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The first plank is the heaviest

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 4:36 pm
by Trusted Grader
A mission, Yuuto, of all people had been handpicked to assist in some shape or form. Wow, I wonder if my persuasive ways have finally gotten the chance to be proven. He gently rubbed his chin, he rolled the scroll and sat up. He knew that he was already wasting time trying to figure out what was going to happen as the Special Jounin assigned to the mission would brief him, as per standard.

I better not screw this chance. Yuuto's eyes settled on the back door, he didn't want to disturb his father nor his fox companion. There hasn't been that many opportunities lately, and father is becoming increasingly on edge. I think he needs to go on a mission. Yuuto snuck out and leapt over their wall. He continued down the foggy tree lines until he would finally reach the walls of the village.

I wonder though, will death be an alternative? Or are we set to change things? Yuuto kicked a small rock out of the way before he turned around to face the incoming comrade. "Good afternoon." Yuuto bowed. "Karagata, Yuuto; Newly ranked Chuunin at your service." He felt the need to explain in order to maximize their accountability levels. Why would I think like that? Yuuto chuckled as he rose up to lock eyes with Kinsue, a fellow family member, though he wasn't sure if he was the kind he usually greeted, what with the boy looking pale and frail.