Producing Results
Sagi and Miyuki
Producing Results
The cloudy weather made visibility a little lack luster, but it wasn't keeping people from seeing right in front of their noses. The weather was a bit cool for the time of day, despite the sheer humidity hanging in the air as well. Sunlight struggled in vain to pierce the clouds that rolled across the sky, the visible shades of gray telling of the looming threat of a downpour at some point later in the day. It could be mere minutes or a few hours until the deluge, but it was a certain thing that it was going to arrive all the same.
The tap-tap-tap of hard soles against stone signaled the movements of a red haired woman as she moved through the fog. Her pace wasn't rushed, nor did her strides suggest anything other confidence. Tucked under one arm was some kind of book, it's purpose known only to her in that time. Her usual attire adorned her body, female curves on display in all the right ways, teasing glimpses with every shift of fabric. As she moved, eyes of those she passed would wander her figure as if sizing her up or drinking in her visage. She paid no mind to the mental undressing people might be doing to her in that moment.
Stepping along the road, Kawazaiwa Sagi was on a mission; Do a inventory count of a supply shipment to one of the grocer stalls! Not a glamorous mission by any stretch of the imagination, but she had obligations as a Kawazaiwa to attend to. She also secretly wanted to do some shopping for things she needed to make dinner tonight, so this would kill two birds with one stone in her mind. Reaching up, Sagi brushed a strand of her red hair away from her features, taking a moment to let her thoughts wander from her duty as she did so.
'I really need to get myself back into mission shape... or combat shape I should say. I'm soft in all the right places right now, but not hard in the ones that should be hard. Motherhood has made me neglect my training lately. I should fix that and get ready. With the way things are looking in Kiri right now, I don't wanna be caught off guard or unable to defend Ayeka.' The mere thought of something happening to her daughter made the red head give off menacing momma bear vibes before she took a deep breath and collected herself. She had other things to do and fretting about 'what if' and 'maybe' things was no gonna solve a single problem that hadn't even happened yet. "I just need to get my sexy ass back into combat shape, that's all."
Having come to a stop in front of the stall she'd been seeking, she hadn't realized she'd said that out loud and gave an embarrassed chuckle. Convincing the grocer to ignore her words, she pulled out her little book and flipped it open to a page that was tabbed by a ribbon running between the pages like a bookmark. Pulling it out, she let the ribbon hang from the spine of the book as she started speaking with the man and taking some notes. "And have you had any shortages or lack of supplies come from the farms lately? Everything been accounted for properly?"
As she took her notes, she eventually closed her book with a smile, "Thank you, this helps make sure all the produce is accounted for from the farms. Now if you don't mind personal inquiries, what could you recommend that is high in things that will help with burning fat and building muscle. I'd prefer to avoid fruits for this, but they'll probably be the only sweet thing I'll get to indulge in and I do love me a pear or two."
The tap-tap-tap of hard soles against stone signaled the movements of a red haired woman as she moved through the fog. Her pace wasn't rushed, nor did her strides suggest anything other confidence. Tucked under one arm was some kind of book, it's purpose known only to her in that time. Her usual attire adorned her body, female curves on display in all the right ways, teasing glimpses with every shift of fabric. As she moved, eyes of those she passed would wander her figure as if sizing her up or drinking in her visage. She paid no mind to the mental undressing people might be doing to her in that moment.
Stepping along the road, Kawazaiwa Sagi was on a mission; Do a inventory count of a supply shipment to one of the grocer stalls! Not a glamorous mission by any stretch of the imagination, but she had obligations as a Kawazaiwa to attend to. She also secretly wanted to do some shopping for things she needed to make dinner tonight, so this would kill two birds with one stone in her mind. Reaching up, Sagi brushed a strand of her red hair away from her features, taking a moment to let her thoughts wander from her duty as she did so.
'I really need to get myself back into mission shape... or combat shape I should say. I'm soft in all the right places right now, but not hard in the ones that should be hard. Motherhood has made me neglect my training lately. I should fix that and get ready. With the way things are looking in Kiri right now, I don't wanna be caught off guard or unable to defend Ayeka.' The mere thought of something happening to her daughter made the red head give off menacing momma bear vibes before she took a deep breath and collected herself. She had other things to do and fretting about 'what if' and 'maybe' things was no gonna solve a single problem that hadn't even happened yet. "I just need to get my sexy ass back into combat shape, that's all."
Having come to a stop in front of the stall she'd been seeking, she hadn't realized she'd said that out loud and gave an embarrassed chuckle. Convincing the grocer to ignore her words, she pulled out her little book and flipped it open to a page that was tabbed by a ribbon running between the pages like a bookmark. Pulling it out, she let the ribbon hang from the spine of the book as she started speaking with the man and taking some notes. "And have you had any shortages or lack of supplies come from the farms lately? Everything been accounted for properly?"
As she took her notes, she eventually closed her book with a smile, "Thank you, this helps make sure all the produce is accounted for from the farms. Now if you don't mind personal inquiries, what could you recommend that is high in things that will help with burning fat and building muscle. I'd prefer to avoid fruits for this, but they'll probably be the only sweet thing I'll get to indulge in and I do love me a pear or two."

Red Buster Gaming Youtube ||| Red Buster Gaming Twitch Takamori Saigo - Konohagakure Banin - [color=#93DDDB]
Takamori Jubei - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#8B658B]
Takamori Kanako - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#AB274F]
Enkouten Hisone - Iwagakure Special Jounin - [color=#E87511]
Ryousei Genkaku - Sungakure Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Kawazaiwa Sagi - Kirigakure Special Jounin - [color=#32CD32]
Retired CharactersShow
Akira - Kirigakure - Special Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Ishikawa Hanzo - Sunagakure Genin - Jinch - [color=navajowhite]
Tenjirou Shigekuni - Sunagakure Chuunin - [color=fuchsia]
Itazura Bokun - Sunagakure B-Rank MN - [color=#00C1B5]
Kutsuzawa Retsu - Iwagakure Sp Jounin - [color=#EF6B00]
Shiimu Mirai - Kirigakure Bannin - [color=navajowhite]
Kojima Nao - Kumogakure -Genin - [color=#A0522D]
Matsudaira Tokoha - Sunagakure - Jounin - [color=#ED2939]
Ishiguro Nui - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=brown]
Awai Mariko - Konohagakure Chuunin - [color=#B2397F]
Jinrai Setsuko - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=#D60270]
Toukai Mukade - Kirigakure Chuunin - [color=#8B7765]
Ishikawa Hanzo - Sunagakure Genin - Jinch - [color=navajowhite]
Tenjirou Shigekuni - Sunagakure Chuunin - [color=fuchsia]
Itazura Bokun - Sunagakure B-Rank MN - [color=#00C1B5]
Kutsuzawa Retsu - Iwagakure Sp Jounin - [color=#EF6B00]
Shiimu Mirai - Kirigakure Bannin - [color=navajowhite]
Kojima Nao - Kumogakure -Genin - [color=#A0522D]
Matsudaira Tokoha - Sunagakure - Jounin - [color=#ED2939]
Ishiguro Nui - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=brown]
Awai Mariko - Konohagakure Chuunin - [color=#B2397F]
Jinrai Setsuko - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=#D60270]
Toukai Mukade - Kirigakure Chuunin - [color=#8B7765]
Producing Results
A storm was brewing in Kiri. Miyuki could feel it through the fresh air the poured in through her window. She was still on mission break, and it had been…eventful to say the least. She was quite satisfied with her encounter with Shinjiro. It played in her mind most nights, sucking the air from her lungs and getting her heart pounding. She couldn’t wait to see him again.
Still lying in her bed, she decided she had slept in enough and needed to get on with her day. She had been bored these last few days since leaving the hotel. Going outside would help, plus she needed more food. She got up, her scarlet hair draping over her body and she went to shower. After she was clean enough, she got out and let her body air dry as she made breakfast. Just simple rice with egg and bacon on top. Once she was full, she did the dishes and began brushing her unruly hair, pinning it in a ponytail and thinking on what to wear. She opted for a dark green crop top that just contained her bosom, her tattoo still fully on display, and burnt brown slim jacket over top with tan dress pants, finishing her look with some heavy boots. With her boots laced, she left.
Miyuki skipped down the streets of Kiri to the market district, enjoying the smell of impending rain. It was busy today; it seemed like everyone was preparing for one hell of a storm. She browsed the vendor stalls picking up various meats, cheese, vegetables and some more rice. The last thing on her list was some fruit. She had decided she needed to train more physically and that demanded a fuller diet with strength training and cardio to keep her shape and not bulk up too much.
As she continued along the street, she caught site of a woman that reminded her so much of herself it was startling. Ample bosom, wide hips, long scarlet hair. The only real difference was her eyes were neon green, that and she had a body more suited to childbearing, still she was reasonably fit and looked like she could handle herself if need be. She overheard the woman talking to the vendor about foods good for burning fat and building muscle. Miyuki had never really been one to make friends. Her line of work didn’t allow for much honesty, but surely, she could be friendly and not cause a fuss. She approached the woman with confidence, giving her a slight smile as she was noticed. It was serendipitous that this was also the last stall on Miyuki’s list. “Hello there, I’m Takanada Miyuki. I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. If you’re wanting to build more muscle, perhaps you and I could talk over a cup of tea? I’m also about to tone up more myself and I’d love someone to bounce some ideas off of.” As she spoke she picked up her favorite fruits, handing the vendor some ryo as payment and awaited the woman’s response.
Still lying in her bed, she decided she had slept in enough and needed to get on with her day. She had been bored these last few days since leaving the hotel. Going outside would help, plus she needed more food. She got up, her scarlet hair draping over her body and she went to shower. After she was clean enough, she got out and let her body air dry as she made breakfast. Just simple rice with egg and bacon on top. Once she was full, she did the dishes and began brushing her unruly hair, pinning it in a ponytail and thinking on what to wear. She opted for a dark green crop top that just contained her bosom, her tattoo still fully on display, and burnt brown slim jacket over top with tan dress pants, finishing her look with some heavy boots. With her boots laced, she left.
Miyuki skipped down the streets of Kiri to the market district, enjoying the smell of impending rain. It was busy today; it seemed like everyone was preparing for one hell of a storm. She browsed the vendor stalls picking up various meats, cheese, vegetables and some more rice. The last thing on her list was some fruit. She had decided she needed to train more physically and that demanded a fuller diet with strength training and cardio to keep her shape and not bulk up too much.
As she continued along the street, she caught site of a woman that reminded her so much of herself it was startling. Ample bosom, wide hips, long scarlet hair. The only real difference was her eyes were neon green, that and she had a body more suited to childbearing, still she was reasonably fit and looked like she could handle herself if need be. She overheard the woman talking to the vendor about foods good for burning fat and building muscle. Miyuki had never really been one to make friends. Her line of work didn’t allow for much honesty, but surely, she could be friendly and not cause a fuss. She approached the woman with confidence, giving her a slight smile as she was noticed. It was serendipitous that this was also the last stall on Miyuki’s list. “Hello there, I’m Takanada Miyuki. I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. If you’re wanting to build more muscle, perhaps you and I could talk over a cup of tea? I’m also about to tone up more myself and I’d love someone to bounce some ideas off of.” As she spoke she picked up her favorite fruits, handing the vendor some ryo as payment and awaited the woman’s response.
Naegi Datura ~ Jounin ~ Sunagakure
Takanada Miyuki ~ Jounin ~ Kirigakure
Nara Akemi ~ Special Jounin ~ Konohagakure ~ ANBU
Naegi Datura ~ Jounin ~ Sunagakure
Takanada Miyuki ~ Jounin ~ Kirigakure
Nara Akemi ~ Special Jounin ~ Konohagakure ~ ANBU
Producing Results
The man took a moment to think on her question, unsure of what to give her as a reply. Sagi tucked her book under her arm and listened to him as he started to speak, explaining what little he could claim on knowledge of that subject matter. While he got side tracked on texture and flavor or complimentary things to eat with certain vegetables, he was clearly struggling to keep up with nutritional information she desired. After some brief explanation, the man rubbed his chin before giving a shake of his head, having reached the end of his dietary expertise as a simple grocer on the subject matter.
It was then that another voice spoke up, introducing itself before both people turned to the newcomer. Sagi's green eyes took in the form of a woman only a couple inches shorter than herself with red hair akin to her own in some ways. Their eyes were different colors and figures had obvious differences, but she almost reminded the Kawazaiwa woman of herself a few years back. Looking over this Takanada Miyuki, the other woman just gave a smile before nodding her head. "I suppose a cup of tea couldn't hurt while we talked." Turning, Sagi gave a brief bow of her head to the grocer who bowed a lot more definitively in return before thanking her for all her hard work.
Watching Miyuki, the older woman watched her acquire some fruit and taking note of the choices hoping they might be something good for their conversational topic to come or maybe just as a less sugary option compared to other fruits. "I suppose I should introduce myself, I'm Kawazaiwa Sagi. I do have some time now to talk if you're available. I can see you're in some better shape than I am currently, I'm looking to try and get into active duty shape. My time behind a desk has helped wean my muscle and exercise routine down so..." Reaching down, Sagi pinched at the side of her belly a little. It wasn't much she was pinching but it was enough that she heaved a little sigh of annoyance. "Time to start working out and eating more appropriately. Can't very well protect my daughter if I let myself go and become a sorry excuse of a lard ass."
"Got a particular spot you care to go for this tea?" Sagi asked, her fingers releasing the tiny bit of her side as she set that hand upon her hip and shifted her weight. AS she did her dress shifted to reveal the heaping pile of leg and hip along with the large tattoo sprawled across them.
It was then that another voice spoke up, introducing itself before both people turned to the newcomer. Sagi's green eyes took in the form of a woman only a couple inches shorter than herself with red hair akin to her own in some ways. Their eyes were different colors and figures had obvious differences, but she almost reminded the Kawazaiwa woman of herself a few years back. Looking over this Takanada Miyuki, the other woman just gave a smile before nodding her head. "I suppose a cup of tea couldn't hurt while we talked." Turning, Sagi gave a brief bow of her head to the grocer who bowed a lot more definitively in return before thanking her for all her hard work.
Watching Miyuki, the older woman watched her acquire some fruit and taking note of the choices hoping they might be something good for their conversational topic to come or maybe just as a less sugary option compared to other fruits. "I suppose I should introduce myself, I'm Kawazaiwa Sagi. I do have some time now to talk if you're available. I can see you're in some better shape than I am currently, I'm looking to try and get into active duty shape. My time behind a desk has helped wean my muscle and exercise routine down so..." Reaching down, Sagi pinched at the side of her belly a little. It wasn't much she was pinching but it was enough that she heaved a little sigh of annoyance. "Time to start working out and eating more appropriately. Can't very well protect my daughter if I let myself go and become a sorry excuse of a lard ass."
"Got a particular spot you care to go for this tea?" Sagi asked, her fingers releasing the tiny bit of her side as she set that hand upon her hip and shifted her weight. AS she did her dress shifted to reveal the heaping pile of leg and hip along with the large tattoo sprawled across them.

Red Buster Gaming Youtube ||| Red Buster Gaming Twitch Takamori Saigo - Konohagakure Banin - [color=#93DDDB]
Takamori Jubei - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#8B658B]
Takamori Kanako - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#AB274F]
Enkouten Hisone - Iwagakure Special Jounin - [color=#E87511]
Ryousei Genkaku - Sungakure Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Kawazaiwa Sagi - Kirigakure Special Jounin - [color=#32CD32]
Retired CharactersShow
Akira - Kirigakure - Special Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Ishikawa Hanzo - Sunagakure Genin - Jinch - [color=navajowhite]
Tenjirou Shigekuni - Sunagakure Chuunin - [color=fuchsia]
Itazura Bokun - Sunagakure B-Rank MN - [color=#00C1B5]
Kutsuzawa Retsu - Iwagakure Sp Jounin - [color=#EF6B00]
Shiimu Mirai - Kirigakure Bannin - [color=navajowhite]
Kojima Nao - Kumogakure -Genin - [color=#A0522D]
Matsudaira Tokoha - Sunagakure - Jounin - [color=#ED2939]
Ishiguro Nui - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=brown]
Awai Mariko - Konohagakure Chuunin - [color=#B2397F]
Jinrai Setsuko - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=#D60270]
Toukai Mukade - Kirigakure Chuunin - [color=#8B7765]
Ishikawa Hanzo - Sunagakure Genin - Jinch - [color=navajowhite]
Tenjirou Shigekuni - Sunagakure Chuunin - [color=fuchsia]
Itazura Bokun - Sunagakure B-Rank MN - [color=#00C1B5]
Kutsuzawa Retsu - Iwagakure Sp Jounin - [color=#EF6B00]
Shiimu Mirai - Kirigakure Bannin - [color=navajowhite]
Kojima Nao - Kumogakure -Genin - [color=#A0522D]
Matsudaira Tokoha - Sunagakure - Jounin - [color=#ED2939]
Ishiguro Nui - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=brown]
Awai Mariko - Konohagakure Chuunin - [color=#B2397F]
Jinrai Setsuko - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=#D60270]
Toukai Mukade - Kirigakure Chuunin - [color=#8B7765]
Producing Results
Miyuki nodded her head at Sagi, happy at her acceptance. “There’s a tea hut just down the street called Lotus Teahouse. I go there frequently.” She gestured for Sagi to follow her. Miyuki easily fell instep beside her, the atmosphere was peaceful despite the impending storm. The air held a slight tension as it would between strangers. But it wasn’t anything new to Miyuki. “Sagi-san, you said you were hoping to get back into active-duty shape. May I ask what your specialty is? I might be able to help somewhat.” The offer was genuine, Miyuki liked helping other kunoichi. It helped that the two women were so similar, it gave Miyuki the feeling that she owed it to the woman. That and Sagi mentioned she had a daughter. It would be wrong to just simply walk away. Not that she thought the woman incompetent, it was just when raising a child it took a village.
They arrived at Lotus Teahouse and Miyuki picked out a table by a window, gesturing for Sagi to sit. The establishment was colored in dark cherry wood and a variety of purple curtains with orchids and lotus flowers adorning each table. It smelled fresh and earthen here, you could almost pick out each herb available with a deep breath. It made Miyuki feel content, this was her little getaway when the world became too much. “I personally work with taijutsu and genjustu. My work itself is…a little more secretive to be honest. But I’m happy to share what tips and tricks I’ve learned for staying lean and strong.” A waitress came along, Miyuki recognized her as the owner’s daughter. She smiled brightly at her and bowed her head, asking for a few moments for the women to decide. The young girl walked away giving them some semblance of privacy again. As she waited for Sagi to decide on tea, Miyuki started to write down a list of foods that she found helpful for building muscle without adding extra fat and providing enough energy to get the most out of a work out for someone with Sagi’s build.
They arrived at Lotus Teahouse and Miyuki picked out a table by a window, gesturing for Sagi to sit. The establishment was colored in dark cherry wood and a variety of purple curtains with orchids and lotus flowers adorning each table. It smelled fresh and earthen here, you could almost pick out each herb available with a deep breath. It made Miyuki feel content, this was her little getaway when the world became too much. “I personally work with taijutsu and genjustu. My work itself is…a little more secretive to be honest. But I’m happy to share what tips and tricks I’ve learned for staying lean and strong.” A waitress came along, Miyuki recognized her as the owner’s daughter. She smiled brightly at her and bowed her head, asking for a few moments for the women to decide. The young girl walked away giving them some semblance of privacy again. As she waited for Sagi to decide on tea, Miyuki started to write down a list of foods that she found helpful for building muscle without adding extra fat and providing enough energy to get the most out of a work out for someone with Sagi’s build.
Naegi Datura ~ Jounin ~ Sunagakure
Takanada Miyuki ~ Jounin ~ Kirigakure
Nara Akemi ~ Special Jounin ~ Konohagakure ~ ANBU
Naegi Datura ~ Jounin ~ Sunagakure
Takanada Miyuki ~ Jounin ~ Kirigakure
Nara Akemi ~ Special Jounin ~ Konohagakure ~ ANBU
Producing Results
The gesture that beckoned Sagi along had the woman giving a departing bow to the vendor before departing. She hadn't purchased anything but a quick statement of her intent to return in a short while was enough to let the man know of her desire to procure from him. A glance toward the sky showed the rolling grey clouds shifting rapidly across the sky and the dark pockets were becoming more frequently visible. Sagi posited that the rain would probably begin to pour down when the were in the middle of having their tea. Still, the thought of being indoors for the duration of the downpour was a better prospect than walking home with the ledger getting soaked along with her groceries.
The voice beside her drew the Kawazaiwa woman's attention, green eyes flicking over to them as they asked about her specialty. It wasn't an uncommon question but it was also better to play ones cards close to the vest. At least that's how the case would be if Sagi was paranoid about her own safety. "I specialize in Ninjutsu currently, but my abilities in other area are what need improvement. My movements have become sluggish and my muscle mass isn't what it was. I need to improve those areas somehow. My Ninjutsu abilities will simple through additional practice. What of yourself?" With her question asked, the pair arrived at the teahouse.
Following after Miyuki, the older woman joined her at the window side seat and set her ledger down. As they sat, Miyuki gave an answer to Sagi's question, causing the red haired mother to nod in response. "I think it's safe to say everyone in the village has secretive work. The only thing I've no qualm about hiding in that regard is that I mostly spend my days handling the affairs of the Kawazaiwa and our multitude of farms. My active shinobi duties typical fall under simple patrols or helping with office work. Shinobi into a book keeper who needs to get back into shape to be a shinobi again. Trying to get mass down and build some muscle. Need to get some cardio too I think, but no clue where to start for it all."
The voice beside her drew the Kawazaiwa woman's attention, green eyes flicking over to them as they asked about her specialty. It wasn't an uncommon question but it was also better to play ones cards close to the vest. At least that's how the case would be if Sagi was paranoid about her own safety. "I specialize in Ninjutsu currently, but my abilities in other area are what need improvement. My movements have become sluggish and my muscle mass isn't what it was. I need to improve those areas somehow. My Ninjutsu abilities will simple through additional practice. What of yourself?" With her question asked, the pair arrived at the teahouse.
Following after Miyuki, the older woman joined her at the window side seat and set her ledger down. As they sat, Miyuki gave an answer to Sagi's question, causing the red haired mother to nod in response. "I think it's safe to say everyone in the village has secretive work. The only thing I've no qualm about hiding in that regard is that I mostly spend my days handling the affairs of the Kawazaiwa and our multitude of farms. My active shinobi duties typical fall under simple patrols or helping with office work. Shinobi into a book keeper who needs to get back into shape to be a shinobi again. Trying to get mass down and build some muscle. Need to get some cardio too I think, but no clue where to start for it all."

Red Buster Gaming Youtube ||| Red Buster Gaming Twitch Takamori Saigo - Konohagakure Banin - [color=#93DDDB]
Takamori Jubei - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#8B658B]
Takamori Kanako - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#AB274F]
Enkouten Hisone - Iwagakure Special Jounin - [color=#E87511]
Ryousei Genkaku - Sungakure Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Kawazaiwa Sagi - Kirigakure Special Jounin - [color=#32CD32]
Retired CharactersShow
Akira - Kirigakure - Special Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Ishikawa Hanzo - Sunagakure Genin - Jinch - [color=navajowhite]
Tenjirou Shigekuni - Sunagakure Chuunin - [color=fuchsia]
Itazura Bokun - Sunagakure B-Rank MN - [color=#00C1B5]
Kutsuzawa Retsu - Iwagakure Sp Jounin - [color=#EF6B00]
Shiimu Mirai - Kirigakure Bannin - [color=navajowhite]
Kojima Nao - Kumogakure -Genin - [color=#A0522D]
Matsudaira Tokoha - Sunagakure - Jounin - [color=#ED2939]
Ishiguro Nui - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=brown]
Awai Mariko - Konohagakure Chuunin - [color=#B2397F]
Jinrai Setsuko - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=#D60270]
Toukai Mukade - Kirigakure Chuunin - [color=#8B7765]
Ishikawa Hanzo - Sunagakure Genin - Jinch - [color=navajowhite]
Tenjirou Shigekuni - Sunagakure Chuunin - [color=fuchsia]
Itazura Bokun - Sunagakure B-Rank MN - [color=#00C1B5]
Kutsuzawa Retsu - Iwagakure Sp Jounin - [color=#EF6B00]
Shiimu Mirai - Kirigakure Bannin - [color=navajowhite]
Kojima Nao - Kumogakure -Genin - [color=#A0522D]
Matsudaira Tokoha - Sunagakure - Jounin - [color=#ED2939]
Ishiguro Nui - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=brown]
Awai Mariko - Konohagakure Chuunin - [color=#B2397F]
Jinrai Setsuko - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=#D60270]
Toukai Mukade - Kirigakure Chuunin - [color=#8B7765]
Producing Results
As Miyuki waited for the owner’s daughter to return so took this opportunity to really study Sagi’s physique and assess her overall threat level. Going purely off physical stature, the woman had the right idea about needing to get back into shape. There wasn’t much definition muscle wise, which could very well be attributed to new motherhood. There also wasn’t much muscle density. For the amount of cardio the woman would more than likely be satisfied with, she’d be better off just strength training and putting that size to use. As for chakra ability and power, it was easy enough to tell that the woman was below Miyuki in rank but harder to tell how effective she was with her jutsu. Miyuki could sense the chakra flowing around Sagi, she was strong enough in ninjutsu to cause a problem for someone if need be. Miyuki concluded that diet wouldn’t help her as much as Sagi thought it would.
“My specialties lie in Kugapou and Genjutsu. I’m skilled enough with a tanto when needed, but I’ve recently decided I need to up my game and will be training in Toryu to become more well rounded. I’m off work for at least month, taking a break from a year of nonstop missions. It’s the perfect time to finesse my abilities.” Miyuki tapped her nails softly along the tables edge, thinking to herself about how she wanted this to play out. Normally her social interactions revolved around her seducing someone for whatever she needed, but this was different. Miyuki had approached Sagi out of mild curiosity and kindness, something she chose to blame on the thorough fucking she had received days ago. She cleared her throat as the young woman came back and greeted her with a warm smile. “Hello again Haru, I’ll have jasmine today please.” Miyuki nodded her head to Sagi for the woman to give her order as well.
“As for where to start, personally I would use your size to your advantage. Cardio is always necessary to build up stamina which is key as you know. But I would focus on strength training, which requires a diet of high protein, vitamins, vegetables and carbs to feed your muscles growth cycle. And you will tone up and slim down a little at the same time. If you’d like, I’d be happy to work with you while I’m off. Part of my Toryu training is increased strength and stamina training.” She smiled again at Sagi, genuinely wondering where she had come up with such an offer. She usually preferred to train solo, so that she could focus. But something about Sagi and knowing she had a daughter made Miyuki soft on the inside. She was a normally kind and energetic person, always happy and weirding out her fellow shinobi. But she wasn’t someone who made friends and she had never been one to go out of her way to help train someone else.
“My specialties lie in Kugapou and Genjutsu. I’m skilled enough with a tanto when needed, but I’ve recently decided I need to up my game and will be training in Toryu to become more well rounded. I’m off work for at least month, taking a break from a year of nonstop missions. It’s the perfect time to finesse my abilities.” Miyuki tapped her nails softly along the tables edge, thinking to herself about how she wanted this to play out. Normally her social interactions revolved around her seducing someone for whatever she needed, but this was different. Miyuki had approached Sagi out of mild curiosity and kindness, something she chose to blame on the thorough fucking she had received days ago. She cleared her throat as the young woman came back and greeted her with a warm smile. “Hello again Haru, I’ll have jasmine today please.” Miyuki nodded her head to Sagi for the woman to give her order as well.
“As for where to start, personally I would use your size to your advantage. Cardio is always necessary to build up stamina which is key as you know. But I would focus on strength training, which requires a diet of high protein, vitamins, vegetables and carbs to feed your muscles growth cycle. And you will tone up and slim down a little at the same time. If you’d like, I’d be happy to work with you while I’m off. Part of my Toryu training is increased strength and stamina training.” She smiled again at Sagi, genuinely wondering where she had come up with such an offer. She usually preferred to train solo, so that she could focus. But something about Sagi and knowing she had a daughter made Miyuki soft on the inside. She was a normally kind and energetic person, always happy and weirding out her fellow shinobi. But she wasn’t someone who made friends and she had never been one to go out of her way to help train someone else.
Last edited by Kaida on Sun Feb 09, 2025 2:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Naegi Datura ~ Jounin ~ Sunagakure
Takanada Miyuki ~ Jounin ~ Kirigakure
Nara Akemi ~ Special Jounin ~ Konohagakure ~ ANBU
Naegi Datura ~ Jounin ~ Sunagakure
Takanada Miyuki ~ Jounin ~ Kirigakure
Nara Akemi ~ Special Jounin ~ Konohagakure ~ ANBU
Producing Results
Glancing around the tea house, Sagi took in the décor of the place and admired the dark cheery wood interior. The earthy smells reminded her of the store houses and farms the Kawazaiwa oversaw. Closing her eyes, she took a moment to breath in through her nose and take in the smells of the different herbal scents that hung in the air. She could list off a few but some still eluded her. While she knew the smells rather well, she wasn't as knowledgeable about the things that go into tea. Still, she was able to identify a few and that's all that mattered to her as she had a leg to stand on about the place now. Opening her eyes while turning her head, the motherly woman faced her companion across the table as they spoke.
Taijutsu and Genjutsu, two fields that Sagi was lacking knowledge in by a good deal. Hearing they were off work for a month, Sagi pondered what brought about the reprieve but decided to wait on that for a moment. Watching someone named Haru approach, Miyuki gave their order before both pairs of eyes turned to her and she smiled at Haru. "A cup of Wakoucha if you don't mind." Turning back to Miyuki, she listened to them intently as they talked about using her size to her advantage and also brought up cardio. Sagi's faced twisted into one of disdain as her hands came up to rest upon the top of her ample bust. "Ugh, you would tell me to do cardio! I'm gonna need to find a binder or something to keep from knocking myself out!" She half jested before setting her ledger on the table top and resting a hand upon it. "Honestly I might take you up on the offer as I'm lacking in the physical areas at the moment. I need to get back into shape so I can actually take a mission or two again."
Her expression changed a little again, becoming as dour as the skies outside, the first sounds of rain starting to patter against the roof of the tea house. "I'd rather be able to keep my daughter safe over relying someone else to do it for me."
Taijutsu and Genjutsu, two fields that Sagi was lacking knowledge in by a good deal. Hearing they were off work for a month, Sagi pondered what brought about the reprieve but decided to wait on that for a moment. Watching someone named Haru approach, Miyuki gave their order before both pairs of eyes turned to her and she smiled at Haru. "A cup of Wakoucha if you don't mind." Turning back to Miyuki, she listened to them intently as they talked about using her size to her advantage and also brought up cardio. Sagi's faced twisted into one of disdain as her hands came up to rest upon the top of her ample bust. "Ugh, you would tell me to do cardio! I'm gonna need to find a binder or something to keep from knocking myself out!" She half jested before setting her ledger on the table top and resting a hand upon it. "Honestly I might take you up on the offer as I'm lacking in the physical areas at the moment. I need to get back into shape so I can actually take a mission or two again."
Her expression changed a little again, becoming as dour as the skies outside, the first sounds of rain starting to patter against the roof of the tea house. "I'd rather be able to keep my daughter safe over relying someone else to do it for me."

Red Buster Gaming Youtube ||| Red Buster Gaming Twitch Takamori Saigo - Konohagakure Banin - [color=#93DDDB]
Takamori Jubei - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#8B658B]
Takamori Kanako - Konohagakure Genin - [color=#AB274F]
Enkouten Hisone - Iwagakure Special Jounin - [color=#E87511]
Ryousei Genkaku - Sungakure Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Kawazaiwa Sagi - Kirigakure Special Jounin - [color=#32CD32]
Retired CharactersShow
Akira - Kirigakure - Special Jounin - [color=#BE4F62]
Ishikawa Hanzo - Sunagakure Genin - Jinch - [color=navajowhite]
Tenjirou Shigekuni - Sunagakure Chuunin - [color=fuchsia]
Itazura Bokun - Sunagakure B-Rank MN - [color=#00C1B5]
Kutsuzawa Retsu - Iwagakure Sp Jounin - [color=#EF6B00]
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Kojima Nao - Kumogakure -Genin - [color=#A0522D]
Matsudaira Tokoha - Sunagakure - Jounin - [color=#ED2939]
Ishiguro Nui - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=brown]
Awai Mariko - Konohagakure Chuunin - [color=#B2397F]
Jinrai Setsuko - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=#D60270]
Toukai Mukade - Kirigakure Chuunin - [color=#8B7765]
Ishikawa Hanzo - Sunagakure Genin - Jinch - [color=navajowhite]
Tenjirou Shigekuni - Sunagakure Chuunin - [color=fuchsia]
Itazura Bokun - Sunagakure B-Rank MN - [color=#00C1B5]
Kutsuzawa Retsu - Iwagakure Sp Jounin - [color=#EF6B00]
Shiimu Mirai - Kirigakure Bannin - [color=navajowhite]
Kojima Nao - Kumogakure -Genin - [color=#A0522D]
Matsudaira Tokoha - Sunagakure - Jounin - [color=#ED2939]
Ishiguro Nui - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=brown]
Awai Mariko - Konohagakure Chuunin - [color=#B2397F]
Jinrai Setsuko - Kumogakure Chuunin - [color=#D60270]
Toukai Mukade - Kirigakure Chuunin - [color=#8B7765]
Producing Results
Miyuki laughed heartily at the woman in front of her. “Cardio doesn’t always mean running. It could be as simple as practicing tai jutsu forms, yoga, swimming, hiking, etc. No binder needed. And if we train together, I’m sure we can find something that benefits us both.” She smiled at Sagi, enjoying the woman’s bright attitude. Most people in Kiri were out for blood, it was rare to find someone with anything more than a grain of true happiness these days. Miyuki’s eyes lost a bit of their shine as her mind focused briefly on her recent encounter with Shinjiro. She had always thought herself happy and content with where she ended up in life. But that night she experienced something new. It was greater than the simple joy she found in her day to day. It made her feel excited, clawing at the edges of her mind. And she realized with no one around to talk to, that her life had been lonely and empty. With no real power or say in the work that she does or the things that she wants. The thought was deeply saddening to her, and she knew something would have to change. She couldn’t live in this stalemate for the rest of her life, being fucked and hiding behind closed doors to hear the right secrets to pass along just to do it all over again.
The smell and warmth of the tea arriving brought Miyuki back to the present, giving her head a slight shake she smiled embarrassedly at Sagi. “My apologies, my mind gets away from me these days. The downside to being off work with no one to share it with I’m afraid.” She wrapped her long dainty fingers around the ceramic cup and gently blew the steam away, inhaling the scent of dried jasmine flowers, oolong and camellia. It reminded her of home, before home became empty and cold. When all her siblings were alive, and her parents were whole. The memory brought a soft smile to her face, things were easier then. “You mentioned you have a daughter; would you mind telling me about her? I’ve always loved kids, though I’m a bit young for my own.”
The smell and warmth of the tea arriving brought Miyuki back to the present, giving her head a slight shake she smiled embarrassedly at Sagi. “My apologies, my mind gets away from me these days. The downside to being off work with no one to share it with I’m afraid.” She wrapped her long dainty fingers around the ceramic cup and gently blew the steam away, inhaling the scent of dried jasmine flowers, oolong and camellia. It reminded her of home, before home became empty and cold. When all her siblings were alive, and her parents were whole. The memory brought a soft smile to her face, things were easier then. “You mentioned you have a daughter; would you mind telling me about her? I’ve always loved kids, though I’m a bit young for my own.”
Naegi Datura ~ Jounin ~ Sunagakure
Takanada Miyuki ~ Jounin ~ Kirigakure
Nara Akemi ~ Special Jounin ~ Konohagakure ~ ANBU
Naegi Datura ~ Jounin ~ Sunagakure
Takanada Miyuki ~ Jounin ~ Kirigakure
Nara Akemi ~ Special Jounin ~ Konohagakure ~ ANBU