Don't Ever Fucking Doubt Me

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Don't Ever Fucking Doubt Me

Post by Sia » Mon Jan 20, 2025 6:56 pm

"I'm sorry to say that the entertainment you are watching is extremely unpleasant."

Never in the history of the world would their be a more suited host for the Hell Genma than Jinrai, Akistar. Their merging and coming into being was prewritten in song, in the stars. Destined from birth for this feat, another Jinrai had of course attempted the task first, but had failed in comparison. Of course they had, for it was Jinrai, Akistar alone whom would have the Hell Genma for the rest of eternity.

They were a perfect match, it was too good to be true! The mortals of Saigen had no idea what he would do. Jinrai, Akistar, as the host of the Hell Genma?

Cry. It wasn't a thought. It was a command. The word exited Akistar's mouth and dyed the very air in front of him red as it was spoken, causing the room to start to change colors.

"If There's One Thing You Should Learn About Me..."

There was a slight pause before the next line left Akistar's lips, which, the next line came out more of a guttural scream that made everyone in the room recoil immediately in very real fear as the Hell Genma Aura shot out of Akistar wildly, red tendrils erupting from his back and reaching out into the room and shrouding the lights in red before he said the next line. It had happened so quickly it had frightened practically everyone, except for the workers, who were used to it by now.

The bass that followed the line shook the entire building immediately with pink and red chakra that bounced up and down and made lights cast around everyone's drinks. The lights changed shapes, turning into little characters of kanji and words and danced around on the bar, on the round tables, and on the plates of food. The liquid in their drinks rumbled and the ice clinked at the glass wildly. Rice stirred around on plates, unable to remain stationary.

They were little wisps of red and pink light, they fluttered around the room as Akistar's voice shot out of himself with a blend of red and pink chakra in perfectly crafted and horrible unison.

It was horrible, horrendous, hateful, and hovel. Lovely though, really. Charming, even. Okay, fine, it was amazing. He sounded good, there was no denying it.

Akistar's voice was a tainted perversion of a normal voice. It sounded as though he were speaking through an incredibly old radio at any given particular moment. No matter what, when Akistar talked, that's what it sounded like now.

The red Hell Genma Aura oozed out from him as he spoke, encircling around him and forming into a nice suit, vest, boots, and tie, with a long flowing coat that much resembled a cloak, and it had a ridiculously large hood that drooped over his face and shrouded his appearance entirely in red. The outfit was made of aura chakra a unique property to him.

He performed at this inn often, this lovely little bar, restaurant, inn combination that was very popular in Kumogakure.

The music was nice, but, Akistar wasn't actually singing yet. No, he took his time and let the song build up for a while. When Akistar's voice finally sang rather than spoke it was undeniably beautiful. Hairs stood on end, skins became riddled with goosebumps, and spines were as it was quite chilled. A shiver went down the spines of the citizens of the bar, though the workers had grown quite used to it by now.

It was a Tuesday night. It was not terribly busy in the bar, their were only about six customers at various tables, two to a table, and each of them already had food. The bar was rather sizeable, easily a few hundred meters square foot and had an upstairs as well as a basement. Upstairs were many rooms for rent for short or long term and their was much supplies and food stored below. It was rather known that the Hell Genma host liked this restaurant, unfortunately, as he was rather brazen about using his abilities whilst singing and performing.

As such, there was always an additional level of security at this location, which would have been annoying except that they actually did a fantastic job of staying very well out of the way, and, they were of course also paying customers, which helped.

Ishiguro, Cros was on the scene today.

She was Akistar's most recent Jinchuuriki Bodyguard, and the one that he had had for the longest so far. He had unfortunately fired absolutely every single one of the other ones.

He didn't fire Cros because she scared the Genma inside of him which was something Akistar thought was important in having a bodyguard, since Onegu did not have such a reaction to literally any of the other candidates ever.

Cros, as it was, was tasked with making sure Aksitar became what he needed to, and that meant putting him together into a team, eventually.

Whether or not she was to be in charge of the team herself was irrelevant, she would if she could help it find someone else to do the job, since she had to focus on Akistar.

On the other hand, she already had to focus on Aksitar, so taking on two others wouldn't be so burdensome of a task in the grand scheme of things.

She shook her head and let the thought slip away as she sipped what she was now discovering was actually an incredibly strong drink, which she had previously not realized was alcoholic. "Oh well, at least it tastes good," she had said to one of the other guards with a chuckle.

She wondered if any genin would show up that night. Young folks often came around this place at night with or without their families, the food was very renown.
Last edited by Sia on Tue Jan 21, 2025 12:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
The 25/75 rule isn't hard and fast, you guys can do more. but the more you go over it, the less likely people are to check it
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

User avatar
Posts: 121
Joined: Mon Apr 22, 2024 8:38 pm
User flair: Sludge at the bottom of the can

Don't Ever Fucking Doubt Me

Post by Bexhex » Thu Jan 23, 2025 6:51 am

Amaki sat outside of the local hotspot bar she didn't wear her torn jacket like she normally would but instead a tight necked sweater her black skirt and long thigh highs, and of course her her kumo headband over her eyepatch. She had heard alot of talk about the tasteful food, sweet drinks, and most importantly the music. She never had the chance to really indulge herself in the luxuries such as this. Typically she only grabbed food then left off on her next venture, but tonight, she was excited. She had heard a small rumor that someone of the Jinrai name played here, of course, Amaki having just learned of them from a recent friend was interested in seeing a performance by one, she hoped she was lucky enough to see it. She stood outside the bar a small shiver crept up her back as the cold mountain air rushed up her spine, "I guess I can just walk in? she said as she slowly pushed open the door.

The bar was not to her initial expectations, or rather, the air inside the bar was so.... empty. She looked around as the stage slowly set up for its next act, some small talk amongst the roughly six patrons currently here. The bar itself was a clever arrangement, the drinks and kitchen that laid on the outskirts followed by the mass of tables and chairs for a full house to sit that arranged themselves around a stage along the far wall of the building. This was where she would hope to see the performance she hoped for. She sat down at a table, and the current lack of business led the waiting staff to come up producing a small menu of items, Amaki ordered a small drink giving a quick scan of the menu, she pointed to a random drink under the lest of "fruity flavors," and made a small order of takoyaki. She took in the air of the room watching the other patrons, most lost in their talks. Amaki wished she had come here with someone, not having understood that tuesdays and bars mix as well as oil and water. She figured the hotspot would have been packed beyond belief, but drinks and a "night out" are better suited to weekends. She shrugged her shoulders seeing the stage light up, and the young performer walked onto the stage. His hair was filled with styled spikes that gave the punkish look when combined with his style. Amaki found herself intrigued by his in your face style, but was quickly had her attention pulled away by the warm fried scent of takoyaki as it was brought to the table.

Amaki grabbed the toothpick sitting on of the five that sat there and raised it to her mouth the savory flavor filled her mouth as the crunch followed by the creamy yet chewy texture filled her mouth. "MMM, soo yummy," her eyes opened in amazement at the flavor of the small appetizer. Reaching grabbing the light pink drink that had been brought to the table and raising the straw to her mouth. What she expected was the potently sweet taste of some pink or red fruit, but instead was met with the carbonated taste of seltzer, and shavings of pulpy watermelon that gave it a weak but unique taste. While the beverage wasn't innately unpalpable, Amaki's diet consisted typically of things filled with so much sugar it would kill sugar ants. She finished swallowing and made a bitter face as she stuck her tongue out sliding the drink to the far edge of the table. She didn't plan to drink any more of that while she was here.

Amaki slowly worked through her takoyaki, managing to get to the last one. The bar was winding down, the performance still yet to begin as the mic waved on, the spikey haired boy on stage spoke the first lines of his performance. Amaki sat head propped up by her arm that laid on the table, as she pulled the last takoyaki up to her mouth. She waved it there in front of her, as the boy spoke his voice hanging in the air with a subtle distortion, which had her raise an eyebrow in curiosity. The lights dimmed by some kind of power that emitted from the boys voice, blanketing the room in a veil of red. Having been unable to make out his words at first mostly because of her attention being pulled, she found herself drawn in by the red aura that filled her vision. The room fell deathly silent as he made a slight pause, this time Amaki heard every word he had to say.

The boy on stage bellowed as the sounds of heavy bass rocked the building. Amaki shot up falling out of her seat onto the floor sending her little ball of takoyaki bouncing and rolling across the floor. She sat up in shock at the display of red and pink chakra that beamed around the room and the fantastical display on stage, but she looked around seeing her takoyaki having now rolled over to a small table with a few patrons watchin rather unshocked by the performance, Amaki ran up seeing the small takoyaki on the ground and looked at the woman it was nearby. Her long silver hair sat resting against her back as the woman made eye contact with her. "Eh-heh, uhm, I'm sorry miss...," Amaki said flustered at the woman's stare, "Uh, takoyaki," she said as she picked it up showing it to the woman awkwardly, and quickly turned to bounce back to her table thoroughly embarrassed by her awkward run in.
Last edited by Bexhex on Thu Jan 23, 2025 6:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Active Characters
Village of OriginCharacter Name & LinkRankColor
Kumogakure No SatoSenkuma Amaki "Ina"Genin[color=skyblue][/color]
Kirigakure No SatoAisu, FumikoGenin[color=Violet][/color]
Land of TidesKuruma, NanamiA-rank[color=lightgreen][/color]

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Don't Ever Fucking Doubt Me

Post by Kabu » Sun Jan 26, 2025 4:12 am

Normally a loud boisterous restaurant like this wouldn't have been Kyou's first, second, or even third choice for a hangout spot but... Hazuki had heard about a place with some good food and had excitedly dragged her along to spend some quality time together. She had of course wanted to refuse but she had never been able to turn down her sister's most earnest requests and that continued even now.

That led to the current moment, Kyou letting out a sigh as she tried to tune out the noises and focus on observing the area around her. The music was fine and all but she couldn't say she was particularly enthused, much unlike her sister and most of the other patrons. Speaking of... a quick glance towards her sister showed the girl having been thoroughly drawn in by the act, fancy lightshow and all. She had to admit that it was a very nice sight and the boy singing on stage wasn't particularly bad... but still she didn't quite 'get' it as it were. She didn't understand how all these people were so strongly being drawn in while she meanwhile couldn't help but wince as the music hit a fever pitch. She was fine with the music while it was more mellow but she truly despised particularly loud sounds, she was only putting up with it for her sister's sake.

Welll.... she did have another reason, she thought to herself as she shoved a spoon into her mouth. With all that said the food was really quite nice. For her meal she had ordered a rather large serving of a deliciously spicy curry. She hadn't yet touched her drink, instead opting to resume shoveling spoonfuls of curry and rice into her mouth. "Ahhh the spice level is perfect and I'm in bliss." she happily muttered to herself, her free hand resting on her cheek as she ate.

Perhaps this night wouldn't be quite so bad after all...
Last edited by Kabu on Sun Jan 26, 2025 4:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Shinsen Kyoko - #99840A
Ibakuro Rin - #9E4FA5
Nakiya Hotaru - #9E540A
Nakano Kiyomi - #8E47AD], Nakano Ayaka - #0C1C8C
Fukusha Nezumi - #E00747
Karagata Yamada - #CE1126, Makura Ayame - #7251BC
Yamanaka Inomi - #FC70BA
Kabu's Test Thread

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User flair: I am made to protect and destroy.

Don't Ever Fucking Doubt Me

Post by Sia » Mon Jan 27, 2025 9:56 am

The newest Hell Genma host, Jinrai, Akistar was finishing out his song wonderfully. It was a deathly, metallic, evil-sounding song that mostly disturbed the older patrons but fortunately it did not last very long. The metallic song and warble was soon marvelously and ludicrously replaced with a soft series of chords and low piano notes, then some claps, like blocks of wood together, then suddenly everything in the entire room changed most suddenly and all of a sudden. Yes, indeed, very quickly and not quietly the room spurred around, the tables, the chairs, everything began to move around and shift, rearranging the furniture and restaurant itself as the seats moved in tandem to the music. The red and pink lights pushed the furniture around, though it did it quite softly, not so jarringly.

Utilizing an offset of pink vibration chakra Akistar made the motions of the furniture fluid and smooth. Well, he did not actually do this himself. This was the red chakra, the autonomous aura chakra, the Hell Genma's blessing. Without a thought it automated the task and slithered around the floor, stopping things that were falling from tables and lifting them back up into position. Even liquid that had spilled was lifted back upwards into the air most flawlessly and transported, transponder, back into their chalices.

Then all of the lights and chakra turned dark green and the music got much louder, with bass slamming into the room suddenly as Akistar began playing an rather peculiar instrument rather than singing.

It was a singular guitar chord, floating in the air in front of him, yet, every time he struck it, a different sound would come out. He played it with all... Fourty of his fingers.

Cros had to admit she was impressed with his progress. The additional limbs made of Hell Genma chakra and controlling the fine digits of them, that is, the fingers, in the manner that he was, in order to pluck at the string correctly with over forty fingers. It was an impressive feat, in her eyes. It was nice then, that the music did indeed sound good.

"Think nothing of it," Cros had said to the young girl that had stumbled upon her, though she kept an eye on her.

"I feel like I've seen her before." Cros had said to one of the other Jounin.

"Ah, yeah, I think they're a genin? I'll look them up, hold on."

Hold on Cros did, as her associate pulled out a small book, flipped a few pages over before a few poofs of light blue chakra shot out of the books pages and began forming into pictures of everyone on the bar, though this was notably obscured from everyone's view except for his and Cros'.

"Actually it looks like there's a few genin here tonight," he had told Cros finally, pointing the both of them out to her.

"How about that. Are they worth anything?" She had asked.

"That one's an Arashiyama, though the other one is considerably stronger than them, by...well a lot."

Akistar continued plucking at the string, using a combination of vibration and autonomous chakra to eavesdrop on Cros' conversation. He also used a combination of this chakra to order more Takoyaki for the newcomer, as well as some for himself for when he was done playing his music.
Last edited by Sia on Mon Jan 27, 2025 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
The 25/75 rule isn't hard and fast, you guys can do more. but the more you go over it, the less likely people are to check it
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

User avatar
Posts: 121
Joined: Mon Apr 22, 2024 8:38 pm
User flair: Sludge at the bottom of the can

Don't Ever Fucking Doubt Me

Post by Bexhex » Tue Jan 28, 2025 5:02 pm

Amaki returned to her seat thoroughly embarrassed, placing the takoyaki onto a plate and sliding it to the edge of the table. She was still a bit on edge from the music, and while it wasn't bad it invoked strong feelings inside her, the surprise rises and falls between the lyrics mixed with the frequent use of some jutsu or technique to make the light show that was so enamoring was something that held her attention. Amaki sat transfixed as the performer plucked at his guitar, the vibrations, that radiated off seemed to echo across the room. Whoever they were she surmised the techniques being used were most likely a complicated jutsu of some kind. Perhaps they are a shinobi as well? she thought to herself. She wasn't lost in her thought for long before another plate of takoyaki was brought to her table. Amaki looked around in shock, "I, uhm, I didn't order that," she said to the waitress as the she sat the plate down. She smiled and gave her explanation explaining someone made the order for her and themselves.

Amaki sat back in confusion at who would have made that order, was it the woman she threw herself in front of? Perhaps someone took notice? She looked behind her seeing the silver haired woman talking with another while sipping on her drink but then turned around. "Oh well bottoms up!," she said joyfully tossing another takoyaki into her mouth. and munching on it while the music was coming to a close. She had to talk with that boy his music was something different and maybe he knew the Jinrai that performed here.

She looked around and suddenly smelled the delicious scent of the spicy curry a few tables over. The young girl, about Amaki's age seemed to be enjoying the food that was set down in front of her, and more so than the show. Amaki couldn't argue though it smelled heavenly the spices that wafted off the dish causing her to salivate as much as the Takoyaki in front of her. Amaki suddenly recoiled, realizing how badly she was staring, she waved away the air in front of her looking over to the stage again. Hoping the girl at the table over was more interested in her food than her surroundings.
Active Characters
Village of OriginCharacter Name & LinkRankColor
Kumogakure No SatoSenkuma Amaki "Ina"Genin[color=skyblue][/color]
Kirigakure No SatoAisu, FumikoGenin[color=Violet][/color]
Land of TidesKuruma, NanamiA-rank[color=lightgreen][/color]

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Posts: 8407
Joined: Thu May 09, 2013 8:00 pm

Don't Ever Fucking Doubt Me

Post by Kabu » Thu Feb 06, 2025 12:50 am

Even as she enjoyed her food Kyou couldn't help but feel like she was being watched, her nose wrinkling at the thought. She was used to being watched from a distance but it didn't mean she liked it. It was made all the worse at a time like this where she should be blending into the background. All the same... she could sense that these stares were not of disdain but rather felt much more innocent.

Just in time she looked up to briefly meet eyes with the takoyaki girl. Curiously she didn't seem to be staring at her after all but rather at her food, Kyou protectively hugging her plate close as she stuffed her spoon in her mouth. It was quite honestly... confusing. How... do I deal with this? she thought to herself, unconsciously frowning as she did. Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, she really wasn't sure, the girl looked away before she could come up with an answer.

Oh well... she let out a sigh, glancing over at her sister whom was still enraptured by the music. Hazuki normally would have marched right up to that girl and said hi. She unfortunately just wasn't the kind of person to go and talk to strangers even if they were around her own age. It truly didn't help her discomfort any with the fact that there were several adults around....

Why did I let myself be dragged along here... I don't know the first thing about what I'm supposed to do at a time like this.
Last edited by Kabu on Thu Feb 06, 2025 12:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
Shinsen Kyoko - #99840A
Ibakuro Rin - #9E4FA5
Nakiya Hotaru - #9E540A
Nakano Kiyomi - #8E47AD], Nakano Ayaka - #0C1C8C
Fukusha Nezumi - #E00747
Karagata Yamada - #CE1126, Makura Ayame - #7251BC
Yamanaka Inomi - #FC70BA
Kabu's Test Thread


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