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[Training & Lonelies] Living in Hell

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 10:33 pm
by Willoria
" protect the village..."



So could only remember pieces of what was said. Kenshin Yasu was being led on either side down a dark tunnel, fear clutching at her chest and at her heart. She felt like she could barely breathe, and already wondered if she had made a terrible mistake. She glanced at the individuals on either side of her, one at a time, noticing how nearly identical the pair looked. Both wore blank masks with no unique markings, and robes that covered any physical details of their bodies so she couldn't tell them apart. In truth, she couldn't even tell if either was a man or a woman. This was no comfort, in fact it only caused the fear to rise within her. She tried to remember the details of the conversation, of the Raikage himself visiting her and her parents. He explained to them what was about to happen, he spoke of duty to the village, and asked her to take part, he asked her parents their permission for what was about to happen. Yasu tried her best to cling to it all, to the words, but already she could only remember small bits and pieces of it.

'I can do this.' she tried to tell herself through the fear. Her hands were clutched in front of her at chest level. She took hard swallows and deep breaths as they drew closer to their destination, light dancing in the tunnel further ahead. The very sight of it almost made her breathing stop and for a moment her feet faltered. She stumbled but one of the people beside her caught her swiftly, pulling her to her feet before they continued on. She kept thinking the fear would subside, but instead it choked her. The girl had never done anything so big before, she had always lived a life of joy and naivety. She had no idea what to make of this, but could feel the weight of it threatening to push her further into the earth.

When she stepped out of the tunnel it was almost like breaking through into a river of light. For a moment it blinded her and she felt hands on her arms as she was pulled along. As her vision cleared she couldn’t help staring in almost wonder. It was a cavernous room, carved of stone and underground somewhere. Sconces, lanterns and candles littered the place to give it a swath of its own light. Yet as she took her eyes away from the beauty of it all, she noticed every person in there wore the same nondescript mask and nondescript robes as the two who had brought her. Staring at the lights, the fear had fled, but staring at the masks, the fear returned.

Her breath rose over and over again and she couldn’t seem to calm it. As she felt her head begin to get light and the room begin to turn however, she also felt a hand on her cheek. She didn’t even know she had closed her eyes until she opened them, lifting her face to look and see who touched her. It was an older man, a kind looking man, with a smile on his face. He had lifted his mask to rest it on top of his head and show his face to her. It brought a strange sort of comfort to the girl and she finally broke into a smile. ”Come on, dear. You have a great role to play, a weapon to wield, and it all starts here.” He took her by the hand gently, almost like a happy grandfather leading along his grandchild. He led her to the cent of the room where a large, and low, table had been fixed. Strange markings were etched into the wood, with a circular and conspicuously empty space in the middle. He led her to the table and motioned to it. ”Lay down.” he told her. ”On your back.”

A brief bout of nervousness made Yasu’s stomach go into flutters but it lasted only a moment before she did what was asked of her. She climbed up on the table and lay down on her back, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself. Almost the moment she did, someone at the head of the table brought out shackles and bound her wrists over her head, and someone at the foot bound her ankles.

”It’s for your protection.” the man assured her, seeming to notice her sudden discomfort at the shackles. He moved to lift her shirt, rolling it up so it still covered her chest and spared her modesty, exposing only her stomach. ”This next part is going to be more than just discomfort, my dear. It will be painful, and it will be terrifying. Brace yourself.”

Yasu swallowed hard, nodding quickly as the old man pulled his mask back down over his face, and the hood of his robes back up. It was as if he suddenly disappeared and again she was surrounded by strangers. She felt her breath hitch in her throat, and her heart rate quickened. Around her people in masks began forming handseals, and the old man over her rest a hand over her belly.

Chanted words overcame her thoughts.

Pain came in like a sudden fire.

She felt her back arch, her body screamed, and white-hot light took over her mind’s eye.

It was like waking out of a dream. Her eyes snapped open and she stood suddenly. She had been laying on a small wooden bed, in a little wooden room. Her eyes took time to adjust to the darkness, a small stone circle in the middle of the room enclosed a fire that had dulled down to embers through the night. All the cavern and the masks were nothing but a dream to her now as she stood, stretching and yawning as she strode to the door and pushed it open. She came to realize she was in a village, the buildings both barely standing and yet strong. She walked between them, down a narrow path and hardly noticed the haunting silence.

She soon came to a beach, shocked by the cold air and the sprinkling of snow all about her. Yet there was a beauty as she looked up and saw the mountain range behind the water, and turned to see a rather large building behind her in the sea of huts. It called to her, it drew her forward and before she knew it, she was taking steps towards it. It had two large doors for the entrance which she pushed open, feeling a shift in the winds as she did so.

Within was as large as without, a long stone trough filled with embers and flame warmed the building from the cold, and at the far end a seat of wood and furs that almost seemed like a throne. She made her way forward, past the warmth of the flames, and towards that throne. She hardly noticed the movement out of the corners of her eyes. She hardly realized the red stone spikes that seemed nearly alive as they pushed from the earth and into the room. ”Who approaches?” The voice was deep, scraping gravel and booming into the earth. ”Who are you child?”

She thought fear might overtake her, but somehow the dark voice brought a comfort to her. ”I am Yasu.” she proclaimed loudly, stepping further forward. ”I will host you. I will house you.” The words came unbidden, as if someone else spoke them through her, or instructed her and she suddenly remembered.

”So you wish to be Jinchuuriki… to me…” The voice came again. ”You want my power, my protection…. Hmph. Are you strong enough though? Take the throne and find out.”

Yasu took her steps forward, a smile coming to her lips and she even reached up to pull her dark blonde hair over one shoulder as she took her seat. Pain overtook her, her back arched off the chair and her hands grasped the chair tightly as she screamed.

For a brief moment she left the mindscape, her eyes fluttered open on the table and she stared up to the top of the caverns, sighing heavily. ”It’s done.” she sighed, breathless.

”It’s done.” The old man said it at the same time, and the two exchanged a glance before the girl passed out.