Meeting of two Legends

Yuichi and his new best friend Hotaru ;)

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Meeting of two Legends

Post by Trusted Grader » Wed Oct 25, 2023 6:57 pm

Hotaru had heard of a legendary teacher in Kumogakure no Sato, a man called Yuichi, ironically she had heard about this man via one of her black ops students who for some reason never seemed to shut up when he wasn't in a mission, her newest agent the Comissioner codename; A, Akhihiko. She chuckled at the idea as she finished setting up her new persona, Ringo.

He was to be her new cover as she had recently spotted herself on the bingo book, it was both intruiging and annoying as the iron event seems to have been the reason for her existence, she found it fascinating that her representing her village was now the cause of one of her covers being exposed. Well at least I got something out of it, I got to show the world that not only is Kumo a military to fear but that my covers are so good that they believe in their existance... it's a shame that I have to retire the persona for a while... Well, at least until things die down.

She practiced Ringo's voice for a bit before she finished dressing up as the madman she was going to portray, luckily, Yuichi wouldn't have to deal with the criminal she had planned as she would bear the mask above her face for now. This wasn't to only hide the persona, but to protect Yuichi if he ever was captured, god forbidd, she had to protect the village at all cost and that meant her covers had to be on a to know basis, and for now Yuichi was an outsider.

Nevertheless, the spy made her way to the training ground, ironically it was the one she had kidnapped Akihiko, it was a battleground that overlooked a large part of the village, which not only made it visually pleasing but also forced the duo to keep their sparring to close quarter combat as they couldn't go all out, unless they truly wanted to draw attention to themselves.

Ringo, with the hawk mask, was there first thing in the morning, the morning dew made sure that they could smell everything, from the concrete to the fresh painted wood. His black kimono would be his signature, his long black lucious hair with highlights would be different enough from Yoho that most people would have to take a tripple take before matching the two of them, also his posture and voice would be different enough that most people would easily think that they were different people... Also, the people he hung out with and the personality. Let's just say that Hotaru kept all of this in mind.

"Nice to meet you Yuichi-Sama, I hope you came prepared for what we are about to do today. I am... well.. You can call me ghost. I have heard good things about you so I am here to make sure you are up to scratch when it comes to representing our village in combat. I know the Raikage has already accepted you as a jounin but he hasn't really put you to the test yet." Ringo did his best to not spoil too much, he knew that things were fickle when it came to S.T.R.A.T.O.S, for unlike Anbu they were truly invisible to the people of Kumogakure and Lightning Empire, only those in the know knew of their existence and even then they almost appeared like a fantasy as most people rarely met agents of the black ops organisation that spoke about it.


B-Rank TenTaijutsu Discipline
Prerequisite: [Perception], [Ridgid body]
The user uses their physical posture and voice to intimidate their foes, if their target is within strengthx2 meters with max being 60 meters, if they are within those parameters then they can sense the users aura which can cause them to be intimidated by the user if their will is lower than theirs. This technique can be used as long as it doesn't exceed their Endurance/5 posts.

I Am
S-Rank Tentaijutsu Discipline Taijutsu
Prerequisite: [Stealth]
To perform this taijutsu the user must spend at least half a post preparing for the role of her life and as long as she continues to play the role the more convinced, she becomes that she is that character. With enough practice, the woman could copy anyone's mannerisms, characteristics, tone of voice, and style from which she has gathered enough information. At this level she is the character and will improvise as the said character, reading the user's mind requires an equal level of technique and higher Will than the user. The target needs a higher-ranked [Perception] technique to see through her lies.
Last edited by Trusted Grader on Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:23 am, edited 4 times in total.
Different Sides Of The War
The Compassionate
Karagata, Yuuto
Special Jounin: Kiri
The Lawful
Shoshiki, Amaya
Bannin: Iwa
Wana, Ran
The Hunter
Inuzuka, Kitsui
Genin: Konoha
Treasure Hunter
Amigaou, Mahalow
B-Rank: Suna
The Invisible
Nonki, Hotaru
Jounin / Spy: Kumo
The Mercenary
Nara, Chikara
S-Rank MN: Konoha
Chie, Yasu, Wakana, Ayuma, Shiryoku
The Cryomancer
Aisu, Yuri
Genin: Kiri
The Jashinist
Kijo, Nehan
S-Rank MN: Konoha

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Meeting of two Legends

Post by Director » Sun Nov 19, 2023 5:39 pm

Yuichi stepped into the training ground, he was wondering why he was called here. A mysterious figure, mysterious voice, and just overall shadowy figure that tried every attempt to hide their appearance and signatures. Why would they go to such lengths to hide themselves? Why position themselves in a secure area of Kumo if they had ill will? Yuichi processed these thoughts and concerns, but all roads led to Rome, that being this was an ally wanting to field something with Yuichi. He had to guess if he were this person would he be as secretive or protective? If in the same situation he surmised he would.

The sound of his dress shoes rang out in the training area as a voice called out to him. Addressed his full name with a grand honorific. Certainly a showing of respect, so what was it they were after from Yuichi? A ghost wanting something to do with him was quite odd. He was a dedicated tutor and teacher at the academy, occasionally called out when needed by the Lightning Empire. The test of combat perked Yuichi's ears, he cocked an eye behind his dark colored glasses. As a reflex he almost scoffed at the notion the Raikage hadn't put Yuichi to the test, but he had the self control to hold it back and hear this person out.

"If combat maketh the rank, then every psychotic ninja with battle prowess from Kiri to Iwa should be a Bannin." Yuichi adjusted his glasses as he looked towards the person in the center. "However, even their leadership knows not to promote those people higher than their worth." Yuichi breathed deep and let out a sigh. Even though the conversation had just begun he wanted to skip the mind games, he was not in the mood to be tested mentally or physically really, but he'd indulged if pressed. He didn't sense any sort of danger from it despite all the smoke and mirrors.

He wasn't intended to be rude, but rather he wanted to make sure his time was spent wisely. He'd rather train the Genin than be in this dingy lit training room. Keeping his mind occupied kept it from wandering where he rather it didn't. After all, if it wandered he may not like where his thoughts may surface.

"I suggest you get to the point or else I'm leaving. I have students to attend to and teach."
Last edited by Director on Wed Nov 22, 2023 12:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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Meeting of two Legends

Post by Trusted Grader » Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:55 am

Hotaru got excited when she heard the famous footsteps of Yuichi, though truth be told she was rather disappointed in his answer, it seemed that the man before didn't really get what she meant, what if one day, say, Iwagakure invaded, could she then entrust the people of Kumogakure in his hands? What if our lord and savior were to perish in a war, who would we then have to lean on? These were the things that ran through her head, this was the price of being the leader of S.T.R.A.T.O.S.

Ringo chuckled as he listened to Yuichi's last little speech, he did not get to decide if he left or not, especially since he was raising both of the weapons of Kumogakure, Limbo and Hell genma, Hotaru had to know that they were in safe hands, she had to know that she could rely on him to guide them correctly, she had to test Yuichi, one way or another. Ringo pushed his hair back as he laughed before his eyes would meet Yuichis, her doujutsu had been activated, turning silver instead of the classic green-blue as they usually were.

Ringo took a step forward and vanished as his speed was far superior to Yuichi's, from his vantage point it would almost look like Ringo had teleported. "We have entrusted you the responsibility to raise the Genmas, this is why you are being tested today." Ringo clapped above Yuichi's head, he then took a step back as he was sure that the man would attempt to retaliate, as of now he would only pay a weird form of tag with Yuichi, as he felt that it was unnecessary to strike him, unless the teacher would take this spar seriously.

His matrix doujutsu would capture the background and slowly fill the H.U.D up with outlines of the battlefield, collecting data that allow Hotaru to be able to calculate the strengths and utilities of the world around them. For now, it would collect information that would allow her to see the battlefield even if she were to be blinded, for one had to always stay one step ahead.

The gray-blue edges began to fill up as Ringo attempted to stay lose on his feet, he would laugh and chuckle at Yuichi's attempts to either strike or mock him. "Come on now, what if Iwagakure were bold enough to attempt to invade us? Would you just leave your back exposed like that?" Ringo taunted.


[Welcome to Vision Holographic Bank]
D-Rank Doujutsu Discipline.
The first step of The Matorikkusu Doujutsu line, activating the doujutsu, this allows the user to start recording the surrounding world and outlining materials around the user. This jutsu can last as long as users stamina stat. Once the eye turns off, it must stay off for that same amount of time as a cool down period.
Different Sides Of The War
The Compassionate
Karagata, Yuuto
Special Jounin: Kiri
The Lawful
Shoshiki, Amaya
Bannin: Iwa
Wana, Ran
The Hunter
Inuzuka, Kitsui
Genin: Konoha
Treasure Hunter
Amigaou, Mahalow
B-Rank: Suna
The Invisible
Nonki, Hotaru
Jounin / Spy: Kumo
The Mercenary
Nara, Chikara
S-Rank MN: Konoha
Chie, Yasu, Wakana, Ayuma, Shiryoku
The Cryomancer
Aisu, Yuri
Genin: Kiri
The Jashinist
Kijo, Nehan
S-Rank MN: Konoha

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Meeting of two Legends

Post by Director » Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:13 am

Yuichi rolled his head around popping the vertebrae in his neck. He watched carefully as 'Ringo' stepped out revealing themselves before in a flash the person appeared behind them with a clap. The suited man glanced over his shoulder annoyed at the theatrics suppressing any sign of his surprise of the sheer speed shown before. He wasn't sure who this Ringo was, but they clearly weren't intending harm or threatening the man otherwise he'd most likely have some kind of wound. Whatever it was that was sought it seemed this 'Ringo' character preferred it to be a display of strength.

Yuichi sighed as he shook his head. "Yes and teach them I will. My record is on display in whatever Kumogakure archives you wish to read about the civil war." His nostrils flared as his temper slowly dwindled. He still maintained his cool composure, but this 'Ringo' wanted to prod further and further. The teasing of an Iwagakure invasion, Yuichi letting the man dart behind him. His eyes traced the edges of the room as he took a deep breath before reaching up with his right hand grasping his glasses with the middle-finger and thumb of his right hand. The left retrieved a handkerchief buried within his suit jacket as the man cleaned his glasses in response to the prodding attempts.

"Strength can be found in fighting, but it can also be found in making the decision to not fight. I'll defend my back when I deem it necessary, as it stands now since you haven't killed me yet I think I can find solace I'm not with malicious company. So again, what with the smoke and mirrors?"

With the speed difference in mind, Yuichi silently bolstered his speed as he slowly and methodically slipped off his tie and wrapped it around his right hand. If anything the direct cost of chakra given up would at least put him close to the speed needed to keep up.
Shibari UsedShow
Shibari • Investment - Horse Race - x2
D-Ranked Shibari
Yuichi will make a vow and trade in -3 [Chakra Pool] for the rest of the thread, and in return will gain +3 [Speed] for the remainder of the thread. Once the thread has concluded Yuichi’s stats will shift back to normal.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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Meeting of two Legends

Post by Trusted Grader » Tue Jan 23, 2024 4:03 pm

Ringo chuckled as he watched Yuichi put on his gloves, he nodded attentively at the gentleman before him, in fact, he was impressed by his taunt, "Oh man, I'm rusty already, smoke and mirror? That is cold." Ringo held his ringed right hand on his chest as he finished his speech before pulling out the hidden blade from his wrist and stabbing towards his comrade.

Hotaru took notice of Yuichi and heard rumors of him, wanting to see the ability in action she waited for him to activate it. Fascinating, I do wonder how it truly works. Surely he was able to dodge his swipes, what followed was a combo of kicks and punches that would keep Yuichi on his toes, the spy was a master at close-quarter combat and she wanted her piers to be unmatched.

War doesn't forgive. Hotaru had never personally been to war, for her job was to make sure wars never happened. "Come on Mr.Serious, show me what you really got!" Ringo flexed his blade and poked out his tongue, he wasn't going serious for now as he wanted to work up a sweat before he would show him the good stuff. A chuckle escaped his breath while he stared down his enemy, he had first set him up to be on the back foot, but now wanted to see what he could truly do.

And he was about to witness the greatness that was Yuichi, why he had been chosen to raise the next generations of Jinchurikis, he just hadn't witnessed it yet, time was going to prove why the Raikage always seemed to be right. But that didn't mean that the spy was ready to counter him, at any given moment she would attempt to throw him off balance by striking back at his stricks to stop them from completing.

307/600 str
[Wushu • Know How to One-Two]
C-Rank Stance Taijutsu
Pre-Requirements: Know Your Limits
With their high level in the art of manipulating and using their body and also high reflexes and strategic ability, the user has mastered their ability of avoiding quick strikes that come on short notice, finding little to no challenge in side-stepping punches, jumping over kicks, leaning back, among others. The user understands that fights have a tempo and is able to adapt him or herself into said tempo in order to dodge effectively.

[Wushu • Know Your Arsenal]
C-Rank Discipline Taijutsu
Pre-Requirements: Know How to One-Two
The user, after many hours of practice, repetition and conditioning their body and mind, have obtained a high degree of muscle memory. They can shoot off any of their techniques practically at any time when not under special circumstances. They may also respond faster to and almost predict an enemy attack from a slight movement simply due to their understanding and comprehension of the anatomy and Taijutsu itself. This means they may have a chance at counterattacking a target with a lot more efficiency, using only the knowledge of their bodies, meaning it'll be a Speed vs Strength situation, not a Strength vs Strength situation.
Last edited by Trusted Grader on Tue Jan 23, 2024 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Different Sides Of The War
The Compassionate
Karagata, Yuuto
Special Jounin: Kiri
The Lawful
Shoshiki, Amaya
Bannin: Iwa
Wana, Ran
The Hunter
Inuzuka, Kitsui
Genin: Konoha
Treasure Hunter
Amigaou, Mahalow
B-Rank: Suna
The Invisible
Nonki, Hotaru
Jounin / Spy: Kumo
The Mercenary
Nara, Chikara
S-Rank MN: Konoha
Chie, Yasu, Wakana, Ayuma, Shiryoku
The Cryomancer
Aisu, Yuri
Genin: Kiri
The Jashinist
Kijo, Nehan
S-Rank MN: Konoha

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