A Bond Charged

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A Bond Charged

Post by zory_alechiv » Fri Jan 31, 2025 3:59 pm

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Nara Eiko

My bones are stained with sin, scorched from fires, broken by betrayals, cold in loneliness, soaked in blood. Why? Because no one else can do what I do.

General Information Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 5’7’’
Weight: 150 lbs
Physical Features:
Face/head: Eiko has dark brown eyes, nearly black hair, and two scars that will peak up from under his mask towards the bottom of his eyes. Without his mask, it is clear that someone attempted to carve a smile on his face.
Body: Eiko is very thin and always on the go. Most might see her frame as delicate, fragile even, but she is far stronger than she looks.
  • Notable Features:
    - Scars on his face
    -Dark Brown eyes
    -Pale skin
Clothing/Accessories: Eiko always, always wears a mask over his face from just below his eyes, down to cover up the scars he sustained on a mission. He often wears dark clothing, covering up his form completely.

Personality: Introverted, Observant, Thinking, and Prospecting. He has an individualistic mindset, pursuing goals without needing much external connection. Eiko engages in life with inquisitiveness and personal skill, varying their approach as needed. He loves to explore with his hands and his eyes, touching and examining the world around him with an impressive diligence, a casual curiosity, and a healthy dose of skepticism. He is a natural maker, moving from project to project, building the useful and the superfluous and learns from his environment as he goes. He finds no greater joy than in getting his hands dirty pulling things apart and putting them back together, leaving them just a little bit better than they were before. What you see, is what you get.
Eiko cherishes alone time and personal autonomy much more than the average person does. Consequently, when he does decide to participate in some mingling, he is very selective about who she engages with. He is like a well-kept secret – not everyone gets the privilege of being their friend.
  • General:
  • Hopes/Dreams: Revenge on the ones to kill his twin.
  • Fears: He claims to fear nothing, but his biggest fear is failure.
  • Combat Mentality:-Tactical

Battle Information Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Special Jounin
  • Chakra Pool: 20
  • Endurance: 20
  • Control: 20
  • Strength: 20
  • Speed: 20
  • Willpower: 20
  • Power Rank: B-Rank
Historical AccountsShow

Eiko grew up with her twin brother, Jashin. From the time the two were born, they were inseparable, even becoming each others friendly rivals in the academy. When they became genin, they were separated in their teams, but the two continued to challenge each other. Once they became old enough, they both completed the Chunin exams together, and then the Jounin exam.

Though they were inseparable, the two were complete opposites. Eiko never went anywhere without a smile and Jashin always seemed to be tagged along where ever his twin went. Eventually, as the two became active on the mission roster, they often worked together.

It would be on a mission where they crossed Jounin from Kirigakure that everything changed. Eiko and Jashin put up a fight and seemed to be the duo to come out on top. Eiko however would be nicked with a poison and went down. Now it was two against one and the Kirigakure nin managed to get him down before carving a permanent smile into his face. Eiko, in order to save him, used the rest of his strength to jump back into the fray, managing to kill one of the nin before being gutted by the other.

Jashin, in his rage and against the blood on his face viciously stabbed the other until they were unrecognizable, but the pain of losing his sister remained. He felt that it should have been his sister who lived and was ashamed of his own survival. Deciding to have his twin live through him, he changed outward appearances. Being close in stature with Eiko, he was able to look identical, and claiming the scars on his face as the result of his mask, he hid his masculinity even easier so he wouldn't have to keep up a constant henge. He became secluded and though his family tried to reach out to him, he stayed away from them. Eventually, he would join ANBU, finding that blood of Konoha's enemies and the deer and the woods were his only solace.

Takeshi is the only one to know his true identity as Jashin goes by Eiko.

Maybe it was the fact that Takeshi knew them to be skittish, but Eiko wasn't sure about secluding themselves in between two mountains with only one entrance and one exit. Would they have chickened out? No, but it wasn't like they would have made any allies or friends here either and they knew it. Out of their entire team, Takeshi was the only one they were comfortable with. The man knew their secret and had no judgement, only respect. It was enough to gain some semblance of loyalty and friendship from the reclusive Nara. Eventually they would talk, but Takeshi respected their privacy and that was enough for them for now.

Eiko wore simple clothing: baggy, black pants and an equally baggy, black shirt. Their hands were covered in dark gloves and around their neck was a long scarf. Bandages lined their calves and arms that their clothes didn't cover and pulled up over the bridge of their nose was a mask. Their Konoha hiate was tied around their thigh. Their long, dark brown hair was tied into a high ponytail but the strands still reached down to the middle of their back.

"You know," Eiko started, not normally one to start conversations, "despite all of the rumors, I didn't quite expect Kumo to be this fortified." There was a sense of awe in their tone as well as trepidation. They turned to look at the man beside them, inclining their head towards the two mountains they could see in the distance. However, they knew walls weren't everything. After all, look at what had happened to Suna. They were just glad Konoha seemed safe, for now.

"So is this a pleasure trip for you? To watch your friends beat my ass?" Despite the joking words, their tone remained flat, leaving one to wonder if they were joking or serious.
Heart Fuyubushi Iyashi Reiko
Konoha Tokubetsu Jounin Nara Eiko
Iwa Genin Shoshiki Tsume

I just hope, my perfect stranger, that my kids look more like yours.

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A Bond Charged

Post by Izanagi » Fri Jan 31, 2025 6:41 pm

If it weren’t for Takeshi’s infamous Byakugan, he and his traveling companion might have been mistaken for siblings. Each dressed entirely in black, their long dark-brown hair tied into ponytails. However, the sides of Takeshi’s head was shaved short, exposed to the biting winter winds of Lightning Country. Despite being four years Eiko’s junior, the newly promoted Jounin was four inches taller and more muscularly built. Across his broad back he carried a bow and quiver, the yew wood lacquered matte-black, blending against his thick winter cloak. At his left hip he carried a foreign-shaped sword, a dao they called it on the Shrimp Continent, broader than the Katana of the samurai or the ninjato popularized by shinobi nations. This weapon was wrapped in deep purple and black bandages, obscuring the finer details of the ancient blade. He had procured it in these lands over 5 years ago, shortly before he visited Kumo the first time.

19 years old now, Takeshi was a man grown, bearing little resemblance to the stature of the short and skinny Chunin he had once been. He wondered how Aki might have grown up, or the handful of others he had trained with the last time he had visited their last remaining allies. Wearing his Konoha hita-ate across his forehead, he was sure the scouts would have seen their approach by now. Legendary snipers known as the Skyguard watched over this pass day and night. This ravine, nestled between two great mountains was the final stretch toward Kumo. It had been a full days Journey, through thick snow and heavy winds but they were near at last to their destination.

Takeshi looked over to Eiko as they spoke. “There’s a reason why they’re the only shinobi village untouched by the war” he said, veins around his eyes bulging as he activated his Byakugan. He smirked at Eiko’s question, “You’re my friend too. We haven’t had a chance to really connect, but I’m hoping to change that” he said with a gentle smile. The two had been part of the same team for a few months now, but between Eiko’s leave of absence and constant revisions to Katana squad’s roster there had been little time to truly get to know one another.

It took only a few moments to locate the scouts; hidden within a small outpost tucked into the side of the mountain. Turning toward them, Takeshi waved, large and accentuated motions, before raising his hands palms out, the universal sign of approaching in peace. “We come from Konoha. I’m Hyuuga Takeshi, son of Natsuki Takeo. I need to speak to the Raikage” he said, clear and deliberate as he noted the scouts approaching within 50 meters. In truth there were several reasons for their visit, but speaking with the Raikage about the happenings in Konoha was at the forefront. He hadn’t told this part to Eiko, the information he knew was classified, held only among the most trusted and influential members of Konoha. “There is some business to attend to, before the pleasure of watching you get your ass beat” he said, smirking as he gave his companion a playful shove. Regardless of Eiko’s secrets, Takeshi wouldn’t treat them any differently from the others on their squad.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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A Bond Charged

Post by zory_alechiv » Sat Feb 01, 2025 3:00 pm

Despite Eiko being Takeshi's senior, the older deferred to the other easily. It wasn't just because he was stronger, faster, and experienced, but that Eiko knew that they were all of these and more. His comraderie and acceptance was relaxing though it brought forth ghosts of their sister when they dwelled too long on it. Takeshi had just accepted them and that was enough to spare him the scowl that would have been sent. Instead, Takeshi was greeted with a minor snort of annoyance mixed with amusement.

"Out of everything, I think you are the one most deserving to know. Should we find time, I will answer your questions as best I can. And if I can't I will be honest as to why I can't. It's the least I can do after everything." After all, there was no reason to hide here, or play secrets, and they were alone. For some reason, Takeshi was guarding them as well, a fact that despite the Nara powers of strategy, he couldn't figure out what game the younger was playing. Perhaps the Hyuuga really was just understanding, but if he wasn't, perhaps answering a few questions would give Eiko a clue.

They remained silent as Takeshi 'searched' with his clans kekkai genkai. They weren't a sensory by any type of imagination, but they still took a moment to center themselves as he pulled their right hand into a fist and pressed it against his left palm. When his hands were pulled against his chest, Takeshi was making signs for peace and introducing himself. The Nara followed suit, offering a bow. "I am Nara Eiko," they greet. Speaking to the Raikage was an experience the Nara wasn't sure they'd have ever gotten the chance to otherwise. It was amusing that he was meeting them before their own Hokage.

They stumbled as they were shoved and this time they did glare at their captain. They shoved back, wondering briefly what the guard thought of them. "Who knows, Maybe you will learn something about me, like how I cry when I land on my ass."
Heart Fuyubushi Iyashi Reiko
Konoha Tokubetsu Jounin Nara Eiko
Iwa Genin Shoshiki Tsume

I just hope, my perfect stranger, that my kids look more like yours.

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A Bond Charged

Post by Texas » Mon Feb 10, 2025 5:24 pm

"Sir, it is confirmed Takeshi and Eiko made it to Lightning Country. Seems the report that Konoha gave us as a heads up was valid. Although they arrived early, they are here now." The pink haired young adult (I know hard to believe) smirked devilishly as he received the update from a fellow shinobi that was part of the recon team. "Oh and they are here to see the Raikage, the shinobi named Takeshi said as much." Aki nodded and simply responded back with his right hand over his right ear, "Thank you Fuu, I'll be sure to introduce them to the Raikage." Before the communication disconnected, a groan could be heard coming from Fuu.

Aki was waiting by the gates when he received the call anyways. Unfortunately, because of the secrecy of who was dispatched to the Eastern Continent, Aki had to constantly make appearances in Kumo even if it was for a day. This was idea was to created based on trying to appear as though he was still within the village. Now that he was given the opportunity to meet not only an ally, but someone he had trained with when he was more of a child... the man child couldn't give up the chance to reunite. The pink haired delinquent jumped down from the top of the gate and waited behind it, with his four puppets hidden within the 1st Layer of the limbo realm. What should the pain in the ass do? Should he act more like his rank? Should he prove that he has grown up? Silently thinking to himself standing there, Ryeunso's influence coursed through his brain and body to the point where a great idea clicked in his mind. WAIT!

The Jounin snapped his finger and smiled again in excitement. He weaved a mere couple of hand seals and then a puff of smoke appeared around the boy. He had transformed into Hayate himself! Wearing his Raikage attire, but Aki did a fun little spin to it. He gave the Raikage a large beer belly. In his mind making it appear the Raikage had gotten out of shape would be absolutely hilarious. His Ally and self-perceived friends would find this hilarious... right? So "Fat Hayate" leaned against a welcome sign to Kumo near the gate and awaited for the two shinobi to be welcomed in.

As they arrive they would see a fat Hayate leaning against a sign and seemingly breathing heavily. The young lad would try to do his best Hayate impression by slowly straightening his back and welcoming them! "Welcome Hyuuga Takeshi, son of Natsuki Takeo. The Prince that was Promised. And Welcome Nara Eiko, the child of prophecy. My name is Hayate, Raikage to Kumogakure no Sato and Emperor of Lightning Country. As you can see my greed of owning both titles has rendered me to enjoy life to the fullest." He announced as he left arm swung over and smacked his belly. Which gave a muffled gong like noise. What brings you to the great Empire? Shall we travel to my chambers?" Aki was sure to also make sure all 4 of his puppets were behind him within the 1st layer of the Limbo Realm. Just in case they got the wrong idea and attacked him, Aki would be a finger twitch away from defending himself.
Last edited by Texas on Mon Feb 10, 2025 5:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Roulette Winnings: [2 Perk Slots, 36 Stats, 160 Ryo, 3 Jutsu B-Rank or Below, 5 C-Rank Jutsu, 3 Thread toward Unlock]


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