[Devil's Night]The Full Moon Hunt


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[Devil's Night]The Full Moon Hunt

Post by Gara » Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:51 pm

The full moon, its radiant glow casting an ethereal light upon the world, hung majestically high in the ink-black canvas of the night sky. Veiled in a delicate shroud of mist, reminiscent of the legendary mists that Kirigakure was renowned for, the celestial orb seemed to linger with an otherworldly presence. Beneath this enigmatic lunar embrace, unsettling rumors had been circulating through the shadowed alleyways and hushed conversations of the village. Whispers had reached the vigilant ears of the Head Hunter's Division, tales of immense, wolf-like creatures that prowled the streets of Kirigakure during the moon's zenith. These unsettling stories seemed to gain strength as the calendar pages turned to reveal the foreboding nights when the moon was at its fullest.

Hatsuyuki, a loyal and unwavering defender of the village, had found himself drawn into the enigmatic depths of these dark reports. Despite his heartfelt protests and perhaps against his own better judgment, he had been chosen to join the ranks of the unfortunate souls tasked with patrolling the village during this time of heightened tension and uncertainty. As Hatsuyuki ventured out into the mystic shroud that enveloped Kirigakure, the howling winds seemed to carry echoes of ancient secrets and untold mysteries. His footsteps fell silently on the wet cobblestone streets, echoing his resolute commitment to protect his village. Every shadow seemed to take on a life of its own, and every rustle in the misty underbrush quickened his heart.

The lanterns that lined the streets flickered uneasily, casting eerie and elongated shadows that played tricks on his senses. Each corner turned, each alleyway explored, became a heart-pounding journey into the unknown. The moon, a silent witness above, offered both guidance and dread as it illuminated the shrouded path before him.

Hatsuyuki's vigilance was unwavering, his senses heightened, and his sword gripped tightly in his hand. He knew that the safety of the village rested on the shoulders of those who dared to patrol its murky streets during these ominous nights. The moon's eerie brilliance, the persistent mist, and the unsettling reports of monstrous creatures only served to heighten his resolve. As the hours passed, Hatsuyuki's footsteps echoed through the sleeping village, his determination unwavering in the face of the unknown. The full moon's glow, though haunting, continued to light his path as he braved the enigmatic mist, ready to confront whatever hidden terrors the night might reveal.

"I swear to the Gods! Why do I always get the creepy missions?! I mean, logically, it's nothing, but come on man! I hate this shit so much." Hatsu's grumbling continued to punctuate the eerie silence of the night as he made his way down a particularly dark and gloomy alleyway. The pale glow of the full moon provided scant comfort amidst the shrouded obscurity. His steps, each one taken with a mix of reluctance and determination, resonated in the empty corridor. The mist seemed to linger, wrapping itself around him like a ghostly veil, amplifying the unease that simmered within him. The very air was charged with a sense of foreboding, as if the night itself conspired to unnerve the bravest of souls.

Just then, Hatsu's ears perked up, and he froze in place. There was a sound, a sound that could only be described as the thundering footfalls of a massive hound. The chill that coursed through his spine was as tangible as the mist that hung in the air. "Son of-!" he exclaimed under his breath, his thoughts racing. On the off chance that the unsettling rumors were true, that there was indeed some strange, monstrous, wolf-like creature stalking the village, Hatsuyuki was resolved not to be the one to let it get away. Without hesitation, he took off, his footsteps echoing loudly in the narrow alley as he pursued the mysterious presence. Each stride brought him closer to the unknown, adrenaline surging through his veins. The relentless pursuit seemed to stretch on forever as he turned the final corner, his heart pounding in his chest, and his sword at the ready.

But as the mist parted, revealing the scene before him, there was nothing out of the ordinary in sight. No monstrous creature, no eerie apparition, just the eerie quiet of the empty street. Hatsu's breath, now ragged and tense, was the only sound that persisted. The enigmatic encounter had left him perplexed, a sense of disquiet still lingering in the air. Doubt and anxiety warred within him as he pondered the possibility of what he had just encountered. Was it a mere trick of the night, a shadowy figure, or something more sinister? The haunting mysteries of Kirigakure's moonlit nights continued to elude him, shrouded in a veil of uncertainty. Hatsu was left standing there, his senses alert, awaiting the next twist in this enigmatic journey through the nocturnal unknown.

It was then, as he cleared every corner, his senses on high alert, that Hatsu diligently scoured the ominous alleyways, searching for any signs of the elusive creature he had heard. The mist clung to him like a phantom's embrace, making his every step a dance with the unknown. The silence was suffocating, and the tension in the air was palpable. As he turned each corner, anticipation gnawed at him. Then, in a chilling moment that sent shivers down his spine, a deep, mournful howl suddenly pierced the eerie quiet of the night. It was a haunting, primal cry, filled with an unsettling sense of otherworldly agony. From what he could tell, the sound seemed to emanate from outside the village, offering a momentary sense of relief. However, it was what happened next that shook Hatsuyuki to his very core. The tranquil night was shattered by three more equally powerful howls, echoing from different points within the village. Each howl was a symphony of unearthly intensity, as if they were responding to the eerie call of the first. It was as though the very darkness itself had given voice to these chilling, inhuman cries.

Hatsu's heart raced, his breath catching in his throat as a surge of fear and disbelief coursed through him. These ominous howls, these unsettling echoes from the heart of Kirigakure, defied all logic and reason. They were beyond the realm of the ordinary, leaving him grappling with the inexplicable and the inexplicably eerie. A storm of emotions raged within him: fear, determination, and the unwavering resolve to uncover the truth behind this haunting mystery. The full moon, still poised high in the heavens, cast an eerie glow upon the village streets, heightening the sense of foreboding that clung to Kirigakure like a second skin. With his sword still at the ready, Hatsu steeled himself for what lay ahead, determined to confront the enigma that had gripped his village. The shadows seemed to close in around him, as if the very night conspired to reveal its deepest secrets. He knew that the pursuit of answers had only just begun, and he was resolved to follow the path of uncertainty to its unsettling conclusion.
Kirigakure CharactersShow
Aisu, FuyuhiroAisu, Hatsuyuki
Kirigakure GeninKirigakure Special Jounin
  • Chakra Pool: 7
  • Endurance: 7
  • Control: 7
  • Strength: 7
  • Speed: 7
  • Willpower: 5
  • Power Rank: D
  • Chakra Pool: 22
  • Endurance: 20
  • Control: 20
  • Strength: 20
  • Speed: 23
  • Willpower: 20
  • Power Rank: B
Hyouton SpecialistSword Specialist
Other CharactersShow
Tiānhuǒ "Xiao" ZhīzǐThe Mimic
Sunagakure Iaido Specialist GeninD-Rank Nukenin
  • Chakra Pool: 8
  • Endurance: 8
  • Control: 8
  • Strength: 8
  • Speed: 8
  • Willpower: 8
  • Power Rank: D
  • Chakra Pool: 5
  • Endurance: 5
  • Control: 5
  • Strength: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Willpower: 5
  • Power Rank: D
Tenkujutsu Trainee - Sword SpecialistStealth Specialist

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[Devil's Night]The Full Moon Hunt

Post by Gara » Mon Oct 30, 2023 5:42 pm

Footfalls rang softly through the night as Hatsuyuki, fueled by a potent mix of trepidation and courage, sprinted nimbly from rooftop to rooftop. The moonlit cityscape stretched out before him, its eerie stillness only occasionally interrupted by the distant echoes of his steps. His breaths remained measured, even as his heart pounded madly, each beat a thunderous testament to his relentless pursuit. Determination etched across his face, Hatsu pushed himself to keep going, propelled by an unwavering commitment to safeguard his village. The ethereal glow of the full moon above illuminated the treacherous terrain he traversed, casting a ghostly radiance on the glistening rooftops. Every leap, every landing, was executed with precision, as though the very night conspired to aid him in his quest.

As he raced through the shadowy labyrinth of rooftops, the unsettling memory of the mournful howl and the subsequent eerie echoes continued to haunt him. A chilling unease crept into his thoughts, refusing to be banished. He hoped beyond hope that what he had heard was nothing more than the cries of wild beasts, a mere trick of the night's mysteries. Yet, an insidious feeling gnawed at his soul, whispering that this night would not be so simple, that something darker and more enigmatic lay just beyond his reach. The stakes were high, and the mysteries of Kirigakure's moonlit nights were far from being unraveled. Hatsu knew that he was on the precipice of something both unsettling and extraordinary, and with each rooftop he crossed, he ventured deeper into the heart of this inexplicable enigma.

As Hatsuyuki continued his frantic rooftop sprint, his sharp senses picked up a horrifying and guttural noise that sent a shiver down his spine. The night had taken a nightmarish turn, and the unsettling sound he now heard made his skin crawl and his toes curl. It was not the clean, crisp sound of a blade slicing through flesh that he was accustomed to; instead, it was a gruesome and savage noise, like something tearing through flesh with a malevolent intent. It was as if an unseen beast, possessed by insatiable hunger and a profound malice, was rending and ravaging the very essence of life. Accompanying this horrifying symphony of savagery was the sickening sound of something chewing. It was an eerie, grotesque melody that defied all logic, a nightmarish cadence that defiled the tranquil night. Hatsu could hardly believe his ears, the grim reality of what he was hearing sending a wave of dread coursing through him. For a moment, he faltered, the dreadful noises forcing him to confront the grim possibility that the village was plagued by something far more sinister than he had ever imagined. The silver moon, still high above him, cast an eerie, silver glow on the rooftops, as if warning him of the malevolent forces that lurked beneath.

Grim determination surged within him. He could no longer afford to turn a blind eye to these ominous events. His heart pounding and his senses sharpened, Hatsu intensified his rooftop sprint, the noises urging him onward, deeper into the heart of this chilling enigma. As he moved closer to the source of the gruesome sounds, he braced himself for whatever horrifying truth might lie ahead, ready to confront the nightmarish reality that was unfolding in his beloved village. As Hatsuyuki raced across the rooftops, his stomach churned in distress as the gruesome sounds continued to assail his ears. The noises were a relentless assault on his senses, nearly driving him to the point of nausea. The guttural, flesh-rending symphony he heard reverberated with an otherworldly malevolence, and it seemed to echo within the very core of his being. His determination wavered under the oppressive weight of the night's horrors, but he refused to yield. He couldn't afford to stop.

As he neared the edge of the rooftop he was on, Hatsu reaffirmed his grip on his trusty blades, his fingers clenching them with a white-knuckled resolve. With unwavering determination, he propelled himself into the abyss below, his heart pounding in his chest. The ground rushed up to meet him as he tucked his body into a roll, absorbing the impact with a controlled grace that only a seasoned warrior could muster. In a fluid, practiced motion, he came up into a readied kneel, his eyes locked onto the nightmarish presence that had torn through the serenity of Kirigakure. There, before him, stood a hulking wolf-like creature, its presence exuding an aura of malevolent power and otherworldly dread. It was a formidable, grotesque entity that defied the very laws of nature, a monstrous embodiment of his deepest fears.

As the moon bathed them both in its eerie light, Hatsuyuki's resolve remained unbroken. His blades gleamed with a cold, deadly certainty, and his gaze, unwavering, locked onto the creature's savage form. The enigmatic, full moon above bore witness to the impending confrontation, its silver glow casting a sinister, corpse-like, pallor on the scene. The stage was set, the battle lines drawn, and Hatsu braced himself for a perilous encounter with the supernatural. The huntress had become the hunted, and the fate of Kirigakure hung in the balance as he steeled himself for the inevitable clash with this nightmarish entity.

The creature, its hulking form crouched over a mangled corpse, abruptly turned its grotesque head away from the carnage, its malevolent yellow eyes gleaming in the eerie silver light of the moon above. In the pale illumination, the horrors of the night came into sharp focus. Slowly, methodically, it began to rise, unfurling itself with a dreadful grace that revealed its true nature—a twisted, nightmarish fusion of man and beast. Hatsuyuki's breath caught in his throat as he beheld this abomination. The creature's visage was a grotesque puzzle of human and animal, as if the very fabric of reality had unraveled to create this monstrous hybrid. A thunderous growl rumbled from its slavering maw, each guttural note sending shivers of dread down Hatsu's spine. "Fuck me..." he cursed under his breath, disbelief and horror washing over him as he slowly rose from his kneeling position. The eerie, moonlit battleground was now set, and he had to face this unspeakable terror head-on.

With a surge of his chakra, the frigid embrace of winter enveloped him. Dense snowflakes began to swirl around him, and a chilling wind whipped at his clothes, creating an aura of frost and vengeance. It was a manifestation of his formidable power, a sign that he was ready to unleash the full extent of his abilities. "Well, come on then! Let's fucking dance, you ugly bastard!" he shouted defiantly, his voice cutting through the night. His declaration was a challenge, a battle cry that echoed through the chilling silence. The moon, a silent spectator, cast an otherworldly sheen upon the battlefield, highlighting the impending clash between man and monster. As the two adversaries locked eyes, the tension in the air was electric, and the night held its breath, knowing that the fate of Kirigakure hinged on the outcome of this brutal, supernatural confrontation.
Technique UsedShow
Chilled Aura
D-Rank Ninjutsu
The user creates a swirling sphere of snow that expands ten meters around them, and moves with them. Those that enter this domain of snow for an entire post will begin to have snow accumulate on their body and they will begin to suffer from frostbite based on the user's [Control]. This technique lasts for 3 posts.
Kirigakure CharactersShow
Aisu, FuyuhiroAisu, Hatsuyuki
Kirigakure GeninKirigakure Special Jounin
  • Chakra Pool: 7
  • Endurance: 7
  • Control: 7
  • Strength: 7
  • Speed: 7
  • Willpower: 5
  • Power Rank: D
  • Chakra Pool: 22
  • Endurance: 20
  • Control: 20
  • Strength: 20
  • Speed: 23
  • Willpower: 20
  • Power Rank: B
Hyouton SpecialistSword Specialist
Other CharactersShow
Tiānhuǒ "Xiao" ZhīzǐThe Mimic
Sunagakure Iaido Specialist GeninD-Rank Nukenin
  • Chakra Pool: 8
  • Endurance: 8
  • Control: 8
  • Strength: 8
  • Speed: 8
  • Willpower: 8
  • Power Rank: D
  • Chakra Pool: 5
  • Endurance: 5
  • Control: 5
  • Strength: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Willpower: 5
  • Power Rank: D
Tenkujutsu Trainee - Sword SpecialistStealth Specialist

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[Devil's Night]The Full Moon Hunt

Post by Gara » Wed Nov 01, 2023 3:33 pm

The wolf-like abomination unleashed yet another thunderous growl, a menacing challenge to Hatsuyuki as it propelled itself into a frenzied charge. It moved with an uncanny swiftness, its powerful limbs propelling it forward on all fours, and it seemed completely undeterred by the dense, swirling wind and snow that encircled its intended prey. Each thunderous footfall left imprints on the frozen ground, the very earth itself quivering in response to its relentless advance. Hatsuyuki steadied himself, drawing upon the wellspring of his resolve. He took a deep, calming breath through his nose, the frigid air filling his lungs, mingling with the charged atmosphere of the battlefield. With unwavering focus, he prepared to meet the beast head-on.

As the distance between them rapidly closed, Hatsu adopted the Winter's Solstice stance of the Zantou style, a battle-hardened form that he had mastered through months of discipline and training. His katana was held forward, its blade gleaming in the moonlight, parallel to the frozen ground. In his other hand, he raised his wakizashi over his head, poised to strike in a deadly arc.

The anticipation was electric, the clash imminent. The creature, driven by its primal instincts, was a blur of teeth, claws, and malevolent intent. Hatsuyuki was the embodiment of resolve and skill, ready to make the first move in their impending collision. The battlefield was an eerie tableau of snow, moonlight, and fury. The stakes were clear—Kirigakure's fate hung in the balance. As the night held its breath, the two adversaries, one human and one unholy fusion of man and beast, closed in on each other, and the night was about to bear witness to a battle of supernatural proportions. Hatsuyuki's skin crawled with the anticipation of the inevitable pain that he knew he would endure in the harrowing battle ahead. The looming confrontation promised not only physical anguish but a test of his very will to survive. With grim determination etched into his being, he braced himself for the excruciating trial that lay ahead, for he knew that he would not emerge from this clash unscathed.

As the menacing creature drew closer, every instinct within him screamed a warning of the impending brutality. The very thought of the grievous injuries he would surely sustain was enough to make his heart race with trepidation. However, this foreboding knowledge only served to harden his resolve. The distance between them evaporated rapidly as the unholy abomination approached with terrifying speed. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Hatsu made the first move. With precise, practiced precision, he brought his katana up in a diagonal slash, aiming for the creature's throat, hoping to incapacitate it with a lethal blow. The creature, driven by its monstrous instincts, swiped its gnarled claws in a deadly counter.

In a breathtaking display of agility, Hatsu twisted at the wrist, his body a whirlwind of motion, and brought his wakizashi down in a swift and savage arc, aiming to strike the creature's shoulder. The clash of weapons and the cacophony of the confrontation rang out like a nightmarish symphony, the moonlight casting elongated shadows of their fierce struggle on the snow-covered battlefield. The beast's unearthly growls and Hatsu's resolute battle cries melded into the discordant soundtrack of their savage encounter. The ground beneath them bore the scars of their impending struggle, as each combatant fought with a fierce determination to prevail. Hatsu's resolve remained unwavering, a testament to the strength of his spirit. The battle had begun, and the clash between human and monstrosity was a fierce testament to the indomitable human spirit in the face of supernatural horror. Kirigakure's fate hung in the balance, and Hatsuyuki was determined to face the horrors of the night, no matter the cost.
Techniques UsedShow
*[Zantou • Winter Solstice]
D-Rank Taijutsu Stance
The basic Stance of Zantou, the practitioner holds one blade forward, parallel to the ground, and holds the other high over the head, pointing toward the opponent. The low blade grants the practitioner the ability to quickly defend against an opponent's attack while the blade raised overhead allows the practitioner to either quickly attack or counterattack with a powerful downward swing or thrust. This pairing of defense and offense serves as one of the cores of Zantou's swordsmanship. Drawing in a deep breath, the practitioner also gathers up their energy and releases a kiai. This Stance allows the practitioner to ignore non-critical distractions and minor environmental factors, such as small amounts of excess heat, small amounts of excess cold, small amounts of fatigue, and even small amounts of pain, allowing them to focus entirely on their opponents' movements and the tasks at hand. While in this Stance, the practitioner is conferred with a +2 increase to Strength and +1 increase to Will Power but suffers a -2 penalty to Chakra Pool and -1 penalty to Control. The practitioner may end this Stance whenever they so wish.

*[Zantou • Cold Snap]
D-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Prerequisite(s): *[Zantou • Winter River Flows].
While slashing an opponent, the practitioner twists their wrist while simultaneously channeling the momentum of the first attack into another slash in a different direction, allowing the practitioner to attack another area of the opponent's body with the same sequence of movements.
622 Words for the event
Kirigakure CharactersShow
Aisu, FuyuhiroAisu, Hatsuyuki
Kirigakure GeninKirigakure Special Jounin
  • Chakra Pool: 7
  • Endurance: 7
  • Control: 7
  • Strength: 7
  • Speed: 7
  • Willpower: 5
  • Power Rank: D
  • Chakra Pool: 22
  • Endurance: 20
  • Control: 20
  • Strength: 20
  • Speed: 23
  • Willpower: 20
  • Power Rank: B
Hyouton SpecialistSword Specialist
Other CharactersShow
Tiānhuǒ "Xiao" ZhīzǐThe Mimic
Sunagakure Iaido Specialist GeninD-Rank Nukenin
  • Chakra Pool: 8
  • Endurance: 8
  • Control: 8
  • Strength: 8
  • Speed: 8
  • Willpower: 8
  • Power Rank: D
  • Chakra Pool: 5
  • Endurance: 5
  • Control: 5
  • Strength: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Willpower: 5
  • Power Rank: D
Tenkujutsu Trainee - Sword SpecialistStealth Specialist


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