Blood of the Covenant

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Blood of the Covenant

Post by Niro » Wed Jun 06, 2018 10:56 am

Tatsuo breathed out a deep sigh as he stood in front of the doors leading to the Kages tower. He had interacted with the older, intimidating Kage several times since his inauguration to his new rank within the village infrastructure. Each time the man had summoned him, it had been by messenger hawk early in the morning. The young man had never been a morning person, often preferring to leave for missions mid day or during dusk rather than early morning during his earlier years. The Tsuchikage was the complete opposite; up before the sun rose and before the village began to stir awake.

Thankfully the man was at least lenient. He was expecting him 2 hours after the hawk delivered the scroll which gave him plenty of time to wake himself up and ready for the day. Tatsuo sent the hawk on its way, closing the front door to his new home closer to the Kage tower. It was a modest abode, two bedrooms and two bathrooms with an open kitchen that flowed into a living space. He retreated into his kitchen dressed in naught but a white night shirt and undergarments where he promptly lit the message on fire and washed the ashes down the drain. Satisfied with the destruction of the message, Tatsuo pressed a button on a coffee maker next to his sink before making his way into the shower to get ready for the day.

Tatsuo's jump from Jounin to Bannin had introduced a whole host of new responsibilities to the young man who was still learning how to juggle each and every one of them on a daily basis while keeping himself in tiptop shape, both physically and mentally. Managing the Catacombs and liaising with the spirit colony, managing a budding Jousai and its members, and his normal duties for his rank usually left him exhausted by the end of the day. He walked through the tower, sparing a glance at the pretty young secretary and giving her a nod before making his way up the stairs to the next floor and to the man's office.

Tatsuo stared down the Tsuchikage's office door upon finishing his climb up the stairs and making a brisk walk down the hall. Lifting his left hand to rapt at the door, he waited until he heard the familiar voice of the kage before pulling it open and entering the room. Surprisingly, he only found two men inside: the Tsuchikage and Hibiki, the Jounin Commander of Iwagakure's shinobi forces - the man right below the Kage in the village's military hierarchy.

He had expected the other for Bannin to be here as well. Something was brewing if it was only the three of them.

"We have much to discuss, gentlemen." Chuutetsu, Ishidai, The Nineteenth Tsuchikage of Iwagakure no Sato, started the meeting by clasping his hands together under his chin and resting his head on them while leaning forward on his desk with hunched shoulders. His eyes shifted to Tatsuo, then to one of the empty chairs, and then back to the Bannin before he nodded, confirming a signal to the young man to take a seat. Tatsuo gave a slight nod back before taking a spot in one of the three chairs in front of the desk. After he had sat down in the chair to Hibiki's left and the Tsuchikage's right, the room began to glow a light blue before fading and signaling the activation of several silencing seals that had been previously placed around the room for security reasons.

Hibiki, who was to Tatsuo's right, looked quite bored with the situation until Ishidai nodded at him to share the information that had been gathered for only those with the highest level of security clearance. The white haired shinobi browsed through his person for a moment before producing three packets of Intel and handed the spares to the other men in the room. The youngest member of the meeting immediately started to leaf through the bundle of documents, his eyes drinking in the information. He seemed to be the only one who did not have even have a previous idea something was going on.

"Our first topic for discussion is the information gathered by our agents in the minor countries bordering the Lands of Fire and Lightning:

Over the last few years we have compiled reports about decreased activity from Kumo while Konoha helped to 'free' Whirlpool. Due to Kumo's neutrality, we had left the period of low activity from them alone. However, recent reports have included sightings of shinobi crossing through the minor countries into the Land of Fire and Lightning and vice versa. This prompted us to look into their decrease in activity. According to the information we were able to gather from the citizens of Lightning country, we were able to find out that their village have been attacked and the Raikage killed before the country was embroiled in a civil war between various noble factions.

The war is already over, and instead of a daimyo emerging from the civil war and leading the country, their new Raikage now rules over not just Kumogakure no Sato but the entire Land of Lightning. The situation is fragile, for now we will leave it alone and focus on building our own might just in case something forms between Konoha and Kumo."
Hibiki explained the situation, his eyes glued to the pages within the packet but his voice projecting well throughout the soundproofed room. He leafed through several pages before finally stopping half of the way through the entire stack of papers, the contents being pages upon pages of reports sent back from various undercover field agents.

Tatsuo skimmed through the pages as the older Bannin provided the verbal summary of the report, his eyes drinking in the information. "So what is our response then? We can't exactly be launching raiding parties to stop any discussions between the two. That would only throw us into an immediate all out war between all five Great nations." He furrowed his brow in thought.

The Tsuchikage cleared his throat, gathering the attention of both shinobi. He too had been following along by reading through the docket while the other man spoke.

"Our best course of action is to begin forming alliances with the countries surrounding Rock. We cannot risk letting any of them fall into the clutches of either Lightning or Fire.

We are too late in regards to Whirlpool country but that does not mean we cannot secure footholds in others. I will be devising teams of diplomats to be sent out to these countries. Those who peacefully join hands with us shall have nothing befall them and shall benefit from our agreement, but those who refuse will require a little extra... work.

Those who resist I want broken quietly; no ground invasion or sacking of villages within their country. We do not need the other nations knowing that we are suspicious about their meetings. Teams made up of Genjutsu users specializing in coercion along with Iijutsu users to both poison water supplies and to heal those who fall sick, so as to make these lesser nations indebted to us for our relief and make ourselves look exceptional in the meantime. The two nations worth worrying about are Iron and Fur. Having Iron as backup in case of an emergency is like having a second Hidden Village in one's back pocket with how many samurai populate the country.

Fur also has a substantial amount of samurai forces that would be incredibly helpful in dealing with the other villages. I expect them to be the most difficult in converting to our side. I am authorizing the trade of an Academy infrastructure and curriculum to be offered to these two nations in return for their allegiance. built and initially supplied by Iwagakure shinobi. We can offer other things such as money or raw materials but neither Fur nor Iron are hurting for imports."
The Tsuchikage explained the plan going forward as he read through the docket, making small notes with a pen here and there on it.

Tatsuo was slightly shocked at the idea of allowing both Fur and Iron countries access to chakra. He could understand why however; if Suna and Konoha's alliance grew to include Kumo, Iwa and Kiri would be hard pressed if they went on the offense. His next thoughts turned towards their only ally on the continent; Kiri.

"What about Kiri? Are they aware that Kumo is finally breaking their neutrality? I feel they would be more worried than we, it is a lot easier to sneak across an ocean with no enemies in the way rather than having to cross over land and having to deal with the obstacles of a land invasion." Tatsuo asked as his attention shifted from the docket to a large map of the Elemental Nations on the Tsuchikages desk. His fingers traced the distance between the lone village located in the middle of the ocean and the Land of Lightning in the northeastern corner of the continent.

"As far as we know, they are not. It is difficult to make them aware as it is very likely any communications with them would be intercepted over the long journey. We still do not have an agreed upon cipher for long-distance messages involving sensitive information." The village leader confirmed, a frown etching itself across his visage. "However, I have been made aware that a Shinobi Exchange program would be beneficial for both sides. It would allow us to used either summons or a portal using Space-Time to quickly share information.

I have already send a squad of Jounin with the request for the exchange to Kiri. As of now, we are just waiting for a reply before we begin evaluating chuunin and above shinobi to participate."
He finished before looking over the documents again just in case he missed a topic. Satisfied with himself and with his men, the Tsuchikage nodded his head and then dismissed the two.

The two Bannin bowed their heads in respect before sliding their chairs out and getting up. The duo bowed at the waist one last time before gathering their things and exiting the room. Tatsou shot a glance at his peer and offered him a nod before exiting the tower in the same manner as he had entered.

Events were being put into motion and he had to prepare.
Last edited by Niro on Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaGeninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaGenin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
Yamato [color=#C71585][b]KiriA-Rank

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Blood of the Covenant

Post by Niro » Sun Sep 05, 2021 6:42 pm

The Great War had raged across the entire continent housing the Elemental Nations over the last almost-half decade. The political boundaries of countries were constantly being shifted as new reports came in of other countries and villages making their own moves. Earth Country had attempted a campaign into more bountiful land but were repelled after additional reinforcements arrived and were able to turn the tide while ventures into less hospitable lands provided familiar resources to continue the battle. Tatsuo worried, however, that eventually the supply of men would run dry even if the supplies didn't. The Akari had tried his best over the years to expand Earth's borders but it was much more difficult than he had expected when plotting to do so. Earth's main ally, Water Country, was located across the continent. This proved to be a logistical nightmare as Earth Country had to cross the lands controlled by their three main enemies in Fire, Lightning, and Wind to even visit them. This, in turn, meant the development of any sort of supply lines or benefits between the two was often difficult to establish and even more costly to keep, whether it be in monetary value or war casualties. It had led to the two nations having to focus primarily on their own fronts instead of being able to help the other.

Reality had been the opposite of Tatsuo's vision of a swift victory against whoever opposed them. The reality of war had proven more difficult than the young Kage had anticipated and his country had paid the price for it. His own failures in assuming Water would fight as hard for main land resources had turned around to bite him and his people in the ass; they cared more for their own seafaring empire than anything Earth cared about. It was something he should had expected but had ignored, hoping that in doing so it would not come to fruition. He had been naïve and his people suffered the price. Now, he was racing perpendicular to a retreating platoon of Iwagakure ninja who were being pursued by a joint squad of elite shinobi. Their assault had proven successful in destroying the objective but the response was aggressive. Too many lives had already been lost on the battlefield and he did not intend for any more Iwagakure shinobi to die today.

Tatsuo's boots slammed against the thick branches of sturdy trees as he sprinted through the foliage towards the squad. Right now, he had no care to be stealthy. In fact, he hoped his approach would scare off any pursuers or redirect them to him instead. His eyes and ears, however, were on alert to make sure no tried to ambush him and prevent his own interception as he crashed through several branches with no care in the world.

'You'd think I would've realized by now that when things are looking up are when shit hits the fan. My relationship with Ume is going fine until it isn't, being a jounin was a breeze until those spirits were freed and that stupid worm put us in the hospital for weeks when we finally made it back. Being the Tsuchikage is fun until this war breaks out and we're surrounded.

I wonder what it'd be like if I had chosen different? What would've happened if I had the mettle to stay and work it out with her, or if we had ran from the Leviathan and gotten some kind of backup, or if I hadn't been so loudmouthed and thrown us into war?'
Tatsuo's mind raced with thoughts of what could've been as he continued his mad dash towards the platoon.

'Ah shit, guess I can either keep worrying about this shit until I'm gray or move past it with barely a thought. Results will still occur and no matter how ugly they are, time is irreversible. I can't change what I've already decided, just gotta accept it and move on. No matter which choice threw me off the trail, I can't go back. I can't get back on.

Was it really supposed to be like this?'

Tatsuo's thoughts silenced themselves as he approached a clearing and slowed himself to not scare whoever was still alive. He pushed through the foliage blocking it off from the rest of the forest slowly and came upon a clearing with immense signs of battle damage. Broken and maimed bodies were strewn around, some impaled on broken branches of felled trees while others were crushed beneath rocks summoned by shinobi. The sole group alive in the clearing, barely a collection of four people, was crowded around a downed tree and as Tatsuo moved closer, he could clearly see why. Impaled through the stomach was a large, strong bodied jounin with blood staining his mouth and chest and his eyes closed. A small smile was across his face, thinking he had secured the lives of his fellow shinobi. Tatsuo's footsteps broke the silence filling the clearing and the squad clad in brown swiveled to see him.

"Lord Tsuchikage...where's the rest of the back up?" One of them asked as he brushed past them.

"It's just me." He answered bluntly as he crouched next to the fallen shinobi they had encircled. The same shinobi who had opened her mouth stepped closer to him and spoke again, this time clearly out of line.

"Would you let him rest!? He just fought his heart out..." She cried, falling silent as the Tsuchikage grasped the man's remaining bloody hands within his own two. Tatsuo closed his eyes as he did so and breathed deep, forever etching the scene into his memory. His eyes shot open, their deep violet seeming to almost glow with the sheer intensity of his gaze as a vein surfaced along his temple in anger.

"Continue your retreat. Inform the firebase of what's happened." Tatsuo commanded as he stood and resumed his determined pace towards the squad.

They couldn't be far now and he truly intended for no more to die.
Natsumi's shaggy pale blonde hair was coated with grime and singed in places where she had narrowly avoided an elemental jutsu and her clothing fared no better. Dirt marred it here and there while holes and other battle damage peppered it as well. The platoon she had been in charge of had accomplished their mission of destroying a certain objective but the response squad was unwilling to give up their relentless pursuit. Multiple members had stayed back to buy them time just to fight one member of the squad and she was pretty sure they were wiped out. The amount of chakra she had left wasn't enough to teleport the whole platoon away and teleporting just herself out would be akin to treason.

Another jutsu impacted against her squad's cover and screams rung out as it collapsed in places. Calls for medics and screams of dying men filled the air as the enemy moved closer. Natsumi panted as she gathered her chakra to unleash another blast in an attempt to slow them down but found it to be for naught. The blow was all but slapped away by the incoming enemy and soon they were upon them. The weaker willed members of the platoon broke rank and fled into the forest in a blind hope for survival while the more hardened veterans tried their best to stave them off.

Natsumi dodged to the side as a long axe handle came down on her previous position. The earth shattered and rocks exploded from the ground due to the strike which sent her flying away. The blonde bounced and rolled along the floor before coming to a stop and slowly trying to get back up. The rest of the platoon had either broken rank or been slaughtered as five shinobi slowly made their way to her. She looked up at them between her hair and blood while panting heavily as they encircled her. Natsumi couldn't see past the blood and was unable to see their faces but felt their shadows fall across her.

'Guess this is it?' She thought to herself, closing her eyes and hanging her head while she awaited the inevitable. She heard a blade being drawn but her eyes widened in shock as the ground began to rumble and then exploded around her. A dozen tentacles exploded from the ground and surrounded her in a whirlpool of flesh. It forced back the squad with each tentacle similar in girth to a healthy tree trunk and colored a purple so dark it could fool someone for black. They trashed wildly until she was decidedly clear before retreating back into the ground.

"Where is he?!" One of the squad members shouted, only to be answered with footfalls like the previous squad. Tatsuo's dark maroon duster swayed with the wind as he approached the scene with his melashiin retreating from the ground back into his body. The squad tracked him with their eyes only to turn around immediately after his last footfall. The Tsuchikage had sped by them and crouched near the blonde kunoichi with worry etched across his face.

"Natsumi...get out of here. I'll be right behind you." He told her with a smile and a squeeze of her hand as he helped her to her feet. The blonde gave him a worried look but he just shook his head with a serene smile gracing his features. Before the squad could stop her, the woman had teleported herself out of the area with Jikukan ninjutsu. Tatsuo straightened himself up and dusted his hands off before turning to face the squad of shinobi. He could tell just by the amount of chakra each of them were putting off, they could easily be bannin. It didn't surprise the man with how rapid the growth of today's shinobi seemed but it did mean he'd be in for a hard won fight.

Five shinobi of varying heights, builds, and genders stood before him. The tension filling the air was enough to suffocate most shinobi but those in front of him were battle hardened with experience. The Tsuchikage's Sheath was ready for battle as Tatsuo removed the duster and revealed the armor and the blades hanging from his hips. His hands rested on them as he took a deep breath and began.
Tatsuo's eyes blinked slowly, then several times, then one slow final one.

It was over.

'Huh?' Tatsuo's mind slowly came back to him, lost in the heat of battle. His mind had abandoned itself, his body moving solely on instinct and self preservation as he had fought.

'What's going...huh? What's my state? Don't tell me? ...How?' Tatsuo took stock of himself, his bloodshot eyes widened in shock and fear. His legs were cut off and his arms were as well. One arm was gone at the shoulder and the other was gone below the elbow.

'Gotta heal.

Gotta heal. Gotta heal. Gotta heal. Gotta heal. Gotta heal. Gotta heal. Gotta heal. Gotta heal. Gotta heal. Gotta heal. Gotta heal. Gotta heal. Gotta heal. Gotta heal. Gotta heal. Gotta heal.'

"Is it over?" Tatsuo heard from one of the last two surviving members of the squad. Both were near fatally wounded with wounds pouring blood and their bodies reminiscent of a brutalized corpse.

"It is. It's over." He heard one of the two get up and limp towards him. Then, he heard the appearance of another shinobi. The man immediately collapsed upon arriving but got up and limped his way over to the man standing above Tatsuo.

"Did you get them?" The one he had fought asked the new arrival who took a moment before pulling a sack from a scroll.

"Yeah, made me work for 'em tho. If I don't get looked at soon, I'll be joinin' them." The man coughed as he withdrew multiple several heads from the burlap sack and tossed them in front of Tatsuo. It was the squad he had encountered in the clearing, their headbands shattered and bodies descecrated.

Tatsuo stared at them, his eyes going blank as he realized who they were and what occurred. His head fell to the ground as he struggled and finally turned over on his stomach. The Tsuchikage inched his way over to the fallen heads and tears fell from his eyes.

These bastards.

"Let's wrap it up and claim his bounty. We'll be eating good for the rest of our days." The two joked as they limped towards him, intent on finishing him off.
In Tatsuo's subconscious, removed from time...

'Oh No! Looks it was all in vain, Tatsuo messed up again!'

'You're really all talk, aren'tcha? Weren't powerful enough, huh? Like, seriously! Fuck! Get it together!'

'Try till you die! Quit sleeping! Why can't you do this!? No breaks! Fight till you die!'

"What...should I have done? Dammit!"

"At the end of the day, it's all my fault! Why'd I go by myself, why didn't I bring back up like Kotaru or Mitsuo!? Where'd it all go wrong!?" Tatsuo's subconscious screamed at him, raging under the surface.

"Where did it all go wrong? Why'd I lose? Let's review, one las-no, shit. It's already over.

I...I...I can't save everyone. I can't be saving every shinobi, every soldier but maybe...maybe if it was just two or three I'd have been ok. Their support was just superb. I can't believe two of them sacrificed themselves to get those shots in and cripple my legs. Fuck!

Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. Cal-...I...won't get to see Natsumi anymore? Or...Mits? Or...Kota? My sisters? My parents? Am I coming, nii-san?"
The black began to encroach but...

"I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them. I want to see them."


'I can't move a finger or a toe, I don't have any...

My's still attached. My torso is, too. I can breathe. Can I bite? ...Can I crawl?

They're humans...they're just doing their jobs.

But who who cares? No mercy. I must...completely annihilate them. The things in my way, everything around me. Even myself. I'll break the will that's drove me here, to now. I must.

I won't pull back. I will press forward forever, no matter what. Like a demon.'

The shinobi crouched low to make sure their blows would not miss. Their blades were raised high above them and poised to strike.

Tatsuo's head snapped up, a crazed smile across his blood shot eyes as he pushed off the ground as best he could while forming the few melashiin he could. His teeth found purchase across the nose of the shinobi he had fought before he ripped the cartilage from the man's face and one of his melashiin tentacles drove itself down into the new facial opening. The other that had been summoned shot through the face of the other shinobi, removing his brains from his skull immediately while the last one pierced through the shinobi holding the sack from his groin and tore him in half.

The two bodies immediately slumped over in death, caught completely off guard by the surprise attack of the nuggetKage. Tatsuo, however, was not done. He crawled forward towards the man who's face he had torn off using a mixture of his stumps and his melashiin. Once there, the melashiin split the man's chest like a coconut and Tatsuo shoved his face into the man's chest cavity. His teeth tore through the man's heart, slowly healing him enough to stop the bleeding and set his own healing factor towards active, before moving towards the other large organs he could consume before finally falling unconscious.
"We found him! Get the medics!" A voice screamed over the desolate battlefield of the Tsuchikage and the squad who had almost killed him. Natsumi had been able to make it back to the firebase and assemble a medical squad to come back after Tatsuo had taken too long. They had found him knocking on death's door but it seemed the reaper was busy elsewhere and refused him entry.

Tatsuo floated in and out of consciousness as he was recovered and brought back to Iwagakure. He tried to fight it as best as he could until his eyes found the worried look of Natsumi. Knowing she was safe and the battle was over, the Tsuchikage finally rested as he was transported back.
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaGeninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaGenin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
Yamato [color=#C71585][b]KiriA-Rank

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Blood of the Covenant

Post by Niro » Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:46 am

Northern Wastes Takeover

The thick boreal forests of northern Rock Country slowly thinned as they met the mountain range to the north which housed the village of Seiwa. As one continued even farther north, past the village and over or through the mountain range, the land transformed into a near barren tundra past the border of the the country and into the Northern Wastes. Dubbed as such due to the even harsher climate than even Rock Country, barren land, and near indomitable mountain ranges, the land was just as deadly as it was empty. Only the hardiest of predators survived to stalk what few sources of food presented themselves. The mountains, dotted with caves and entrances to their very depths, housed the deadly creatures capable of tearing even jounin to shreds. Long a thorn in Rock Country's side, the Rock Daimyo had given orders for the land to be annexed and terraformed to the best of Iwagakure no Sato's ability.

The heads of construction and supplies had been pouring over a way to best take the region since the orders came down. With the creation and development of Seiwa to the south of the country, it was easier for them to stage and move supplies and men now compared to prior to the war. Moving supplies into the country itself wasn't the hard part; the difficulty lie in being able to cross the predator-infested mountains without losing too many men. Although Iwa shinobi were used to cold and harsh climates, the creatures who made the show white mountain ranges their home picked off too many of their numbers to successfully construct an outpost in time. The camps set up by the construction crews provided too little protection from the combination of elements and predators for permanent structures to be erected in time to hide them away from the beasts which stalked them from behind the blizzard of snow. Understanding this, the village came to the conclusion to send a bannin or even a squad of them to ensure the project came to fruition. Tatsuo had looked over the handful of bannin the village possessed and frowned. Kotaru excelled in single target elimination and espionage, Mitsuo was no longer opting into dangerous missions like this even though his widespread Youton jutsu would be ideal, and Maru had only just recently broken into the same league as them. The older bannin of the village were entwined in different organizations and too busy to actually assist in any manner. Ishidai, although retired, would also be an ideal combatant with his control over the elements but Tatsuo knew it'd be impossible to move the old man into action. A deep sigh escaped the maroon haired Akari as he resigned himself to being the one to do it. At the very least, Ishidai would be okay with filling in for a few days in the office while he was busy exterminating whatever vermin he came across.

Settling on his decision to resolve the issue himself, Tatsuo began to make the necessary preparations. He sent out multiple message bearing eagles; one to Ishidai to inform him about the need for someone to sit in his place while he was away, one each to Mitsuo and Kotaru to let them know what was going on and not to worry, one to his family with a similar message, and one to Natsumi to alert her that they'd be going on a small 'vacation' and to pack warm. With the recent addition of Hikari to their budding family, the need for a baby sitter was something he hadn't really expected. Thankfully, his mother was keen to take the girl for the week while the two were out of country. The elder Akari woman had bonded with the half dragon, half girl nearly instantly after she had hatched and Tatsuo was glad she was accepted so readily by his blood relatives. Submitting the necessary paperwork, Tatsuo shut down his office within the Kage tower to go prepare, making sure his weapons, armor, and other equipment were polished and readied once he got home. The last thing he needed was something failing on him in the middle of the field or when he was fighting something or someone.

Natsumi was not the happiest with his decision. The main reason? The snow and cold of the Wastes. She already had to deal with Iwagakure being cold and now she had to bundle her up even further. In the back of her mind, however, she knew braving the elements with him would make her feel better than if he went off on his own and got hurt, again. Once the two were ready, Natsumi opened a portal in their home that connected them to the marker she had placed in the administrative building of Seiwa.

The portal swirled to life within the foyer of the building before the two stepped out. With how late in the day it was, the entire building was empty sans a handful of maintenance personnel. Tatsuo and Natsumi kept quiet as they exited the front doors and stepped out onto the streets of the near replicate of Iwagakure. It was strange knowing this place was an entirely different village but if she had just woke up here, she wouldn't have been able to tell the difference. Between keeping their heads down and the few people roaming the streets at this time, they excited to the north of the village with little issue. The temperature was quick to drop the further they travelled north and tundra welcomed them as they descended the mountains separating the Wastes from Rock Country.

As they continued north, the far edges of the tundra began to slope upwards as two large cliff faces formed an imperfect bowl several miles across. The weather was, thankfully, clear and there was little to no snowfall today. The visibility was enough for him to see plainly there were no creatures or threats visible to the naked eye. Yet, at least. The clarity granted by the weather also made clear to him the multitude of holes, too small to be cave faces but too small to not have something within them, inhabiting the cliff face closest to them on the left hand side. Tatsuo ran his tongue over his teeth and his breath escaped in a soft sigh against the inside of his helm. His gaze shifted to Natsumi, the visage of his helm glinting in the light as he did so.

"Anything?" He asked as his eyes continued to scan the cliff face for whatever lurked within.

"Plenty of chakra signatures. Definitely some sort of animal and bigger than a bear. Why do you always take me to the worst places?" Natsumi lamented as her Sensory reached out and probed for any lifeforms within her range. Multiple flashes of chakra went off for her within the cliff face and with enough focus she was able to get a good glimpse of just how strong they were. "Each one is as strong as Maru so please try not to get hit too much. They aren't the fastest but there's a lot of them."

"Ok, I just...won't get hit. If they're as slow as he is, I shouldn't have to worry." Tatsuo jested as he turned to the cliff face and his left hand rose up to settle on his katana's sheath. He looked over the cliff face as he decided just where to get started. His fingers drummed against the guard and sheath of the blade as he looked it over and thought. As much fun as slicing stuff up was, it was just too single target focused. It'd take him forever to cut through all of whatever beasts lingered within if he did so and he didn't doubt they'd land at least a blow or two on him. Once more a sigh escaped his lips as his hand fell from the blade and rested against his side. If he wanted to take out a large portion of them quickly, he had an idea of what to do. Tatsuo just really didn't expect to be rearrange cliffs today. His knees bent in a slight crouch before he leapt from his position towards the cliff, the biting cold wind of the Wastes crashing futilely against his armor as they whipped around him from the sheer speed of his takeoff.

Tatsuo slowed as he came closer to the cliff face and drew back both arms, each of his hands curling into tight fists. As the natural structure came into range, he let loose his punches simultaneously against it. Two massive holes were punched into the cliff, each several dozen meters across, before shockwaves reverberated throughout the cliff as if it was struck by an earthquake. The cracks at the edge of the initial impact craters continued to spider outwards throughout the cliff as the shockwaves continued and caused rocks and boulders to come careening down from the summit. Tatsuo pushed off from the cliff as the boulders came crashing down but kept his eyes locked on the actual face of the structure. He landed and continued to use his momentum to skip backwards thrice more to put space between himself and the cliff. He had figured that would be enough to provoke the beehive but maybe they needed more? Ah, there.

Tatsuo felt the blow through the ground before he saw it and channeled a small amount of chakra to inflate his melashiin before wrapping them around his limbs in anticipation. High above, near the top of the cliff, the wall exploded outwards and the shrieks of a dozen of angered monsters filled the canyon. From the hole, they began to pour out. Bipedal in nature, the white furred creatures were easily 4 meters tall and thick with muscle. A powerful tail along with equally capable legs and forearms were easy to see along with wicked sharp talons on the end of each limb. They crashed into the hard snow of the tundra and sent it up in a flurry that blinded them to his vision for a moment but through his Tremorsense he was able to keep a bead on them. He, just like them, waited until the final member of the troupe joined them from the hole up above before making his move.

Tatsuo launched himself into the middle of the dozen creatures, his sudden appearance causing them to recoil and screech even more in surprise. Several of his melashiin buried themselves in the ground as he chose his spot to fight them before the remaining free ones pierced through the chest of one of the beasts, one straight through the sternum and two others from the sidewalls of its chest cavity while the fourth curled around its leg and swung it in a wide arc after lifting its off of its feet into the others. Blood and tufts of fur filled the air as the melashiin retracted back to him and the newly dead body collided with one of the others. Tatsuo contorted his body to dodge an incoming claw swipe from the right and ducked below another from above before using the gathered momentum to aim and land a left hook on the creature which had aimed at him from above. His fist caught the beast on the tip of the chin and released shockwaves into its skull. It roared in pain from the blow and brought its claws to its head as the aftershocks continued until finally blood poured from its nose, eyes, and ears and it keeled over dead.

2 dead, 1 removed from the fight due to the dead body but soon to be back, and 9 still right there. They were hardy but not very fast, fortunately for him. Two free melashiin wrapped around an incoming claw strike from behind before they lifted the creature up high and slammed it down upon one of the jagged boulders fallen from the summit. The remaining two free melashiin caught another blow before travelling up the snow terrors arm and piercing through its eyes and out of the back of its skull. Two of the ones burrowed below ground shot up into the groin of one of the beasts before they emerged from the top of its spine and wrapped around its neck in an attempt to snap it. The two remaining ones below ground snaked around the ankles of one of the beasts and drug it below ground where it was left to struggle and suffocate slowly before meeting its end.

In less than 10 seconds, half of their number had been wiped out. The remaining snow terrors recommitted themselves to the attack and once more leapt at him but Tatsuo was too fast. He leapt upwards, his melashiin coming free from the ground as he did so, as they aimed down at him, their attacks crashing into the snow and their bodies into each other. With them grouped up in such a small space, Tatsuo drew his melashiin back and launched them forward with such speed and strength the very air itself turned into bullets and pummeled the group. The ground cracked as each bullet impacted the group and burned away their fur with the sheer heat provided by the blows before finally their bodies gave away under the force and turned into bloody piles of meat, bone, and fur against the white of the tundra. The lone snow terror which had been thrown away from the fight by the body of its brethren witnessed the carnage wrought against them and took off in the opposite direction to live another day.

Tatsuo reached the apex of his jump before falling into the pool of gore created by the dead bodies of the snow terrors. Well, he hadn't gotten hit. All that strength and durability meant squat if your opponent could move twice or thrice as fast as you. He turned to face Natsumi and offered her a wave, a big grin etched on his face underneath his helm. Ok, one pack taken care of. Time to take care of the second one in the other cliff fac-

Tatsuo blinked as he turned to face the other cliff but it was...gone. In an instant, his heart dropped. Something was very, very wrong and near instantly upon realizing it the entire area was beset by an immense earthquake. Tatsuo buckled down, using his melashiin to stabilize his footing as the shaking only intensified. As the source of the commotion came into range, Tatsuo's Tremorsense picked up something massive approaching from underground. He turned to Natsumi while his melashiin spread wide in preparation...

"Get back!" He screamed as the ground below him exploded and Tatsuo felt the memories of the Leviathan worm wash over him. His melashiin struck back at the teeth that threatened to end him and forced the mouth open as an absolute behemoth attacked him from below. What the hell was it with giant monster and sneak attacks?! Tatsuo grunted as the creature and himself flew upwards as its jaws fought to close and he fought to keep them open. As the jaws threatened to snap close, Tatsuo pushed off and into free fall as the creature sailed upwards and past him before falling on its forelegs. Its immense size meant it hadn't even really gone airborne and Tatsuo shuddered at the thought of such an impact on the earth if it truly had. Able to get a good luck at the beast, he could see how it could hide as a mountain range by the structures on its back and tail. Its body alone, with the great ridges rising along its spine, was enough to confuse it for a minor mountain range and its tail only served to reinforce the thought as it too was decorated with such spines to look like mountains. No wonder it was impossible to get a foothold here with such a beast hiding in plain sight.

As Tatsuo was sizing the beast up, his eyes met one of its large amber orbs and he mentally cursed as it realized who its target was and where its target was. He audibly cursed as its mountain-bearing tail came soaring up to meet him and batted him like a fly. Tatsuo brought his arms and melashiin up to block the blow but knew it would only provide negligible help at best. He felt the impact struggle against his melashiin before tearing them off and strike against his armor and heard the equipment strain to protect him as he was rocketed into the remains of the actual cliff face from earlier. The force he was struck with caused him to come out the other end of the mountain and skip along the tundra before coming to rest deep in the hard snow and ice.

In his snowy crater, Tatsuo shook his head to clear it from the impact and did a mental once over. Wow, that had fuckin' hurt. Looking down at the armor on his forearms, it was clear they had seen better days. The forearm shields had been deployed at the last second and even with those, the impact from its tail had served to nearly cave in the armor piece. He could feel stress cracks forming all over the armor after the last blow as he got up and out of the hole he had been thrown into. The melashiin he had used to help block were shorn off and bloody stubs at the moment. Still having 8 of them, Tatsuo released his current stance and allowed them to freely hover behind him as he gazed out over the landscape. The creature was lumbering back to its original spot, evidently thinking the blow had been enough to turn him into a pancake. He reached out with his five senses and found relief in Natsumi having listened to him and escaped into her Realm before reappearing once the titan had lost interest in him.

Tatsuo reconvened with Natsumi as it continued its slow lumbering trek back to its spot and internally groaned at the look she was giving him.

"Something something...not get hit, I remember being told. What happened to that? And look at the Sheath! Again, Tatsuo!?" Natsumi scolded him, hands on her hips and an annoyed expression marring her face. He looked at her sheepishly under the helmet and shrugged his shoulders in an 'I don't know what happened' gesture before pointing at the walking mountain range.

"I was not expecting to actually fight the mountain range. I need your kunai, please." Tatsuo explained, holding his hands out for her [Formula Seal] kunai and two of her [Acceleration of Mind & Body] kunai. She continued to stare at him with the annoyed look on her face before relenting and giving him the kunai.

"Finish this up so we can go home, please." Natsumi stressed as she handed them over and retreated back to a safe distance while he placed them in his usual weapons pouch. He shot her a nod before turning once more to the behemoth and taking off after it. Although his melashiin had regenerated by now, he decided against inflating the remaining four just in case his current eight were destroyed somehow as he crossed the tundra. The behemoth had curled up back in its spot, once more assuming the form of an unassuming mountain range. For Tatsuo, it was the opportunity he needed. Drawing the ten kunai he had received from Natsumi, he launched them mid run at the beast. The kunai were spaced out as to fly far from each other, one at each tenth of the beasts body from its tail to head, and tossed with enough strength to make sure they stuck when they struck. The first two impacts had meant nothing to the beast but as more continued to impact it, the behemoth lifted its head and once more caught sight of him on the tundra.

Its massive tail lifted once more, this time straight up high in the air in a bid to crush him like Tatsuo would crush an ant, and Tatsuo smiled as it came down, the shadow growing ever larger. He channeled chakra into one of the two remaining kunai he still had from Natsumi and a portal swallowed him up right before the tail crushed him. The [Formula Seal] on the kunai which had landed a top the tail had opened another portal from which Tatsuo emerged with no harm done. He grabbed the side of the mountainlike ridge the kunai had been embedded in and surveyed the damage done to the land by the blow.

An entirely new canyon and two small mountain ranges were the result of the massive tail coming down like a vengeful meteor. The ice and earth had cracked and shattered immediately upon impact, the force so great it had created a pressure wave which washed over the land for miles and a sound so loud it could be heard even in Iwagakure. Tatsuo was really glad he was able to avoid the blow as his eyes took in the devastation. They traveled across the creature's body, noting a dip in the ridges near where the tail connected to the body.

There. That'd be his best bet.

He didn't wait for the titan to lay back down or figure out where he was. Tatsuo took off along the mountainlike spines along the colossus' back while his hands found the katana at his waist. Thankfully the blade hadn't been destroyed in the collision from earlier and now he was finally going to get a chance to use it. He raced through the terrain until he came upon the ridge overlooking the narrow point of the tail and leapt right over the edge of it. Tatsuo fell freely in the open space, the wind rushing past him as he came closer and closer to the spot he wanted to cut. His right hand gripped the scabbard of the blade tightly as his left wound around the hilt of the blade. His eyes looked around to get a bead on the monster and if it realized what he was planning to do. Thankfully for him, it hadn't. Yet. It was gingerly lifting the tail from the canyon-sized crater it had created and staring intently at the rubble for any signs of movement. Confident he wouldn't be interrupted now, his gaze once more came back to the vital point of the tail.

Moments before the two collided, Tatsuo ripped the blade from its sheath with all of his strength and unleashed a massive horizontal slash across the thin point of the tail. He knew just one wouldn't be enough and didn't let up; the slashes continued even after the initial blow landed, the muscles in Tatsuo's arm screaming as he continued to unleash slash after slash after slash into the deepening wound. Down, up, sideways, up again, down. The slashes continued to rain down as the monsters hide gave away and blood sprayed like a fountain from the wound. Steaming hot blood sprayed across his visor as he continued to slash but he had already learnt better from the Leviathan.

Don't stop.

Tatsuo continued, his blade carving through the muscle and sinew of the beast until finally it impacted against one of the vertebrae of the tail. He let loose a monstrous roar as he focused his strength into the blade, both hands gripping it as he hacked away at the small bones helping hold the tail together. His time up after the first slash, the titan once more knew the 'fly' it had tried to squash had survived. It tried to raise its tail once more but was unable to generate the strength; Tatsuo had cut through a tendon important in allowing finer motor control of the appendage and it weakly flopped around in protest.

The beast roared in anger at the loss of control over its main weapon and began to flail as its arms and legs were too short to reach where Tatsuo had positioned himself. The meat of the tail, while not under control of the monster, rocked back and forth with great force as it threw its tantrum. The sheer mass of it threatened to crush Tatsuo if he didn't finish his current task of cutting through the appendage but he would not be crushed once more. His melashiin spread out and pushed back against the walls of meat to buy him the time he needed to complete his goal.

Tatsuo grit his teeth as he continued to hack away at the last of the bone holding the vertebrae together. Although small in comparison to the rest of the bones making up the titans body, the bones of the vertebrae were still tough. His slashes chipped away at the bone each time but even with his own godlike strength they required quite a bit of effort. As each blow fell, he could feel the tail dropping more and more before finally he unleashed one more series of blows and the bones snapped. Tatsuo could hear his reward as the beast screamed in agony, the noise much higher in pitch than the roar he had expected from the beast.

Blood filled the space as Tatsuo continued to hack away at the meat on the opposite side of the vertebrae. Although his main task in crippling the beasts tail was completed, he knew he could end this sooner rather than later if he kept on. Each cut into the flesh drew forth more blood until finally the edge of the blade dulled with how much abuse it was put through. Tatsuo tossed the blade away and inflated the larger of his two phasmashiin, the organic blade inflating to its full glory before being brought down again and again with reckless abandon.

With one final blow, the tail finally severed from the body of the beast and crashed down into the earth. The mountainlike ridges on the tail were just that now; mountains. Tatsuo fell with the removed limb as an amazing torrent of blood jettisoned from the open wound. The titan threw its head around in confusion and its forearms feebly grasped at the stump of where the tail had once been. The wastes were dyed red with blood as if a river cut through them as it tossed and turned. The confusion and pain were enough confusion for Tatsuo to take advantage and kick off the air in direction of the beasts mouth. Once he righted his position in the open air, he channeled chakra to his greaves and activated the thrusters on the bottom of them. He flew wide to avoid the frantic colossus before banking hard and under its throat, his phasmashiin still slick with the blood from its tail.

Wasting no time, he angled himself for the thin part of beasts throat and inflated the second phasmashiin he possessed. Although smaller, it was still larger than the lone wakizashi still on his waist. He crossed them horizontally before unleashing two devastating cuts against it and opened the skin. Blood exploded from the wound and the beasts frantic cries turned into gurgles as its blood escaped from both ends. Feeling he had done enough, Tatsuo kicked off of the beasts throat and retreated far back in the sky as he watched.

The creature clawed at its throat and tail stump, tsunamis of blood gushing from both ends as it tried to save itself. The sheer size of the beast meant the blood pressure required to move its blood was immense. No longer a closed system, the blood poured from the beasts body until it could no longer fight the inevitable and fell still. Tatsuo let out a long sigh as it did so and let loose his shiin, the appendages deflating back into the sacs within his body.

His gaze swept over the land, taking in the changes. An entire new canyon and two mountain ranges had been formed from the blow of its tail while the creature and its tail could each register as a mountain range. The Northern Wastes had been altered and for now, Tatsuo hoped it would be for the better. No longer would the engineers, construction workers, and supply lines suffer from the beasts plaguing the land. They could get to work actually building something worthwhile out here now and only have to contend with the horrible weather which they were already used to.
4,759 words 26,087 characters

Jutsu so far:

[Space-Time - Formula Seal]

[Space-Time - Acceleration of Mind and Body]

[Sensory Style • Perfected Senses Mobile]

*[Sensory Style • Augmented Evaluation]

Inflate Melashiin

[Shiva's Reach] x2


[Shiva's Gift]

[Shiin Barrage]

[Acceleration of Mind & Body] tag'd kunai

[Iaido - Death Draw]

[Iaido - Sword Spirit Draw]

[Iaido - Death's Passage]

Inflate Phasmashiin
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaGeninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaGenin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
Yamato [color=#C71585][b]KiriA-Rank

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Blood of the Covenant

Post by Niro » Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:33 pm

Natsumi's life had been turned upside down within the last year. The war had ended, Tatsuo had nearly died, she had taken over as Chief Medical Superintendent for the main hospital due to the shortage after the war, and then, once Tatsuo had returned to duty, he had brought home a strangely large egg. Her husband had proclaimed he had found it in the mountains after training once day and rather than scramble it into a post-training snack, he had hoped an awesome creature would hatch from it. Well, the Tsuchikage definitely got his wish. What had hatched from the egg was a hybrid of dragon and man in the form of a baby. It was safe to say, neither of them had expected it at first.

After panicking at first, the two were able to pull it together and get a room furnished for her. Tatsuo had nearly fainted at the realization it was a child, and a she at that, before being sent out by the woman to buy a long list of baby supplies. Natsumi had taken to actually cleaning and naming the girl who had emerged before finally placing her down for a nap until he returned. Ah, that all felt so long ago now. Now, Hikari was a little hellion. She had grown up extremely fast, faster than she had been ready for, and was now acting out in some ways. They could only teach her so much about how to act like a normal human but it wasn't hard for Natsumi or anyone else to see she was more than that. So, Natsumi had turned to another avenue. The tutors and house staff could only do so much before they too tapped out and so the blonde decided to look elsewhere for a stronger guardian for the girl. And herself, to be honest. As much as Natsumi supported Tatsuo, she could do with some support of her own. The solution had presented itself to her in the form of the summoning jutsu.

Natsumi wasn't keen to just summon any random old spirit. She had a specific idea in mind; no mere creature would be enough to be seen in battle with her and Tatsuo and take care of a dragon-human hybrid. She wanted a dragon. A pure dragon who could teach Hikari what the other half of her was and help bring both to balance. She had told her husband she'd be back shortly before using a saved piece of Hikari's shell to help channel a Jikukan technique. The portal which opened drew on the origin of the draconic energy within the shell and through it allowed her to step foot in the Dragon Realm. The portal drew to a close behind her and the shell crumbled to dust with its energy spent.

For a moment, Natsumi thought the jutsu had failed and just dumped her in the middle of Rock Country. The landscape was similar but the trees were...burnt and the ground radiated heat like the heart of a forge. A frown spread across her face as the heat washed over her and she began to move at speed towards the storm shrouded mountains in the distance. Whatever lurked around here, she had no want for. Kotaru's small dragon already had control over Heat, it'd be useless for her to double dip but whatever lurked within those mountains was giving off quite the chakra signature. Plus, she was much more acquainted with the terrain.

Natsumi wasted no time as she crossed the landscape, keeping her eyes and Sensory ready for any sort of dragon who decided to test their luck. She was unsure if she was getting rather lucky in having seen none so far or if they sensed her own massive chakra but she was grateful. The less chakra she used on the way to her desired hunting ground, the easier it would be to persuade her prey. Natsumi felt several chakra signatures flicker at the edge of her expanded range but continued on. They stayed just far enough away to observe her but never dared to venture close enough to be seen. Judging from the information she could gather from them, they were younger dragons and not nearly what she was looking for. Curious and eager to prove themselves but not quite reckless enough to pit themselves against something with more chakra than themselves. Taking a small bit of pride in the fact, she began her ascent of the mountains. She channeled a small portion of chakra and a flat barrier formed in front of her, just large enough for her to stand on. Natsumi jumped onto the barrier and motioned upwards with her hand, causing it to carry her upwards.

The higher up she went, the more turbulent the winds surrounding the mountaintop became. The storm clouds surrounding the peaks crashed together as thunder echoed off of the mountains and lightning rained down indiscriminately. Natsumi continued to climb, even as the rain began to come down in sheets and the clouds raged in earnest. Finally coming to the peak of the mountain, she directed the platform to it before stepping off of it and into the nest of the dragon her Sensory had been pinging since she entered the realm. Peering through the wind and rain, her gaze found the lumbering beast at the back of the nest resting with its foreclaws crossed. Its head was at attention, its electric-purple eyes staring at her through the rain.

"All of those other chumps scattered the second they felt my chakra head into the mountains so I guess you're the strongest around. Good, I need a partner." Natsumi was yelled over the storm, hoping her voice would carry over the crashing of thunder and pounding of rain. Rivulets ran down her face and off her chin as she waited for it to move. Finally, a surge of chakra let her know it hadn't taken kindly to her. Natsumi began to channel her own in response before an off-red breath of flame erupted from its mouth towards her.

Natsumi released the gathered chakra into the atmosphere around them as the flames approached before being stopped in place by her jutsu. A smirk snaked across her lips before she channeled more chakra and released it. The Jikukan chakra attacked the incoming Blast Breath and sped it up, causing the flames coming from the dragon's mouth to stop sooner than he had attended. The beast, in shock, stood up on all four of its limbs and flapped its mighty wings. The clouds surrounding the peak gave way to the powerful gusts of winds created by its wings and let light fill the space so it might try to understand what had just happened. Its confusion only mounted further when it saw nothing in the space where its Breath had been snuffed out.

Once more, the dragon channeled chakra but this time Natsumi rose an eyebrow in mild surprise. The chakra being channeled was different from the last and the electric blue glow coming from its mouth was also different. Once more, Natsumi channeled chakra but this time tossed one of her [Formula Seal] kunai towards the winged giant. The pale blue blast of chakra was loosed from its mouth and Natsumi released her own jutsu. A portal opened in front of her, swallowing up the blast, before another opened originating from the tag'd kunai and redirected the blast back towards itself.

Surprise filled its eyes as its own attack was turned against it and collided. Ribbons of plasma erupted from the point of impact and struck the dragon, causing it to cry out in pain. "What are you, demon?!" The beast called out, finally deciding to use speech.

"Just a mom looking for a babysitter." Natsumi muttered under her breath, having continued her momentum and charging another jutsu while the dragon dealt with its own attack. She raised her hand up and held it out flat with her other hand bracing her wrist before releasing the gathered chakra in a massive blast. The wave of chakra washed over Niddhog who loosed what little Breath he could gather in time. It collided with the incoming chakra but wasn't enough, instead it was swallowed up and dissipated into nothing as it continued on. The old dragon felt scales be rent from his flesh before crashing to the ground in a heap. Natsumi watched the smoldering dragon for several moments to see if it would continue to try to fight or submit. The beasts chakra was weak after the attacks it had taken but it was still alive. Finally, Niddhog's head rose from his smoking form and arched itself in a bow of submission. Natsumi stepped closer to him and withdrew a summoning contract scroll from her pouch. She rolled it out in front of the beast before biting at her thumb and smearing her name in blood. Niddhog used his tail to gather some of the freely flowing blood from his wounds and signed his name as well before falling unconscious. The scroll glowed bright blue momentarily to signify the completion of the contact before Natsumi once again channeled her chakra. This time, the soft green glow of medical chakra poured forth from it as she tended to the dragons wounds.
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaGeninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaGenin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
Yamato [color=#C71585][b]KiriA-Rank

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Blood of the Covenant

Post by Niro » Wed Nov 30, 2022 8:48 pm

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"The Mizukage is dead."

The slow, steady tapping of the feathered pen wielded by the maroon haired man in front of him was cut short with a sharpness reminiscent of a blade.

"...Excuse me?" The maroon haired man finally spoke up after what seemed like an eternity to the raven haired youth. The words seemed to drop the chill in the air another 5 degrees. The young man swallowed thickly, his tongue feeling like a frog in his throat. Kinomichi cleared his throat with a light cough and raised his voice ever so slightly.

"The Mizukage is dead, my lord Tsuchikage." Kinomichi repeated again. Tatsuo's haunting violet eyes looked up from the debriefing report his newest bannin had submitted before finally drawing in a deep breath and releasing an even deeper sigh.

"And, to confirm what I've just read, he was slain not in Kiri by a contestant to his title but in Heart? By the Shogun himself?" Tatsuo asked, his nostrils flaring in anger as he tried to piece together just what the hell had happened.

"There was an artifact, some sort of crown. They began to fight over it and neither of them held their punches. The Shogun...he sweats. A lot. He used to control the battlefield before attacking the Mizukage with a bevy of strange weapons. He even slapped away the Mizukage's lightning with his bare hands! And summoned a gigantic samurai that changed the weather!" Michi was going on a tirade now as he remembered the fight in vivid detail thanks to his doujutsu. Each moment of the fight had been seared into his memory to be recalled at a moment's notice. Tatsuo raised a hand and stopped the young bannin from continuing on. He needed a moment to process the information he had just been made privy to.

'The swords and strange weapons were already his calling cards...gigantic samurai? What the hell?' Tatsuo thought to himself as he let the pen fall to the desk and brought his now free hand to rub at his eyes.

"His made the air so damp. It felt like I was in a soup; I couldn't breath without sweating up a storm myself. After long enough, I felt on the verge of passing out from the air alone. He also changed into an actual frog! His throat grew proportional to a frog and then he attacked the Mizukage. He finally slew him before turning his attention to me." Michi continued to tale, his memory now continuing along to how he had been able to convince the Shogun to let him free.

" the hell are you alive if Kasai couldn't take Fuhen down?" Tatsuo asked as he leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled in front of his mouth and forefingers on his nose.

"I...tricked him. He teleported to one of his swords after finishing off the Mizukage and hunted me down. He used some sort of shout to disrupt my ninjutsu casting but the Katon jutsu I was able to get off lit the forest of Heart on fire and I was able to negotiate my freedom in exchange for putting them out with a copy of the Mizukage's Suiton jutsu."

Tatsuo sat back in thought at the information Kinomichi had relayed to him. He knew more of the Shogun's arsenal but still, he had taken down Kasai. No matter how much he prepared for the man, he would eventually come emboldened by his victory over the Mizukage. They'd have to work quick and speed up the timeline if someone was finally confident enough to attack world leaders.

"That's enough; you're dismissed." Tatsuo told the Fukusha with a nod. The young bannin was quick to bow back, deeper, in his seat before getting up and exiting the office space.

Tatsuo waited until the door was closed before releasing one more sigh, this one heavily laced with anger.

"Dammit Kasai, you've really left me a mess."
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaGeninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaGenin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
Yamato [color=#C71585][b]KiriA-Rank


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