Library of the Damned

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Library of the Damned

Post by Oddric » Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:36 am

"Ouch." Kiji muttered, adjusting her back against the hard bookcase. Her back was a bit sore from being hunched over, so she tried altering her position. Leaning it against the wooden shelves wasn't a great alternative either. She was hoping she'd forget about as the information consumed her brain function.

She closed the scroll on obelisks to once-worshiped deities, sighing as she did so. The Royal Library of Iwa had a plethora of books, scrolls, documents, myths and more. Unfortunately, Kiji did not agree with its open hours. Dawn to dusk, roughly. Kiji did not like the idea of having other people around while she studied and read. Picking out things to borrow did not suit her fancy, either. It seemed like way too much work. Plus if she found something interesting, she'd rather read it on the spot! Instead of complying with the library's hours, Kiji broke in at night to read. She had done it many times before and would do it many times after this.

Kiji's family was one of the richest clans in the Rock Country, but they had disowned her. She was a bastard child of her father, soon-to-be clan leader, and having her around was bad for publicity. Her uncle had been making claims to lead the clan himself, being a more reputable man. Kiji could care less of the squabbling, but it meant she was entirely on her own. Sometimes she wished she had the money, if only to advance her own knowledge through purchasing books and scrolls rather than reading them once and losing some of the information.

Kiji grunted, the tossed parchment by her feet at all been skimmed through. Nothing interesting yet. Hands on her hips, she arched her back, a satisfying crack as she did so. She considered going downstairs with some reading and sitting at a table. On the off chance of an employee or shinobi doing rounds seeing her, Kiji did follow through with her thoughts.

The young lady redid the elastic holding her bun in place, walking slowly down the aisle, looking for something that caught her attention. Tonight was pleasure reading, in two days time she would come back for something more educational. This was how Kiji learned most of what she knew about genjutsu and swordplay. At least, theory, history, styles and stories. She practiced during the day.

Her mouth stretched to the right, a look of frustration as her hands fell back to her side. "I've dried this section out." She said, realizing she was just a bit bored with where she was. A change of topic and scenery... so to speak... would refresh her.

Turning back to her small pile of parchment, Kiji began to pick them up, putting them into her arms as she walked the aisle to remember where she had found them. She wouldn't leave them scattered about. One, she wasn't rude. Two, she didn't want any of the employees to grow suspicious in the morning when they found things out of place.
NameRankVillageNinjutsuTaijutsuGenjutsuStaminaControlStrengthSpeedWitKashou AkidoGeninKumogakure52233333Kiji IssuiGeninIwagakure25423323Kokuei NaraChuuninKonohagakure75256456Ayatsuri GuujinChuuninSunagakure74456446


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