The flame and the phoenix

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The flame and the phoenix

Post by Kanade » Thu Jan 04, 2024 6:01 pm

Kanade watched as the next drop of water sailed past her vision, it slowed, stayed hovering there as she, unblinking, looked at the cascading blue hues of the lights that illuminated the training grounds through the fish eye lens of the perfectly circular water droplet. A ripple formed that moved over its pearl shaped kaleidoscope, breaking the continuity of the lens, and bringing to focus a small figure below her. She breathed inward, then outward, closing her glowing orange eyes to the blue light of the cave before craning her neck upward to look down at the child that had light blue eyes that looked like the ambient light that surrounded the two of them, the black hair and blue eye combination reminded her of the Aisu clan members that she had encountered while in Kirigakure no sato. She breathed in, and then out.

“Hello.” She drew out the word as if it were a question rather than a greeting, her eyes fixed on him. She frowned slightly, “I am unused to company here, am I disturbing your training session?” Her hair, defying the laws of physics hung about her shoulders, a droplet hissed against the outside as it plinked onto it. Her luminescent orange eyes watched the child with bemusement, curiosity, and a learned bravado of ease. She was always leery of training around others, a trait she had picked up from Maido breaking in on her training sessions. That time might be over, and she might be a completely different woman, however the sense of unease from having someone watch her training sessions still sat uneasily at the bottom of her stomach, turning over like a sharp broken stone from one of the quarries which held the ore that she extracted.

She folded her arms across her chest, taking a bit of a wider stance from the relaxed one which she had before, unfolding her legs, ready to drop down and have a discussion should the child wish.
~~My characters~~
Iwagakure Jounin: Kanade Enkouten
Thread Tracker for Kanade (previously Chiaki): viewtopic.php?f=105&t=8345273&p=4197389#p4197389
Iwagakure Genin: Enkouten, Atsuko
Kirigakure Genin: Achiyo
Heart Samurai: Kyudo-ite, Kasuri
Sunagakure Genin: Kouseki, Kagayaki
Sunagakure Jounin: Naegi, Aihachi

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The flame and the phoenix

Post by Amy » Fri Jan 05, 2024 8:10 pm

Not much training to interrupt,” Kazuma responded without even looking towards the voice that called down to him. He had only come to the caves because Sadako had insisted he do something with his free time. He had told her that she should just take him on her mission since it was dumb for them to give it only to her since they were a team but she said no. And then when he tried to sneak along anyways she had gotten mad and threatened to hurt him. And then when he tried to cry to make her feel bad she told him to come here and train so that maybe he would be invited next time and not be an embarrassment. She was always so needlessly mean to him, he comforted himself. It wasn’t even a big deal that he almost ruined her mission before it got started. They could have saved it together, if she had just let him help.

But because he was ever loyal to Sadako and bent to her will like a baby tree in a field he had come to the training caves. He had promptly fallen asleep on one of the flatter stones but he had made it to the caves as promised. He had woken up a bit ago and had simply been contemplating what he could work on when the woman appeared and spoke to him. The woman he had nearly forgotten about while he was throwing his own little self-pity party. “Don’t suppose you know how to do anything cool you can show me? I wanna annoy my friend later. She thinks I’m slacking off.

Kazuma sat up, completely oblivious to the fact that he had, in fact, been slacking off. A wide grin brightened the look on his face as he finally took in the woman before him. His eyes traveled quickly up and down before taking the same route again but much slower.

I like your hair.
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B-Rank MNKatō, Tsubaki #A32638
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The flame and the phoenix

Post by Kanade » Mon Jan 08, 2024 7:38 pm

"Hmm?" Kanade peered at the boy as she dropped like a spider from the ceiling and landed on her feet with little recoil from the landing. Walking to meet him, she looked him up and down, "It depends, er-" She paused not knowing this particular shinobi's name or rank, "Whether or not you share any affinity to the things that I know. I have been known to take a disciple or two in the past." She had a sore spot, a hole that had been left by Hanako, but didn't dare to hope that this child could fill it.

He was sulking, for one thing, and while she pitied it, it meant that he probably wanted to be taught the easier techniques rather than the more intricate and fun techniques. That and he was prone to flattery. She glanced down at her shoulder with one glowing orange eye and then back to him, giving him a polite smile in return for his praise, "I think I would prefer yours. Mine is high maintenance."

She waited for him to proffer his name, since he was obviously not the same rank as her, and perhaps offer some idea as to what he wanted to study. Blinking, Kanade realized almost too late that he might need to know her repertoire of knowledge before truly deciding. She felt like her fuse was also a bit shorter, being in her second trimester of pregnancy at that point.

"I am Enkouten, Kanade, and I am proficient in Riaton, Iijutsu, sensory jutsu, perception, medicinal arts, transplantation jutsu, all kinds of Fuuinjutsu, basic ninjutsu, tenkujutsu, crafting, ancient runes, Doton, Iryotetsu jutsu, Silicone release, and a couple of other things that my clan would have me only teach members of the same clan." She rattled them off one by one, and then raised an eyebrow, "So what would impress your friend?"
Last edited by Kanade on Mon Jan 08, 2024 7:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
~~My characters~~
Iwagakure Jounin: Kanade Enkouten
Thread Tracker for Kanade (previously Chiaki): viewtopic.php?f=105&t=8345273&p=4197389#p4197389
Iwagakure Genin: Enkouten, Atsuko
Kirigakure Genin: Achiyo
Heart Samurai: Kyudo-ite, Kasuri
Sunagakure Genin: Kouseki, Kagayaki
Sunagakure Jounin: Naegi, Aihachi

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The flame and the phoenix

Post by Amy » Thu Jan 11, 2024 12:44 am

Oh, don’t worry,” Kazuma said, running his hand through his hair, grinning at her compliment. “Not looking for anything permanent.” Kazuma wasn’t about to fool himself that this woman would have the time, energy, or desire to actually train him long term. Plus, if she was anyone important it’s not like she would be allowed to anyways, he figured. His and Sadako’s way of life had been obvious since their time in the orphanage: They were on their own. He didn’t mind though, that was what he was used to and that was what he liked.

But that didn’t mean it wasn’t nice to have fun sometimes.

I’m Kazuma,” he said, bowing his head. He, of course, was not devoid of all manners. Unless he forgot which only happened sometimes. “My only affinity is katon and I do some taijutsu but I don’t know very many right now. Me and Sadako only use them for combos so I don’t really train those on my own.” As usual, he had no idea that he was talking about his friend as though everyone knew who she was.

He shrugged lightly, knowing that he wasn’t impressive. He had only been a genin for a few weeks but he already felt like he was falling behind. Slowly, as Kanade began listing all of the things she could do, Kazuma’s mouth dropped open and remained that way until she was finished. And then she just…offered to let him pick? Kazuma felt not only an excitement rise up in him but also a cautious feeling that made his stomach churn just a little bit. Did a normal ninja know this many things?

Shaking off the weird feeling that had settled over him, he grinned. “That’s so cool. I dunno though, I don’t think I can learn most of that stuff. What’s your favorite technique?? Can I see it?” Having had no interest in training to begin with, Kazuma was much more interested in seeing this beautiful stranger’s favorite techniques. He got the feeling that she may be a little hesitant so he clasped his hands together and did his best to appear emploring.

Plleaassee? Even if I can’t learn it I can rub it in that I got a first hand demonstration. She loves to learn so she’ll definitely be jealous.
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B-Rank MNKatō, Tsubaki #A32638
Sp. Jounin • Kirigakure no Sato • Araki Kiyo #DDA0DD
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The flame and the phoenix

Post by Kanade » Thu Jan 18, 2024 9:47 pm

"Nice to make your acquaintance Kazuma." She dipped her head and smiled at him, and nodded, "I don't know that I can teach anything to you about Katon, but I can definitely teach you some taijutsu if you would like." She hummed, and then looked up and to the right as he asked what her favorite technique was. The hardest part was that she loved all of her techniques. The one that she loved the most however, would mean scarring this poor child.

"I can bring people back from the dead."
Kanade said seriously, "I would show you, but you would have to die for it to happen. Not fun for you, not fun for me." She mused a bit longer and then hummed a bit more, "If you want something flashy though, I can show you something flashy." She searched her mind through the repertoire of all of her techniques and concentrated.

Metal erupted out of the ground and suddenly they were standing in the middle of a house, fully furnished with metal appliances, a metal fireplace, a metal door, metal chairs, a metal table, and a second story with metal bedframes for portable cots.

"This is my second favorite probably, And I can manipulate it with a different sort of jutsu." She motioned for the boy to step outside, closing the door behind her, and then concentrated, pulling together more chakra before a burst of purple chakra shot out from her. She motioned and the whole structure moved, smashing against the opposite wall, crumpling like a house made of tin. The house usually was much stronger, but she felt this got the point across much better.
jutsu usedShow
Kouton • Imperial Palace
S-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the required hand seals, the user will channel chakra into their hand. The user then slams their fists into the ground, creating a structure up to 40 by 40 meters in dimensions: with specifications that the user makes upon performing this jutsu. Usually the structure is bare-bones, but the more complicated the structure, the less square footage it has. A cube made by the user is 40x40x40 and has ½ meter thick walls and ceiling to it. The structure manifests at [50] speed and the walls have [10] strength each for up to 6 posts thereafter. The added boon is: the user can use their Kouton jutsu anywhere within this structure, whether the jutsu is still active or not, as the casting point for their jutsu. The structure acts as normal metal after the jutsu is finished, and remains structurally sound, with less strength.

Jikiton • Magnetorepulsion blast technique
S ranked Jikiton/Iijutsu
Requires Iijutsu concentration
After performing the correct hand-seals the user sends out a pulse within 160 meters of themselves in a cone moving at 50 speed. This pulse magnifies all organic and metallic objects within range and the user themself (should they so choose). They can then clench their fist or make another indicatory gesture to crumple matter that they have magnetized at [control] strength and/or to repel said matter at [control] strength up to 160 meters from themselves. This repulsion or crumple ability can be used a number of times = to [control/10] on up to 10 subjects at once.
Last edited by Kanade on Thu Jan 18, 2024 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
~~My characters~~
Iwagakure Jounin: Kanade Enkouten
Thread Tracker for Kanade (previously Chiaki): viewtopic.php?f=105&t=8345273&p=4197389#p4197389
Iwagakure Genin: Enkouten, Atsuko
Kirigakure Genin: Achiyo
Heart Samurai: Kyudo-ite, Kasuri
Sunagakure Genin: Kouseki, Kagayaki
Sunagakure Jounin: Naegi, Aihachi

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The flame and the phoenix

Post by Amy » Thu Jan 18, 2024 11:11 pm

Kazuma felt himself withdraw, just slightly, as the woman in front of him mused about how her favorite technique required him to die. It wasn’t that he found a sudden distaste for her but rather that he was developing a sudden respect for her. One much larger than he had held for most other ninja he had encountered. No one had ever told him that they could kill him and then bring him back to life and while that was terrifying it was also incredibly intriguing. For once, maybe, he kept his thoughts to himself and let her continue to talk her way through all of the things that she had to offer him.

He was almost instantly glad that he had decided to keep quiet because in a near instant she showed him one of the most amazing things he had ever seen. A sharp breath was at first, the only indication that he was affected by what she had done. His hands reached out hesitant;y, brushing over the furnishings that had appeared around him. “It’s amazing,” he breathed, almost to himself but certainly loud enough for her to hear. It made everything he had ever accomplished in life feel like a waste of time. He knew that it wasn’t fair to himself to compare the accomplishments of a graduate to a well-seasoned ninja but it was hard not to when he was face to face with his own inadequacies. It seemed impossible that he could ever create something so grand.

And then, she brought him outside the structure and before he knew it she was performing more seals and the house he had just been standing inside of was destroyed. And she looked like it had taken no effort whatsoever.

Unbelievable,” he murmured, shaking his head slightly. “The problem is, she won’t even believe me. No one ever shows us stuff like this.” He didn’t really know why he continued to speak, sharing thoughts that he usually kept locked inside. His guard was definitely lowered by what he had just seen. For the first time in a long time, Kazuma felt a desire to do more. To be more.

You really have some Taijutsu you can teach me?” His usual passive voice had the smallest thread of hope woven into it. A hope that maybe he had found someone who wasn’t going to instantly dismiss him.
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B-Rank MNKatō, Tsubaki #A32638
Sp. Jounin • Kirigakure no Sato • Araki Kiyo #DDA0DD
Genin • Iwagakure no Sato • Kazuma #00BF80
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The flame and the phoenix

Post by Kanade » Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:46 pm

"Yeah, actually, I do." Kanade smiled at the compliment and nodded, "I know the ways of the medicinal arts." She took up a free flowing stance, her fingers splayed, and then let her body relax into her natural position again. The medicinal stance was all about repositioning herself at the right moment to use the opponent's body against him. It had been a while since she had trained anyone in it. Flashes of Hanako's face interposed themself over her vision for a quick moment before she buried them deep, stuffing them into a mental jar and corking them for later. She laughed, and had the urge to pat the young man on the head, resisted it and turned it into a shrug, "If she wants to see it for herself, or if either of you want to learn uh, that first jutsu with the metal, then you can always come to me. I am always willing to show the future of Iwagakure the way, paving the way for you is the reason that I am here."

"Alright, so uh, do you want to have me demonstrate the medical arts taijutsu on you, or shall I show you on a clone of mine?" She waited for him to answer and smiled, "You can perform it on the clone too, while I watch and correct you." The more she talked with new people the more comfortable she grew with them.

She tried to live by a set or rules which was, teach the young, protect the old, heal the sick, and leave the world a better place today than it was yesterday. Kanade wondered whether or not she was just awkward or whether she just felt that way. The embarrassment of the situation, and her crude handling of it stretched the silence for a bit before the color actually reached her face. She thought again and put a finger to her lips, "Unless you'd rather have some food first?" Her own stomach grumbled a bit. She still hadn't got used to having to eat three times a day, going from an immortal, unflaggable body to a human body again was... It was sure different, what could she say.
Last edited by Kanade on Sun Feb 04, 2024 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
~~My characters~~
Iwagakure Jounin: Kanade Enkouten
Thread Tracker for Kanade (previously Chiaki): viewtopic.php?f=105&t=8345273&p=4197389#p4197389
Iwagakure Genin: Enkouten, Atsuko
Kirigakure Genin: Achiyo
Heart Samurai: Kyudo-ite, Kasuri
Sunagakure Genin: Kouseki, Kagayaki
Sunagakure Jounin: Naegi, Aihachi

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The flame and the phoenix

Post by Amy » Sun Feb 11, 2024 12:00 pm

Kazuma nodded carefully. He wondered if she really meant it. Would she really take the time to show him and Sadako if he brought her along too? He didn’t know if he would be willing to ask and risk being turned away but it was something to keep in mind for future knowledge for sure. Her question caused him to pause though. For some reason he felt shy to train in front of her. It wasn’t quite a shame but…it was something close. He had become a genin because he had to. And he had been working because he needed to eat and pay rent. But he hadn’t really decided if he wanted to get strong. Not before now. Not before realizing just how small and weak he really was.

Food sounds good.” He grinned awkwardly though, scratching at the side of his neck. “I’ve only got enough money for some convenience food though.

Without waiting to have to talk about that fact, Kazuma turned and began walking out of the training area and towards the nearest residential area where there was bound to be some small shops and restaurants. Awkwardness was not something that Kazuma was used to feeling but he also usually only spent time around kids his own age. And kids his own age were easy to deal with. They either liked you, or they didn’t, and they told you either way. And if they were rude you just hit them and fought it out and then after maybe you were friends or maybe you still hated them but it didn’t matter.

He didn’t really know what to do walking next to this much older and much stronger woman who was definitely not a child. Anxiety spun a ball in his stomach as he wondered if it would always be this hard to feel like he belonged. Like he wasn’t just an unwanted burden on everyone he met. He sighed heavily through his nose, dispelling the exhausting thoughts that were always trying to plague him. It wasn’t worth thinking about.

What kinda food do you like? You can pick since you were nice and showed me that cool jutsu.” He just hoped she remembered what he said about his wallet. If he used all of his money on lunch he would have to try to find some extra jobs to do to make up for it.
Last edited by Amy on Mon Aug 19, 2024 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
My CharactersShow
B-Rank MNKatō, Tsubaki #A32638
Sp. Jounin • Kirigakure no Sato • Araki Kiyo #DDA0DD
Genin • Iwagakure no Sato • Kazuma #00BF80
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The flame and the phoenix

Post by Kanade » Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:06 am

"Alright, I am up for just about anything that I am not cooking myself." Kanade said, then pointed to a restaurant that served pho and sushi, "How about that place?" She ambled over toward the restaurant. After having a trite conversation with the registrar, they both found their seats in the restaurant, which seemed to be bigger than what she had thought it would be on the outside. The entrance actually led to a large expanse of a restaurant, most of which was below ground.

The spiral staircase in the center branched off to the other parts of the restaurant, and the floors were already packed with the general muttering and murmur of patrons enjoying their meals. In the center of the staircase was a large aquarium with a variety of fish that were all swimming around. Kanade smiled, and as the registrar ushered them to the third level, 4 levels above the bottom one, she said, "This place is nice, I like the ambiance." The greens and blues of the aquarium lights painted the walls in fantastical cool-colored rainbows. As they descended the only light was the aquarium, so Kanade's hair and eyes became ever more luminous. They sat down at a table meant for two across from one another and were given not only menus but a selection of liquor and wine.

As they were descending she wondered what kind of shinobi Kazuma would be if his acumen improved a little. He seemed to be a bit out of sorts, and Kanade wondered whether it was her, the atmosphere, or whether she saw the impish self-doubt peering out through his eyes.

A waiter, dressed to the nines with a pencil mustache appeared at their table as if by skitter-step, pen and pad in hand and asked, "What can I get for you two today?"

Kanade waited for Kazuma to order, tipping her menu toward him to offer the first place of ordering, and then ordered a "Special of the day" though she didn't know what it entailed, she assumed it would be good.
~~My characters~~
Iwagakure Jounin: Kanade Enkouten
Thread Tracker for Kanade (previously Chiaki): viewtopic.php?f=105&t=8345273&p=4197389#p4197389
Iwagakure Genin: Enkouten, Atsuko
Kirigakure Genin: Achiyo
Heart Samurai: Kyudo-ite, Kasuri
Sunagakure Genin: Kouseki, Kagayaki
Sunagakure Jounin: Naegi, Aihachi

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The flame and the phoenix

Post by Amy » Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:10 pm

Kazuma began panicking the moment she pointed at the restaurant. Had she not heard him say that he could only afford something from the market? Sadako was going to kill him if he went home having spent all of his savings on a meal out with someone he just met. He could still say no. He could remind her, tell her he couldn’t eat there. But the words wouldn’t come. There were so many things that he had missed out on in his life because he didn’t have the means to participate. All the times the kids in their class wanted to go out for ice cream or ramen and he and Sadako had to make up excuses for why they couldn’t join. All of the tools they wanted to buy. The clothes they needed. It was really hard and it was even harder to think that things may improve one day. It all just seemed impossible.

His eyes followed the aquarium as they descended. Iwa seemed like such a rich place. The thought that someone had enough money to build an aquarium large enough to descend with the restaurant, fill it with not only water but so many species of sea life was…unbelievable to him. It was so over the top. But he understood why they did it. It was beautiful. In a world of horribleness, of war, of heartache, you could come to a place like this and be whisked away by fantasy. His fingers trailed along the glass as they passed by, his eyes gazing upwards. He could see the reflection of the sun off the top of the water but he could not see through it.

This was the type of place he’d like to bring Sadako to one day.

His panic only grew when observing the menu. Sushi was absolutely out of the question. At those prices, they must have been pulling the fish straight from the tank to make the sushi. The pho was more affordable but only comparably. His nose twitched as he pretended to look at all of the options, knowing that there was only one thing he could order. It would use up most of his money, but not all of it. He would have enough left to keep Sadako at bay until he could pick up enough extra jobs to replace it.

I’ll have the pho with tofu, please.

After the waiter left, he felt slightly more relaxed, finally realizing that he had never responded to Kanade. “It’s very nice. I’ve never seen such a large aquarium. So you’ve never been here before?
My CharactersShow
B-Rank MNKatō, Tsubaki #A32638
Sp. Jounin • Kirigakure no Sato • Araki Kiyo #DDA0DD
Genin • Iwagakure no Sato • Kazuma #00BF80
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The flame and the phoenix

Post by Kanade » Thu Sep 26, 2024 7:29 pm

"No, I haven't." She smiled and waved the waiter closer, putting the menu between herself and Kazuma, she whispered in his ear that she would be picking up the tab and to bring him a double order of what he had ordered.

"So, Kazuma, your gaze seems to stray further than your eyes can see before it comes back to here and now." She smirked and chuckled into her palm, "Is it a girl?" She thought, perhaps, that coaxing some conversation out of him might do some good, "Atsuko, my daughter, is just starting to think that boys are more than just punching bags herself, so there's no need to be embarrassed." She thought back to their conversation prior to the restaurant. "I don't think you ever mentioned her name." The aquarium cast its alien blue light throughout the restaurant, the reflections of light brilliant and skittering across the walls in a hypnotic kaleidoscopic brilliance, slow and melodic in its turnings. The atmospheric music, provided on the ground floor filled the space between their conversation with a lulling wake-like sound which only string instruments can provide.

The waiter was back in a flash with their drinks, and Kanade lifted her glass to hover over the middle of the table, "Ganpai." She said, "Or whatever it is for the toast here, to new friends and acquaintances." She took a sip of her drink after the toast and then added, "Atsuko could use some more friends." She said it, not really to Kazuma, but to the world in general. It was almost as if she were making a grocery list, but it hung in the air, heavy with speculation and some judgement.
~~My characters~~
Iwagakure Jounin: Kanade Enkouten
Thread Tracker for Kanade (previously Chiaki): viewtopic.php?f=105&t=8345273&p=4197389#p4197389
Iwagakure Genin: Enkouten, Atsuko
Kirigakure Genin: Achiyo
Heart Samurai: Kyudo-ite, Kasuri
Sunagakure Genin: Kouseki, Kagayaki
Sunagakure Jounin: Naegi, Aihachi


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