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Breath control: Part 1 [Open]

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 7:21 pm
by Kakuzupron
"Eh? What do you mean I've got to give the speech? Wasn't it up to that guy; Ibuse last time, why can't he do it? Kakuzu grumbled. His hands were folded and emerald hues fixed to the woman who'd come into his duty station (which was really just a small desk with some pamphlets inside of a small room within the academy - he just called it a duty station to sound proper) and all but demanded that he give the Academy graduation speech for this years crop of graduating students on their way to becoming Genin. He hated that speech. He'd hated it when it'd been given back at his graduation and certainly hated it now because the truth was - it wasn't an end all be all. He'd known that despite completing their tasks at the academy on paper, the Jounin presiding over them later could and often would just send them back for retraining where they'd have to hear the SAME speech over again. It was complete horse shit! "You've been Chosen, Kakuzu." Replied the woman with a trace of venom that Kakuzu found to be more sexy than he'd like to admit. "Why can't you just do your job like everyone else here? You know, it's a miracle you even managed to make it past Chun--" "Alright, alright! I'll do the damn speech just spare me the lecture." The woman smiled. Had Kakuzu known any better he could have sworn she'd just played him but it was too late, he'd already agreed.

Rising from the desk Kakuzu stood to his full tall stature of five foot eight inches and looked down at the woman, staring into her eyes so deeply that she'd hid her blush by turning away. "Just make sure to be at the Academy this afternoon! She stammered then scurried off out the door and down the hall, leaving Kakuzu to himself. "Pfttt...Women. Well, guess I'd better go prepare for this shit show." Said Kakuzu to no one. Placing a single hand into a pocket, he mozzied on out the door and headed down the hall in the opposite direction of his messenger. Immediately, sun kissed his skin as he found the exit.

Konohagakure no sato...

Here is where it would all begin.

"I've still got some time left before I'm supposed to speak at the graduation - time enough to find something else to do." Kakuzu spoke half joking and half serious. He really didn't want to speak at that particular function and would have welcomed any distraction to avoid doing so but at the same time, this was a directive. At least, he thought it was a directive. There was no evidence after all that the order had come straight from brass and that alone was enough of a reason for Kakuzu to dispute it if things really came down to it - then again, was he really ready for that shit storm? It was a lose-lose situation and he'd already started out taking a beating. A low groan escaped him as he walked, passing civilians and Shinobi alike on his way to...nowhere in particular.