[Shock Fist Training thread] Kinkotsu's ambition

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[Shock Fist Training thread] Kinkotsu's ambition

Post by Kinkotsu » Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:29 am

The day would be cloudy and cold as Sunagakure would not even get a glimpse of the sun. The thick clouds and mist in the air proved that it rained the night before. This was amazing because Suna doesn’t get rain fall, at least to what Kin remembers while living there. He would no think to much of it as he had some more training to do today, like most of his other days. He would casually get ready and begin to journey to an old man who was known for his taijutsu techniques.

The style he supposedly mastered was the shock fist style, which Kinkotsu is currently trying to master. Sparing no time he quickly enetered the dojo and looked for anyone who might be this so-called professor of the art. He would see an elderly man sitting by a window looking up toward the clouds.

“Hey, I am Kinkotsu and I have come here sent from the Myaku family to learn your ways. I hope I am not interrupting anything.”

The elderly gentlmen would reply “No problem sonny, please make yourself comfortable and begin to stretch. I heard news of your arrival from your father. Hope all is well, now that we got introductions out of the way let me see what you can do kiddo.”

Kinkotsu would begin to stretch his entire body. He moved his arms in circular motions to release any strain on his shoulders and elbows. He continued by stretching his leg muscles and holding for short periods of time to allow a full stretch. This would be so Kinkotsu would not injure himself while training.

His first task from the elderly man was to know all the jutsu at beginner level being D-rank. Luckily for Kin he had already learned most of them except one. This would be the slowing touch technique. He knew with this it would only build to the structure of his arsenal. Plus the fact he must know all these techniques before this man will teach him anything of a higher level.

First he did his breathing exercises and practiced using his other shock fist techniques to get a better understanding of the true meaning of this style. Then after a couple hours of repetition, he would begin learning the form of the slowing touch. Visualizing his targets agility drop would be his goal. After achieving the first steps to completing the style he continued to go through the form and finally be granted a chance to try it out.

The elderly man’s student who had been observing Kinkotsu train was very happy to hear his assistance was needed. This student thought highly of Kinkotsu’s dedication to the art and would stop at nothing to help him perfect the style to keep it alive in Sunagakure.

Kinkotsu now beginning to understand the technique and how it works would use it to strike his new found opponent in a friendly sparring match. Knowing his taijutsu was no match for Kinkotsu’s he wanted to get it over quick and did not try to really strike Kin with full force in case he would step up the intensity. Kin would hit the opponent in the lower abdomin region after taking a side step to counter a head on strike. The effects would startle Kin as he realized that now his opponent would now become progressively slower and easier to attack and defend against.

After the match Kinkotsu would bow in respect to his opponent and knew this was his home of training. He refused to disrespect that. The elder man would then congratulate him on his great success of learning this last beginner move of the fearsome shock fist style. He couldn’t believe how luck he was to have someone who has perfected the art right in his village.

Kinkotsu would now begin to ask about the progression and what he must do to be able to continue to learn the later techniques. The elder would describe it to Kin as a slow moving progression which needs time and dedication. Only through perfection can it become a perfect art. This would be the elder’s philosophy on training this unique style. Kinkotsu could not keep the anticipation away as he would begin to study books the elder kept on this very style.

He could not believe that he truly was able to get all of the beginner jutsu. He would work to perfect these jutsu as much as possible so that he can combine them with the higher ranking techniques later on in his life. The will to keep learning and gather as much info as possible, was his current state of mind. Kinkotsu stayed at the elder’s for quite some time reviewing technique and strength of combining the jutsu. Knowing the beginner level of the art now allowed Kinkotsu to begin building on his own.

Kinkotsu spent his time reviewing combinations and many different battle scenarios. The time would come for him to finally depart from the elders hoe. He would pay his respects to the elder and his pupil who assisted him in perfecting this technique. Walking home all he could think about was what was next for him. Knowing that this style was fierce he could not even begin to imagine the possibilities of perfecting this style. So he would now lay his head to rest and begin to wonder what was in store for him in his future.

All he knew was that with the support of his dedication and his intense training only great benefits can be the result. He began to snore as his father would look in on him and see that he must have had a long hard day of training at the elders dojo. He silently closed the door and walked away with a smile, proving he was proud of Kinkotsu.

[Genin • Sunagakure • Kinkotsu Myaku • Missions: ]


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