[Graded] To Finally Learn The Truth

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[Graded] To Finally Learn The Truth

Post by Gara » Tue Sep 26, 2023 8:10 pm

Hatsuyuki's relentless journey of self-improvement was an odyssey of redemption, a saga born from the depths of remorse that clung to him like a shadow. He had invested his very essence into his quest, transforming himself into a living testament to the human capacity for change. The source of his relentless pursuit was a haunting, indelible memory—a memory he could neither shake nor forget—the day he had unwittingly become the instrument of his dearest friend's demise. The weight of guilt and sorrow had descended upon his soul like an anchor, driving him to seek refuge within the crucible of rigorous training. It was here, amidst the unforgiving crucible of discipline, that he had found sanctuary. He recognized that by pushing his physical and mental boundaries to their outermost limits, he could momentarily mute the echoes of that fateful, irreparable day.

Every dawn heralded a rebirth for Hatsuyuki, a daily resurrection from his bed fueled by a single, unwavering purpose: to elude the torment of his past by relentlessly pursuing excellence. The pre-dawn tranquility greeted him with a gentle, cool embrace as he ventured into the untamed wilderness, seeking solitude where his thoughts and training could commune in isolation.

As days flowed seamlessly into weeks, he honed his skills with relentless determination, never once yielding to fatigue or despair. He subjected his body to grueling workouts, submitting himself to trials that left his muscles quivering and his lungs gasping for precious breath. The pain of training served as a paradoxical solace, a tangible agony that he willingly embraced to escape the intangible anguish that imprisoned his soul. Hatsuyuki's obsession was to ensure that such a tragedy would never stain his conscience again. He dedicated countless hours to strategizing and crafting new combat techniques, pushing the boundaries of his martial prowess. He explored the subtleties of hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship, every movement meticulously calculated, every strike a testament to his precision, and every technique a masterpiece of refinement.

Beyond the confines of tradition, Hatsuyuki delved deep into the esoteric world of Ninjutsu. His insatiable thirst for knowledge and power drove him to merge his newfound insights with his clan's teachings, birthing his own unique techniques that amplified his strengths. His ultimate goal was to become so formidable that his clan could no longer wield power over him, as they had when they ordered him to take Yusuke's life. He understood that becoming a Jounin was the path to push back against their influence, but the journey was long and uncertain. The impatience within him simmered like a dormant volcano, and he wondered whether he could endure until that day arrived. Senior Naohiro's speculations on the reasons behind the clan's orders tantalized him, but certainty eluded him. Thus, Hatsuyuki resolved to seek answers, turning to his mother, Kiyuki, for guidance.

Kiyuki, his beloved mother, was a paradox in her own right—kind and gentle, yet capable of administering the sternest of punishments. It was to her that Hatsuyuki turned, knowing that if anyone held the key to his unanswered questions, it would be her. Memories of her loving care were etched deep within his heart, but so too were the scars of her discipline, a dichotomy that haunted his thoughts as he set forth on this path of discovery.

Anxiety, like a vice, tightened its grip on Hatsuyuki's heart as he made his tentative approach toward his mother, who was engrossed in tending to her small garden behind their home. His nerves had surged to such an extent that he found himself trembling visibly, his forehead glistening with perspiration. The weight of the unspoken burden he carried bore down upon him, making every step feel like a monumental effort. Kiyuki, the embodiment of maternal warmth, greeted him with a smile as she noticed his approach. However, her smile quickly faded, replaced by a deep-seated worry that etched lines of concern on her face. In an instant, she abandoned her gardening and hastened toward him, her eyes scanning his form for any telltale signs of injury or distress.

"Hatsu, darling, what is it?" she inquired with genuine concern, her voice a soothing balm to his frayed nerves. She examined him closely, searching for wounds or any other signs that might explain his visibly agitated state. Her motherly instincts were on full alert, attuned to her son's every need. "Mama?" Hatsuyuki finally managed to stammer, his voice quivering as he struggled to find his words. His heart pounded in his chest like a drum, and the air seemed thick with unspoken apprehension. Gathering his resolve, he pressed on, fearful that if he didn't speak now, he might lose the courage to do so later. "I, uh, I would like to speak with you. In private, if possible."

The request hung in the air, heavy with unspoken tension. Hatsuyuki's eyes met his mother's, a silent plea for understanding and guidance. He knew that this conversation would mark a turning point in his life, an opportunity to unearth the secrets that had tormented him for so long, and he fervently hoped that his mother would be the one to help him find the answers he sought. His mother, Kiyuki, her brow furrowing in a mix of confusion and concern, acquiesced to his request and gently guided him towards her favorite bench nestled in her meticulously tended garden. With a touch of grace, she lowered herself onto the bench, and Hatsuyuki, filled with trepidation, assisted her, settling down beside her. However, he couldn't bring himself to meet her eyes, choosing instead to fix his gaze on the ground. The cool breeze rustled the leaves of the garden, providing a momentary respite from the storm of emotions churning within him. He took a few deep, steadying breaths, their rhythm a conscious effort to quell the turmoil in his chest. "Mama," Hatsuyuki began, his voice a fragile thread in the tranquil atmosphere of the garden, "I have to know why. Why did the clan make me kill him? They even went so far as to threaten to exile me, and kill me, if I disobeyed. It doesn't make any sense, Mama. I spent every day with Yusuke. He was my best friend."

The words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of months of unanswered questions and unspoken pain. Hatsuyuki's voice trembled with a mix of desperation and frustration, his eyes finally lifting to meet his mother's, seeking solace and understanding in her gaze. In that moment, he felt the vulnerability of a child seeking comfort from the one person who had always been a pillar of strength and guidance in his life.

As Hatsuyuki poured his heart out to his mother, he watched the profound transformation of her expression. He could see the moment when her motherly heart shattered, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. Much to his own surprise, he felt the dampness on his own cheeks, realizing only then that tears had silently been flowing down his face. Kiyuki, with a tenderness that only a mother could muster, gently wiped away his tears, her touch a soothing balm to his anguished soul. He had always associated his mother with comfort and solace, but now he was about to learn a painful truth.

"It was a punishment, Hatsu," she spoke softly, her voice laden with sorrow and regret, "a cruel punishment, but one that had to be levied." The words hung in the air like a heavy shroud, and Hatsuyuki was left in a state of bewilderment. A punishment? What could he have possibly done to deserve such a harsh retribution? He had always been obedient, dutifully fulfilling the clan's every demand to the best of his ability. The tormenting question gnawed at his soul: Was his only transgression forging a friendship with his rival?

"A...punishment?" he stammered, his voice quivering with confusion and hurt. His eyes bore into his mother's, seeking answers that seemed elusive as shadows. "What...what did I do wrong to deserve such a punishment?" As Hatsuyuki grappled with the weight of his mother's revelation, she seemed to transcend time and space, her maternal instincts propelling her forward. She enveloped him in a warm, comforting embrace, her arms a sanctuary of love and understanding. Kiyuki's voice, a gentle whisper barely audible even in the stillness of the garden, was for his ears alone. Her delicate fingers stroked his hair with a tenderness that soothed his fractured soul.

"Not a punishment for you, my sweet child," she murmured, her voice a soothing caress against his ear, "a punishment for Yusuke's family. This stays between the two of us, at least for now, until you are strong enough to weather the consequences." Hatsuyuki's heart was a tempest of emotions—relief, confusion, and an underlying sense of injustice. His mother's words unraveled the enigma that had tormented him for so long. The Hirohito family had informed the clan that Yusuke's family had been exploiting their connection to Hatsuyuki to gain sensitive information about the clan, which they then passed on to another family. The shocking revelation hung in the air like a dark cloud. "Yusuke himself was unaware, as far as we know," Kiyuki continued, her voice a steady guide through the maelstrom of his thoughts, "but his death was a warning and a punishment for them. A sort of retribution for acting against our clan."

The pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place, and Hatsuyuki's confusion gradually gave way to a somber understanding. The guilt that had plagued him for months now morphed into a complex blend of emotions, leaving him to grapple with the weight of his unwitting involvement in a web of clan politics and rivalries. His mother's revelation had unearthed a truth that would forever alter the course of his life, and he realized that the journey of self-discovery and redemption he had embarked upon was far from over.

As Hatsuyuki absorbed the shocking revelation of his unwitting involvement in the clan's intricate web of politics, a turbulent sea of emotions churned within him. Confusion and uncertainty mingled with a burning sense of betrayal. For years, he had dedicated himself to the clan's cause, faithfully executing every task assigned to him, never questioning their authority. Now, he grappled with the reality that he had been a pawn in their power struggles. Amidst the tumultuous whirlpool of emotions, a fiery rage ignited within his chest, a wildfire of indignation that threatened to consume him. They had manipulated him, forced him to commit the unthinkable act of taking his best friend's life. All because of some transgression committed by Yusuke's family—a transgression that Yusuke himself had been oblivious to. The more he ruminated on this cruel reality, the hotter the flames of fury burned inside him.

His body had stiffened in response to the roiling anger, and as he gradually emerged from his turbulent thoughts, he met his mother's gaze. Her worried look mirrored the turmoil he felt within. Hatsuyuki knew that he needed to express his feelings, to confront the seething anger that had taken root in his heart. "Thank you for telling me the truth, Mama," he rasped, his voice thick with the underlying anger that had seized him. It was a gratitude tainted by bitterness, a bitter acknowledgment of the harsh reality he now faced. As Hatsuyuki's anger flared, he observed his mother's hands fluttering nervously, a reflection of her own unease in the face of his evident fury. Her maternal instincts compelled her to provide comfort, but she found herself at a loss as to how to assuage the storm raging within her son.

In a moment of clarity, despite the tempest of emotions coursing through him, Hatsuyuki forced a gentle smile. With deliberate tenderness, he reached out and took his mother's trembling hand into his own, providing a reassuring anchor amidst the turmoil. "Don't worry, Mama," he whispered, his voice a soothing contrast to the anger in his eyes. His grip on her hand conveyed a sense of unity, a reminder that they were in this together. "I'm not mad at you. And I won't do anything I will regret. Not yet, at least." In those words lay a promise of restraint, a vow to channel his anger and grief into a purposeful path forward. Hatsuyuki recognized that there would be a time and place to confront those responsible for the tragedy that had befallen him and Yusuke, but for now, he needed to navigate the complex emotions that had been stirred within him. His mother's presence offered solace in the midst of the storm, a comforting reminder that he was not alone in his quest for answers and justice.
Last edited by Valkier on Wed Oct 04, 2023 4:57 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Kirigakure CharactersShow
Aisu, FuyuhiroAisu, Hatsuyuki
Kirigakure GeninKirigakure Special Jounin
  • Chakra Pool: 7
  • Endurance: 7
  • Control: 7
  • Strength: 7
  • Speed: 7
  • Willpower: 5
  • Power Rank: D
  • Chakra Pool: 22
  • Endurance: 20
  • Control: 20
  • Strength: 20
  • Speed: 23
  • Willpower: 20
  • Power Rank: B
Hyouton SpecialistSword Specialist
Other CharactersShow
Tiānhuǒ "Xiao" ZhīzǐThe Mimic
Sunagakure Iaido Specialist GeninD-Rank Nukenin
  • Chakra Pool: 8
  • Endurance: 8
  • Control: 8
  • Strength: 8
  • Speed: 8
  • Willpower: 8
  • Power Rank: D
  • Chakra Pool: 5
  • Endurance: 5
  • Control: 5
  • Strength: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Willpower: 5
  • Power Rank: D
Tenkujutsu Trainee - Sword SpecialistStealth Specialist


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