Training The Eyed Maiden Part One

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Posts: 5315
Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:00 pm
User flair: I am made to protect and destroy.

Training The Eyed Maiden Part One

Post by Sia » Sun Mar 20, 2022 12:04 pm

Maido thought on it hard while the boy slept, the Wolf too needed a new name. She thought on it long and decided that hers changing was the more immediate danger. She smiled as her very appearance shifted, her cloak changing into dark purple flames and resembling feathers and tendrils of the void. Her face was obscured and she turned invisible, as did the young Fukusha clan member in hiding. She paid him no mind and went back to her training. Her hand seals came up and she pulled at her draining chakra reserves, still recovering greatly from her dire wounds in battle. She encricled light purple chakra into fruition, bringing about Kakujutsu and manifesting it before her and draining her further. She appeared to age immediately, for it tugged away at her core harshly to perform things in her damaged state. Regardless, she needed to make do with what she did have at the time. Her hands came up and in a wispy fashion she threw forwards a banner made of her cloak, it slammed into the ground in a pedestal at the end of the cart, black in color with raven's feathers signifying her voyage. The horses turned black and the carriage driver eyed Maido, whom simply smiled as her appearance changed before his very eyes and he nodded. She gave him a handful of four Ryo and he was delighted.

She performed more hand seals, and the horses began to grow armor made of her chiton, then coated in black and purple flames and disguising quite nicely the fact it was indeed made of chiton. It's shape conformed and contorted, more of it extending out towards the carriage and wrapping itself around it, and especially providing a nice cloak and outfit to the horse's owner, the driver. Maido fashioned another one, continuing to think about the young Fukusha clan boy's plans and finally deciding on a new name after some idle chat with the Carriage driver. "My name is... Auritachi, Sera." She spoke finally, with confidence. She put back on her Head Hunter Mask and remained quiet for some time as they traveled silently and unopposed through the streets of the country side. She sat down, and waited and opened her senses. Within moments, Hisayo and Kayoko had met them at their rendezvous and they took over watch and so Maido finally rested after giving her her new name. Muramasa, Hisayo and Muramasa, Kayoko then nodded in acknowledgement and made a conscious effort to commit it to memory. Her final words to the driver, Hisayo, Kayoko, and Substiwolf were, "We are to be Unsung, Unnamed, and Unseen." She tossed a Kaguya Bone Ghost Needle to the driver and the chain reaction began and Maido, Hisayo, Kayoko, and Substiwolf were surprised to find that he caught it. "Toss it to someone else to catch, nice reflexes." Hisayo commanded to him, having been instructed to ascend and assume Maido's tasks in the event of her death. Maido smiled under her mask, having a new name was going to be fun already. She thought of the elder Maido, whom was likely studying or training at that very moment.

Hisayo flipped the eggs and Kayoko chopped the scallions. The shrimp met the eggs and the garlic paste and chillis blended into spicy treat. Hisayo, Kayoko, Sera, the driver, and the boy ate in silence. Finally, Hisayo spoke up, "This one isn't going to be as useful as the Fukusha." She said pointedly before her chopsticks brought another bite of egg and shrimp to her mouth. She swallowed it and Kayoko ate at her rice, whilst Maido watched patiently the sparking conversation that was to unfold. The boy was immediately concerned and his eyes widened when he backed away from Hisayo's sudden quick movement. She ate more spicy potatoes, quite enjoying them regardless of her recent ascension to not mortal. Maido began to channel chakra and the carriage began to clean itself, the kitchen having sudsy bubbles of mist, iijutsu, and acid plume outwards from Maido's hands and began to sparkle and clean at it away with breakneck velocity and smooth, finely, precision-made accuracy. It took less than a minute, when Maido specifically did the dishes. Every time, no matter the amount, noted Hisayo and Kayoko together, just for the record. They'd never seen a pile she couldn't do with that jutsu. Even that today was taxing for her, Hisayo saw, and Hisayo alone. She thought on it under her breath, nudging Kayoko and pointing it out.

Sera performed hand seals and gripped at her core, shifting an amount of acid out of her palms and into her hand to smite herself in the chest and move her heart to a more convenient location. Hisayo looked out the carriage window and was glad that it was so large as to accompany all of them as nicely as it did. Maido did have a way with getting nice things somehow, she supposed. She eyed the four canoes that had come in the carriage and noted their iron craftsmanship. They were Muramasa made, Iron Maidens. Two sets of them, clear as day. Maido smiled at them too when she saw them. So, the cab driver was a Muramasa loyalist, how perfect. Maido took off her noble earrings, and gave one to Hisayo, then the other to Kayoko. They each placed them on an opposite ear, and Maido's ears instead housed two black feathers on black metal. She performed hand seals again and spat out a violent, violet cone of acid and tenkujutsu chakra, startling the horses but combing off an incoming hellbat from the cave they were passing by. She maintained it for a long moment, then stopped it quite abruptly compared to what Hisayo and Kayoko were used to seeing her capable of. Maido's heart ached viciously in her lower abdomen, the core having been repositioned. Her body tugged at its chakra reserves miserably and she failed to stand, sitting down finally as her cloak shifted underneath her into a throne. She crossed her legs and stared at todays capture, weakly. "I am taking a nap." She said finally, and began to run a combat simulation in her had as she propper her elbow on the armrest, and her chin on her hand, closing her eyes behind her mask for the first time in days.

1062/800 chakra pool
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

User avatar
Posts: 5315
Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:00 pm
User flair: I am made to protect and destroy.

Training The Eyed Maiden Part One

Post by Sia » Sun Mar 20, 2022 12:27 pm

By now the lot of them had reached Jinjeku, and Hisayo's associates met them at the docks, two of them performing hand seals in unison and causing the mists that surrounded Hisayo's boats to gently gide and pass them into position, ropes shooting out of the ships and hitching themselves with ease as Hisayo and her captain departed the boat. Sera too was with them, though on separate orders and doing things her way and out of view from the rest of them. She stalked the shadows in all black, including her cloak, mask, and hair, and turned invisible before rounding a corner and hitting the rooftops, observing the area as she extended her senses outwards and cared little else for the world. Jinjeku was a good place for training the wolf, she supposed. Hisayo and Kayoko delivered the boy, and Sera vanished in a step of smoke towards the training grounds nearby. She found it actually occupied today, and so her presence felt somewhat unwanted, yet she needed to use it never the less. She landed on a wooden post, then performed the summoning jutsu and brought Substiwolf into fruition. "We are training today." Sera said simply, then delivered a high kick towards Substiwolf's jaw. Substiwolf moved out of the way, but not as fast as one would have wanted, swaying its hips and bobbing to the side.

Sera produced a polearm, black, red, and green in color from her cloak. It materialized and took better shape in her hands and Substiwolf and two onlooking pirates recognized it to be a halberd or glaive of some sort. Sera kicked the water, performing jutsu seals with one hand while her foot and the polearm arced around in a swirling fashion, protecting herself while she did hand seals and caused the water to fly upwards in every direction around herself, turning into sharp needles of green acid and flying outwards violently in a fifteen meter area around her. She slid, slapping her polearm through the water and sending acid shards further towards Substiwolf, whom their were now two of, flanking Sera on either side. Sera bounced backwards, somersaulting through the air and swinging her polearms bladed edge towards the Substiwolf clone as she landed, though it missed. The clones performed seals together, then began to bark viciously as a burst of raw ninpou formed in their mouths and shot off like cannons at Sera. Unlike cannons, these shots of ninpou resembed small knives, collectively measuring about eight or so, four from each Substiwolf. As they neared Sera, they expanded outwards into the size of cannonballs before exploding anyway, surprising her and sending her flying anyway away from their location violently against her will.

She recovered, landing softly as she rotated through the air, performing hand seals. She sent then a slurry of black chakra shot out from her body, and a set of fuuinjutsu seals began to materialize in red writing that appeared to be made of blood though quickly turned black, began to take shape in the air in front of her. It shot forth and one of the pirates jeered, recognizing Sera as Maido but saying nothing. By now, Hisayo had caught up to join the training and Kayoko too. Maido summoned then a great tree, Yggdramasil into the frey, and Substiwolf as well as the others all jumped back out of the way. Sera immediately turned invisible, and all eyes on her were lost as she entered the bottom floor of Yggdramasil. The pirate that had recognized her, Hisayo, and Kayoko also found themselves within the room. Kayoko lit herself on fire and turned into a sword, flying through the air and spearing the pirate directly in his chest as Hisayo did the same. The door shut simutaneously, blocking all view from the outside world as Hisayo and Kayoko murdered the pirate. Their bladed forms withdrew and the pirates body began to dissolve into acid, but then Maido slammed her hand into his chest and ripped his heart out, then channeled black chakra throughout it and sealed it into a stone, then into a piece of paper in a scroll.

She dispelled the tree, and for all the commotion it had caused by suddenly being summoned, the target had been successfully killed, Sera, Hisayo, and Kayoko invisibly leaving the training grounds as the heavy mist continued to encroach around them, filling Yggdramasil and the training grounds entirely before Yggdramasil had even been dispelled.

She had kept him alive and merely made it look as though he had been killed and Hisayo and Kayoko both had to admire her for how cleanly she had performed the task for not truly being a hunter. No, Sera was definitely an interrogator, and antagonizer, a nuisance animal. She stalked the shadows then, alone, away from the other Hunter Ninja by quite a ways. She would be taken seriously, one way or another. Substiwolf found her, and their training immediately presumed. Substiwolf's orders from Maido were clear, train her as Sera while she trains Substiwolf up to achieve their true purpose. In this task, they would surely succeed.

855/800 Chakra Pool
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

User avatar
Posts: 5315
Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:00 pm
User flair: I am made to protect and destroy.

Training The Eyed Maiden Part One

Post by Sia » Sun Mar 20, 2022 12:46 pm

Sera looked at the shark, then performed a quick series of hand seals and threw out a spear of chiton directly through it, cleaning harpooning it before causing it to be yanked through the air, catching the points on the harpoon and causing its mechanism to open up fully, slinging the shark and casting it into a net before pulling it backwards into the boat. The young Tsukino girl accompanying her gasped, never having seen an animal captured so quickly before, especially a shark. She eyed Sera suspiciously, but Sera said nothing behind her mask. Hisayo spoke, "She doesn't say much apparently, but she is kinda scary, believe me." Kayoko tsked and Sera tilted her at visibly and shrugged dramatically, turning her heel and walking on her tip toes in a childish dance away from them, turning invisible and ceasing to make noise as she walked, turning the corner on the deck of the boat and lost to them immediately.

Hisayo eyed the shark and sent forth a wave of Fuuton chakra, cutting it into large chunks with clean, Head Hunter precision as Kayoko did the cooking with her Katon. Together, they collectively utilized their fine prowess over Fuuton and Katon to char and sear the fish as well as some rice and hot peppers with mushrooms. The dish was incredibly spicy and filling, and the carriage driver, the ship captain, Substiwolf, Sera, Hisayo, and Kayoko all ate their meals with long pauses save for Sera and Substiwolf, whom ate their spicy mushroom shark dish quickly, enjoying the spice the most. They both had second helpings, then thirds and fourths, then ate some of the raw shark. The entire crew were incredibly amused at the amount Sera was able to put away, as she had deliberately and intentionally tried to eat as much as Substwolf's many heads.

After a few hours of travel, they were back on the land, the captain joined them in the horse carriage and was surprised to find it to be as roomy as it was. "Ah yes, it has some special Space/Time Jutsu on it I honestly don't understand, its incredibly large but only from the inside." Spoke Sera to the ship captain and the squad captain, smiling under her mask as her red eyes glowed, being the only red thing about her new. The wind blew, and the feathers lining the hood that surrounded her mask rustled in the breeze. She shifted her posture and performed a few handseals. "Continue." Substiwolf snarled and lunged at Sera and the rest of them got out of the way very quickly. Hisayo and Kayoko went outside and sat on one of the benches and waved to the pirate accomplices that lined the other ones. They all keep a keen lookout, scanning the area and providing additional security over just the canopy that looked over the carriage and the multitudes of defenses and armors Sera and the other Head Hunters and Black Wake members had set up.

A jolt of lightning zapped through the air and Kayoko's bare hand shot out and grabbed it raw, twisting violently and causing it to break as her hand turned into pure doton. "A technique that weak will never pierce my stone." She stated to the assailant, whom immediately threw down a smoke bomb as they jumped out of the way several meters in a singular mighty leap. Sera and Substiwolf immediately left the safety of the cab driver's carriage, porting into the battle field together in a singular step and landing on either side of the shinobi that had shot a lightning bolt at the driver. Hisayo and Kayoko were soon to follow, as well as several other Hunter Ninja and Black Wake pirates, though a good squad of them stayed behind with the driver and the horses.

"Never, ever shoot Sera's driver." Said Kayoko with a laugh, her sword form stabbing straight through the assailant's leg and skewering him to the ground as Kayoko's human body emerged from the blade handle, grabbing at his arms from behind his back and pinning him to her own chest, wrapping her elbows and arms around his as the others arrived. She twisted and caused the flames in her body to spread onto him, then she let go and was flung violently backwards and out of him by Sera's mere hand gesture, a fuuinjutsu busting open and encricing Kayoko's body and causing her to spew flames violently at another group of ninja that had been spotted nearby. Sera's left hand grabbed one of them by the face as she channeled chakra, acid immediately spewing forwards violently in a cone a great distance away, spattering all over the original target and going straight through his entire head, immediately melting through it viciously and continuing onwards to drench through the forest and soak the other assailants in a wide area.

Substiwolf channeled and began walking on the water, then running on all fours on it as a clone of itself materialized next to it.

A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

User avatar
Posts: 5315
Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:00 pm
User flair: I am made to protect and destroy.

Training The Eyed Maiden Part One

Post by Sia » Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:09 pm

Sera got word from her accomplices then and behind her black mask Hisayo saw nothing at all. Sera shifted and though Hisayo eyed her suspiciously, she did nothing that showed recognition really to Hisayo's standards of observation. She paused and waited for younger Maido to pass by, whom eyed the lot of them with a scowl that was so obvious even behind her own mask. Once she was gone, Sera finally spoke in a hushed whisper. Hisayo and Kayoko nodded in agreement and immediately set to work, summoning Substiwolf back into the fray and continuing the training after warning the carriage driver they were about to begin. A Hisayo, Kayoko, and Sera clan immediately formed from each of them, made of mists, and shot out of the inside of the carriage, taking a three-way phalanx formation and scanning the external environment and protecting the Carriage Driver, Sera's favorite. The clones opened their senses and inside the carriage, a few pirates and Sera set to work. Sera performed hand seals, a slew of acid shifted shape into existence and manifested as a polearm between her hands as she took a half step backwards and merely slapped the daylights out of the face of a pirate that dared strike towards her. Substiwolf too was sent reeling to the side as Sera expertly avoided their assault.

Hisayo and Kayoko shifted form, two pirates grabbing one of each of them and taking on Sera, whom split her polearm in half intentionally and kicked part of it towards the pirate wielding Hisayo. Unprepared, Hisayo was struck cleanly in the broad side of her blade and winced in pain. Kayoko laughed, "you will get used to it." she said loudly and forced her wielder to swing violently in a weird direction to avoid being cleaved in two by Sera's counterattack. Sera responded by stabbing the remnants of her polearm through the pirate's legs and the pirate tripped to avoid it, falling onto it anyway as Sera moved it to the side and it burst over him in a splash.

She formed another one, swinging it round in an arc as she did a somersault through the air and deliver a swift side kick to the pirate on the ground as he attempted to get up. Hisayo shifted back into human form, swinging Kayoko the polearm violently to meet Sera's polearm and colliding with it, causing recoil that neither of them were quite prepared to deal with, hurting both of their hands. Sera's stance shifted and her total surface area to target became much smaller as she spun around quickly, suddenly extending her leg not once but twice as she sent her acidic polearm soaring through the air before her. Just before it would hit Hisayo, it exploded into a plume of acidic mist, not only knocking Hisayo backwards and down but filling the enchanted room with acidic mist, which began to empty out somewhat quickly though encroached and regenerated back upon itself just as fast.

Sera suddenly turned invisible after visibly fidgetting in her pocket, appearing behind Substiwolf in the mist as it began to fade away from its acidic nature and become replaced with regular, purified, Suiton-based mist. She struck Substiwolf hard in the back with her polearm, three times. Twice on Substiwolf's left and one on the right in a quick acidic combo strike meant to cause debilitating damage over a period of time. She performed it again and Hisayo had to draw breath in awe at its wonder. Sera, whoever it was, was to be their new Squad Leader, supposedly. An expert Missining Ninja hand trained by Maido herself and picked to lead Hisayo to hell in Maido's absence. Hisayo and Kayoko saw now why, for Sera was performing combination strikes with acid taijutsu that most would say were suicide, yet there she was making it happen.

In a flurry, she deliveres a roundhouse kick and launched the polearm again at another target, the pirate from before that had already tried to get up once. She channeled chakra, remaining invisible before suddenly launching outwards an insane, impractical volley of three hundred and sixty four knives made of Acid, outwards in a violent cone within her entire field of vision, seeking out and homing in on targets for a great distance. They stabbed into the wall, the floor, the pirates, Hisayo, Kayoko, and Substiwolf, and a light green mist immediately began to float into the enchanted room. It soothed their skins, their bounds, their wounds from Sera's attack. In shock, most of them stared at her in awe and fear, not quite sure what to say about the jutsu she had just performed. "That was nasty...please don't do that one again." Spoke a particularly bold spoken Black Wake Pirate.

"That's fair." Said Sera after a moment of consideration.

A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:


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