kept from flowing upstream by Kotaru's chakra) began weaving the hand seals for a technique that would do an incredible amount of damage in this environment; as did Touya, who could be found behind cover on the opposite end of the waterfall.

They had led the spirit far enough. It was time for the final showdown.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:31 pm
by Diatenshi
Iburu wasn't expecting the sudden sneak attack and thus was unable to avoid being launched with the section of earth. Disoriented from the sudden launch Iburu would be unable to break away from the flying mass of earth using Masaru's weak body. Instead of trying to jump off, he rolled over and dug his way through the block of earth using a set of flaming claws.

He'd climb on top and land on the river standing on the waters surface. He was furious and felt as if he'd been played a fool. He wasn't about to take it lying down and it was clear this had been planned from the beginning. Iburu needed to regain the initiative and get the upper hand. He was going to have to fight for his life because if he lost he'd either be sealed away again or destroyed, and he'd be damned if his freedom was cut short.

Re: Enduring Will of Fire[PlotBoard]

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:31 pm
by Legacy
[chapter end]