[Lonely] The voices of stone: the catacombs puppeteer

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[Lonely] The voices of stone: the catacombs puppeteer

Post by Kanade » Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:21 pm

Chiaki awoke, stretched, and looked out the window of her apartment that was afforded to her by the Tsuchikage Tatsuo. She wondered where he was at this point in time, scratching her sides she let out a yawn that let off a loud crack from the Silicone joints realigning and getting rid of the excess fluid buildup in them.

She had tried to make herself, for all intents and purposes, look like and behave like a normal regular person. She had taken to gardening in the community garden, and had found that she was rather terrible at it because she was impatient and over watered her little plot. It hadn’t even been a week yet, but she was thinking of what to do next. Send for Kirari? Send for Hanako? They were considered Missing Ninja and she had to lay low and pretend to be a good Iwagakure Citizen who didn’t know Missing Ninja.

A sigh escaped her as she looked at her shinobi outfit, left unused that was draped over the back of a steel chair. There was a lot more iron and steel here, but Iwa had a very antiquated feel to it.

Sorting through her clothing that she had managed to procure with the stipend that she was given by the Tsuchikage for her services in future, she found a casual set of clothing, and squeezed into some tight-fitting pants and a white blouse, pulling her hair out of the back.

Chiaki looked in the mirror, ran a finger over the scar that she had left as a memento of her father, the reason that she detested attempting to kill anything, and set off for the day. It was a nice enough morning, a little blustery though as the wind ripped through her hair and tossed it about in a childlike way.

She took a step to the left, to let a cart pass her by when Natsumi appeared next to her, Chiaki jumped about two feet in the air, limbs akimbo before she settled herself. Natsumi’s expression remained stoic.

“If you’re going to live here in Iwagakure no Sato and not cause troubles for the Tsuchikage, we are going to have to have you do things to show that your allegiance is actually here and not elsewhere.” Natsumi started in, as if they had been in the middle of a conversation last she had seen them.

Chiaki wracked her brains as to what she was saying and then as it dawned on her that she was talking about what she had been scolding Tatsuo about, her eyes widened with realization. “Ah, yes miss Natsumi, I believe that would be a good idea indeed. Did you need help with the hospital or-”

“No, we have another task for you, one that seems to be suited to the needs of the village, and one which a Jounin” she stressed the word, raising an eyebrow in a challenge to the word, “such as yourself shouldn’t have a problem with.”

“I ah, what would that be then?” Chiaki put her hand behind her head and laughed nervously.

“Please don’t act innocent around me, we both know that you are powerful, and the sooner that you stop acting like it the better.” She reached inside of her robes and pulled out a scroll that was concealed there, “Therefore, if you’d like to stop acting the part of the fool, and living off of Tatsuo’s good graces and pocketbook and start earning your keep, I suggest you read this and get to work.”

“One moment, I might have questions.” Chiaki held up a finger as Natsumi started to step through another portal. Natsumi waited as Chiaki read the scroll, it was a mission to find the culprit, whoever it was, that was killing people in the middle of the night. It seemed to her that it might be coming from somewhere that was well-known in the village, but Chiaki had no idea where that would be.

“Could you please show me where these instances have been happening and then I promise that I would be happy to help out in any way that I can.” Chiaki asked, some desperation coming into her voice.

Natsumi stopped, sighed, and made an irritated beckoning motion. Chiaki walked through the streets, following the robes of purple that her companion had. Natsumi seemed to know the best way to get to where they were going, moving about as if she had walked these streets a thousand times. Chiaki tried to keep a hold of where she was, where her bearings were, but still ended up totally lost. Her sense of direction was not the best, and she was the first to admit it. It had happened to her when she had come across the greaves with Shinjiro and Maido and had almost lost her life that day. Wasn’t a great thing to live with now.

As they neared the site of the crime that was being perpetrated, she came up on a couple of Iwagakure chuunin. At least she assumed they were chuunin, since murders were usually the jurisdiction of chuunin. It made her wonder why she was on the job, perhaps to prove that she could do this faster than a chuunin did? “I am er, I am Chiaki.” She dipped her head in a bow and came up, “So what are we working with, and what are the signs that you can see?”

“If that is all, I will be going now, I wish you good luck Kyoukan, Chiaki, and I hope that your mission is a success.” Natsumi opened a portal and vanished through it, it snapping shut behind her.

The two Chuunin looked at one another and the female shinobi, dark tan from the days spent in the harsh sun took the lead, answering Chiaki, “I am afraid we don’t know, there aren’t any signs of a struggle.” She pointed at the neck, “There is a single puncture wound but the body has been exsanguinated, completely.” She pointed to the tissue around the puncture, “There is also no bruising to indicate that the wound was suctioned at all, either orally or otherwise. We assume that there was some sort of jutsu that was used. We suspect a Kirigakure Chiton user.”

Chiaki had visions of Maido rush through her head before she blinked them away and cleared her throat, “It looks like there is a tattoo or something that was covered up by a skin-graft there?” She crouched down next to the corpse of the man and scratched at it, to see if it was a physical skin graft or whatnot. It looked like there was a seal beneath it.

“Right, that one then.” Chiaki wove some hand seals, talking to herself and forgetting that the Chuunin were even there, “and there we are, hello little beauty.” She said to the fuuinjutsu that was there. It was a simple one, one to keep the wound from showing up. There were bruises around the hole, looked like a human mouth, and she looked up at the two Chuunin, “Care to explain?”

“Uh, there are spirits known to wander the labyrinth but none that are known to use jutsu.” The male chuunin answered, “And if there is one then we should know about it, since we’re the security detail that is in charge of this district and entrance to the Labyrinth.”

“We were told you were a Jounin right?” The female asked, “Does that mean that you’re going to be the one that deals with this spirit?”

Chiaki nodded, standing up and looking at the body, “Looks like it is too late for this one, at least for me, which is sad because I would have liked to have had this mission produce no deaths.”

“He was dead when we arrived, what do you mean it’s too late?” The chuunin asked.

“Forget about it, lead me to the labyrinth entrance, looks like I am going in and looks like I am looking for the culprit.” Chiaki got up, dusted herself off and walked to the entrance of the labyrinth with the two Chuunin.

“Alright, so this is it eh?” She looked at the doorway. It was indescribably old with a door that was iron and had an iron hinge. Inspecing it she found that the hinges were more for show than anything else, and that it hadn’t been opened recently by the looks of the scrapes on the stones outside. It opened from the inside out and looked like the doors were barely hanging on, “Don’t oil these do you?”

“They’re to keep the things in, and to keep visitors out, as you can see from the lock.” The chuunin stated, which earned a sharp look from Chiaki.

“This lock?” Chiaki jiggled it and it snapped in her hand, “This lock is supposed to keep people out?” She scoffed, “This wouldn’t keep a genin out.”

“The stories would, we have lost many shinobi to the labyrinth, and we only let those of special Jounin or above in now.” The other Chuunin, the lad, said crossing his arms, “There have been higher ranks than you that’ve gone into the labyrinth and been eaten by the spiders or worse.”

“Spiders?” Chiaki shuddered, “If there is something that gives me the heeby jeebies, it’s spiders.” She started to take out bits of paper and draw on them, slapping them to the doorway, “Right, I want you to Kai these if anything comes out and it’s not me.” She looked at the both of them. “And I want one of you to take this rock to Natsumi, tell her that it’s from Kyoukan, Chiaki.”

She handed them the rock and they looked at it puzzled, “I er, I’m not supposed to leave my post.”

Chiaki rolled her eyes and sighed, “Fine, I’ll just have to wait here then. But if you see someone or something coming through this door, I want you to activate these tags right away. I am going back to the corpse to see what else I can see.”

“What are they?” The chuunin asked, watching Chiaki turn away, looking at the tags, apparently not a Fuuinjutsu expert.

“Barrier trap seals, four of them, creating a barrier of your strength from the time that you activate it. Or is it mine? It’s mine, yes, that’s it, it’s my strength, should be enough to keep anything else from getting through for a while.” Chiaki told them.

As she sped off the chuunin took a look at each other and then looked at the rock, then looked after her, “She’s not only full of herself she’s also insane.”

“I mean, I’m not one to call the higher-ups anything, she’s a Jounin, newly registered too.” Then gave the other chuunin a look that said that they agreed silently. They were, after all, holding just a regular rock and were told to give it to Natsumi.

She took off down the street, moving toward the corpse quickly. There were now people gawking at him. She waved her hands, open palmed at people, “Alright folks, we are doing an investigation so if you could all please take a step back, we can do our jobs.”

“What are you going to do about the demon?” One of the onlookers asked, a woman with a child clinging to her front, face buried in her dress.

Chiaki wove hand seals hastily and touched a large scroll, pulling the body into the newly created hole by her fuuinjutsu she asked, “What demon are you talking about?” the body plunged headfirst into the scroll, and new fuuin appeared on it telling her that the seal was now full, containing the body.

“The demon that came in the night, the demon that everyone knows about but that people are afraid to talk about.” The people around her did seem to be starting to wander off, carefully avoiding the woman as if her words would bring misfortune on them.

“Do you mind if we talk somewhere private, perhaps a private residence or somewhere that we are not going to be bothering other folks.” Chiaki asked, stepping out of a person’s way before raising an eyebrow at the woman like she was making a point.

The woman nodded, her black hair falling in front of her face for a moment, “We were on our way home, please come and join us for a meal.”

Chiaki walked with the woman for a couple of blocks in silence, the child was making a conscious effort to look anywhere but where Chiaki was. His green eyes looked here and there, stopped and was dragged along when he tried to pick up a rock that he thought was interesting. Chiaki stooped and picked it up for him before taking one skip to keep up.

The mother let her in. Chiaki slipped off her shinobi sandals and took out her headband, adjusting it onto her head so that it would look official, what she was doing here, should anyone ask.

“Ah, please make yourself at home, I’ll just put a pot on for tea.” The woman said. Chiaki nodded and proffered the rock to the child, it was a smooth stone, one that had either been worn that way by either the winds or the water here.

The child, green eyed and black haired grabbed the stone and ran to his room. The day was coming to a close, and the lights of the town started to drown out the light of the sun. Chiaki usually felt more relaxed during this time, but she couldn’t help feeling that this was going to be rather a chore to take care of this spirit.

“Please have a seat.” The woman waved her open hand in a giving gesture to one of the seats at her table. Chiaki sat on the cushion, her feet under her and waited for the woman, lost in her own thoughts of Maido, what she knew of the spirits of the land, and why they would be angry with the people here.

“So you’re Kyoukan, Chiaki?” the woman sat down, taking out the pot and the two cups.

Chiaki nodded, half lost in thought still, “I am, and have been assigned to the mission, but I don’t know what I am working with.” She sighed, “Or even who I am hunting.”

The woman poured them two cups of tea, touching the bottom lightly with her hand as she did so, then passed Chiaki her cup, a handmade clay cup with green tea in it. She reached inside of her robe, “This is the youkai that you’re looking for, it’s Yoruichii, the piper. He is a powerful mind controller. He can control people’s movements without them even knowing, and he lures people to the entrance of the catacombs before sucking them dry.”

https://i.pinimg.com/236x/f5/23/e4/f523 ... e30bf9.jpg

Chiaki looked at the picture that was painted stylistically. It almost looked harmless when it was crouched down like that in ancient robes. It was holding some sort of woodwind, either a clarinet or a flute or something of that make. It seemed to have long hair or fur and was boney or made of reeds of some sort. She recognized the symbol on its head; someone had tried to seal it.

Chiaki was still looking at the painting and tilted her head, “I don’t get how you know how it looks, did you see it then?” She looked up and stood up, making seals quickly at what she saw.

The woman’s eyes had started to glow green, and she smiled at her head twisted at a ninety degree angle, “Kyoukan, Chiaki, Ah how your accolades have spread, and you don’t even know it yet. Or you suspect and you are playing it down.” She raised her hand to her mouth and rested her fingers against her cheek, looking contemplative, contorted like that.

Chiaki’s eyes flared up with a maroon chakra, she looked at the spirit within her, it was only a fragment, she could see a tether that was going out the front door, no, two tethers.

“What do you want with the woman and child?” Chiaki asked, her voice going lower with authority. If only Natsumi was here, she could get the child and the woman away safely. She started to channel chakra, her own chakra boiling on the outside of her skin.

“Are you thinking of stopping me?” The spirit asked through the woman’s voice, it didn’t sound distorted or anything, just hollow. The child started to step out of the room and Chiaki froze, she didn’t have jutsu that would stop both of them without hurting the child or the woman badly.

“I want to talk, Chiaki Kyoukan, but I want to talk through only one person, I couldn’t just take control of one or the other, so you’re going to have to make a decision. Mother or son?” The spirit grinned at her with both faces, “I don’t need either alive to talk with you, so choose or I will just kill both of them.”

It was the impossible choice, the one that she had to make when performing medical duties for births. Usually she had the input of the father, but it looked like there was no third party unless he was the man that she had in her seal.

“Yes, he is the dead one you have in your paper.” The spirit answered her, “And you need to work on your bedside manner, it’s atrocious, I can’t even talk with you in a calm manner with your hands fidgeting like that.” The spirit pointed at her hands with both people, “Make your choice or I kill the both of them, this is your last warning.”

“I choose the child.” Chiaki looked to the child as the mother’s neck twisted around, easily snapping her neck and killing her painlessly. She choked out a couple of gasps as the spirit left her body, the trail running outside the door.

“Now, Chiaki-chan I am giving you a test. I heard that you were able to defeat some fox-spirits at the temple. We have connections there, oh yes, connections to the spirit world. You are an up and coming tenkujutsu user and we believe that you might have contact with the beast genma’s host.”

The look on Chiaki’s face told it all, she was shocked that it knew so much about her.

“How did you know that I would get assigned to this mission and not someone else?” Chiaki asked, “How did you know?”

“We took a calculated guess, never do know who is going to turn up. If it had been someone else we would have made our intentions clear. It was you we were looking for.” The child looked at his nails, “Come into the Catacombs, I’ll draw you a map of where we are. If you do not, we will continue to kill those in this district, and then we will reach into Iwagakure proper, killing until you get the message. Each night we will kill one person until we can chat, face-to-face Chiaki.”

The child crossed over to the table where his mother had fallen, he moved her hand as if it were a paper weight and drew a rudimentary map, listed directions on the left side of the map and handed it to her, “There, now you shouldn’t get lost.” The spirit said through the boy, “As insurance I am going to have you escort this boy to the catacombs. Ah ah-” Chiaki started to form seals, and the boy’s neck twisted until Chiaki heard a loud pop, “Don’t try anything, he’s still alive, we will watch him until you’re there with us.”

Chiaki glared at the boy, the spirit within the boy as it grinned at her, “That’s a good doctor, always wanting to spare the child.” Chiaki’s eyes looked to the woman, perhaps it wasn’t too late.

“Leave her, or I kill the boy.” The spirit stated flatly, walking toward the door, it opened it with the boy’s small hands, “Come.”

Chiaki walked with the boy to the catacombs, “Don’t worry, the shinobi here have long since gone, they went to get reinforcements.” The boy rounded the corner and Chiaki saw the carnage that was happening in the street, “You really should train your senses better, a kage would never have let this happen when they were so close to the scene. Made an awful racket, but you were so focused on the woman that you let them through.” The child explained as Chiaki saw spiders leading people wrapped in webs into the catacombs, one of the chuunin was dead, froth coming from their mouth, their face purple and contorted in pain. The other Chuunin was nowhere in sight.

“I think I will have enough food for about a week, the killings will continue though, one per night that you keep me waiting.” The child smiled up at her, walking through the doors, waving goodbye as the spiders surrounded the child and they walked into the catacombs, slipping out of sight as they turned the corner to the right. Chiaki rushed a set of hand seals and ten of her lept toward the injured and dying, performing damage control.

It took a bit longer, not much, Chiaki was just administering an antidote to one of the people, the lights of the night were on, and the street was eerily quiet as Chiaki worked on the people. Sighing in relief Chiaki stood up.

Natsumi strode over and slapped Chiaki hard, her strength almost that of Chiaki’s own, Chiaki was sent careening backward by the force of the slap. The golden eyes held Chiaki’s own orange ones as well-maintained cold anger drove Natsumi over the cured person’s body. They were resting, but at the slap they started to scramble backward.

“I give you an assignment, I give you a direct order from the Kage, and this is how you handle it?” Natsumi growled, “One Chuunin dead, countless others kidnapped or injured, I told you to take care of this, but apparently I am going to have to do this on my own.” She seethed, her purple shinobi’s dress fluttering with each step she took toward Chiaki as Chiaki inched back. Her clones all poofed, giving her back the chakra that she had expended on them.

“I have a description of the perpetrator and a map to their lair.” Chiaki produced it.

Natsumi snatched it out of Chiaki’s hand, snarling at her audibly before looking it over. It took a couple moments before Natsumi’s hard eyes looked Chiaki over, a new respect for her veiling much of the anger, “So you know where this monster is. Do you know why it is doing this?”

“I-I don’t yet, I just know that it wants me there.” Chiaki was still holding her cheek, long since stopped stinging, but still looking rather stricken, it was a habit from when she was human.

“And how are you privy to this information?” Natsumi asked, Chiaki striking the wall she continued to advance before crossing her arms under her bosom and leaned in to look at Chiaki.

“It has taken control of a child, and gave me that information.”

“A trap.” Natsumi interrupted with a wave of her hand, “It just wants to eliminate a Jounin here. Nothing you have told me suggests we should send you into the catacombs.”

“Every night that I am out here, it will kill another person. It said that it will use any entrance it needs, and any means necessary.” Chiaki stated.

“What the fuck makes you so special?” Natsumi laughed, “You’re powerful, sure, but what makes you so-” She stopped and looked Chiaki up and down, “Unless it wants your Kyoukan abilities for something.” She sneered, “I am not going to just hand you over, which means that you have already failed your mission.”

“No.” Chiaki set her jaw, “I have a duty to that boy and to Iwagakure for housing me.” Her eyes burned with anger, “No, I will not just stand by and do nothing.”

“Look around! I think you’ve done quite enough as it is! You’d have to be deaf not to hear this horrible din!” Natsumi made a wide sweeping gesture, “If you want to help you’ll stay out of the way of the professional Tenkujutsu users that we’ll send in.”

“It will kill the kid if I don’t go in.” Chiaki clenched her fists, “It’ll kill one more person each night.”

“It won’t if our guards have anything to say about it. We’re going to assign Jounin to each entrance we know of until we can deal with this thing. You’re not a combatant.” Natsumi waved her hand, “Go home, you’re done with this mission.”

Chiaki grabbed Natsumi’s hand as she started to channel. Natsumi turned around and attempted to slap Chiaki again. Chiaki was too quick and caught Natsumi’s other hand, “You’re going to let me clean up my own mess.” Chiaki stated.

Natsumi considered it for a moment before sighing, a portal leading to a training grounds it seemed opened, “Fine, you have one day to change my mind and keep on this mission.” She jerked her hands free of Chiaki and took out a scroll, scrawled on it some techniques, “Go to the library, find these techniques and I’ll see if you are worthy of teaching some other techniques that’ll help you with this spirit. We are going into the catacombs tomorrow at six, when it starts to get dark if you can master these techniques.” She frowned, “I am not going to to easy on you, if you can’t show me that you’ve mastered these techniques, then you are going to be left behind.”

Chiaki opened her mouth to protest, but Natsumi held up her hand.

“You’ve argued your point enough, it’s time to grow up and show that you’re actually an asset to the village and not just a walking disaster-magnet.” She looked Chiaki straight in the eyes, “Show that I’m wrong about you. I am making a full report to Tatsuo about whether you should stay here based on your performance of these techniques at noon tomorrow. That gives you fourteen hours to master those techniques.” She motioned Chiaki through the portal and as Chiaki turned back around to talk to Natsumi she found that the library was where Natsumi should be.

“Hmmm, these shouldn’t be too hard I suppose. I mean, I learned many jutsu in just one afternoon. I have taught techniques to people before, these shouldn’t be too hard to learn right?” She walked toward the library, dipping her head at the shinobi in question that was working the scrolls, “I need these.” Chiaki showed the man the scroll that Natsumi had written on.

“I need to see papers.” He looked at the headband and then narrowed his eyes at Chiaki.

She proffered them to him with a bit of embarrassment, her cheeks reddening as she dipped her head to him a couple times.

“Jounin hmm?” He raised an eyebrow, unimpressed and handed her papers back to her, “Alright, wait here.”

Chiaki waited until he brought the scrolls back for her, “They’re copies, but you have them for three days, return them when you’re done with them.”

Chiaki dipped her head and headed out from the library, the scent of the old scrolls mixing with the cool air of the night. The training grounds were well-lit, apparently people trained at night too, as she saw a couple sparring in hand to hand fighting, and she also saw a man meditating. There was what looked to be a jounin that was supervising a couple of genin who were attempting to master the tree climbing technique. It would be a good place as any to sit down and pour over the scrolls.

The sun started to come up soon thereafter and Chiaki found herself laying on the ground, looking at the scrolls, nodding to herself. She had indeed mastered them, now to show Natsumi that she had.

Like someone had rang a bell for Natsumi, she appeared, “So have you been looking at them all this time?” She looked rather put together, Chiaki’s eyes snapped to her hair, the smell of Natsumi, she had just recently showered.

“Yes, It seems like they’re going to be rather easier to master than what I had thought.”

Natsumi nodded, “Show me.” She put a hand behind her back and made a ‘come at me’ movement with her finger.

Chiaki wove some seals, touched a seal on her chest, and three kunai that she had made of megallium not an hour ago rushed at Natsumi. She was taken aback, making seals, Natsumi opened her hand and the kunai disappeared, which were replaced with a seal on that palm.

“Impressive, Chiaki, I didn’t see you had a seal on your chest. What are these weapons made out of?” Natsumi asked as Chiaki placed her hand next to her, creating a Kai seal, her weapon that she had made and stored with the depth seal snapped up next to her. It was a spear. She hucked it at Natsumi, rushing her with a flash of new hand seals.

“Megallium, so that you don’t get hurt.” Chiaki replied. Natsumi wove seals herself and the projectile that Chiaki had shot at her froze not five meters away. Chiaki knew this technique, stopped dead in her tracks.

“Alright, how about this?” Natsumi asked, allowing a portal to open behind her, then shutting it. A man stepped out. Chiaki stopped and waited, her hands in front of her, waiting bare centimeters away from one another, ready to make seals again.

The man channeled chakra all around himself, a big man, impressive, and then tossed the scroll, pointed at it and a very large eagle swooped, aiming its claws at her head.

“It’s a spirit.” Natsumi smirked at the bird as Chiaki dodged out of the way of the talons which were each as long as she was tall, and wove some seals as it started to ascend.

“Here you go little birdie.” Chiaki wove some seals as she hit the ground and made a clutching motion, rolling into an upright crouched position she held the bird in a prison, just a little off the ground with a prison made from maroon chakra.

“And since I know that you will not be permanently hurt by this-” Chiaki wove some other hand seals and reached out with her hand making a set of armor around the bird. Its bones snapped, neck snapped, wings snapped, legs snapped, all at right angles. The bird poofed.

Chiaki dodged out of the way of Natsumi as she shot kunai at Chiaki and as soon as they came within a couple feet of Chiaki she blinked into existence next to her, “Too slow Chiaki.” Natsumi said as she wove some other hand seals, her hand glowed with five seals on each finger. Chiaki knew this from the scroll, she wove hand seals at the same time. Attempting to duck out of the way at the same time. Their jutsu came off at the same time, Natsumi tried to touch Chiaki, Chiaki had four arms shoot out of her shoulders at a blinding speed, grasping both of Natsumi’s arms, applying paralysis to her.

Chiaki was left breathing hard, her eyes wide. She bent down, weaving some more seals, she placed a hand on Natsumi, to make sure that she was still breathing. The gentleman also ran to Natsumi’s side. Natsumi gave him the barest nod dismissing him. He gave Chiaki an alarmed look and ran from the field.

“That was a good technique. I wasn’t expecting you to be able to deal with close combat as well as with long range. As soon as I saw that you were able to deal with the long range combat, closing the gap seemed like it would be an all or nothing technique. I thought perhaps I could seal your elemental body away, making it so that you were not able to do seals, and then I would have won. I didn’t use my swarm, but then again neither did you.” She looked at the sky, the birds and the butterflies seemingly doing small dances around. The birds were agitated.

“Didn’t know you had a swarm.” Chiaki said, a tone of apology creeping into her voice.

“Don’t you dare apologize to me.” Natsumi warned, “You earned my respect, and another chance at taking a shot at this spirit.” She jerked as Chiaki’s tether started to glow a dark red color, as did she. The paralysis was negated.

Chiaki sighed with relief, “Ah, there you are, all better.”

Natsumi gave a small almost imperceptible chuckle and smile and nodded at Chiaki, “I am going to go and rest up, I recommend you do the same. We might not have time to do it when we are in the catacombs.”

“I will.” Chiaki nodded, “That and I’ll make sure that I am well-equipped for the journey.”

“I am coming with you, at least for the first part. I cannot believe that there is a spirit such as the one that was described to you last night.” She shook her head, “It’s almost unbelievable. A spirit that can take control of more than one person, it sounds almost like-.”

“Maido.” Chiaki finished. She nodded, “I almost thought so, but she wouldn’t be using tethers like that. She would be using their blood.”

“You know much about the blood witch.” Natsumi gave her a glance, suspicion coming once more into her eyes.

“I studied under her once.” She nodded, “It should have been in my file, but I have seen her fight twice now, not a fun thing.”

“I imagine not.” Natsumi nodded, “I am off to home, I need to get the dirt off of me, and rest.” She opened a portal and left Chiaki standing there.

Chiaki picked up another pebble, took out a kunai and scratched a circle with a line through it, then wove some hand seals.

Two pebbles that were precisely the same occupied her hand after the seal. Chiaki dropped it, focused on another pebble in her pocket, the one which had the kanji for ‘home’ on it and stepped, finding herself already inside of her home.

She sighed and cracked the joints in her megallium bones in her neck, alleviating the pressure there from the silicone muscles. What a morning.

She looked at the clock, it was a good five hours until she had to meet Natsumi back at the entrance, might as well get a shower, or a bath, eat, get ready, and get there early.


Chiaki did, indeed, arrive at the aforementioned place early. She looked about in broad daylight and saw the carnage for the first time since the night before. It was a stale battlefield, not even swept up yet. There were two guards now again, one was clearly a jounin by the way they handled themself, and the other one was probably a chuunin. The reason that she could tell was the Jounin moved to keep their back against a wall to look at her, whereas the Chuunin just turned to see who was coming up on them.

Chiaki used the same trick that she had before to get to where she was now, a simple teleportation jutsu to get back to the entrance. She dropped another anchor next to the entrance. She would at least have a way out, and could give it to Natsumi should she need it.

The Chuunin saluted her, the Jounin just gave her a slight smile and looked again at the entrance.

The Jounin seemed to be a male of large build, apparently a Taijutsu user, his muscles rippled underneath his tight fitting shinobi onesie, it was all black and he had a mask on. His dark black hair hung down on either side, unkempt and braided in the back. He had a large sword, and while he looked relaxed, Chiaki could tell that he was a coiled spring, waiting for someone or something to strike out at.

The Chuunin, however, was visibly relieved at seeing Chiaki, a girl that had black skin and red hair. She grinned and waved at Chiaki, “You must be the jounin that we heard about that is supposed to be going into the catacombs. So far there haven’t been any spiders!” She grinned at Chiaki and waved a hand towards the jounin, who regarded her and Chiaki with a cool, bordering on cold look, “We’ve been here all day and nothing to report which I suppose is a good thing.”

Chiaki looked and saw that the seals were still there from the night before, she nodded to the Chuunin, “Thank you for keeping an eye on the entrance for me. I had to learn some mission specific jutsu that are supposed to help.” She looked to the Jounin who was still regarding the two of them, but was keeping his ear pointed at the entrance.

“Those seals are mine, I would like you to use them if you see or hear anything out of the ordinary.” She was speaking to the Jounin now, but he seemed nonplussed.

“Don’t take orders from you.” He said simply, “Besides, if you’re the jack off that let the spiders through in the first place I don’t know why we are letting you inside. Can’t handle yourself as far as I can tell, and that’s saying something. I told ‘em that I would much rather just collapse this entrance to the catacombs for good, the people have already had enough of a scare.”

So he did talk, Chiaki thought, raising an eyebrow.

The chuunin chuckled nervously, waving her hands in front of her in a non-confrontal sort of way, “Hey now, we’re all Iwa ninja, we can get along right? Besides, this jounin is the one that is supposed to specialize in Tenkujutsu right?” she looked to Chiaki for some help with her claims, looking for an affirmation that Chiaki wasn’t sure she was comfortable giving at this point in time. She had a basic understanding, but she didn’t know many S-rank techniques. The basics might not help her, nor would they help Natsumi in this instance.

Natsumi stepped through at that point and waved the chuunin and Jounin back to their posts. They snapped back to attention and pretended like Chiaki and her didn’t even exist anymore, and as Natsumi continued walking toward Chiaki, she murmured in a low tone, “I think that we are fine, I have reinforcements stationed outside of the catacombs, but I am not guaranteeing our safety. You’re going to have to do a lot of the heavy lifting. They’re mainly going to step in to help us with the last part.”

Chiaki gave Natsumi a questioning look, to which Natsumi lifted a finger to her lips in a ‘silence’ gesture. She started walking toward the other two shinobi, Chiaki trailing behind her, and got the same information out of the two of them as Chiaki had, albeit on better terms with both of them.

While the Chuunin respected Chiaki’s rank, the Jounin apparently wasn’t at all pleased to be in the company of someone who had, as he had heard through rumors, let this destruction be wrecked on his village. Chiaki grit her teeth and looked at the unused symbols. She wondered why the other two hadn’t used the seals, wondered if they even had time to do it or not.

“I see that there are seals here, they should have been activated by someone had something happened.” Natsumi stated at the seals on the doorway, seemingly reading Chiaki's mind, "must have missed them when I arrived here yesterday. They seem particularly potent." She raised an eyebrow to Chiaki who nodded.

Natsumi shrugged, her face resuming its bored expression, and continued into the entrance to the catacombs.

Chiaki looked back at the chuunin who was standing at attention, "those are mine. Make sure you activate them if anything comes though here." She nodded to the girl.

The goal nodded back and waved her hand, "good luck! We are counting on you two!"

The sun was setting, and as they ventured further and further in, Chiaki made a set of seals, a small helmet forming over her head, allowing her to see in the dark. She looked at Natsumi, who seemed to be at home with the darkness.

"You been in here before?" Chiaki asked quietly, her voice reverberating off of the smooth stone walls of the upper catacombs, echoing around her, the consonants sounding like the hum of distant drums.

Natsumi shrugged in a noncommittal way before she kneeled down and looked at the recently disturbed ground, "there are footprints of a child that passed this way. You said it was holding him hostage?"

Chiaki nodded, "not in the conventional sense. It took him over and he was escorted by some very large spiders." Chiaki's voice, barely above a whisper seemed to echo on forever.

"Let me teach you another seal." Natsumi said, "We should be as quiet as possible while we are down here." Slowly she performed the hand seals and Chiaki performed the same ones, practicing the movements and then Natsumi touched Chiaki on the arm, she felt a surge of chakra and warmth spread between her shoulder blades and then Natsumi spoke directly to her mind.

'This is mind communion, we don't need to worry about others hearing us now, unless we make unnecessary noise, can you track?' The voice of Natsumi reverberated in Chiakis mind and Chiaki nodded, opening her mouth before closing it and replying with a non verbal affirmative thought.

She moved to follow the tracks, they were rather easy to follow, but then again, the spirit said that it wanted her to follow it.

She wondered what kind of yokai would provoke her, and the entirety of Iwagakure to make a point. It said something about helping?

The conversation would continue, from then on inside of their heads, not only keeping their hearing sharp, but letting Chiaki know exactly how noisy she actually was. Each footfall was a thunderstorm, each breath a gust of wind. Natsumi seemed to know more about stealth than she did. She wondered whether or not she was even cut out for this type of work.

She shook her head and focused on the task at hand, finding the boy.

Natsumi stopped and sighed, “You actually probably should know some more seals.” She took out her kunai, showed one seal, and then another seal, “One is called the control seal and the other one is called the directional seal. The chakra that you want to expel from one goes through the other. I was told that you were a user of Jikukan techniques, correct?” Chiaki nodded to say that she was, indeed a user of Jikukan techniques. “Well,” Natsumi continued, “These allow for your jutsu to pass through the control seal and into the directional seal, so if I were to want to perform a jutsu on you, say, I would mark my hand as thus,” She formed a seal on her palm, “And then I would form a seal on you, like so.”

She drew a seal on Chiaki, then wove some hand seals, and the seal disappeared on her, ‘I don’t get it.’ Chiaki looked all over herself, ‘where did the seal go?’

‘It was a secondary seal that I sent through the directional seal from the control seal, which means that I am able to make seals from further away and transfer them through this seal to you.’ Natsumi looked to see whether Chiaki had an understanding of this or if it was going over her head.

‘Kind of like my Kyoukan techniques actually, except that you can’t see the tether, which would be helpful I suppose in a battle. More often than not I am picked out because of the tethers that I have with my friends, and that is a little scary. Not only that but it also seems like it only takes chakra when you use it, which would be helpful as well. I wonder if it takes more chakra than usual.’ All of these thoughts ran through her mind like water through a sieve before Natsumi turned around and opened her eyes, making a shushing noise audibly in Chiaki’s mind as she stopped.

‘Ah, right, can hear my thoughts, sorry.’ Chiaki winced as she took the lead again. The tunnels were dark, darker than she had thought, and because they were only using Chiaki as a guide with her helmet that allowed her to see her way, the place looked eerily unkempt and unlit. She could see darker shadows moving as she passed between the rocks on the walls and on the ceiling, which made her think that they weren’t alone, even in this passageway.

Natsumi confirmed this with a mental nod, and pointed Chiaki in the direction that she needed to go. Not far after, Chiaki and Natsumi made their way to a ladder which almost seemed to be hanging on by its fingernails as it trailed down into the endless darkness.

‘This is where the map just says down, so I am assuming that it means all the way down.’ Natsumi nodded to Chiaki in a polite way of saying that she should descend into the very pits of the underworld first. Chiaki gulped and looked down. She hadn’t ever been afraid of heights. She had gone for walks in the mountains, had sat at the edge of cliffs, but the cavernous maw that yawned below her now made her wonder whether or not anyone would ever find her body if she fell into it.

‘Probably not, so don’t.’ Natsumi said, not reassuring Chiaki of anything as she started the descent on the ladder. The condensation of the cold metal in the warm tunnel made the ladder that was hanging on by pitons that were jutting out of the wall even harder, and it was a straight descent downward into the abyss. They would need to conserve their chakra, so slowly, and gently they made their descent down.

As they got lower, even the dim light of the upper tunnels of the caverns gave way into a blackness that her helmet could not produce light anymore. She gulped and shuddered, the ladder rattling as she did so, echoing both up into safety and into the abyss below her. She looked up to see whether or not Natsumi was even following her, and Natsumi’s foot planted right in her face.

‘Sorry, I am not accustomed to the lower levels.’ Natsumi apologized, ‘We are going to have to work out some way of illumination when we get down there.’

‘I have a Raiton shield that I could just power endlessly for light, once we get down there.’ She gulped, ‘It doesn’t have to protect me, just has to give off enough light for us to see by, the problem is that it will ruin our perception of distance.’

‘We really should have brought some sort of light if we were going this deep.’ Natsumi regretted it, ‘that or we could have dropped an anchor into the bottom and been there already.’ She mused to herself about whether or not they should just do that now.

‘If it is eaten by something, I don’t exactly want to end up a meal by proxy.’ Chiaki said, still telepathically to Natsumi who agreed back to her.

On they went, down into the abyssal depths, and as they did the air smelled more stale, older, and was thicker. It seemed like there was plant life down here, since the air was thicker, but also easier to breathe. She wondered what was lurking in the murky darkness. Probably nothing good. She had a sense that the cavern widened at this point, but she had no idea how much or into what, she just heard the echoes getting less and less close as she descended the ladder, each ‘tik TINK tik TINK’ of her sandals and Natsumi’s own against the metal were getting more and more muffled by something.

Finally Chiaki jarred herself on the ground that she couldn’t see and warned Natsumi mentally that they had found the bottom. There was some scuffling as they divested themselves of each other, trying to make sure that Chiaki didn’t accidentally shock her. Chiaki wove her seals and a flash of brilliant light flashed to life around Chiaki as she stared into the darkness. The void was only deepened, it seemed, from the light that she produced but at least within a few meters they could see. The plant life around them looked alien and closed in around them. The ladder looked like it had been ready to give, and Chiaki wondered at the fact that it was still able to hold the both of them.

A cool breeze was flowing from the tunnel, which at first alarmed Chiaki, but it made sense, if there was plant life down here and it wasn’t completely overgrown then there must be something that ate the plant life, of course. If there wasn’t then it would be much more overgrown and the plants would have outcompeted each other or ended up root bound and died from lack of pruning. Her mother had taught her some herbology.

‘Eyes ahead Chiaki, we will need to make sure that we are aware of things before they are aware of us.’ Natsumi took out one of her kunai, probably as a ward against whatever could attack them in close combat. Chiaki, however, was not a close-combat combatant, and she had absolutely no intentions of starting that right now.

‘I have an idea, it will cost me some chakra, but I can maintain one clone for a while, which can maintain this jutsu and walk ahead of us, that way if we’re ambushed, it will go for the clone and not me.’ Chiaki nodded to Natsumi, who nodded back as an affirmative.

Chiaki wove some more hand signs and a clone of herself, with the same jutsu sprang forth from her, she nodded to it, and it nodded to her, knowing what was wanted of her.

Chiaki dropped her own jutsu and it instantly got as dark as before the clone, but she wasn’t the source of light anymore. She felt strangely nude in the darkness that surrounded her now, and as she looked around, she couldn’t find any walls or anything that they could use as a reference point.

‘We’ll have to make our way along the wall with the ladder in order to get to where we’re going.’ Natsumi snapped at the clone and indicated that it should walk near the wall to guide them on the right side.

‘The first turn that we’re going to encounter is a right, so we should stick to that wall. Looks like the directions are rather scarce and sparse, and the map is rudimentary at best. It doesn’t even look like it belongs to any of the maps that we have made of the catacombs so far.’ Natsumi grumbled in her mind, forgetting momentarily that she was linked with Chiaki.

It was fine, as it gave Chiaki’s mind time to wander, and to wonder about what was waiting in the dark for them. The light was a bane and a boon, because, as Chiaki had been taught by Shinjiro and Maido, if you lit up in the darkness, more often than not you would be seen well before seeing what was coming at you.

Sure enough, a spider slammed into her clone, extinguishing hers and Natsumi’s light, they caught a glimpse of it as it ran into the clone, destroying it with its long fore-pincers. Chiaki and Natsumi were both surprised, seemingly by the encounter, and Chiaki could only think to make another light, another jutsu to protect herself since she wasn’t accustomed to fighting while blind. She found that the spider had moved towards her and was already getting ready to strike when she found the jutsu to make the light. She dodged out of the way of its pincers this time, kicking its alienesque visage, with mandibles clacking and beady lidless eyes staring into her, out of her way. The jutsu held true, and she found that the spider, while it was strong, wasn’t as strong as she had been led to believe by the taking of the people around town. Which meant that it was probably an ambush-predator, relying on toxins of some sort. From the fangs, she guessed a venom.

It twitched a couple of times, the Raiton jutsu doing its work to paralyze it, while Natsumi shook her long mane of blonde hair, “Can’t let it live Chiaki, I know you’re soft but you have to kill this thing.” Chiaki gulped and stared at its alien face. She had killed mosquitos before, but usually she actually preferred to release spiders back into the environment.

“Chiaki, focus, that thing will kill others if you leave it alive. That thing does not deserve your pity, nor does it deserve your mercy. You are a ninja of Iwagakure and you will act as such.” Natsumi commanded, and Chiaki felt that if she didn’t do this then she would be disobeying a direct order. Natsumi was already weaving hand seals for herself, and covered herself from head to toe in a jutsu that Chiaki could only guess at as Chiaki approached the drooling spider. It screeched at her, hateful creature that it was and Chiaki read fear, and anger, and hate in its alien eyes, all eight of them.

Sighting, she wove some hand seals and took her staff from her back, it wreathed itself in raiton Chakra. “Destroy it Chiaki and let’s be on our way, the longer you make the spirit wait, the longer that it will be holding that child hostage, and who knows, it might actually kill again.” The warning tone in Natsumi’s voice brooked no argument. Chiaki plunged the staff between the eight eyes and she felt the spider go limp, the legs curling as the life drained out of it. She couldn’t watch the eyes as she knew that they would coat with a film, the soul being severed from the body. She felt sick.

Chiaki pulled the staff out of the head of the spider, but didn’t release the jutsu. She might as well keep it going for the entire length so that they could have a light. She could maintain a small amount of chakra on it and herself and give her that much time to react.

“I am proud of you.” Natsumi said, a bit of pride welling up in her voice, and Chiaki could hear, rather than see the smile that Natsumi gave, it was a cold, calculating one. She saw only the potential for this thing to kill more of her people, and why not? Chiaki had to make the choice between putting this monster of a spider down or loosing more people. She gripped the staff tighter and as she approached the wall again, she saw that Natsumi was weaving more hand seals, “This will make sure that you keep quiet about what you saw down here, you saw the weaving right?”

Chiaki nodded, “Yes I did, what is it?”

“It’s the mute seal, it is what we use for our black ops specialists in order to keep them quiet about what they know about these situations.” She indicated that Chiaki should open her mouth by opening her own. Chiaki did as she was bade and Natsumi placed her finger on Chiaki’s tongue. She found that her ability to talk was actually all but taken away from her. Natsumi motioned for Chiaki to open her mouth again as she almost panicked, forgetting the mind link.

‘Open your mouth again, I will show you how to open the seal.’ She wove the same hand seals and placed her fingers on Chiaki’s tongue again, before Chiaki knew it she could talk again, “Thanks.” Chiaki said out loud, her voice echoing throughout the tunnel.

“It’s not like they don’t know where we are right now, they’re just probably waiting for us to make a mistake to strike.” Natsumi murmured, it might as well have been a shout, the echoes making it seem all the more eerie, ‘but we should continue our communication through the telepathic link if at all possible.

Chiaki nodded, knowing that the other Jounin’s advice was sound enough for her to follow it without question. She wondered how much of it was just nerves, and how much she didn’t know about the labyrinth and that was what was bothering her, but Chiaki felt a growing sense of dread as they walked on, taking the turns that were described on the map that she had received from the possessed little boy, she remembered his face, the glow of his eyes as she found out that he was possessed, it sent a shudder up her spine and into her limbs.

‘You seem troubled, Chiaki-chan.’ Natsumi spoke to her mind through the telepathic link, ‘if you are worried about something perhaps you should talk to me.’ They were continuing on in the dark, Chiaki leading the way, while Natsumi kept a watch on their back, it was slow going, and the cavern seemed rather endless, the wet stone beneath Chiaki’s feet made for a rather poor foothold as they continued to descend. The air was becoming less close as they continued on.

‘No, I am… well, I suppose I am troubled after all, I don’t know what we are going to do when we get there.’ Chiaki’s brow furrowed, ‘I don’t know how to face a monster such as this, one that can possess people, and I don’t know how to extract it from the child without harm to him.

‘More likely than not the child has already been burned from the inside out, there is probably little left of him and you should get over any sentiments that you have of saving him at this point. It would be pointless to have this exercise if it is going to just hurt you.’ Natsumi stated flatly, ‘If he is alive by the end of this, he will have no parents, and while we have systems for children such as him that are orphaned by the line of duty, we do not have the best conditions for all of them. There is a surplus because of the movements of Iwagakure of children that just never leave the group home until they become contributing members of society.’

All of Natsumi’s words hit Chiaki like a stone to the head. She felt the stone drop into her stomach, resting there, weighing her down. Gulping, she decided to press on. That was the world that they lived in, a cruel one, one without mercy, one with pain and misery, and they all just had to suck it up and learn to live with the hand they were delt.

‘Why are we even down here, if it is too late then?’ Chiaki asked, the question that she knew she didn’t want to hear the answer to but knew that she probably should hear the answer to anyhow, as it would be good for her.

‘Because while that thing is down here, it is a threat to the people of Iwagakure no sato, and we need to burn it out of its hole. It threatened all of the people of Iwagakure, killed a Chuunin, dragged the citizens down here, and seemingly feasts on the people and has done so for a while now. I don’t know what it meant by it needed your help, but that is not why you are down here Chiaki.’ The light of Chiaki’s jutsu started to fade, but as it did they noticed that the light around them had grown, the darkness wasn’t full darkness anymore, and they could again see vague shapes. Chiaki was able to see with her helmet jutsu much better than Natsumi, assuming that she was correct.

‘It looks like we are nearing the end of our trek, I am going to show you something that is called, “Fight the Power”. It is a jutsu that I used on myself just a bit ago, and wards against all sorts of blows, which is more than one can say for a lot of jutsu. You have to take into account their elements and in some circumstances they can even fail.’ Natsumi and Chiaki walked a bit further, noticing that they had made their way, inexplicably into a tunnel, though the tunnel was rather vast in dimensions, about 20 meters by 20 meters all said and done, and Chiaki was able to stop to see Natsumi in the growing light. She let go of her Raiton shield and coating on her weapon.

‘This is the seal that I used.’ Natsumi showed Chiaki the mother-seal and then wove the hand seals for it, showing the sequence. She had picked up on the fact that Chiaki was a quick study. Chiaki nodded to herself and wove the seals before placing her hand on herself, the sensation of the tattoo for the Iijutsu spreading over her body felt like a warm bath. She looked around as the seal wove itself like a second skin but an armor around her body.

‘Neat trick.’ Chiaki flexed her hand and nodded to Natsumi, ‘Thank you for this!’

‘Not a trick, a tool, use it well.’ Natsumi looked around at the chamber that it had deposited them both in. It seemed like it was some sort of a lush forest, but underground. The trees didn’t seem to want for lack of light, and there was an eerie glow to the place around it, a sort of were-light that permeated the place in a pink and green tinged soft tones.

‘I think that we’re here.’ Chiaki stated the obvious in the interim, wondering whether or not she was going to get to see the surface ever again. She looked around the place and she noticed the distinct lack of something that she had taken for granted. The sound of the trees was gone, their movement stilled in the stagnant air of the catacombs. They made even less noise here than on the slick stone behind them. Chiaki wondered whether or not that was a good thing here, because if they had their footfalls dampened, surely their enemy had the same advantage, right? She looked around, sniffing the air, wondering whether or not there was something to this whole thing.

“Welcome, Chiaki-chan, Natsumi-chan to my lair, please, if you would, come to the shrine in the middle. Be careful of the plants, they bite.” A sultry voice was coming from the middle of the cavern, but it reverberated around them, throwing the voice into many different places all at once.


To Be Continued
Jutsu training: 10,541/23,400Show
Jutsu trained so far: 25 below-S rank techs and 1 S rank tech.

54 jutsu: 14 of which are S rank. 23,400 words needed

Chiaki can train all jutsu except S rank at 400 words (due to perk) S ranks are trained at 500 words (due to perk). Training from Natsumi with Niro’s permission.

13 are custom and are marked with the ~ sign:

Booby trap check, seal analysis, directional seal, control seal, group link, antisensory, self-destruct, memory erasure, fight the power, mind communion, domain of the gods, extended domain, Guiding storm, guiding thunder, near and far, acceleration of mind and body (both), formula seal, all from Tatsuo

Jikukan jutsuShow

[Space-Time - Formula Seal]
C-rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
A fuuinjutsu developed by Nyūsen, Natsumi. This fuuinjutsu serves as the anchor and location for the teleportation of the [Space-Time - Acceleration of Mind and Body] jutsu. The fuuinjutsu can be rubbed off with a strength of [Control] and is able to be placed by the user on inanimate such as kunai, blank tags, animate objects, and even people.

[Space-Time - Acceleration of Mind and Body Tag]
C-rank Charge Fuuinjutsu
Prerequisite: [Space-Time - Acceleration of Mind and Body]
The carrier of this seal will be able to channel chakra into the seal and activate the [Space-Time - Acceleration of Mind and Body] jutsu, opening space around themselves and anything they are touching to teleport instantly to a [Space-Time - Formula Seal] within 25 meters of the user.

[Space-Time - Acceleration of Mind and Body]
C-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
The user will channel chakra to their body as they focuses on one of their [Space-Time - Formula Seal]s which act as a conduit for this technique. As long as they focuses on a specific object or place tagged with this fuuinjutsu the user can open space around themselves and anything they are touching to teleport there instantly as long as its within 25 meters of the user.

[Open Space • Near and Far]
B-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
Prerequisite: [Space-Time - Formula Seal]
The user will channel chakra throughout their body before holding out their hand as if grasping something. After doing so, the users chakra will reach out through space itself to grab hold of anything bearing the [Space-Time - Formula Seal], bringing the object in question to their hand regardless of distance or who currently possess it.

[Guiding Thunder]
B-Rank Space-Time Ninjutsu
The user will channel the needed chakra and spawn a 20m diameter Space-Time portal leading to the void between realms. The portal draws in anything, whether it be attacks, debris, or even people, with [Control] Strength and Speed and deposits whatever is sucked up into the empty between realms or directed to a specific location with the aid of a [Space-Time - Formula Seal].

[Guiding Storm]
A-Rank Space-Time Ninjutsu
The user will channel the needed chakra and spawn four 40m diameter Space-Time portal leading to the void between realms. These portal draws in anything, whether it be attacks, debris, or even people, with [Control] Strength and Speed and deposits whatever is sucked up into the empty between realms or directed to a specific location with the aid of a [Space-Time - Formula Seal].

~[Space-Time - Perfected Acceleration of Mind and Body]
S-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
The user will channel chakra to their body as they focuses on one of their [Space-Time - Formula Seal]s which act as a conduit for this technique. As long as they focuses on a specific object or place tagged with this fuuinjutsu the user can open space around themselves and anything they are touching to teleport there instantly as long as its within 25 meters of the user.

~[Space-Time - Perfected Acceleration of Mind and Body Tag]
S-rank Charge Fuuinjutsu
Prerequisite: [Space-Time - Acceleration of Mind and Body]
The carrier of this seal will be able to channel chakra into the seal and activate the [Space-Time - Acceleration of Mind and Body] jutsu, opening space around themselves and anything they are touching to teleport instantly to a [Space-Time - Formula Seal] within 25 meters of the user.

*Fuuinjutsu • Removal
D-Rank Fuuinjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user will hold their hand over a seal, and begin to remove it. This removal will be successful as long as the user has more [Control] than that of which the Fuuinjutsu was sealed with.

~Charge Fuuinjutsu • Barrier Trap
D-Rank Fuuinjutsu
After placing up to four barrier tags in a square, line, or triangle, the user draws a line connecting each of the tags. When kai'd, all the tags are set off simultaneously throwing up a barrier at a strength and speed of the user’s [Control] with the tags on the inside of this barrier. This barrier lasts for 4 posts.

*Storage Fuuinjutsu • Tool Storage
D-Rank Fuuinjutsu
After drawing a seal formula on a surface, ensuring it is large enough for the object that is about to be stored. The user will then begin placing the object into the seal. The user can only seal objects up to their ([Control]*2)m^3 in size.

*Storage Fuuinjutsu • Storage Strike
C-Rank Fuuinjutsu
Used in conjunction with storage seals, the user forms the needed hand seals then touches the storage seal causing it to release up to three of the objects stored in it simultaneously, as if they were thrown at a strength of the user’s [Control]. The three objects will be released in a small spread, only a few inches apart from each other.

~Storage Fuuinjutsu • Depth Seal
C-Rank Fuuinjutsu
After drawing a seal of appropriate size for the object but no larger than 1 meter, the user is able to store things at depth within this seal to near limitless lengths. The user is able to store up to [Control]/2 of the same item within this seal regardless of the depth of the surface. They may use the Kai hand seal to retrieve these objects.

*Augment Fuuinjutsu • Strengthen and Enhance
C-Rank Fuuinjutsu
After drawing the necessary seals on the object, the user will imbue the object with a strength equal to their [Control]. The size of this fuuinjutsu is contextual in terms of the object it is applied to and the strength it is enhanced to. For example, if imbued with 50 strength the object will have 90% of its surface space covered, while if only imbued with 25 strength roughly under half of its surface space would be taken up by the seal.

[Booby Trap Check]
C-rank Removal Fuuinjutsu
The user will perform the correct hand seals and trace the outline of a seal. They will carefully probe the seal in question with their chakra to check if there is any countermeasures attached to removing the seal. This will reveal traps added to fuuinjutsu casted or placed with less than or equal [Control] to the user.

[Seal Analysis]
C-Rank Removal Fuuinjutsu
Fuuinjutsu is an extremely formulaic style of jutsu, the seal itself almost forming a "source code" of sorts to the actual purpose of the seal. After the appropriate hand seals, the user will touch the seal, scanning it carefully with their chakra and analyzing the handiwork of the seal. This will reveal the complexity and rank of fuuinjutsu casted or placed with less than or equal [Control] to the user.

*Augment Fuuinjutsu • Secret Seal
C-Rank Fuuinjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user will chant off a list of words, then they’ll then touch the target’s tongue as the seal forms on it. As long as the seal remains on the target's tongue, their ability to speak those words is removed.

[Directional Seal]
C-rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
The user will channel the needed chakra and touch a single ally to grant them the [Directional Seal]. The user can direct jutsu they cast through the [Control Seal] to the [Directional Seal] to apply to their ally.

[Control Seal]
C-rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
The user will channel the needed chakra and touch themselves to cause a [Control Seal] to form on their palm. While this seal is active, the user may elect to send their jutsu through the seal to affect the individual with the [Directional Seal].

Augment Fuuinjutsu • Group Link
B-Rank Fuuinjutsu
By performing the necessary hand seals, the user will can touch a number of targets up to her [Chakra Pool] on their ear and the lips, this creates an audio link between themselves and up to [Chakra Pool] targets they personally place this seal combination on. While hearing is always active, channeling chakra into the seal allows affected targets to speak, their words being stored and transmitted to the other seals. The act of speaking charges negligent chakra.

Ranged Augment Fuuinjutsu • Mute
B-Rank Fuuinjutsu
The user will perform the necessary hand seals then touch one of their butterflies, which will then attempt to touch their target. Upon that butterfly coming into contact a 10x10 inch seal on their target will form, completely removing their ability to speak until the seal is removed or deactivated. If the butterfly should travel further than 60 meters from the user: the fuuinjutsu fails.

[Trap Fuuinjutsu: Anti Sensory]
B-rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
By making adjustments and adding linework to a previous fuuinjutsu, the seal will be only able to be detected by Sensory jutsu with equal to or greater [Control] to the caster.

[Trap Fuuinjutsu: Self-destruct]
B-rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
By making adjustments and adding linework to a previous fuuinjutsu, the new seal will be booby-trapped. If any of the other fuuinjutsu this is tied into are messed with before this one is disarmed, the object the original seal is placed on will explode with [Control] strength.

[Fuuinjutsu: Memory Erasure]
A-rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
The user will draw out the needed seal on to another person's head and perform the needed hand seals to start. Once the hand seals are done and chakra is flowing into the seal and brain, any memories, conscious or unconscious, experienced during this time will not be recorded by the brain and therefore unrecoverable. Once chakra is no longer being fed to the seal, it will stop preventing conscious and unconscious memories.

*Augment Fuuinjutsu • Chakra Forbid Seal
A-Rank Fuuinjutsu
After forming the necessary hand seals, the user will have their hand glow with five seals on each of their fingers before they make contact with their target transferring the seals. This seals off the target's tenketsu, disturbing their chakra flow and blocking it, essentially making the target incapable of utilizing their chakra for jutsu as long as the seal is on them.

*Augment Fuuinjutsu • Paralysis
A-Rank Fuuinjutsu
After forming the necessary hand seals, the user will have their hand glow with five seals on each of their fingers before they make contact with their target transferring the seals.This seals off the target’s ability to move their body and limbs disrupting their nervous system. This does not affect jutsu casting or ability to think.

[Fight the Power]
A-rank Charge Fuuinjutsu
The user will channel the needed chakra and touch either themselves or an ally. Depending on the [Control] it is casted with, the fuuinjutsu will cover between 25%-90% of the users body. Once struck, the fuuinjutsu will activate and reflect strikes until broken. Ninjutsu will bounce back in the direction they came from and taijutsu strikes will rebound upon the opponent's body. Attacks that break through will not be reflected.

[Mind Communion]
A-rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
The user will channel the needed chakra before they touch up to 3 allies and grant them a [Mind Communion] seal which forms between their shoulder blades. Those with the seal are able to communicate and share thoughts with each other.

[Imminent Domain of the Gods]
S-Rank TenkuJikukan Charge Fuuinjutsu
The user will channel the needed chakra and place their hand on a surface. A large fuuinjutsu will spread from the contact and cause an array of effects on summons and spirits. Summons and spirits tethered to the Human Realm by those with a [Control] stat lower than the users [Control] will find themselves banished back to where they were called from. Those tethered to the Human Realm by those with a [Control] stat equal to the users [Control] will find the initial and periodical drain they cause to their caster to double.

[Extended Dominion]
S-Rank Space-Time Tenkufuuinjutsu
Prerequisite: A combined CP between Caster and Subject of least 70
By studying what little information she was permitted by Kirigakure about the shinobi Kozaki, she developed a fuuinjutsu which allows him to extend his [Dominion] out over 250 meters. This also requires others who use Space/Time or Summoning Jutsu to pay double the cost to work against the [Dominion] unless their [Control] is greater than the casters. This fuuinjutsu requires a constant effort by the Caster and Subject, requiring them to be immobile.

~Ranged Augment Fuuinjutsu • Chakra Forbid Seal
S-Rank Fuuinjutsu
Requirements: *Augment Fuuinjutsu • Chakra Forbid Seal
After forming the necessary hand seals, the user will have their hand glow with five seals on each of their fingers before they make contact with their butterflies. The butterflies can then travel up to 160 meters with [synch] speed to touch the target transferring the seals. This seals off the target's tenketsu, disturbing their chakra flow and blocking it, essentially making the target incapable of utilizing their chakra for jutsu as long as the seal is on them.

~Ranged Augment Fuuinjutsu • Paralysis
S-Rank Fuuinjutsu
Requirements: *Augment Fuuinjutsu • Paralysis
After forming the necessary hand seals, the user will have their hand glow with five seals on each of their fingers before they make contact with their butterflies. The butterflies can then travel up to 160 meters with [synch] speed to touch the target, transferring the seals.This seals off the target’s ability to move their body and limbs disrupting their nervous system. This does not affect jutsu casting or ability to think.

~Augment Fuuinjutsu • Blind, Deaf, Mute
S-Rank Fuuinjutsu
Requirements: Ranged Augment Fuuinjutsu • Mute
The user will channel chakra and then form a seal out of their butterflies, then the butterflies will fly at a speed of [synch] and if they touch the target a 15x15 inch seal on their target will form, completely removing their ability to speak, hear, or see until the seal is removed or deactivated by a fuuinjutsu with [control]. If the butterflies should travel further than 160 meters from the user, the fuuinjutsu fails.
*Shizumeru • [Shackles of Authority]
C-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
After performing a set of hand seals, the user focuses chakra towards their hand. A chain made of Maroon chakra will shoot from their palm towards the target at [Control] speed, up to 20 meters away. If it hits a spirit, a jinchuuriki, tsukimogami, or other such being, the chain will wrap around them, placing their arms, if they have any, to their side, stopping them from performing hand seals. These chains cling to the chakra of the Spirit itself, and are unable to be broken through physical means. If the target has a related Mastery stat or a Spirit has a strength stat higher than 10, they are able to break the binding. If the chains are able to stay on their target, they will drain away -1 Mastery from hosts or -1 Strength from Spirits until broken free of.

*Shizumeru • [Vision of Spirits]
C-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Pre-Requisite: Sensory Concentration
After performing the needed hand seals, the user focuses chakra to their eyes, causing the Maroon chakra to flare up around their eyes. This works similar to a doujutsu, but with no physical change to the eye itself, allowing the user to see the chakra of spirits and spirit related objects/people as an aura of Maroon. While useful for a quick glance, it can be used up to [Chakra Pool]/5 posts, before needing to be refreshed.

*Shizumeru • [Voice of Spirits]
C-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
After performing the needed hand seals and focusing chakra into their hand, the user places their hand on the head of a Spirit host, or on the object containing a spirit. This allows them to speak directly to the spirit in a telepathic link.

*Shizumeru • [Containing Spirits]
C-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
After doing the needed hand seals, the user will create a 10 meter cubed barrier within 15 meters of their location at [Control] Speed with [Control] Strength. This barrier is created of pure Maroon chakra and will only stop things that are related to spirits, normally jinchuuriki. As a result, those that are stopped by the barrier are unable to make their way through unless they can break it. Those untainted by spirits are able to pass through the barrier at their leisure. This barrier lasts for 4 posts.

*Spirit Binding • [Seishin Kanri]
C-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
After preforming the necessary hand seals, the user shoots out a chain of Maroon Chakra at [Control] speed that wraps around the spirit up to 25 meters. If the spirit stays sealed within this chain for 4 posts, the spirit is subjected to the control of the user of the technique, regardless of contracts up to 4 posts. If the spirit has more than 10 strength it can break the chain. This jutsu can only be used on D-Rank spirits.

*Shizumeru • [Unconnected Connection]
B-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
After performing the needed hand seals, the user focuses chakra into their body, giving them a slight Maroon glow. For the next 10 posts, whenever they speak, they are able to communicate with Spirits of all sorts, including those inside of jinchuuriki within 20 meters.

~Shizumeru • [Heal the beast]
B-rank Tenkujutsu (Iijutsu)
Pre-Requisite: Iijutsu concenteation
After forming the needed hand seals, the user will reach out with their own spirit and touch a spirit. This will heal wounds caused to the spirit from Tenkujutsu at +5 mastery (up to original mastery or strength) for every post that the spirit maintains contact. This can be passed through the Kyoukan link per the Kyoukan tether.

*Shizumeru • [Intention of Spirits]
B-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Pre-Requisite: Sensory Concentration
After performing the needed hand seals, the user focuses chakra to their eyes, causing the Maroon chakra to flare up around their eyes. This works similar to a doujutsu, but with no physical change to the eye itself, allowing the user to see the chakra of spirits and spirit related objects/people as an aura of Maroon. Additionally, they are able to see how the spirit is interacting with their host, be it a jinchuuriki, or a joruri. While useful for a quick glance, it can be used up to [Chakra Pool]/5 posts, before needing to be refreshed.

*Ochiiru • [Minor Possession Removal]
B-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Pre-Requisite: Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu Concentration
After performing the needed hand seals, the user will place their hand on an object that is being possessed by a spirit, such as a joruri of Common Soul size or lower. Over the course of a full post, as long as contact is maintained, the spirit will be banished from the object.

*Kuchiyose • [Numa Seitai]
B-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Pre-Requisite: Charge Fuuinjutsu Concentration
After placing the necessary fuuinjutsu and preforming the needed hand seals, the user summons an area up to 20x20x20 meters that lasts for 5 posts. This barrier creates a swamp overlay transferred from the spirit realm, that is layered with a thick heavy bog, and the sound of muck bubbling up due to carbonation. This allows the user to summon spirits cost free at the cost of one lump sum of chakra up-front.

*Shizumeru • [Deny the Master]
A-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
After doing the needed hand seals, the user will point their finger towards a target and fire off a beam of pure Maroon chakra. This beam of chakra has a diameter of 1 inch and flies at [Control] Speed, up to 60 meters away. While unable to move during the firing of the technique, the user is able to control the direction of the beam, allowing them to move in any direction they desire to make sure contact is achieved. If the beam hits a spiritual host who is in a form higher than 0, this will cause a drop of -6 Mastery or if it hits a spirit will cause a drop of -6 Strength for 5 posts.

*Shizumeru • [Shackles of Authority]
S-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
After performing a set of hand seals, the user focuses chakra towards their hand. A chain made of Maroon chakra will shoot from their palm towards the target at [Control] speed, up to 80 meters away. If it hits a spirit, a jinchuuriki, tsukimogami, or other such being, the chain will wrap around them, placing their arms, if they have any, to their side, stopping them from performing hand seals. These chains cling to the chakra of the Spirit itself, and are unable to be broken through physical means. If the target has a related Mastery stat or a Spirit has a strength stat higher than 35, they are able to break the binding. If the chains are able to stay on their target, they will drain away -9 Mastery from hosts or -9 Strength from Spirits until broken free of.

*Ochiiru • [Temporary Housing]
S-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Pre-Requisite: Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu Concentration
After doing the needed hand seals and writing the correct seals or having them premade on a storage device (such as a pot), the user is able to take advantage of a spirit that has been recently ejected from a host/object or one that has been defeated. As long as this jutsu is used the post after the spirit was ejected/defeated, the fuuinjutsu consumes the spirit, trapping them inside until the seal is broken or it is purposefully released.

*Ochiiru • [Tsukumogami Creation]
S-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Prerequisite: Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu Concentration
After doing the needed hand seals, while having the *Shizumeru • [Temporary Housing] of a spirit close by, the user will attempt to seal a greater soul spirit within an object. By writing a seal onto the object, the spirit will then be sealed within the object. This takes a total of 10 posts to complete.

*Shizumeru • [Complete Dominion]
S-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Prerequisite: 45 Control, Augment Fuuinjutsu Concentration
By placing the correct seals on the person and placing their hand making contact onto a spirit or a spiritual being, and then by performing "Chakra Kai", the caster is able to temporarily stop the spirit from influencing an object that it is possessing or sealed into, prohibiting the ability for the host to call upon the spirit's chakra until the seal is broken.

*Ochiiru • [Jinchuuriki Creation]
S-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Prerequisite: 45 Control, Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu Concentration, (optional) multiple people
After doing the needed hand seals, while having the *Shizumeru • [Temporary Housing] of a spirit close by, the user will attempt to seal the spirit within a living host. By writing a seal onto the host, the spirit will then be sealed within the host. Users with less than 40 Chakra Pool who attempt to perform this jutsu will die after its completion. However if the user has additional help, they can use an additional person to supplement the stamina they do not have as long as the grand total equals 40 Chakra Pool. This takes a total of 10 posts to complete.

*Ochiiru • [Spiritual Extraction]
S-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Prerequisite: 45 Control from the jutsu caster, a minimum of 200 Chakra Pool, Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu Concentration
Each participant must share their chakra with the unsealer, as they perform the needed hand seals. The user will then pump this vast amount of chakra into the seal of a grand soul host, such as a jinchuuriki. This process takes a total of 200 Chakra Pool from the group to extract the spirit from the host, who will in turn die. If the total sum of stamina is not met, the participants will all die. It only takes one individual in the group to know this jutsu. This takes 10 whole posts to complete.
Megallium jutsuShow
~ A ranked Iryo-Tetsu Jutsu - Megallium Chain Mail: The user claps their hands together to create a specific set of hand seals and then Megallium springs from the ground in a suit of armor made from interwoven almost microscopic loops and has up to [control/10] layers which form a skin-tight layer over the target’s body made of Megallium. This armor has [control] strength, and lasts for [control/5] posts before it becomes the inert metal Megallium (60% cobalt, 20% chromium, 5% molybdenum, 5% gold).

~ S ranked Iryo-Tetsu Jutsu - Megallium Hell Mail:
The user claps their hands together to create a specific set of hand seals and sends chakra through the ground at [control] speed toward the target. Megallium springs from the ground in a suit of armor made from interwoven almost microscopic loops which form a skin-tight layer over the target’s body made of Megallium. This armor has [control] strength and it attempts to twist the arms, legs, neck, and torso at 90 degree angles once per post at [control] strength, If the armor succeeds in bending or breaking any of these into unnatural angles, it mends the bones at these angles. Those without sufficient taijutsu will find their body mended in horrific ways. These wounds have to be re-broken and re-mended or they are permanent. This jutsu’s armor lasts for [control/5] posts before it becomes the inert metal Megallium (60% cobalt, 20% chromium, 5% molybdenum, 5% gold).
Tenketsu jutsuShow
~Tenketsu Tethering: Surveillance
B-Rank Ninjutsu/Iijutsu
After a set of hand seals, the Kyoukan family member will close both of their eyes, then connect themselves to the vision of all current links they possess. A mentally taxing technique, the clan member must possess a sharp mind capable of weaving together the different sets of vision, but those capable can unlock an outstanding field of vision and view of the battlefield around them. Kyoukan family members may keep this technique running for up to [control]/10 posts (minimum of 1 post). Opening their eyes at anytime during the duration of the technique will cancel the technique.

~Tenketsu Tethering: Protect
A-Rank Ninjutsu/Iijutsu
After a set of hand seals, the Kyoukan family member will channel into one of their links specifically. This will cause a pink barrier of hard chakra just a few inches larger than the target to form around them almost instantly. The barrier has a strength of [Control] and if not destroyed or cancelled by the caster lasts up to 5 posts.

~Tenketsu Tethering: Purge
S-Rank Ninjutsu/Iijutsu
After a set of hand seals, the Kyoukan family member will channel into one of their links specifically. This will cause the person to erupt into a dark red chakra, purging two of the effects that would grant blindness, paralysis, deafness, tastelessness, anosmia (can’t smell), anhidrosis (unable to sense touch), or a - to any stat. One of these effects returns to normal per post as long as this tether remains in effect. The restoration of stats happens at +20 to that stat per post until it reaches its previous maximum (up to 50).
~~My characters~~
Iwagakure Jounin: Kanade Enkouten
Thread Tracker for Kanade (previously Chiaki): viewtopic.php?f=105&t=8345273&p=4197389#p4197389
Iwagakure Genin: Enkouten, Atsuko
Kirigakure Genin: Achiyo
Heart Samurai: Kyudo-ite, Kasuri
Sunagakure Genin: Kouseki, Kagayaki
Sunagakure Jounin: Naegi, Aihachi

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Posts: 1824
Joined: Sat Apr 23, 2022 2:44 pm
Location: Inside your house
User flair: Of a thousand jutsu

[Lonely] The voices of stone: the catacombs puppeteer

Post by Kanade » Wed Mar 01, 2023 1:35 pm

Interrim post!

Now that we have the march event I only need 8400 words to get the rest of the jutsu trained. this means that the word count for the whole thread should be = to 18900 :heart:

How I arrived at this is:

54 jutsu - 26 jutsu trained.

Chiaki only needs 500 words to train S ranks, but the floor was lowered to 300 along with making it -300 words for lonelies. so now all jutsu (after this post) are 300 words each.

28 jutsu left x 300 = 8400 words left!
~~My characters~~
Iwagakure Jounin: Kanade Enkouten
Thread Tracker for Kanade (previously Chiaki): viewtopic.php?f=105&t=8345273&p=4197389#p4197389
Iwagakure Genin: Enkouten, Atsuko
Kirigakure Genin: Achiyo
Heart Samurai: Kyudo-ite, Kasuri
Sunagakure Genin: Kouseki, Kagayaki
Sunagakure Jounin: Naegi, Aihachi

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Posts: 1824
Joined: Sat Apr 23, 2022 2:44 pm
Location: Inside your house
User flair: Of a thousand jutsu

[Lonely] The voices of stone: the catacombs puppeteer

Post by Kanade » Thu Mar 02, 2023 12:20 am

Chiaki looked at the map and it only had an X on it, no dimensions as to how big the cavern was, nor how much walking they would have to do. There was no route that they should take, nor any other sort of directions on what they were supposed to do to reach this shrine.

‘It’s alright Natsumi, I doubt that he would feel good about himself if he let you and me die here, I think that he has other plans for us.’ Chiaki thought about that for a second. It terrified her more than she cared to admit that some sort of Youkai was out there looking for her, looking to make sure that she was there, looking for some sort of help.

‘You give a lot of faith to a spirit that captured a child, massacred a whole neighborhood, and kidnapped more people, incapacitated two chuunin-level ninja, and on top of all of that managed to attract the attention of two Jounin-level shinobi.’ Natsumi listed the reasons that Chiaki was wrong and Chiaki visibly flinched as she put the map back in her bag. She started to strap her equipment back into place, tightening the straps on her backpack and making sure that she was ready for battle without losing anything. WIth the light back, ambush predators would have a harder time sneaking up on them with their sight alone being gone.

‘If only you were a sensory type kunoichi you’re thinking.’ Natsumi said, basically reading Chiaki’s mind. ‘You were broadcasting it, with your furtive glances hither and thither, looking rather the child in the middle of an adult mess. Don’t make me regret bringing you on this mission.’ Natsumi threatened, ‘I will put you back into the academy if you embarrass yourself on this mission, mark my words.’ Natsumi’s eyes flashed dangerously, their golden honey depths turning to amber as she leveled a glare that threatened to turn Chiaki’s guts to water.

Chiaki tossed her head back and forth, slapping her cheeks as she conjured a bit of megallium, making it into a make-shift hypodermic double ended needle, meant to hold wounds closed, then made it into a make-shift hair tie as she put her hair up, making sure that it was secure with some wire.

It would be a mess to get out without her swarm to help, but that could come later. She nodded to Natsumi, signaling that she was ready to continue on.

The two women, one robed in purple, one dressed in teal, made their way through the forest, the soft loamy earth beneath their feet gave way in a cushion-like way, and as Chiaki continued toward what she hoped was the heart of the forest, toward the shrine, she looked around her, looking for some sort of landmark to mark where they had been, where they were going, and what they were doing.

Natsumi pointed, ‘That way, don’t get side-tracked or we’ll go in circles.’ She was holding some sort of metal pin in her hand and it was pointed directly toward magnetic north, which meant that they had been traveling west by north-west. Chiaki nodded, and stored the information that Natsumi could do things like this in her memory bank. It was a useful skill that Chiaki hadn’t even thought of. She was a wanderer, and usually ended up in the place where she was meant to be, rather than ending up where she had intended. She was rather like the arrow of a Kyoudoka, now that she had the time to reflect on it.

‘We are nearing the shrine, I can feel it.’ Chiaki stated, her hair standing up on end. She rounded a tree, taking care to step anywhere but the roots that reached up from the ground like elbows, the fingers of the tree reaching deep into the ground, the branches praising the strange ghost light that surrounded them in a surreal pink tinged world.

As she rounded the tree, she was met with a blow to her side. She didn’t feel it, but her assailant did, being knocked full onto its backside, the creature yelped and squawked about before righting itself. Chiaki could hardly believe her eyes, the thing was a kappa. The green skinned little thing writhed around on the ground, having lost most of its water in a panic.

“Shiro!” The thing cried in its voice, it was a kappa child, it seemed. “Shiro-sama!” It squeaked and squealed, “Shiro-sama help me!” Chiaki put a finger to her lips in the universal sign for humans to quiet children or others while moving toward the creature.

It squawked and Chiaki held her hands up flat, showing that she didn’t have any weapon, having stowed her staff on her back.

‘Chiaki, what in all the gods’ names are you doing, just get rid of the weak thing, he will bring our ruin if he continues to squeal like this.’ Natsumi narrowed her eyes, throwing a kunai at its head. It popped in and then back out. Chiaki searched her thoughts for the kappa.

‘Kappa are known to like cucumbers, and without a guide we might as well just continue walking around here blind, do befriending this little guy might actually have advantages.’ Chiaki started to rummage through her backpack, luckily having some cucumbers which had been cut into spears to offer the little thing as she moved toward him, one outstretched.

“Sh-shhh” Chiaki held it toward him in a placating gesture, hand outstretched as she did, wondering whether or not he would quiet or whether Natsumi would aim another kunai at him. He squeaked and looked between Natsumi, his little green chest heaving up and down, and Chiaki wearing a confused, but grateful look to him.

“Is for kappa?” He pointed at the cucumber and then to himself. He apparently at least knew rudimentary language, though it was broken it was easy enough to understand.

“Yes, this is for kappa,” She nodded, talking in a hushed tone, one that people would use for spooked horses, “Can you tell us where the shrine is?” Chiaki asked as the Kappa took it from her suspiciously, sniffing it from end to end.

“This has iron in it?” He looked at her suspiciously, she had cut it this morning with a knife, and that knife was mostly iron now that she thought of it. She took out the bag and lay it on the ground.

“This doesn’t have iron in it, but was cut with iron.” She looked at the creature, continuing to gain his trust was the best plan of action right now, trying to figure out where the shrine was would end up meaning that they would be blundering in, possibly into a trap.

“Is cut with iron, but is no have iron in it.” The Kappa sniffed it once more before eating it, rather bird-like in front of Chiaki. He licked his lips, grabbing the bag greedily, “You are not human. She is.” He pointed at Natsumi who rolled her eyes and made a quick seal, the kunai she had thrown being retrieved with her Space-time jutsu. Chiaki made a note to ask her for that jutsu as they walked.

“Yes, I am more spirit-like than human now.” Chiaki moved her core to her chest, then dug a kunai into it, showing him her butterfly core, “This is my core.” She winced and then formed some seals, repairing her body from the damage, “It is what houses my soul.”

“Is your Shirikodama.” The kappa seemed to be amending her speech for her. He slung the small bag over his back like a pack, he was only about a meter tall, “Is kappa friend for now. Kappa will show human and non-human the way to Shiro-sama.”

Chiaki had started to stand and fell forward a bit, caught off balance from the creature calling the master of the shrine Shiro-sama. So that was the creature’s name was it? That was a bit fortuitous, to know someone’s name was to have power over it, she exchanged looks with Natsumi.

‘I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him, but if you want to have him lead us, it seems like you at least befriended him.’ Natsumi said, the tone of exasperation heavy in her tone of inner-voice. She ran a hand around her ear, tucking in a golden part of the mane that was her hair, giving Chiaki a severe look. It was evident that she didn’t trust Chiaki’s judgement, but that she was here for the ride. She didn’t want to use too much chakra she had said, but Chiaki’s had replenished with the walk through the forest.

The kappa moved through the forest, picking up a stick that had been seemingly discarded by the tree above and used it as a walking stick. The three of them walked in silence for what seemed like a good twenty minutes to Chiaki. Natsumi looked at the compass cursorily every once in a while to keep their bearings.

‘Where are we?’ Chiaki asked, ‘is he leading us the right way?’

‘Right way is subjective, if he gets us there it is the right way, but he is leading us more southward, toward another wall if this cavern is circular.’ Natsumi continued to look between the way ahead and the piece of metal that was a make-shift compass. Chiaki nodded.

The way ahead seemed to take a very long time indeed until they came to water. The Kappa stepped in submerging himself as easily as breathing. Chiaki gulped and held a hand up for Natsumi, ‘Kappa are known to drown their victims and then are known to take out their shirikodama from their anuses when they are done with drowning them.’

“Is human and un-human coming or not?” The Kappa resurfaced, his bowl on top of his head filled, “Kappa will not hurt, is good kappa, but Shiro-sama across the lake, is fastest way.”

Chiaki bent down, placing her palms on her knees, her knees together like she was talking to a child, she might as well have been, since the Kappa seemed rather young, “I don’t think that we can swim all that way, can you please take us the long way?” Chiaki looked around, and saw that she couldn’t see the other end of the lake under the mountain, and that the pinkish light was turning more to a greenish blue hue.

“Will take more than a cycle if we go the long way.” The Kappa narrowed his eyes and then pinched his beak, snapping it in frustration, “But did give kappa the cucumber and didn’t make Kappa bow like humans do. Saved from human.” The Kappa narrowed his eyes at Natsumi, which elicited a rather flat look from Natsumi, she obviously hadn’t thought much about throwing the kunai at the thing when she had done it, and didn’t feel the need to apologize.

“We will need to sleep for the human and for kappa if we take long way, it has been almost a cycle for kappa, and kappa needs rest.” The Kappa explained to Chiaki pleadingly, moving back into the deeper water, “Is sure that cannot make it across the lake?”

“Very.” Chiaki said adamantly. She was not at home on the water, nor was she at home in the water. They didn’t have a boat, and she didn’t fancy getting eaten by some sort of giant fish or anything.

“Then Kappa will help with camp, and sleep in the shoals.” it pointed at the shallower end of the lake.

“Kappa.” Natsumi spoke, her voice like a whip. The Kappa looked defiant, which garnered a sneer from Natsumi, “What do you call this lake, and why do you call this spirit which we seek, ‘Shiro-sama’. I want to know your affiliation with it.” She moved her had to her pouch, which held her kunai.

It hissed at her before looking at Chiaki and calming itself, “It is called the-” and the Kappa made a series of clicks and a couple of trilling whistles, “But humans used to call it the great black-lake. The Kappa-kin call it the home of the kappa-kin. Shiro-sama has always been Shiro-sama. He feeds Kappa-kin Shirikodama when we need, he fills our bowls,” At this the kappa indicated the bowl on his head with pride, “he makes sure that fishing hooks are out of our hides, and that we do not eat the bait meant for the fish. He plays the father-flute, he is the watcher of the waters.”

Chiaki looked at this kappa and nodded, ‘I believe that it means that the thing that we are seeking is some sort of guardian of this lake.’

‘If we are to fight a water spirit we are poorly equipped for it.’ Natsumi reminded Chiaki, ‘I am not able to breathe water, and I doubt that you are as well.’

‘As an elemental body, I do not require air, but it is true, I move slower in the water.’ Chiaki looked concerned and smiled at the kappa, “Thank you, and do you have a name kappa?”

“Kappa have no name until they get their shell.” the kappa turned around, showing his back, “Is kappa until kappa has shell, then is naming ceremony.” Chiaki nodded, some sort of naming ceremony. She wondered how many made it to the shell naming ceremony that the creature had talked about.

“You said that you would help us with camp?” Natsumi reminded it, “How will you do this?”

“Kappa will get bowl for soup.” with that that the Kappa ran and dove into the water, the ripples in the lake making ever expanding rings in the dying light, growing into a more deep blue.

“I suppose that the trees and foliage here would require the difference in light in order to survive.” Chiaki explained to herself nodding, “I wonder if we should start a fire.”

Natsumi shook her head, “We are deep in enemy territory, do you think that is a very good idea?” She looked, her golden eyes catching the blue light, seeming more predatory than humans were supposed to be, looking like a lioness, her regal bearing making Chiaki shrink back a bit.

“Make yourselves comfortable. You are my guests, I will see you at the end of two cycles.” The voice that they had heard before rebounded off of the walls, whispered through the trees, rumbled the very ground, but also was quiet enough to be the tone of a mother lulling her child to sleep. It sounded strangely feminine. But Chiaki had met many effeminate men in her time. She shuddered.

“I wonder if he has been eavesdropping on all of our conversations.” Chiaki looked around, rubbing her arms as gooseflesh had made its way up her back and down her silicone arms.

‘Interesting that you gave yourself that drawback to being human.’ Natsumi observed, speaking directly to Chiaki’s mind, ‘And I would say that he probably knows all of the conversations that we have had since entering the catacombs that we have said aloud.’ She looked around, pausing and waiting to see whether or not the voice would return, ‘But that it is unlikely that he can eavesdrop on our conversations this way. I will keep the fuuinjutsu up so that we can talk with one another while we are down here. You saw the seal that I did before, yes?’ Natsumi raised an eyebrow, placing a hand on her hip and looked at Chiaki.

Chiaki nodded, ‘I did. I also brought the scroll where you had detailed your jutsu for me to learn while I am down here, if we got a free minute here.’ She indicated her bag, ‘it’s another reason that I didn’t want to go into the water, since the ink is not water-proof and I wouldn’t have been able to decipher anything.’

‘Smart.’ Natsumi said simply to her mind, and Chiaki couldn’t tell whether or not it was a judgemental, or an approving tone that she was using. She truly found Natsumi rather inscrutable. She had little hints of emotion, but for the most part she might as well have been a construct, or something that was less than human for the range of emotion she had shown. She wondered whether or not Tatsuo found that appealing. She had seen the serenity of the monks in the monastery where she had studied her chakra control before, the Kyoukan monks and shrine maidens, but the stoicism was more peaceful, more open than that which Natsumi exuded. Hers was more like a closed door, or a wall meant to keep out intruders, while the silence and stoicism of the monks were like an open door, or a house that was waiting to be filled with guests.

‘Gonna go get wood.’ Chiaki said to Natsumi simply, and Natsumi just made a dismissive movement with her hand, clearly not caring what Chiaki did or wanted to do. She had other things to accomplish, perhaps meditation or getting ready to sleep.

She unpacked her backpack, setting out her things before starting to go to the woods for firewood. It didn’t take her long to come across a large pile of sticks which seemed to have dropped from one of the more sickly of the trees that she had seen. She wondered whether or not these would be dry enough to ignite with her fire-starting kit back in camp. Rubbing her hands together to warm them up slightly she started to gather wood.

The back of her head exploded with pain as she was sent careening into the pile of wood. The wood around her started to animate, grabbing at her clothing, her hair, her synthetic skin, everything and anything that they could.

Chiaki gulped air as she blinked her eyes, still rolling around in her head as she looked up. The tree itself was twisting, looking like a person that was getting ready to punch the ground, and anything on it. Unfortunately for Chiaki, that meant her.

She channeled chakra into herself, and barely managed to get a barrier up in time, the barrier separating the smaller pieces of wood’s fingers which had dug into her synthetic skin and tangled her synthetic red hair. She shook another one off, and kicked at the small pieces of wood that had animated. Their glowing yellow eyes gave her dirty looks, afraid of her as they scampered away. The tree continued to wind itself up and then whipped around hitting her with its full strength. She grit her teeth as the first layer of her five layered megallium armor broke, sending her crashing through four trees before she left a crater in the dirt.

She coughed and sputtered as she got rid of the dirt in her mouth, wiping one megallium infused hand across her face to give her the vision back. The tree was barreling at her, using its roots as a five-legged system.

She would need to move quickly if she was going to do anything about this. The tree looked like it had seen better days, the bark had separated and it looked like whatever was inside of it glowed with an iridescent blue color in the dark blue that surrounded the combatants.

She squared off and dodged another branch as it whipped around, then jumped over another one, making hand seals she hit the ground, rolling onto her back then kicked off of it as another branch swung at her. She wondered whether or not it would stop the top like stance, just swinging branches at her endlessly and try a different tactic. She grit her teeth as she got snagged by a branch across the cheek, drawing blood as she barely dodged another branch.

Its attack finally stopping it lurched backward then braced itself for a large blow, tipping all of its branches backward, exposing the bright blue thing beneath. She wondered what type of youkai this was, it seemed to be an angry one, and its multitudinous yellow eyes stared at her as she rushed forward, placing her hand on the tree, she made the chakra Kai sign with one hand, gritting her teeth as she heard the tree groan, then grow still, then start to break. It seemed like the tree had been dead for quite the long time.

She had performed the ‘complete dominion’ chakra fuuinjutsu spell flawlessly, and in battle! She grinned and jumped up in the air with a giddy “Woop!”

Too soon, however, had she done this, as the thing shed its tree skin, oozing out of it like some sort of slug, reared its head and whipped a tentacle at her with blinding speed. She caught it in the side, getting tossed once more, this time toward the camp. It knocked the wind out of her, and she grit her teeth. That blow, having broken two of the layers was nothing to joke with.

She wondered whether or not she would get out of this unscathed or whether she would have a few broken limbs by the time she was done. Weaving more seals, she gathered her butterflies to her, sending them towards the spirit, it tried to swat at them, which of course transferred the seal. She had just sealed its ability to see, and she saw the eyes on the mass close, less like a writhing mass of eyes now, it moved like a caterpillar towards her, towards camp.

‘Are you alright Chiaki-san?” Natsumi used the formal honorific as Chiaki dodged a branch that was aimed at her rather easily. It was aimed in her direction, but the bulk of it was thrown to her right, creating a rather large divot in the ground.

‘I am.’ Chiaki spoke with conviction. If she couldn’t even face this spirit, she would have no way to go against this Shiro-sama that the kappa had talked about. She grit her teeth and wove more seals as it lumbered toward her whipping tendrils back and forth, snapping branches, stripping the bark off of trees, and splintering wood. She sent out more butterflies, the first bit being dispersed and they coalesced on the spirit, paralyzing it. She found herself breathing heavily, but not as heavily as if she had been human. The armor she was wearing was rent in two different places, and she let the megallium drop from her person as she moved toward the spirit. It was breathing, or seeming to be breathing.

“I am Chiaki-chan, I am not here to hurt you.” She touched it, placing a hand on its flesh made the thing jiggle uncontrollably, and she noticed something, that the spirit was some sort of a water spirit, “You seem to be scared. I will release your eyes.” She calmly smoothed some of the ripples out of its skin, before releasing the seal on the thing’s eyes. She wondered whether or not it could comprehend her, all of its eyes shot open, looking at her with intensity, an intensity that she was shocked by. It felt like she was nude before this great spirit, one that had taken the entirety of the tree as a shell. It looked like an exposed fish creature to her, without its protective shell.

“If you can comprehend what I am saying, then please blink twice, slowly.” Chiaki commanded it gently, keeping one hand on the creature, wondering whether or not it would be able to understand her, lacking a mouth that she could see, or any means to do anything but blink at the moment. It blinked its eyes, all of them, rapidly twice. Chiaki nodded.

“Since you know the human speech, then you can probably understand that my intentions are not to harm you.” She lifted her hands in a placating gesture toward the creature, and some of its eyes winced at her, “There is no need to be afraid.” Chiaki reiterated, “I am a friend of spirits, I am a priestess of the Kyoukan.” She explained, smiling at the creature.

“I am going to ask you some questions, blink once for yes, and twice for no.” She looked to see whether or not it understood her. She waited for a good long moment while its eyes wandered around, seemingly taking in all of its surroundings before looking back to her. “Do you understand?” She finally asked, having its full attention back on her. The creature blinked once.

“Were you trying to eat me back there?” Chiaki asked, and the creature waited before blinking once, slowly. The eyes continued to roam around, taking in its surroundings constantly. The eyes were all different sizes, but the one that she had found was almost as large as she was tall, “And will you try to eat me again?” Chiaki asked, her motherly side coming out as she crossed her arms, tossing out her hip and tapping her foot on the ground. The spirit blinked twice, rapidly, the eyes still not focusing completely on her, all except the rather large one, better to look at that one or she would become disoriented.

“Do you need that tree to survive?” She asked, tilting her head, looking at the husk of the tree that the spirit had come out of. The spirit blinked twice. “Do you need a hard protective shell to survive?” The spirit again blinked twice, “Then how about just someplace to hide?” The spirit blinked once. She was getting somewhere.

“May I have the tree that you were in for firewood please great spirit?” The spirit blinked once, all of its eyes focusing on her slowly.

“If I let you go, will you leave me and my friend, a woman with golden hair dressed in purple alone?” She asked, raising an eyebrow, trying to look intimidating in a motherly way. The creature Blinked once rapidly.

“If you do try to harm either of us, I cannot guarantee your safety, as Natsumi isn’t as forgiving as me, you understand.” She started to weave the seals and then looked at the creature to see if it understood her rhetorical question. It blinked once again. “There’s a good spirit.” She placed a hand on it and released the paralysis fuuinjutsu.

“Thank you human.” The spirit spoke, though Chiaki couldn’t see from where, “Your camp will be safe tonight.” It bowed to her, its eyes all closing and Chiaki bowed to it. She wondered where she was, now that she had crossed into this Shiro-sama’s territory, whether it was truly the plane of existence that she had known before or whether she was somewhere else entirely. The spirit moved toward the stick pile and the husk of the tree that was now broken from their fight It easily snapped the old dry wood into splinters, gathering it up in its tendrils, it looked at Chiaki expectantly as she nodded to it, carrying an armful of wood she grinned, then looked around. She had made some land marks to make sure that she remembered the way back, and wandered back for a bit before she held up a hand, then bowed to the spirit.

“Natsumi is not far, she would not understand, spirit of the underwood.” Chiaki said, looking back up at the iridescent yellow eyes in the glowing blue mass that was the spirit. The spirit looked out, not taller than the trees here and then it bowed to her, seemingly understanding it dropped the wood, then started to make for the lake.

“I hope that your night goes well.” Chiaki spoke to it as it went. It bowed to her once more, and she bowed to it, before she lost it among the foliage.

Emerging, she grinned at Natsumi who looked her up and down, ‘You were gone for a while, and I heard some distant rumblings from where you were. There were a couple of spirits that were trying to eat each other in the opposite direction that you went, one that looked like a boar, and one that looked like a snake.’ She shuddered, apparently feeling the cold that Chiaki barely registered.

‘Thank you for your concern.’ Chiaki read into it as she answered back through the telepathic link that she shared with Natsumi and snapped her fingers, a small bit of raiton appearing between them. She passed a piece of wood between them and it caught fire.

‘Anything happen?’ Natsumi probed as Chiaki built the fire around the small flame that turned into a cherry ember, extinguished by the introduction of wood too fast. Chiaki inhaled and blew on the fire a couple of times, before answering.

‘Yeah, there was a spirit in the tree that I was gathering wood under, it seemed to have children, they were in the firewood. I managed to scare them all off.’ She continued to blow on the fire, Natsumi nodded and looked at Chiaki’s left cheek a couple more times.

‘Ah, I forgot that I am bleeding, let me close that up.’ Chiaki channeled some chakra into her hand and passed it over her cheek and over her chest where some bruises were probably forming. She had given her body the functionality through the fuuinjutsu of making a core and giving herself an E-body so that it functioned almost exactly like a human’s body.

Natsumi, even though she had ninja training, Chiaki could tell was getting rather tired. Chiaki wondered whether or not it was getting on to midnight in the upper world. ‘You take your sleep, I will meditate with my eyes open while you sleep, then I want to get some reading done while you keep watch.’ Chiaki took charge, as Natsumi moved closer to the burgeoning fire.

‘Your kappa friend has yet to return still.’ Natsumi answered, not calling attention to Chiaki setting up watches. They were on equal footing, but still, Natsumi ranked above her, having a station that only a few shinobi in all of history carried. With that burden she bore the responsibility for the mission, and all of its assets on her shoulders.

The Kappa turned up out of the water after a bit more time, the fire now fully going, the coals nice and hot. The kappa had produced a bowl that was made of some sort of material, some natural stone that was as hard as iron, and about twice as heavy. Chiaki knew this, because it was being dragged from the water, along with a couple of fish and some edible ruffage from the lake.

“Thank you kappa!” Chiaki grinned at the small green creature who kipped a bit at her as he struggled to pull the bowl from the water.

“I can grab that, you go and sit down next to the fire.” Chiaki offered, something about her human background made her state it as if it were the thing that the kappa would want to do. It shook its head at her and chuckled a bit.

“Kappa is not a friend of fire. And Fire is not a friend of Kappa.” He wrung his small hands, “Will sleep among the reeds, and will see the non-human in the pink.” She looked up, the sky a dark purple, going on a navy blue right now, “The pink is far away?”

“Yes, and no. it is half a cycle to the pink.” The kappa yawned, clicking its beak together and rubbing one hand over an eye which shut with a nictitating membrane before nodding to Chiaki and returning to the water.

Chiaki returned to the camp, spread out the fixings for Natsumi, who rummaged through her things, wondering what she could do for spices. Chiaki had these in her pack and got them out, arranging them she picked out a couple of spices she set to work making some of the broth that she would need for her Tabemono no Iijutsu that she had used in the past. Separating the non-jutsu soup between the bowls she sipped at hers and ate the fish, wondering what tomorrow would bring. They were on the edge of the lake, far enough away that if the lake rose or fell like the tides that it wouldn’t be unexpectedly wet.

Her heart twinged with a want for Kirari to be there, with her, with her when she was in situations like this. She sighed, looking briefly at the ground and then at the lake.

‘Good night, Chiaki, thank you for the food, it was more than passable.’ Natsumi grumbled in her mind, through the link. Chiaki nodded and bade her good night the same way, before taking out a scroll and pouring over it while Natsumi tossed and turned. As Natsumi’s breathing became irregular she put the scroll down, practicing the hand seals for the scrolls that she had obtained from Natsumi and from the library. She knew that she could probably do them, but that chakra use would wake her companion, so she kept performing the seals, quizzing herself on the technique, then making the sign, then a random different technique, then making the sign again. It was rather easier for her to think about these simple things, and take her mind off of what was to come when ‘the pink’ came around.

She did this until she was bored and then stood up, looking back and forth, rocking back onto her heels, and then onto the balls of her feet. Finally she took to running her fingers in the soft dirt of the campsite, looking out towards the lake, into the forest, and generally keeping watch.


The pink came all too soon, and while Natsumi broke camp, Chiaki practiced the jutsu like she said that she would, making sure to get the seals exactly how they were supposed to be.

“And you are sure that you will be able to summon help when we need it?” Chiaki asked, looking to Natsumi, still clearly worried.

‘Yes, Please use the mental link that we have.’ Natsumi iterated again, the sky had turned a weird shade of greenish pink, the pink swirling in the green colors. The forest had taken on a sakura blossom festival color in the light.

‘How are you going to do it again?’ Chiaki asked, her nerves getting the better of her.

‘Study your jutsu or we won’t make it through this, guaranteed.’ Natsumi cracked a mental whip in Chiaki’s mind and then looked to the water, ‘And be ready to kill your friend here, as he may turn against us with what we plan to do with Shiro-sama. Ah, now he has me saying it.’ She grimaced as she stuffed her own bedroll into her pack and then motioned Chiaki to pick up her things to get going.

The kappa came out of the water, the beady eyes looking at the both of them, “Kappa is happy to see friends, kappa is going to take you to see Shiro-sama. Shiro-sama is expecting guests, yep yep.” The funny little green creature nodded to the both of them and Chiaki looked at Natsumi, and Natsumi at Chiaki in turn. They both turned back to the Kappa and nodded.

“Thank you Kappa-kun.” Chiaki smiled at the kappa and then bowed, “Don’t bow, you don’t need to.” She caught the kappa as it started to bow to her, “I am sorry, I was just showing my gratitude.”

“Gratitude?” The kappa nodded a little bit, seemingly comprehending the meaning behind the word as he caught sight of the smile on Chiaki’s lips, “Yes, yes, Kappa is Gratitude for treating kappa with kindness. Please make sure to continue to treat kappa well.”

Chiaki nodded to it, Natsumi just gave it a blank look, which it shrank away from.

“Kappa will guide the two to the place where the rivers meet, then it will leave them, follow the river that goes the separate way when they get to it, and it will take them to the shrine of Shiro-sama.” The Kappa said, apparently getting the vibes that Natsumi might as well have been shouting at him, that he wasn’t welcome, and barely tolerated because he was their guide.

“This is amenable.” Natsumi raised an eyebrow and moved her head in a gesture to tell the kappa that she was waiting for it to lead on.

The kappa shrank, its shoulders drooping a bit and Chiaki gave Natsumi a rather severe look, which was mirrored back with a bit of venom at Chiaki herself. Chiaki pursed her lips and grit her teeth, shouldering her pack once more, she continued on behind the kappa.

They wove between trees, dodging around some in a wide radius, which the kappa called, ‘eaters’. She suspected that the eaters were the things that she had run into last night while gathering firewood. There was a clump, one time that caused a detour of about a half hour as they had to go around them in a wide berth, a clump of five to seven, it was hard to tell as they were all knotted into one another in their root systems, but Chiaki could see, when she used her spirit sight that there were many different spirits housed in the trees, just waiting to become animate.

The kappa stayed away from the water for the most part, he said that it wasn’t safe during the day, as the fish from the deeper waters would come to the shore, and Chiaki and Natsumi saw what he meant as a giant cat-fish jumped halfway out of the water, grabbed a kappa that was bigger than the kappa leading them, one with a shell on it and dragged it, screaming, by the leg back into the depths. Chiaki shook her head, trying to alleviate the echoes that played havoc with her mind as they continued on.

It was getting dark again, finally, as they reached the fork in the two rivers. The kappa dipped its toes into the water, looking grateful for the water. Chiaki approached and found that one of the rivers that conjoined with the other one actually was flowing the opposite direction, making it almost impossible to figure out which one was flowing ‘upstream’ and which one was flowing downstream.

“This is where kappa say goodbye to human and non-human. Stay with the stream that is not a stream.” He pointed to the one that was headed away from the lake, “That is Shiro-Sama stream.” He attempted a smile at Chiaki and Natsumi.

Chiaki nodded and bowed to the kappa, handing him a set of spices and a couple of cucumber seeds, “These seeds will become cucumbers, plant them close to the water, and keep the catfish away from them.” She explained, “The spices are ones that I made for broth last night.”

“Kappa thank.” The Kappa closed its eyes and patted her hands, taking from them the seeds and the spices. Then, nodding to Natsumi, he jumped into the water.

‘Good riddance.’ Natsumi growled, ‘he was getting bothersome.’

Chiaki rolled her eyes, she felt like the little creature had saved them quite a large amount of time, but she kept that to herself. The journey with Natsumi was wearing on her, and she could feel that Natsumi’s nerves were frayed by the small creature as well.

‘Let’s set up camp.’ Natsumi started to make camp, ‘I would rather not face him while we are both tired from the journey.’

They made camp, Natsumi keeping rather quiet as she ate, and then she turned over and went right to sleep. One of the things that made it nice was that Chiaki didn’t need to sleep in order to recover her strength, just stay in a state of relaxation. Not that they had done anything that day worth writing home about, but it did help her keep her mind off of the day ahead of them.


Chiaki woke Natsumi up, the sky had started to turn the light green with tinges of pink again, She had seen the turnings of the world that they had found themselves in twice now and it was beautiful but haunting.

‘I was hoping to get a bit more rest.’ Natsumi grumped at Chiaki and then sighed, ‘but you’re probably right, there is a need for haste, it’s been two nights now since we have entered the catacombs, someone must have been alerted to our presence being gone. I just hadn’t thought that it would be this large.’ It was liable to be the closest that Chiaki was going to get to an apology from the golden haired kunoichi.

Chiaki nodded and then pointed to where Shiro-sama was supposed to be, ‘if he spoke true, then the yokai that we are supposed to face is up there.’ She looked at the stream, noticing that it had a more greenish tinge to it. She wondered whether that had any significance.

After breaking camp, they set off and after about two hours they came to start hearing the sounds of a flute in the air.

‘Stopper your ears, Chiaki-chan, it might be a genjutsu.’ Natsumi instructed, taking out some wax for both of them. Chiaki jammed it in her ears to stopper the sound. Now the world was only Natsumi’s words ringing in her head, and it was quite jarring every time that it happened.

Chiaki and Natsumi came to the crest of a small hill, the water running curiously up and over it, continuing on in a straight line, and as they mounted the crest of the hill, they came upon a sight that was rather pastoral in nature. There were people gathered around the stream, some of them were fishing, some of them were sun-bathing, if sun indeed it was that was above them. From what Chiaki could tell it was some sort of distant bioluminescent lichen that gave the light that the plants needed to photosynthesize. She had no idea how that was even possible, but the lush forest around her didn’t lie.

The scene might have been serene, if it weren’t for the yokai in the middle of them, playing a flute, hunched over. The spirit had to be at least six meters tall, but in its crouched fetal position, it still was at least three meters tall. It had a mask over its visage, a green hair sprouted from its head and beneath the mask, and as the two kunoichi crested the hill, the people slowly started to turn towards them. The spirit put down the flute, and beckoned them forward with a hand that looked skeletal but was more bark-like in texture, the creature moved the people toward Chiaki and Natsumi and they braced themselves for a fight. The people’s eyes started to turn to their normal colors. The voice, booming in the cavern made the others cover their ears as Chiaki and Natsumi were able to hear it through the wax in their ears, “I, Shiro-sama grant you safe passage, only if Chiaki-chan helps me with freeing my spirit from this bridge.”

The spirit stood up, walked to the edge of the bridge, and as it hovered its foot over the edge of the bridge, the sticks that formed the foot started to crumble. The creature, the yokai, sat down on the ledge of the bridge, swinging its legs playfully over the side.

“Hear me creature, you have harmed the people of Iwagakure no Sato, and for that you must pay.” Natsumi called out to it. She wove hand seals, and Chiaki took this as the part where she came in. Natsumi had told her the plan, at least a little before that, which was to subdue the creature, and capture it, bringing it back to Tatsuo to judge what its punishment would be. It was true, that it had stolen the souls, the lives from the people there. She had seen the carnage that it could wreck.

Chiaki took off like a lightning bolt, weaving hand seals. The metal of her barrier formed around her, then one of the people’s eyes turned green, he wove some hand seals and a rock spear caught her in the chest, hurling her into the water, pinning her to the bottom as it spread over the armor.

Chiaki clutched at it, seeing if she could break it with mean strength alone, but found that it was too strong for her. She grit her teeth and weaved some seals and the water erupted, the whole of it evaporating in one go, completely dispersed by her jutsu. She gasped in a couple of lungfuls of air before weaving more seals, this time a raiton set of armor sprang to life around her megallium armor. She knew that she should go for the spirit, but the people were starting to fall under its spell again. How could she stop that?

She grit her teeth as the raiton churned the rock and flung a couple of pieces of chakra-hardened rock into her face. The person who had sent the spear at her wove some more hand seals, and Chiaki knew that she would have to incapacitate the people if they could perform jutsu.

“Chiaki-san, I had such high hopes for you, a pacifist.” The spirit said, a feminine voice for Shiro-sama echoing out of the mask, the green eyes behind it burned with rage, Chiaki channeled chakra into her eyes, they showed that there were tethers, like her kyoukan tethers attached to each person, a tail that trailed back to this puppeteer. He twitched a finger, and the thread attached to the person that had launched the doton spear at her tossed another doton rock at her, she dodged out of the way. The puppeteer moved another finger and one of the bystanders moved into the way of the jutsu that Chiaki had dodged, her neck snapped backward, her head hanging limp from the stone.

Chiaki’s stomach turned at the sound. She knew that the woman was dead. So that was the way he wanted to play it. She wove some seals and knew that he was in the range for this jutsu, as were all of the projectiles that he could hurl at her.

She placed her hands on the ground, then channeled the appropriate chakra to stop all projectiles within 100 meters, then channeled it a further 150 meters with the extended dominion. Her eyes went wide with rage at the spirit. He yanked at the strings, wondering why the projectiles weren’t moving past their point of origin.

“Fine then, I’ll just have them all slit their own throats.” He roared, the wax in Chiaki’s ears came out, it was apparent that he wasn’t using genjutsu but a different jutsu to possess these people.

“I didn’t want to do this!” Chiaki wove a series of complicated seals as the people raised knives or sharp rocks to their own necks, including the boy. Their faces were blank, not showing any emotion whatsoever as they held the blades against their necks.

Chiaki stomped the ground and the jutsu went through the ground, coating the spirit in the same sort of armor that she had on her, but the armor then twisted and turned in different angles. The spirit shrieked in agony as the joints flexed in positions that they weren’t supposed to, bones broke and were twisted in fractures, its neck was broken backwards and it twisted its torso all the way around, All of this distracted the spirit enough, the pain did, enough for the people to start to run away from him. She focused her chakra, all of it on the spirit. It was hard for her to continue throwing out chakra like this, in short succession. So far she had seen that this spirit was something to be feared. She would need to give Natsumi more time. She was gathering the people that were supposed to be their backup.

Chiaki grit her teeth, knowing what she needed to do. She wove more hand seals, and then ripped open space and time in front of her, between her and the spirit, she was now within range to see the twisting flexing metal as it twisted and broke all of the things twigs, bones, and spirit and continued to heal them in odd angles. It must be agonizing.

She narrowed her eyes, “I was going to help you get free of this bridge, but you then had to go and do something stupid like this. How dare you hurt innocents?”

The thing laughed, “Innocents? In a world of shinobi? There are no innocents! The people that support the shinobi who trap spirits, use us as tools of war, who break the world, make her bleed, and have no respect for the yokai or the kami of the land are worse than scum!” It spit at her, she dodged out of the way of the main spittle, but some of it got on her face, it burned like acid.

Chiaki growled and kicked the spirit into her personal realm.

“I need you my butterflies!” She roared, and the elevator opened, a torrent of butterflies flying out of it, swarming around the spirit, pummeling it as it twisted.

Chiaki could hear its screams reverberating around the waiting room as she performed the seals, these would make sure that the spirit would not be able to channel anymore. She placed a hand on it, and as it was unable to channel chakra anymore, and perform jutsu it spat and cursed at her, using a language that was lost to time and this world.

She growled at it, her eyes ablaze like orange fires. She wove some other hand seals as her armor twisted it again and the butterflies pummeled it. Then she placed her hand on it once more. It stopped, and Chiaki released the mail, all but exhausted from the tussle that she had with the spirit. She had failed, more people had received injuries, had been killed on her watch. She motioned for the butterflies to lift the thing, paralyzed as it was, it was uselessly mangled. The only thing that singalled that it was alive was the burning hatred that it harbored behind the glowing green eyes.

She brought it out of her personal realm to find that Natsumi had gathered ten other Shinobi, including the man that had been at the entrance with the gigantic sword.

“We need you to lead us in the ritual.” Natsumi said, she sounded as tired as Chiaki was. She started the extraction process, and it all blurred together, them chanting, channeling their chakra into this being which couldn’t even speak, couldn’t perform jutsu, but strained against her fuuinjutsu as they started the extraction from the bridge and from it.

The spirit, as they drew it from the bridge, it became clear would try to put up a fight. Chiaki was already exhausted, but saw that Natsumi was muttering some prayers over an urn, the lid open toward the spirit.

As soon as they got it out, the thing was massive, at least fifty meters tall, by fifty meters long, a giant insect of some sort. It looked as if a wasp had a child with a spider, with something praying mantis flung in there for flair.

Whoever had bound this spirit to the bridge, clearly had meant for it to stay there for all eternity, and as Chiaki and the crew successfully extracted it, Chiaki’s chakra all but completely depleted along with the other 10 participants, the seal snapped shut. Chiaki wondered, flopping back on the ground as the bridge collapsed slowly crumbling, as the thing that had been holding it and the wooden man collapsed, whether or not she would have been able to seal a spirit like that into something like the bridge without help. She shook her head, probably not.

The people of Iwagakure, especially their ancestors were something else entirely.


Several hours later, Chiaki found herself on the surface, having used the rock that she had dropped on the surface to get her, her backup, and the civilians back up to where they had been kidnapped, or where Chiaki assumed they had been. She hadn’t seen the faces of the people before, and she supposed that was for the best. That way she wasn’t able to fully detail the losses. They had brought back the corpse of the woman who had her neck snapped, Chiaki hadn’t been able to save her as keeping the demon restrained and helping to lead the ritual had taken all of her willpower and chakra.

Natsumi clapped Chiaki on the shoulder, and Chiaki felt the fuuinjutsu fade from her back, “Good job, Chiaki-chan. Welcome to Iwagakure no Sato, your new home.” It was the best thing that she had heard from Natsumi ever. If she had kissed Chiaki full on the mouth Chiaki wouldn’t have been more surprised.

“Thank you Natsumi-sama.” She bowed to her superior, feeling the weight of the exhaustion, the days spent traveling, the constant tension, all weighing down on her synthetic body. She would need to stretch and perhaps soak in some hotsprings to get rid of all of this tension.

“You earned it.” Natsumi nodded, “Now I am going to go home and get cleaned up, Tatsuo will look into this urn and see whether or not we want to keep it in a vault, or put the spirit into something more useful. So far as we know, it only has the ability to possess people like spirits, but we don’t know what the capabilities are completely. That and the spirit has a massive chakra reserve. Luckily your control over your chakra seemed to beat it out, or we would have probably not have survived that encounter.”

Chiaki chuckled, some of it was to break the tension, and some of it was in relief from finally completing the mission, “You know, I now know why you all bar that off from civilians. That place is nuts!” Chiaki sighed with satisfaction.

“We might send you back down into them sometime, that was only a very small portion of what we believe is down there, and there are teams every day that either don’t make it or come out injured. Having a front-line medic that also has Tenkujutsu under her belt may be the ticket for us being able to explore more.” Natsumi shrugged, “But that really is up to Tatsuo to decide. That and the daimyo.”

Chiaki nodded and looked to the palace, where she had her introduction to the kage. She wondered whether or not he would accept her present of the spirit in good-will, would send her on another crazy adventure like this, or would be there for the time that she found herself growing more and more attached to the village hidden in the stones.

As she wound her way back to her apartment, she had a long time to reflect on her situation, and people seemed to give her looks of respect, the forehead protector that she wore on her chest made her broadcast that she had been on a mission, and from the looks of her she was either defeated and came back, or was victorious and was exhausted.

A woman ran out to her, from her stall which was selling a hard-rind melon with a sweet meat inside and handed her a couple of melons, “You’re the red-haired woman that saved my husband.” She placed the melons in Chiaki’s arms and then prostrated herself on the ground in dogeza style, “I am forever in your debt red-haired yokai hunter. May your life be long and may you protect Iwagakure from other such threats.”

Chiaki opened her mouth, working it in inarticulate noises before she cleared her throat, the people around were starting to stare.

“Please get up, I only did my duty. If you want to thank anyone, thank Natsumi and the Tsuchikage. They were the real heroes.” She attempted to give the melons back to the woman who shook her head and patted them back to Chiaki’s chest, “You earned this much at least. Thank you.” The woman reiterated.

Chiaki made her way back to her apartment, locking the door she started to strip in the landing, sniffing some of her gear, she wondered why she had given herself synthetic sweat glands, and then realized that she had given herself a great deal of things that she probably could have gotten rid of.

Then the words came back to her mind of the shinobi who had taught her medicine, “Don’t tamper with bodies when they work perfectly fine.” She mimed him and slumped off to get a shower, before flopping, with a smile, into bed.
Jutsu training: 20,000/18,900Show
Jutsu trained last post: 25 below-S rank techs and 1 S rank tech.

54 jutsu: 14 of which are S rank. 23,400 words needed

Now that we have the march event I only need 8400 words to get the rest of the jutsu trained. this means that the word count for the whole thread should be = to 18900 :heart:

How I arrived at this is:

54 jutsu - 26 jutsu trained.

Chiaki only needs 500 words to train S ranks, but the floor was lowered to 300 along with making it -300 words for lonelies. so now all jutsu (after this post) are 300 words each.

28 jutsu left x 300 = 8400 words left and 18900 words needed in total!!

Chiaki can train all jutsu except S rank at 400 words (due to perk) S ranks are trained at 500 words (due to perk). Training from Natsumi with Niro’s permission.

13 are custom and are marked with the ~ sign:

Booby trap check, seal analysis, directional seal, control seal, group link, antisensory, self-destruct, memory erasure, fight the power, mind communion, domain of the gods, extended domain, Guiding storm, guiding thunder, near and far, acceleration of mind and body (both), formula seal, all from Tatsuo

Jikukan jutsuShow

[Space-Time - Formula Seal]
C-rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
A fuuinjutsu developed by Nyūsen, Natsumi. This fuuinjutsu serves as the anchor and location for the teleportation of the [Space-Time - Acceleration of Mind and Body] jutsu. The fuuinjutsu can be rubbed off with a strength of [Control] and is able to be placed by the user on inanimate such as kunai, blank tags, animate objects, and even people.

[Space-Time - Acceleration of Mind and Body Tag]
C-rank Charge Fuuinjutsu
Prerequisite: [Space-Time - Acceleration of Mind and Body]
The carrier of this seal will be able to channel chakra into the seal and activate the [Space-Time - Acceleration of Mind and Body] jutsu, opening space around themselves and anything they are touching to teleport instantly to a [Space-Time - Formula Seal] within 25 meters of the user.

[Space-Time - Acceleration of Mind and Body]
C-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
The user will channel chakra to their body as they focuses on one of their [Space-Time - Formula Seal]s which act as a conduit for this technique. As long as they focuses on a specific object or place tagged with this fuuinjutsu the user can open space around themselves and anything they are touching to teleport there instantly as long as its within 25 meters of the user.

[Open Space • Near and Far]
B-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
Prerequisite: [Space-Time - Formula Seal]
The user will channel chakra throughout their body before holding out their hand as if grasping something. After doing so, the users chakra will reach out through space itself to grab hold of anything bearing the [Space-Time - Formula Seal], bringing the object in question to their hand regardless of distance or who currently possess it.

[Guiding Thunder]
B-Rank Space-Time Ninjutsu
The user will channel the needed chakra and spawn a 20m diameter Space-Time portal leading to the void between realms. The portal draws in anything, whether it be attacks, debris, or even people, with [Control] Strength and Speed and deposits whatever is sucked up into the empty between realms or directed to a specific location with the aid of a [Space-Time - Formula Seal].

[Guiding Storm]
A-Rank Space-Time Ninjutsu
The user will channel the needed chakra and spawn four 40m diameter Space-Time portal leading to the void between realms. These portal draws in anything, whether it be attacks, debris, or even people, with [Control] Strength and Speed and deposits whatever is sucked up into the empty between realms or directed to a specific location with the aid of a [Space-Time - Formula Seal].

~[Space-Time - Perfected Acceleration of Mind and Body]
S-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
The user will channel chakra to their body as they focuses on one of their [Space-Time - Formula Seal]s which act as a conduit for this technique. As long as they focuses on a specific object or place tagged with this fuuinjutsu the user can open space around themselves and anything they are touching to teleport there instantly as long as its within 25 meters of the user.

~[Space-Time - Perfected Acceleration of Mind and Body Tag]
S-rank Charge Fuuinjutsu
Prerequisite: [Space-Time - Acceleration of Mind and Body]
The carrier of this seal will be able to channel chakra into the seal and activate the [Space-Time - Acceleration of Mind and Body] jutsu, opening space around themselves and anything they are touching to teleport instantly to a [Space-Time - Formula Seal] within 25 meters of the user.

*Fuuinjutsu • Removal
D-Rank Fuuinjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user will hold their hand over a seal, and begin to remove it. This removal will be successful as long as the user has more [Control] than that of which the Fuuinjutsu was sealed with.

~Charge Fuuinjutsu • Barrier Trap
D-Rank Fuuinjutsu
After placing up to four barrier tags in a square, line, or triangle, the user draws a line connecting each of the tags. When kai'd, all the tags are set off simultaneously throwing up a barrier at a strength and speed of the user’s [Control] with the tags on the inside of this barrier. This barrier lasts for 4 posts.

*Storage Fuuinjutsu • Tool Storage
D-Rank Fuuinjutsu
After drawing a seal formula on a surface, ensuring it is large enough for the object that is about to be stored. The user will then begin placing the object into the seal. The user can only seal objects up to their ([Control]*2)m^3 in size.

*Storage Fuuinjutsu • Storage Strike
C-Rank Fuuinjutsu
Used in conjunction with storage seals, the user forms the needed hand seals then touches the storage seal causing it to release up to three of the objects stored in it simultaneously, as if they were thrown at a strength of the user’s [Control]. The three objects will be released in a small spread, only a few inches apart from each other.

~Storage Fuuinjutsu • Depth Seal
C-Rank Fuuinjutsu
After drawing a seal of appropriate size for the object but no larger than 1 meter, the user is able to store things at depth within this seal to near limitless lengths. The user is able to store up to [Control]/2 of the same item within this seal regardless of the depth of the surface. They may use the Kai hand seal to retrieve these objects.

*Augment Fuuinjutsu • Strengthen and Enhance
C-Rank Fuuinjutsu
After drawing the necessary seals on the object, the user will imbue the object with a strength equal to their [Control]. The size of this fuuinjutsu is contextual in terms of the object it is applied to and the strength it is enhanced to. For example, if imbued with 50 strength the object will have 90% of its surface space covered, while if only imbued with 25 strength roughly under half of its surface space would be taken up by the seal.

[Booby Trap Check]
C-rank Removal Fuuinjutsu
The user will perform the correct hand seals and trace the outline of a seal. They will carefully probe the seal in question with their chakra to check if there is any countermeasures attached to removing the seal. This will reveal traps added to fuuinjutsu casted or placed with less than or equal [Control] to the user.

[Seal Analysis]
C-Rank Removal Fuuinjutsu
Fuuinjutsu is an extremely formulaic style of jutsu, the seal itself almost forming a "source code" of sorts to the actual purpose of the seal. After the appropriate hand seals, the user will touch the seal, scanning it carefully with their chakra and analyzing the handiwork of the seal. This will reveal the complexity and rank of fuuinjutsu casted or placed with less than or equal [Control] to the user.

*Augment Fuuinjutsu • Secret Seal
C-Rank Fuuinjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user will chant off a list of words, then they’ll then touch the target’s tongue as the seal forms on it. As long as the seal remains on the target's tongue, their ability to speak those words is removed.

[Directional Seal]
C-rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
The user will channel the needed chakra and touch a single ally to grant them the [Directional Seal]. The user can direct jutsu they cast through the [Control Seal] to the [Directional Seal] to apply to their ally.

[Control Seal]
C-rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
The user will channel the needed chakra and touch themselves to cause a [Control Seal] to form on their palm. While this seal is active, the user may elect to send their jutsu through the seal to affect the individual with the [Directional Seal].

Augment Fuuinjutsu • Group Link
B-Rank Fuuinjutsu
By performing the necessary hand seals, the user will can touch a number of targets up to her [Chakra Pool] on their ear and the lips, this creates an audio link between themselves and up to [Chakra Pool] targets they personally place this seal combination on. While hearing is always active, channeling chakra into the seal allows affected targets to speak, their words being stored and transmitted to the other seals. The act of speaking charges negligent chakra.

Ranged Augment Fuuinjutsu • Mute
B-Rank Fuuinjutsu
The user will perform the necessary hand seals then touch one of their butterflies, which will then attempt to touch their target. Upon that butterfly coming into contact a 10x10 inch seal on their target will form, completely removing their ability to speak until the seal is removed or deactivated. If the butterfly should travel further than 60 meters from the user: the fuuinjutsu fails.

[Trap Fuuinjutsu: Anti Sensory]
B-rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
By making adjustments and adding linework to a previous fuuinjutsu, the seal will be only able to be detected by Sensory jutsu with equal to or greater [Control] to the caster.

[Trap Fuuinjutsu: Self-destruct]
B-rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
By making adjustments and adding linework to a previous fuuinjutsu, the new seal will be booby-trapped. If any of the other fuuinjutsu this is tied into are messed with before this one is disarmed, the object the original seal is placed on will explode with [Control] strength.

[Fuuinjutsu: Memory Erasure]
A-rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
The user will draw out the needed seal on to another person's head and perform the needed hand seals to start. Once the hand seals are done and chakra is flowing into the seal and brain, any memories, conscious or unconscious, experienced during this time will not be recorded by the brain and therefore unrecoverable. Once chakra is no longer being fed to the seal, it will stop preventing conscious and unconscious memories.

*Augment Fuuinjutsu • Chakra Forbid Seal
A-Rank Fuuinjutsu
After forming the necessary hand seals, the user will have their hand glow with five seals on each of their fingers before they make contact with their target transferring the seals. This seals off the target's tenketsu, disturbing their chakra flow and blocking it, essentially making the target incapable of utilizing their chakra for jutsu as long as the seal is on them.

*Augment Fuuinjutsu • Paralysis
A-Rank Fuuinjutsu
After forming the necessary hand seals, the user will have their hand glow with five seals on each of their fingers before they make contact with their target transferring the seals.This seals off the target’s ability to move their body and limbs disrupting their nervous system. This does not affect jutsu casting or ability to think.

[Fight the Power]
A-rank Charge Fuuinjutsu
The user will channel the needed chakra and touch either themselves or an ally. Depending on the [Control] it is casted with, the fuuinjutsu will cover between 25%-90% of the users body. Once struck, the fuuinjutsu will activate and reflect strikes until broken. Ninjutsu will bounce back in the direction they came from and taijutsu strikes will rebound upon the opponent's body. Attacks that break through will not be reflected.

[Mind Communion]
A-rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
The user will channel the needed chakra before they touch up to 3 allies and grant them a [Mind Communion] seal which forms between their shoulder blades. Those with the seal are able to communicate and share thoughts with each other.

[Imminent Domain of the Gods]
S-Rank TenkuJikukan Charge Fuuinjutsu
The user will channel the needed chakra and place their hand on a surface. A large fuuinjutsu will spread from the contact and cause an array of effects on summons and spirits. Summons and spirits tethered to the Human Realm by those with a [Control] stat lower than the users [Control] will find themselves banished back to where they were called from. Those tethered to the Human Realm by those with a [Control] stat equal to the users [Control] will find the initial and periodical drain they cause to their caster to double.

[Extended Dominion]
S-Rank Space-Time Tenkufuuinjutsu
Prerequisite: A combined CP between Caster and Subject of least 70
By studying what little information she was permitted by Kirigakure about the shinobi Kozaki, she developed a fuuinjutsu which allows him to extend his [Dominion] out over 250 meters. This also requires others who use Space/Time or Summoning Jutsu to pay double the cost to work against the [Dominion] unless their [Control] is greater than the casters. This fuuinjutsu requires a constant effort by the Caster and Subject, requiring them to be immobile.

~Ranged Augment Fuuinjutsu • Chakra Forbid Seal
S-Rank Fuuinjutsu
Requirements: *Augment Fuuinjutsu • Chakra Forbid Seal
After forming the necessary hand seals, the user will have their hand glow with five seals on each of their fingers before they make contact with their butterflies. The butterflies can then travel up to 160 meters with [synch] speed to touch the target transferring the seals. This seals off the target's tenketsu, disturbing their chakra flow and blocking it, essentially making the target incapable of utilizing their chakra for jutsu as long as the seal is on them.

~Ranged Augment Fuuinjutsu • Paralysis
S-Rank Fuuinjutsu
Requirements: *Augment Fuuinjutsu • Paralysis
After forming the necessary hand seals, the user will have their hand glow with five seals on each of their fingers before they make contact with their butterflies. The butterflies can then travel up to 160 meters with [synch] speed to touch the target, transferring the seals.This seals off the target’s ability to move their body and limbs disrupting their nervous system. This does not affect jutsu casting or ability to think.

~Augment Fuuinjutsu • Blind, Deaf, Mute
S-Rank Fuuinjutsu
Requirements: Ranged Augment Fuuinjutsu • Mute
The user will channel chakra and then form a seal out of their butterflies, then the butterflies will fly at a speed of [synch] and if they touch the target a 15x15 inch seal on their target will form, completely removing their ability to speak, hear, or see until the seal is removed or deactivated by a fuuinjutsu with [control]. If the butterflies should travel further than 160 meters from the user, the fuuinjutsu fails.
*Shizumeru • [Shackles of Authority]
C-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
After performing a set of hand seals, the user focuses chakra towards their hand. A chain made of Maroon chakra will shoot from their palm towards the target at [Control] speed, up to 20 meters away. If it hits a spirit, a jinchuuriki, tsukimogami, or other such being, the chain will wrap around them, placing their arms, if they have any, to their side, stopping them from performing hand seals. These chains cling to the chakra of the Spirit itself, and are unable to be broken through physical means. If the target has a related Mastery stat or a Spirit has a strength stat higher than 10, they are able to break the binding. If the chains are able to stay on their target, they will drain away -1 Mastery from hosts or -1 Strength from Spirits until broken free of.

*Shizumeru • [Vision of Spirits]
C-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Pre-Requisite: Sensory Concentration
After performing the needed hand seals, the user focuses chakra to their eyes, causing the Maroon chakra to flare up around their eyes. This works similar to a doujutsu, but with no physical change to the eye itself, allowing the user to see the chakra of spirits and spirit related objects/people as an aura of Maroon. While useful for a quick glance, it can be used up to [Chakra Pool]/5 posts, before needing to be refreshed.

*Shizumeru • [Voice of Spirits]
C-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
After performing the needed hand seals and focusing chakra into their hand, the user places their hand on the head of a Spirit host, or on the object containing a spirit. This allows them to speak directly to the spirit in a telepathic link.

*Shizumeru • [Containing Spirits]
C-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
After doing the needed hand seals, the user will create a 10 meter cubed barrier within 15 meters of their location at [Control] Speed with [Control] Strength. This barrier is created of pure Maroon chakra and will only stop things that are related to spirits, normally jinchuuriki. As a result, those that are stopped by the barrier are unable to make their way through unless they can break it. Those untainted by spirits are able to pass through the barrier at their leisure. This barrier lasts for 4 posts.

*Spirit Binding • [Seishin Kanri]
C-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
After preforming the necessary hand seals, the user shoots out a chain of Maroon Chakra at [Control] speed that wraps around the spirit up to 25 meters. If the spirit stays sealed within this chain for 4 posts, the spirit is subjected to the control of the user of the technique, regardless of contracts up to 4 posts. If the spirit has more than 10 strength it can break the chain. This jutsu can only be used on D-Rank spirits.

*Shizumeru • [Unconnected Connection]
B-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
After performing the needed hand seals, the user focuses chakra into their body, giving them a slight Maroon glow. For the next 10 posts, whenever they speak, they are able to communicate with Spirits of all sorts, including those inside of jinchuuriki within 20 meters.

~Shizumeru • [Heal the beast]
B-rank Tenkujutsu (Iijutsu)
Pre-Requisite: Iijutsu concenteation
After forming the needed hand seals, the user will reach out with their own spirit and touch a spirit. This will heal wounds caused to the spirit from Tenkujutsu at +5 mastery (up to original mastery or strength) for every post that the spirit maintains contact. This can be passed through the Kyoukan link per the Kyoukan tether.

*Shizumeru • [Intention of Spirits]
B-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Pre-Requisite: Sensory Concentration
After performing the needed hand seals, the user focuses chakra to their eyes, causing the Maroon chakra to flare up around their eyes. This works similar to a doujutsu, but with no physical change to the eye itself, allowing the user to see the chakra of spirits and spirit related objects/people as an aura of Maroon. Additionally, they are able to see how the spirit is interacting with their host, be it a jinchuuriki, or a joruri. While useful for a quick glance, it can be used up to [Chakra Pool]/5 posts, before needing to be refreshed.

*Ochiiru • [Minor Possession Removal]
B-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Pre-Requisite: Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu Concentration
After performing the needed hand seals, the user will place their hand on an object that is being possessed by a spirit, such as a joruri of Common Soul size or lower. Over the course of a full post, as long as contact is maintained, the spirit will be banished from the object.

*Kuchiyose • [Numa Seitai]
B-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Pre-Requisite: Charge Fuuinjutsu Concentration
After placing the necessary fuuinjutsu and preforming the needed hand seals, the user summons an area up to 20x20x20 meters that lasts for 5 posts. This barrier creates a swamp overlay transferred from the spirit realm, that is layered with a thick heavy bog, and the sound of muck bubbling up due to carbonation. This allows the user to summon spirits cost free at the cost of one lump sum of chakra up-front.

*Shizumeru • [Deny the Master]
A-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
After doing the needed hand seals, the user will point their finger towards a target and fire off a beam of pure Maroon chakra. This beam of chakra has a diameter of 1 inch and flies at [Control] Speed, up to 60 meters away. While unable to move during the firing of the technique, the user is able to control the direction of the beam, allowing them to move in any direction they desire to make sure contact is achieved. If the beam hits a spiritual host who is in a form higher than 0, this will cause a drop of -6 Mastery or if it hits a spirit will cause a drop of -6 Strength for 5 posts.

*Shizumeru • [Shackles of Authority]
S-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
After performing a set of hand seals, the user focuses chakra towards their hand. A chain made of Maroon chakra will shoot from their palm towards the target at [Control] speed, up to 80 meters away. If it hits a spirit, a jinchuuriki, tsukimogami, or other such being, the chain will wrap around them, placing their arms, if they have any, to their side, stopping them from performing hand seals. These chains cling to the chakra of the Spirit itself, and are unable to be broken through physical means. If the target has a related Mastery stat or a Spirit has a strength stat higher than 35, they are able to break the binding. If the chains are able to stay on their target, they will drain away -9 Mastery from hosts or -9 Strength from Spirits until broken free of.

*Ochiiru • [Temporary Housing]
S-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Pre-Requisite: Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu Concentration
After doing the needed hand seals and writing the correct seals or having them premade on a storage device (such as a pot), the user is able to take advantage of a spirit that has been recently ejected from a host/object or one that has been defeated. As long as this jutsu is used the post after the spirit was ejected/defeated, the fuuinjutsu consumes the spirit, trapping them inside until the seal is broken or it is purposefully released.

*Ochiiru • [Tsukumogami Creation]
S-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Prerequisite: Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu Concentration
After doing the needed hand seals, while having the *Shizumeru • [Temporary Housing] of a spirit close by, the user will attempt to seal a greater soul spirit within an object. By writing a seal onto the object, the spirit will then be sealed within the object. This takes a total of 10 posts to complete.

*Shizumeru • [Complete Dominion]
S-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Prerequisite: 45 Control, Augment Fuuinjutsu Concentration
By placing the correct seals on the person and placing their hand making contact onto a spirit or a spiritual being, and then by performing "Chakra Kai", the caster is able to temporarily stop the spirit from influencing an object that it is possessing or sealed into, prohibiting the ability for the host to call upon the spirit's chakra until the seal is broken.

*Ochiiru • [Jinchuuriki Creation]
S-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Prerequisite: 45 Control, Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu Concentration, (optional) multiple people
After doing the needed hand seals, while having the *Shizumeru • [Temporary Housing] of a spirit close by, the user will attempt to seal the spirit within a living host. By writing a seal onto the host, the spirit will then be sealed within the host. Users with less than 40 Chakra Pool who attempt to perform this jutsu will die after its completion. However if the user has additional help, they can use an additional person to supplement the stamina they do not have as long as the grand total equals 40 Chakra Pool. This takes a total of 10 posts to complete.

*Ochiiru • [Spiritual Extraction]
S-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Prerequisite: 45 Control from the jutsu caster, a minimum of 200 Chakra Pool, Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu Concentration
Each participant must share their chakra with the unsealer, as they perform the needed hand seals. The user will then pump this vast amount of chakra into the seal of a grand soul host, such as a jinchuuriki. This process takes a total of 200 Chakra Pool from the group to extract the spirit from the host, who will in turn die. If the total sum of stamina is not met, the participants will all die. It only takes one individual in the group to know this jutsu. This takes 10 whole posts to complete.
Megallium jutsuShow
~ A ranked Iryo-Tetsu Jutsu - Megallium Chain Mail: The user claps their hands together to create a specific set of hand seals and then Megallium springs from the ground in a suit of armor made from interwoven almost microscopic loops and has up to [control/10] layers which form a skin-tight layer over the target’s body made of Megallium. This armor has [control] strength, and lasts for [control/5] posts before it becomes the inert metal Megallium (60% cobalt, 20% chromium, 5% molybdenum, 5% gold).

~ S ranked Iryo-Tetsu Jutsu - Megallium Hell Mail:
The user claps their hands together to create a specific set of hand seals and sends chakra through the ground at [control] speed toward the target. Megallium springs from the ground in a suit of armor made from interwoven almost microscopic loops which form a skin-tight layer over the target’s body made of Megallium. This armor has [control] strength and it attempts to twist the arms, legs, neck, and torso at 90 degree angles once per post at [control] strength, If the armor succeeds in bending or breaking any of these into unnatural angles, it mends the bones at these angles. Those without sufficient taijutsu will find their body mended in horrific ways. These wounds have to be re-broken and re-mended or they are permanent. This jutsu’s armor lasts for [control/5] posts before it becomes the inert metal Megallium (60% cobalt, 20% chromium, 5% molybdenum, 5% gold).
Tenketsu jutsuShow
~Tenketsu Tethering: Surveillance
B-Rank Ninjutsu/Iijutsu
After a set of hand seals, the Kyoukan family member will close both of their eyes, then connect themselves to the vision of all current links they possess. A mentally taxing technique, the clan member must possess a sharp mind capable of weaving together the different sets of vision, but those capable can unlock an outstanding field of vision and view of the battlefield around them. Kyoukan family members may keep this technique running for up to [control]/10 posts (minimum of 1 post). Opening their eyes at anytime during the duration of the technique will cancel the technique.

~Tenketsu Tethering: Protect
A-Rank Ninjutsu/Iijutsu
After a set of hand seals, the Kyoukan family member will channel into one of their links specifically. This will cause a pink barrier of hard chakra just a few inches larger than the target to form around them almost instantly. The barrier has a strength of [Control] and if not destroyed or cancelled by the caster lasts up to 5 posts.

~Tenketsu Tethering: Purge
S-Rank Ninjutsu/Iijutsu
After a set of hand seals, the Kyoukan family member will channel into one of their links specifically. This will cause the person to erupt into a dark red chakra, purging two of the effects that would grant blindness, paralysis, deafness, tastelessness, anosmia (can’t smell), anhidrosis (unable to sense touch), or a - to any stat. One of these effects returns to normal per post as long as this tether remains in effect. The restoration of stats happens at +20 to that stat per post until it reaches its previous maximum (up to 50).
~~My characters~~
Iwagakure Jounin: Kanade Enkouten
Thread Tracker for Kanade (previously Chiaki): viewtopic.php?f=105&t=8345273&p=4197389#p4197389
Iwagakure Genin: Enkouten, Atsuko
Kirigakure Genin: Achiyo
Heart Samurai: Kyudo-ite, Kasuri
Sunagakure Genin: Kouseki, Kagayaki
Sunagakure Jounin: Naegi, Aihachi


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