Tattoos, shots and trash talk

Akemi, Eiko and Nakano

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Tattoos, shots and trash talk

Post by Kaida » Mon Jan 27, 2025 12:25 am

Akemi had decided to join ANBU. Something that still felt surreal and bittersweet to her. She’d have to figure out a way to break the news to Eiji and Kohaku without revealing too much, but that would be for another day. Today, she was moving. Takeshi had helped her pick out a room and showed her how to get in through the tunnels by her house. She went back to her family home and started packing up what was essential. Her shinobi gear and ninjato were a must. And she took half of her clothes with her. Mostly comfortable sweats, training gear, a kimono and a few nice dresses just in case. She did pack some civilian clothes as well, she figured the less time she spent coming home to grab things the better. She packed up her favorite pillow and bed spread, wanting to have something from her childhood with her. She took some paintings off her walls that her mother had made and grabbed a handful of her books and her incense set. She also dismantled her punching bag and packed her wraps away. She knew there was a state-of-the-art training facility, but she liked to let off steam in private.

As she passed her desk, she saw some family photos that gave her pause. One was of her and her family recently. Her parent’s side by side for a change, Her oldest brother Katashi with his wife and three children, her brother Katsuo home for a change, and Akemi. To the outside world they looked like a happy family, but to Akemi it was a stark reminder of how alone she had been in this house. The second, a picture of her, Eiji and Kohaku after they passed the chunin exams. It made her smile to see them all so happy. She decided to leave the photos on her desk, starting a new chapter in life with nothing and no one to hold her back. She would give her ANBU team everything she had and more. She needed to train and work harder to keep up with them, and to prove Takeshi was right about her.

She made two trips with her belongings, the first just of her pack and two boxes. The next was with her punching bag. As she entered her room, she looked around. It was completely devoid of color and smaller than she was used to, but she could make it feel like home. The next couple hours were spent making her bed, hanging up her pictures and lighting some sandalwood incense. The books she grabbed she put on her nightstand, there was about eight of them. She only took her favorites. After that she put her clothes away, making sure to hang up her two dresses and her kimono. She didn’t dress up often, but it would be good to have just in case. Next, she set to work folding up the rest of her clothes and putting them in a dresser. The last item on her list was the punching bag, it was always a bitch to put together. It took her an hour, and lots of swearing, but she did it. As she looked around her room, she could see this being her own safe space, much like her mother had her art gallery. And it made her feel warm inside and brought a big smile to her face.

Takeshi had dropped off the materials for her mask and had mentioned that she would need to get the ANBU tattoo on either her right or left arm in black or red. She had decided on red and her right shoulder as she was right-handed. She wondered if the artist in the facility would do another tattoo for her as well. Also, ANBU related but not traditionally so. She figured she would get her tattoo out of the way first, as her mask would take more time, and she needed to move. She could her legs growing restless with such a big change and still had no idea what to tell the boys or her parents. She stamped out her incense and changed into low riding beige sweatpants and a black sports bra, figuring it’d be more comfortable to be tattooed this way. Her hung low enough that people could see the tattoo on her right hip regardless of the dim lighting. The red and black casting a stark contrast against her skin. With that she left her room and made her way toward the office where the artist resided, walking through the mess hall and passed the training room until she reached a closed door. She hoped this was the right one and knocked.
Last edited by Kaida on Mon Jan 27, 2025 11:30 am, edited 3 times in total.

Naegi Datura ~ Jounin ~ Sunagakure
Takanada Miyuki ~ Jounin ~ Kirigakure
Nara Akemi ~ Special Jounin ~ Konohagakure ~ ANBU

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Tattoos, shots and trash talk

Post by zory_alechiv » Mon Jan 27, 2025 12:42 pm

Nara Eiko

Nara Eiko, even being a small, slip of a woman, made an intimidating figure as she walked through the tunnels of ANBU headquarters. She would nod to those she passed, her mask hooked on her waist, yet her cloth mask covered the lower half of her face. Her armor had already been cleaned and placed in her locker, her clothes were changed into loose-fitting black pants and a tank top that had an attached face cover. Just like her mask, her eyes were emotionless as she walked. Eiko had been gone for several weeks on a personal mission so when she returned to her room, there was a fine layer of dust covering every service. A sigh escaped her as her shoulders sagged. She had wanted to sleep, but she knew she couldn't like this.

It took several hours, but eventually her bedding and room was clean. Despite not having a lot of stuff, it had still taken far longer than she liked, and by then, her exhaustion had mostly ebbed away into nothing. Her mind was racing, calculating her chances on getting a mission as soon as possible, but knew they would make her be evaluated before she could do anything. It didn't settle her mind and Eiko found herself taping up her hands and heading for the workout area to work on her taijutsu. She was better at a distance, and her taijutsu resembled that. Hopefully with more practice, she could curb that weakness.

Eiko liked to think she knew most in ANBU, even if she had yet to develop any sort of relationship with any of them. She barely even knew her own team. So when she trailed by the young woman entering a room, she thought nothing of it until familiarity pinged at her memory and she pulled to a stop.

"Akemi?" She asked, drawing up and turning to face the younger, yet taller woman. Before she had left on her mission, Eiko had turned in a leave of absence. She had found herself thinking of the past, her twin, and life in general, disassociation becoming a part of her day. She hadn't wanted to risk her team by her lack of attention and had taken several weeks to pull herself together. Now, she was back and better than ever and had formally withdrawn her leave so she could return to active duty. Still, it seemed Takeshi had really wanted a Nara because her clan member was going into the room where they got the tattoos and it didn't take a Nara Genius for her to figure that much out.

"Hn," she grunts and follows her in. She finds a spare chair and props herself up in it, legs stretches out in front of her as she rests her hands behind her head. Whatever this was, it had to be a good story and her curiosity was piqued.
Heart Fuyubushi Iyashi Reiko
Konoha Tokubetsu Jounin Nara Eiko
Iwa Genin Shoshiki Tsume

I just hope, my perfect stranger, that my kids look more like yours.

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Tattoos, shots and trash talk

Post by HotelBravo » Tue Jan 28, 2025 8:43 am

The door Akemi was knocking on opened, revealing a blonde haired woman with her hair tied back in a ponytail. She was about equal in height to Akemi. Though this woman opening the door wasn’t a woman who looked much like a shinobi. She was incredibly curvy and her most prominent feature was her ample bosom. She didn’t look much like the fighter, but it was plain she was dressed much like an anbu and at the present was without her mask. If she was dressed like an ANBU in the ANBU headquarters than surely she must have been an ANBU herself, right? She didn’t say anything at first, instead she took her time examining Akemi. Shamelessly, she looked her up and down, before nodding self satisfied to herself. ”My, You fill those pants out nicely. Let's get started on your tattoo. I don’t know who invented sweatpants, but I can’t help but think that they were inspired by the Kami or maybe just the Body Genma. Hard to tell sometimes.”

”My name is Nakano. Take a seat in the chair.” Nakano said. She moved a standing tray with wheels towards the chair, on top of it blank ink, a sterile independently packaged needle, some disposable ink wells, some tracing paper, and a roll of paper towels along with a host of other tools that were about to be needed for this particular job. It wasn’t a large work, but the regular tools for the job would still be needed. Of course there were a few special trade secrets that were classified about the ANBU tattoo, but Nakano wasn’t about to tell the new girl this. She would slip on gloves and unpackage the needle and set it into the rotary machine. A pleasant smile on her face while she busied herself.

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Tattoos, shots and trash talk

Post by Kaida » Tue Jan 28, 2025 9:52 pm

After doing a double take at seeing her cousin Eiko, Akemi entered the room. Passing Nakano she gave the woman a once over. She could see the sexual appeal but was taken aback by the feeling that Nakano wanted to eat her. “Uh…thanks, I guess they do fit me pretty good.” Akemi was feeling awkward; she’d never been so blatantly checked out before. Tack on that this was Takeshi’s girlfriend and that made things…interesting to say the least. She took a seat, making herself comfortable with her left arm bent behind her head and her legs spread in the chair. She’s had a tattoo before, but she wasn’t anxious when she got it. She knew being relaxed at least physically would be better for her. “I’d like my ANBU tattoo to be on my right shoulder in red please.” She gave Nakano a small smile, hoping she wasn’t being too obvious in how out of place she felt right now.

As she waited for Nakano to get her things together to start the process of tattooing her arm, she turned to Eiko. “So, you’re in ANBU too huh? That explains a lot about why I’ve haven’t seen you around the compound much. Well, that and the fact that you’re a grown up now. It’s nice to see a familiar face.” She gave Eiko a genuine and warm smile, she remembers the older girl from when she would run around the complex as a child, and she remembers when her brother died. The perpetual cloud that seemed to follow her, which was reasonable. Though Akemi wasn’t close with her brothers, it would still devastate her to lose them. She couldn’t imagine how much that pain would double if she had a twin. She had always felt for Eiko, seeing that they had such profound loneliness in common. But as a child, she had no way of being able to comfort her properly. Maybe now that they were both older and working in the same organization, she could at least try. It’d be nice to feel even somewhat close to someone in her actual family.

Akemi looked back to Nakano, surveying her closer this time. There was something in her eyes that was extremely off putting, and she understood what Takeshi meant about Nakano needing strict boundaries. It was like she had one toe over each line of toying with someone and wearing their skin for fun. “I was wondering if after my ANBU tattoo, if you wouldn’t mind doing another one for me? Provided you have nothing else to do that is, I don’t want to impose.” It felt weird, feeling this small for Akemi. She hoped she could put all of her feelings aside and just focus on being a part of the team and not making anything more complicated than it already seemed.
Last edited by Kaida on Wed Jan 29, 2025 12:14 am, edited 2 times in total.

Naegi Datura ~ Jounin ~ Sunagakure
Takanada Miyuki ~ Jounin ~ Kirigakure
Nara Akemi ~ Special Jounin ~ Konohagakure ~ ANBU

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Tattoos, shots and trash talk

Post by zory_alechiv » Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:12 am

Nara Eiko

Eiko blinked lazily at her cousin, her eyes half-lidded as the other two women introduced themselves. "Nakano," she greets, unperturbed that Akemi had forgotten her question in the midst of the typhoon that was the Yamanaka Beauty. Despite their few interactions, she knew it was jealousy that left a bitter taste in her mouth in the presence of the blond. Eiko had once been pretty like her, but that had changed when some Kiri Nin decided to play with knives. Luckily, she knew the blond did not deserve her ire and so remained cordial like she did with everyone else.

Chocolate eyes shifted to her cousin, looking the woman up and down in a different way than Nakano. She had certainly grown into a powerful form from the child and even pre-teen she saw about the compound. While she hadn't been around much herself in the last few years, she had heard of Akemi's dedication. She wondered if that was why she was here, but a whisper in her mind told her that it was because of the girl's family. Immediate understanding came from the Nara woman.

Nice to see a familiar face.

Her eyes crinkled in a slight smile before offering a nod. Despite estranging herself from her own clan, it was good to be around them, and Akemi had always been more than tolerable. Having another shadow-user on the team would also help with stealth and ambush, at least that was what Eiko believed. "If you look murderous, or like someone kicked your puppy, most of our clan avoids you. Emotions are too troublesome, after all. And they're too lazy to keep you from pulling away. If you need help to hide the fact that you are in ANBU though, I can walk around with you at the compound. Most don't want to deal with my crazy."

Closing her eyes, Eiko smiled behind her mask and turned to stare at the blond through half-lidded eyes. "Nakano is a good tattoo artist. She can probably draw whatever you want, but I would be specific." They had never interacted past their one mission together, but the Nara woman had heard rumors. Nakano liked for people to make rules around her, and then she brushed against them. The woman needed constraints if other rumors were to be true. "Nakano doesn't cross lines with her teammates though."
Heart Fuyubushi Iyashi Reiko
Konoha Tokubetsu Jounin Nara Eiko
Iwa Genin Shoshiki Tsume

I just hope, my perfect stranger, that my kids look more like yours.

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Tattoos, shots and trash talk

Post by HotelBravo » Thu Jan 30, 2025 12:41 pm

“Uh…thanks, I guess they do fit me pretty good.” It brought Nakano a twisted sense of satisfaction to see how uncomfortable Akemi was. The young woman took a seat, “I’d like my ANBU tattoo to be on my right shoulder in red please. She continued. Nakano nodded, she moved the strap on Akemi’s sports bra purposefully away from her shoulder. It was a pointless gesture as it already was not covering where the tattoo was supposed to go, call it a power move. She began to work while Akemi and Eiko exchanged words. She cleaned the shoulder, first with a damp paper towel, then with alcohol and thirdly with a sterilizing jutsu. ”Ah, alright we’re about to get started. This will sting a little.” And she genuinely hoped it did. The only thing that she regretted about this whole process was that she wouldn’t be able to watch the girl’s face while she worked. Needle was loaded into the rotary tool along with ink. The Stencil was applied to Akemi’s arm after patting it dry. She pressed the paper tightly against the skin, and then pulled it off, the design was now transferred onto her skin.

Nakano didn’t say anything at first. When Eiko brought her name up. She paused, pulling the rotary tool away from Akemi’s arm. ”Oh. Are you new to our little Katana squad then?” She looked back at Akemi. ”Pity, but I would love to work on your beautiful skin - but if we’re going to work together then Nara-san is correct. Since we’re going to be team mates we should set a few rules and the punishment for said rules.I will answer any questions honestly. That is my one rule I contribute. These rules will dictate my behavior towards you, and should you fail to set any rules, well don’t blame me if I take advantage of them. You too Eiko, I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure of setting up anything formal. Now seems like a good time.”

Nakano returned to her work, wiping away the excess ink with a paper towel and continued to fill in the tattoo.

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Tattoos, shots and trash talk

Post by Kaida » Fri Jan 31, 2025 10:09 pm

Akemi turned her head to the side with a smile on her face, her eyes bright as she looked to her cousin Eiko. “I doubt my family will notice to be honest, but I’d like it all the same if I’m being honest.” It filled Akemi’s heart with warmth to see Eiko here with her. To know that they’d be on the same team. To have the potential of a family bond. She remembered Eiko before Jashin died. She was always referred to as sunshine, a bright ball of shenanigans. It broke Akemi’s heart to see her so hurt and withdrawn after what had happened. She knew she couldn’t fix it, but maybe they could help each other to not be so lonely. “Maybe you and I can do some sparring soon? It’s been a while since I’ve been up against another Eiketsu user. I could use a challenge.” Eiko had always been better than most with her shadow techniques, it would benefit Akemi to train with her and learn something new to round her out.

Akemi’s eyes widened slightly at the mention of Nakano needing rules, it brought her back to her conversation with Takeshi, and she grew slightly anxious. Naknano’s blunt description of why rules were necessary didn’t help much. Akemi felt a shiver run through her as Nakano spoke of her skin, her eyes seeming to look right through her. “Rules huh? I suppose we can discuss that. What did you have in mind? ” Akemi’s never had to have rules before with a team. Or consequences. She wondered just what the hell she had gotten herself into. Her face turned downward into a slight grimace as she remembered how all of this happened in the first place. ‘Damn Hyuuga.’ She believed she’d be cursing Takeshi often than anything.

As Nakano began the needlework on Akemi’s arm, she took a deep breath and looked towards the ceiling. It was pitch black, devoid of all color and emotion seeming cold. It was a good focus point for Akemi to keep still. But it did nothing to help the strange atmosphere in the room. Her mind was swirling with thoughts of how she would break the news to Eiji and Kohaku. What their friendship would turn into without being able to see each other all the time. Truthfully, she was glad to be putting an end to their other arrangement. But she worried about the fallout given the fact that she couldn’t be honest about why she wouldn’t be around as much. “Do you guys have any advice for telling people why you won’t be around as much? I obviously can’t tell my best friends the truth, but I don’t want them to think I’m abandoning them. We’ve been together for 15 years. It’s a big change, and I worry about how they’ll take it.”

She didn’t like asking for help with this, but she knew she couldn’t just ignore it. And since Nakano and Eiko have been apart of ANBU for presumably awhile, this could be useful. Although neither really strike Akemi having had that issue. Let alone having had to care about it. Akemi began tapping her foot, her eyes seemingly far away as she thought about what her life would look like now. Without Eiji and Kohaku, with ANBU, with Takeshi in her life…it left her feeling restless. Like she needed to go for a run or hit something. She was always more clearheaded when she was physically exhausted.

She breathed in and out, focusing on the sounds of the room and closing her eyes. Enjoying the pressure of the needles against her skin. It reminded her of the other piece she had hoped to get. She lowered her left arm and pulled a painting out of her pocket and laid it on the table next to Nakano. “Thank-you Nakano-san. As for the other tattoo, I would like this to go along my spine in between my shoulder blades. My mother painted it a few years ago, said it came to her in a dream and wanted me to have it in case I needed it. Whatever that meant. But it seems fitting to have now, provided you’re alright with the design and extra work?” She bowed her head sheepishly; she hated imposing on others. But she felt like she needed to do this. She was ready to move on in life, that didn’t mean she had to leave everything she had wanted before behind. She knew a part of her would always be the little girl craving the affection and attention of her parents. This way she could at least take pieces of them with her.

Naegi Datura ~ Jounin ~ Sunagakure
Takanada Miyuki ~ Jounin ~ Kirigakure
Nara Akemi ~ Special Jounin ~ Konohagakure ~ ANBU

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Tattoos, shots and trash talk

Post by zory_alechiv » Sat Feb 01, 2025 3:18 pm

Eiko continued to stretch out, their lithe body appearing to be completely relax. Their chocolate orbs however were sharply observing both her cousin and Nakano. Naras tended to be smart enough not to open their mouths if they suspected something. It was best sometimes not to admit you knew something, like a family member in ANBU. "We can spar," they said after a moment and with a nod. "You can show me what you know. It'll be good since we're going to be on the same team anyway." At least then, they'd be able to know the strengths and weaknesses of others. Truthfully, Eiko wanted to spar with their entire time, so they could judge them better.

As Akemi turned back to Nakano, Eiko closed their eyes, letting them completely relax. If not for the tension in their shoulders, one might believe they were asleep, but they were focused intently on what was going on around them. "She means barriers. What she's allowed to do, what she's not allowed to do. For example," Eiko began before opening her eyes and focusing on the other woman. "Stay out of my mind unless it's life or death, or the village is at stake. My personal thoughts are my own." They paused before continuing on. "Don't press. I'll tell you when and if I am ready. I am allowed my privacy unless it becomes detrimental for the team. Otherwise, there isn't much you can do to me that hasn't already been done or attempted." They finished and tipped their head back to look at the ceiling.

"Cross those lines and I will leave permanent scars upon your face that match my own."

Though they spoke emotionlessly, one could almost hear the venom in their words. The hum of the needle continued on as the older Nara fell silent and merely gestured for Akemi to do the same. "Nakano, at least, is very transparent and honest. It's something to be respected." They paused while the others continued on, talking about new tattoos and more. When Akemi mentioned how to keep it secret, they merely shrugged.

"Those who take notice will likely figure it out. ANBU isn't exactly a social life. You have best friends, but ANBU will come first. You will have to lie to them and tell them you can't. Simply tell them that you can't tell them and they have to listen. Asking questions will get them hurt."
Heart Fuyubushi Iyashi Reiko
Konoha Tokubetsu Jounin Nara Eiko
Iwa Genin Shoshiki Tsume

I just hope, my perfect stranger, that my kids look more like yours.

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Tattoos, shots and trash talk

Post by HotelBravo » Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:28 pm

. “Rules huh? I suppose we can discuss that. What did you have in mind? ” Akemi asked Nakano.Nakano on her part paused for a moment to consider.. ”I don’t have any thing in particular in mind, my dear. These are rules of engagement. Social interactions have rules - I’m the type of person that doesn’t pick up well on social cues. So you tell me ahead of time how you want me to treat you, and I will treat you like that. Doesn’t that sound fair?” Eiko began to speak up and explain in detail even further. "She means barriers. What she's allowed to do, what she's not allowed to do. For example," Eiko began. "Stay out of my mind unless it's life or death, or the village is at stake. My personal thoughts are my own." They paused before continuing on. "Don't press. I'll tell you when and if I am ready. I am allowed my privacy unless it becomes detrimental for the team. Otherwise, there isn't much you can do to me that hasn't already been done or attempted."

The woman set her rules extremely well. It was really disappointing that they were rather thorough. All her favorite activities were covered. Things wouldn’t be as fun if everyone just started using the same rules. It eliminated a lot of her opportunities. "Cross those lines and I will leave permanent scars upon your face that match my own." Eiko finished her rules. Nakano gave a short sharp laugh. ”Now that is a tempting offer. The first time I’ve actually considered breaking the rules just because of how much fun that sounds. To have my flesh carved like a work of art…” She touched her own face with a dreamy sigh. ”Well, I look forward to this one, but I’ll try not to toe the line out of principle.” As she finished with the first tattoo Akemi was asking them about what kind of advice that she would give about why they won’t be around as much. ”This is a ninja Village, Anbu-chan. That means that the people here, civilians included, are well aware of the demands on a kunoichi. It should only be a matter of explaining that you will not be around as much and that the reason is classified, which it is. Everyone will understand what you mean by it, and everyone will only attribute it to you as an honor.” Nakano added.

”Oooh, I love tattoos that cross over major bones. You are a brave brave girl. You’re not a masochist are you? We could be a match made in hell.” Nakano didn’t touch the picture. Instead she gestured towards a book stand on a shelf. ”Put your picture on that Book stand, and take off your shirt, and lie face down. My agreement with Takeshi forbids me from harming Konoha shinobi, unless in self defense, and my standards as an artist rise me above petty pranks, even though I would love to see your face when I make anything but your request on your back… Ah…I wish I was nearly half as evil as people imagined me to be.”

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Tattoos, shots and trash talk

Post by Kaida » Wed Feb 05, 2025 8:23 pm

Akemi watched the interaction between Eiko and Nakano with morbid curiosity, scoffing and muttering under her breath about how Takeshi really knew how to pick em. The dynamic of their team so far seemed all over the place, it would probably make more sense once they trained together and got a better feel for each other, hopefully not literally though. She sighed and nodded her head to them both. “Thank you, for the advice. I’m planning to go and see them tomorrow. Hopefully it’s not as big of a deal as I’m making it out to be in my head.” She was worried though, worried about making them feel abandoned or used or forgotten about. But maybe those were her own feelings bleeding through from stepping outside of her comfort zone. “As for being brave or a masochist…I don’t really think I’m either to be honest. I just find getting a tattoo to be comforting. Adding an important part of my story physically to myself and keeping that reminder of where I’ve been so I can get to where I’m going.” Tattoos didn’t hurt Akemi; she could feel the sting of the needles but more than anything it relaxed her. Filling in the cracks of spaces she didn’t realize were there before and creating something beautiful out of it.

She thought more on the concept of rules with Nakano. It was…strange. But she believed Takeshi and Eiko when they said it was necessary. And based on how Nakano had been looking at Akemi and some of her comments, she’d have to be specific. Which was difficult, Akemi wasn’t great about having boundaries. She was an open book, and if she didn’t like something she was vocal, and it usually stopped. This was all completely new territory, and it would take time to wrap her head around fully. “Well, Nakano, as for rules uh…No bad touch, as in nothing sexual or psychotic. Unless it’s to save my life, don’t inhabit, control or manipulate my body.” Akemi paced as she spoke, thinking out loud more than anything. “I’m a pretty open book when it comes to my thoughts, so my only request there is to keep what you see to yourself should you feel so inclined to look. And don't edit or mess with them."She stripped off her sports bar standing in the parlour topless in her baggy sweats, she cocked her head to the side, mimicking a child thinking too hard. “I guess it boils down to you be nice to me and I be nice to you?” She laid on the table hissing at the cold feeling against her exposed chest. “Oh! And if you fuck up any of my tattoos, I’ll burn you alive.” The smile that graced her face made her feel like a shark as she looked at Nakano, her tattoos meant a great deal to her.

As she lay on the table, she thought about what to do next. She needed to speak with the boys and get that squared away. She should walk the compound with Eiko, and get some training in. She knew Takeshi was above average in skill and strength, but her eiketsu should be further along than it is. She also wanted to train her katon and taijutsu with Takeshi, she needed to be stronger to keep up with the team. And then…well he had mentioned drinks of some kind. That would be nice, a good way to let this all-sink in. She relaxed into her body, making it easier on Nakano to move around her and get to work, excited to see the result.
Last edited by Kaida on Sat Feb 08, 2025 12:17 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Naegi Datura ~ Jounin ~ Sunagakure
Takanada Miyuki ~ Jounin ~ Kirigakure
Nara Akemi ~ Special Jounin ~ Konohagakure ~ ANBU

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Tattoos, shots and trash talk

Post by zory_alechiv » Thu Feb 06, 2025 9:55 am

Eiko wasn't too concerned about the crazies on their team. They all had their own brand of crazy as they were all in ANBU afterall. A part of them wondered what brand of crazy Takeshi was and if they would figure it out. So far, their captain had kept it well hidden and the kid on their team...well you gave up a few things when you became a tokubetsu that young. A part of Eiko was fascinated to figure out what made their teammates tic and they blamed their twin for that curiosity. After all he had never been as curious as she had been.

Speaking of crazy...

Though their dark eyes remained half-lidded, there was now a slight tension around them as Akemi set her own boundaries. Was the woman being purposefully vague, or did she really not know. She just allowed Nakano to touch her, as long as it had good intentions. That was too easy to manipulate. Even worse, she let the Yamanaka have access to her mind. The elder Nara however wanted to see how this played out. Should they warn Takeshi? Perhaps. Were they going to? If it got too bad. For now, it was fine.

"Ahh, so she likes pain," Eiko said softly and let their eyes slide completely closed. "Make her pain feel good Nakano." The Nara didn't smirk or grin, but the slight twitching of their lips gave away their amusement at the entire ordeal. Their own skin only had the singular tattoo and Eiko had made sure to wear a loose shirt the day they received it so they could simply roll up the sleeves. Stripping down in here wasn't an option, not even with a henge.

"I have hopes you will fit it well with us, Akemi-chan. Do you have a name yet? You're going to have to get used to answering to a different name when you wear the mask."
Heart Fuyubushi Iyashi Reiko
Konoha Tokubetsu Jounin Nara Eiko
Iwa Genin Shoshiki Tsume

I just hope, my perfect stranger, that my kids look more like yours.

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Tattoos, shots and trash talk

Post by HotelBravo » Tue Feb 11, 2025 9:25 pm

Nakano let out a small, throaty chuckle, the kind that lingered just a little too long, as she prepped the fresh needle and dipped it into the red ink. Akemi’s rules were… loose. Looser than they should have been, really. It was like putting up a fence made of paper and hoping the wolf outside was feeling merciful. Nakano had no intention of breaking any agreements—she liked structure, despite what people assumed about her. But she did enjoy leaning against boundaries, pressing her weight against them just to see if they held.

Akemi’s “be nice to me, I’ll be nice to you” was a dangerous invitation.
Nakano tapped the needle against her gloved fingers absently, considering. She doesn’t know what she just gave me permission for. Oh, she wouldn’t do anything bad, nothing that violated Takeshi’s leash or the sacred rules forming in this room but...

It was interesting.

Eiko’s soft remark about making pain feel good made her smirk. Nakano didn’t reply immediately, instead dragging the first deliberate stroke of the tattoo across Akemi’s back, slow and purposeful. She made a small sound of satisfaction as the ink settled into skin. “Oh, I always make it feel good,” she murmured, amusement laced through her words. “That’s the best part.”

She worked methodically, her hands warm and sure against Akemi’s back. Nakano wasn’t just good at this—she was precise. Each needlepoint was deliberate, calculated, sinking in just enough to etch permanence without causing excess trauma to the skin.

As the needle hummed, she spoke, voice smooth and conversational. “Your rules are interesting, Akemi-chan,” she mused. “You should be careful with your wording. ‘Be nice to me, I’ll be nice to you?’ Dangerous game. People’s definitions of ‘nice’ vary wildly.” Another pause as she dipped the needle again, fingers ghosting along Akemi’s shoulder blade to adjust her position. “But I like it. It’s flexible, leaving plenty of room for entertainment. So I accept.”

She glanced up at Eiko, head tilting in that almost feline way of hers. Her eyes bright with mischief. Then, back to the tattoo, red ink blooming beneath the needle.

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Tattoos, shots and trash talk

Post by Kaida » Wed Feb 12, 2025 12:04 am

The air in the room filled with a strange tension as the nuance of Akemi’s rules or lack thereof went above her head. Eiko and Nakano seemed to have grasped the situation whereas Akemi thought she had been quite clear. Sighing as she lay on the table relaxing into the needlework Nakano was performing, she gently turned her head to her cousin. “My name is Shishi, I’ve already carved my mask and have it sitting on my desk. I also have high hopes that I’ll fit well here, though I’m sensing I’m a different kind of odd ball from the rest of you.” The nervous chuckle that escaped her lips was more of a tick than anything intentional. Akemi didn’t really know how to feel, thinking her rules had somehow been misinterpreted. Or maybe she really did make a grave mistake and completely missed the mark. That would be troublesome.

She closed her eyes trying to dissect what she had said and could have missed and came up short. Trying to ease the anxiety in her mind she took another breath and reopened her eyes to tilt back towards Nakano. “Nakano...I don’t understand your specific kind of crazy, but I do admire your total commitment to it. Keeping that in mind, knock yourself out. Just remember the other stipulations too yeah? It appears from your guys’ reaction I may have missed something, but those are really the only things I can think to care about. In all honesty, I’m just happy to be on a team with people who seem, at least somewhat, to be like me. Whether they’re lost or hurting or traumatized...or alone. People who are strong like me and keep going anyways. That’s really all I’ve ever wanted is to belong somewhere and to be challenged by those around me.” Throughout her impromptu speech, Akemi felt the stinging in her eyes betraying how much this meant to her. Closing them she rested her head on the table and took a deep breath. It was hard to tell if she had said too much or if she was anxious for nothing. One thing was for certain, she really needed that drink. And she was going to make Takeshi pay for it.

Naegi Datura ~ Jounin ~ Sunagakure
Takanada Miyuki ~ Jounin ~ Kirigakure
Nara Akemi ~ Special Jounin ~ Konohagakure ~ ANBU


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