My Kingdom For A Spork!

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My Kingdom For A Spork!

Post by Tsedas » Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:02 pm

Clouds streaked across the bright cerulean skies over the surprisingly balmy weather of Sunagakure. The desert wind brought with a refreshing breeze that swept through the shaded portions of the village and even time in the sun felt almost invigorating for a change. Stepping through the streets, garbed in darker color pants and a long sleeve shirt, Ryousei Genkaku was moving through the streets, his eyes peering out from behind the animal shaped mask upon his face. As he walked the tassels hanging from the sides of the serpent shaped mask softly tinked against the material as his eyes scanned the path ahead. His goal wasn't to watch for threats but to find the best path to avoid making as much contact with another person as possible.

He didn't normally care about avoiding people nor did he detest interacting with others, but there were some days where one wanted to just do their shopping quickly and go home. Plus he was working on a fresh batch of things at home that had his creative mind abuzz only to be blue balled by the sudden shortage of materials. He cursed the existence of supply and demand. He yearned for a future where he could just wish for something from the comfort of his workshop and have it delivered instantly. It would be quite the dream come true for sure. He would probably call it something pithy like.... whatever those warriors from the forest jungles were called. Either way, he saw his path and continued on, shortly arriving in an even more crowded street and sighed as he pushed up the sleeves on his arms and took a bracing deep breath.

The bazaar was teeming with life, people coming and going as they shopped for various things to fill their needs. As Genkaku's eyes scanned the various stalls, he could see a plethora of food stuffs and sundries. Every turn of his head to browse the wares caused his braided ponytail to sway and flip a bit as he moved. As he moved, he seemed to be on the hunt for something in particular but his mask hid his facial expression as he seemed to be earnestly searching the stalls.

Red Buster Gaming Youtube ||| Red Buster Gaming Twitch
Takamori Saigo - Konohagakure Banin - [color=#93DDDB]
Takamori Jubei - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#8B658B]
Takamori Kanako - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#AB274F]
Enkouten Hisone - Iwagakure Special Jounin - [color=#E87511]
Ryousei Genkaku - Sungakure Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Kawazaiwa Sagi - Kirigakure Special Jounin - [color=#32CD32]
Retired CharactersShow
Akira - Kirigakure - Special Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Ishikawa Hanzo - Sunagakure Genin - Jinch - [color=navajowhite]
Tenjirou Shigekuni - Sunagakure Chuunin - [color=fuchsia]
Itazura Bokun - Sunagakure B-Rank MN - [color=#00C1B5]
Kutsuzawa Retsu - Iwagakure Sp Jounin - [color=#EF6B00]
Shiimu Mirai - Kirigakure Bannin - [color=navajowhite]
Kojima Nao - Kumogakure -Genin - [color=#A0522D]
Matsudaira Tokoha - Sunagakure - Jounin - [color=#ED2939]
Ishiguro Nui - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=brown]
Awai Mariko - Konohagakure Chuunin - [color=#B2397F]
Jinrai Setsuko - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=#D60270]
Toukai Mukade - Kirigakure Chuunin - [color=#8B7765]

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My Kingdom For A Spork!

Post by Kabu » Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:58 pm

Koyuki hummed cheerfully to herself as she walked through the market with a basket slung over each arm, each one gradually being filled with a variety of meats and fruits and vegetables. Today was her mother's birthday and while dad had taken her out on a date to distract her Koyuki had gone to get some shopping done. It was a special day and she loved cooking so she had taken on the role of making dinner. Her brother had gone out to grab a cake from a bakery that they knew mom liked so she didn't have to worry about that. That left her with plenty of time to finish her shopping and get dinner started.

As she thought and walked she greeted each vendor as she passed by, most of them being highly familiar with her presence and greeting her in return. She was a regular around these parts and so the sight of a masked man gave her pause, her head tilting at the sight. What a strange person... She wondered what was up with his choice of attire but more importantly he appeared to be looking for something.

Before she could even think too much about the matter she swiftly approached the man. "Hello there, I am Shinsen Koyuki. May I be able to offer up some assistance?"
Shinsen Kyoko - #99840A
Ibakuro Rin - #9E4FA5
Nakiya Hotaru - #9E540A
Nakano Kiyomi - #8E47AD], Nakano Ayaka - #0C1C8C
Fukusha Nezumi - #E00747
Karagata Yamada - #CE1126, Makura Ayame - #7251BC
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My Kingdom For A Spork!

Post by Tsedas » Sun Apr 28, 2024 3:24 pm

Genkaku was shifting his head, looking left and right for the stalls that suited his needs. So far it was mostly food or sundries and while it did remind him that he needed to grab a few things for the house, he was here on a mission! He needed to find the materials required to work on his next project, not shop for snacks and possibly whatever was going to be lunch... '... Wait, what time was it? Is it closer to dinner time? What day was it?!' Genkaku furrowed his brow under his mask as he'd been truly engrossed in his research and development that he'd forgotten simple things like days of the week and what time it was. He was about to take a step forward an continue on his search when a voice graced his ears and he halted himself. Turning on the ball of his foot, he did a partial turn as his masked visage directed itself in the voices direction.

Behind his mask, beady green eyes examined the girls face. 'Who is this? I mean, they obviously said their name but I don't recognize them. Looks to be mid to late teens. Still, if they can point me in the right direction, I won't complain.' He thought to himself before shifting one of his dark hands up and cupping the chin of his mask. "Ryousei Genkaku, I'm searching for the stalls that had shinobi tools and equipment. I find myself in short supply for my current development project." He stated coolly in a voice loud enough to be heard through the mask and above the din of the crowd.

Looking back out at the long street and the remaining stalls, it was easy to see how one might lose track of the prize at the end of the maze of people. Releasing the chin of his mask, that same hand flourished out to gesture to the street, careful not to whack anyone in the head while doing so. "Doesn't help that the place is brimming with so many... people..." A shut in work-a-holic like Genkaku wasn't prepared for such a quest.

Red Buster Gaming Youtube ||| Red Buster Gaming Twitch
Takamori Saigo - Konohagakure Banin - [color=#93DDDB]
Takamori Jubei - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#8B658B]
Takamori Kanako - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#AB274F]
Enkouten Hisone - Iwagakure Special Jounin - [color=#E87511]
Ryousei Genkaku - Sungakure Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Kawazaiwa Sagi - Kirigakure Special Jounin - [color=#32CD32]
Retired CharactersShow
Akira - Kirigakure - Special Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Ishikawa Hanzo - Sunagakure Genin - Jinch - [color=navajowhite]
Tenjirou Shigekuni - Sunagakure Chuunin - [color=fuchsia]
Itazura Bokun - Sunagakure B-Rank MN - [color=#00C1B5]
Kutsuzawa Retsu - Iwagakure Sp Jounin - [color=#EF6B00]
Shiimu Mirai - Kirigakure Bannin - [color=navajowhite]
Kojima Nao - Kumogakure -Genin - [color=#A0522D]
Matsudaira Tokoha - Sunagakure - Jounin - [color=#ED2939]
Ishiguro Nui - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=brown]
Awai Mariko - Konohagakure Chuunin - [color=#B2397F]
Jinrai Setsuko - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=#D60270]
Toukai Mukade - Kirigakure Chuunin - [color=#8B7765]

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My Kingdom For A Spork!

Post by Kabu » Fri May 17, 2024 11:55 pm

Koyuki tilted her head as Genkaku spoke, watching him and taking in his mannerisms. He doesn't get out much, does he? He mentioned a development project so maybe he just spends a lot of time working? Honestly sounds like an awful way to live. She couldn't help but wrinkle her nose at her own thoughts, mentally shuddering at the thought of working all day every day. She enjoyed her work as a shinobi and she enjoyed doing the chores at home but she would just die without having any free time to just laze around.

However she wasn't about to say any of that out loud. She had been told that she didn't have much of a filter but she wasn't quite that rude. "It is quite easy to get lost among the crowds if you're unfamiliar with the area." she said instead, turning to look at the crowds gathered through the market. It had been growing gradually busier as time passed. She didn't particularly mind crowds but she couldn't say that she loved them either. If it got too busy then there would be all kinds of lines and the potential of shoving and she just wanted none of that.

"No worries though, I can take you there. I was needing to drop by anyways." she spoke once more with a smile, turning her head slightly to briefly look towards Genkaku. "So, shall we go?" Without waiting to see if the man was following she walked away. Whether he took her up on her offer or not was up to him. She was the helpful sort but she wasn't about to push herself onto others. All she could do was offer her assistance and see what would happen from there.
Shinsen Kyoko - #99840A
Ibakuro Rin - #9E4FA5
Nakiya Hotaru - #9E540A
Nakano Kiyomi - #8E47AD], Nakano Ayaka - #0C1C8C
Fukusha Nezumi - #E00747
Karagata Yamada - #CE1126, Makura Ayame - #7251BC
Yamanaka Inomi - #FC70BA
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My Kingdom For A Spork!

Post by Tsedas » Mon May 27, 2024 9:03 pm

The masked man was glad for his facial covering. It kept the dismayed and at times disgusted expression on his face hidden. Every turn of his head caused the tassels on the sides of his mask to jostle and softly clatter against the material of the mask. When Koyuki spoke to him again, his head tilted, looking at her from a sideways glance. The mask seemed to shift and look towards her like a viper eyeing an object that caught it's attention by moving suddenly. "It feels like every time I come here, the stalls are in different places. A labyrinth to trap shoppers and tempt them with things they don't need..."

He said this as he immediately turned back and found his own body had been on autopilot and bought some snacks as he handed ryo over to the person behind the stall. Holding a small bag of foodstuffs, he quickly backed away from the stall until he was next to Koyuki, "There is a horrible genjutsu placed here, it compels people to buy things!" He practically hissed under his breath while trying to resist the urge to buy anything else than what he came for. As she stated her need for things where he wanted to go, she offered to lead him and he followed, keeping a close eye on her and not letting his eyes wander to the stalls. The cursed stalls holding all the temptations his body could want. Fresh fruits, meat, spices, luxury items, bathing supplies. Nay! He won't give in! His project supplies come first! "I'm right behind you!"

Red Buster Gaming Youtube ||| Red Buster Gaming Twitch
Takamori Saigo - Konohagakure Banin - [color=#93DDDB]
Takamori Jubei - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#8B658B]
Takamori Kanako - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#AB274F]
Enkouten Hisone - Iwagakure Special Jounin - [color=#E87511]
Ryousei Genkaku - Sungakure Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Kawazaiwa Sagi - Kirigakure Special Jounin - [color=#32CD32]
Retired CharactersShow
Akira - Kirigakure - Special Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Ishikawa Hanzo - Sunagakure Genin - Jinch - [color=navajowhite]
Tenjirou Shigekuni - Sunagakure Chuunin - [color=fuchsia]
Itazura Bokun - Sunagakure B-Rank MN - [color=#00C1B5]
Kutsuzawa Retsu - Iwagakure Sp Jounin - [color=#EF6B00]
Shiimu Mirai - Kirigakure Bannin - [color=navajowhite]
Kojima Nao - Kumogakure -Genin - [color=#A0522D]
Matsudaira Tokoha - Sunagakure - Jounin - [color=#ED2939]
Ishiguro Nui - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=brown]
Awai Mariko - Konohagakure Chuunin - [color=#B2397F]
Jinrai Setsuko - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=#D60270]
Toukai Mukade - Kirigakure Chuunin - [color=#8B7765]


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