The air grew cold and Enzaragi felt more and more suspicious of Fanho as stood there with his decay jutsu ready in hand and Taiga ready to explode at a moments notice. It made a certain unease grow in Enzaragi as he steeled himself by subtly leaning forward and rested his wrist upon as he talked honing his focus putting him a trance of sharpened focus upon Fanho as a result of his decay jutsu. It was as if a sword was drawn and being casually held as he tried to reason with him. Enzaragi couldn't take that lightly even if his body language indicated otherwise. Maybe they were just on edge and wanted their point to come across.
However even in this state of focus and preparedness nothing could give him the tell that no matter how much Enzaragi tried to reason or tried to negotiate and agree with their terms it would fall upon deaf ears as Fanho looked inwards and came to the conclusion that this didn't matter and any chance of talks would die this day alongside him and his dear friends. Violence was now the going to be the currency above dialogue.
In what looked and felt quicker then the blink of an eye. Fanho would flash then disappear and reappear behind his back. Decaying the collar and going to attack his arm. Caught only slightly off guard for a brief moment because of Fanho's guile Enzaragi would react instinctively drawing his omega blades from his back as his hand moved in attempt to dodge the forearm grab. Even if unsuccessful it would have to decay thorugh the armor before getting to the Jashinist's arm and even so his bones were made out of kouton protecting him even further.
The Tsukikage would still choose to commit to his coming attack rather then completely move his forearm away pulling Fanho forward if he kept his grip on Enzaragi then he would be yanked by a force beyond his physical capabilities. Before then being pulled into his blade in the opposite direction by the vacuum. He had experienced pain like no other whatever decaying felt like likely wasn't something Enzaragi couldn't handle and wouldn't stop him as a result.
Fanho was in his ideal range and committed to attack while channeling to prepare a new one. So whatever he was preparing, most notably his armor forming would be interrupted by Enzaragi's blinding speed and acceleration as he entered top speed instantly. Not needing to move far considering the sheer length and mass of his blades. Igniting his Ω blade as he spun aiming to stab the Hokage right through the neck putting him in critical condition and setting his clothing a blaze in an instant. The idea was to land one devastating blow or combo before any further attacks or setups could be done hopefully killing him or at least severely damaging him with one fatal stab.
If he landed the neck stab Enzaragi would have the insurance he needed to de-enter theta state so he could better focus on multiple targets.
Sorry Wakana! When you land you get his body or run! I'll be fine!" Enzaragi said in a angry commanding tone acting more like a leader than a friend in this instance. Wakana stood no chance in fighting Taiga the least she could try her best to get away or atleast save Chikara.
He would say during the attack into the vacuum spin which would happen the instant his body twitched into position. Forcing Fanho closer in and preventing him to run away or escaping through other means as a result. In this moment the vacuum would pull everyone and everything around him closer including his allies but most importantly Taiga who would either have to resist the vacuum at his peak strength or attack. Shortly after he would slack his second blade of Ω fly around Wakana and extend it's full range in an attempt to stop Taiga from his attack against as best as he could.
Best case he would force Taiga to move out of the way from the vacuum and the blade and thus save Chikara and if he got lucky manage to hit Taiga along the way as well. Worst case it was avoided completely but at the very least it kept him busy and could potentially distract him.
After pulling his allies out of harms way the vacuum would be reduced to a range that only effected Fanho, Noeru and Wakana. Yasu and Chikara on the other hand would be flinged towards Enzaragi but not with precision causing them to fly in a similar but different trajectory from each other. After which the blade would follow along like a pendulum sparring any allies thanks to Enzaragi's mastery of body control and chains. His mastery of his weapons were so great that even if he was somehow blinded the path of the blade was already on it's way to not harm Wakana in anyway, all the while using his unparalleled skill to threaten any potential retaliation from around his body while accidentally performing any friendly fire. If his left arm was compromised it wouldn't matter as his neck and legs would suffice just fine ensuring that his chains would threaten the area around him in the exact same way.
Once he would lift off the ground the zealot would drag his Ω blade down Fanho's body as they would charr anything from his neck to his chest incinerating his heart in one fell swoop. The Katon infused blade would fill the air with a ugly smell of charred bones, tendon, muscle and blood.
During this time he would speak to what was now his enemy combatant. "
No I'll be the one to finish this! DDDDIIIIEEEE!!!!" Enzaragi would scream in fury as the grounds of the negotiation was completely violated, enraging Enzaragi. The Jashinist did his best to prevent this as much as he could but he was now cornered. And as the Tsukikage he had to do what had to be done not only for himself or his friend but for his people.
Enzaragi would end the assault on Fanho with a kick to the body in an attempt to crumble his body and pull his body off the blade likely ripping out the heart along side the process. All the years of near constant near death experiences Enzaragi knew a lot about the regeneration process. The heart was always one the most most difficult places to restore so bringing it with him before the final attack two attacks was a way to, further make sure that he did as much damage as possible with as little chance to escape as possible.
After the kick he would perform his final attack of the combo, his body would turn into a scorpion stinger of physical energy and would aim to shred Fanho's body as he crashed into the ground leaving a crater leaving only Fanho's charred and dying body. If the man he attacked was truly dead or atleast severely injured he would his gaze towards Taiga and Chikara finding the former in which ever state he managed to prevent attack if at all. Observing the area as best as he could to in order to assess the situation.
Hopefully Wakana and Shiryoku would do something, hell anything to either get out of there with Chikara's body at least then he had a chance of saving him with help from Ichiro, Jashin willing.
**[Iaido • Shinigami’s Gaze]
A-Rank Taijutsu Stance.
Prerequisite(s): 30 Speed, *[Iaido • Ancestral Visage].
Taking a deep breath and regulating their breathing, the practitioner assumes a crouched stance, leaning forward slightly as their sword hand hovers over the hilt of their blade, the scabbard's edge firmly gripped with their opposing hand. Forcing external distractions out of the mind such as pain, fatigue, and non-critical environmental distractions, the practitioner directs all of their focus onto a single opponent, dropping themselves into a trance called the Theta state. The Theta state allows the practitioner to react almost instinctively to each action of the opponent. These reactions happen so quickly that a proficient user of this stance can commonly interrupt or counter an opponent's actions with a movement or slash before they even finish it. This stance will constantly drain the practitioner while in use, and it is both ineffective and dangerous to use when fighting multiple opponents. If the opponent's Speed is higher than the practitioner's Speed, this technique is rendered useless.
Sasu • Ambidextarity
D-Ranked Taijutsu Discipline
After practicing for a long amount of time with the concept of using both of their hands with equal skill, the user has developed a level of ambidexterity that allows them to utilize their preferred weaponry without any sort of issue. This extends to other methods of combat or simply everyday life as well.
Sasu • Seamless Skill
D-Ranked Taijutsu Discipline
A skill utilized by those on the path to mastery of their weapon, users of Seamless Skill are actively able to transition between offensive and defensive usage of the aforementioned weapon. By transitioning so seamlessly, the user is able to save a marginal amount of energy while attacking.
*[Iaido • Ancestral Visage]
C-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Using Iaido to its fullest requires a keen eye and quick reactions, enabling its users to target weaknesses and openings that their opponents present almost instantaneously. This Discipline represents the practitioner's ability to attack openings that present themselves, the practitioner now able to reflexively attack an opening in almost the same moment that it is observed. This Discipline reduces the gap of time between a practitioner recognizing a potential opening for attack and launching the attack to exploit said opening to almost nil.
*[Iaido • One with the Spirit]
B-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Prerequisite(s): *[Iaido • One with the Sheath], *[Iaido • One with the Sword].
Through incredible amounts of practice, the practitioner of Iaido has learned his weapon and its housing inside and out. The user of this weapon can now reflexively sheath their sword in its scabbard almost instantaneously by instinct with either one hand or both hands without even looking. This facilitates further use of other Iaido techniques.
*[Iaido • Spectral Flight]
B-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Prerequisite(s): 15 Strength, 25 Speed, *[Iaido • Ancestral Visage].
In order for Iaido to stand toe to toe with a variety of high-level opponents, refining fundamentals to a new height is necessary. This Discipline represents the practitioner's ability to more quickly accelerate to max movement speed and decelerate to a full stop at a moment's notice. This does not offer protection against attacks that the practitioner does not know is coming.
Ω - The slave who mastered chains used to attack with both chains during Sasu • Scorpion crater to extend range
B-Rank Discipline Taijutsu
Ever since slavery Enzaragi has been familiar with chains and then later on Nehan with her wire. Enzaragi has honed his training with the chain blades to the point where he can use his entire body everything from arm legs and even neck to use his blades offensively and defensively even other inanimate objects to ricochet and redirect the momentum or energy to block and attack strikes
Sasu • I feel NOTHING!!! Used to shrug off forearm grab
A-rank Taijutsu discipline
Prerequisite: 25 Endurance, 25 strength, 25 Willpower IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!
Trough his learning in the ways of Jashin Enzaragi can ignore all forms of pain he can do this while being tortured or in the middle of a fight it doesn't matter. He uses this mostly in the middle of fights in order to keep an attack going.
Sasu • Assassin's rush used to pull Fanho forward but nothing more
C-rank Taijutsu maneuver
Prerequisite:Sasu • Serial killing
In this attack, Enzaragi moves in and grapples his opponent and then quickly stab his enemy in the sides and then quickly right spinning back kick towards the wound. Potentially causing pain distracting the opponent enough for him to land another attack or make it more difficult to block.
*[Iaido • Shinigami’s Wrath] Aimed at to thrust at neck then dragged down into the chest during Sasu • Scorpion crater
C-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Prerequisite(s): 15 Speed.
A technique refining the concept of targeting multiple opponents with a single draw, the practitioner uses their sheath hand to reverse grip the hilt. Using the one hand, the practitioner quickly torques their body and cuts with a reverse hand slash a full 360 degrees before immediately sheathing the blade. This technique can strike multiple opponents at once, and the reverse grip of the sword allows the practitioner to more easily defend against counterattacks immediately after.
Full-counter! Aimed at ribs during to force Fanho to crumple. Part of Stinger combo
B-rank Taijutsu maneuver
Prerequisite: dodge/parry counter
After Enzaragi has dodged an attack any attack he counters with can knock the opponent out.
If the users Strength is higher than the opponents Endurance then the target will pass out or crumble down from a really hard body blow. Those hit with higher stats will experience a strong daze if hit towards the head . (-6 Willpower) or a will feel immense pain and lose their breath for 5 posts.
Sasu • Scorpion crater used with chains to extend the range.
B-rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Prerequisite: 35 strength. Heavenly body, Two blades.
In this attack Enzaragi starts the attack by performing a singular spin attack in order to build up momentum then jumps up 5 meters while spinning in order to cause a small vacuum that has a range of 5 meters. This technique allows multiple targets to get hit if they stand too close as they are dragged in per the user's strength. He slows down mid-air then comes crashing down at an abnormal speed. While spinning so fast that the wind around him causes a scorpion stinger to cover his body crashing down and hitting so hard that it will create a small crater after the impact.
Enzaragi aimed to stab Fanho in the neck and use vaccum heavenly tai jutsu flying into the air while also attacking/defending around him with his chain blades to keep himself safe from other attacks.