[Event][Maido Enters][Open to Peaceful Training & Negotiations]

Maido is not currently participating in the Kiri & Iwa VS Kumo, Konoha, Suna war. Maido's alliance is to the planet, to her followers and to the spirits. Should her interests align with others, they are welcome to join her new village and bring peace to the world. She will however, retaliate with the force of hundreds should she be provoked.

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Posts: 5314
Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:00 pm
User flair: I am made to protect and destroy.

[Event][Maido Enters][Open to Peaceful Training & Negotiations]

Post by Sia » Mon Oct 05, 2020 7:50 pm

Sun Oct 04, 2020 2:33 pm

Beware, the wolf in sheep's clothing."

Maido composed herself. She recalled an idea she had once before, when she was locked away. Trapped in the crystal prison for years and years, she had conversed with thte great spirit, Faisa. The battle had been awful, two beings of greater than genma-level power at war with each other for over two hundred years. Locked in a horrible turmoil, she decided it best to finally set him free. "Stand back." Was all maido had said. Her expression, normally calm and composed these days, had turned suddenly frightening. Red and black chakra suddenly burst from her person. Now, for the first time in a while, Maido performed a set of hand seals. A jutsu so buried within myth, she was certain she were the only person capable of performing it. The contract she wrote now was binding. Maido began to float into the air, continuing to grasp at the red blade of her blood which she held in her off hand. Had her warning not been heeded, it would mean certain peril. Her frail figure, looking all of a corpse, suddenly came grotesque. She grew fur, forged in hellfire. She spat acid, the likes of which melted everything in its path. Maido fell to all fours, her eyes suddenly glowing a horrible, awful glow. A red vapor emitted from everywhere. Eyes, ears, mouth, nose, pores. Every inch of her skin, fumed the scarlet shroud. It encroached and it encompassed. It enveloped and it cut. It healed and it destroyed. It sealed and it unleashed. A combination of all of her culminated knowledge, Maido gathered the most horrible of chakras. She drew upon Kakujutsu, a dark purple perverted chakra which had come to be known only to her. It lashed out from her body. To underestimate it meant certain death. As it washed over herself, her disciples, and he general vicinity, it would writhe through their bodies. A force of ten waves, the dark purple chakra blasted out through the mist. To breathe or exist in it as a core meant to be finished. Maido owned you. You would merely fall, inert and to the ground. Nothing to be done. Unless Maido chose for it not to affect one of them specifically. A pacifist now, Maido did not bare anyone any ill will. She had given proper warning. Plenty of time to clear out. If they hadn't heeded the warning, it was their own fault.

Crimson cloak shrouded outward at krakens mouth. Inkblot of darkness, the leviathan's wrath rang throughout the lands. She called upon them, the old ancient gods of chakra, names known only to her. Chiton, Fuuinjutsu, Kakujutsu, Suiton, Fuuton, Katon, Raiton, Doton, Kiriton, Santon, Tenkujutsu, Taijutsu, Iijutsu, Kugutsu, Sanguiskinesis, Elemental Enlightenment. Hand seals? Nothing quite so simple. To utilize hand seals was to give away knowledge, Maido knew this most of all. Maido didn't merely mold hand seals. Maido molded ideas. Before her, The most perverted and dark magics of all. Raw ninpou chakra carved through each of the chakras at her disposal. Engraving within the chakra, combining all of the elements at her disposal into a singular orb. She made 8 in total. A delicate balance. Within each of them, her power. Her heart lashed out, sensory now. A protective spell, to take the orb as a heart meant to merge with Maido forever. To break it into jewelry, meant to enchant the stones to revive the wielder, at one in every aspect, at her immediate location upon their death, so long as the jewelry had been on their person when they died. She bestowed this gift as a safeguard, upon her children. A protective layer. To relinquish fortune from rebirth, one had to sacrifice everything. A reincarnation. A blank slate. A redo of life. A token of luck. Eight was the number of orbs she had created, and such it would remain. What happened to them after that was not her problem. Maido's eyes changed colors. What had once been a glow of red, now a stark change. In one eye, a golden amber howl. In the other, the ocean abyss. A blinking cycle, a gilded lotus shimmer. A fusion of lives, Maido took four cores into herself, to be given out later. One, she gave to Hisayo, Muramasa.

The young Hisayo felt no pain. She had grown quite used to it by now. The orb slammed into her breast, carving through bone. Pain? It should have been agony, but Hisayo was prepared. The orb found her heart, and began to leech out. Ichor flame, a writhe of twisted oil. Glimmervoid plains encasing the flesh. A heart merged with heart, a beacon and boon. A burden and blight. Tainted and torn, her dark soul wept. Darkwood crows murdered, the reaper king watched. A merging of minds, a fragmented soul. Tenkujutsu, the bringer of spirits. A binding contract, bringing forth a new world. Within Maido's presence, all manner of life would thrive. Plantlife would flourish, Humankind would heal. Spirits would exist freely, no need to be bound through a contract. Jinchuuriki were free to manifest themselves at will, as a mirage shadow summoning. Anyone that had ever existed may appear in such manner within four hundred meters of her. This was the sacrifice she had made. Maido and Hisayo burst into darkness. A twilight ichor tendril writhing from heart to heart. Too, Muramasa Kayoko would join them. The blade of their mind. An extra set of eyes, to fiery soul. The call of the wolf, a queen up and coming. To cross her meant doom.

Now, the real training would begin. A battlefield without spirits. It extended outwards from Maido in a radius, forever at a full four hundred meters. She was now her own village. Anyone that entered the radius was instantly made aware that they were there, and that everyone there knew each others exact location in space/time. Their were no secrets here. Minds were not, and could not be read without consent however. But to tell ones name was a power. One could be evicted from the realm, at Maido's leisure. It existed as an overlap of the rest. A tear in the fabric. A starfall on wheels. A traveling caravan of life, for spirits and souls to enjoy. Maido at the center, it would follow her around. She hovered above the village, a god among ants. She had formed a second Kirigakure, on the spot. Noone was there to stop her. Within this realm, there was only peace. A neutral zone, for all manner of life to exist.

Maido's spirit companions materialized before her. Faisa, Luna, Snowball, and more.

"Go and fetch Vorashu, Katsu, and the little fox." Still, Maido continued. Now, the real training could begin. Her eyes glowing their new glean, one of golden wolf and the other of black night, she slew together more handseals. She drew into the air, creating a seal. She encircled the perimeter. The entire village she had forged of the elements. Every inch of it and every square. Everything was inscribed. Now, she waved her arms and as she did the very ground beneath her did move. They were moving through the air, this new area she had created. Ponds, trees, wildlife, spirits. A new hope for the planet, a new village meant to prosper in peace.

:chiton: "If you wish to stay in Kirigakure, you may exit this area freely. Otherwise, we are going to Jinjeku. We have work to do. We will train on the way."

Colored aura of every color oozed from Maido's eyes. A forbidden art known only to Maido, it would surely cause quite the fright to anyone that had witnessed it. Such power was not to be taken lightly, a true god among mortals. A most ferocious aura encricled her. It expanded outwards, blowing past everything in its path. She had calculated excellently, her distance from Kirigakure far below was enough to ensure she did not destroy the village in the process. Her chakra took the form of a great wolf, with a mouth on its chest. Demented and twisted, it was the likes of which many had never seen. This aura blew outwards, dispelling all malevolent entities within its borders. Spirits that entered the area within Maido from this point forward were free to act at their own leisure, and manifested themselves as shadow summons of any size that they wished, at will. Should they choose to take a more physical form, they were now free to do so, at no cost whatsoever. Unadulterated and unbound, she had done what she had set out to do. All of her old friends materialized immediately, dashing outwards from the open and glooming extra mouth that had adorned her chest. As her arms encircled around her whilst she moved and danced methodically, the area she had created was beginning to move. Away from Kirigakure, it soared towards Jinjeku and Starfall. A fortress in the sky, a sanctuary castle oasis. For so long as Maido lived, this land would tether to her. Wherever she went, it would follow, until her death.

Jutsu Used

Forbidden Arts: Tainted Mass, Spirit Human Core Sacrifice Realm Summoning
S-Ranked Tenkukakufuuinfuudokaraisuichisaniikiriton
Prerequisite: Collective Chakra Pool stats of 55.
After amassing enough collective stamina and chakra between herself and a group of willing participants, Maido has created a break in the world. Within a 400 meter radius of her person, All spirits of every entity may exist freely with no chakra cost whatsoever. Malevolent spirits and humans alike will be ported out of the realm at a speed of 55, being hit by a force equal to the number of inhabitants of the realm with a strength and control of 55, forcefully evicting them unless their control stat and endurance is equal to or greater than the combined chakra pools of everyone involved in the initial casting of this jutsu as well as its current inhabitants that may wish to evict them, at the casters discression. By entering this area, an inhabitant will incur a permanent -1 to their chakra pool for so long as they reside within the area, and may choose to donate more of their chakra pool at will, at any given moment, by merely performing chakra kai. The realm will stay in place permanently, so long as their is at least 1 inhabitant within it after the initial cast, but may freely moved, formed, shaped, and manipulated through the use of various jutsu, should Maido allow it. From the outside, this new area appears as a shimmering mist of every imaginable color, but always parts for those that wish to enter in the name of peace. The area will emit a constant vapor, invisible to the eyes, of all sorts of wild chakra. Imbuing the inhabitants, it will seep into their lungs and their pores and even their cores, infusing them and providing them with life. Here, inhabitants may still die, but only of natural causes. Lifetimes are extended. Illnesses are healed. Anyone residing within will be cured of all ailments. Beings within the realm are bound by an oath to have each others back, a blood oath that may be sworn with Maido herself. It provides her protection, ensuring that anyone that dies within the realm will be reincarnated in front of her feet, so long as Maido herself is still alive. Then, Maido will ask them if they wish to be reborn or join the spirits. At their choice she will perform the appropriate jutsu to grant their wish.

They had finally arrived. Whoever had chosen to come with Maido and her crew would be granted peace. Maido's spell ensured it. She floated the Sky Sanctuary through the sky for hours, giving it everything she had. Her followers too, would show their support, aiding in the transportation of the land mass. She was not alone. She had the strength of hundreds. A singular summon? No. Maido had all of them. She was at one with the spirits, here, she was a friend. Loyalty to Kirigakure? Certainly, in a sense. Their interests aligned, so sure. Why not? Still, Maido was her own person. Where she went, she was meant to be peacekeeper. Was she sent? Not really. But that's where they were. Her old life had felt so quaint. Years in the making, years in the learning. The landmass had moved. Between Starfall and Jinjeku, a new hope. An anchored island realm, encompassed in mist. Castles of forest and stone. Flames of river, wildlife and ichor. Spirits roamed freely. She dropped the island, with the aid of hundreds, and formed a long series of seals along its volume. Around the entire perimeter she went. It was a tedious task, taking the aid of several of her followers blood, sweat, and tears. Bodies burned. Ashes resurfaced. Maido revived them all from the brink of death. A lifegift, a being made of chakra. Orange haze spoke black death and purple flame. Humans too, loyal to her cause. She welcomed them, should it be wished.
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

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Posts: 5314
Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:00 pm
User flair: I am made to protect and destroy.

[Event][Maido Enters][Open to Peaceful Training & Negotiations]

Post by Sia » Tue Oct 06, 2020 1:39 pm

The eldest of the Witches stirred, she called upon the elements at her disposal. A roar of flame, the flexibility of water, the sturdiness of stone, the shock of lightning and the blades of the wind. The life force of blood, the power of raw magic. The capabilities of fuuin, the encroaching of mists. The spirit binding of Shizumeru, and the heart afflictions and healings of kaku and Ii. An idea. A thought. A process. The penultimate of styles, the witch delved deeper into her hive of minds. She searched through all of the elements at her disposal. What was it she would toy with today? Illusion magics? Flames of hatred? Hand seals, a dark purple and black aura. It appeared to her in her mind's eye. A vision she processed. She would manifest it, calling upon old magics that had never been seen in the lights of modern civilization. A death note. A harbinger flame. A black hand. The ominous glow encircled and encompassed her. Her companions stood idly by, entirely mesmerized by the methodical and calculating way in which the witch worked her methods. Purple flames lashed out at the pirates which got in her way. Her purple magic surrounded them, unyielding to the ocean below. It circled around their ships and climbed to the sky. The more water it was fed, the stronger it became. The larger it became. The more it would suck the chakra and life out of everything in its path.

Demonic hellfire was not the only thing which the witch used to clear the way. Santon, a horrible and forbidden art, made volatile by the introduction of Kiriton. A blanket of acidic sickness flew through the air, the witch having formed the seals. The acidic mist encroached and destroyed, melted and obliviated. The pirates that opposed her couldn't see more than a few feet amongst themselves, and to breathe in at all meant to be filled with acid. To reside within the mist at all meant to be covered in it. Their options were quite clear, surrender and join her, or die and be reborn as a spirit with the others, their bodies fed to the planet. Half took her offer to join, the other half to perish. It was a painless death. the witch worked her magic, healing off the Santon's influence in mere moments, as though it were nothing more than swatting a fly. She then performed the kaku tenku fuuin sealing ritual. Her hands ebbed ichor of every imaginable color. A culmination of all her knowledge, she plunged her claws into each of the pirates chests, individually. Those that had wanted to surrender were made to be immortal, on the spot. She sealed their hearts into ccores with fuuin. Whatever item they wished. So long as it was the size of a heart, she could work with it. Many chose sea rocks, stacks of coins, ingots, weapons, or gemstones. Even clothing, or corpses. Or spirits. Their heart replaced with a core which would fuel their new bodies. Yet, still she persisted. Maido did not wait. Maido did not falter. Maido did not hesitate. Her work continued. All of her companions helped. A walking apocalypse, there was little anyone could do to stop them. Some of the pirates had attempted to destabilize the mist and blow it away, but to no effect. The witch performed an additional set of handseals, and the mist merely grew stronger. It grew in size, it grew in volatility, it grew in stability, and it gained a new color.

Scarlet shrouds had now entwined into the acid. Too, a black cloud. Then a purple. Then maroon. To breathe meant to be at her whim. Did you require oxygen? Did you require blood? Chakra? Magic? Elements? Friends? Family? She had control of them all. To resist would mean being spared. Those that did not wish to be converted into a core were allowed to retain their body as such, she was not a monster. Those that wished for immortality otherwise would be granted it. With her around, noone need die of old age. Immortalized forever herself, at the age of 18, she was fully capable of carrying oh her curse and she would do so happily. The blood witch boomed, drawing on her Elemental Enlightment and Necrodruid prowess. The remaining half of the pirates, she too plunged her claws around their hearts. She formed somatic and verbal components, grasping their heart within their chest with one hand, chanting and forming seals with the other. These pirates were turned into cores as well, but sealed with Fuuin of a different sort. Each of them, specifically inscribed and labeled to be used for later. When her work was done, she had transfused beings in both ways. Humans had become cores and gained new bodies, or had become cores and merged with a spirit, becoming a hybrid human-spirit fusion. A true wonder, yet a walking abomination nonetheless.

A true Anubis, an idol of old gods among mortals, the witch walked the earth. As she gazed upon Starfall Island, she thought it a most suitable location to begin to build an academy. She began to clear the area. Her arms came up, and pillars of roaring purple fire spew forth from her person. Anyone that had gotten in her way would be dealt with, appropriately. Her arsenal ensured it. She came upon Starfall, her floating Sky Sanctuary under her feet. She dropped the island between Starfall and Jinjeku, and gazed towards Jinjeku. She was growing hungry, and a full moon was near.
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

User avatar
Posts: 5314
Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:00 pm
User flair: I am made to protect and destroy.

[Event][Maido Enters][Open to Peaceful Training & Negotiations]

Post by Sia » Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:43 pm

Maido and her followers weaved seals and chanted whilst Maido too continued her own training. She locked eyes with Kaori, and the battle of wits had most certainly begun. Two walking apophysis if God's, The Blood Witch and The Rainbow Witch combined forced. A heart crystal gemstone bound them at once. Kaori's body writhed. Red tendrils pierced into her skin. The area cleared out. Maido looked bored. A simple spar? Kaori had asked her. That was fine. Maido drew a blade. Red blood shot out from her hand, a tendril wrapped around her own wrist. It drew out a red blade. "What rank do you call yourself?" Maido asked her student.

"Do you wish me to fight you as your equal, your superior, your teacher, your killer, or your savior?"

Ominous words escaped Maido's lips. She knew everything about her opponent already. It was impossible to be within four hundred meters of her without her learning as such.

"...They call me Hotaka, Kaori. The Rainbow Witch of the stone dance; fight me as my superior and savior."

"The contract is binding. My name...is Muramasa, Maido. Eldest living member of the Muramasa Kiri Family. The Blood Witch. Peacekeepers and... Kakukage of Tenchugakure. Also known as Bannin of Kirigakure."

Kaori's hands flew, a blaze of lightning cracked from her scabbard, batting at the bloody tendrils Maido had called forth. Maido's tendrils receded, causing Kaori to fall short and become caught off balance. Maido's tendrils flew out, grasping at Kaori's sword and snapping it immediately. Devouring it, it sucked in its components of doton and raiton, and shot forth red glass. Infusing the elements with her blood, she created red razors of blood which became murderous crows at her command. At her will, they shot forth in a furry.

A flock of red death descended upon The Rainbow Witch, and she retaliated too late. She jumped back, as fast as she could when caught prone in such a method. Narrowly avoiding death, she retreated repeatedly. Unable to look back for fear of death itself. Were it genjutsu? She had no idea. She never imagined anyone of being as strong at commanding the elements as herself. What madness was this? Her hands were cut like lemons, Maido had assured it. Ribbons of hot red glass had pierced straight through her body with no resistance. The only reason her hands even worked, were because Maido had allowed it. It wasn't even a fair fight. An A-Ranked Threat had no business even attempting to harm Maido. Child's play. The lashing on Kaori's hands? Surgery.

Through true grit, Kaori warped the elements. She called upon a blade of stone and lightning. In one hand, it spewed forth a torrential of fifteen meters. She turned on her heel and spun into the air. Letting out a mighty roar, her hair flowed a multitude of colors. She swung a vicious somersault into overhead strike, the very ground crackling beneath her from the force of her jump and impact. White fission of milky horror magic oozed from her core. White ooze wretched across the canvas and permeated the soul. It touched blood glass and split it down the middle. Globs of blood, turned to water. Yet...only because Maido had allowed it.

"What do you call that?"

"Fission Style"

Last edited by Sia on Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

User avatar
Posts: 5314
Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:00 pm
User flair: I am made to protect and destroy.

[Event][Maido Enters][Open to Peaceful Training & Negotiations]

Post by Sia » Sat Oct 24, 2020 6:02 pm

Become God The Blood Witch swung forth her arm, calling upon the most vile and twisted of blood magics. Still, a most bored look came across her face. This opponent at least was cute, she thought to herself. Still. Not a challenge. Suddenly, Maido's own blade stretched out to four hundred meters. Simultaneously, her cloak wretched outwards behind her, a living mass of blood, it appeared as a red wolf's cloaks it shrouded her appearance, her eyes glowing alone. Two hundred meters, it seemed to flow back. An extension of her mind, naye of her will. It moved without thought. Twisted and existed on its own, it resembled a wolf with a mouth on its chest. A deafening wolf howl, with krakens teeth grinning most ferocious.

"If they stand before you.....show no mercy."

Maido swung her blade and her voice pierced the air. "BECOME GOD."



Maido's voice pierced through Hisayo and Kayoko's very beings. At a frightening speed, the archangel descended. Leaping into the air, blood, acid, and purple flames spewed outwards in every direction from their being. A silent dance of death. It came like music, a blazing and blinding speed of which many couldn't even view. When housed inside each other, Maido could buff them. At speed known only to that of gods, she moved. To have low willpower or reaction time meant to perish. In an instant, Maido, Hisayo, and Kayoko descended upon Kaori. A twilight reaper, Kaori was blown back. A hail of elements and destruction assaulted from every direction. A clone of mist shot out of Maido's being, and then again three more. They wrapped around Kaori's limbs and began to scream. Making eye contact with each other in a circle. They grabbed one arm each onto Kaori and the other began to perform components. A blood spell, powerful and forgotten. Red plague burst forth in a damnation of vapor, inhaled by Kaori and all those around her.

Maido raised her hand up into the air. Willing her magic which had infused Kaori into the air. "Tonight...we are your superior." With that, Maido pierced her blade tip through Kaori's chest, next to the heart. With her off hand, she bid Kaori towards her and she was flung against her will at a blinding speed. To the untrained, it would have appeared to be teleportation. Maido batted at her. Sending her back up the length of the blade and causing her to be cleaved through the collarbone and should. Serrated, lacerated, and severed, Kaori fell. Utterly and entirely defeated.

Yet, Maido moved. Before Kaori could fall the four hundred meter drop, the oldest Muramasa caught her. Willing her through the air with a flick of her hand. Kaori's dismembered body floated towards The Blood Witch; and so Maido healed her.
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

User avatar
Posts: 5314
Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:00 pm
User flair: I am made to protect and destroy.

[Event][Maido Enters][Open]

Post by Sia » Sat Oct 24, 2020 8:32 pm

The blood witch continued her chanting, a raw and powerful magic bursting forth from her person. Making a prolonged eye contact with her opponent, she said nothing, but her word had become law. Light green healing vapors stemmed from her hands, encasing Kaori's shoulder. The wound sealed shut, as though it had never happened. As good as new. Better even. Most certainly a valuable lesson. "And your savior."

Now, her pet stirred. Vorashu leaped forth, itching to play. Maido heeded the call, dropping to all fours whilst her cloak engulfed her frame. A red dire wolf, she towered against her dance partner. A howl and hiss, she rushed forth in a leap. Apex hunter, out on the prowl, she blended into the red mist around her. Where had she gone? Were you afraid...in the red? Could you hope to see her? Could you hear her? She moved without a sound, never touching the ground. Anywhere within the sky, she might be. Even to those with the most honed of senses, Maido was a ghost. If she didn't want to be found, she wouldn't be. In a flash, she could disappear. Jump into another body. Jump into another village. Jump into another continent. Another realm. Another timeline. How could would even conceive of competing?

Her hand shot forth, and a crow of fifty puppets emerged from the ground, clawing their way upwards from their unmarked graves below. The fallen dead, each a life Maido had taken. Pirates and renegades and spirits amock, creatures of the deep and of the sky and the void. Of the oceans. Of the abyss. Of the nightmares. Everything was hers to command. One of each materialized. Small they may be in number yet, fifty corpses was fifty corpses. Soon, she would have two hundred. Four hundred. Five hundred.

Maido gathered her strength. Raising her hands into the air, she summoned more. D-Ranks? She could do hundreds. Mist clones popped off into the air. Blood clones shot out of her cloak, breaking off a chunk and taking it with them only to regenerate it into another one of their own. Suddenly, a Genin was a God. A Goddess was a huntress. An army of souls, running forth. To attack on her territory meant to be at her mercy. Come then, she threatened to the world. A war was a war.

Kaori bowed, a symbol of respect, before adjusting her posture. "Again."

So be it, the primordial beckoned. Coming out of the mist, she exited from inside Kaori's body, a most horrifying process, if Maido had wanted it to be.

A bow from each of them. "A blade only, this time?" Kaori asked her superior.

"It would be my pleasure."

The trio resonated. Maido invaded Hisayo, and wieled Kayoko. Fifteen meters each, they drew upon their blades. Maido defended. Kaori waited. Unsure of her next move, Kaori was starstruck. She had never been ridiculed and beaten in such a manner. What type of monster was she dealing with? This was truly a god among mortals. Kaori had been busted in the span of mere seconds. At Maido's mercy, her back and call, how could she hope to compete. She swung. A play right jab.

Maido looked bored. She didn't move at all, the blade missed? No. Maido was too fast. At this range, you would have to become god yourself to hope of striking her. Her body simply morphed shape and moved out of the way. A hole, an impossible target. It appeared to be space time, but it was not. Just incredibly, blazingly fast. Inhumanly. Inconceivably. She danced and waltzed, moonbeams tranquilly missing as arrows and kunai flew from her person. How many weapons did she have? Thousands. She threw a sword. Another. Another. Another. Arrows flew. Volleys of ice, mist, blood, and fire. Acid, shade, dust, and oil. Fiber, Lotus, Obsidian, Fission. What element did she want? What weapon? No problem.

She conjured a battle axe. Sixteen meters wide. She wielded it like feather, and swung it. A battle fan? A volley of fire. Feathers shot out from it with every swing. One for each opponent, a bladed guillotine flew. To ignore it meant the loss of hands...or worse. Purple flames and green acid adorned the black glass, stained with blood.

Kaori gasped. What a marvelous weapon. But those feathers would be tricky. She danced out of the way, avoiding Maido's onslaught. This would be tough. Maido hadn't even touched her own weapon yet, merely produced it. Still, feathers flew from it as it sailed towards Maido's hand, bladed deathwings flew towards Kaori's person. She began to mold hand seals, calling upon the great elements of the goddess of nature and imbuing herself with the great beings of darkness and lightning. An infinity circle, a glow in the night. In the red mist, a clone of Kaori shot out, running straight into fray, drawing the fire away from Kaori's real person as she snuck off to the side, drawing her weapon. A lightning clone sprung forth, this time with rainbow hue. It cycled through many colors, and did as it was meant to do. It took the blade and grabbed it, throwing it off course, it drew its own sword, and hopped right on board. Grinding to a halt, it grabbed the blade and gripped. Exploding, it diverted its course, into Kaori's running position.

Interesting, thought the eldest of blood witches. A most interesting approach. A training method meant for Maido. Perhaps she would learn something yet. Kaori persisted, and swung with her blade. Maido yawned and stretched, falling backwards, blowing a kiss in Kaori's direction. She grasped her warfan and twisted, floating upwards and striking at her opponent's joints, at lightning speed. Curses of seals struck upon skin, paralyzing and removing flow of chakra. Deading in place, unable to be used. Should it strike a heart, it meant the deep sleep. An organ? Failed. A Muscle? Paralyzed. Numbed. Dead. First, the hands. Always the hands. Both of Kaori's hands were struck immediately. Maido had changed her weapon to the size of a pencil, but a fan it still was. It's range now up-close, she put herself to work, having closed the gap between her opponent by doing nothing. Thus, she had time to react. She moved out of the way, with a bit of a yawn. She struck at Kaori's hands, once across each knuckle, like clocks on a wall. A stirke of each cord, each knuckle, each hand. That's what it felt like, a jolt and then nothing. Kaori's hands had been disabled. A jolyt of black Raiton blasted out from Maido's nails, Kaori's as well. "With this, I take your casting away." Maido's fan dripped with ink. Seals laid upon the hands in simple strokes of the brush. No need for repeated strikes, if one fell stroke will do. By merely moving out of the way and reacting, she already had the advantage. A giant paint brush was her weapon of choice. She needed nothing else. Acid drippe upon Kaori's hands, locking and weighing her in place. They fell to the ground like stone, weighing behemoth.

Next, to heal it. Maido worked methodically. She spewed forth light green waves and cared not for what she had done. The most immediate way to end many opponents was to ruin their hands. Without them, shinobi and samurai alike failed. Maido didn't rely on her hands. She had an unfair advantage. "Embrace the black lightning, the purple fire. The ichor blood acid cursing you and coursing through your veins." Maido's blood turned black, suddenly. Purple flames roared from her mouth, she exhaled death itself. To konoha nin, it would be most similar to sankaton. To Iwa? Lava. To Kiri? Death. A forbbiden flame known only to Maido, the purple fire bellowed forwards, consuming everything in its path. A wave of purple lept out, sucking the life out of the area. Vegetation, wildlife, fauna, human, spirit, anything with chakra, laid barren. Indiscriminate, like death itself. A black wave rushed over the battlefield and Maido blended in. The mist too, changed to a black color now. Tainted and perverted, it filled with smoke and hung in the air to choke. It obscured vison, sight, sound, touch, hearaing, and magic itself. Even Sensors from outside were naked and afraid. Those inside were at Maido's beck and call. Her purple flames shot across the ground. The fungal overgrowth, the spores made of illusion death, withered and disappeared. Burnt, dried to husks, sealed into paper books for Maido's garden. The fungus of Jinjeku bothered her none. She collected samples of anything and everything, and stored them all within books inside her cloak of black and red blood.

jutsu trained

Praxiton: Wildgrowth Fanning
D-Ranked Praxiton Jutsu
Prerequsites: Suiton, Katon, Fuuton, Raiton, Doton, Iijutsu, Kiriton, Kuriton, Santon
After forming the necessary handseals or otherwise channeling, the caster will send forth a wave of purple, dark blue, and black fire, up to [control] meters away from their person in a radius around themseves, at their leisure, for the next [1/3 control] posts. This flame will latch onto and suck the chakra out of anything it touches, indiscriminately. It will continue to utilize the chakra as fuel to continue burning and otherwise spread until their is no chakra left for it to consume, or smothered by a Suiton jutsu of equal rank or greater, unless the caster of the Praxtion jutsu's [control] is greater than that of the Suiton jutsu's caster. This will consume fungus and vegetation, meat, bone, and flesh in a manner of moments, leaving no trace of chakra, magic, tissue, bone, flesh, grass or spores of any sort. Only Ash.

*[Iijutsu • False Death]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
Prerequisite: 5 Iijutsu
This simple ninjutsu is comprised of the user's knowledge of the human body and the ability to mask all vital signs. By focusing chakra throughout the body to preserve its function while in this state, the user can appear to be dead as long as they have chakra to spare. This act can seem very realistic to the untrained opponent, but is foiled by sensor techniques, certain doujutsu and jutsu, and the *[Iijutsu • Medical Diagnosis Technique] technique.

*[Iijutsu • Skin Generation]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
Often utilized by medical-nin to heal small, superficial wounds or for producing excess skin to use in skin grafts, the *[Iijutsu • Skin Generation] technique has its number of uses. After focusing chakra into his/her hands, the user will channel it into a small area of skin cells on the patient's body. This chakra will force the skin cells to multiply at an ample rate by confusing this area of the body into its reconstruction stage that is achieved during slumber. As this is a type of regeneration, users must keep in mind that each cell draws from nutrients in the patient's body, and as such, too much can cause serious harm. In order to regenerate medium-sized areas of superficial wounds, it takes one (1) post of concentration. Areas smaller than this take considerably less time. In the case that the skin sample is separate from the body, the cells can be multiplied more quickly than they could be otherwise. These types of samples are generally use for skin grafts. The *[Iijutsu • Skin Generation] technique can be held for four (4) posts.

Rainbow Leeched Fan: War Dancing Grand Phoenix Rebirth
S-Ranked Tenkukakuchifuuinsanjutsu Poison Creation
After forming the necessary components, a battle axe will appear in one hand. By continuing to do seals with the off hand whilst holding the axe, for the next [1/3]control posts, the user may freely swing the battle axe within their kinesis range and be up to [control] in diameter in every dimension, plus another handle up to [control] meters in length. For the duration, when swung if the wielder chooses, a feather of blood, soaked in S-Ranked Acid, Infused with Maido's Chiton, Kaku, Tenku, San, Kiri, and II jutsu, made of obsidian, will fly towards an opponent within her kinesis range. Should it make contact, it will strike with [control] and inject the target with all of Maido's elements, hyperloading their system and putting them at her mercy, knocking them out immediately through whatever necessary method, sacrificing half of the infected targets chakra and stamina each in addition to cast an S-Ranked Chiton Santon Iijutsu Fuuin Paralysis sealing technique, causing the target to go to sleep until the seal is removed. Maido is currently the only known person capable of creating this seal's antidote spell.
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

User avatar
Posts: 5314
Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:00 pm
User flair: I am made to protect and destroy.

[Event][Maido Enters][Open to Peaceful Training & Negotiations]

Post by Sia » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:27 am

The blood witch chanted. Her word was a death sentence, uttered in a wretched tone, foreign to those that had not felt her embrace. Had someone been infused with her blood? She would perform a most dark ritual. To have Maido grasp your heart, your core, or your soul...meant a dark embrace could be placed upon you. Her hand oozed ink, and she moved most swiftly. Kaori ran. A side of the goddess she had not felt in a long time. Fear. Terror. What was it that Maido had become? A reaper king? A scarecrow? A warden? Delightful agony? Torment? Her armor had done nothing. Maido' ripped straight through it like it hadn't even been there. At all. Nothing about Kaori's toolkit and training had prepared her for this type of combat. What the hell was she fighting? Maido was a god?

Truly, a marvel to behold. Maido suddenly vanished. A red mist encroached. It stretched. It enveloped. Kaori slew together hand seals, and a globule of white ooze shot forth from her blade. Fission magic disrupted the blood shroud, but it only turned to water and mist and too became infused. Kaori's infusal dissipated, overwhelmed and regurgitated by Maido's mere presence. Kaori couldn't see. She couldn't sense. She couldn't smell. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't think. By merely existing within the four hundred meter threshold known as Maido's existence, Maido had an army of thousands. Hundreds of souls, creatures, followers, villages, dead, living, bugs, swarms, puppets, pirates, jinchuuriki, livestock, castles. At a moments notice, whatever she needed. She merged into her own blood mist, her cloak protecting her and her trio of heart's body.

"Should we add this one to our collection?" The kraken asked.

"Why not?" Chimed in the hound. The wolf. The Hunter. The Mother.

"Pretty." Added the blade, the human, the body.

"All in." It was unanimous. A wretched and dark, forbidding ritual. It brought with it terror and destruction. Life and death, in a delicate balance. A dark seal of ice, blood, mist, acid, ink, flame, stone, lighting, graphite, spark, shroud, smoke, wood, charcoal, flint, metal, obsidian, glass, and water. Carved in blood, but begotten in flesh. Maido formed the seals. With both hands, she drew through the air, moving and dancing about the battlefield as she did so. Her hand reached out, bursting forth from Hisayo's chest, and grabbed the incoming kunai from the air. "An explosive tag?...Please." Maido's face erupted from Hisayo's stomach....and ate the tag. It gave an evil grin, revealing shark teeth and a pair of eyes inside of the throat, acid and chakra of olde engufling the tag and wiping it clean to pieces. Maido spout it out clean, and slapped a seal of her own on it, while making eye contact with her prey. Kaori stood frozen. By having her chakra engulfed, she was at Maido's mercy.

Maido held Kaori in place in one hand with her psychic blood grip, and with the other she wrote on the paper.

"Become God"

That was all it said, in fuuin. In blood, it followed Maido's hand to Kaori's heart.

"Do you yield? I can make you immortal."

Immortal? The Rainbow witch thought about what she would be sacrificing. She could never have children. What did that mean? Who cared.

"Do it."

Maido's hand plunged into her heart, and gripped it. The blood witches claws carved through bone and flesh and metal and stone. Anything in it's path was obliterated. She ripped Kaori's heart from her bare chest, and tossed her carcass to the side.

Maido grabbed from her tool belt one of her puppets, a red tendril shooting forth from her facehole to procure it. She slammed the heart into the core, slapping the "Become God" Seal upon it not once, not twice, but twelve times. She split the heart. Fifty five souls Maido had killed, fifty five concentrations and cores she would split Kaori into. Fifty five individual puppets. A concentration and/or ability each, per mechanism, per puppet. She did the math. It was calculated. Flawless. Wretched. An abomination.

"Become God" Maido spoke in silence.

Kaori woke. What in the ever living fuck was that? A nightmare? A dream? An Illusion? A Genjutsu? She yawned and stretched. She seemed to be okay. Her body felt..off. Light. Devoid of a heart. Devoid of a soul. Filled with many...souls? Hearts? What the hell? The red mist encroached and Maido suddenly spilled forth from her lungs.

"How do you feel, Rainbow Witch?" Maido looked...calm, yet bored. Bold, yet beautiful. Small, dangerous. Ominous, foreboding. In one hand life, in the other claw death. A balance of primordial scales. Was she a god? Yes. Quite. Mad? Quite likely. She grinned. A wolf's grin, Her eyes glowing amber and shadow. Fierce canines, yet clean and immaculate. "I hear you are good with a sword." Maido extended her hand. Kaori took it, and Maido made eye contact. Pouring her thoughts and souls into Kaori, she rejuvenated her. A life Maido had taken and stored, sealed and burst into nothingness. A battery. Disposal souls. Fuel cells. Chakra sources. Her reserves ran deep. Kaori immediately felt better.

Jutsu Trained:

Kaku: To Become God
S-Ranked Chiton Kaku Ii Fuuin
By forming the necessary hand seals and meeting the necessary knowledge thresholds, Maido has learned to grasp the hearts of other beings and pervert them into a Core utilizing the elements at her disposal in tandem with the elements of the target in question. By fulling enacting this technique, the recipient of Maido's blessing will sacrifice their heart and have it replaced with a core, heart-sized in shape but allowed to be realistically any object they wish of appropriate size. This process will turn the target into a [core] body character, requiring them to utilize puppetry, iijutsu, and/or the elements in order to reforge themselves if damaged. When creating cores in this fashion, Maido is capable of splitting them into multiple copies, distributing the appropriate stat throughout them as she and the target see fit. Once set in stone, those stats may only be moved through the utilization of other Kaku techniques. The creation of a core will inscribe said core with fuuin seals, requiring [control] at least equal to Maido's in order to tamper with.
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

User avatar
Posts: 5314
Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:00 pm
User flair: I am made to protect and destroy.

[Event][Maido Enters][Open to Peaceful Training & Negotiations]

Post by Sia » Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:06 am

To become untouchable, one had to go to great lengths. In the world they lived in, Maido was no stranger to danger. Yet, Maido had never truly been bested in combat. Her arsenal of supplemental jutsu and her mind of tactics ensured it. Here, she was God among mortals. Ascended beyond the realms of normal humanity she had indeed reached godhood at its Apex. She formed the seals, blood surging through her host body as she channeled chakra throughout Hisayo's flesh. "Enter the void, and become water." Rang throughout Hisayo's ears, an ominous wind. "Let go of your earthly attachments and fine peace within the mists." Peace within the mists? What the hell did that mean? Wondered Kaori suspiciously. Hisayo suddenly burst into vapor. Red mists spewed out from her being from every pore of her body. A walking shroud of darkness, the blood witch encircled her in every direction. Vision obscured, senses dampened. Sensory magic was useless outside of her zone, and within this mist, Maido was your lord. Hisayo's body merged with the mists, Maido encompassing her frail heart with her own cloak, ensuring her protection as she worked diligently upon her body.


"Do you wish to be like me, Hisayo?"


Kaori didn't like the sound of that to be quite honest, and her knuckles whitened at the grip of her own blade. What was this sensation she was feeling inside of her? She felt...empty. As though she had no heart. Or as though she had...many? A fragmented body, scattered inside itself. Why didn't it hurt? She could tell her organs were misplaced and the rampant overgrowth of her additional hearts was...unsettling to feel inside of her own body. She wasn't quite sure how to feel about it, truth be told. "Again..."

"...But be my Harbinger."


Hisayo didn't particularly know what to think. Should she become one with the dust? The shroud? The blood? The mist? The stone? Kayoko and Maido seemed quite comfortable within their immortal bodies, but she wasn't entirely sure she was ready to give it up just yet. "Not yet, Master." Maido respected her wishes and repaired the damage that had taken over Hisayo's body.

"As you wish, Hisayo, and Kaori."

Maido posed her body in a most peculiar and defensive stance. She looked...quite playful, in a way. She formed hand seals and produced a lengthy polearm of a weapon. A vicious scythe, forged of many dark colors. Chiton, Praxiton, Kaku, Kiriton, Santon. It oozed death, a touch from it would surely mean bad fortune for those on the receiving end. Maido giggled. A very evil, sinister laugh. One that was unsettling, even to Hisayo and Kayoko, whom had both grown quite used to Maido's odd behavior at this point.

Maido suddenly exited from Hisayo's body, revealing her true form. A red eruption of tentacles exited from Hisayo's mouth, spewing out from the mist. A tendril grasped the scythe and the swarm of blood bolted directly towards Kaori's person.

"I'm done...being a hero." Maido's voice was ominious, ghastly. A vicious, horrible side of Maido that her companions had never seen. A tone which she used only when requested to act as Harbinger, Killer, or Reaper. Moving at such a frightening speed, Kaori couldn't even react. Within this red mist, Maido was untraceable. Unfathomable. Untrackable. Unscentable. Unsenseable. She didn't even touch the ground. She made no sound when she moved.

"Let the darkness consume you." Kaori became alarmed. Where was she? How was she supposed to fight someone that she can't find? She can't see? She can't smell? She can't hear? A slash erupted across Kaori's body, cleaving her left arm completely off at the shoulder. Before she could even react, her hand, too, had been severed and removed from her body, on the other side. Her hand, still gripping her blade, fell to the floor, but never made it, as Maido grasped it and took the sword for herself, plunging it straight through Kaori's shoulder at such a blinding speed Hisayo and Kayoko swore it was outright teleportation. Completely disarmed and disabled in a matter of seconds.

What could Kaori even do? She didn't have time to perform seals. She didn't have time to think. She didn't have time to run. To fight Maido within her mist meant to be lose. It was nearly automatic. If you couldn't dispel it, you would never find her in time to do anything about her. What could one even do? Maido was three hundred years old. She had the experience of several lines of Kages. She knew magics and techniques that were lost to the world, never written down and existing only within her own mind.

How could a Jounin even begin to compare?

technique trained

Praxiton: Harbinger Scythe
D-Ranked Praxiton Jutsu
Prerequsites: Suiton, Katon, Fuuton, Raiton, Doton, Iijutsu, Kiriton, Kuriton, Santon, Kaku
After forming the necessary handseals or otherwise channeling, the caster will send forth a wave of purple, dark blue, and black fire, up to [control] meters away from their person in a radius around themselves, at their leisure, for the next [1/3 control] posts. This flame will pull itself into the shape of a scythe, up to [control] meters in length and girth, at the caster discression. When struck against anything, it will produce further flames and flame will latch onto and suck the chakra out of anything it touches, indiscriminately, unless it is the handle of the weapon. It will continue to utilize the chakra as fuel to continue burning and otherwise spread until their is no chakra left for it to consume, or smothered by a Suiton jutsu of equal rank or greater, unless the caster of the Praxtion jutsu's [control] is greater than that of the Suiton jutsu's caster. This will consume fungus and vegetation, meat, bone, and flesh in a manner of moments, leaving no trace of chakra, magic, tissue, bone, flesh, grass or spores of any sort. Only Ash. If fuuin and doton are applied to this weapon, it will refresh the duration of its existence indefinitely, but will not produce additional flames when striking unless this particular technique is recast.
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

User avatar
Posts: 5314
Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:00 pm
User flair: I am made to protect and destroy.

[Event][Maido Enters][Open]

Post by Sia » Fri Oct 30, 2020 6:20 pm

Where were you when Maido joined the war?

I awoke, in the midst of a dusk vicinity and had the most intense feelings that I was being watched. How could you know that those were my hands? My shoulder? My eyes? One had been stolen from me. I did not understand. When had it happened? I must have lost consciousness. As I looked to my right, I realized my blind spot was non existent. What then had happened to me? This was most unsettling. Her body had been torn apart. Limb from limb. Sewed and put back together. A most horrifying and agonizing process. Were some of the chunks missing? What had she done to herself? This was most dredgen, she concluded. This must be it...the end of my existence.


Suddenly, my eyes were dazzled by the most horrid of rainbow cycles. At the end of the styles, at the end of the niles, a shroud of color did burst forth. Her eye, repaired. Grown back in place. Why did it feel so large? Was she hollow? Had she always been? Hadn't she always been? The Rainbow Witch stirred. This was new...This was different. What horrible pact had she made with Maido? Could she be killed? Had Maido really made her a God? It wasn't an illusion? How bizarre. A most horrid and irreparable sensation rattled her cores. The blood magics that had been used on her had been so bizarre and crazy that she didn't even know how to react. The war was over. If Maido had entered the fray, noone would stand in her path. She was a primordial God among fleas. Everything that she wished perished instantly. To defy or oppose her meant death within instants. What forbidden magic did she possess? How was this even possible? Gods are not real, are they?


Where was that voice coming from? It was Maido's but the source was...internal? Suddenly, a red tentacle burst outwards from my mouth. Wretching, I recoiled and gathered my thoughts. "How are you feeling?" I was asked. I looked around and took in my surroundings for the first time. For the first time, since meeting Maido, I was allowed to see more than a meter in front of me. I could smell more than just blood. I could hear. I could taste. I could feel. I could move. I could run. I could fight; I could blight; I could fight.

"What did you do to me?" I asked her.

"I transcended your humanity and made you immortal like me.

I gazed upon the castle behind her. It was an odd iridescent obsidian, shrouded in crimson cloak and scarlet mists. Fogs of acid dripped from gargoyle fangs. Glass fence, covered in frost and shadow flames. Was she really among a God? It certainly seemed so.

"You will have to understand. I have a plan for us." Maido spoke outloud.

"I had heard the stories of you from the Akari clan...but I had no idea you were this dangerous. I bow my allegiance to you. You're going to end the war, aren't you?"


-Hotaka, Kaori, Harrowing's Eve, Iwagakure Native, Year CCXXIII - The day Maido killed me fifty five times and ressurected me for fun.

Kaori & Maido trained:

Regurgitation of the Elements
D-Ranked Kaku Iijutsu
By forming the necessary handseals and channeling the appropriate mediums, practitioners can regrow missing limbs in their own body by gathering more of the elements at their disposal. At this stage, it can only be used to regrow basic things such as a single hand, a single eye, or something else within that size range. This will take place over the course of the post after the techniques sealing has been completed.
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:


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