Eye of the Liger

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Eye of the Liger

Post by PureWillPower » Mon May 17, 2010 11:00 am

Gaining Kizoku, required word count 1500
Namiyo was dressed in her Medic's gear Wataru was napping in her back. She had gotten a letter the other day to meet someone in front of the gate. The letter didn't say who it was from or even who she was going to meet. She had invited Ishiko to come with her. Rashi, though still part of her team, was just a little too flighty for her. Especially for the importance this letter hinted to. She was too busy checking her gear and appearence to notice Ishiko when she came or if she was there at the current time. This type of attention to detail wasn't uncommon for Namiyo giving her OCD nature with cleanlieness and order, but the lack of attention was on par with getting ready to meet the Tsuchikage.

Her face was visibly frustrated as she went over her gear in her head a third time. "Who the heck is so important I need to be gussied up like this and out here this early in the morning?"
Characters made of PureWillP0wer
VillageNameRankRenownMissionsColor Code
Sakugu TsubumeGenin--FFE134
Taku YukoJounin200-008008


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