Please Don't Beat Me Up!

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Please Don't Beat Me Up!

Post by Nick » Tue Feb 06, 2024 1:08 pm

After being escorted to Konoha, first by that grumpy Suna ninja and then by that gross old man Akito, Suzuko's position within the village was a little... unexpected. Normally she'd have been escorted by Goro or another teacher, or at least had one of her fellow students with her to train with, or seek out training with others, but she'd more or less been left to her own devices for the first several days after arrival. She was likely going to be sent back to Tea Country soon, and while she'd been grateful for some kind of break after the [redacted] events of her journey, she felt a little useless after the first full day of rest, and her anxiety took care of the rest. She'd left fairly early in the morning her second full day of being there, and headed to a local ninja office (which probably had a specific name that Suzuko sure didn't know about) to report in.

There was some confusion at first, but after a repeat explanation to increasingly high ranking people working at the office, she finally got someone that knew she was meant to be there, and scrambled to find something. After some awkward fumbling and a few back and forths into a hidden back room, she was finally given notice to report to a training field where she'd meet a Chuunin she was meant to be training with for the day. She didn't fully understand the responsibilities and ranking of ninja, but she did know that Chuunin was, in theory, the same step she was at currently in the overall ranking systems of Heart, which meant that they didn't have anyone more experienced available on such short notice.

Still, at least she'd be occupied for the day and wouldn't go stir crazy in a rented room until she got official word to return home, and just because the person she was meant to be meeting was the same rank as her didn't mean she couldn't learn anything from her. She just hoped that whoever they sent was more pleasant to be around than Akihiko, or Akito... The Aki's in her life were a constant source of stress, it seemed.
"It's so sad!" the reader said to the writer with a frown. "The character in my book just died!" The author turned to her and burst out into tears, "I know!" he said, "So did mine!"
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Please Don't Beat Me Up!

Post by HotelBravo » Tue Feb 06, 2024 8:48 pm

Konohagkure no Sato was one of the larger powers on the continent. It was currently in the middle of experiencing a peak of prosperity as the machinations of the War economy from the great war had turned into industy, and now that a second war was on the horizon, those same gears were turning. Konohgakure would b e ready to face any threat that would present itself.The Hokage had declared war on Iwagakure no Sato after their invasion into Sunagakure. Of course Konoha would jump to the aid of their allies in Sungakure. They were the only ones that were considered such on the face of the continent. However there was another village that had begun to form decent relations with Konoha, and that was the fledgling Heart nation. Formed from the Land of Tea under the leadership of the Frog Shogun, Fuhen.

He had been a legendary figure in his own right. The Maker of Many Women, Who is often Surprised, but never Unprepared, the Defender of the Forests of Fire Country, The Man of Many Loses, The Master Entertainer and Master Swordsman, the Clumsy Tumbler, The Victor of Fur Country: On the hunt for the white stag, The Victor of Fur Country: Semifinals of the tournament, and the Victory of Fur Country: The Finals! The man who fights by heart alone. A lot could be said of him, but most importantly, he had been killed. This had given reason to doubt whether there was something to salvage between the countries. Nearly the entirety of the burgeoning friendship had been so much work down by the River King that with his death ther was a very real question if the next ruler of the Heart Country would be able to keep the country solvent. If the next Monarch would be a friend to Konohagakure no Sato.


Enter Kurada. He had been a Konoha Shinobi his entire life and had specialized in accounting and statistics. He was a thin man wearing a Konoha flak jacket, greying hair and an eye patch. He walked into the room with his hands in his pockets and a hunched over posture. His was an appointment by necessity. He was needed to be high enough rank to give orders, but he wasn’t really an actual ranking shinobi. He was simploy a civilian that had been given some leeway on account of the success of his work. He also needed the higher rank so that he could actually command if the situation came to it. He marched over to his chair inside of the crowded conference room. The situation with the Land of Heart is delicate. With Fuhen's assassination, we need to make sure to protect our relationship and secure the routes through Tea and River..

The other Mission Officers were already in the room, looking over a board with missions marked and roster of eligible shinobi listed. While the Hokage over saw the entirety of the village, it was these happy few who managed the day to day mission assignments of

Sato was a chuunin, also wearing a flak jacket and was already two arms deep into a pile of scrolls and books. He gazed back up with a concerned expression. ’That damn River Shogun. Why did he have to go and die? Sato held up a scroll gesturing to how much work Fuhen’s death had caused him due to this diplomatic incident.

Tanaka who also worked at the mission desk was in the room studying the roster. ”War is on the horizon as well. Those trade routes will need to stay open for our Shinobi and for the merchants from land of fire.” Nobody could forget about the War, but Tanaka had quite a bit at stake in this with his brand new family.. He had married recently and just had a child. The man was sweating bullets. Although he wasn’t going to be on the front lines himself, they would need logistical support and so the risk was still very real for him, especially if the Konohagakure no Sato received a counter attack while the bulk of its forces were in Iwa. He closed his eyes and could only hope and pray that this would not be the case.

All three stopped in their tracks when the door swung open, and who should enter the room but Hauriki Minato, the Head of Foreign Relations in Konoha. All three of the men here jumped to their feet. ”Sir!” Haruki just waived the salutes away. He had been business for why he was here today. His Grey Dragon was on his shoulder and in behind him came seven body guards, all Anbu with masks hiding their identities.

I’ve just been given word that there is going we should be expecting a shinobi from the Heart country in some kind of exchange Program.. He began to explain to the mission assignment crew. ”I want a jounin to escort her to the village, make sure to give him the updated instructions for how to navigate through the forest. Once she’s here we need someone who can be diplomatic to handle the kunoichi. It’d be good to get a feel for what Heart Country is thinking of Konohagakure and see if we can find out anything about their plans for the future of our relationship. I think no one needs to b e reminded just how critical this all is at this precise moment. We do not need more enemies Gentleman. Now tell me who we have on the roster.?”

Kuroda gestured to Tanaka. The man nodded. ”We have some shinobi who were on defense assignments. It should be reasonable to pull them from their posts temporarily to make sure that the guest is treated well. Hyuuga Akito and… How about Masaru, or Beeko - the genin that was on display at the chuunin exams?” Tanaka handed two scrolls two Minato who opened them, looked them over, and then handed them back. ”Masaru is a bit too old for this, I’d like someone closer in age to the Heart representative, she is very young. Beeko doesn’t look like he has the disposition for this kind of work. I need someone else.”

Nakano Yamanaka Kuroda offered. Minato, Tanaka and Sato all three turned to him. He nodded in confirmation as he saw the questions they all held in their eyes. To him she would be the best option, despite all of her flaws and set backs. Minato folded his arms and frowned.

Nakano? But her attitude and her... The state secrets about her mind…? Sato gestured to his own had, a gesture that implied that someone was crazy. He gave a nervous chuckle. [ Can we trust her with such a sensitive mission, Counselor?

”Nakano is an information gathering specialist.” Tanaka offered, pulling her file and handing the scroll to Minato. He proceeded to look it over. ”Why does she have redactions in her profile?” He began to scan through the activities that she had been apart of. She had her own run in with authorities in her youth and had a violent track record, but her disposition was right and she was trained to be an information gathering specialist so that meant she had the skills for this kind of situation. Minato wiped his face with his hand. This was really the best that Fanho had left him with?

”I can’t really go into specifics, but I have my suspicions that she’s a candidate for a certain secretive program headed.” Kuroda started. Minato gestured for him to continue, and so he did. ”Based on missions and redactions its practically a give away when someone is in the Root file. To be honest, I don’t expect that anyone outside of our expertise would ever be able to recognize that fact. We have all the data after all. But if she is a candidate for the Root program, that means that the Anbu are willing to over look her past behavior and have her on a trial run. We’d be doing them a favor to let her handle this.”

”Not bad, Kuroda. You make a good argument.” Minato praised Kuroda. ”Any objects then?” When it seemed that no one had any objections Minato stood back up. ”Then we’re done here. Nakano’s success is crucial to our relationship with Heart. Direct her to gather information discreetly and uncover any information she can about the current political state of affairs in heart. Ensure the village’s safety and our diplomatic ties success. That is all.” Minato turned and left, taking his body guards with him, scratching the chin of the little dragon as he departed.

Very well, Counselor. We'll support Nakano in any way we can. Sato, write up the mission scroll and have it delivered right away to Akito and Nakano. Kuroda directed. Sato gave a snappy salute and pulled out two fresh scrolls and some ink and a pen and began jotting things down as fast as he could. ”Tanaka, clear their current roster assignments, we need them focused on these missions and nothing else for the time being. Akito can take on more missions once he is done with the escort.”

Kuroda templed his fingers. The village was becoming an active place, now more than ever. It honestly reminded him of the time during the Great War. Kuroda bowed his head and said a prayer to each Kami he knew of by name. With any luck another Great war could be avoided, but it didn’t look like that would be the case. Damn Iwa! Damn them for Attacking Sunagakure! Damn them for murdering the Hokage! None of this would have been happening if it weren’t from their power and greed.

The work to get the mission assigned to Nakano commenced. Sato finished writing the missions and Kuroda stamped them with his seal authorizing the mission class and pay in the absence of the Hokage or the Minster heads of the government. Akito and Nakano’s mission scrolls split up as they were delivered to their respective recipients. A genin runner would be dispatched to Nakano’s apartment as soon as the mission scroll had been approved. The eager young genin followed the instructions on the deliver of the scroll and knocked on the door to the apartment.

Nakano opened the door. She wore a loose fitting tank top that doubled as a skirt. Nakano looked at the small genin who was stunned at what he was looking at. She clucked her tongue and shut the drooling young man’s mouth. ”I’d invite you in shonen, but you’re a little too young to me.” She glanced and saw that the young man held something in his hands. ”Is that for me?” she inquired, looking at the scroll that he held between his hands. He seemed to come back to his senses and nodded, extending his arms out to her so she could receive them from the boy. She gave him a kiss on the forehead and wished him to have a happy day.

Secretly however her mood couldn’t be darker. The interruption of her sleep had made her irritable, and yet a mission was still a mission. She unraveled the scroll and looked at the contents inside and gave a deep sigh, realizing that there was yet another mission. She began to perk up a degree when she realized that her other Roster assignments were being cleared so that she could focus on this one. Now that wasn’t a bad deal for Nakano, and she was still getting paid for this mission. It was marked as a high importance mission, With a decent ranking for a solo chuunin to handle. It may have been a rude awakening, but this turning out to be a pretty good day after all.

As she was gazing into the contents of the scroll she looked up and saw the genin still standing in her doorway out of the corner of her eyes. ”Why are you still standing there boy? Get going!” Nakano grabbed her door and used her hip to pop it closed. The girl she would be keeping an eye on was a woung girl named Fukazawa, Suzuko. The base information pointed out that the girl was very young, but was still g gifted for her age. Based on this profile, Nakano was getting close to being seven years the girl’s senior, and yet the girl would be about as tall as she was. A giant with the height of a woman. Well, she could look like a woman too. It was true that there girls who started puberty early and looked like full grown women before they ever hit sixteen. However, this was a diplomatic mission, and Nakano couldn’t help but notice that there was an incredible dearth of information on this girl. What was the political significance of her clan in the land of Heart? What rank was she?

Why did they always do this? Nakano mentally complained to herself. She would need to take a trip down the records so she could do some research, but first she needed to report to the Mission Office for the briefing. She sighed and hopped in the shower. She put on some nice smelling perfume, just enough make up to look natural and then her trademark black turtle neck. She finished getting dressed and winked at herself in the mirror, then paused and laughed. ”Baby sitting duty again.” This would be the second time she would be escorting a child from a foreign village around Konoha. Maybe she should mix things up a bit? Go to the seedier part of town and leave her with some trauma? It was a pleasant thought but it really didn’t match the mission parameters.

Nakano left her apartment and made her way down to the mission office. It was one of the older building’s in Konoha and it had a triple function. It served as the Shinobi academy, where the future generations were trained in the arts of ninjutsu, taijutsu, and maybe even the basics of genjutsu. It was also host to the Mission Office - which was where she was heading, a place with briefing rooms and staff to hand out missions and facilitate the day to day operations of the village. Generally only the highest rank missions were handled by the Hokage themselves. Speaking of the Hokage, this place was also t he Hokage’s mansion. The Hokage’s mansion was a place that served as the Hokage’s office and residence. It was also the host to secret scrolls, and all in all this place was one of the most valuable locations in the entire village. In a sense, all the work into outposts and defenses in Konoha was all for the intention to protect this singular place.

She checked in at the front desk and was directed to a small briefing room. Fuuinjutsu seals protected the building from any would be spies. The room had a long table with a caulk board on the wall and a projector screen. It was otherwise devoid of any personality except for a simple quote framed on the wall.

“It is in the deepest of darkness that we fight.
In the most dense of forests we thrive.
Our Spirit, though troubled, cannot be conquered.
Our Heart, though heavy, cannot be broken.
Our Mind, though clouded, cannot be deceived.
It is by sheer force of Will that we live, and that we die.
A Fire burns within, a flame you cannot extinguish.
Spirit, Heart, Mind, Fire, via these are we protectors.
By these are we saviors.
By this we swear, we are the Shinobi of the Leaf.”

Nakano remembered those words. She was forced to recite them as a student when she was attending the shinobi academy just a few halls down from the mission briefing room she was currently occupying. She hadn’t believe in those words then, and even now she still wondered if she had any faith in them. It was true that she had full intention in fighting in the darkness than any other shinobi. But things began to get philosophical in that small poem very quickly. The spirit which cannot be conquered. She thought back to the funeral for former Hokage not too long ago. The people of Konoha had seemed so defeated b ack then. The entire village had worn black that day and many tears were shed. Nakano hadn’t cried back then, though she had worn black and a veil. She hadn’t know the Hokage then, much like she only knows the Current Hokage by name and by photo and hadn’t even met him in person before. Could one say that on that day that their spirits were truly unconquereed? To be fair they did declare war not soon after.

Ultimately the poem ended with a declaration of being protectors and Saviors of the Leaf village. It was ultimately this line that she found to be the most ridiculous out of the entirety of the poem. She was shaking her head in doubt when the door suddenly clicked open. She stood and saw one of the Mission Office Commanders, Kuroda, enter. He shut the door behind him and activated the sound cancelling Fuuinjutsu before walking over to the projector.

”Nakano.” He acknowledge. He stood quietly while the outdated projector had to take time to warm up.

”Are you going to tell me what this is about?” Nakano put a hand on her hip. Kuroda hadn’tt really looked in her direction at all since he had arrived. It really was making her suspect what kind of people he might be into. Maybe a transformation jutsu? That might just do the trick to get his attention.

”In a minute. This old bugger’s gotta turn on first. There it goes.” He pulled down the projector screen and put a number of slides into the projector. ”Now, thank you for Joining me Nakano. As you know, we’ve received word that we’ll be hosting a shinobi from the Land of Heart. It’s part of a diplomatic exchange program aimed at strengthening our relationship with their nation.”

”I’m with you so far, Kuroda-Sensei” Kuroda stopped her with a hand.

”tut tut. You’re not a student anymore girl. We’re chuunin. You’re my equal. Don’t call me sensei.” He cut her off. A dangerous smile crossed Nakano’s lips instead.

”Kuroda…Senpai?” The man groaned, but he gestured for her to continue with her question. ”Could you provide me with some background on Heart Country? I’m Familiar with River and Tea, but I haven’t had much interaction with Heart”

”Reasonable. Heart country is a relatively new nation, formed from the Territories that once belonged to River and Tea and. Its situated to the South east of Konohagakure bordered by the land of Fire and the Land of Tea. Tea had once been ruled by a tyrant who was over thrown by Water country during the great war. This brought the war to this territory and the people here became refugees and were scattered. There was even some migration for some of the citizens of Shark Country. After the great war the Country was liberated by the Grand Shogun - the Infamous River King - Iyashii Fuhen. One of the biggest concerns for the time being is that now that the Grand Shogun was killed in combat, control of the country has mostly consolidated into the hands of the Local Council. We want to make sure that Heart and Konoha continue to be on good terms so Konoha can use the trade routes for our merchants and Shinobis.”

”Is there any cultural aspect that I should be aware of? Any faux pas to avoid?” Nakano nodded and began to systematically memorize the details that she was being given by Kuroda. He changed the slides so she could see the map of modern Heart Empire and the lands that it comprised. ”Heart is a country that has suffered under slavery and tyrants until recent times. It would be in very poor taste to mention either of those things to someone from the Heart Empire. Overall Heart Empire is a nation of refugees, so I expect you could say that there is a sort of melting pot there. It is a mix of cultures and peoples from various sectors of the world. As a result this leads to a lot of mingling that has led changes in the region. Their country as a result doesn’t have a strict tradition like Konoha and is still getting their act together on the scale of the larger nations. They don’t typically employ shinobi in Heart, and rely on their samurai for military might instead. Very effective with Iaido.”

”Hm. I wonder if they could teach me a thing or two about Iaido? I certainly could use all the training before the upcoming war.” Nakano commented. ”Now I’d like you to clarify what role exactly you’d like me to be taking in this mission? I’m sure you have people much more qualified than I to escort an 11 year old around - perhaps a baby sitter?”

”don’t kid yourself. This girl is tough. She is from House Mizutane - a noble house in Heart Empire. She may not have noble blood herself but she has the training afforded by one with such modest income. Anything happens to her while in Konoha, you can expect that we won’t easily hear the end of it. Her Teacher is also a figure of particular interest. I understand that the fellow had ties to the late Shogun. Your Role in all of this will be to escort Suzuko in Konohagakure no Sato. You will ensure her well-being and act as a liaison between her and our village. It’s essential that she feels welcome and respected during her stay. Additionally, I want you to gather any information you can about Heart’s current political situation and their future plans. This mission is about more than just escorting a guest, its about safeguarding our diplomatic interests with intelligence.”

”Understand Kuroda-sensei - ” Nakano paused. Kuroda rolled his eyes at her. ”I meant senpai.”

”Sure you did.”

”Well how hard could this be? She’s just 11 years old. That aside, do you really think that she might have all that high level information about what is happening in the Heart Empire?” Nakano played with her hair in a bored manner, she was already watching the door to the room, hoping that she could leave as soon as she had the first opportunity to do so.

”Even if she doesn’t, she has a powerful clan and has a man personally as her teacher who was a known associate of the Frog King. When she gets older, she will not be someone t hat can be over looked. Even if she doesn’t ever become Shogun of Heart herself, she will end up having a lot of sway with the Mizutane family, and I’m almost certain that her Teacher’s political connections will come into play as well. So like I said - she is not a little lady you want to underestimate. Once again Nakano - make her feel respected.” Kuroda summarized. He flipped the projector to move to the next slide and showed a picture of Suzuko. Nakano looked over and memorized the little girl’s face. ”You got it?” She nodded, and the man turned the slide again.

”Very well Kuroda-Senpai, I’ll make sure that she has a good time here, and make sure she feels respected as well. Is there any final thoughts, or are we done with this briefing?” Nakano stood and was already walking towards the door. Kuroda turned off the projector.

”No, thats it. Good luck.”

”Have you seen me? I don’t need luck.” she tossed her hair and exited the briefing room, sashaying her hips the entire time. Kuroda sat down in a chair and put his head into his palms. Would things really be alright? They were sending a Lioness to watch a baby lamb. Kuroda said a prayer to each and every Kami he knew by name, hoping that one of them would answer and force Nakano’s hand from the one that he was scared she would use to one that would be more diplomatic. It was an issue that they just had no one. Literally no one else with the war. He just needed to make sure that there was still a Konoha for the Hokage to return to. He would do it one way or another. ”I picked a bad day to quit smoking.” He pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and was about to light it up when he eyed the smoke detector right above his head. ”Shit.”

Nakano had taken her sweet sweet time getting ready for her first meeting with Suzuko. She had communicated with the administration staff to reserve a training field for herself and Suzuko. Her research told her that the girl might like to stretch her legs after so long traveling. She’d been dealing with just boring rented rooms since she got here. Nakano brought with her a picnic basket that she carried in the crook of one arm, and a blanket folded under the other, and in her hands was a bouquet of flowers and a vase. She hummed to herself pleasantly until she reached the training field only to find a girl matching the picture she had seen standing there already. ”wow! I thought I was coming here early!” Nakano gave the girl a bright smile. She immediately approached her.

”I’m so sorry if you’ve been waiting long. I’m Nakano, I’ll be showing you around the city today. I was hoping to start here so you could stretch your legs and chakra out a bit and really let loose.” Nakano pumped her fist, forgetting that she had flowers in it and nearly shook some of the petals off. She realized just now and stopped. ”Let me set this stuff down, we can enjoy it after you had a chance to enjoy yourself.” Nakano moved over to a stump and put the vase down and the flowers in it. Then she laid the basket on top of the stump with the blanket folded ontop of that.

Nakano did a few quick stretches and hopped about in place. ”Okay! Your call, what kind of sparring are you interested in? Do you sparring games, or did you just want more traditional?” Nakano would wait for the Suzuko to make the choice, although she had planned for several different sparing games to keep things interesting and to help make sure there weren’t any hard feelings. IT was just a game after all.

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Please Don't Beat Me Up!

Post by Nick » Wed Feb 07, 2024 7:37 am

When Nakano arrived, she would find Suzuko stretching casually, arm over head and bouncing to gently loosen the muscles in preparation for training. She'd been lost in her own thoughts, and so didn't hear the woman approach until she spoke up and turned to face her. She offered a genuine smile. She didn't really have any big feminine influences in her life aside from Shiun, who also didn't exactly have any real feminine influence in her life except for Suzuko. Unlike the Hyuuga, the Yamanaka weren't the most immediately recognizable clan, but she approached the situation as if they were equals at the very least, knowing full well that ninja often came from noble families of their own.

She was surprised to see... Well the basket and flowers, however. She squinted a bit. Was this some kind of weird ninja trick? She didn't think they'd send someone with a basket lunch, maybe she was just a servant...? But that didn't seem to match up with the way she carried herself, or even how she introduced herself. "Oh, nice to meet you!" She said, putting her reservations aside for now. "Fukazawa, Suzuko." She said with a short bow. The girl seemed to be somewhat excitable, but she didn't have the same air about her that Beeko or Akihiko had, and she wasn't a gross old man like Akito, so maybe this would be a fully pleasant experience with a ninja for once!

The heiress tilted her head at the question, however. "Sparring... games?" She asked, clearly interested in the idea, but also unfamiliar. In Heart's academies, sparring was a regular form of practice, but the closest it ever got to a 'game' was when one of the teachers would tie a hand behind their back as a handicap. Briefly she wondered about the implications of turning fighting into a 'game'. Was this what ninja were like? Is this why Beeko and Akihiko were the way they were? Was war and strife so inbuilt to the ninja culture that they could turn it into a game and start to view the real thing as such, as well? Or maybe it meant nothing.

Gently, her chakra started to leech off onto Nakano, as it did with anyone, and return to her as the empathetic nature of it fed her a little bit of the older girl's emotional energy. "I don't think I know any, what did you have in mind?" She asked, unslinging her backpack to set it on the ground next to her. The idea of it being a game was actually worse for Suzuko, specifically. A spar was a spar, and winning or losing wasn't really the point, it was learning your opponent's type of fighting, and learning how to counter similar types in the future. A game, however... Well Suzuko was awfully competitive when something could be considered a competition, and with Nakano being a rather pretty girl of roughly the same rank as her, that competitive spirit was starting to rise more than ever. "I'm not super skilled with hand to hand, but if you're okay with weapons I've got a few stashed away..."
"It's so sad!" the reader said to the writer with a frown. "The character in my book just died!" The author turned to her and burst out into tears, "I know!" he said, "So did mine!"
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Please Don't Beat Me Up!

Post by HotelBravo » Thu Feb 08, 2024 12:00 am

Oh, nice to meet you!" The girl answered. She was polite! That was very pleasant. "Fukazawa, Suzuko." Nakano returned Suzuko’s bow with one of her own, matching hers. Its almost amusing how the mission office tried to make her seem to be ‘just another girl’ and the second coming of the Grand Shogun at the same time. The amusing part of it, to Nakano, was that there was some element of truth to it. She could see the childish demeanor and yet the refined noble lessons that had been drilled into her.

"Sparring... games?" Suzuko had asked, when Nakano had brought up the topic. Nakano paused what she was doing just for a minute to give the girl a rie smile. ”Wait…Don’t tell me that you’ve never heard of sparring games before?

"I don't think I know any, what did you have in mind?" Suzuko responded. Nakano had a hard time believing that they didn’t do something similar in the land of the samurai… but then again, maybe they really didn’t? Samurai, after all, were treasured for their stoic attitudes and their ability to protect people and places. One didn’t usually imagine Samurai doing the types of jobs that shinobi got up to. Yeah, it started making a bit more sense with that context.

Okay Admittedly, /sparring games/ is something that /I/ call them.Coming from a Samurai Country you may think of combat as mainly just defending a person or place. For we Shinobi our combat tasks usually involve completing side objectives even more than defeating our opponents. In effect - the opponent is the true side objective as they are the obstacle to complete our task.” Nakano explained while performing a few stretches to get herself ready.. She wasn’t sure if this was making sense to the girl, given her background, but given how much more Shinboi Nations were relied upon than Samurai she would need to get to know how things worked in the great nations. ”As a result we do typically add additional objectives to our spars. Things like - ah - the bells for example.” Nakano pulled out a pair of bells from her weapons pouch. ”This one is called the bell test. One person ties the bells to their belt and the other participants have to take the bells from them. The objective is not really to harm one another - but to get the bells. If you can manage to take the bells without any combat all the better! How about it? Want to have a go? We could try a few rounds, and switch off who has the bell?”

"I'm not super skilled with hand to hand, but if you're okay with weapons I've got a few stashed away..." Suzuko seemed to be agreeing to the bell test. Hmm.. What kind ot weapons did this girl have - a sword? Probably a sword. She was a samurai after all. It would be a little boring, but that was most likely the only weapon the girl had ever touched in her life. It was a little dull in comparison to battling shinobi. Each shinobi had a weapon unique to them and their own personality which often meant that competing with a shinobi more often than not turned into a battle of ideals. What ideals would the young frog of Heart country have? Nakano was more than prepared to be disappointed, but she didn’t let that affect her facial features. Nakano was extremely good at lying, and so she controlled her face carefully not to reveal her inner thoughts on her face. Instead she wore a mirror of Suzuko’s expression. Mirroring her to show that she felt the same - even though Nakano sometimes wondered if she even had emotions.

”Of course you can use weapons! After all, we're not trying to kill one another - just get the edge. It wouldn’t really be good practice if we couldn’t use our techniques and weapons otherwise. Before we start though let me demonstrate an important tradition for Konoha Shinobi.” Nakano formed a series of hand seals, and ended with a single hand with two fingers pointing up. The Seal of Reconciliation. ”Shinobi often make this sign before and after a spar. It is called the Seal of Reconciliation. Its a demonstration that two sparring partners are still friends before and after the spar. I’ll let you make the first move, whenever you’re ready” Nakano lied. When she had formed the hand seals she had activated ~Ninjutsu • Living Rent Free which would allow a portion of her consciousness to monitor the young heiress of Heart country. The Seal of Reconciliation was a real thing however, its just that her demonstration involved just a few extra seals to fire the real jutsu off.

800/800 Jutsu learned
~Ninjutsu • Living Rent Free
A-Ranked Ninjutsu
After the necessary hand seals, the Yamanaka projects a portion of their consciousness at [Control] speed at an opponent with a range of 65 meters that stores a portion of their consciousness to sit besides the target’s consciousness processing and reporting back to the Yamanaka’s consciousness of their opponent’s moves and thoughts revealing it all in real time. The user must have more Will Power than the opponent’s Control. This ability to read an opponent’s moves lasts for 5 posts eliciting a Will Power debuff of -9 on the user.
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Please Don't Beat Me Up!

Post by Nick » Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:00 am

Suzuko thought for a moment, and then a glint of recognition seemed to enter her eyes as Nakano explained the situation further. There had been similar ideas when she was growing up, including a famous one in the academy where in order to teach the children restraint, they did duels to reverse first blood. While doing this exercise, the participants were watched carefully to make sure neither were 'throwing' the match, and the entire point was to go at full strength against your opponent, but always stop your blows from landing while still getting as close as possible. The loser was actually the first person to land a real blow in these practice matches, and wooden weapons were traditionally used for obvious reasons.

She'd never heard of the seal of reconciliation before, but as she watched Nakano perform it, she supposed it wasn't all that different from the traditional bow done before formal duels, or the more recent change brought on by the cultural shifts in the Heart Empire: The handshake. She mimicked the full set of seals the girl in front of her performed, not just the seal of reconciliation, and recognized some of them as those used to cast ninjutsu, which made the situation feel even more odd. Maybe that was the point, though, that the final seal in the string was a harmless one indicated a lot, regardless if the ones preceding it could potentially be dangerous. "Like... this?" She said awkwardly, upon holding the final seal, and dropping it.

She stared at the bells that the Yamanaka girl was showing off, and contemplated the real world applications of such a test. Taking an item of priority off of a target sounded appropriately ninja-y, but then again so did just murdering your target and taking it off their corpse. Maybe this was similar to the reverse first blood duels in that it was more of an exercise in restraint than it was actual battle lessons? She briefly wondered if similar exercises existed in all five ninja villages, as she leaned down to reach into her backpack, before remembering what Nakano had said. ”If you can manage to take the bells without any combat all the better!”

Her mind flashed to one of her own reverse first blood duels, where the proctor watching over them had declared it her loss after she'd walked up and accepted a hand shake from her opponent. He'd held his hand out, and she'd grasped it with her own, making first contact. She'd turned into an anxious mess about that one, mostly because the children around her snickered and teased her endlessly for being the fastest to ever lose one of those kinds of duels. She stopped reaching down to her pack and stood up straight again, holding a hand out, palm facing up rather than sideways for a handshake. "May I please have the bells?" She asked politely, keeping her guard up all the same.

If Nakano acquiesced to her request, she would smile, before taking them and tying them to her necklace, giving the Yamanaka girl a new target for their round two. If she denied the request, Suzuko would pout, and nobody could deny her after that, right?

Either way, she would reach back to her pack, picking the whole thing up, and turning it upside down to drop the massive metal frame of RESOLVE out of the main pocket, obviously far too large to fit inside of the pack, and yet there it was in all of its brass glory. If she still didn't have the bells after mounting up into the puppet, she'd hold its massive metal hand out to ask again, much more aggressively (and loudly, and tinnily, as the voice amplifiers worked their magic.) "The bells."

[Willpower +1]
"It's so sad!" the reader said to the writer with a frown. "The character in my book just died!" The author turned to her and burst out into tears, "I know!" he said, "So did mine!"
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Please Don't Beat Me Up!

Post by HotelBravo » Fri Feb 09, 2024 10:02 am

"May I please have the bells?" Suzuko asked Nakano. A piece of Nakano’s consciousness was already inhabiting a portion of Suzuko’s mind, and Nakano was allowed only the briefest of glimpses into her mind. It seemed that wittingly or not Suzuko had at least as much control as Nakano had willpower, but the concentration that it took to divide one’s will into two pieces made it difficult for Nakano to keep up the jutsu, especially when the opponent matched her in that way. She had enough of a glimpse to see into the girl’s mind and learned about the story where an opponent of hers had done something similar in the past. Whoever that person had been, they had been incredibly clever, and now Suzuko was trying the same thing to Nakano. It was cute. Nakano ended the Rent Free Technique because it wasn’t possible to keep up it. Nakano eased her combat stance under the assault of the pouting face that Suzuko was putting on.

”How could I say no to a face like that?” Nakano chuckled. She took the bells from her belt and began to approach Suzuko's open outstretched hand. Without a glance into the girl’s mind Nakano wouldn’t have known what the young woman had been thinking, and likely would have gone along with her plan. While the pouting face wouldn’t have done much to actually convince Nakano, she did have her mission directives to make sure that the girl had a good time here in Konoha. Should she just put the bells in her hand and let her have the win? How much was this little concession going to cost Nakano? Would she lose face in Suzuko’s eyes, having been tricked. A Shinobi outsmarted by a samurai? It was actually rather an amusing thought. Nakano did feel that Suzuko did need to respect her, and a strong opening would be just the thing. What would Nakano gain if she did give the girl the bells? Would it allow her to trust Nakano more? There wasn’t enough of an impression yet for a good read. They had only exchanged a few words after all. The bells were looped Around Nakano’s finger

It would be respect then.

Nakano reached out to Suzuko’s outstretched hand as though she would place the bells in them, her fingers pinched the string like she was prepared to drop them. Her other hand would reach into her weapon pouch and slip out a kunai. Instead of placing the bells into the girl’s expecting Palm, Nakano would reach for her wrist to grab it and immobilize her, her other hand, armed with a Kunai would flash and speed towards the girl’s neck stopping just short of actually severing the skin, but enough that she could feel the cool metal against her flesh. Since Nakano Wore the bells around her finger much like one would wear a ring, it meant that she had full use of her hand when she went for her grab, and the bells wouldn’t be a hamper, nor would they fall out of her hand when she made the attack, having been secured. The girls were also both at a relatively similar strength, which meant that while it would not be easy for Nakano to keep Suzuko in place with the grab, it would not be easy for Suzuko to escape her grip if her attempt landed.

As Suzuko would not have summoned her puppet until after she got the bells, this meant that Suzuko’s action of bringing out her Gundam would be interrupted by Nakano’s own trick. She would need to respond to Nakano’s attempt to grab her wrist and the kunai attack before the puppet would have a chance to ever be on the field.

If Nakano’s plan actually worked she would immediately follow up with a friendly smile ”That was not a bad first move. I’m rather impressed with how clever you are, I certainly wouldn’t have considered that for my opener. Ready for round two?” after which she’d drop the bells into Suzuko’s hand, creating some distance between them as Nakano returned to the starting position, formed the seal of Reconciliation and went back into a combat post.
Attempted ActionsShow
  • Grab Suzuko’s Wrist
  • Put a Kunai to Suzuko’s throat
700/700 +2 willpower

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Please Don't Beat Me Up!

Post by Nick » Fri Feb 09, 2024 5:46 pm

Treated as a noble in many respects, Suzuko was quite used to getting what she needed, which maybe made it all the more frustrating when she wasn't given what she wanted. She was pleasantly surprised that Nakano was approaching with what appeared to be honest intentions at first, and she was hoping to be able to claim the first victory by diplomacy, a great win in this exchange program designed to expose the new generation to ninja firsthand, so that the echoes of war that ninja had long since let rot relations with the little people might not stick within their minds. Surely this small victory would be a symbol of trust and friendship between Konoha and the Heart Empire that would be used as an anecdote for years to come when the question came up of 'can you really trust a ninja', and Suzuko would be able to proudly beam and say... Yes.

Or not.

Luckily, the girl had kept her guard up, but true to her word, hand to hand combat wasn't exactly her forte, and it didn't help that Nakano was fast. Suzuko wasn't terrible much slower, but enough so that it mattered especially in close quarters like this, and when taken by surprise. She'd have enough time to react a little, however, shifting her hand to grasp at Nakano's instead of allowing her full wrist control, effectively holding her hand tightly, while starting to channel chakra through her body. "If you're going to say no to the cute face, just say no!" Her other hand would shoot up to block at Nakano's kunai wielding hand, and while it likely wouldn't have been enough to stop her if she didn't complete her channeling, finalizing the [Evasive Maneuvers] jutsu she'd been channeling would get her the space she needed, forcing the two away from each other, both ten meters from the spot they had been standing in.

She would keep the grasp on Nakano's hand as the jutsu ran its course, pulling them apart with [15] strength, but hoping to use her own element of surprise and the change in grasp to slip her fingers through the Yamanaka's hand and take the bells with her when they parted as their hands slid apart. Ironically, this technique was taught to her by another Konoha ninja, and once more she had to wonder about the ethics of such things. Was it disrespectful to use the technique against one of Takeshi's fellow ninja? Or perhaps it showed even greater respect to find it useful enough to use against ninja in the first place. Would that respect still follow through if the two were embroiled in real combat, rather than a 'sparring game' as they were?

Regardless, as they split and Suzuko made her grab for the bell, her backpack would leap back with her as Fukuro-kun extended his legs and leapt back with her to maintain a close distance to her, and allow Suzuko to pick him back up, slinging him over a single shoulder. "First Akihiko, and now you too? I'm starting to think tricks are the only thing ninja know!" She complained and taunted, raising her palms up and making a smug face, regardless of whether or not she had the bells in her hand now. She would reach into her pack and pull out her spear with its bandages wrapped around the hilt, giving it a little fanciful twirl before slamming its butt on the ground and readying herself in a stance, either taking the defensive if she'd successfully ripped the bells free from her opponent's finger, or getting ready to charge in if Nakano managed to hang onto them.

[Speed +1]
>Deny wrist control with handhold no jutsu!
>Block scary knife-chan from getting too close to sensitive neck
>Attempt to steal bells?
>Cool spear spin
Jutsu usedShow
Fuuton • Evasive Maneuvers
D-ranked Fuuton jutsu
By channeling chakra to any point of their body, the user is able to summon a sudden gust of wind that will propel them with [Control] Speed in the opposite direction. Conversely, this can be used to interrupt opponents and objects, propelling them away from the user simultaneously with [Control] Strength. These bursts of wind can cover up to a 5-meter-wide area and propel both the user and the target outward for up to 10 meters. This technique was developed by Takeshi.
"It's so sad!" the reader said to the writer with a frown. "The character in my book just died!" The author turned to her and burst out into tears, "I know!" he said, "So did mine!"
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Please Don't Beat Me Up!

Post by HotelBravo » Fri Feb 09, 2024 7:52 pm

"If you're going to say no to the cute face, just say no!" Suzuko hadn’t dropped her guard as much as she had seemed. The girl who was used to get getting her way caught sight of what Nakano was trying to do and tried to reverse the wrist grab. Nakano pulled her hand back away from Suzuko to better protect the bells. Nakano’s kunai attack had been blocked with Suzuko’s forearm, and so she decided to retreat, moving back a meter from Suzuko. She had instinctively thrown the kunai at Suzuko as she pulled back.

”And here I thought I was being clever as well.” Nakano wasn’t much of a close range fighter either. Perhaps if she had been that would have ended the encounter there and then. It was almost a pity she wasn’t stronger of faster. It was the curse of the body type she had - but then she also didn’t dislike being a beautiful woman.

Nakano’s retreat also meant that the Evasive Manuevers channeling was completed. Nakano didn’t have enough strength to really resist the technique and so she was blasted away with her feet sliding on the ground trying to gain traction. Having avoided the wrist grab and being subsequently pushed back by Evasive Manuevers the attempt for the bells wouldn’t work as written, however Nakano’s Kunai toss would also be completely ineffective as the jutsu blew the kunai away. ”That was a Fuuton Jutsu.” Nakano commented, now 10 meters away from from her. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it but the movements were clearly not Suzuko’s own. Who exactly did they remind her of though? She honestly hadn’t ever seen Takeshi in combat, so there wasn’t a way for her to recognize that it was his jutsu being used against her. If she had she might have to tease him a little bit for teaching a baby samurai his techniques.

"First Akihiko, and now you too? I'm starting to think tricks are the only thing ninja know!" Suzuko reached into her pack and pulled out a spear and did a fancy twirl and got into stance for another charge. ”I’m not familiar with the name, but yes, we are ninja. That is who and what we are, and I doubt any ninja has ever tried to pretend to be anything but a liar. Unlike you samurai. A little hypocritical considering your own opening move don’t you think?” Nakano was already performing handseals for her next jutsu. She much preferred mid to long range of combat than anything close enough to be considered hand to hand.

The whole point of getting close originally was simply to play out the ploy. It had failed, but that didn’t bother her all that much. If anything this little samurai was proving to be more interested every second. As Suzuko prepared for a charge, Nakano was completing the hand seals. ”You’re pretty good, but unfortunately you didn’t see the paper seal I had dropped at your feet. Kai. ” Nakano lied - there had been no paper seal, but if Suzuko had looked at her as she performed her hand seals at all she would now be engulfed in a genjutsu. *[Genjutsu • Burning to Death]. Fire would start at Suzuko’s feet and she would see it and not only that - she would feel like she was on fire.

Nakano would also appear to be on fire. ”Just try not to set any of the trees on fire while you attempt to put that out, oh and don’t worry about me, as a native I’m plenty use to this kind of thing by now. They do call it the Land of Fire for a reason. Feel free to surrender if you need help putting the fire out.” Nakano preyed on Suzuko’s youth. Would the girl really believe that someone could just ignore fire because they were from the land of fire? More importantly what would Suzuko do next? Nakano pulled out a handful of shuriken and tossed them at Suzuko. The goal was to keep the pressure on her.
  • Deny Wrist Grab no jutsu
  • Threw a kunai
  • Got blown away by Evasive Manuever along with the kunai
  • Used a genjutsu
  • Threw Shuriken
*[Genjutsu • Burning to Death]
C-Ranked Illusion Genjutsu
This is a genjutsu technique which can be used in quite a few ways. The user forms a hand seal, and as long as the opponent(s) see it, then the genjutsu will begin. The user and the opponent(s) will both light on fire and start to burn, from the feet up to the head, in the opponent's mind. The opponent will normally start to panic and try to get rid of the fire, especially since they feel as if they were in actual pain. This genjutsu lasts for 4 posts and will not appear to be able to be extinguished, no matter what the victim does. The illusion is very static, in the sense that it doesn't change with the environment, it merely creates an illusory flame and pain.

+2 Will power
Last edited by HotelBravo on Fri Feb 09, 2024 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Please Don't Beat Me Up!

Post by Nick » Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:46 pm

"It was diplomacy, not a trick!" She argued, which was true really, getting the bells by any means necessary should have made that a viable option! Darn these tricksy ninja and their tricksy tricks. Of course, with further trickery abound she was extra on her toes! However, she was only human, and when Nakano mentioned an explosive tag at her feet, of course she looked down, but at least had the good sense to jump to the side as she did so. She didn't see the supposed tag, but she had seen the girl's handseals before she looked down, meaning that she'd be caught in the genjutsu all the same. Pain wasn't exactly new to Suzuko, but to be suddenly engulfed in flame, no matter how much you might want to be logical about it and parse through the cause and effects, it was going to be difficult.

If Suzuko was some kind of emotionless alien, when she caught on fire her thought process might have been something like: Ow, this hurts. There was no explosive tag though, and kai-ing explosive tags takes only a single handseal at the most rather than the string of them that Nakano had used. While Akito had mentioned that fire release was common amongst those who lived in Fire Country, she hadn't seen any kind of fire leave Nakano's body to engulf her like this. Techniques that spawned at a different location weren't that uncommon, but often required a great deal more focus or some kind of initiation still rather than just immediately lighting a target on fire, or say for Suzuko's sake, cutting them with wind. However, Suzuko was not some kind of emotionless alien, and as such being caught on fire resulted in the following thought process instead.


A much more reasonable thought process to have, really. She was in the air from her attempt to leap away from the false explosive tag, which meant that she had about half of a second to frantically pat at her clothes, before remembering some of her training she'd received before being commissioned aboard The Laurel. Its steam tech was surprisingly stable, but a fire breaking out on board wasn't impossible, and so fire safety was actually something taught to any who wished to board it. She curled herself up into as close to an approximation of a ball as she could manage, hitting the ground rather hard, and rolling. The impact from the ground might have knocked the wind out of a civilian, but Suzuko was still a trained warrior, young age or no. The roll would continue, carrying her safely out of the way of the thrown projectiles, but unfortunately rolling did not put out genjutsu like it did fire.

She did the reasonable thing and panicked for a moment, continuing to roll and pat at herself to no avail. In doing so, however, she'd be able to look at her body and see, even in her panic, that the fire didn't seem to be doing anything despite the pain it caused. This didn't do that much to ease the panic coursing through her system, as her skin started to turn red and sweat began to pour out in excess in response to the stress hormones flooding her body. Her emotions often ran wild, but she'd been working on it. Deep breath in, the heat of the fire filled her lungs, but she blacked it out in her mind, the pain dulling, dulling. From the inside out she forced that dulling thought through, starting at those burning lungs, as she righted herself, rolling to get up onto one knee.

It continued to spread, to her panicked heart, then outwards towards her burning flesh, dulling more and more as it went across her body, until the feeling of the fire itself was no more than a niggle at the back of her mind, there, but not present enough to be of concern. With her flesh unaffected by this ninja trick, she turned her pack upside down, letting RESOLVE flop free as she met Nakano eye to eye with a serious look on her face. Without ever breaking the illusion, she mounted up in the blink of an eye, and raised her left arm to hold the palm out straight, walking forward as an intimidating visage before blurting out her own gouts of flame. "It's not nice to play with fire!"
Jutsu TrainedShow
This Will Not Stop Me!
B-Ranked Taijutsu Discipline
Suzuko has felt a lot of pain in her life, and with some training and getting used to it, she has learned to be able to effectively ignore it when it would get in the way of her reaching her goals. Whether pierced by thousands of needles, choked to near unconsciousness, or even lit on fire, Suzuko can continue to push through it to operate at her full fighting strength.
Jutsu UsedShow
Mount Up!
B-Rank Kichou Discipline
Having struggled her way through the awkward phases of getting used to riding in her puppet, Suzuko has become much more accustomed to hopping in and out of her puppet at a moment's notice. With the aid of this maneuver, Suzuko can hop, crawl, step, or any other verb into her puppet armor at a moment's notice, even able to pull it out of her bag and step in one smooth maneuver to waste absolutely no time in getting battle-ready.

Suzuko's flamethrower has a range of 30m, and fires at 15 strength/speed.
"It's so sad!" the reader said to the writer with a frown. "The character in my book just died!" The author turned to her and burst out into tears, "I know!" he said, "So did mine!"
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Please Don't Beat Me Up!

Post by HotelBravo » Thu Feb 15, 2024 10:59 am

"It was diplomacy, not a trick!" Suzuko had argued against Nakano's earlier accusations. ”And now you see why diplomacy is so challenging for the Shinobi Nations.” She would answer. No taunt in her voice, just a simple matter of fact. A simple explanation to explain the complications of Shinobi life to someone who was foreign to them. It was guaranteed that the girl Suzuko had met shinobi before, but had they taught her what it meant to be a shinobi? There really was no reason to. Nakano watched Suzuko drop to the ground and begin rolling around, which meant that she had avoided her shurikens. Suzuko was suffering from the pain of being burned alive. Nakano almost felt sorry for her. The pain of burning alive was nothing to sneeze at. Nakano had decided to wait for Suzuko to concede or otherwise dispel the jutsu. The girl stopped her embarrassing display and seemed to begin to power through the pain. Had she figured out that it was a genjutsu? Perhaps she had. This meant that Nakano would have to respond to the girl, once she got her footing again. The girl turned her pack upside down. It was… Nakano had never seen anything like it before. What was it supposed to be? It did look like a puppet, with its obvious weaponry. It was 2 and a half meters tall which meant that it was nearly twice Nakano’s own height.

In a surprising display of speed, Suzuko mounted into the machine. "It's not nice to play with fire!" Nakano could hear her voice muffled somewhat by the material of the Puppet as she was completely covered in it. A puppet that acted like armor for the wearer. It seemed to be made of metal as well. Steam released from the puppet as it seemed some in a wide berth as the Puppet lifted its arm, its palm facing Nakano. A jutsu! Nakano responded with a flurry of handseals. She inhaled deeply and released a gout of water from her body- *Suiton • Defensive Barrier. The Water and chemical flames interacted transforming Hissing Violent steam. As the fire ended, Nakano would release the barrier as well. This thing would be a problem to deal with. She should have read through the girls intentions when she seemed so concerned about the use of weaponry.

Suzuko was really clever. She was stunningly more like a Ninja than Nakano had ever anticipated. Though the girl denied it, Nakano saw those subtle cues. She would skirt the rules much like a shinobi would have. To See beneath the underneath. Nakano certainly grew to have more respect for Suzuko the longer this little spar carried on. Nakano certainly wasn’t interested in giving Suzuko the win for free. She had spotted the steam emitting from the puppet before, and assumed it was some kind of weapon - having never seen a steam engine before, but knowing that steam itself was quite hot and it didn’t take too much imagination to see how it could be used as a barrier or defensive weapon. She would need to keep her distance. ”You do realize that you need to get the bells from me, not melt them, right?” Nakano felt like she had several jutsu that could be used to crack open Suzuko’s armor like a walnut, but she wasn’t hear to cost the girl a fortune in repairs for a little spar. Maybe she could hit the girl with another genjutsu?

It would have to be a new one.

Nakano channeled her chakra and formed the handseals. Genjutsu - Choking. The trigger for this new technique would be the steam itself. Upon seeing the steam.

jutsu learned
Genjutsu - Choking
[Illusion Genjutsu]
A rank Genjutsu
Following the channeling of chakra, if the target sees any form of gas such as steam or smoke they will be caught in this genjutsu. The jutsu lasts for 4 posts. During the course of the genjutsu, the victim will feel irritation in their throat and a burning sensation in their lungs causing them to believe that they are choking and are not able to breathe.

*Suiton • Defensive Barrier
D-Rank Ninjutsu
After performing the correct hand seals the user will spray water created from the inside of their chest through their mouth. Once the water is expelled, it will form an umbrella shape that is concave to the user and about two meters in diameter. This defense is somewhat solid and can be formed in any direction the user can spit, up to 10 meters away. The defense is shot at [Control] Speed and has [Control] Strength and unless completely destroyed it lasts for three posts before falling lifelessly to the ground.
Last edited by HotelBravo on Thu Feb 15, 2024 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Please Don't Beat Me Up!

Post by Nick » Mon Feb 26, 2024 6:09 am

Nakano painted an awfully grim and bleak picture of the shinobi nations. Was this the normal that had been hidden from her? Had her reports back to the empire been based on a carefully curated vision given to her by a select few? She'd even met their Hokage, and he'd been among the more normal seeming people she'd met within the ninja villages! Was he the Hokage because he was the best at hiding his deceptions? Did the Fanho she know only exist as part of a mask, that when taken off revealed a greater monster? She'd felt somewhat the same way about Akito as well, his cold mission-first attitude on the way into Konoha had bothered her a little, but with the Yamanaka girl in front of her providing further context, her mind was set more ablaze than her flesh. "Is it because you all have trust issues?" She snarked.

Nonetheless, she had other goals in front of her to worry about. "If they melt off the strings, probably easier to get them from you." She replied, running in a circle around her suiton barrier, keeping her left arm extended, looking for an opening to strike. It was given moments later when the girl dropped the barrier, and Suzuko's aim shifted with carefully calculated precision. If there was any form of combat she was most experienced in, it was likely this sort of ranged combat taught to her by both Rio and Goro. In a flash, a pair of shuriken-sized throwing knives was launched from the left arm of the puppet at the same time. These first two would be aimed directly for her, a little to the left, anticipating the movement to come to get out of the way of the sharper objects. The cannister rotating away and arm twitching a bit to launch off one of the larger throwing knives aimed towards... The ground?

It was around this time that Nakano's genjutsu would go off. This would be an inconvenience worthy of fixing soon, but thanks to the very same resilience that allowed her to power through the pain of the fire still surrounding her, she would continue to fight through the choking sensation. These ninja fought extra dirty it seemed, and so she'd need to employ some of her own trickery if she was to have a chance in this 'game' of Nakano's.

If her plan was successful, Nakano would dodge the knives headed to her left, while the knife aimed to the ground would ricochet off of a rock, expertly aimed for the bell wrapped around her finger. The hands were a hard target at the best of times, but taking targets alive by disarming them was a core tenant of the bounty hunter's guild that Rio belonged to. Whether the bells were knocked free or not, the spear in her right hand would be flipped around, and the bandages wrapped around the handle would be shot out expertly to grab them before they could hit the ground, whipping them back to her while maintaining her distance.
Jutsu UsedShow
Suzuko's other projectiles also have 15 strength/speed :) (14 after the bounce)

Slice is just there to cut the string if it wasn't cut in the previous actions.

Trajectory Predicition
D-Ranked Discipline Taijutsu
After much practice, the practitioner has learned how to read an opponent's movements to gauge where they will be at any given moment without penalty. Effectively, the practitioner can "lead" their shots to account for movement by targets.

Bouncing Projectile
D-Ranked Maneuver Taijutsu
The practitioner aims a projectile at a shallow angle, targeting the ground or a hard surface. The shallow angle of the shot causes the projectile to bounce off of the surface, moving at -1 Speed and striking with -1 Strength after the bounce. This technique can be used to launch an attack from an unexpected angle or to shoot around, over, or under obstacles.

D-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Prerequisite: [Corded Weapons]
Using his supreme control over his bandages, Goro can whip them out towards a target at a distance equal to his [strengthx2] in meters, often feinting slightly in the middle of combat, and taking advantage of any dodge or distraction used to steal something off the body of his target.

D-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Prerequisite: [Corded Weapons]
Sending out his bandages, Goro can twist them at the last moment to ensure the smallest point touches the target, pulling them taught as well, causing them to be able to cut and slice through flesh and other materials as long as his strength is appropriate to do so.

On The Move
C-Ranked Discipline Taijutsu
The practitioner has learned how to accurately launch projectiles while moving through the flow of combat: whether jumping, rolling, airborne, sliding, or doing other basic combat movements at full speed, they are capable of hitting their mark.

Situational Awareness
C-Ranked Discipline Taijutsu
The practitioner has keen senses and perception and has trained to use them to have advanced spatial sense. This allows them to envision complex happenings around them with ease: this means it is hard to surprise attack the practitioner as they are always aware of their position and their surroundings. Likewise, they have a greatly sharpened ability to judge the speed of things, and the spatial aspect of them.

This Will Not Stop Me!
B-Ranked Taijutsu Discipline
Suzuko has felt a lot of pain in her life, and with some training and getting used to it, she has learned to be able to effectively ignore it when it would get in the way of her reaching her goals. Whether pierced by thousands of needles, choked to near unconsciousness, or even lit on fire, Suzuko can continue to push through it to operate at her full fighting strength.

I Will Not Slow Down!
A-Ranked Taijutsu Discipline
Used to powering through impossible situations, Suzuko's body has become accustomed to working at maximum output at all times. This not only makes it hard to knock her unconscious without completely draining every drop of her reserves, but also makes it easier for her to be unaffected by terrain, weather, or other external effects that others might find it nearly impossible to operate in at all, let alone at full steam.
"It's so sad!" the reader said to the writer with a frown. "The character in my book just died!" The author turned to her and burst out into tears, "I know!" he said, "So did mine!"
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Just another girl

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Please Don't Beat Me Up!

Post by HotelBravo » Tue Apr 09, 2024 9:42 am

"Is it because you all have trust issues?" Suzuko retorted, the hint of snark in her voice. ”To have a trust issue you must first, you must first over value trust. Shinobi do not trust each other, and there is a good reason for why. Why would you ever trust a shinobi? Their allegiance is to the highest bidder, even Konoha with its high morals is still a covert mercenary organization, just like the others. Here in Konoha, we don’t fight for ideals, we fight for who can pay us, and when your loyalty can be bought with a dime how can you trust that person? If you do wind up trusting them, what happens if someone else comes along and pays them two dimes to turn against you? I see the world as it is. A business transaction, where trust comes through the leveraging of power. Leverage your power against those weaker then you, this guarantees compliance. Make the cost of accepting a dime to betray you too high, and you will find that the shinobi will turn down the jobs that require them to betray you. If you are weak you will get attacked as the strong will leverage their power over you. Like Sunagakure for example. ” Nakano began to explain her point of view in response to Suzuko’s idealistic outlook. Nakano took the time to explain, and despite the attack she just stood in place getting hit by various kunais. She leveraged her excellent flexibility to use her leg as a shield. Nakano ensured that she was able to finish speaking over dodging. AsNakano spoke she took the bells and slipped them off of her hand and attached them to the ring of a kunai, along with an explosive tag.

”It seems I’m really not a match for someone that ignores my tricks.” Nakano complained. She leaned out of the way of the spear, having been hit by the kunai so the planned attack to hit her as she dodge went wide. ”That’s alright though. You can have them. A well deserved victory. Unless…?” She threw the bells into the ground behind herself and a safe distance from herself and used basic kai to detonate the tag, destroying them. She deliberate blocked the line of sight to the kunai and the bells, to prevent Suzuko readily launching another attack to prevent the bells. Whether she succeeded with the bells or not the fight was over. If she succeeded the bells were gone. It would now be impossible for Suzuko to win. If Suzuko managed to get the bells, she would win, and like before the fight would be over. Nakano released her Genjutsu as well.

Thus the battle being over, Nakano began to pull the kunai out of her leg and used the Mystical Healing Palm to close the wounds and heal the damage done. ”I Might have said that I don’t do straight forward fights? In any case that willpower to ignore the effects of my genjutsu was very impressive mental discipline. I think thats a trick I will need to practice for myself.” Nakano spoke, ignoring the pain from her injuries while she healed them in a like manner.


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