Getting Stronger Before the Chunnin Exams

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Getting Stronger Before the Chunnin Exams

Post by Sinpoder » Sun Jul 16, 2023 1:48 pm

Li had recently been informed that he would participate in this years Chunnnin Exams, something he wasn't expecting as he figured he would of had to get much stronger than he already was in order to even be considered being able to join. Li knew that he had a significant advantage over a vast majority of Genins attempting to become a chunnin, as he knew all of the techniques of Silent Hunter or at least he ones he was interested in. This means that if there was any kind of stealth based part of this exam, that he would have a pretty good chance of using these effects to a winning effect. The next thing that Li had to think about was the fact if he was physically fast and strong enough to make a difference in a straight up fight against another Genin. Li felt strong, but he knew that he had basically thousands of miles to go before he got to the place he wanted to get to. He would also have to continue to work on his 'project', but that was going to have to take a backseat to his physical training.

Li decided that he was going to work on his endurance, but he wasn't really sure how to do that because he normally does this by getting the stuffing beaten out him. He sadly didn't have anyone near by to help him do this, so he would have to go find somewhere else to try and do this. Li eventually located something that would work well enough. A waterfall. Looking over the waterfall, he realized there wasn't a great place for him to sit inside of the waterfall so he would have to make one. After looking around Li eventually found a large rock, which he picked up without too much effort and threw it into the spot where he was going to begin training. This process continued until Li had created a place for him to sit. Taking off his robes and pants, leaving him in his underwear, he jumped into the water and swam over to where his new spot to sit would be.

Li's idea of training endurance was to sit under this waterfall for as long possible, while trying to focus and clear his mind. Li had some mild doubts on how effective this would be but he didn't really have a better way to think of doing this. As Li found a place under the waterfall to sit down, he realized this would work just fine because while he could power through the waterfall, it was still hundreds of gallons of water pouring over Li's head every couple of seconds and eventually that would wear him down.

Either way, Li sat in a meditative position, as the water rushed over his face and he closed his eyes and began to let his physical feelings leave his body as he worked through the process of meditation. Li took a deep breath out, and as he was about to take a deep breath in, he sucked in some water from the waterfall and began to cough. This completely broke the meditative stance that Li was working on and Li couldn't help but wonder how the hell Sages and other people did this for years. Though that is most likely why they are Sages and why Li is a Genin. A fairly weak one at that in his mind. Either way, once Li was done with his coughing he moved his body around so that he could breath without causing a massive influx of water into his lungs. Once he got into the correct location, the water running over the back of his head and directly on his shoulder and back, Li took a deep breath and exhaled it before trying to get back into a meditative pose.

This was Li's chance to finally feel how his body was doing overall, and one of the few times Li thinks about other things other than training.

WC 672/500 +1 Endurance
Last edited by Sinpoder on Tue Jul 18, 2023 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Getting Stronger Before the Chunnin Exams

Post by Sinpoder » Tue Jul 25, 2023 2:37 pm

Li's first thought was to begin to think about his life, and all the things that lead him to this life. His mind went back to all of the things in his history, as he attempted to distract himself from the gallons of cold water being poured across his shoulders and back. Pain and fatigue was both a physical and mental concept, as it was known in the ninja world that nerves carried signals to the brain to tell you that you were in pain. It was also known in the ninja world that those signals can be ignored with enough skill and mental fortitude, and this was going to be the very start of that training for Li.

Li would eventually have to move to really hurting himself, most likely with a Medical Ninja near by to heal him, to make sure that he didn't die but that was future Li's problem. As Li breathed in, he noticed how much hard it was to get his diaphragm to expand and pull in the air while this water was pouring over him. Well, Li did had techniques that would allow him to breath underwater for longer periods of time than normal. This thought brought back his training in the Head Hunter Division, and how surprised Li was that they brought on even low level Genin to do this kind of stuff with them. Though Li was considered on par with Jonin in terms of physical strength and speed, he was still a novice in a large majority of the ninja world including how to really fight to the death. Li, like all ninja, were trained to fight and kill but he was always told that before you kill your first person it would be hard. Li's mind thought back at the first person that Li had killed, the water of his mind gently moving past the bubble in Li's memories that he could not see inside, lest it break him again.

Eventually Li got to the first person he killed, the person in the tent in his first Head Hunter Mission. He had pulled the man out through a slit in the tent that Li had made, before using a garrote wire to sever his airway and causing blood to flow into his lungs. The man most likely went into shock and didn't feel much or anything until fifteen seconds later when his brain lost oxygen and he fell unconscious and was left dead within minutes.

As Li went through that mission again in his mind, he didn't really feel bad for killing any of the people he did. Li did his best to kill them as quickly and humanely as possible, if only because Li didn't enjoy having people suffer and because having them scream out would make the mission that much harder. That thought surprised Li for a moment there, he didn't want them to suffer.

Li thought back to his Kaguya and he wondered if the others felt the same way before quickly knowing that most of the Kaguya that he had meet enjoy causing pain. Though Li only thought that because they seemed to enjoy causing him pain, and he was basically an outcast without being an outcast. Li was considered, by some, to be a prodigy in the physical department of the ninja world. Li could one day be one of the greats in terms of Kaguya power, and that kind of resource shouldn't be thrown away.

Continuing this line of thought, he wondered if he was weaker or more expendable if they would have killed him already. His first thought was that he would one hundred percent be killed, but the more Li zoomed out on his problem the more he realized that it might not be that cut and dry. Li was now apart of the Karagata family, which means that he is effectively the Karagata family's 'property' and with Li being a useful tool the Karagata family wasn't about to let that die, at least not without proper payment or an exchange.

Li didn't know what the Karagata family placed in terms of Li's value, but it must be high enough that the Kaguya or Kawazaiwa family weren't willing to pay it. So was Li being protected by the Karagata family and that is why he hasn't been killed? Though even if he was killed, if they could make it look like a training accident or something else like that in order to avoid suspicion. Throwing that thought to the side, that kind of thinking was not helpful to his training and most likely was an extremely unlikely thing to happen anyway. That kind of thing would start a civil war, and no one in the village was really in a position to come out in a better place in a civil war as far as Li could tell.

Li took another deep breath and began to relax, and he realized that his body had relaxed far more than he thought it would, given that he was being pounded by a waterfall. Li then felt water begin to flow over his head, a lot more then he thought. Well maybe something above him shifted and let more water down, and Li began to move forward on the rock and eventually realized that the water wasn't moving. Li's eyes shot open and realized that he was underwater and as he turned around he realized that his head was in a sphere of water. Ninjustu! Li was under attack, and as Li looked around he attempted to find the ninja that had used the justu on him. Eventually Li did manage to find the outline of a ninja hidden, using a combination of Venator and Argus, but Li's brain told him to keep looking. There could be more and this could be very bad for Li, but as Li had begun to panic, his training from the Hunter Ninja kicked in and he began to calm as his heart rate shot down as he suppressed the adrenaline rush that would normally push his body into overdrive. Overdrive would cause him to drown quicker, and that is most likely what these ninja were hoping for. They had no idea that Li had gotten training from the Hunter Ninja, so they didn't realize his abilities.

Li couldn't help but think of why they weren't just attacking him? They could kill him with a kunai or anything else, but then it came to him. They want him to drown here. It would look like he drowned training under the waterfall! It was nearly a perfect plan, as Li took a step forward and 'fell' into the water. Li wasn't sure if they would come down to the bottom of this pond to come get him, or just leave but Li wasn't going to make it easy on them.

Li quickly sank to the bottom of the pool, his bones being so much denser then normal that the oxygen in his lungs wasn't enough to create enough lift to raise him. At that moment, Li waited as he held his breath. The average ninja of Li's age could most likely only hold his breath for maybe a minute and a half, but Li could hold his for five with the assistance of other training. Li knew the justu was released when he could hear again, and he heard someone jump into the pond. This was to either get Li out of the pool or to validate that he did die down there. Li closed his eyes as he didn't want his subconscious eye focusing to give away that he was still alive and awake. Luckily for Li all of the hearing based training from the Hunter Ninja worked just fine underwater as he heard the Ninja's heart beat get closer and closer to Li.

Li felt someone grab his neck as they pulled him forward from his resting spot, and he heard the words " Target Down" come from what he imagined would be a sub-vocal microphone on the ninja. Because Li was limp during this, his arms moved forward and past the man before Li's eyes shot open and went on the attack.

Li knew that he most likely would be dead in a normal head to head combat against whoever this was, but Li had the surprise and they were in the water and he was touching Li. Li created a blade quickly from his arm before ramming it into the man's neck, straight down an inch from the man's collarbone, before twisting the blade as hard as he could. The man seemed to have an extremely hard time following Li's movements, even underwater as Li had pulled out all of the tricks he had learned during his Head Hunter Training. The man's heartbeat stopped soon after this, as he began to float towards the top. Li, stayed at the bottom of pond, staring up as he attempted to figure out if this guy had backup or not.

Li didn't have to wait long before he saw a shadow on the surface of the pond. Li waited, as he wasn't sure if he should be attacking or not, before he heard a voice. " Li Kaguya. Come out of the pond, we are not here to hurt you. " So whoever was up there knew that Li was down here, and not only that, they knew he was alive down there. The water in this wasn't exactly clear or clean, so the person at the top must have a sensory ability either of Taijustu nature or otherwise.

Li could feel that he wasn't going to be able to stay down here for much longer, because killing that guy pushed his adrenaline as high as ever and he felt the remaining minutes he had left in him fade away in seconds. Li kicked himself off the bottom of the pond and swam to the top. Once he reached the top, Li began to cough and gasp for air as his body needed it more than anything. Li didn't even look at the person he came up next to, who reached down and pulled Li by his wet shirt out of the water and onto the pond. The man was wearing a mask, one that had no features on it and was simply a blank face with two eye holes. The man bowed to Li for a moment before looking over at the corpse that had floated to the surface of the pond and said " I apologize that this happened to you Li, we will clean this up and make sure you are guarded during your training. "

Li had zero idea who this man was, as it was a voice he had never heard before, but he bowed to Li which showed that he either respected him or felt honestly bad. Most likely for failing his mission, but the man made a few hand-signs and the corpse in the water floated towards him and landed on the shore. After reaching down and picking up the body, he looked back at Li for a moment before vanishing from Li's sight.

Li sat there panting, as he tried to figure out what the hell had just happened to him. After opening up his senses, Li noticed there was two people nearby, one at the top of the waterfall and one hidden in the woods nearby. That must be his guard, because they didn't exactly hide themselves well.

Once Li had finally caught his breath, he was just left there, soaking wet and tired trying to figure out what the hell had just happened.

WC 2662
2500/2500 +5 Endurance
122/500 Left Over
Last edited by Sinpoder on Tue Jul 25, 2023 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Getting Stronger Before the Chunnin Exams

Post by Sinpoder » Wed Aug 02, 2023 8:10 pm

Li looked around and he couldn't quite figure out why he was being attacked now, much less inside of the village itself. Whatever was happening behind the scenes must have really pushed things forward because Li had normally never felt threaten inside of the village until right now. Li couldn't help but think that he might be in danger at his home, but that seems unlikely given that they tried to kill him and make it look like a training accident. So more than likely they can't just kill Li because they wanted to, that would just cause more issues then it fixes.

Li didn't really have time to worry about that right now though, as he had training to do so he didn't just die at the Chunnin Exams. He is sure that would make whoever wants him dead very happy and make it easy for them, so he would have to make sure they weren't happy and didn't make it easy for them.

Li looked at the water next to him and decided that he needed to work on his charka control, even though his Charka levels were that of a barely trained toddler, his control over it was even worse. He never really needed to be good at controlling his charka because he normally could stab or punch his problems away. Well in this exam he might need to cross water and this would be a much better way of doing it then swimming, which would leave him vulnerable to who knows how many attacks.

Well Li took a step up to the water, closing his eyes and trying to remember his days in the academy where they taught very basic charka control. He saw the charka from his chest slowly go down and pool into the soles of his feet, trying to create a solid surface for him to step onto. With that he took a step into the water and to his surpise he managed to get it floating about half way into the water, before it eventually gave out and his entire leg up to his knee ended up in the water.

Honestly that was to be expected, and Li knew he had alot more training to do but atleast he had a guard next to him watching him practice this. Though he was sure the guard was either laughing at how sad Li was, or maybe remembering when they had to do this kind of training. A vast majority of the Village's ninja were not like Li, even though they had a Special Forces group specifically for Taijustu and the like.

Either way this would take alot more practice to get this right because this was a real weakness of Li, something he hadn't trained from the academy, much like his ability to resist genjustu. Though his plan for most Genjustu is to simply kill the opponent before they have a chance to use it, which would be quite easy with his new techniques but as he gets higher up he would have to work on it.

Li just continued to work on this while thinking about how to best make his charka do what he was telling it to. Though to him he might as well be trying to fight a wave with a stick at times. Whenever Li felt like he was getting it, he would take the next step into the water only end up back up to his knees in the water.

After an hour or more of doing this, Li honestly had lost complete track of time, he decided to take a break and eat some lunch. It was a simple meal of rice but it should give him enough energy to continue his training and hopefully figure out what he wasn't doing right with his charka control. This was one of the times that he wish that one of his mentors, Chiaki was here. She was a medical Ninja, and everything that Li had been told that in order to be a medical ninja you had to have amazing charka control. Maybe she could give him some tips on how to do this, though this would most likely be as easy as breathing for her, something she could do without a thought. This training was significantly less fun then Li's normal training, atleast with his normal training he could feel a burn in his arms, legs and core but now he is just tired from the sheer amount of failed tries to make this work and the charka loss from doing it.

Li decided that he was just going to take a break for another hour, and try and regain the lost charka after the hour or more of failures. While Li waited for his charka to come back, he thought more about the mechanics of how charka flows through his body and trying to figure out a way to logically deal with this problem. Sadly the charka system had a system and a logic that it followed, but Li didn't know it.

Eventually Li felt like he could give it acouple more tries, and getting up, now dry for the first time in many hours. As Li walked over to the water he began to work on it once again, and this process of attempting for an hour before taking a break for an hour continued until it was dusk but at that point he had managed to figure it out and he could stand on the water completely. Though not for very long given that he was exhausted but that was a future problem for Li to have to deal with.

1068/1000 +2 Control


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