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Konoha trades Chikara for Noeru.

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Post by Director » Sat Oct 28, 2023 1:59 am

phpBB [video] Fanho walked in silence with Taiga. They teleported close to the western edge of Wind Country to the borders of Heart Country. With it being the country in-between the two, and neither side having strong ties to it, it was the closest neutral zone for the two to do the trade. However, Fanho at least planned it far away from any population centers to avoid wandering eyes. He had placed a fuuinjutsu on Chikara and his companion to put them to sleep as they traveled. He wasn't wanting to hear much from them, and would rather focus on the topic at hand in silence.

The silence would come as an odd shock to Taiga, Fanho's demeanor had taken a dramatic shift after the interrogation and terms set before Chikara. It was almost like the interrogation made him a changed man. He entered ready to play good cop, bad cop, but he ended up playing all the roles as Hayate watched silently. The Hokage just walked silently as he watched the path before them with intent, and with an ominous ode of violence to his gaze. He steeled his happy-go-lucky nature for this encounter, he had to put on the world leader hat, and embrace the responsibility left with him. He would make sure Setsuzoku's business ended at its own borders, and wouldn't stretch any further. Any cooperation with Iwa would be ended, and instead Setsuzoku would try to become a legitimate nation. War waged only in its defense, anything more then he'd have no qualms taking the nation down himself.

His chest rhythmically raised and fell with an odd normalcy and peacefulness to it. From any external view he'd appear normal, but to those that knew him they knew something was up. The rationalization, the internal conflict with his own beliefs about peace and hope. It all came to a clash faced with the death of his mentor, the weight of the village, and the anger he felt towards some paid goons running an excuse of a country with conflicting beliefs and actions. He wanted to give them a chance to adhere to his advice, clean up their act, but his faith was tainted by the internal monologue that seeped doubt into that hope. He would go into this with his best foot forward, but how it'd play out? Even Fanho couldn't see the future.

As they walked they stopped at the meeting locale, Fanho off loaded Chikara and the companion against a nearby tree as he stood waiting with Taiga. He left Konoha in the protection of Hayate and Tenzin, while Fanho and Taiga made the swap. He hoped there would be no combat, his goal would be a simple transfer of prisoners, and word exchanged from the two leaders. He made his demands clear to Chikara, but it was clear to him Chikara wasn't the brains of the operation. He'd get it from the horse's mouth Enzaragi. He felt out with Chakra sensing the surrounding area as he closed his eyes and focused on the surrounding area. Watching for Noeru's signature and Enzaragi in tow. He'd be able to tell if Enzaragi came with anyone else or more than the two people max they agreed on.
Jutsu UsedShow
*[Sensory Style • Augmented Sense]
A-Rank Ninjutsu
Prerequisites: *[Sensory Style • Broad Sense]
This jutsu is an even further extension of *[Sensory Style • Broad Sense]. With this jutsu, a sensor sacrifices quality for quantity. They can view to much greater distances compared to a normal sensor, but their ability to differentiate between people starts to become muddled, meaning multiple people in close proximity will appear simply as a large chakra mass, without the users being able to distinguish how many people are there. By sitting down and meditating, they are able to start to sense further and further away. For each post of meditating, they are able to see one third of a mile out, up to a max of posts equal to 1/2 their control (rounded up).
Last edited by Director on Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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Post by Hayate » Mon Oct 30, 2023 3:07 am

The twisting, churning of the ether pulled at Taiga's body from either side, his atoms decomposing and re-arranging themselves piece by piece as his flickered into existence in a foreign land to which he'd never been. His eyes darted around the surroundings as he came to, figuring it to be the Heart Country side of Wind Country, as his body welled up chakra to create a wooden dummy, which he then assimilated into, taking control of it.

Taiga still wasn't used to the feeling of teleportation nor was he much a fan of it. Part of him wondered, as irrational as it may be, if each time Fanho teleported they lost tiny fragments of themselves. Shaking his head softly and refocusing himself on the task at hand the Shadow to the Hokage's foot plunged gently into the ground, immediately getting a feel on their surroundings, least they be caught with their pants down. Nothing seemed abnormal or out of the usual so far, but he would stay on high alert.

Fanho, who was usually unable to shut himself up, had been uncharacteristically quiet the entire time. It was clear he was fighting a battle inside of himself. Taiga crossed his arms and stood, a little bit back behind Fanho as he unloaded the prisoners and propped them up against a tree. Leaning against another tree nearby, he phased his hand into it, giving him feeling to the other tree and it's roots.

Things seemed according to plan so far.

"And now we wait, I suppose." he muttered, breaking the silence thus far.
C-Rank NinTaijutsu
Prerequisite: mokuton/dummy
Taiga will create a wood dummy whilst channeling his chakra into it. He will then be able to move as one with the dummy. If the dummy is struck at any point in the next 7 posts, it will shoot out roots in a 30 meter radius around the dummy at [Control] speed/strength grabbing onto anything caught in the radius and pulling it back towards the dummy's last location, constricting with intense force for however many posts are left in the duration.
@35 Control

Phantom Sensory Evolved
A-Rank Discipline Taijutsu
Prerequisite: Phantom Sensory
Building upon the training Taiga has done to feel that which he is merged with, Taiga has honed and trained his sensory to an even greater level such that he is able to feel the pressure shifts and changes and even the presence of chakra along an object surface which he is merged into. This works at up to [Endurance] x 2 meters away from his position inside an object. For example, a bird flapping its wings would cause pressure downwards on the ground, or a fireball ripping through the ground would heat the air above the ground. These are all things he can sense.

Konoha no Senken • Flying Swallow, Birds of Prey
S-Rank Discipline Taijutsu
Prerequisite: [Perception]
With immense willpower and perception skills, Taiga has trained himself to be one with his environment much like birds of prey. Able to keep his focus in all situations with great pose he is cognizant of subtle details around him, capable of honing in on the slightest changes of air or even the smallest movements in the fibers of an opponents clothes, allowing him to pick up on their movement and predict it before it is complete. This can also be used outside of combat for lip reading, or even guessing what someone writes by watching the eraser of the pencil etc. This causes him to seem rather ADD at times as his eyes rapidly tracking movements around him. A downfall to this technique however is that while his eyes and brain may be aware of movement, his body is not always capable of knowing and keeping up. Meaning he has to be physically capable still of responding to threats or capitalizing on weaknesses, even if he perceives them.
Last edited by Hayate on Mon Oct 30, 2023 3:08 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Trusted Grader » Thu Nov 16, 2023 7:40 pm

The day was finally here, their scout and messenger had returned with good news, they had agreed with the trade, Chikara was to be exchanged for Noeru, though Chie wasn't too sure that this trade would go as easy as they made it seem, as a Yamanaka she knew how important a Senju was to Konoha, but she could not help but to wonder if they had cooked up some kind of scheme, so she prepared a comms link between Enzaragi, her and the Mimic, for she knew that if things went sour then they needed to assure that the country remained.

Chie had come to accept a long time ago that their lives were meaningless in the grand scheme of things, their legacy of creating a better world would always come first, or at least that was what Chikara always told them, with one final eye contact and a nodd she would watch Wakana, Shiryoku, and Enzaragi take off, leaving the cavern and head towards the rendezvous point, their helmets created a three linked conversation where they were able to pick up the Mimic who was already halfway across the country and moving slowly towards Rock Country.

He had been given the go-ahead to enter the country if they gave him the right signal, which they hoped wouldn't happen, but one couldn't be too certain, for all she knew the new Hokage, Fanho, could have lost it due to the death of his mentor, Chie had no idea how Enza would react so one would have to stay vigilant. All we can do now is hope for the best... Please don't do anything stupid now.

Checking comms, we have changed our station due to Chikara and Yasu being captured, we don't want the enemy to be able to listen in on us. Test, one two, one, two. Chie would hear Wakana clear her soar throat as she peered over at Enzaragi who would be the one to speak, once he had spoken she would continue. If things go sour, we send the Mimic into Rock Country and hand them the keys, I'll act as the middle man and pick up the work left by you guys, please try to make it back in one piece. Wakana nodded and cleared her throat, though deep down she knew that if they had to send the Mimic into Rock Country then they would surely have been killed in the process.

Enzaragi had assured them that Jashin would take care of them if worst came to worst, though that was something she didn't really believe in, she only believed in Chikara. The eagle slowed down as they started to near their destination, its eagle eyes zoomed in and allowed Wakana to spot the duo who kept Chikara and Yasu as captives. "Ph.p.h..phasing." Wakana struggled to speak, she showed with her hand and performed a small charade for Enzaragi, in order to reveal to him what the eagle had spotted from its vantage point.

"Get....ready." Wakana coughed, the eagle swooped down before shrieking as it flapped its massive wings in order to stop their descent, it landed on the ground a couple of meters away from the Hokage and Taiga, then took off once the duo had left its back as it didn't feel comfortable not holding the aerial position. The meeting had commenced.


[Stop! Go back, Enhance]
D-Rank NinTaijutsu
Prequisite: Focused Vision
After the master(s) forms a set of seals this technique will allow the user to enhance the vision and send out the zoomed-in view of the target.
Different Sides Of The War
The Compassionate
Karagata, Yuuto
Special Jounin: Kiri
The Lawful
Shoshiki, Amaya
Bannin: Iwa
Wana, Ran
The Hunter
Inuzuka, Kitsui
Genin: Konoha
Treasure Hunter
Amigaou, Mahalow
B-Rank: Suna
The Invisible
Nonki, Hotaru
Jounin / Spy: Kumo
The Mercenary
Nara, Chikara
S-Rank MN: Konoha
Chie, Yasu, Wakana, Ayuma, Shiryoku
The Cryomancer
Aisu, Yuri
Genin: Kiri
The Jashinist
Kijo, Nehan
S-Rank MN: Konoha

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Post by Mre-face » Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:48 am

Word of victory spread on the battlefield quickly but any semblance of celebration was immediately crushed upon Wakana's Chie's arrival at the main camp. Wakana and Ayuma was killed in action and Wakana was in critical condition falling unconscious into a coma. While Chikara and Yasu had been captured. If they hadn't managed to escaped and gotten medical attention from a particularly experience and somewhat familiar medical ninja, then it was likely that Wakana would have died in the battle as well.

Enzaragi could only pray for their health and was ever thankful to Jashin as they recovered and that Chikara would be returned safely to them. However he couldn't trust in Jashin only to get out of this. This was a situation he had to deal with himself.

Good. We know what to do no need to beat around the bush. Enzaragi usually had a laidback demeanor, life of hardship would do that to some but this time Enzaragi was fully locked in. His aura was far closer to his time as a general during the great war.

Wakana described something interesting "Phasing" that could only mean one thing. Then it's Taiga we are dealing with. They really brought in the big boys. Says a lot more about us honestly. The Hokage and a Bannin with a genma at that for this exchange could be seen as overkill but for Enzaragi it could be interpreted as them respecting their strength. It was clear that they didn't want to take any risks incase anything turned sour.

As the three of them landed the first thing Taiga would notice was the collar strapped to Noeru's neck an explosive collar designed to detonate via a single kai seal in case any of them tried anything funny. Enzaragi was as fast as the two of them so if they decided to get smart then this whole exchange wouldn't be fun for either of them.

"As you can see your fellow Senju here has a bomb collar strapped to his neck. Try anything funny and boom. Y'know the rest." A kai signal was show as a small gesture for added flair even if he was serious the more bratty nature of him came out in a slight display of showboating.

"Let''s get this over with..."
Last edited by Mre-face on Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Scorpion

Jinsoku,Enzaragi S-Rank MN: Iwa Setsuzoku
The Swordsman

Yūgana, Mondai B-Rank : Kiri Seven swordsman
The Angry

Shaolóng, Gōkariki A-Rank : Konoha


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Post by Director » Fri Jan 26, 2024 3:16 pm

His chakra picked up on the signatures of Enzaragi and Noeru. As they came into view the situation laid before Fanho was clear. A bomb strapped their comrade’s neck, and Enzaragi’s self assurance in his moves. The Hokage cocked his head with a sort of pity to it as he sighed shaking his head. He then kind of nodded acknowledging the situation.

Fanho held his hand up in plain view of Enzaragi as he channeled chakra through coating his hand in a violently swirling deep purple. He briefly touched his hand against Chikara’s leg. Time working overtime as the skin turned black and began to decay revealing Chikara’s calve muscle. ”Perhaps it’d do you good to find a different tone to speak to me with, or else I’ll make sure to finish what I started.”

With his freehand and Taiga following in tow holding , Fanho dragged Chikara by his collar forward bringing himself within 15 meters of Enzaragi. He’d throw the limp, paralyzed, and chakra sealed man on the ground as Taiga drug his companion to lay beside him. “First I need to know what happened at your battle site. Next anything you know about Iwagakure” With his sensory he’d listen to what Enzaragi had to say about the war. With his heart calm and his nerves steeled, only one thing rattled in Fanho’s mind. That was if this was how he’d have to conduct diplomacy in this new world.
Jutsu UsedShow
Tighten Time: Accelerated Decay
A-rank Ninjutsu
Focusing chakra to his hands, Fanho's hands will glow with a midnight blue hue. During this time any object or person Fanho touches he can age it significantly by turning any objects to dust, and for people he can cause minor decay such as moderate necrosis down to major muscle groups, but no deeper than that. This technique lasts for 5 posts.

[Sensory Style • Heart Sense]
A-Rank Ninjutsu
By channeling chakra, the user will close their eyes and focus on chakra sources within a 40m range of their vicinity. Chakra is intimately linked with a person's mental state, and this technique makes use of that link to evaluate a person's emotions. The user is able to detect a flare in chakra reacting with emotions, evaluate and determine the general status of a person, should they be happy, sad, annoyed, but more importantly, can evaluate things like killing intent, and can be used to detect lies in people without an equal or greater rank Perception Taijutsu.
Last edited by Director on Fri Jan 26, 2024 3:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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Post by Hayate » Fri Jan 26, 2024 9:11 pm

Taiga would, as the groups began to approach, compositely assimilate the properties of his Koton-enhaced emperors chest plate, then stop between both prisoners, Yasu and Chikara, within arms length of the two prisoners. He wasn't much of a sweet talker or a talker at all, so he'd leave any diplomacy non-sense to Fanho. His eyes locked on everything in the battlefield. Something was off and felt odd, though he'd never met any of the people here before today.

This had been such a drag. And he didn't mean the part where they were dragging the prisoners around. He let out a sigh as he twirled a kunai between his fingertips and gently swayed side to side, visible wind surrounding his body. All he could due was pay the part of a body guard ready to toss a kunai if need be- probably wasn't really menacing to the S-Rank criminals.

"Hmph.." he sighed as he boringly continued to just stand there. Still, with his perception and keeping his body primed for movement and in some movement of sorts, he would be ready in case this criminal group decided to break their end of the deal.

They didn't have bombs, but the only threat he could do was show he was ready to act if needed.

Disc's continued

Koton - Chestplate

[Composite Assimilation]
B-Rank Stance Taijutsu
After making contact with an eligible piece of solid matter, Taiga will utilize his Genma abilities to assimilate multiple materials at once, or add more materials to his current assimilation, allowing his body to become a composite of the multiple materials at once. After assimilation he is able to "phase through" or "merge through" objects matching the materials he has assimilated. This technique must be used with a discipline for the appropriate material he is merging with.

Konoha no Senken • Tailwind
B-Rank Maneuver Taijutsu
Required: [Heavenly Body Control]
The Flying Swallow Style developed by the Sarutobi family is a NinTai style. To circumvent the need for ninjutsu in Konoha no Senken, practitioners instead use their own explosive movements to bend the wind around their body and create a powerful tailwind behind them. While they move, this tail wind violently circulates around their body, building up pressure. Each post the the user is consecutively moving forward at a minimum of [Speed]/2, the wind gains [Speed]/2 strength. It can be used as a shield to protect the user, or through the use of another technique can be released. The maximum amount of times the technique can gain speed is 2 times. If the user stops moving or drops below [Speed/2] for more than a post the wind dissipates.
Last edited by Hayate on Fri Jan 26, 2024 9:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Trusted Grader » Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:39 pm

Wakana's eyes landed on Fanho's as he dragged his hand on Chikara's calf and began to decay it, she tried to take a step forward but Enzaragi would probably be quick to stop her. "Faul..." Wakana cleared her throat as she began inspecting Taiga as well, her eyes darted up and down before they returned to Chikara who was tossed as if he was a rag doll. These men are savages. She understood that during war situations people tended to show their worst sides but she couldn't lie and say that she wasn't affected by how they treated Chikara's body.

She didn't react to what Fanho said as she was concerned with her comrade's wellbeing but one thing was certain, she didn't like how they seemed to be escalating the situation for no reason, they had JUST greeted. She wanted to shake her head but she knew that it was better to stay focused on the task at hand.

"De-escalate... We are... Here... To... Discuss... Not... Fight... Focus on trade." Wakana kept her eyes on Taiga, she didn't want to fight, nor did she want to go with Chikara's radical plan if things really went sour and she REALLY didn't want to go with that radical plan, especially not after all the blood sweat and tears they had poured to create CC.

"Talk..." She had trouble speaking after her throat got injured but always did when the situation called for it and if there was ever a situation to talk then this was it. She hoped that Enzaragi would give them the information they were seeking so that they could put this entire ordeal behind them.
Different Sides Of The War
The Compassionate
Karagata, Yuuto
Special Jounin: Kiri
The Lawful
Shoshiki, Amaya
Bannin: Iwa
Wana, Ran
The Hunter
Inuzuka, Kitsui
Genin: Konoha
Treasure Hunter
Amigaou, Mahalow
B-Rank: Suna
The Invisible
Nonki, Hotaru
Jounin / Spy: Kumo
The Mercenary
Nara, Chikara
S-Rank MN: Konoha
Chie, Yasu, Wakana, Ayuma, Shiryoku
The Cryomancer
Aisu, Yuri
Genin: Kiri
The Jashinist
Kijo, Nehan
S-Rank MN: Konoha

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Post by Mre-face » Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:51 am

Fanho didn't take his wording particularly well seeming immediately channeling chakra to perform space time onto Chikara's leg worrying Wakana taking a step forward before Enzaragi simply stretched his arm to stop her from taking any more steps forward, while Enzaragi did get plenty annoyed now was not the time to be emotional they had to keep calm as the main goal was to do the exchange and go home safely.

Fanho gave a vague threat him but such words didn't quite work on intimidating Enzaragi. The man wasn't even sure he could be killed, The countless battles he had fought and those times he should have died he simply didn't. "I'm sure you will." A simple response but more so used to acknowledge Fanho's words taking it seriously but also giving a inclination that it wouldn't possibly as easy as imagined or even possibly impossible given Enzaragi had no real way of knowing if he could even die.

They would then drag Chikara by his collar tossing him forward like a discarded toy that a kid didn't want to play with anymore. Even Enzaragi had more respect for their prisoner. The hostility was rather evident only further exasperated by the Genma known as Taiga stepping forward and swayed side to side with his kunai accumulating a wind around him. Almost immediately and instinctively Enzaragi began tracking Taiga's movements and brainstorming scenarios on plans of attack and if and how he could counter if they chose to attack. The kunai could easily be blocked that he knew but what happens from there?

No matter the posturing and tension was once again further worrying Wakana more than necessary. Feeling the need to talk despite the poor girl's injury.
"Don't strain yourself Wakana. I'll handle it." A small smile was exchanged before he turned his gaze towards the two S-rank shinobi.

Fanho wasted no time in making demands which Enzaragi would answer but only if he knew that his dear friend was even alive. "No. I'll tell ya but First, I want to know that my friend over there is even alive then I'll give you the information you need. I mean for all I could know you could have dragged his body all the way here, get your info and then finish what you started. As the way you put it." Enzaragi shrugged slightly in a "You know how things are." kind of way. Meaning no particular offense. Enzaragi expected the same from Fanho. Would Fanho give Chikara if they didn't even confirm that Noeru was alive? Of course not so the Hokage couldn't be angry with Enzaragi for wanting to know the same.

Enzaragi waited for his answer, if he truly was dead then the deal was off and if things escalated even further from then the plan might have to be taken effect but only if the worst of worst circumstances came to fruition.
Jutsu usedShow
Frame data
S-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Prerequisites: Read like an open book, Your hands can't hit what your eyes can't see!
Through years of experiencing and training for battle, Enzaragi has mastered his eyesight subconsciously able to analyze and see the slightest of muscle twitches and contraction of fibers to predict exactly how a person could attack this also extends to tracking multiple objects and opponents simultaneously no matter how quick or unpredictable. His remarkable ability to read attacks and track movements allows him to see an attack even once and is able to counter perfectly as a result.
The Scorpion

Jinsoku,Enzaragi S-Rank MN: Iwa Setsuzoku
The Swordsman

Yūgana, Mondai B-Rank : Kiri Seven swordsman
The Angry

Shaolóng, Gōkariki A-Rank : Konoha


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Post by Director » Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:05 pm

For what would be a silent second in passing as he let Wakana's words filter through his ears. Fanho looked deep inside at himself. He interrogated Chikara with less than savory means, decayed his leg here in-front of his friends, and stared at those before him with an emotionless gaze with his eyes hidden behind his mirrored purple paned glasses. A brief thought passing if this was necessary, is this who he was to become now? He hoped he could start leading the world to a better path forward, but these missing-nin before him now turned village holders. They looked at him with disdain, participated in a war on their ally, and helped the Tsuchikage kill his mentor and friend. Every second Fanho's body remained neutral and calm. Listening and indicating nothing but that he was listening to them speak.

Fanho nodded as he listened to Enzragi next, he could tell he was annoyed, frustrated, but a cocky tone laced into his words. The Hokage's brain had a brief lapse, wishing that things would be easier. That he didn't get to take the position in one of the most tumultuous times of the world's history. Deep hidden in the recesses of his brain hidden from everyone, Fanho felt defeated. Not everyone would listen to reason, not everyone wanted peace, and some simply wanted to watch the world burn. Despite this conflict going on deep within, on the outside Fanho looked particularly peaceful. He knew Noeru was alive, a good sign. His sensory picked up on it as Enzaragi came in.

In a flash the Hokage became shrouded in purple chakra as his body immediately reappeared next to Noeru and Enzaragi his right arm outstretched brushing the explosive collar as it turned to dust immediately whisking away the danger. While his left arm reached out grabbing Enzaragi's forearm as it'd rip through any clothing, turning it to dust. He aimed to disable the limb by decaying it. "No, you're just as irrational as the Nara."

Enzaragi would receive a look at the dead expression the Hokage would give over the top of his lenses. Behind his eyes were nothing but disgust. He scoffed at them, "You're done here."

His body would continue to swelter chakra before concealing itself to the ring, a purple glow surrounding it. Then his own fuuinjutsu would simultaneously activate as his body shrouded with an immense aura of Hiton protecting him and blinding everyone else in the immediate vicinity. The goal was to strike hard and strike fast. He didn't want to give them or himself time to think about what was happening.
You don't have that tech anywhere on your character sheet or have it applied for in a mod anywhere.
Jutsu UsedShow
Konoha Smash • Fear is the Mind Killer
S-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Prerequisite: 40 Will Power
Fanho is capable of suppressing his body's natural responses to things such as fear, happiness, anxiety, and anger leaving his body and mind in a neutral state hiding his true feelings. This doesn't make him incapable of feeling those responses mentally, but suppresses the physical and mental tics associated with it allowing him to mentally and physically respond calm, neutral, and collected. This is typically useful when needing to fool tests of mental and physical fortitude or allowing him to act rationally in response to emotion inducing techniques.

Konoha Smash • Space Synchronization
B-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Fanho is capable of recovering extremely quickly after teleporting. While most are jolted due to the sudden sensation of space opening around them before dropping them else where, Fanho has mitigated this feeling and delay to nothing. Capable of reacting after teleporting and enacting plans afterwards. This allows him more freedom when teleporting to launch into an attack or defend if needed.

Open Space: Blink - 8 Control
C-rank Ninjutsu
Fanho will channel chakra to his body as he focuses on a place within 8x2 meters of him. As long as he focuses on that place he can open space around himself and anything he is touching to teleport there instantly.

Charge Fuuinjutsu Hiton • Armor of Konoha - 32 Control (14 Speed, 50 Strength) casted with Kai
B-Rank Fuuinjutsu
When activated the chakra will mold into a solid form around the target's body causing them to appear bright grey with a haori forming on his body with the words Konohagakure(木ノ葉隠れの里) inscribed on the back. This chakra cloak forms at [Control] speed with a strength of [Control]. While in this jutsu a wielder can perform other jutsus, and the cloak only lasts for 7 posts before dissipating.
Jutsu ActiveShow
Tighten Time: Accelerated Decay
A-rank Ninjutsu
Focusing chakra to his hands, Fanho's hands will glow with a midnight blue hue. During this time any object or person Fanho touches he can age it significantly by turning any objects to dust, and for people he can cause minor decay such as moderate necrosis down to major muscle groups, but no deeper than that. This technique lasts for 5 posts.
Jutsu stored in the ringShow
Kuchiyose • Open Space: Ryōiki Tenkai
S-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Prerequisites: Open Space: Seeking Truth
By channeling chakra Fanho will open space around him up to 160x160x160m, Fanho summons his own realm by overlaying his space/time realm over the real world. While in this space, it will turn into Fanho's realm and be coated by a large transparent Deep Violet Hue veil that designates the area and can be left at any point by crossing the barrier. While doing so Fanho gets the benefits of being in his realm with no penalty for people within the realm. However this cross of realm is difficult to maintain and can only last for 7 posts. Once this jutsu is over the space goes back to how it was originally.
Last edited by Director on Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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Post by Hayate » Thu Feb 01, 2024 10:26 pm

Taiga's eyes broiled with a silent fury as he watched the exchange- and his fellow Senju clan member Noeru. His eyes flicked around between everyone present.

A younger and more immature Taiga would have likely taken Chikara's execution upon himself before it had even reached this point. After all, they had enabled Iwagakure to ransack the Wind Country border and were not only missing ninja scum but shinobi who were complicit in several crimes against Konohagakure including but not limited to stealing a Senju and killing the Hokage. But- Taiga was a few shades more mature than in his youth and his mind was a lot more tactical.

The truth was he intended to kill every last one of them the entire time; even if Fanho "wanted to see the good" in them or give them a chance. They had proven already they were a threat not above doing heinous crimes "just for money"- something he viewed as below scum. It as one thing to fight for your freedom and with your heart and soul- but to fight for coin... to ne willing to kill or maim for coin. Nah. That was a lapse in character judgement that was bound to happen again.

Simply, they were too dangerous to live. But lucky for Taiga they were all here now, all in one place.

This new figures voice echoed in his mind as he spoke.

finish what you started

Taiga couldn't help but chuckle at the insolence as the kunai span around his finger, it's revolutions continuing as he shifted his weight and locked his piercing gaze on Ezaragi. How humorous to consider themselves not the starter of this conflict- when they were the ones breaking peace treaties and attacking.

Closing his eyes once, more of a blink than anything, and opening them right as Fanho disappeared he'd watch for the beat. It seemed the Hokage had made up his mind- and perhaps decided a darker path than Taiga would have ever guessed. The corners of his lips tightened into a smile with pure anticipation as his eyes watched- as if he was viewing the world in slow motion.

The smoke rolled off the Hokage as he appeared beside the pair, and when his hand hit the collar to erase it, in lock step with his partner Taiga's kunai stopped spinning in his hand as it suddenly lurched with his full speed down into Chikara's chest (40 strength), simultaneously releasing the tailwind off of him to only further the strike (50 strength). Wasting no time he'd phase both the hand and kunai to pull it back out seamlessly with zero resistance, then thrust it once more at his heart.

He'd indeed finish something- he'd finish the tale of these mercenary scum.

Disc's continued (Phantom Sensory, Konoha no Senken • Flying Swallow, Birds of Prey)
[Composite Assimilation] stance continued, assimilating earth too

D-Rank Discipline Taijutsu
Through training, Taiga has gained the knowledge and discipline to assimilate himself with Earthen substances such as stone, clay, or dirt.

Konoha no Senken • Tailwind
B-Rank Maneuver Taijutsu
Required: [Heavenly Body Control]
The Flying Swallow Style developed by the Sarutobi family is a NinTai style. To circumvent the need for ninjutsu in Konoha no Senken, practitioners instead use their own explosive movements to bend the wind around their body and create a powerful tailwind behind them. While they move, this tail wind violently circulates around their body, building up pressure. Each post the the user is consecutively moving forward at a minimum of [Speed]/2, the wind gains [Speed]/2 strength. It can be used as a shield to protect the user, or through the use of another technique can be released. The maximum amount of times the technique can gain speed is 2 times. If the user stops moving or drops below [Speed/2] for more than a post the wind dissipates.
Last edited by Hayate on Thu Feb 01, 2024 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Trusted Grader » Sun Feb 04, 2024 2:34 pm

Tsukikage vs Hokage + Shadow
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Why did this happen? Why were they prepping for a fight? Wakana and Enzaragi were there for the trade but with Taiga and Fanho both holding a jutsu ready it was clear as day that they never planned on playing fair. Why would they risk the life of their comrade? Weren't Konoha known for saving people's lives? Wakana honestly half expected them to do the trade and then catch them on a later date when they were out on a mission or something?'

Seeing as they were former mercenaries their alliance could've perhaps been brokered but they didn't seem to display that they were interested in such a deal, why would things escalate to this level? What Taiga and Fanho never seemed to expect was that Noeru was still carrying his pouch, but Enzaragi wasn't the type to enter a situation without a plan, nor was Chikara dumb enough not to have prepped them in the past on how to best deal with a trade gone wrong.

Fanho had disappeared in the blink of an eye, he apparently went to disarm the explosive collar and attempted to grab Enzaragi. Fortunately, they had years of experience handling shady deals and knew exactly how to act if things went out of hand, Wakana, seeing as the duo in front of her appeared more than ready to attack, and once Fanho disappeared from her vision she knew that there was only one thing left to do and that was to channel chakra to one of the blades in his pouch, piercing his body and continued upwards towards his heart, cutting through his rear upwards, what happened next was hard for Wakana to sense as everything went too fast.

Shiryoku, still in the air, flew in a massive circle that placed it around 200 meters away and max height watched the battlefield carefully but even he had trouble keeping up with their speed, whatever happened next the bird would do its best to assist. Why did it have to come to this? Things could've been a lot smoother, no one would have gotten hurt, they could've gotten the information they were after, and again maybe even brokered a deal, but alas, reckless men act recklessly.


Focus on only 1 Kunai.

*Kuuton • Fire the Reserve
D-Ranked Kuuton Jutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user will raise up to 3 projectiles which will hover approximately 1.5m off of the ground in mid-air, and set them facing in a single direction. They are then able to cause them to be launched in that direction with [8 Control] speed and strength at any time over the next 3 posts, even immediately. If they are not fired during this time, the projectiles will simply drop to the ground.


Encircle the Pray
C-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Shiryoku has trained to check the skies surrounding the target before he starts encircling above, almost ending up in a trance flight, allowing it to focus on it's target and still stay on the move.

C-Rank Taijutsu Stance
Shiryoku keeps track of his target and doesn't let his target out of his view unless it's stopped.
Last edited by Trusted Grader on Sun Feb 04, 2024 6:56 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Different Sides Of The War
The Compassionate
Karagata, Yuuto
Special Jounin: Kiri
The Lawful
Shoshiki, Amaya
Bannin: Iwa
Wana, Ran
The Hunter
Inuzuka, Kitsui
Genin: Konoha
Treasure Hunter
Amigaou, Mahalow
B-Rank: Suna
The Invisible
Nonki, Hotaru
Jounin / Spy: Kumo
The Mercenary
Nara, Chikara
S-Rank MN: Konoha
Chie, Yasu, Wakana, Ayuma, Shiryoku
The Cryomancer
Aisu, Yuri
Genin: Kiri
The Jashinist
Kijo, Nehan
S-Rank MN: Konoha

Amaya's Book 1
Amaya's Book 2

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Post by Mre-face » Mon Feb 05, 2024 9:50 pm

The air grew cold and Enzaragi felt more and more suspicious of Fanho as stood there with his decay jutsu ready in hand and Taiga ready to explode at a moments notice. It made a certain unease grow in Enzaragi as he steeled himself by subtly leaning forward and rested his wrist upon as he talked honing his focus putting him a trance of sharpened focus upon Fanho as a result of his decay jutsu. It was as if a sword was drawn and being casually held as he tried to reason with him. Enzaragi couldn't take that lightly even if his body language indicated otherwise. Maybe they were just on edge and wanted their point to come across.

However even in this state of focus and preparedness nothing could give him the tell that no matter how much Enzaragi tried to reason or tried to negotiate and agree with their terms it would fall upon deaf ears as Fanho looked inwards and came to the conclusion that this didn't matter and any chance of talks would die this day alongside him and his dear friends. Violence was now the going to be the currency above dialogue.

In what looked and felt quicker then the blink of an eye. Fanho would flash then disappear and reappear behind his back. Decaying the collar and going to attack his arm. Caught only slightly off guard for a brief moment because of Fanho's guile Enzaragi would react instinctively drawing his omega blades from his back as his hand moved in attempt to dodge the forearm grab. Even if unsuccessful it would have to decay thorugh the armor before getting to the Jashinist's arm and even so his bones were made out of kouton protecting him even further.

The Tsukikage would still choose to commit to his coming attack rather then completely move his forearm away pulling Fanho forward if he kept his grip on Enzaragi then he would be yanked by a force beyond his physical capabilities. Before then being pulled into his blade in the opposite direction by the vacuum. He had experienced pain like no other whatever decaying felt like likely wasn't something Enzaragi couldn't handle and wouldn't stop him as a result.

Fanho was in his ideal range and committed to attack while channeling to prepare a new one. So whatever he was preparing, most notably his armor forming would be interrupted by Enzaragi's blinding speed and acceleration as he entered top speed instantly. Not needing to move far considering the sheer length and mass of his blades. Igniting his Ω blade as he spun aiming to stab the Hokage right through the neck putting him in critical condition and setting his clothing a blaze in an instant. The idea was to land one devastating blow or combo before any further attacks or setups could be done hopefully killing him or at least severely damaging him with one fatal stab.

If he landed the neck stab Enzaragi would have the insurance he needed to de-enter theta state so he could better focus on multiple targets.

"Sorry Wakana! When you land you get his body or run! I'll be fine!" Enzaragi said in a angry commanding tone acting more like a leader than a friend in this instance. Wakana stood no chance in fighting Taiga the least she could try her best to get away or atleast save Chikara.

He would say during the attack into the vacuum spin which would happen the instant his body twitched into position. Forcing Fanho closer in and preventing him to run away or escaping through other means as a result. In this moment the vacuum would pull everyone and everything around him closer including his allies but most importantly Taiga who would either have to resist the vacuum at his peak strength or attack. Shortly after he would slack his second blade of Ω fly around Wakana and extend it's full range in an attempt to stop Taiga from his attack against as best as he could.

Best case he would force Taiga to move out of the way from the vacuum and the blade and thus save Chikara and if he got lucky manage to hit Taiga along the way as well. Worst case it was avoided completely but at the very least it kept him busy and could potentially distract him.

After pulling his allies out of harms way the vacuum would be reduced to a range that only effected Fanho, Noeru and Wakana. Yasu and Chikara on the other hand would be flinged towards Enzaragi but not with precision causing them to fly in a similar but different trajectory from each other. After which the blade would follow along like a pendulum sparring any allies thanks to Enzaragi's mastery of body control and chains. His mastery of his weapons were so great that even if he was somehow blinded the path of the blade was already on it's way to not harm Wakana in anyway, all the while using his unparalleled skill to threaten any potential retaliation from around his body while accidentally performing any friendly fire. If his left arm was compromised it wouldn't matter as his neck and legs would suffice just fine ensuring that his chains would threaten the area around him in the exact same way.

Once he would lift off the ground the zealot would drag his Ω blade down Fanho's body as they would charr anything from his neck to his chest incinerating his heart in one fell swoop. The Katon infused blade would fill the air with a ugly smell of charred bones, tendon, muscle and blood.

During this time he would speak to what was now his enemy combatant. "No I'll be the one to finish this! DDDDIIIIEEEE!!!!" Enzaragi would scream in fury as the grounds of the negotiation was completely violated, enraging Enzaragi. The Jashinist did his best to prevent this as much as he could but he was now cornered. And as the Tsukikage he had to do what had to be done not only for himself or his friend but for his people.

Enzaragi would end the assault on Fanho with a kick to the body in an attempt to crumble his body and pull his body off the blade likely ripping out the heart along side the process. All the years of near constant near death experiences Enzaragi knew a lot about the regeneration process. The heart was always one the most most difficult places to restore so bringing it with him before the final attack two attacks was a way to, further make sure that he did as much damage as possible with as little chance to escape as possible.

After the kick he would perform his final attack of the combo, his body would turn into a scorpion stinger of physical energy and would aim to shred Fanho's body as he crashed into the ground leaving a crater leaving only Fanho's charred and dying body. If the man he attacked was truly dead or atleast severely injured he would his gaze towards Taiga and Chikara finding the former in which ever state he managed to prevent attack if at all. Observing the area as best as he could to in order to assess the situation.

Hopefully Wakana and Shiryoku would do something, hell anything to either get out of there with Chikara's body at least then he had a chance of saving him with help from Ichiro, Jashin willing.

Discipline and stancesShow
**[Iaido • Shinigami’s Gaze]
A-Rank Taijutsu Stance.
Prerequisite(s): 30 Speed, *[Iaido • Ancestral Visage].
Taking a deep breath and regulating their breathing, the practitioner assumes a crouched stance, leaning forward slightly as their sword hand hovers over the hilt of their blade, the scabbard's edge firmly gripped with their opposing hand. Forcing external distractions out of the mind such as pain, fatigue, and non-critical environmental distractions, the practitioner directs all of their focus onto a single opponent, dropping themselves into a trance called the Theta state. The Theta state allows the practitioner to react almost instinctively to each action of the opponent. These reactions happen so quickly that a proficient user of this stance can commonly interrupt or counter an opponent's actions with a movement or slash before they even finish it. This stance will constantly drain the practitioner while in use, and it is both ineffective and dangerous to use when fighting multiple opponents. If the opponent's Speed is higher than the practitioner's Speed, this technique is rendered useless.

Sasu • Ambidextarity
D-Ranked Taijutsu Discipline
After practicing for a long amount of time with the concept of using both of their hands with equal skill, the user has developed a level of ambidexterity that allows them to utilize their preferred weaponry without any sort of issue. This extends to other methods of combat or simply everyday life as well.

Sasu • Seamless Skill
D-Ranked Taijutsu Discipline
A skill utilized by those on the path to mastery of their weapon, users of Seamless Skill are actively able to transition between offensive and defensive usage of the aforementioned weapon. By transitioning so seamlessly, the user is able to save a marginal amount of energy while attacking.

*[Iaido • Ancestral Visage]
C-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Using Iaido to its fullest requires a keen eye and quick reactions, enabling its users to target weaknesses and openings that their opponents present almost instantaneously. This Discipline represents the practitioner's ability to attack openings that present themselves, the practitioner now able to reflexively attack an opening in almost the same moment that it is observed. This Discipline reduces the gap of time between a practitioner recognizing a potential opening for attack and launching the attack to exploit said opening to almost nil.

*[Iaido • One with the Spirit]
B-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Prerequisite(s): *[Iaido • One with the Sheath], *[Iaido • One with the Sword].
Through incredible amounts of practice, the practitioner of Iaido has learned his weapon and its housing inside and out. The user of this weapon can now reflexively sheath their sword in its scabbard almost instantaneously by instinct with either one hand or both hands without even looking. This facilitates further use of other Iaido techniques.

*[Iaido • Spectral Flight]
B-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Prerequisite(s): 15 Strength, 25 Speed, *[Iaido • Ancestral Visage].
In order for Iaido to stand toe to toe with a variety of high-level opponents, refining fundamentals to a new height is necessary. This Discipline represents the practitioner's ability to more quickly accelerate to max movement speed and decelerate to a full stop at a moment's notice. This does not offer protection against attacks that the practitioner does not know is coming.

Ω - The slave who mastered chains used to attack with both chains during Sasu • Scorpion crater to extend range
B-Rank Discipline Taijutsu
Ever since slavery Enzaragi has been familiar with chains and then later on Nehan with her wire. Enzaragi has honed his training with the chain blades to the point where he can use his entire body everything from arm legs and even neck to use his blades offensively and defensively even other inanimate objects to ricochet and redirect the momentum or energy to block and attack strikes

Sasu • I feel NOTHING!!! Used to shrug off forearm grab
A-rank Taijutsu discipline
Prerequisite: 25 Endurance, 25 strength, 25 Willpower IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!
Trough his learning in the ways of Jashin Enzaragi can ignore all forms of pain he can do this while being tortured or in the middle of a fight it doesn't matter. He uses this mostly in the middle of fights in order to keep an attack going.
Direct attacksShow
Sasu • Assassin's rush used to pull Fanho forward but nothing more
C-rank Taijutsu maneuver
Prerequisite:Sasu • Serial killing
In this attack, Enzaragi moves in and grapples his opponent and then quickly stab his enemy in the sides and then quickly right spinning back kick towards the wound. Potentially causing pain distracting the opponent enough for him to land another attack or make it more difficult to block.

*[Iaido • Shinigami’s Wrath] Aimed at to thrust at neck then dragged down into the chest during Sasu • Scorpion crater
C-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Prerequisite(s): 15 Speed.
A technique refining the concept of targeting multiple opponents with a single draw, the practitioner uses their sheath hand to reverse grip the hilt. Using the one hand, the practitioner quickly torques their body and cuts with a reverse hand slash a full 360 degrees before immediately sheathing the blade. This technique can strike multiple opponents at once, and the reverse grip of the sword allows the practitioner to more easily defend against counterattacks immediately after.

Full-counter! Aimed at ribs during to force Fanho to crumple. Part of Stinger combo
B-rank Taijutsu maneuver
Prerequisite: dodge/parry counter
After Enzaragi has dodged an attack any attack he counters with can knock the opponent out.
If the users Strength is higher than the opponents Endurance then the target will pass out or crumble down from a really hard body blow. Those hit with higher stats will experience a strong daze if hit towards the head . (-6 Willpower) or a will feel immense pain and lose their breath for 5 posts.

Sasu • Scorpion crater used with chains to extend the range.
B-rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Prerequisite: 35 strength. Heavenly body, Two blades.
In this attack Enzaragi starts the attack by performing a singular spin attack in order to build up momentum then jumps up 5 meters while spinning in order to cause a small vacuum that has a range of 5 meters. This technique allows multiple targets to get hit if they stand too close as they are dragged in per the user's strength. He slows down mid-air then comes crashing down at an abnormal speed. While spinning so fast that the wind around him causes a scorpion stinger to cover his body crashing down and hitting so hard that it will create a small crater after the impact.
Enzaragi aimed to stab Fanho in the neck and use vaccum heavenly tai jutsu flying into the air while also attacking/defending around him with his chain blades to keep himself safe from other attacks.
Last edited by Mre-face on Tue Feb 06, 2024 9:13 pm, edited 4 times in total.
The Scorpion

Jinsoku,Enzaragi S-Rank MN: Iwa Setsuzoku
The Swordsman

Yūgana, Mondai B-Rank : Kiri Seven swordsman
The Angry

Shaolóng, Gōkariki A-Rank : Konoha


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Post by Director » Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:21 pm

The Hokage’s eyes darted from target to target keeping them all within the forefront of his thought. Just as his hand waved over the bomb collar he watched as Noeru’s equipment bag began to glow with Wakana on the edge of his vision making handseals. Pupils dilated, Fanho’s right hand towards Noeru swatted down as it disintegrated all of Noeru’s equipment including the kunai preventing it from going deeper than a shallow stab wound. He left nothing else on Noeru’s person for Wakana to try and control as his hand swept over the sword, stabbing kunai, and pouch.

A glancing blow to Enzaragi's arm as the man pulled away, but still enough it decayed so that his grip strength was little to almost none. With the armored cloak gone it would make it much easier to punch through Enzaragi's defenses. The only thing left would be the man's apparent accelerated healing factor of which he noticed was already beginning to fight against the decay.

Fanho's other eye watched as Enzaragi further leapt into action at similar speeds to his own. The man dropped his chakra output forgoing the charge he put into his rings and fuuinjutsu he kai’d instead focusing on Enzaragi before him. He could feel the vacuum begin to pull him and Noeru in, the Hokage steeled himself hooking his right leg around Noeru's maintaining physical contact. He was no stranger to being unbalanced in these scenarios and utilized his time with the Raikage to lower his center of gravity to prevent being pulled over.

He couldn't evacuate Noeru at this minute, he needed to deal with the threats right in-front of him before he could secure Noeru. With Taiga taking action against the others he reminded himself that they couldn't just leave the companions swimming around. One already tried to kill Noeru, the other ready to swoop down at any point to intervene. So long as he kept himself close to Noeru he could keep him safe. The Hokage had to remind himself they were mercenaries, they'd kill again for the right price.

Enzaragi came in close, blinded, but aiming for his neck. A well placed shot to the head, but the mercenary couldn't tell if it would hit when blinded. He quickly ducked under the blade as he reached up with his left hand grabbing Enzaragi's attacking hand and cross guard of the blade where the grip was weak. With his right hand Fanho twisted his body lunging for Enzaragi's other already damaged hand attempting to do the same, grabbing the cross-guard and hand where it would be weakest. With both hands grasped Fanho quickly raised his leg performing a front kick with his right leg as he released the fuuin kinetic energy stored in his foot at the last moment with a kai.

Enzaragi would feel a strong strike reverberate throughout his body as he aimed to connect the fuuin powered kick to Enzaragi's solar plexus. With the decay enabled, Fanho may just have ripped his the mercenaries hands off.
Taijutsu UsedShow
Konoha Smash • Capture Card
A-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Fanho can keep up with multiple targets, up to 33 targets before he begins to lose focus on some of them. This assists as Fanho can ensure all of his targets are not endangering him, or keeping up with his allies to make sure they are not endangered. With this Fanho is able to combat multiple opponents at a time, and become a one man army on his own taking out groups of enemies.

Konoha Smash • Equilibrium
B-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
After hours of flight, air combat, and repeated dunkings in the Kumogakure's freezing lakes. Fanho has been accustomed to being off balance more than he'd like, and is able to resist being off balanced, and combat it by rotating his body midair, mid-ocean, or flying, positioning himself in a way to find his direction even in the most tumultuous positions or tumbles.

Konoha Smash • Just One Look
D-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
After several training sessions with weapons experts, Fanho can deduce weak grips and holds on weapons so he knows where to attack to force an opponent to drop a weapon. This makes him exceptionally well at disarming his opponents as he always goes for a weak point in their grip.

Konoha Smash • Mach 10
S-Rank Taijutsu Stance
While in this stance Fanho positions his feet squarely one slightly farther back than the other, and keeps his hands by his side optimizing the speed of his movements. While in this stance, Fanho moves with the utmost precision and speed, and is able to maximize his movements at supersonic rates. Any attacks thrown that try to hit Fanho act as if they were -12 in Speed slower than they actually are. This is due to Fanho analyzing and loosening his form to react to attacks with insane reaction times. By focusing on the strikes, Fanho is able to dodge other speedsters, and keep them in check.

Konoha Smash • Speed I am Speed
B-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
As long as Fanho is able to match the speed of his opponent, he is able to keep up with them and utilize his blinding fast reflexes to instinctively dodge their attacks. This in tandem with his ability to follow high speeds makes Fanho a formidable opponent as even if he may not be fast enough to entirely dodge an attack, he positions himself in a way that can reduce a critical injury to just a minor scratch/bruise or even superficial if he has such a close gap. Fanho's Speed must be equal or exceed his opponents Speed for this to be successful. This allows Fanho to take on dangerous opponent's face to face while minimizing his own injuries to keep from widening the gap between himself and his opponent.
Jutsu ActiveShow
Tighten Time: Accelerated Decay - 3rd Post
A-rank Ninjutsu
Focusing chakra to his hands, Fanho's hands will glow with a midnight blue hue. During this time any object or person Fanho touches he can age it significantly by turning any objects to dust, and for people he can cause minor decay such as moderate necrosis down to major muscle groups, but no deeper than that. This technique lasts for 5 posts.
Jutsu DroppedShow
Charge Fuuinjutsu Hiton • Armor of Konoha - 32 Control (14 Speed, 50 Strength) - 2nd Post
B-Rank Fuuinjutsu
When activated the chakra will mold into a solid form around the target's body causing them to appear bright grey with a haori forming on his body with the words Konohagakure(木ノ葉隠れの里) inscribed on the back. This chakra cloak forms at [Control] speed with a strength of [Control]. While in this jutsu a wielder can perform other jutsus, and the cloak only lasts for 7 posts before dissipating.

Kuchiyose • Open Space: Ryōiki Tenkai
S-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Prerequisites: Open Space: Seeking Truth
By channeling chakra Fanho will open space around him up to 160x160x160m, Fanho summons his own realm by overlaying his space/time realm over the real world. While in this space, it will turn into Fanho's realm and be coated by a large transparent Deep Violet Hue veil that designates the area and can be left at any point by crossing the barrier. While doing so Fanho gets the benefits of being in his realm with no penalty for people within the realm. However this cross of realm is difficult to maintain and can only last for 7 posts. Once this jutsu is over the space goes back to how it was originally.
Fuuinjutsu UsedShow
Force Fuuinjutsu • Hidaki Smash
C-Rank Fuuinjutsu
Fanho will channel chakra creating the fuuinjutsu across his arms. This fuuinjutsu stores up to 50 strength worth of kinetic strength (IE. A punch, ball tossed with strength, etc). He can channel additional chakra to the fuuinjutsu to fill it with the strength or absorb it from an incoming attack taking the strength out of it and allowing him to redirect it.
Last edited by Director on Mon Feb 12, 2024 3:58 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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Post by Hayate » Sun Feb 11, 2024 11:43 am

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The words he had shared with Tenzin echoed through his head as he executed Chakra with ruthless precision- the vacuum not quite strong enough nor long enough in range to do much against Taiga, who was not only quite strong but quite a bit more dense than the average human in his multi-composite stance, which included the wood dummy he had "absorbed" in addition to Koton and other materials he had assimilated.

My fate is to be the shadow Hokage of this village. To do the things that I know Fanho lacks the resolve to do..."

Billows of grey smoke engulfed Taiga, Chikara, and Yasu completely as massive wings of smoke sprouted about him and his head began to fade away behind the mysterious guise of smoke, all in complete silence until finally, the suspense culminated in a visceral roar that filled the air with a shrill and terrifying feeling as the chakra of Sukairaa flooded through Taiga's body. Fully empowered with even greater strength and speed than before the kunai spun in his hand as he horizontally slashed at Chikara's neck. The kunai continued in a wide arc as it tore apart the earth beneath Chikara and then continued on it's path into the neck of Yasu, who was near by, severing their heads in one single, brutal, and final move, as simultaneously his wings gave one massive beat and he began to channel into his hands.

His wings beat once more as he pushed down on the heads and body of each, sending them 10-meters into the ground and to their final resting place... and he was then rocketed into the air. His eyes darting from Fanho, Noeru, and Enzaragi to the woman who was off to the side of the trio and looking to make a get away.

"Too slow..." he roared, his voice mixed with that of Sukairaa, interlaced with the hazy and abrasive sound of the Genma's voice as he flew, keeping a radial distance to the others going around the outside for Wakana.

His hands channeled as he drew two shuriken, which then formed into massive shuriken as he threw the first one cross-cutting horizontally for the woman (Wakan) then the next one cutting up and diagonal at his full strength, aiming to remove the ability for her to simply roll out of the way or dodge, aiming for a full bisection of her.

These scum had harmed his brethren. They had hurt innocent people- helped Iwagakure capture Zakuro, Noeru, Yozei, and more. Helped Iwagakure press an attack that killed the Hokage. And they had done it all for money- in their words they were just mercs getting paid.

Hmm... aren't you jumping the gun? Sukairaa questioned uncharacteristically concerned about Taiga's sudden decision to kill, despite that not being Fanho's plan as far as he could tell or knew.

Taiga merely ignored the comment- it brought him no joy to be an executioner... but anyone who did what they did for money as "just mercenaries" were bound to do the same thing again. There could be no good-faith for heathens who had no morals to begin with. Like a man or woman who cheated on a spouse and then promised it wouldn't happen again- only a fool would be tricked twice.

The only option was to eliminate the potential threat. Taiga wasn't the type to kill for no reason or just because he was ordered to. But this case was clear- they had committed the crimes and had shown that more than likely they would be repeat offenders.

Full Form Up ->
+8 Chakra Pool, +7 Strength, +5 Speed, +5 Willpower
Only stat that goes above 50 will be speed, for 55

Continue perception tech

C-Ranked Ninjutsu
After phasing a body part into material and channeling into it, Taiga will manipulate the source material in a 10-meter radius. Taiga can utilize this technique to create potholes or phase items on top of the ground into the ground to bury them. This happens at a speed equal to his [Control] and requires full focus preventing him from doing other jutsu or techniques while shaping things.

[ninpou/massive ninja tools]
D-Rank Ninjutsu
While holding ninja tool(s) into his hand, Taiga will channel chakra into the tool(s). He can increase the tools up to a total size of 10mx10mx10m relative to the original shape of the ninja tool, split amongst the total amount of tools he enhances. The transformations last for 4 posts.

Konoha no Senken • The True Flying Swallow
A-Rank Discipline Taijutsu
The wings provided to Taiga in his later Genma forms have become extensions of his own body, and allow him to take flight. Taiga is easily capable of moving them as if they had always been there, using them to gain altitude and glide upon the winds like a bird would.
Last edited by Hayate on Mon Feb 12, 2024 11:26 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by Trusted Grader » Tue Feb 13, 2024 7:37 pm

There was nothing Wakana, Yasu or Chikara could do to stop Taiga from performing the actions he had set forth, the only thing that would be left now would be memories, or perhaps even a ghost, who knew, what Wakana knew was that her last memory of Chikara and Yasu wouldn't be the war they fought and how they rode on different animals, no, it would be how they celebrated Crescents creation, she would always cherish those moments, where Enzaragi and co would celebrate a day of victory, a step closer to their utopia, the happier their people were without their intervention the better.

The second she was capable of realizing that the kunai had been moved, she would close her hands and channel chakra between them, whatever happened next would be between those would do something about it, for she would hope that her robe would protect her as best as it could if Enzaragi was capable then it would stop the Fuma from even cutting her. Her plan was simple, she wasn't capable of fighting any of them, the only thing she was capable of was capturing as many as possible, her final jutsu had already been trained between the mercenaries so Enzaragi would know what would happen with just one glance.

"Run." Would be the last words she said as she released the jutsu onto whatever remained of Noeru and that whole situation, she didn't care about her life, it was forfeited the second Fanho and Taiga chose to attack, the only thing that mattered now was to protect the Tsukikage at all prices and Enzaragi knew this, he would know that he couldn't bring her mind to change nor that he would be able to stop her from attempting again, all he had to do now was finish the job and she would make sure that there was nothing left. If he failed then she would die before the Jutsu could be completed.

Shiryoku was so far away that the fuma would with a great chance miss, especially once he sprung to action when Fanho blinked, and seeing as he was 200 meters away and flying in a different course, he was flying away, Chie who was miles away anxious over what was going on. The eagle had hoped that his reaction was enough that it only clipped its wings, if not the bird was toast.


*Kuuton • Planetary Devastation 35 Control.
S-Ranked Kuuton Jutsu
After performing the correct hand seals, the user will concentrate kuuton chakra into a space between their two hands which will appear as a black sphere about the size of a baseball. The user will then raise the gravity until the sphere is in the air, up to 80 meters away from the user. From there, anything within a 60-metre radius of the area beneath that sphere will be lifted toward it with [Control] strength. This causes the earth to crack and splinter into several pieces before rising, potentially crushing any humans that are caught in its radius. This occurs throughout 4 posts, at the end of which will be produced an orb of earth approximately 75 meters in diameter.


The Shadow
C-rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Shiryoku boosts its flight (+6) speed at the cost of agility (-6) Will.
Last edited by Trusted Grader on Tue Feb 13, 2024 7:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Different Sides Of The War
The Compassionate
Karagata, Yuuto
Special Jounin: Kiri
The Lawful
Shoshiki, Amaya
Bannin: Iwa
Wana, Ran
The Hunter
Inuzuka, Kitsui
Genin: Konoha
Treasure Hunter
Amigaou, Mahalow
B-Rank: Suna
The Invisible
Nonki, Hotaru
Jounin / Spy: Kumo
The Mercenary
Nara, Chikara
S-Rank MN: Konoha
Chie, Yasu, Wakana, Ayuma, Shiryoku
The Cryomancer
Aisu, Yuri
Genin: Kiri
The Jashinist
Kijo, Nehan
S-Rank MN: Konoha

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Post by Mre-face » Wed Feb 14, 2024 10:41 pm

Within mere moments attacks were already exchanged Enzaragi drew his swords and pulled Fanho in but his quick reactions made sure that Enzaragi would hit nothing but air, instinctivel stopping the vacuuming strike to focus on attacking more directly. Luckily the vaccum would work in his favor as Wakana would be repositioned quickly from the vaccum putting her in a better position to be protected. The Jashinist's hand had decayed but his regeneration was quick to work away the necrosis as his hand was already on it's way to return to it's normal healthy state. Fanho wanted to disarm Enzaragi's attacking hands by decaying them however, Enzaragi was far to experienced to let such a thing happen again let alone twice with zero contention.

The Hokage's head had moved down closer to Enzaragi's waist and seeing as how he was in theta state his reactions were flawless as he needed to crouch to dodge the attack and thus was positioned closer to his legs... His experience would be put on full display as in fractions of a second he would already come up with a tactically sound response. While Fanho was busy ensuring the hostage's safety Enzaragi was focused on one thing and one thing alone. And that was to strike down the Kage before he could protect himself or Noeru in anyway shape or form. The Tsukikage would jump into the air and thrust his knee simultaneously to catch Fanho on his momentum forward while also pulling his legs up and back in a way to prevent any further plans to grab at Enzaragi. Ideally the knee would land on the newly inaugurated Kage's face. Likely fracturing any part be it nose, orbital bone or forehead and cause cuts and bleeding, Enzaragi's metallic endo skeleton would make sure of that.

Even if it landed against the Kage's torso it would still be useful enough for Enzaragi to continue to the next part of the attack.

Whether the knee landed flush or not didn't matter has Enzaragi's right would quickly adjust to a ice-pick grip and stab Fanho in the back of the neck. Unless Fanho had secret arms behind his back then there was no dodging this one and Enzaragi would happily trade if he needed too. After confirming the thrust Enzaragi would de-enter theta state and spring quickly into action. As he dragged the blade down from Fanho's neck through his back burning anything and everything including his spine and his heart along with anything Fanho was wearing and likely searing his flesh, tendons and bone he would at the same time use his unparalleled level understanding of chain physics to use his previously drawn Ω-blades to burn through Noeru with his fiery chains burning through him that would make a hot knife going through butter looked cold in comparison. Seeing as she was close enough Enzaragi would quickly move Wakan by pulling her closer to his body. Most likely it would run through even with a graze and completely shred her armored cloak but would be just enough to save her and give her the time to pull of the jutsu. As for Shiryoku he would use his omega blade to guide it to deflect the ninja tool just enough to slow it from the clash just enough to likely give Shiryoku enough time to move away and fly to safety.

If he was successful then he would heed her words as he knew of the destruction she could cause, but not before using Fanho and Noeru's bodies as protection to further ensure his escape.

Whether these word were exchanged or not Enzaragi would warp his chains around Fanho as well essentially use the two of their bodies as meat shields should any retaliation from Taiga come forth. Dragging them with him as he ran with his full speed to get away from this incredibly messy situation. Enzaragi would grab Wakana and pull her with him as he made his escape. Doing his best as Kage too protect his comrade as any true kage would try their best to prioritize.

Discipline and stancesShow
All other's previously listed are being used.

Your hands can't hit what your eyes can't see! used to counter and predict Fanho's arm grabs and knee him to the skull.
B-rank Taijutsu discipline
Enzaragi knows distance managing is a very important as this can give him huge advantages giving him immense control over fights as he can move in and out of range to change the rhythm of the fight making it difficult to get used to while also having great range management and dodging attack at even a moments notice while also noticing patterns and openings giving him almost perfect dodging and countering capabilities.

Enzaragi dagger-hands
D-rank taijutsu discipline
Because of the small size of his blades handles when he is holding his blades he can use all of his unarmed style techniques without sacrificing power, speed or technique.

Sasu • Reverse Grip
D-Rank Taijutsu stance
At any point during the fight, he can grip his sword in a way that makes it so that the blade is pointed downwards.

Ω - One with the Chains Used to defend Wakana
A-Rank Discipline Taijutsu
Enzaragi's training and reflection on how his mentor used chains and wires to her advantage has allowed Enzaragi to reach the point where he can use the chain blades to deflect incoming Kunai/Shuriken/Senbons and other attacks blocking entries if they are incoming at lower speed or equal than the Enzaragi's own speed and for greater speeds able to block if the range and his own reaction were to allow it. He is able to utilize the chain in 360 degrees as he has "become" one with the Fire Chain blades, this technique also let's Enzaragi use it on the move. In order to counter this technique an enemy needs a perception tech of the same rank in order to find the proper openings in the defenses.
Direct attacks/ManeuversShow
Air dodge: Used in tandem with previous disciplines and post to make sure he gets away.-
C-Ranked Taijutsu maneuver
By performing multiple exercises and flips. Enzaragi has learned to twist and contort to dodge midair. He can use his momentum and his flexibility to dodge midair strikes and projectiles provided, he predicts the attacks and is fast enough to dodge them, utilizing his stances and relevant disciplines and perception techniques as well as accompanying stats in order to do so.

Full-counter! Knee to face.
B-rank Taijutsu maneuver
Prerequisite: dodge/parry counter
After Enzaragi has dodged an attack any attack he counters with can knock the opponent out.
If the users Strength is higher than the opponents Endurance then the target will pass out or crumble down from a really hard body blow. Those hit with higher stats will experience a strong daze if hit towards the head . (-6 Willpower) or a will feel immense pain and lose their breath for 5 posts.

Iaido • Helmet splitter used to stab Fanho through the neck then drag it down to burn
B-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Prerequisite:Acrobatics 20 speed
A different type of Iaido that Enzaragi made himself. Enzaragi rushes at his opponent's telegraphing with a purpose to catch people by surprise. When he gets close enough He forces a very quick snap of tension and torque through his arms and legs. But instead of drawing and slashing. He draws then Side flips over the opponent/s head aiming to split their head open. This technique is less powerful due to him not being on the ground but it can still deal with High damage with enough power.
Enzaragi throws a flying knee to Fanho's dome then aims stab Fanho in the neck, dragging it down as he is using his chains to wrap Noeru and protect Wakana from projectiles and possibly wrap Fanho to use them both as meat shields and make his escape.
The Scorpion

Jinsoku,Enzaragi S-Rank MN: Iwa Setsuzoku
The Swordsman

Yūgana, Mondai B-Rank : Kiri Seven swordsman
The Angry

Shaolóng, Gōkariki A-Rank : Konoha


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Post by Director » Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:26 am

As Fanho ducked Enzaragi similarly took action jumping just out of reach as he launched his knee forward. With the flip of a switch Fanho entered into Sage Mode as purple lightning enveloped his body and a godly white light emanated from behind his eyes giving the Hokage monstrous strength and more control over ninjutsu. With no successful grab or time to cast his fuuinjutsu, Fanho shifted his body stance instead of focusing on his jutsu he instead prioritized exerting every bit of strength he could build. With strength now towering over Enzaragi's own, with one of Fanho's hands he quickly maneuvered it blocking the knee launched to his face as the decay began to take hold in Enzaragi's knee. Fanho dug his fingers into Enzaragi's flesh holding the man still. The kinetic energy sapped from the attack as Fanho stored the strength for later.

In a flash Enzaragi transitioned to a reverse grip as he attempted to stab at the base of Fanho's neck while whipping his chains outward to collect everyone before him. With Fanho's free hand in one fluid motion with explosive speed reached out intercepting the chain and disintegrating it before it had time to grab Noeru and Wakana.

Then he let Enzaragi's sword strike true to the base of Fanho's neck, however, what Enzaragi would witness is Fanho's skin remaining perfectly fine as it was reinforced with senjutsu chakra making the blades unable to pierce his steeled skin bolstered in part by his new found physical strength, no harm would come. Using that fluid motion his hand that just disintegrated the chain, he would rotate it around grabbing the blade placed at the base of his neck as he disintegrated it too.

With Enzaragi still gripped Fanho's fingers digging deeper into his flesh weakened by decay he'd transition his free hand after disintegrating Enzaragi's chain and blade into a straight punch to Enzaragi's gut, utilizing the totality of his strength with little build up and the kinetic energy he had just stored using his legs and other hand to help supplement by stepping into the strike as he pulled Enzaragi by the knee into it. That paired with the decay working in tandem to erode and destroy his solar plexus with the swift punch to the gut. With a quick shift of his leg, he'd slide Noeru with his new found strength out of harms way as he slid across the ground towards Taiga's direction away from the carnage a considerable distance.
Jutsu ActiveShow
Tighten Time: Accelerated Decay - 4th Post
A-rank Ninjutsu
Focusing chakra to his hands, Fanho's hands will glow with a midnight blue hue. During this time any object or person Fanho touches he can age it significantly by turning any objects to dust, and for people he can cause minor decay such as moderate necrosis down to major muscle groups, but no deeper than that. This technique lasts for 5 posts.
Jutsu UsedShow
Entering Sage Mode, +5 Control, +10 Strength (New Stats 55 Control, 40 Strength) 1st Post
Absorbed kinetic energy of the knee, +40 Strength
Punch thrown at solar plexus, 50 Strength + 40 Strength kinetic energy

Konoha Smash • Hero’s Flex - Now 45 Control, 50 Strength
B-Rank Taijutsu Stance
Prerequisites: 22 Willpower
By focusing on the muscles through his body, Fanho disperses his control over chakra and focuses in exerting as much strength as possible in his attacks. This gives Fanho a +10 to [Strength] for a -10 in [Control] when this stance is held.

Konoha Smash • No Crawlspace Too Far
B-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Fanho has learned how to deal in tight spaces and situations. When in a tight situation where a build up of strength and force is needed. Fanho has learned to deal without. He can exert all of his strength no matter how tight of a space he is in, and has no need to build up momentum to deal in his absolute strength.

Konoha Smash • Equilibrium
B-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
After hours of flight, air combat, and repeated dunkings in the Kumogakure's freezing lakes. Fanho has been accustomed to being off balance more than he'd like, and is able to resist being off balanced, and combat it by rotating his body midair, mid-ocean, or flying, positioning himself in a way to find his direction even in the most tumultuous positions or tumbles.

Konoha Smash • Hero's Playbook
A-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Fanho is capable of slowing time in his brain to process and analyze things quickly, allowing him to thoroughly think things through before committing an action, or developing a response. This gives him the ability to pick-up on even the most minuscule things at fast speeds, and properly digest the thoughts before moving on or responding to them.

Konoha Smash • Speed I am Speed
B-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
As long as Fanho is able to match the speed of his opponent, he is able to keep up with them and utilize his blinding fast reflexes to instinctively dodge their attacks. This in tandem with his ability to follow high speeds makes Fanho a formidable opponent as even if he may not be fast enough to entirely dodge an attack, he positions himself in a way that can reduce a critical injury to just a minor scratch/bruise or even superficial if he has such a close gap. Fanho's Speed must be equal or exceed his opponents Speed for this to be successful. This allows Fanho to take on dangerous opponent's face to face while minimizing his own injuries to keep from widening the gap between himself and his opponent.

Konoha Smash • Acceleration
B-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Prerequisite: [Strength] at least 3/5's of the user's [Speed]
With training Fanho has perfected quickly accelerating to his top speed and coming to a complete stop. It acts as a refinement of the user's movement allowing them to quickly traverse the field, respond to attacks, and use their top speed or to come to a complete stop at a moments notice.
Last edited by Director on Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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Post by Hayate » Fri Feb 23, 2024 9:08 pm

Taiga had watched his shuriken move in a matter of moments, closing the extremely short distance on Wakana. Within moments he had already put his hands to his pouches and drawn two kunai, held between his knuckles, and threw them for his previous attacks as he watched one of Enzaragi's chains melts away from existence, leaving the remainder one he still had control over to defend his companion.

Taiga lurched forward following after his second round of projectiles as the first shuriken struck into the chain chewing at it like a circular saw, it's many teeth striking with a horrific finality. Ultimately it was unable to break the chain, but the projectile possessed greater strength then the man who gripped it, overpowering the tedious control he required over the chain and pulling it off in an unintended direction. If anything, trying to maintain his grip on the chain would yank Enzaragi off-balance.

Now defended by no chains, the second shuriken that had originally been thrown to arc into an X would rip through Wakana before she could finish her seals only for one of his kunai thrown at the start of his second bout to slam into it, transferring it's momentum and driving it further. The other kunai would do the same with the shuriken yanking the chain, causing the chain to snap.

With Wakana dead and her technique interrupted and Enzaragi's attempt at his complex chain actions and his CQC with Fanho disrupted, the rapidly approaching Taiga would channel into his hand than beat his wings in reverse as he thrust himself into the ground, disappearing, only to suddenly shoot out the ground besides Enzaragi's flank, his arm running all the way up Enzragi's body from his feet through his spine as he rocketed out the ground and into the air above him in a blinding move that only those with an strong level of perception would be able to pick up on.

As his wings beat in the air and he hovered momentarily above Enzaragi, the metallic sound of shuriken clattering to the ground would ring out as shuriken rapidly ejected from Enzaragi's body, causing him to slump into Fanho's fist and collapse to the ground. In an utterly gruesome attack, Taiga had assimilated and used the bones of Enzaragi's hips and spine to form shuriken. That was before accounting for the tailwind he had delivered into Enzaragi's legs too- as wind didn't phase with him.

With his head likely knocked off from Fanho's punch, blood would splatter about the fielding only adding to the pool of existing blood that had come from Wakana. In the sanguine remains Taiga's eyes would look at the body as it began to "straighten itself up" and his head slowly began to come back.

He wouldn't let that happen. He'd walk over, and using his chestplate, use sankaton to keep destroying Enzaragi's body again, and again, and again, until his chakra reserves were no more and he, like every Yasu, Wakana, and Chikara himself, was real-dead.

The Eagle would likely get away, but he could not care less.
Full Form (Post 2) - +3 Chakra Pool, +7 Strength, +5 Speed

Continued Disciplines:
- Perception
- Still composite phased with Koton + Mokuton + Earth, adding in Flesh
- Flight/Wing Control

D-Rank Discipline Taijutsu
Through training, Taiga has gained the knowledge and discipline to assimilate himself with Flesh: the bodies of living things.

Konoha no Senken • Tailwind
B-Rank Maneuver Taijutsu
Required: [Heavenly Body Control]
The Flying Swallow Style developed by the Sarutobi family is a NinTai style. To circumvent the need for ninjutsu in Konoha no Senken, practitioners instead use their own explosive movements to bend the wind around their body and create a powerful tailwind behind them. While they move, this tail wind violently circulates around their body, building up pressure. Each post the the user is consecutively moving forward at a minimum of [Speed]/2, the wind gains [Speed]/2 strength. It can be used as a shield to protect the user, or through the use of another technique can be released. The maximum amount of times the technique can gain speed is 2 times. If the user stops moving or drops below [Speed/2] for more than a post the wind dissipates.

Konoha no Senken • Dance of the Falling Leaf/b]
B-Rank Discipline Taijutsu
The only limit to the speed of which Taiga control his body, via rapid acceleration or assimilation, is the speed in which his mind can physically send the impulse to his body to do so. With Taiga's high body control, he has trained and honed his mind and body to be as one, capable of reacting near the speed of thought in terms of controlling himself. This allows him to create interesting attacks by rapidly changing his movement patterns while fighting.

Phantom Menace
A-Rank Maneuver
After having merged with the material and phased completely into it, Taiga will cancel his merging with that material after pointing himself at a target, causing himself to be "ejected" from the material and repelling him out of it at rapid speed and striking along the way with all his momentum. It is extremely difficult for most opponents to know where he will pop out from, and adding to this, his movement has such speed that it is near impossible to see anything but a quick blur for anyone without appropriately ranked [Perception]-based techniques.

D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After phasing a body part into a material, Taiga will channel raw chakra into it shaping the material to form basic shinobi tools: kunai, senbon, arrows, shuriken, or fuma shuriken. In one go, this technique can only manipulate up to 1x1x1 meters of material meaning nothing can be made bigger or in a larger quantity than that. After jutsu completion, the completed tool is ejected from the source material and sits upon the source's surface, if gravity allows it. Tools have the properties and durability of their source material, however, if Taiga channels chakra throughout the duration of the creation of the tools they can be augmented to a strength equal to his [Control].

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Post by Trusted Grader » Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:46 pm

Her life was flashing by as she continued to channel chakra through her hands, tears streamed down her eyes as she knew that she had to accept her fate, that was the life of mercenaries but until then her focus was on her hands, this concurred with the counter from Enzaragi, which again happened so fast that she had no idea what was going on, she could swear that she saw what she could only imagine was his chain move towards something as the small ball between her hands had managed to gather some force before everything turned black... Is this it? Light began to shine through the darkness, at first she was blinded, but moments later she would see none other than Chikara's hand reach out to pull her up, she could hear his laughter in her head, Yasu was looking away with her arms crossed, pissed that they were assassinated and wasn't given a fair fight, while Chikara kept a fake smile.

She knew that he was nervous over what would happen with Enzaragi and Crescent but there was little he could do, for now at least. Together they walked deeper toward the light until they blended with it. Wakana hoped that Enzaragi got down to business and continued to survive for Crescent's sake, he was their Kage and Crescent needed him.

There was nothing else to say, Shiryoku screeched to give Enzaragi a signal that he was on his own and that his way was the way towards their army, which would allow him to flee, the bird was incapable of keeping up with what was going on and freaked out when he saw that all of his hive companions on the field had died one by one, with slither the large bird made its grand escape.

Eagle Screech
D-rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Shiryoku performs a loud eagle cry that can be heard from a long distance.
Last edited by Trusted Grader on Sun Feb 25, 2024 5:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Different Sides Of The War
The Compassionate
Karagata, Yuuto
Special Jounin: Kiri
The Lawful
Shoshiki, Amaya
Bannin: Iwa
Wana, Ran
The Hunter
Inuzuka, Kitsui
Genin: Konoha
Treasure Hunter
Amigaou, Mahalow
B-Rank: Suna
The Invisible
Nonki, Hotaru
Jounin / Spy: Kumo
The Mercenary
Nara, Chikara
S-Rank MN: Konoha
Chie, Yasu, Wakana, Ayuma, Shiryoku
The Cryomancer
Aisu, Yuri
Genin: Kiri
The Jashinist
Kijo, Nehan
S-Rank MN: Konoha

Amaya's Book 1
Amaya's Book 2

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Post by Mre-face » Tue Feb 27, 2024 10:00 am

It landed flush, Fanho's neck would snap back as which would likely shake his resolve. Enzaragi had expected it as well however Fanho's sage mode had mitigated the damage of the knee and the neck stab but burned his neck weakening it further turning a shallow stab wound into something far more painful and damaging causing terrible burning to the hokage's neck into a first degree burn rendering the flesh slightly weaker.

Immediately Enzaragi would step on the air and twist his body to attempt dodge Fanho's straight punch mid air weaving past his body as Fanho was busy to decay one of his Ω blades's wrapping around him. Halfway drawing multiple of his swords, his once decayed hand already being regenerated as he soared through the air. Enzaragi would then feint slighty with his hand before with the goal to draw an reaction from Fanho.

The zealot would then draw two blade targeting Fanho's weakened spot in neck with the first being higher then the next and a third to target Fanho's temporal bone realizing half way through that Fanho's straight punch would land if he choose to commit. Doing so to make sure that if it was possible for him to die then Fanho would come along with him to the after life.

His once decayed hand already being regenerated as he soared through the air. Enzaragi would then stick his blades as the hokage's fist closed in.

The zealot would then draw two blades targeting Fanho's weakened spot in neck with the first being higher then the next and a third to target Fanho's temporal bone.

The blades that were drawn would create vaccum blades one targeting Noeru's neck while it was on it's path to slice Fanho. If they were going to take his friends from him then he would make sure their precious hostage would also be joining them on their journey to the afterlife.

The other two were made to cause further damage to Fanho's neck and skull making sure to gravely injured or not outright kill Fanho.

After confirm the attack Fanho's neck. Enzaragi would pull grab his blades and wrench them as he was punched with godly strength. Casuing him to fly through the air as his grip on his blade which would rip the newly inagurated kage's head off his weakened neck.

During all of this Enzaragi's control of chains would be knocked way and destroyed freeing Taiga up for attacking Wakana, killing her alongside the rest of Enzaragi's friends. Enzaragi would put his sorrow as side and focus on the fight he could mourn and pray låter.

Just as he flew away with the kage's head. Taiga would attempt his jutsu but Enzaragi's Kouton skeleton would not fully transforming into ninja tools as his endo skeleton would resist being transformed because of it's godly strength as compared to Taiga's chakra control.

Enzaragi would fall then roll rapidly to stand up on his feet. His pain tolerance allowing him to take far more damage that would stop a normal person and keep going.

The scorpion would stand up as a fist sized area was injured from the punch. The necrosis and the power ful punch would making the injury worse. Damaging him extensively but not being so severe that he would be slowed. As he was luckly saved by his Kouton metal protect his organs. But that was a trade that Enzaragi would be happy to take.

"This is what this trade got us. " A level of scorn rang from his voice as he tossed with an air of great dissapointment as this whole thing could have been avoided

After turning his gaze to Taiga and possibly Fanho if he surived by some miracle. Where ever he could find him. With only one pillar of faith that he could hold on to. Trusting in Jashin that today wasn't going to be his time.
Discipline and stancesShow
All other's previously listed are being used.

Your hands can't hit what your eyes can't see! Used to counter and predict Fanho's punch alongside air dodge.
B-rank Taijutsu discipline
Enzaragi knows distance managing is a very important as this can give him huge advantages giving him immense control over fights as he can move in and out of range to change the rhythm of the fight making it difficult to get used to while also having great range management and dodging attack at even a moments notice while also noticing patterns and openings giving him almost perfect dodging and countering capabilities.

Ω - The slave who mastered chains deflecting but ultimately becoming destroyed.
B-Rank Discipline Taijutsu
Ever since slavery Enzaragi has been familiar with chains and then later on Nehan with her wire. Enzaragi has honed his training with the chain blades to the point where he can use his entire body everything from arm legs and even neck to use his blades offensively and defensively even other inanimate objects to ricochet and redirect the momentum or energy to block and attack strikes.

Ω - One with the Chains Used in tandem with the other.
A-Rank Discipline Taijutsu
Enzaragi's training and reflection on how his mentor used chains and wires to her advantage has allowed Enzaragi to reach the point where he can use the chain blades to deflect incoming Kunai/Shuriken/Senbons and other attacks blocking entries if they are incoming at lower speed or equal than the Enzaragi's own speed and for greater speeds able to block if the range and his own reaction were to allow it. He is able to utilize the chain in 360 degrees as he has "become" one with the Fire Chain blades, this technique also let's Enzaragi use it on the move. In order to counter this technique an enemy needs a perception tech of the same rank in order to find the proper openings in the defenses.

Sasu • Unforeseeable demise Used mid air to further mix Fanho.
B-rank Taijutsu stance
Prerequisite: Iaido • Breakneck Sheath
An attack designed to confuse and enhance his fighting styles unpredictability. By rapidly switching between all of his blades he can make his arms appear like a blur to anyone. He always makes sure to have one blade ready at all times when he switches between his blades so he can block at a moment's notice.
Direct attacks/ManeuversShow
Air dodge: fail to dodge punch
C-Ranked Taijutsu maneuver
By performing multiple exercises and flips. Enzaragi has learned to twist and contort to dodge midair. He can use his momentum and his flexibility to dodge midair strikes and projectiles provided, he predicts the attacks and is fast enough to dodge them, utilizing his stances and relevant disciplines and perception techniques as well as accompanying stats in order to do so.

Double jump! Used to perform his counter.
B-rank Taijutsu maneuver
Prereqs: Heavenly body
After Enzaragi has jumped he can actually jump again on the air allowing him to gain more height or avoid attacks. He can jump with full speed, distance, height, and efficiency midair. He can do this up to 6 times because it can be taxing on his stamina. This technique can be done in any direction as is not restricted to only vertical movement.

Iaido • PSYCH THAT'S THE WRONG ATTACK Used to draw reaction from Fanho to set up the real attack.
D-rank Taijutsu Maneuver
A technique used to set up for other attacks the user will appear to draw their blade but fake-out in order to confuse the opponent and well psych them out while setting out for another attack.

Iaido • Twin thrust Aimed at Fanho's neck angled to catch downwards and sideways dodges, with an additional being drawn aimed at skull.
C-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Prerequisite:Two katana or other blades
In this technique, the user draws their two swords at the same time but instead of slashing they draw out their sword and thrust their sword at the same time at a target. Aiming to mix up and confuse their opponent/s.

*[Iaido • Phantom Funeral] Two Vaccum blades one targeting Noeru and the other two targeting Fanho's neck and skull respective.
B-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Prerequisite(s): 35 Speed.
The superlative speed of Iaido is harnessed to attain seemingly supernatural feats. By momentarily torquing the muscles in their arms, the practitioner manages slashes so fast that they spawn vacuum blades that follow the trajectory of their original attack. This attack spawns a single vacuum blade that travels up to a number of meters equal to half the practitioner's Speed, rounded down, and hits with 1/2 the Strength of the original attack, rounded down. If this technique is used in tangent with a melee attack, the vacuum blade strikes immediately after the original attack is finished, potentially sealing the opponent's guard and creating an opening. This technique can be used in conjunction with other techniques.

Last edited by Mre-face on Mon Mar 11, 2024 2:59 am, edited 5 times in total.
The Scorpion

Jinsoku,Enzaragi S-Rank MN: Iwa Setsuzoku
The Swordsman

Yūgana, Mondai B-Rank : Kiri Seven swordsman
The Angry

Shaolóng, Gōkariki A-Rank : Konoha


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Ace Trainer
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Post by Ace Trainer » Wed Mar 13, 2024 4:43 pm

[OOC Post: I’m including this hear for continuity.

Roleplay can continue with the next poster (Director).

The ruling was that Enzaragi’s attacks being able to be performed was contingent on Enzaragi taking the blow from Fanho (dodging Fanho would preclude the ability to continue the attack). So Director’s post should operate on the assumption that his attack was success and he is needing to respond to Enzaragi’s attack. Nothing about Director’s attack precludes Enzaragi’s ability to draw swords.

Director’s post should operate on the assumption that his punch broke through skin/tissue/muscle into the abdominal cavity (due to the decay) but short of organ damage (specifically from the decay).

The timing of this sequence should be outside Taiga’s ability to cover the distance, but not outside Taiga’s ability to reach Enzaragi’s before the next sequence, so Director & Hayate should post under the assumption that Taiga reached Enzaragi following this sequence. Meaning Fanho’s post needs to respond to Enza’s attack and then depending on whether its successful or not, should be operating with the assumption that Fanho’s next sequence is occurring while taiga is moving through Enzaragi.

Mre’s post accurately reflects Enzaragi’s ability to resist his skeleton being transformed.

It’s the staff’s assessment that the previous edits requested were done with additional changes made that went beyond the scope of the rulings made for the challenges. As this is currently being treated as moderated combat, we want to make it clear that once a post has been made and is being challenged, edits beyond what is being directed by staff is considered meta gaming and can result in staff electing to dictate a specific outcome or modkilling characters. ]
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
Kemurigakure no Sato

Taishou of Iron Country
Kirigakure No Sato
Experiment 81 v2
Sunagakure No Sato
The Soul Host
Iwagakure No Sato
Special Jounin
The Tungsten Princess
Sunagakure No Sato
The Revolutionary
Past CharactersShow
[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
[Futokutei Yasunari :: Konohagakure No Sato – Genin]

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Post by Director » Thu Mar 14, 2024 2:12 am

With Fanho's head ringing from the knee, and the new wound and burn on the neck. His body swelled with hiton chakra after the hits. The Hokage gritted his teeth. He knew the attacks had to be taken to protect Noeru, and to trade securing a devastating blow on Enzaragi. With his gut exposed, it was clear there was now a weak spot to be targeted and a kouton skeleton with plates laced throughout his body. Despite the wound on Enzaragi's stomach the man kept coming forward, a testament to his regeneration capabilities and the formidable defense he had underneath the flesh, but now the fight was soon to be a two-versus-one the odds were heavily stacked against him.

Enzaragi's feint would've fooled another lesser opponent, but Fanho had time to digest the move and see through for what it was. His perception was several steps above the mercenaries attempts. In response to the feints, the Hokage aimed to not let Enzaragi get any further. A quick shift of his hand still lodged in Enzaragi's gut, it swelled with blinding hiton as Fanho performed a quick one-inch punch releasing the hiton he had just stored in a blinding-searing explosion (40 Strength) that combined with the open wound he hoped to further worsen the man for wear and launch him several meters back giving Fanho some breathing room.

With his decay jutsu puttering out he'd end it prematurely as he quickly retrieved two kunai from his pouch. He'd send the two down range, one traveling within the shadow of the other being well hidden as they ripped through the air with unbelievable speed, a reverberating crack filled the air as they broke the sound barrier. The visible one aimed just in-between the 4th and 5th rib, with the hidden one aimed just below the false ribs into the open wound on Enzaragi's solar plexus aiming to rip through the weakened area.

With Enzaragi launched a moderate distance away and the kunai following pursuit, he then positioned his back leg gently sliding Noeru around to a position more behind himself not giving Enzaragi an opening so long as Fanho was in-between the two. His wounds were already beginning to seal shut one-by-one as new skin grew over the shallow stab wound. His regeneration wasn't the same as Enzaragi's, but was enough for the kind of damage the Crescent mercenary was outputting now. He'd leave his trump card unactivated, it wasn't necessary for now.
Active JutsuShow
Tighten Time: Accelerated Decay - 5th Post (last)
A-rank Ninjutsu
Focusing chakra to his hands, Fanho's hands will glow with a midnight blue hue. During this time any object or person Fanho touches he can age it significantly by turning any objects to dust, and for people he can cause minor decay such as moderate necrosis down to major muscle groups, but no deeper than that. This technique lasts for 5 posts.
Jutsu UsedShow
Sage Mode, +5 Control, +10 Strength (New Stats 55 Control, 40 Strength) 2nd Post
Head hit (40/2 = 20 str) & Sword Stab (40/2 = 20 str) +40 stored in Light's Rage ability.
50 Str punch + 40 Strength Hiton (Light's Rage Ability) explosion in the exposed wound

x2 Kunai - 50 Strength/Spd

Konoha Smash • Death Lies Within
C-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
By throwing a projectile, Fanho has mastered the art of hiding another projectile within the shadow of the first to fool opposing enemies. If the enemy doesn't have a perception tech ranked higher than the speed of the projectile. They won't notice the projectile hiding in the shadow of the other one. I.E. D-rank perception tech for 5 speed, C-rank for 10 speed, and etc

Konoha Smash • Hero’s Flex - Now 45 Control, 50 Strength[/b][/color]
B-Rank Taijutsu Stance
Prerequisites: 22 Willpower
By focusing on the muscles through his body, Fanho disperses his control over chakra and focuses in exerting as much strength as possible in his attacks. This gives Fanho a +10 to [Strength] for a -10 in [Control] when this stance is held.

Konoha Smash • No Crawlspace Too Far[/b][/color]
B-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Fanho has learned how to deal in tight spaces and situations. When in a tight situation where a build up of strength and force is needed. Fanho has learned to deal without. He can exert all of his strength no matter how tight of a space he is in, and has no need to build up momentum to deal in his absolute strength.

Konoha Smash • Equilibrium[/b][/color]
B-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
After hours of flight, air combat, and repeated dunkings in the Kumogakure's freezing lakes. Fanho has been accustomed to being off balance more than he'd like, and is able to resist being off balanced, and combat it by rotating his body midair, mid-ocean, or flying, positioning himself in a way to find his direction even in the most tumultuous positions or tumbles.

Konoha Smash • Hero's Playbook[/b][/color]
A-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Fanho is capable of slowing time in his brain to process and analyze things quickly, allowing him to thoroughly think things through before committing an action, or developing a response. This gives him the ability to pick-up on even the most minuscule things at fast speeds, and properly digest the thoughts before moving on or responding to them.

Konoha Smash • Speed I am Speed[/b][/color]
B-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
As long as Fanho is able to match the speed of his opponent, he is able to keep up with them and utilize his blinding fast reflexes to instinctively dodge their attacks. This in tandem with his ability to follow high speeds makes Fanho a formidable opponent as even if he may not be fast enough to entirely dodge an attack, he positions himself in a way that can reduce a critical injury to just a minor scratch/bruise or even superficial if he has such a close gap. Fanho's Speed must be equal or exceed his opponents Speed for this to be successful. This allows Fanho to take on dangerous opponent's face to face while minimizing his own injuries to keep from widening the gap between himself and his opponent.
Last edited by Director on Thu Mar 14, 2024 2:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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Post by Hayate » Fri Mar 15, 2024 1:41 am

Based on the mod ruling above in that I'm reaching Enza in the next sequence after Fanho's initial punch, when Fanho goes to block... I think Fanho's exploding punch that sends Enza flying now means I don't get into Enza even...
Taiga's perception was keen and his reaction time even quicker. The culmination of his ability to feel through the mediums of the world around him, recognize the slightest details, and the pure speed his body was physically capable of in the moment give him an edge. As Fanho landed his blow dealing heavy damage to Enza's chest, Taiga had only just reached his foot and begun prepping for his attack to turn Enza's spine into Kunai. Before that could happen however, Fanho decided to release an explosive blast of light that blew apart Enza's chest and sent him flying.

Taiga cancelled his jutsu, muttering some curses under his breath that Fanho had just prevented a much cleaner victory. Hopefully the punch was cathartic enough to be worth it.


His own actions, similar to Enza's, now interrupted by Fanho, the Bannin would eject out of Enzaragi's legs under him and parallel to his back. Timed such that he wouldn't give Enza the opportunity to rebalance himself, he'd adjust his hand momentarily to Koton to swipe at the base of Enza's spine tearing apart his back with his own physical strength while simultaneously releasing a tailwind that had reached and ultimate level of strength.

While Taiga did this, as part of his combo, he would eject the wooden dummy he had merged with him earlier, punching it up into Enzaragi and causing him to suffer the strength of that blow, while simultaneously activating the dummy as it shot it's roots out piercing through his flesh like butter and gripping him- most likely, given the daze of Fanho's blows, the critical damage to his musculature preventing him from moving with his full speed, and the toll regen took on his ability to move as-well.

Of course, the roots and wood would not harm Taiga as they just passed through him. Hopefully Fanho would be fast enough to evade the branches until they finished growing.

The end result, if it all worked, would be that Enza would be suspended in the air impaled in a denze forest of roots. Once Fanho was clear, Taiga would begin "exploding" every branch or piece of wood that had impaled Enza, piece by piece.

He'd seen that Enza could regenerate, but could he deal with all the damage that was being pumped out? Or would he run out of chakra first. Worse, his regeneration would close his wounds over all the splinters that Taiga would embed inside of him, allowing them to keep causing damage until Enza physically found a way to remove them.
Full Form (Post 3) - +3 Chakra Pool, +7 Strength, +5 Speed
Tai discs + jutsu previously already castShow

Continued Disciplines:
- Perception sensory stuff still goin'
- Still composite phased with Koton + Mokuton + Earth + Flesh
- Flight/Wing Control

Tailwind continued

Konoha no Senken • Dance of the Falling Leaf
B-Rank Discipline Taijutsu
The only limit to the speed of which Taiga control his body, via rapid acceleration or assimilation, is the speed in which his mind can physically send the impulse to his body to do so. With Taiga's high body control, he has trained and honed his mind and body to be as one, capable of reacting near the speed of thought in terms of controlling himself. This allows him to create interesting attacks by rapidly changing his movement patterns while fighting.

Konoha no Senken • Tailwind
B-Rank Maneuver Taijutsu
Required: [Heavenly Body Control]
The Flying Swallow Style developed by the Sarutobi family is a NinTai style. To circumvent the need for ninjutsu in Konoha no Senken, practitioners instead use their own explosive movements to bend the wind around their body and create a powerful tailwind behind them. While they move, this tail wind violently circulates around their body, building up pressure. Each post the the user is consecutively moving forward at a minimum of [Speed]/2, the wind gains [Speed]/2 strength. It can be used as a shield to protect the user, or through the use of another technique can be released. The maximum amount of times the technique can gain speed is 2 times. If the user stops moving or drops below [Speed/2] for more than a post the wind dissipates.

activating my substitution from round 1: It's gained + 14 strength ( 49 strength)
C-Rank NinTaijutsu
Prerequisite: mokuton/dummy
Taiga will create a wood dummy whilst channeling his chakra into it. He will then be able to move as one with the dummy. If the dummy is struck at any point in the next 7 posts, it will shoot out roots in a 30 meter radius around the dummy at [Control] speed/strength grabbing onto anything caught in the radius and pulling it back towards the dummy's last location, constricting with intense force for however many posts are left in the duration.
Casting this at least once at 35
C-Rank Ninjutsu
Taiga will focus on a source of wood up to 30 meters away, causing it to explode with [Control] strength into thousands of tiny splinters that penetrate flesh and enter the bloodstream. The splinters will continue to grow for up to 6 posts while within effected targets bodies, causing severe internal organ damage to the pulmonary system. If not dealt with in 7 posts, the effected target will suffer pulmonary organ failure.

--- Attack Sequence Summary
- Swipe at 52 strength via Tailwind at the lower back/spine of Enza
- Hand physically is at 47 strength
- punching/slamming a wood dummy into him at 47 strength (speed)
- Dummy is exploding at 35 speed, piercing roots at 35 + 14 (mokuton passive)
If the tai sequence/combo works

Exploding some branches inside of him at 35 control. Assume once.


total: 3 actions swipe, punch, land on ground and cast C-Rank.
Last edited by Hayate on Fri Mar 15, 2024 2:05 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by Director » Sat Mar 30, 2024 1:50 am

With a quick sweep of his foot to spin and hook Noeru's body, Fanho kipped Noeru up over his shoulder as he quickly back pedaled at full speed to escape the roots. The Hokage aimed to keep everything in view.

With the amount of damage Enzaragi had faced, it'd be a miracle if the man wasn't already dead. An exposed gut, explosion detonated within with two kunai following up to lob two large holes in him. The only thing keeping him alive would be pure chakra pumping his system. A testament to his durability, but much to his detriment as his body could only aim to barely keep up with the two.

Fanho's own shallow stab wound sealed shut as the burn mark on his neck began to fade back to his natural skin tone slowly his natural regeneration working now on that wound. The Awai took the opportunity while Taiga preoccupied Enzaragi as his new experimental skewered dish to rip open a portal with his bare hand revealing his realm as he tossed Noeru onto the main platform within the space, securing him away from the battle site. His wounds were minor scrapes and bruises, nothing that was life threatening after analyzed with Fanho's trained eyes to triage the injuries. The Awai quickly waved with his hand literally grabbing space as he shut the portal closed putting Noeru in a secure place.

Then it hit, the sudden drain of chakra slowly ticking away like a timer. While so far the work done was on their side, Fanho didn't like the looming timer put on his head for this, and would prefer this to end quickly even if the timer had a long count down.

The Awai looked over his shoulder as Taiga then exploded the shrapnel sending it flying all over and embedding the pieces into Enzaragi's skin and deep within. With the shrapnel headed Fanho's own way he quickly back pedaled to about 45 meters before the splinters puttered out of energy rendering them harmless to him. The Awai glowed with chakra as his hand began to flare with purple chakra, a kanji forming on each finger very slowly.

"I'll end this now Taiga."

With a pivot of the foot Fanho transitioned into sprinting straight forward towards Enzaragi, who was freshly skewered with several holes throughout his body and now splinters littered within as he launched into his barrage of attacks. The Setsuzoku leader had to be teetering on the edge of his life but to ensure he'd be down for the count Fanho launched a brutal right handed haymaker forwards towards Enzaragi head taking advantage of his battered form in an attempt to knock him out or at least jostle his brain enough to turn it into a slurry turning with the attack to follow it up with a devastating left elbow to the exposed gut attempting to blow out even more organs than already were destroyed.

At the end of his two strike combo, Fanho reached with his right hand placing it on Enzaragi's chest as he aimed to set the fuuinjutsu there to send the man into a paralytic sleep. His healing wouldn't be stopped but the man would be knocked unconscious allowing him to be taken in for his mind to be read and wiped.
Jutsu UsedShow
Open Space: Seeking Truth
A-rank Ninjutsu
Fanho will channel chakra into his finger tips, then reach out into the air in front and physically grab “space” pulling apart his two hands to tear apart Space right in front of them up to 3x3 meters. This tear is new, and will cause the universe to self correct and make a personal realm for the user. This technique is required for Fanho to have any techniques that involve the use of his personal realm. This technique can only be used once to create a personal realm, but can be used repeatedly in order to enter that realm. An Architect using this technique within their realm will merit no reaction, while using it within someone else’s realm will allow the user to enter their own. Specifics on the Realm can be found within the Jikukan spoiler.

Konoha Smash • Konoha Haymaker
D-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
By reeling his fist back Fanho will twist his hips and shoulders swinging with his full weight behind his fist extending his fist all the way forward. This can cause a devastating strike that can shake a targets entire body by Fanho putting his entire weight into the strike.

Augment Fuuinjutsu • Sleepy Time
S-Rank Fuuinjutsu
By channeling chakra, Fanho's hand will glow with five seals on each finger before he makes contact with his target transferring the seals. The seals will disable the target putting them in a state of unconsciousness.
Jutsu/Ability ActiveShow
In Sage Mode, +5 Control, +10 Strength (New Stats 55 Control, 40 Strength) 3rd Post

Konoha Smash • Hero’s Flex - Now 45 Control, 50 Strength
B-Rank Taijutsu Stance
Prerequisites: 22 Willpower
By focusing on the muscles through his body, Fanho disperses his control over chakra and focuses in exerting as much strength as possible in his attacks. This gives Fanho a +10 to [Strength] for a -10 in [Control] when this stance is held.

Konoha Smash • Hero's Playbook
A-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Fanho is capable of slowing time in his brain to process and analyze things quickly, allowing him to thoroughly think things through before committing an action, or developing a response. This gives him the ability to pick-up on even the most minuscule things at fast speeds, and properly digest the thoughts before moving on or responding to them.

Konoha Smash • Speed I am Speed
B-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
As long as Fanho is able to match the speed of his opponent, he is able to keep up with them and utilize his blinding fast reflexes to instinctively dodge their attacks. This in tandem with his ability to follow high speeds makes Fanho a formidable opponent as even if he may not be fast enough to entirely dodge an attack, he positions himself in a way that can reduce a critical injury to just a minor scratch/bruise or even superficial if he has such a close gap. Fanho's Speed must be equal or exceed his opponents Speed for this to be successful. This allows Fanho to take on dangerous opponent's face to face while minimizing his own injuries to keep from widening the gap between himself and his opponent.
Last edited by Director on Sat Mar 30, 2024 1:52 am, edited 3 times in total.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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Post by Hayate » Sun Mar 31, 2024 2:09 am

Taiga would, utilizing his brawn, his merging, and the branches make sure to keep locking down Enza limbs and body, making sure Fanho could get his seal off. Meanwhile, the splinters hampering his ability to cleanly regenerate whilst dealing more internal damage each time his body attempted to heal, meanwhile utilizing his own two hands and anything at his disposal to keep destorying organs, limbs, and whatever he could.

It was a dark way to go about things but Taiga knew one thing; regeneration was always a double-edged sword because nothing in this world was free.

Shadow set over the land scape and the battle field as Taiga continued his torment- letting Enza heal just enough to burn through his chakra, but not enough to move or truly fight back, each and every time.

It wouldn't take long until the chakra reserves inside of Enza were gone- Taiga noting, with surprise, how measly the mans reserves were given his relative strength. When the deed was done, he'd sit there among the blood and torment. Among the corpses of the leadership of CC.

He clicked his tongue. With the eagle getting away, presumably CC would know what they had done.

War was a messy thing; and the sadness of this all was there could of been peace. There could have been friendship. There could have been no loss- only prosperity... but the greed of one nation and the desire to please them had wrapped CC into a story they should have never been in and sealed their fate.

The Bannin would collect his thoughts.

Was there, perhaps a way, they could avoid further war with these leaders gone?

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Post by Mre-face » Mon Apr 01, 2024 3:54 pm

April fools postShow
Enzaragi reached into his pocket and used his super dupee secret hidden jutsu that he namned the "anti infidel technique" he activated his explosiv kunai. Killing everything around him all the while screaming JASSSSSSHIIIIIIIN HUAKBAAAAAAAR

His attack was unsucessful... Being interuppted by Fanho's fist which would be followed up with a explosion that would launch Enzaragi away. Exposing his plate but keeping his organs in place as the plate resisted the explosion but became damaged in the process.

The kunai's would pierce Enzaragi's flesh but block them from penetrating as they bounced of Enzaragi's ribs. All in all most of his organs were protected. The damage he was accumilating began taking it's toll but it's was only the beginning.

As he flew Taiga would be in pursuit and per form devestating follow up combo, the tailwinds damage would somewhat be mitigated by Enzaragi's cloak returning but the same couldn't be said for the rest of the combo.

The splinters would pierce his flesh but not burrow into his bones as they blocked them from drilling any deeper than the flesh. Which his body would begin to combat but nothing could be done to combat the roots holding him in place.

Fanho would sprint towards him Enzaragi's would clench his jaw eating the rocking haymaker. The elbow finally buckling and destroying the plate. If it hasn't been for Enzaragi's extreme pain tolerance and skeleton than Enzaragi would have likely passed out from the pain let alone a huge haymaker.

"You hit like a bitch Fanho. " Enzaragi said with a grin. Spitting out some blood on the ground from the critical amount of damage that he had taken. His cheek was cut from the punch he has taken with blood from seemingly everywhere you looked.

Enzaragi shook his head from anger and dissapointment. "Even if I do somehow finally die. Our country will remember you for what you did and will see you for what we warned you were. "

Enzaragi began smilling and laughing again looking at Fanho in a mocking way. "Oh and just so you know. I have no idea what they did to the P. O.W.S they are all dead for all I know or worse. So go on finish what you started. " Mocking Fanho's voice yet again, defiant to the end as his bratty personality showed once again on the verge of death. Subconsiously feeling his fear of death as he transfered his fate into their hands.

And that's when he realized that he couldn't so such a thing. He was more Samurai than shinobi. He couldn't die like this. This wasn't a warrior death. His fate was in his own hands and in Jashin not anyone elses. This was dishonor if he could then he would perform seppuku but that was out of the picture. So he had to get creative.

For going his regeneration, Enzaragi bit his tounge off before channeled a small amount of chakra to detonate his tags that lied in his pocket. Casuing a chain reaction of a explosion that would likely hurt everyone around him if not dealt with and finally destroy the whole of Enzaragi's body and any branches inside of him.

Leaving a bloody mess behind as he took his life into his own hands just like a samurai should.

Any information would be lost and even if by some miracle anything could be retrived would be surface level at best. Seeing Zakuro and Yozei be transported away and nothing more. They were mercenaries the job was simple do the objective and get payed to further boost Crescent's seemingly endless supply of wealth.

Enzaragi's fate had ended quicker the he had thought or intended but it wasn't his place to question plans of Jashin all he could do is follow suit and trust in him.

He could rest with no regret except for maybe not being able to watch over his new country. And guide them to a new horizon.
Enzaragi gets hot by combo talks som shit den seppukus.
Last edited by Mre-face on Tue Apr 02, 2024 3:41 pm, edited 6 times in total.
The Scorpion

Jinsoku,Enzaragi S-Rank MN: Iwa Setsuzoku
The Swordsman

Yūgana, Mondai B-Rank : Kiri Seven swordsman
The Angry

Shaolóng, Gōkariki A-Rank : Konoha


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Post by Director » Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:39 pm

phpBB [video] Fanho raised his forearm as he shielded his face from the blast while hopping back to escape the ensuing ones. As the smoke cleared his gaze leveled with Enzaragi’s mangled body, the waist sheared the man in half while sending bits of viscera from the torso and waist everywhere. The Hokage stepped towards what was left of the torso as he placed a hand on Enzaragi’s head. The man was gone, soul and everything returned to wherever it had came. If Jashin was real Fanho figured in a final embrace of pain and death that’s where the man was headed.

However, the memories were retained in the gray matter which is all that Fanho needed. His plans for Crescent were sealed as Inoairi had peered into the deep recesses of Chikara’s brain, their history through his eyes were saved to liberate the people held unknowingly captive by their deception. For Enzaragi, Fanho simply needed to know the results of the battle site, as well as any conversations held with Iwa. With his other hand he held it firm as he struck firm at the base of Enzaragi's neck severing the head from the body. The sheer strength of the blow rang out like an axe as it passed through the flesh and spine.

Now that he had time to think and really listen to himself he felt somewhat sorry for the two. While they were his enemy and he had made up his mind to end their lives. It felt more like they had given their lives for a cause that didn’t concern them, that didn’t threaten them, and contrary to Chikara’s intentions they had hitched their ride to an even worse threat than Suna. Whether or not it was done out of fear, profit, or deception, they hadn’t considered the other fish in the ocean.

The Awai grabbed Enzaragi's cloak as he tucked the head away wrapping it up with the clothing item before focusing chakra before him opening a portal to his realm. "I need to get Noeru to Saigo. Luckily he's alive but he probably isn't going to feel too good when he wakes up. I'll see what Inoairi can get out of this." He stepped into the portal as he briefly held up the bag, he looked over his shoulder to Taiga.

"Next I'm toppling Crescent, with Chikara and Enzaragi's memories." His voice rang firm, different than the usual hopeful upbeat tone, but more mono and low. "Miracle and Dwarf will have indisputable proof they were lulled into this farce and return to their original countries with backing by Heart and Konoha."

He chuckled as he turned around to fully face Taiga. His glasses rested on the end of his nose as he looked over at his friend. Still a hopeful gleam in his eye, yet more reserved and realistic in his tone. "Wish what Chikara said was true you know, its what I want. No big five villages toppling a minor country. Us all living in harmony. Just they didn't seem to get it... I don't think they ever would have." He gave a short tired sigh as he shrugged and drifted his gaze back towards the vastness of his realm, his mind drifting into the void, but with a new sense of weight bearing down on it. He wondered if what he did was really necessary, if given enough time and discussion perhaps he could've brought Chikara and Enzaragi around.

But was he willing to take the risk at what it would have costed him or the village?

Fanho craned his neck as he looked back towards Taiga snapping his focus from the void. "You coming?"
Jutsu Not TrainedShow
Can channel a handseal jutsu without the conc but can't train jutsu how odd.
Last edited by Director on Sat Apr 13, 2024 1:47 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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Post by Hayate » Sat Apr 13, 2024 1:19 am

Taiga let out a sigh as he shifted his bodies composition and shrapnel hailed on by, phasing through him. Well, what ever made it through the thicket of branches. Moving away and giving way to Fanho to do whatever he thought he was going to do. He'd go round up the bodies of the other dead into a neat casket of stone all the while. Enza was no more as far as he was concerned and there was nothing more worth doing. If Fanho felt there was something to get of it it was on him.

As the Genma faded and he fell gentle to the ground back in his normal form, with any preparations done, he'd just nod and follow Fanho.

Regardless of Fanho's intent he had planned to cull the risk and take on that burden as Konohagakure's shadow. Being on the same page certainly had made it easier though.

"Well, I hope you know what you're doing." Taiga said with a shrug as they were whisked off into his realm along with the casket and back to Konohagakure.
Last edited by Hayate on Sat Apr 13, 2024 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.


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