"I'm sorry to say that the entertainment you are watching is extremely unpleasant."
Never in the history of the world would their be a more suited host for the Hell Genma than Jinrai, Akistar. Their merging and coming into being was prewritten in song, in the stars. Destined from birth for this feat, another Jinrai had of course attempted the task first, but had failed in comparison. Of course they had, for it was Jinrai, Akistar alone whom would have the Hell Genma for the rest of eternity.
They were a perfect match, it was too good to be true! The mortals of Saigen had no idea what he would do. Jinrai, Akistar, as the host of the Hell Genma?
Cry. It wasn't a thought. It was a command. The word exited Akistar's mouth and dyed the very air in front of him red as it was spoken, causing the room to start to change colors.
"If There's One Thing You Should Learn About Me..."
There was a slight pause before the next line left Akistar's lips, which, the next line came out more of a guttural scream that made everyone in the room recoil immediately in very real fear as the Hell Genma Aura shot out of Akistar wildly, red tendrils erupting from his back and reaching out into the room and shrouding the lights in red before he said the next line. It had happened so quickly it had frightened practically everyone, except for the workers, who were used to it by now.
The bass that followed the line shook the entire building immediately with pink and red chakra that bounced up and down and made lights cast around everyone's drinks. The lights changed shapes, turning into little characters of kanji and words and danced around on the bar, on the round tables, and on the plates of food. The liquid in their drinks rumbled and the ice clinked at the glass wildly. Rice stirred around on plates, unable to remain stationary.
They were little wisps of red and pink light, they fluttered around the room as Akistar's voice shot out of himself with a blend of red and pink chakra in perfectly crafted and horrible unison.
It was horrible, horrendous, hateful, and hovel. Lovely though, really. Charming, even. Okay, fine, it was amazing. He sounded good, there was no denying it.
Akistar's voice was a tainted perversion of a normal voice. It sounded as though he were speaking through an incredibly old radio at any given particular moment. No matter what, when Akistar talked, that's what it sounded like now.
The red Hell Genma Aura oozed out from him as he spoke, encircling around him and forming into a nice suit, vest, boots, and tie, with a long flowing coat that much resembled a cloak, and it had a ridiculously large hood that drooped over his face and shrouded his appearance entirely in red. The outfit was made of aura chakra a unique property to him.
He performed at this inn often, this lovely little bar, restaurant, inn combination that was very popular in Kumogakure.
The music was nice, but, Akistar wasn't actually singing yet. No, he took his time and let the song build up for a while. When Akistar's voice finally sang rather than spoke it was undeniably beautiful. Hairs stood on end, skins became riddled with goosebumps, and spines were as it was quite chilled. A shiver went down the spines of the citizens of the bar, though the workers had grown quite used to it by now.
It was a Tuesday night. It was not terribly busy in the bar, their were only about six customers at various tables, two to a table, and each of them already had food. The bar was rather sizeable, easily a few hundred meters square foot and had an upstairs as well as a basement. Upstairs were many rooms for rent for short or long term and their was much supplies and food stored below. It was rather known that the Hell Genma host liked this restaurant, unfortunately, as he was rather brazen about using his abilities whilst singing and performing.
As such, there was always an additional level of security at this location, which would have been annoying except that they actually did a fantastic job of staying very well out of the way, and, they were of course also paying customers, which helped.
Ishiguro, Cros was on the scene today.
She was Akistar's most recent Jinchuuriki Bodyguard, and the one that he had had for the longest so far. He had unfortunately fired absolutely every single one of the other ones.
He didn't fire Cros because she scared the Genma inside of him which was something Akistar thought was important in having a bodyguard, since Onegu did not have such a reaction to literally any of the other candidates ever.
Cros, as it was, was tasked with making sure Aksitar became what he needed to, and that meant putting him together into a team, eventually.
Whether or not she was to be in charge of the team herself was irrelevant, she would if she could help it find someone else to do the job, since she had to focus on Akistar.
On the other hand, she already had to focus on Aksitar, so taking on two others wouldn't be so burdensome of a task in the grand scheme of things.
She shook her head and let the thought slip away as she sipped what she was now discovering was actually an incredibly strong drink, which she had previously not realized was alcoholic. "Oh well, at least it tastes good," she had said to one of the other guards with a chuckle.
She wondered if any genin would show up that night. Young folks often came around this place at night with or without their families, the food was very renown.