A new beginning training montage part 2

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A new beginning training montage part 2

Post by Kaitos10 » Thu Jul 14, 2022 5:37 pm

Eventually after what felt like for ever Haruka was finally healed enough to leave the hospital after signing anything she needed to Haruka would then rush out of the hospital as soon as she was able. It was so good to finally be out of there she was finally Free! But they made sure that she knew she wasn’t fully healed yet and was only able to do some dancing and light exercising. That definitely helped pass the time until she was back to full health or at the very least healthy enough to continue more strenuous training as well as sparing.

Occasionally she would have to head to the doctors office where they would check to see how she was healing. During the visit they would check to make sure she wasn’t being too reckless also. But after a few visits she finally told that she is fully healed causing her to get very excited, jumping for joy. Haruka would then rush out of the doctors office and would first head to her house there she would quickly pick up and attach a pair of 1000 pounds weights and strap one to each leg then hide them under clothing.

Once that was all taken care of she would start to head to the training grounds, at full speed. She had lots of time to come up with ideas for practicing her physical attributes and she figured she would start with her speed first. So to warm up for her training she would sprint all the way to the training grounds timing herself to see how fast she could get there. She just kept thinking on how to get past this first hurdle. She then tried to psych herself up for all the training she would have to do in the coming days. As she headed to the deserted training grounds she would be listening to her surroundings realizing how quiet it was. As she thought about it and how all the jounin or higher were either watching the chunin exams or exhibition matches or just participating in the exhibition matches.

She hoped that one day she could compete and actually do good in one of those matches. She was still abit upset at having done so poorly in the chunin exams. So she just had to figure out how to get stronger. First she would start on the training regimen she thought of in the hospital. Doing various exercises, such as 1000 sit ups, squats, push ups, pull ups, and laps around the training field. But that took all day eventually she was tired and hungry so she had a bunch of bowls of ramen.
“my charactersShow
Konoha geninIzumi haruka
Kiri genin Karagata Nozomi
Minor country genin Desumonsuta
Iwagakure jinch Enkouton Hiroko


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