A Different Kind of Beast

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A Different Kind of Beast

Post by Kao » Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:13 am

Jutsu TrainedShow
*[Medicinal Style • Bandage Wrapping]
D-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
The user knows how to utilize bandages, wrapping a wound in a manner that creates a near-perfect barrier from external forces, keeping the wound clean from bacteria. The bandage is tucked in place, preventing it from falling off, though excessive rubbing, pulling, or getting the bandage wet can cause it to fall off.
Being a medic was no easy task. Medics often have to help people who don’t always appreciate the skill needed to tend to wounds and ailements. Medicine was certainly a skill that not everyone could perform. Komiya Shizuo was a decent medic, as he was skilled with the healing arts of iijutsu. However, the thought had come to him that it wasn’t always necessary to use chakra to tend to wounds.

He decided to volunteer at one of Iwagakure’s hospitals one day and tend to minor wounds. He had overstated his skills when he applied, and he was sure no one would notice if he used some of the patients as practice subjects to learn some of the easier techniques. Shizuo came across someone who had a thin, shallow cut to the outside of his forearm. The guy was being a huge baby about the ordeal, and after being scolded for behaving like a child, his crying had subsided to periodic whimpers.

Shizuo gave him a quick glance to silence him before putting on his gloves and grabbing a roll of bandages and alcohol spray from the cabinet above his head. He sighed when his patient asked if he could have some painkillers before he started. “Let me bandage you up first, then we’ll talk about dealing with your pain. Deal?” He kept his tone and expression as friendly as he could manage, but internally he was scrutinizing the guy. He was pathetic and was probably using his injury as an excuse to obtain pain medicine. It was a likely scenario, but at the moment it wasn’t his job to determine whether or not the man was exaggerating his pain.

The young special jounin pulled a long length of bandages then snipped it off with a pair of scissors. He then sprayed the wound - mostly ignoring the patient’s seemingly exaggerated hiss of pain - and patted it clean with a sterile pad. Then, he took the bandages and started wrapping his just above the cut. When he actually touched the cut with the bandages, the patient continued to whimper, and Shizuo gently shushed him and continued his work. It took merely a few seconds to complete wrapping the wound, and once it was covered completely Shizuo tucked the end of the bandage so that it would stay in place.

“Don’t pull on it, and try not to catch it on anything so it doesn’t fall off.” Shizuo patted the guy’s shoulder and maintained his smile. “You don’t need any prescribed medication. Just take some over the counter medicine for any pain you may feel. You’ll be fine.” The patient, eyes brimming with tears, thanked him wretchedly and went on his way. Shizuo sighed. Some men were truly pitiful.

456 words
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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A Different Kind of Beast

Post by Kao » Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:26 am

Jutsu TrainedShow
*[Medicinal Style • Injury Assessment]
D-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Unlike the mystical means of diagnosis utilized through iijutsu, those who utilize the Arts of Medicine must learn the most effective manner to assess a patient. Learners of this discipline have learn the most effective manner to diagnose a patient, starting at the head, and assessing for head wounds, then moving down through the torso, both arms, the groin area, both legs, then the back. Those who learn this discipline will be able to account for any wounds that present with physical symptoms on a patient.
Shizuo’s next patient was a little more difficult. He sat before a young child, a girl who was absolutely inconsolable. Her mother held her hand and begged her to tell her what was the matter, but the girl couldn’t manage to speak through her incessant crying. The shinobi frowned and then immediately replaced the expression with a more suitable small smile.

“Hi,” he said to the girl as he took her hands and gently pulled them down from her face. She didn’t resist, and she looked him directly in the face and continued her screaming. The sound was piercing, but Shizuo made no indication that it bothered him. “Can you tell me what’s wrong?”

No dice. The girl just kept wailing, so Shizuo would have to figure it out on his own. He looked at the girl’s head for any obvious wounds. When he found non, the medic gently touched the girl’s head with both hands, searching for any lumps hidden by her hair. When he came up with nothing, he then touched the sides of her neck, feeling for both the lymph nodes and any injuries that could be discovered by touch. After inspecting her neck for several seconds, again he found nothing obviously out of the ordinary.

He started on her arms next, first the left arm and then the right. He noticed a few scratched on her arms, but nothing that broke the skin. Perhaps she had fallen and gotten scraped up in some gravel. He asked the mother if she had fallen, and the woman replied that she wasn’t sure; her daughter had been playing outside on her own, and then suddenly had started screaming.

Small children were sometimes sensitive to minor injuries, so he at first thought that these cuts might have been the source of her apparent pain. But surely, he thought, these cuts were minor enough that she would have stopped crying by now. Her face was red and puffy from all the screaming, and her voice was beginning to become hoarse and strained. It must be something more serious.

The medic continued his inspection by moving to the girl’s torso. When he lifted her shirt, he saw it: a small nail pierced the surface of her skin. Somehow it wasn’t bleeding much at all. When Shizuo brought the injury to the mother’s attention, the woman gasped dramatically. “I didn’t notice that at all! Oh my poor child…!”

Shizuo couldn’t help but think she must not have looked hard enough before rushing her to the hospital. But it was a good thing she did; if she had simply pulled it out and put a band aid on it, it might have gotten infected.

“I’ll remove the nail and patch her up, but she’s going to need a tetanus shot as a precaution.” He then turned his attention to the little girl and grinned. “I’m gonna take care of this for you. Be brave for me, alright!”

488 words
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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A Different Kind of Beast

Post by Kao » Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:42 am

Jutsu TrainedShow
*[Medicinal Style • Pressure Points]
D-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
The user has learned all appropriate pressure points on a body. In the event of bleeding, they know where to apply pressure to slow the bleeding while treatment is administered.
It was quiet in the hospital’s clinic. Shizuo quickly became bored, but didn’t really feel like socializing with the other nurses and volunteer medic shinobi sitting around. He go up from his station and wandered to a stack of books that a nurse had left behind when she went on her break. The topmost book seemed interesting - Simple Acupuncture Techniques - so he grabbed it surreptitiously and returned to his station.

He began reading, and though the way it was written was dreadfully dry, the content was interesting and important enough that he kept reading. He started to read about pressure points, which were described as sensitive areas on the surface of the human body. They could be used for a multitude of purposes, the book droned on, and every medic, whether he was a shinobi who used chakra to heal or a civilian who praticed traditional medicine, should be familiar with each point throughout the body.

The book first described the location of pressure points on the temple, between the ear and the eye. These pressure points, when pressed simultaneously, could provide some relief from headaches. Interesting, Shizuo thought. It made sense, since people tended to rub the area when they had minor headaches.

Shizuo continued reading about other points: the dokko, located behind the ear; hichu, located just below the adam’s apple and an important area that could be attacked to produce debilitating effects; the kote, on the inside of the elbow, could both relieve and produce pain. There were so many pressure points, and it was almost overwhelming how much information about them was packed into the small book. But Shizuo was an avid reader, and he was used to reading long texts about medical practices and procedures. Sure, it was boring as hell, but it was necessary if he wanted to be a useful medic.

He was surprised at himself for not learning about pressure points sooner. It seemed like such a basic knowledge, and he made a mental note to never tell anyone that he had waited so long to learn about them. He continued to read about them and he was quickly able to commit the pressure points to memory. Many of them were particularly useful and could be attacked; thoses points were more easily commited to memory, and he made another mental note that he should develop some techniques so that he could use those points both offensively and defensively.

Once he finished memorizing the section describing all of the body’s pressure points, the nurse returned from her break. Without her noticing, he returned the book to its stack and then went back to waiting on patients to enter the clinic.

444 words
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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A Different Kind of Beast

Post by Kao » Mon Oct 30, 2017 2:05 pm

Jutsu TrainedShow
*[Medicinal Style • Medic]
C-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Perhaps one of the most important disciplines of any aspiring Medic, one who has mastered this Discipline can maintain a clear mind when treating patients. Techniques C-rank and below that effect their emotional spectrum, or attempts at distracting them will have no effect while they are treating patients.
Suddenly, there was chaos. The clinic wasn’t far from the emergency room. Just as Shizuo had decided it was time to go leave so that he wouldn’t have to be admitted for dying for boredom, several patients were rushed in on stretchers. They were bleeding profusely, some screaming in pain, others completely silent as nurses tried to quell their bleeding.

Shizuo lept up to help without thinking. Injuries sparked his instincts like a flame, and he was compelled to do everything he could to help. He rushed to the patient who seemed to be in the in pretty bad condition, though he certainly wasn’t the worst.. He was one of the silent ones, and a single nurse was pressing gauze desperately against his leg. “What happened?!”

“Construction accident!” Panic laced her voice, and Shizuo quickly noticed she wasn’t applying enough pressure and the gauze was completely soaked.

“Get more gauze!” He yelled as he formed a single handseal to coat his hands in a thin layer of chakra. Thankfully she was quick about it, and she was back by the time he was halfway through sterilizing the wound. It was rather deep, cutting into the muscle and knicking a vein. There was chaos around him as nurses and doctors did their best to tend to each patient, some of whom had to be rushed into surgery to better treat their wounds. All around him there was shouting from the medica team and screaming from the patients. It took everything for Shizuo to concentrate on his task.

He took a deep breath and emptied his mind briefly to prevent the contagious panic from infecting him. It was difficult, especially with the young nurse next to him sweating in panic and biting her lip with worry. He glanced at her, ordering her to keep calm. “What kind of medic are you if you panic so much that you can’t save the patient?” His tone was kind, but his eyes had narrowed to convey his seriousness. The young woman apologized, and Shizuo went back to trying to maintain absolute focus.

After a while, he practically didn’t hear the noise and panic boiling around him. There was only himself and his patient, and once he had cleaned and stitched the wound, he inspected the man’s body to look for any other wounds. He couldn’t immediately determine the reason for the man’s unconsciousness, so he barked at the nurse beside him to take him to a private room for more inspection. She obliged and rushed the man away, and Shizuo buckled down so that he could tend to anyone else in need.

The next patient was in about the same shape; a nurse was trying to quell his bleeding with gauze, though she wasn’t really getting anywhere. Again, Shizuo cleared his head so that he could ignore any distractions. He barely noticed the man on the table next to them, screaming his head off as the nurses went about their work.

Shizuo at first found it difficult to focus with the man screaming practically in his ear. The agonized shouting was so distracting that he momentarily lost his concentration. “Gag him if you have to! Just shut him up!” The nurses familiar with him gaped when he snapped, taken aback by his sudden outburst. “Move it!”

The nurses snapped out of it but didn’t gag their patient. Instead they tried to calm him by other means, and someone called for an IV filled with morphine. In the meantime, Shizuo turned his focus back on his own patient. The screams around him continued and showed no signs of stopping, so he had no choice but to try to clear his mind again.

It took every ounce of his concentration, but eventually he was completely focused on the task at hand. There was yelling around him, crying around him. The sound of turmoil and utter pain permeated the air around it, but Shizuo had tuned it all out. He was so focused, in fact, that when a doctor shot him an order, he didn’t hear it. It took the man to nearly shake him for him to snap back and become completely aware of his surroundings once again. He nodded and moved on to the next patient, and once he began working he was able to yet again tune out all of the gore and cries around him. It was difficult work, being a medic, but if he didn’t master controlling his focus, it would be more difficult for him to be a medic in the field. His comrades would depend on him to be able to keep them alive, and he would only be able to do that if he could tune out certain distractors that were bound to happen

By the time he finished with his patient, the others had been moved either to other rooms for observation and to recover or into surgery. Once things were settled, he sat down in a chair, exhausted.

821 words
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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A Different Kind of Beast

Post by Kao » Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:27 pm

Jutsu TrainedShow
[Iijutsu • Scalpel]
D-Rank Ninjutsu
This is a useful technique when Shizuo has no other tools available to make small, precise incisions. After focusing chakra to his hands, Shizuo concentrates the chakra to his index finger to create a sharp blade of chakra. The blade is simple but very sharp, and is at most two inches in length.
Just as he felt that he was able to breathe, the door to the emergency room burst open yet again. A flock of nurses and doctors came flooding in, surrounding three patients. Though he was completely drained of energy, the medic bolted to his feet and over to the scene. For the most part, they had the situation under control for two of the patients. The doctors barked their orders and the nurses followed them withouot hesitation, doing their best to save the fading patients.

One of the patients was in pretty bad shape, and it was evident that the doctors were losing her. The woman's lips and nose were shredded and sounded like something was obstructing her breathing. As she struggled to take in air, her eyes rolled to the back of her head and forward again. Each attempt to breathe came as a gurgle. Not only that, but the medics attending her were wasting time. She had a chest wound that they were tending to, but if they didn’t help her breathing, she had no chance. Shizuo sprang into action and pushed one of the nurses out of the way. It was a rude gesture, but there was no time for being polite. There was no way they could perform neither a orotracheal nor a nasotracheal intubation; he would have to help her breathe with a more drastic technique.

He quickly formed seals, and chakra coated his hands to create gloves, and he then immediately began sterilizing the woman’s throat with his chakra. As he worked, it was evident that her airway was blocked and it needed to be cleared before she suffocated.There was noise, so much noise, and initially it was infuriating and set the young shinobi’s teeth on edge. But he remembered to clear his mind of distractions and focus on his task, and within seconds he had tuned out the extraneous noise.

In his focus, he began to sweat. He knew the procdure, theoretically, but clearing someone’s airway was completely new to him in practice. He reached over to the table of tools to grab a scalpel and almost screamed when it wasn’t there. His bag with his personal medical equipment was in his locker, so he had to improvise. Without thinking, he focused chakra to one of his hands, and then he made it flow to the tip of his index finger. The chakra elongated and hardened, and then it gradually shaped into the familiar curved tip of a scalpel.

He pressed the tip of his creation to the woman’s neck, but as soon as it touched her skin he realized it wasn’t sharp enough. The dull chakra blade wasn’t enough to draw blood, let alone make a precise incision. But that was easily fixed; the shinobi focused his chakra, and the edge of the tool sharpened. And not too soon; the woman was fading fast.

480 words
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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A Different Kind of Beast

Post by Kao » Mon Oct 30, 2017 8:07 pm

Jutsu TrainedShow
*[Medicinal Style • Air Way]
C-rank Taijutsu Maneuver
The user is able to use make shift supplies to obtain, and maintain, an airway in a patient through various methods, such as intubation or emergency cricothyroidotomy. This allows people to breathe even if they have obstructed airways, and remain alive.
Shizuo took a deep breath and began his work. The sheen of sweat glistening on his forehead was evidence that he was nervous, but his hand was completely steady. He pressed the scalpel to the woman’s neck and paused. “Tracheostomy tube.”

The nurse blinked, and before the command could register, Shizuo repeated himself, his tone stronger, but still low and steady so that the young woman would remain calm. “Tracheostomy tube.” She sprung into action and produced the tool.

There were so many things that could go wrong with the procedure. The neck was packed with vital veins and arteries, and if he wasn’t careful he could nick one and cause the woman to bleed out right on the table. There were also nerves that needed to be avoided; severing them meant a multitude of possible dibilitating consequences, and the last thing he wanted was to cause the woman unnecessary pain and suffering because he was careless. Though he wasn’t thinking about it much at the moment, the woman’s life and future was in his hands. Medics, especially those who were also shinobi, were responsible for not only themselves, but for everyone around them. To be a medic in the field was to hold the lives of others in his hands. It was a blessing to be able to influence missions and to be able to save others should something go wrong. But it was also a heavy curse, a stressful duty that broke men with weak dispositions.

Shizuo was determined to be the best shinobi he could be by supporting those around him in every way he could. Helping his fellow villagers - and keeping them alive - was one of his personal goals in life that he took very seriously. The poor woman, injured and dying, was part of that. Her life was a vital link in the many chains that connected everyone in Iwagakure, and he’d be damned if he lost it.

He placed the fingers of his free hand against the sides of the thyroid cartilage, and then with the scalpel Shizuo made a small vertical incision just above the woman’s trachea, slicing into the skin and fatty tissue. Blood immediately poured from the wound, and thankfully the nurse beside him had prepared gauze to dab it away. Once he found the membrane, he made another incision, this one horizontal and through the lower portion of the membrane.

He heard the nurse beside him take a sharp breath, and he gave her a quick glance. “Focus, I need you to focus.”

“Yes doctor, of course.”

The acknowledgement, though false, made Shizuo feel rather good about himself. There was no time to correct her. He dismissed the scalpel from his finger and held his hand out toward her. “Tracheal hook.”

She provided the tool in an instant, and Shizuo quickly, but steadily, placed the tiny hook into the opening of the membrane. He rotated the hook gently to widen the incision, and pulled it gently upward. “Dialator.”

Once he had that tool in his hand, he placed it into the woman’s trachea and spread it vertically. He thought he was moving much too slowly, but since it was his first time performing the procedure, he didn’t want to risk ripping a too large hole in the woman’s neck. Shizuo’s breaths were shallow and just as careful as his hands.

“Put the tube in.”

“Y-yes!” The woman carefully placed the tube into the woman’s throat, and he was thankful that she was being just as careful as he was and seemed to know what she was doing. But something wasn’t quite right; when she placed it into the stoma in the woman’s neck, it stopped slipping in.“It won’t -”

“There’s no time!” Shizuo raised his hand and took the tool from her. It seemed that she hadn’t inserted it at the right angle. He refrained from calling her an idiot and did it himself, using the dilator to grip the tube and then rotate them both together while slowly inserting them deeper into her neck. Within seconds the tube was completely inserted, and Shizuo removed the hook and the tube’s obturator to fully open her airway. Finally, he inflated the cuff of the tube with air so that she could finally breathe.

He stepped back and sighed; the risky procedure was a success.

714 words
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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A Different Kind of Beast

Post by Kao » Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:20 pm

As far as Shizuo was concerned, he needed to be a paid for his services that day. He went above and beyond the duties of typical volunteers and had performed more procedures than he had planned. He had learned a lot about himself and his abilities as a medical shinobi, and though he had lied his way through the job, he was pleased with himself and his new skills.

After a long day, the special jounin made his way back home. A long shiver shot down his spine when his face, still clammy from sweat, met the bitter cold that hung over Iwagakure. He hugged his jacket tighter to his body and began making the trek home. Before he could make it, however, he was stopped by a familiar voice.

“Oh. Kanagawa-san, good evening.”

Kanagawa Takuro was an old man of around seventy, bowed over with age and seemingly weighted down by the long, thick grey beard dangling from his face. He had kind and narrow eyes and large ears like tiny wings on the side of his head. He was a family friend and had helped raise Shizuo, and had treated him like his own grandson.

“Shizuo-kun. Shizuo-kun! I’ve been waiting all day for you. I have a small request.”

Shizuo stifled a sigh but maintained a smile. He just wanted to go home, but there was no way he could stiff the old man and walk away. “I heard you’re a young tamer of spirits.”

Shizuo laughed sheepishly and ran his fingers lazily through his hair. It was an odd thing to say so suddenly, but he rolled with it. “I’m not sure I would call myself a ‘tamer.’ But I know a thing or two about them.”

“Good, good. Follow me.”

The old man’s home seemed modest on the outside, but within were dozens and dozens of artifacts and old relics. They reminded him of the items within the cabinet of his parents’ home - the ones he wasn’t supposed to know about at all.

“I’ve come across a rare item, but I’ve had a bit of a…problem with it. I thought to formally call upon a shinobi for assistance, but then you crossed my mind, and it may be more beneficial to all if you handled it.”

Takuro seemed to be beating around the bush, which wasn’t like him. In all the years they’d known one another, the old man had always been very concise and direct. At that moment he was explaining himself too much, which made the shinobi uneasy. But he kept his blossoming suspicions under wraps and maintained his demeanor as the bubbly, eager child that Takuro had always known. “Beneficial to all? How so?”

The old man hummed and tapped his cane a a few times on the floor. “I would prefer to keep knowledge of this situation from reaching too many ears.” With that, he gestured for Shizuo to follow him to the back of the house into a small, dark room. When he flipped the light, it revealed that the room was completely empty except for a large mirror that hung on the wall opposite of the door.

“It’s fascinating. Truly fascinating. It arrived today, and I had my daughter and a couple others bring it in. But something went wrong. See for yourself, but I warn you to be careful and to not look at your reflection in the eyes.”

Shizuo paused. “What happens if I look at myself in the eyes?”

After a bit of hesitation, Takuro replied, “Well, I imagine you’ll be gravely injured. My daughter and her friends had their faces mutilated. Among other terrible consequences.”

Shizuo’s throat dried. The implication of what the man said horrified him; he had, of course, treated a woman only hours earlier whose nose and lips were grotesquely ripped to the point where he had to perform an emergency tracheostomy just so she could breathe. With the condition of her face, he hadn’t recognized her at all.

“That…was your daughter?

“Very unfortunate. She was -”

Unfortunate?! Her face was ripped beyond recognition! I-I had to put a hole in her neck just so she could breathe and you just…did you even go check on her?!” He had completely lost control over his tone and had dropped all formalities in his speech. Shizuo simply could not believe that Takuro could see his daughter be reduced to that condition and still be at home, idly waiting. “She nearly died, do you know that? We almost lost her and you just sat here as she nearly bled out, as she suffocated on her own blood!”

“You must understand, Shizuo,” the old man barked, speaking over the young shinobi, “that I could not leave this relic unattended.”

A disgusted grimace. “So you chose a joruri over the wellbeing of your own daughter. A spirit over your flesh and blood.”

The elderly man began to tremble as he tried to quell his anger and frustration. “Do not pretend that you know how difficult it was to make that decision, Shizuo!”


Shizuo’s rage hung thickly in the air, and with every heave of his chest the atmosphere worsened. This man was someone he had respected, and he took the fact that he could be so cruel to his own child personally. It was both infurating and disheartening that someone who seemed so kind was capable of such heartlessness.

Takuro’s next words were calmer, soothing. “Shizuo-kun. I understand where your outburst is coming from. But these kinds of decisions are never easy.”

“Just shut up.”

Shizuo found out he was adopted when he was eleven. His academy days were difficult, to say the least, and his classmates didn’t make it any easier. He remembered he had been struggling, as always, with elemental ninjutsu but was coming to terms with the fact that he would probably never be able to use it. Not only that, but he was struggling with taijutsu and with using the simple weapons that genin were typically issued. His classmates had taunted him relentlessly.

“Useless albino freak! You might as well be an outsider! Outsider!” one boy had sang as he kicked Shizuo’s legs from under him.

Another boy had chimed in, “A fucking barbarian! My dad says those savages have ugly white skin like yours!”

At the time, Shizuo had shrugged it off; the insult was nothing new. But as he ruminated on it, he found it bothered him. Both of his parents had tan, naturally sun-kissed skin, and when he had asked them about his own fair complexion and hair color as a child, his mother had kissed his forehead and held his cheeks in her hands. “My dear son, you were born at the end of a harsh Winter, and to atone for her malice she kissed you when you came into this world. That is why your hair and skin are as white as the snow.”

That explanation was fascinating to a small child, but to a young preteen whose eyes were beginning to open to cruel reality, it wasn’t enough. That day he told his parents what the bullies had said and tearfully asked them if it was true.

They didn’t deny it. His legs trembled, and they sat him down and carefully told him the truth. His birth parents were nameless Jidokami, members of one of the many barbarian tribes to the north. They had travelled to Iwagakure at the end of winter to welcome the rainy season, but he was born feeble and they left him behind, convinced he would never survive infancy.

“But my son,” his mother said as his tears fell into her lap, “you became ours the moment I first held you in my arms, and you smiled.”

Takuro balked. Shizuo was never one to address his elders so rudely, and the young shinobi was shaking in fury. “You’re on your own, old man,” he spat, and turned to leave.

“If you do not banish the spirit residing in this mirror, it could spell disaster for my household, for this neighborhood!”

“Not my problem.”

“This is not like you, Komiya Shizuo! Are you not the same child who vowed to protect those around him, to support his village at all costs?! The seal that keeps the spirit in that mirror is weakening by the second. It was all I could do to remain here and keep it in check! I need you to banish it, and to keep quiet about it!”

The shinobi clenched his fists so hard that his fingernails threatened to break the skin of his palms. He wanted nothing more than to walk away from the man who had essentially left his daughter to die. That kind of person was unworthy of help, and anything that resulted from Takuro’s recklessness and disregard for his daughter’s life was his problem, not Shizuo's.

But at the same time, if the spirit could cause that much damage while sealed, there was no telling what it was capable of if it was released from its prison. He felt obligated to ensure that no one else was hurt. Shizuo was torn between his personal code and his personal demons.

After heavy contemplation, he turned on the old man and glared as he unconsciously flexed his arms. “Once I do this, you will go to the hospital and check on your daughter.”

“Shizuo -”

“You will check on her, and you will beg for her forgiveness. And you won’t leave her side until she recovers. Those are my conditions.”

Takuro lowered his eyes briefly, then meekly asked, “And you won’t notify anyone? I…no one must know about this, Shizuo-kun. You must understand.”

The man said nothing, but turned away and approached the ominous mirror. "Get out so I can work."
Jutsu Training!Show
Shizuo lowered his hand and doubled over, breathing heavily from the exhausting ordeal. Takuro peeked his head back into the room and cautiously approached. “Is it done? Is it gone?”

The man was disgusting, and Shizuo found that he couldn’t look at him. Just being in the same room made him feel hollow, and the sensation drained him almost as much as fighting the spirit did. He thought he knew Takuro as a kind man who cared about his family, about his neighbors who he had always treated as family. He had been an extension of his adopted family, and Shizuo had fond memories of the man that he was desperate to hold onto and cherish. But it was clear to him that anyone was capable of the cruelty necessary to abandon one’s own child. Trust had been tainted by revulsion.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and turned to the door, pointedly avoiding looking in Takuro’s direction. “Thank you, Kanagawa-san, for all that you have done. For always treating me like family and making me feel like I belong even after I found out where I came from.”

The old man smiled and began his amiable and grateful reply, but he was cut off and physically recoiled when Shizuo finally turned his gaze toward him. His eyes were blackened by hatred. “Expect a full investigation into your household within the hour.”
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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A Different Kind of Beast

Post by Kao » Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:58 pm

Jutsu TrainedShow
[Shizumeru • Analyze]
B-Rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Pre-requisite: Sensory Concentration, [Vision of Spirits]
After channeling the necessary amount of chakra, Shizuo focuses chakra to his eyes, causing the Maroon chakra to flare up around his eyes. This allows Shizuo to view the chakra of spirits and spirit-related objects as an aura. The appearance of this aura reflects soul size and the strength of the spirit.
  • Petty: The spirit’s aura will appear as a very faint, colorless glow around the spirit
  • Lesser: The spirit’s aura will emanate considerably as a strong glow around it and slowly pulsate
  • Common: The spirit’s aura will flare considerably around it and will flicker and pulsate like fire
  • Greater: The spirit’s chakra will take the form of a large, slowly rotating aura around the spirit
  • Grand: The maroon aura will be take the form of a strong whirlwind around the spirit
Takuro closed the door behind him, and Shizuo was alone in the room with the mirror. It looked benign enough. The frame was made of wood and was beautifully carved with what looked like waves flowing from one end of the frame to the other. The glass was dirty, splattered with blood and bits of hair. If Shizuo were a more sensitive man, the sight would have made his stomach churn. But instead it made him angry. Takuro wasn’t the man he thought he was.

He had no idea what kind of spirit was sealed within the mirror, and he didn’t know how powerful it was. He had previously began training a jutsu that would help him identify the strength of a spirit, but it was a difficult one and he had only theorized about it. He knew, in theory, what he had to do to make the jutsu work, but he had never used it in practice before. Perhaps he should have tested it with the spirit that was sealed in his parents’ room.

It was too late for what ifs, so Shizuo decided he would just have to roll with it. After taking a deep breath, he focused his chakra. Unlike most shinobi, Shizuo had a special affinity towards spirits that affected his chakra in unique ways. His chakra manefested in a faint aura around his body, but instead of the usual blue, the chakra was maroon in color. It was a tell tale sign of chakra associated with tenkujutsu, which happened to be the special jounin’s favorite type of jutsu.

He focused on the mirror, careful to avoid meeting his own eye. Eventually, he began speaking to the spirit within so that it would know he wasn’t afraid. “Well, then. It’s just you and me. I suppose I can’t just ask you politely to get the hell out, can I?”

He was met with silence.

Shizuo continued to focus, and he directed the maroon tenkujutsu chakra to his eyes. His vision shifted and he looked at the mirror. He wondered how this worked. Usually a joruri’s abilities were activated only if someone applied chakra to the seal. It didn’t make much sense that merely looking into the mirror would activate its abilities. Perhaps one of the people involved had placed their chakra into the seal, trying to influence the joruri.

No matter. At that particular moment, he only wanted to focus on figuring out just what he was dealing with. The chakra in his eyes surged, and he focused on the joruri in front of him. In theory, if he focused his chakra a certain way, the maroon chakra should be able to tell him something about the strength of the spirit within the mirror.

He stared at the mirror without meeting his own gaze. After a few moments of focus, he saw it. The mirror appeared to be surrounded by a very, very faint glow. Strangely, it wasn’t a particular color. The colorless glow surrounded the mirror, and he could barely see it. Shizuo continued to focus, and the longer he molded the chakra, the clearer the glow around the joruri became. Still colorless, the glow seemed to thicken into what he would describe as an aura. It thickened and became more prominent, but it was still a rather weak glow.


The aura’s glow was a representation of the spirit’s apparent strength. If the aura was this weak, the spirit within the mirror wasn’t very strong at all. Perhaps Takuro’s daughter and her assistants just had a run of bad luck and did something to aggravate the spirit, and it happened to find a way to harm them.

But still, it didn’t make sense to the special jounin. If the spirit was so weak, he found it hard to believe it could cause such extensive damage to a person who merely looked at their reflection in the mirror.

Unsatisfied, Shizuo focused his chakra to his eyes again, and the maroon glow flared. He focused on the mirror, and this time, the spirit’s aura seemed to change. Instead of the faint glow, the aura seemed stronger, brighter. Not only that, but it seemed to pulsate. It pulsed and pulsed, almost like a steady heartbeat.

Shizuo hummed thoughtfully. The spirit seemed to be stronger than he initially thought. Though it should have been cause for alarm, it made the special jounin excited. He thought it was maybe a petty spirit, but if the aura was that prominent, perhaps it was a lesser spirit instead. That would be a bit more of a challenge. He continued to observe the spirit’s aura, and right in front of his eyes, the aura began changing yet again.

The aura began to shift. It grew in size considerably, and instead of being a strong glow immediately surrounding the mirror, the aura pushed out from the edges of the mirror by a few feet. Instead of pulsing like a heartbeat, it began to flicker and change shape. It reminded him of a fire - one that was just barely controlled. The aura continued to flare around it somewhat wildly, and the more he stared at it, the more it resembled a flame.

That level of aura led the special jounin to believe that the spirit was even stronger than he thought, and that his jutsu was doing its job in helping him analyze the spirit’s strength. He continued to analyze it, but after several minutes passed, the aura made no more changes. It continued to flare and pulse like a flame, and Shizuo concluded that the strength of the spirit was a Common level spirit.

A common level spirit was strong, but it was nothing he would not be able to handle. The jutsu dissipated, and the aura around the mirror faded until it was no longer visible. It once again looked like a regular mirror. Now that Shizuo knew the soul size of the spirit, he could formulate a strategy to safely handle the illegally obtained joruri.

992 words
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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A Different Kind of Beast

Post by Kao » Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:38 pm

Jutsu TrainedShow
[Shizumeru • Containment]
B-Rank Tenkjutsu (Nin)
After channeling the necessary amount of chakra, Shizuo will create a 15 meter cubed barrier within 20 meters of their position at a speed of 20. This barrier is created of pure Maroon chakra and will only stop things that are related to spirits, normally jinchuuriki. As a result, those that are stopped by the barrier are unable to make their way through unless they can break it with a strength of 20 or higher. Those untainted by spirits are able to pass through the barrier at their leisure. This barrier lasts for 7 posts.
Figuring out the soul size of the spirit was only the start. Now he had to figure out just exactly how to deal with it. He wasn’t sure that he would be able to banish the spirit safely or not. But at that moment, he wanted to focus on preventing the spirit from being released and escaping. He would have to create some sort of barrier jutsu, pratically on the spot. He knew a containment jutsu, but based on the soul size of the spirit he was dealing with, the jutsu he knew wouldn’t hold it for very long, if at all. He would have to create it but make it stronger than he had ever made it before.

He started by forming the handseals for [Containing Spirits]. The area was flooded with his maroon colored chakra, and it formed into a cube shape that filled that end of the room. A lesser spirit with low strength wouldn’t be able to break free from the containment barrier, but a common size spirit might, depending on how great its strength was. He could certainly leave up that barrier and try his hand at the spirit that way, but he didn’t want to risk it; a common level spirit meant that it probably had the strength needed to physically break the barrier, and if that happened, he and the entire neighborhood could be in danger.

So, Shizuo molded more of his chakra. The chakra both within him and without flared, and the barrier took on a stronger color. Not only that, but the barrier spread, and it covered the entire room from ceiling to floor. He focused to make sure that the barrier was strong enough to contain the spirit.

Though it seemed like it would do the trick, Shizuo was worried that it might not be as strong as he needed it to be. After all, the only way to test its strength was to release a common size or greater spirit within it, one that would possibly have the necessary strength to break it. He certainly couldn’t break it; he was merely a human, and he was untainted by a spirit, so the barrier wouldn’t work on him. He could leave the room at any time, and the barrier would let him.

He felt it was too risky to just fight the spirit now, but he didn’t have much choice. He wouldn’t know how strong the barrier was until the mirror spirit tried to break it. Just as he was thinking maybe he should pour more of his chakra into the barrier, just to be sure, he heard a barely audible whisper from behind him.

He turned around, and he froze. The voice had come from the mirror. The special jounin took a deep breath. He knew that joruri were able to communicate with people around them, but he didn’t exactly want to talk to a malevolent spirit that had attacked innocent people. Instead of focusing on the spirit’s whispering he turned his attention back to his barrier. Perhaps it was a good idea to put a little more chakra into it so that the walls were strengthened. If the spirit got out, it would cause a lot of problems for both himself and the neighbors.

Shizuo gathered his chakra again and focused on the walls of the barrier. It still filled the room - the walls, floor, and ceiling, with a protective layer of maroon chakra. Shizuo’s mind wandered at that moment. He thought of what would happen if his barrier failed, if his strategy failed. He knew how to handle spirits, sure, but most of his experience was with weaker or already weakened spirits.

As if sensing the young man’s doubt, the spirit’s whispering intensified. Shizuo still couldn’t make out its words, and he didn’t want to. He had heard of spirits that could use genjutsu to get into the heads of the shinobi who tried to control them, and he didn’t want to accidentally become subject to such techniques. After the whispering went on for some time and he felt no different, Shizuo concluded the spirit wasn’t trying to initiate any genjutsu with the sound.

He was still nervous about the strength of his barrier, so he molded more chakra into the containment barrier and focused. It seemed to ripple right before his eyes, and the color seemed to become more opaque. He continued to focus his chakra, molding and willing it to strengthen and be able to hold a spirit with greater strength than even himself. The barrier thankfully responded to his manipulation, a testament to his superb chakra control. Without such an advanced level of control, he was sure that it would take much more focus and effort to strengthen his barrier.

Shizuo took his time. He wasn’t in any hurry, even though he knew Takuro was eager to get rid of his little problem. The man was an idiot. If the spirit had been any stronger, there was no way Shizuo would have been able to handle it on his own. In fact, it was questionable if the special jounin would be able to take care of the spirit by banishing it at all. He didn’t know much about fuuinjutsu, and he wasn’t sure if he would be able to banish the spirit back into the spirit world. He wasn’t even certain if it was safe to try to remove the spirit from its prison. If he removed it, the mirror would be destroyed, and at his level of proficiency with spirits he would be left with two options: banishing the spirit, or letting it get away.

He certainly didn’t want to let it get away. So, he continued to mold his chakra and the chakra within the barrier, making it more durable and capable of withstanding any physical punishment the spirit would be able to inflict. When the chakra of the barrier seemed strong enough, he turned his attention to the mirror. He really hoped that his plan wouldn’t get him maimed - or worse, killed.

1,006 words
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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A Different Kind of Beast

Post by Kao » Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:12 pm

Jutsu TrainedShow
[Ochiiru • Minor Possession Removal]
B-Rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Pre-Requisite: Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu Concentration
After channeling the necessary amount of chakra, the user will place their hand on an object that is being possessed by a spirit, such as a joruri of Common Soul size or lower. Over the course of a full post, as long as contact is maintained, the spirit will be banished from the object.
Shizuo was ready to be done with this. It was very tedious, and he wanted out of the locked room and away from the joruri. Every time he thought about what the joruri did - what it had been allowed to do - it made his blood boil. Takuro only cared about the joruri and his reputation; he clearly didn’t want anyone to know that he had an illegally obtained spirit and that he had allowed it to nearly kill his daughter and her friends. Not only that, but he had chosen to stay with the joruri instead of with his daughter. The special jounin just wanted the entire ordeal to be over.

After he was satisfied that his barrier was strong enough to contain the spirit in case things went wrong, he approached the mirror and carefully placed a hand on it. The mirror shook at his touch, and as soon as he felt the cold wood beneath his skin, a mighty roar filled his ears.

He could barely make out the words. Before, the voice of the spirit was merely a whisper, barely able to be heard. But now that he had made physical contact with the joruri with the intention to banish it out of the object, the spirit made itself known. Shizuo’s hand suddenly felt heavy, and the perceived added weight seemed to make his hand attract to the mirror like glue. He was sure that if he attempted to remove his hand, he wouldn’t be able to.

“You want to banish me, child? You’ll end up like those other children.”

Shizuo ignored the spirit and concentrated. He molded his chakra, and his hand was quickly engulfed in a swirling mass of maroon chakra. The spirit seemed to know exactly what was happening. “Simply release me from this mirror and I will spare you. You do not have to end up like that female child, her face shredded beyond recognition.”

Shizuo’s concentration faltered as memorie’s of the woman’s face flooded his mind. She had been choking on her own blood, unable to take in air from neither her nose nor her mouth. He had to improvise and emergency procedure and cut a hole into her throat just so she would be able to breathe. It wasn’t a pleasant memory, and it made the chakra eminating from his hands falter. Concentration shot and hands shaking, Shizuo raised his gaze and looked at his reflection.

His reflection was grotesque - green with peeling skin, hair falling out in clumps. He looked as if he was decomposing, and the sight of himself in such a state made him rear back in disgust. His surroundings were dark, the room formless. Shizuo was dead. He had died and didn’t know.

“I can restore your life, but only if you release me and remove your barrier.”

The special jounin barely heard the spirit’s words. He was entranced and disgusted by his reflection and wanted nothing more than to shatter the mirror and run away. But his eyes briefly drifted to the background - the dark, empty room. The Iwa shinobi wasn’t dead - no, of course not. He was in a room in Kanagawa Takuro’s house, and he was banishing a spirit.


He shook his head and managed to peel his eyes away from his own gaze. As soon as he broke eye contact, he could see in his periferal that his reflection was normal - he wasn’t green, his hair wasn’t falling out, and he wasn’t dead. He removed his hand from the mirror and as soon as he did, the voice faded to a whisper. He raised both hands and formed a seal.

‘Kai.’ The illusion faded, and he breathed a sigh of relief. The genjutsu wasn’t particularly strong, but it was strong enough that his will had faltered. He had wanted to shatter the mirror and run far, far away. It was a good thing he didn’t; the mirror was treated with chakra and there was no guarantee he would have been able to shatter it. In the worst case scenario, he would have injured himself and bled to death.

His will restored, Shizuo placed his hand on the mirror once again. This time when the spirit spoke to him, he was prepared. He heard everything it said; it tried to scare him into looking at himself again, but he would not be tricked into looking at his reflection and triggering another genjutsu. Instead of listening, he focused his chakra into his hand, and it was once again engulfed in a swirling mass of maroon chakra.

He wanted the spirit gone. He wanted this over with. It took so much concentration, more than what he initially thought he would need. The spirit tried with increasing desperation to distract him, but Shizuo wouldn’t budge.

Then, suddenly, a blast of chakra erupted from the mirror. His arm was suddenly slashed open in several places, and the pain nearly made him remove his hand from the mirror. ‘So that’s what happened.’ Takuro’s daughter and her assistants hadn’t suffered the attack merely because they looked at themselves in the mirror. The spirit had likely put one or all of them under some sort of genjutsu and then attacked them with this technique. But the looks of its effects it was a fuuton ninjutsu.

His arm was cut in about four places and it was bleeding freely. But instead of removing his hand that was working at banishing the spirit - which is certainly what the spirit had intended - he used his free hand to close the wounds. Though the cuts were bleeding considerably, the wounds weren’t very serious, so it was easy enough to clot each of the cuts.

He looked up into the mirror - without meeting his own gaze - and smiled. He was somewhat tired after using so many strong jutsu one after another, but he didn’t want to show it. Though sweat was beading on his forehead, he gave the spirit a little wave with his free hand. “Goodbye.”

With a surge of chakra, the spirit gave out a curdling yell, and then the room went silent.

1,016 words
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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A Different Kind of Beast

Post by Kao » Tue Mar 13, 2018 12:39 pm

Strength Training

Strength training was quite possibly the most boring kind of training there was. Out of all the things he had to train, out of all the possible ways he needed to get stronger, simple strength training by lifting weights was only slightly more desirable than poking one’s eyes out with white hot kunai. Komiya Shizuo wasn’t a man who liked lifting weight, but he did it every once in a while in order to maintain his strength. It was mindless and boring, and unlike the behemoths that were grunting and sweating around him, he cared very little about the appearance of his muscles.

That being said, Shizuo was a bit stronger than he appeared. As he lifted a heavy dumbbell into the air and down to his chest and back again, he saw a few men look at him curiously out of the corner of his eyes. He was pale and somewhat thin, very much unlike the tan men with rippling muscles all around him. He did about a dozen bench presses before one of these men approached him.

“You’re doing that without a spotter? You’re either bold or stupid.”

“I’m both, unfortunately,” Shizuo grunted as he lifted the weights up. His arms wobbled a bit, so the man helped him by lifting it with him and setting it back onto the machine. The weights weren’t very challenging to him - which is why he didn’t need a spotter - but he was grateful for the man’s help nonetheless.

“The name’s Renji,” the good samaritan said, and Shizuo offered up his name. He seemed nice enough, and he wasn’t as much of a body builder as everyone else. “If you need some help, I’ll be glad to help. I work as a trainer from time to time.”

“Sure,” the special jounin said as he looked around. There was plenty for the two to do together. There were weights all over the place, obstacles they could run while wearing the weights. The possibilities were near endless. The two chatted a bit as they lifted, and though it was pleasant talking with the guy, Shizuo was bored out of his mind.

After a bit of lifting, the two men grabbed two ends of a rope and began to do rope exercises. They started by lifting the ropes up and down in a wave motion, alternating between the ropes. They moved the ropes quickly and pretty soon, Shizuo’s muscles were feeling the burn. He panted as he tried to keep up with Renji, who was obvious much more used to this kind of training than he was. Shizuo wasn’t weak by any means, but he could already tell that he was miles behind Renji when it came to strength.

They continued with the rope exercises and even dipped their bodies into lunges. The move made the special jounin’s legs burn, and there were several moments that he wanted to take a break. But he didn’t want to seem like some sort of weakling in front of Renji, so he kept going. When Renji suggested a break, Shizuo half wanted to whine an exhausted thank you.

The two parted ways, promising that they would continue training in two days time. It would give Shizuo a day or so to rest his muscles, and he spent his day away from strength training by drinking lots of water and stretching his muscles properly.

Two days later the two met up again. Shizuo was cheery, ready to get to work. They stretched and lifted a few weights before going into the rope exercises again. The exercise was still challenging, but he knew what to expect this time. They moved the ropes rapidly between them and found a good rhythm, and by the time the two had finished whipping the ropes and doing lunges in between, Shizuo felt that he had gotten a good workout for the day.

But then Renji instructed Shizuo to lie back in a sit up position and then he tossed him a medicine ball. Shizuo absolutely hated what came next; he would d a sit up and Renji would toss him the ball. Then he would lay back and perform another sit up, cross his body from his left side to the right while still holding the ball, lie back down, and then do another sit up and lie back down. And that was only one rep. Renji said he wanted the special jounin to do the rep at least thirty times, and the young man groaned. He had to take a short break in between, but eventually he got to thirty reps and Renji allowed him to stop and take an extended break.

The guy was tough, that much was certain. Even though Shizuo hated the exercising, he was grateful that he had stumbled upon someone who was willing to help him and seemed to be a good trainer. If he had done the strength training on his own, then he probably wouldn’t have actually gotten a good workout in. He would have taken it relatively easy, but Renji wasn’t allowing him to do that.

The next day the two met again and did other workouts. He had Shizuo pull weights, throw weights, and run an obstacle course while wearing a back of weights on his back and a few on his legs. It was strenuous work, but Shizuo kept going. He drank a lot of water - more than he thought he could hold - and drunk disgusting protein shakes that Renji had made at home.

Later they did their favorite exercise yet again. They whipped the ropes in front of them, lunging every once in a while to add some movement to the exercise. The more Shizuo did the rope exercise, the more he liked and appreciated it. It worked his arms, and the lunges worked his legs.

The sit up and medicine ball was a different story, however. No matter how much he did it, he still hated it, and he only did it because he knew that it was good exercise for the muscles he didn’t usually touch otherwise. When they finished, Renji gave him a pat on the back and they parted ways, looking forward to the next time they exercised together.

1,035 words
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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A Different Kind of Beast

Post by Kao » Thu Jun 07, 2018 2:54 pm

Strength Training

Strength training was probably the least important regimen to Shizuo, not to mention the most boring, but since the young special jounin practically had noodle arms compared to many of his comrades of the same rank, he figured he might as well go for it. Besides, being a shinobi of Iwagakure and not being able to carry several times your own weight was considered shameful, and frankly the special jounin was tired of the underhanded insults by people who looked like they were made entirely of muscle. No brains, just brawn.

That day a huge caravan had been granted permission to enter Iwagakure. They had traveled hundreds of miles with raw materials for weapons making and the like, and Shizuo had rather reluctantly volunteered to assist with unloading the goods. The sun was still tucked behind the wall early that morning, splashing the sky with hues of light oranges and blues. Ignoring the smell of the man who stepped down from his cart, Shizuo gave him a pleasant smile that wasn’t returned. The traveler barked that the goods were in the back - ‘Obviously,’ the special jounin thought - and he and two other shinobi started to unload it.

Hauling things out of a cart and into a warehouse for inspection was not Shizuo’s idea of a good time, but it was his job for the day and unfortunately there was no backing out of it. The man shamelessly headed for one of the smaller boxes, which didn’t even come up to his knees. Though it was on the smaller side, it was pretty wide. It was made of metal and stained red, and locked with three padlocks. Whatever was inside must have been important, so the special jounin had to be sure to be careful with it and not drop it.

Although the box was relatively small in comparison to what other shinobi were hauling, it was surprisingly heavy. He could only imagine what was inside as he steadily lifted it, making sure to use his legs and not his back so that he wouldn’t injure himself. He managed to get his fingers beneath it and lifted it up, already sweating despite the sun still barely peeking over the horizon. Grunting a bit, the young shinobi made his way down the ramp and to the warehouse.

Unfortunately the warehouse wasn’t exactly close. It was quite a walk for people who were lugging heavy boxes and equipment, and Shizuo sort of suspected this was done on purpose. Some people of the village were sadistic like that: willing to let their soldiers suffer a bit if only to make then stronger. It didn’t seem like any of the other shinobi were struggling much, so Shizuo put on a brave face and walked toward the warehouse. He couldn’t hide the redness of his face though, nor could he hide the sweat that was beginning to bead on his forehead and stain the back of his shirt.

He struggled. By the time he managed to make it inside the warehouse to set his load down at the designated spot, the two shinobi that had been helping him with that cart were already walking past him and back to the cart. They smiled at him - smirking was more like it - as Shizuo groaned heavily as he finally set the box down. Their sneers didn’t bother him much, but it wouldn’t be a pleasant experience for him if these guys judged him all day. Even though Shizuo was a nice guy at heart, he was still a teenager. There was only so much a teenager could take.

But in that moment he persevered, returning to the cart to pick up another box. This one was similar to the first but wider, blue, and only had one lock. Despite the fact that this box was similar in size to the last one, it seemed to be much much heavier than the last. When the young man tried to lift the box it didn’t budge. He glanced around to make sure no one had seen before trying again, but the result was the same. Somehow this small box was too heavy for Shizuo to lift.

He stretched his arms, already feeling a bit on the jelly side, and then bent down. After a bit of fumbling me managed to push the box backwards a little bit so that it tilted. Once the box had tilted, the special jounin did his best to get his hands underneath it. That wasn’t the best idea, he realized, when the box fell back down and almost landed on top of his hands. Somehow he managed to move his hands in time, and it was fairly lucky that he did. The box was heavy enough that even that would have probably been enough to crack, if not break, the relatively weaker bones in his hands. Shizuo gave a long sigh. ‘This might not have been the best idea,’ he thought forlornly. The others seemed to be getting along just fine, picking up much larger boxes with ease.

Shizuo did his best to stay focused and to persevere. It took all of this strength and then some just to get the box into his hands, and then he strained to stand up with it. As soon as he had managed to lift it, he wanted to put it back down. It made no sense to him that a small box could be so, so heavy. The special jounin slowly shuffled down the ramp and out of the cart and made his way to the warehouse. Twice he had to stop and set it down when his muscles were screaming at him for a break. Again the two shinobi that were helping gave him a look, but this time it was a look with a hint of concern in it rather than a rude, belittling sneer.

Once, one of the men asked him if he was okay and needed to help in some other way, but Shizuo’s stubborn streak made a rare appearance. “I’ve got it,” he groaned. “Just give me a bit. Sorry for holding you up.”

“Look, if it’s too heavy then -”

“I said I’ve got it,” Shizuo insisted a bit more forcefully, though his pleasant smile remained on his face. Well, for the most part; his smile was marred by the strain and it was as plain as day that he was struggling. But the other shinobi merely shrugged and went back to his own work.

Finally, Shizuo made it to the warehouse with the box, but for a while he wasn’t sure where to put it. It had been stuck with a label that indicated where it was meant to go, but Shizuo couldn’t for the life of him find the corresponding location. Sweat pooled on his back and left a huge stain, and the young man shuffled around as he searched. He was really pushing his body to the limit already, and it was actually quite embarrassing. Red faced and sore, he finally found the location and set the box down.

Shizuo half stumbled to a corner concealed by a pillar and sat down. His body was hurting, and part of him wanted to demand to know what was in those boxes that had him straining so much. He rested for a while, but after a few minutes he decided that he had been missing for too long. The last thing he wanted was someone to mention to his superior that he was slacking on a job that he had volunteered for, so although he was still sore and hadn’t completely caught his breath, he stood to his feet and made his way back to the cart.

They had barely left a dent in the boxes that were piled up in the huge cart. He was sure that the other two shinobi had removed a few more boxes than he had, but Shizuo honestly couldn’t even tell that they had started. They were really going to be doing this for hours, and the special jounin could only hope that his body could hold up.

The next box he approached was quite a bit larger than the last two. Shizuo gave the box an experimental push, and to his surprise it moved rather easily. He still had to work a bit to lift it because of its size and shape, but eventually the special jounin was able to lift it in his arms, cradling it almost, and he headed to the warehouse. Carrying this box made him feel better about himself. Sure, it was still a workout, but it didn’t cause him to visibly strain like the last two boxes. He set it down in its designated area and quickly headed back toward the cart.

It was tiresome work and extremely boring. Shizuo brought out box after box, crate after crate, and every once in a while he was met with another stupidly heavy box that took all of his strength and then some to even move. Each time he moved one of these boxes he had to rest, and each time he rested he felt bad about doing so. After moving the eleventh box and resting for the fourth time, he was surprised to see that one of his muscly coworkers was resting in a corner as well. It was admittedly a satisfying sight. He wasn’t the only one who was struggling. Even those muscle heads had found packages that strained them, so Shizuo felt a little bit better about pushing himself so much and having to rest so often. The longer the three men worked together, the more tired they got and the more comfortable they became in showing that around each other.

Two and a half hours into their work they finally emptied the cart, and the three of them rested on the cart’s ramp with water in hand. Shizuo was lying flat on his back, and at that point he didn’t care that the other two were right there to witness just how exhausted he was. His face was flushed red and his entire body was covered in sweat, and he was sure he was a few short seconds from falling asleep completely.

“This is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be,” one of the men said softly. “What the hell’s in these boxes?”

“Raw minerals, mostly,” the second man said. He had taken off his shirt a while ago, and for a moment Shizuo thought he had done it to show off his muscles. But he had been sweating even more than Shizuo had been, so the special jounin quickly sympathized with how hot the guy must have been. “I didn’t think the stuff was so heavy.”

“They’ve probably got it piled in those boxes,” Shizuo chimed in, though his voice was barely audible. He was too tired to talk. “I don’t mean to sound like a wimp but are we done? I need a nap.”

“Same here,” the second, shirtless man responded. “I’m Kaizen by the way. We never introduced ourselves.”

“You can just call me Bon.”


“Long story.”


The men grunted the rest of their greetings and then continued to rest for a while. They got a good twenty minutes of relaxation before one of the men that was overseeing the project barked for them to get up and help with another incoming cart. This one was just as big as the last with a similar amount of goods and boxes on the inside. Shizuo suppressed his groan, but Bon sounded like a wild animal in distress. The man overseeing the project gave him a strange look and then ordered them all to get to it.

Shizuo’s body was still sore as hell. He was sure that he’d be off his feet for at least a day or two when this was all said and done, but again, it wasn’t a job he could quit unless he literally passed out. That would have been more shameful than quitting, so the special jounin figuratively rolled up his sleeves and joined the other two inside the cart.

The boxes inside were all of varying sizes like those of the first cart, but this cart had several irregularly shaped objects wrapped in thick layers of protective padding and paper.

“What’s all this?” he asked, poking at one of the taller packages. If he had to guess he’d say it was the same thing as the rest: raw materials for weapons and building. But it seemed like they just cut this slab from the mountain and didn’t bother with breaking it down and shoving it into a box. The other two shinobi mumbled that they had no idea - “Probably some rocks though,” one commented belatedly as he left the cart with one of the huge packages - and they all got to work.

The three shinobi moved box after box, working roughly as efficiently than they had been before. It was rather impressive that they hadn’t slowed down much seeing as how they were all pretty tired both physically and mentally. They worked in relative silence, only breaking it with a few grunts here and there and thumps when they unsuccessfully lifted something.

At one point Shizuo came across a trunk. It was long and came up to his knees, and if it was anything like everything else he had encountered so far then it was much heavier than it appeared. Reaching down and grabbing one of the side handles, Shizuo confirmed his suspicions that it was deceptively heavier than it appeared to be. He pulled on the handle and the trunk barely even twitched. He sighed as he thought about how he was going to carry it and get it out of the cart and to the warehouse. Despite the fact that he had been able to carry many things from the carts that he didn’t expect him to be able to even move, this one was different. No matter how much he tried, it was hard to get the trunk to even budge.

When Bon reentered the cart after taking his own load to the warehouse, Shizuo motioned toward the trunk. “Mind helping me with this?” he asked, but even as the words left his mouth, Bon bent down and effortlessly picked up a box of his own. Well, it had seemed effortless, but when Bon turned around his face was red and the veins in his neck were bulging. “Oh….” Shizuo mumbled as Bon stumbled out of the cart, nearly falling over.

Sighing, Shizuo figured he was on his own. His first attempt to move the truck didn’t go so well. He moved to the center of the trunk and lowered himself into a crouch, then tried to sort of wiggle his fingers underneath it and tilt it up. Eventually he was able to get his palms beneath it, but no matter how much he struggled he found himself unable to lift it and cradle it into his arms.

Standing up, he realized there was only one other option. He’d have to drag it out. With his current level of muscle fatigue, that was really the only viable option. Shizuo moved to the side and grabbed the large handle with both hands and gave it a mighty pull. At first it only moved a little, but once he got enough momentum going he was able to drag it out of the cart. Getting it down the ramp was rather easy since gravity did much of the work for him. At first he risked being crushed by the trunk because he stood between it and the ground, but thinking quickly the special jounin got on the opposite end, gave it a little push, and gravity did the rest. It was smart of him, but once he was on level ground he had to drag it across the rocky ground and to the warehouse. It was really difficult work getting the trunk from point a to point b, and when he was about a third of the way to the warehouse he really hoped that Kaizen or Bon would see how much he was struggling and give him a hand. But they didn’t, and Shizuo grumpily did the work on his own.

He felt like his arms and legs were burning, and about halfway to the warehouse he stopped to give his arms and legs a bit of a shake. He would definitely need a break after this one, and as he continued to drag the trunk he wanted nothing more than to leave it and go get something lighter. But he wasn’t a man who left a job half done. Not that he could; he knew he would get majorly chewed out if he was caught leaving his work for someone else to do.

So he kept on, pulling the trunk slowly but steadily toward the warehouse. Once he was inside, it was a matter of finding the correct location for it to be stored until it continued the next leg of its journey. Unfortunately for Shizuo, the location was toward the back of the warehouse and it was quite a bit of a walk. It took him several minutes to just get back there, and by the time he was halfway there he thought to himself that maybe he should take taken a page out of Bon’s book and taken off his shirt. His shirt was sticking to him uncomfortably, sweaty and smelly, and he was so tired and frustrated that he was ready to rip it off his back and toss it to the wind. But instead of doing that he continued to drag the trunk through the warehouse and he did so without stopping. The faster he got there, he thought, the faster he could put the trunk down and then give himself a well deserved ten minute break. It was hard work, but eventually he found the correct storage place and managed to push the trunk to a suitable spot. With a groaning sigh he sat on top of it and finally took of his shirt, using the damp cloth to wipe the sweat that was dripping freely down his forehead. As he rested, Shizuo told himself to never volunteer for this kind of work ever again.

3058 words
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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A Different Kind of Beast

Post by Kao » Thu Jun 07, 2018 4:32 pm

Strength Training

After moving the trunk to the warehouse and getting his much deserved break, Shizuo still was nowhere near done with the work for the day. It was mid morning now, and he and the other two shinobi - Bon and Kaizen - were maybe halfway done unloading everything, and that was being generous. Sure, there were other shinobi helping them elsewhere, but they were also in groups of three and working on their own carts. It was a struggle for most of the people involved, despite the fact that plenty of the shinobi seemed to be plenty strong. But when it came to literal slabs of heavy rocks, it was hard work for even the strongest shinobi there. None of them were above the rank of special jounin, probably because higher ranked shinobi had better things to do than lug rocks around all day. The only reason even special jounin were there was for leadership and because there was the assumption that many of the special jounin would be physically stronger than mere chuunin and genin.

Shizuo continued to work, and even though by now he should have been used to how heavy the items were, each time he went to pick something up it seemed he couldn’t help but be surprised at each item’s weight. Once, he went to pick up a tall package that was taller than he was. It wasn’t very wide, and it was wrapped in padding and paper to keep it from becoming sullied or scratched. When he wrapped his arms around it and tried to lift it, Shizuo couldn’t help but be shocked by how much the thing actually weighed.

Somehow he managed to pick it up in his arms, holding it sideways. But when he went to exit the cart he realized the folly in his plan. The package was longer than the entrance to the cart was wide, and he was going to have quite a bit of trouble maneuvering if he wanted to simply walk out sideways. There were still boxes and items in his way, so he couldn’t simply turn to the side and walk out with the package in front of him.

Shizuo set it down and carefully began to half roll, half drag it so that it was in a better position. He nearly knocked over a few things in the process, but the other items were so heavy that merely being bumped by Shizuo’s current package wouldn’t have been nearly enough to topple them and send them crashing to the cart’s floor.

He eventually managed to get the package into a better position, so when he picked it up he was able to get it through the cart’s exit with relative ease. Granted, he stumbled a bit and didn’t stick the landing, but at least he hadn’t fallen and been crushed to death by the oversized package. (He was almost certain it was nothing more than a large rock cut from a mountain somewhere in Rock Country).

His body was still straining, muscles aching and screaming at him the longer he worked. But somehow the special jounin found that the longer he worked, the better he got at figured out how to efficiently get the packages and boxes into his arms into what was almost comfortable positions. The walk to the warehouse was still long and hot and he’d long since abandoned his shirt so that the sweat and grime wouldn’t stick to him so much. Shizuo’s pale skin glistened as the sun continued to rise high in the sky, and he continued to work alongside Bon and Kaizen.

The trio joked every once in a while in between carrying packages, and at some point they wondered why this wasn’t a job for the slaves. “Maybe they don’t trust them enough to do this job,” Bon suggested as he sized up a crate. “Though I don’t see why not. This seems like something they should be doing, and their masters or whoever can just oversee them.”

“Good point,” Kaizen responded with a package slung over his shoulder, “but didn’t you volunteer for this job? It pays pretty well.”


Shizuo laughed at the exchange as he settled on a small - but still quite heavy - box and started to pick it up. His lean muscles rippled as he did so, and he grunted once the box was nestled in his arms. “If it was an unpaid job then maybe the slaves would have gotten it. But whoever’s in charge probably decide to hire shinobi for one reason or another. I didn’t think much about it when I accepted the job.”

The other two men grunted their agreements, and for a while they continued to work in relative silence. Shizuo was honestly becoming rather bored with the work, and he quietly hoped that after they completed this last cart they would be finished for the day. He was longing for a long bath, preferably in cold water. A massage also sounded nice and necessary, and he began mentally planning out the rest of his day so that in the days that followed his muscles wouldn’t be a mess and plagued with feeling like jelly.

The trio moved box after box, and eventually they were nearly finished with removing all of the items from their assigned cart. There were a couple crates and large padded packages left, and Shizuo estimated they could be finished unloading within the next half hour. His muscles were sore, and each time he picked up a new package he felt like he was pushing his muscles to the limit. Hell, he was probably pushing himself past that point, which was likely why his arms sometimes felt as though they would just give out. But the special jounin continued to push through it, despite the fact he wanted to quit.

The last item in the cart was a rather large irregular package. Another huge and somewhat jagged slab of rock, no doubt. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to carry it out on his own, but the other two shinobi that were working with him were nowhere to be seen. They’d each lugged out their own heavy packages, and they had been walking pretty slowly with them once they had managed to get them out of the carts.

Sighing as he accepted his duty, he stood in front of the last obstacle standing between him and a nap. The first thing he did was test its weight, even though he knew the weight would be really fucking heavy. And indeed it was. He lightly shoved it, even dropped his shoulder down and pushed against it to see how much force he would actually need to get the thing going. This was probably the heaviest item yet judging by the size of it plus the fact that it wouldn’t budge even an inch.

He sighed in annoyance, wondering if he should actually wait on Bon and Kaizen to come back and give him a hand with it. Shizuo decided to wait a couple minutes, but after a few minutes ticked by he came to the conclusion that they weren’t coming back anytime soon. He was sure that they had noticed that there was only one item to unload after they had left, so it was likely that the two of them were taking a break without even considering Shizuo may need help.

The special jounin gave a loud sigh as he circled around the package. It was taller than he was and certainly wider, and he wasn’t sure how he was going to get it to start moving or lift it somehow, let along get it down the cart’s ramp and into the warehouse that was a few dozen meters away. After sizing it up again, he decided he might as well give moving it solo a shot. Hopefully it wouldn’t fall on top of him and crush him to death. That would be a shameful way to die.

Although his legs felt like they were dying and his arms felt as though they were going to spontaneously fall off, he steeled himself and got behind the package. His first thought was to push it off the cart. He highly doubted it would break if it somehow managed to fall over, but after giving it a second thought he was sure that his employer would be very, very angry if he did somehow manage to damage or destroy it.

So rather than just push it off the cart, he decided to try to push it to the cart’s exit and somehow walk it down the ramp. Getting the momentum to even get the package to move was a feat in and of itself, and it took him a while to even get the thing to budge. Shizuo gathered his strength and grunted, sounding like a muscleman working out as he moved the package inch by inch. Eventually it began to move smoothly, and once he got it to the edge of the cart he stopped, and it wobbled dangerously before coming to a halt.

Shizuo doubled over to steady his breathing and to wipe the sweat from his forehead. After a brief break, he squeezed past the package and got in front of it. The shinobi knew this part would be rather difficult, even dangerous, because the only way he could think to get it down the ramp by himself was to get in front of it and let gravity do most of the work for him.

The white haired shinobi grabbed the sides of the huge package and started to pull it down, making sure he did so slowly and carefully. Again, it was a strain, and his muscles screamed as he pulled it down toward himself. The teenager steadied his stance, widening it so that he stood strong and firm, and then he allowed the package to slowly lean down and almost on top of him. It was nerve wracking, but he managed to hold it up. Shizuo grunted as he struggled to hold it up, and his muscles and veins seemed to be straining quite a bit. But somehow he steeled himself and remained steady, and he slowly - but not too slowly - walked the package down the ramp.

When he finally got it on flat ground, he pushed it up and off of him. But then, the huge item started to topple over in the opposite direction and Shizuo had to quickly rush to the opposite side. Putting himself under the package with his hands above his head, he managed to catch him, though the force of the item practically falling on top of him threatened to make his entire body give out. He grunted loudly, searching deep within every muscle in his body for strength. He nearly faltered, but after another mighty growl he pushed it up an it balanced properly and finally went still.

Shizuo found himself panting, but his work wasn’t done. He still had to get the thing from the cart and to the warehouse, and even then he had to find the proper location to store it. The young shinobi took a moment - a long moment, considering it was several minutes long - to rest, stretch his muscles, and loosen them up a bit. He hoped he wasn’t causing further strain, and he prayed he would be able to get out of bed the next day.

After his break, Shizuo stood in front of the package. Again, he grabbed the sides of it and forced it to lean down, and then he began to drag and pull it toward the warehouse. This was more straining than getting the thing off the crate, but he told himself not to stop. He was so close to finishing, and he tried not to pay much attention to the way the muscles in his arms, chest, and legs yelled for mercy. It took him a few minutes to get inside the warehouse, but once he finally made it inside he was relieved to find that the label that designated its location wasn’t far off. After dragging it a few more meters, he set it down, and then he celebrated a job well done by collapsing on the ground in a heap.

2049 words
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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A Different Kind of Beast

Post by Kao » Mon Jun 11, 2018 12:38 am

Lights, Shining
[Part 1]


Komiya Shizuo watched his mother, Tsuru, as she moved about in the kitchen, cooking something or other in preparation for some guests that were coming to visit. He hadn’t planned on being home for his mother’s little get together - middle aged women gossiping about their peers and drinking tea didn’t exactly appeal to him - but when he saw her in the kitchen alone trying to cook a meal for seven people he immediately rushed forward to help.

“Yeah, I think it would be useful to learn. I’ve been putting a lot of thought into it, and I guess I should learn some elemental techniques to supplement what I already know. Suiton just seems like a good fit.” The special jounin glanced over at his mother to gauge her thoughts, and when she didn’t immediately respond he added, “It’d be great for medical techniques, if I can get it to work the way I imagine it. Plus defensively it’s a good fit. You know I don’t like rushing into battle. And as far as tenkujutsu I think it’ll be great if I -”

Tsuru inhaled sharply, and Shizuo flinched. He knew that sound; it was the sound of a woman who was about to scold. “You know, son,” she started, and the special jounin slouched in preparation for the onslaught. “You know how I feel about you tinkering with the spirit realm. It is dangerous, and you and everyone else who delve into that kind of power are playing with things far beyond human imagination and control. Spirits cannot be tamed, no matter how much you and others think you have a handle on things.” She set down her knife with more force than what was probably necessary, then washed her hands and walked across the kitchen.

The shinobi inhaled deeply and, as quietly as he could, released it in a long, slow breath. She had always been like this, wary of spirits and reluctant to even tell Shizuo the children’s tales that parents told to get their children to behave. But for years he had known her secret: she and his father had a cabinet with tenkujutsu related fuuinjutsu engraved in the wood, and inside the cabinet was an old family heirloom that he knew for a fact contained a none too friendly spirit. As a child he had been told whenever he asked that spirits should be left alone, and when he showed an interest in learning the techniques needed to control them, his mother panicked. For the first time in his life, he had seen the woman truly angry. Of course he had learned tenkujutsu anyway, and his mother’s scoldings about it hadn’t ceased since. And yet, there was a spirit right there in the house next to his great grandmother’s old jewels.

Were adults always so hypocritical?

“This came for you this morning while you were sleeping. Sent from your superior.” Tsuru held up a thin scroll, and with reluctance he took it from her - noting that the seal was already broken - and opened it.

Witness Summons for Komiya Shizuo

He knew this day would come but it still felt like a punch to the gut. Two weeks had passed since he removed the joruri from the home of Kanegawa Takuro, a friend of the family. Two weeks had passed since the man had begged for Shizuo to keep things quiet, and the shinobi had reported him anyway. He was there when the authorities dragged the man away, citing him for illegally trafficking possessed items and goods. They had rained down charges on the man, and since Shizuo was the one who had not only reported Takuro but had also removed one of the spirits, he had to appear in court.

His parents had barely talked to him for days afterwards. They had known Takuro since they were children, and he was like a father figure to them. Hell, the man was the one who had encouraged him to pursue his tenkujutsu studies in the first place. But the man wasn’t who Shizuo thought he was; he was cunning and had cultivated and manipulated a child so that years later the shinobi could do his bidding. Shizuo glanced over the notice, but his mother made a noise that dragged his attention away from it.

“Make sure you put in a good word for him when you go.”

Shizuo blinked. “Excuse me?”

“He practically helped raise you. They’re being so harsh on him, a fragile old man who has never done anything remotely deserving of prison -”

“You do realize he had a dangerous spirit illegally stored in his house, right?”

“All I’m saying is -”

“There are rules - laws - and he broke them, mother.”

Tsuru pursed her lips, and Shizuo found the expression odd. The woman always got testy whenever it came to discussing spirits, but this time was different. She was looking at him as if he had done something wrong, like she used to look at him when he was a child and needed to be taught exactly why he was wrong. “Laws. Yes there are laws, of course there are laws. But he knew what he was doing, Shizuo. This is nothing new for us. And, even though I’ve tried to keep you out of all this meddling with spirits business -”

“Wait.” He couldn’t have been hearing her right. Defending Takuro was one thing - he had expected that from her - but the way she was talking - did she say “us”?

“-you learned it anyway, tenkujutsu, and it was only a matter of time, but instead of helping your grandfather and coming home, you turned him in!”

“Mom, did you -”

“I just still can’t believe you would - ”

“I SAID WAIT!” His shouting gave the woman pause, and when she saw Shizuo’s expression - a mix of shock and disgust - Tsuru bit her lip. “Did you…did you say us?”


A scoff. “You knew.” She didn’t respond, but her silence was a response in itself. “That spirit…that spirit ripped Megumi’s face, her neck, it ripped her apart. Takuro’s daughter almost died, and had I not been at the hospital to jam a tube down her throat - ”

“Just stop it, Shizuo.” Her voice was soft, pleading, and it was so unlike her usual strong and firm tone that he flinched and immediately fell silent. “That's what I mean...spirits can't be tamed. They're unpredictable, powerful, often more powerful than we think. I tried to tell them that but...you were there to help her. You were there to help Takuro. That’s all that matters but…but it got ruined. You didn’t listen, none of you ever do -”

Shut up. He held up a finger, a single finger to warn her that if she kept going, he would lose it. First his surrogate grandfather, and now his adopted mother. He was starting to see their lies plainly for what they were and it sent a knot into his throat. His thoughts swirled furiously in his head, not making any sense at all, and as he tried to avoid the inevitable conclusion he felt a gentle hand on his cheek.

“DON’T TOUCH ME!” Without meaning to he pushed his mother away roughly enough to make her stumble and crash into the counter. Without another word he rushed to the front door and wrenched it open. And then he ran. He ran as fast as he could, his feet pounding angrily against the pavement as he tried to outrun the sound of his mother’s pleading cries.
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]


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