[Lonely] Taming Nakano

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[Lonely] Taming Nakano

Post by HotelBravo » Sat Apr 29, 2023 2:19 pm

Regardless of everything she had learned, she was still just a genin. There was never any real hope that she would be able to outmaneuver the ANBU black ops of Konoha, although she had certainly tried. A grin crossed her face. Not just tried but she had done a damn good job of things, for a genin. If she had just a few more techniques, and was just a bit faster… yeah, she could have gotten away with it. She could have kept getting away with it. It had been her first kills and it had been so intoxicating. More than sex. She wanted to kill more. She needed to kill more. She felt it in her blood. It was somewhere deep beneath her veins, perhaps in her bones itself - the need to kill. She was a murderer and she couldn’t help that.

The Door buzzed and soon it clicked open.

She was in a holding chamber. A fuuinjutsu seal had been placed on her stomach to prevent her from using her chakra and her hands were bound by manacles that in turn had been bolted to the table. She made no expression at the man who entered the room. There simply was no reason to - she felt nothing and there was no reason to lie to him and pretended that she did. She had learned that they saw through her lies from the start. She made eye contact with the blonde haired man. His eyes were blue, and his hair was pulled back into a ponytail. He wore the flak jacket and headband of Konoha ninja as he cooly strode the two steps it took to cross the tiny room and sit down at the opposite side of the table from her.

A folder was placed on the table, but such intimidation tactics didn’t work on Nakano, who didn’t have even the briefest temptations of curiosity towards the stack of papers that had made it grow so thick. The man, seeing this, pushed the folder to the side. “I’m going to tell you how this is going to work. Your cooperation is preferred but not required. As a kunoichi of Konohagakure you do not have the rights of a civilian, you fall within our chain of command and a secret hearing has already been conducted in which a decision was made about what to do with you.”

He paused for effect, but Nakano just continued to stare with a blank expression. She understood full well but had little to say. She didn’t care about anything this fellow had to tell her. She already understood what awaited. He was a Yamanaka. The clan infamous for their powers over the mind - with closely guarded techniques and secrets they were capable of doing things to a mind - of prying it open like a box and reviewing the contents. Perhaps even more terrifying was that they had the ability to replace it. Nakano had little doubt that this is what was planned for herself. That meant that anything she thought now, anything she felt now was useless. The Nakano who left this room would not be the same woman who came into this room.

Though she was just a mere genin they had taken her extremely seriously. She glanced over her shoulder at the two masked ANBU silently waiting. She was completely out of options here. Therefore, to her mind, at least the current her, it was pointless to bother feeling or thinking much of anything.

“A lot of Konoha’s resources have already gone into training you, so our purpose here today is to determine if you’re worth salvaging. Any thoughts so far?”

“None. It's clear I won’t be leaving this room.” Nakano watched him like a hawk as he took the facts in. He wanted to argue. She could read it on his face but then he seemed to realize that it was pointless to do so. “You very well may be right.” He stood and walked around to her side of the table. Behind her.

“I am right. I know what's in my head, and soon you will too.”

She could feel the movement of him forming hand seals just behind her head. She held her breath and tensed her muscles. She waited for the jutsu to come. Despite preparing for it there was nothing she could have done to prepare. A palm pressed against her skull and fingers splayed and then gripped like vices. It felt like they were drilling into her head - and then an even worse sensation - the invasion of the privacy of her mind.

It was a sensation that couldn’t be described. Only one who had undergone interrogation from this Yamanaka technique could comment on the uncomfortable feeling of something, or someone entering the most private sanctuary of the mind. Could it be called uncomfortable? Perhaps. It was what she imagined having intrusive thoughts would be like. As he touched upon the different aspects of her mind it forced her to recall and watch the memories with him. There was nothing that could be done to stop the flow of memories, and so she watched them with her uninvited guest.

“Let's start from the beginning.” Did she say that? Or did he say that? Perhaps both. In this place when he spoke it turned into a thought as if it was her own thought. In that case maybe she had spoken, but the aspect of this was utterly frightening. If had wanted to, he would make her think and behave however he pleased. As of this moment, she was nothing more than a doll.

Nakano Remembered.

Memories flew past her mind's eye in flashes. Moments of triumph, frustration, sorrow, anger - everything that had served to create the woman she was today flashed before her eyes. Then finally it all stopped. All her memories were now organized and wound up tight like a spring. She instinctively knew - or perhaps he knew what was going to happen and as a result of being puppeted he subconsciously had made her know as well. Once they began the memories began they would watch them all flow like a feature picture of her life filmed from the perspective of her eyes.

It began.

+1 Chakra Control
Last edited by HotelBravo on Sat Apr 29, 2023 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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[Lonely] Taming Nakano

Post by HotelBravo » Wed Jun 28, 2023 2:49 pm

It was an odd thing to see as far back as one’s birth. Nakano, much like a passive viewer watching on a demand show through her own eyes, witnessed her own birth in her mind’s eye. Held captive by the Yamanaka who had become her unwanted companion during this trip through memory lane. They watched days blend together into weeks, and then to years at the Yamanaka’s command. A stern expression crossed the face of the version that was delving into Nakano’s mind.

“Hmph… Nothing too unusual so far.”

”Is that how you see it? Then I feel sorry for you.” Nakano couldn’t take her minds eye off of the events unfolding before her. Learning to walk. Talk. Her interactions with her parents as a baby and then as she grew, as a toddler. She saw it oozing, and dripping with venom, but yet her companion couldn’t. He was blind.

“You don’t feel sorry for me. Explain what you mean. What more is there to your infancy?”

”You don’t see how they react towards me? They hated me. I ruined their lives after all. Listen to what my Father is saying. Listen closer. I know its hard to understand in the memories of a child, but it all started before I could say even my first word.” Nakano gestured and the mind’s eye shifted. She was looking up at her father. The man who she had called her father once, but one who had never been much of a parent.

“That damn child!” He slammed a stack of books onto a table. Her mother moved over to him and began to rub the man’s shoulders while Nakano looked on - fear flooding her small little body. “If it weren’t for her I’d still have my job at the college. I thought you said you were using protection!”

The scene paused as both parents turned their gaze to the baby Nakano. Revulsion in one, and regret in the other.

“Your mother seemed quite reasonable though.”

”You might think that but, can't you see the regret in her face? Why didn’t she defend me from my father’s accusations? I didn’t choose to be born, and yet they blame their woes on me. Look at him - a pathetic excuse of a man. One time a man of the academia, and her, his student with a promising future. Now look at them. For abusing his position and impregnating his student they were forced to elope and live a life of shame. He would never again be able to lift his head back to the field of academics, and she all but threw her future away. And yet somehow I hadn’t remembered any of this until now. Or perhaps I knew it in my heart and you’ve merely made that which was subconsciously conscious. I suppose I should thank you, but it doesn’t fix what I am.”

“Lets move on then. ”

"So, tell me about when you started down this path. Before the murders - were there animals?"

The shadows of her childhood emerged, revealing a fractured relationship with her parents, their disdain for her a constant reminder of her inherent darkness. the Yamanaka looked them over one by one and she was forced to observe.As the Yamanaka spoke, his words pierced through the veil of her thoughts, jolting her back to the present. Nakano blinked, refocusing her attention on him. His inquiry brought forth a spark of curiosity amidst the sea of despair that engulfed her.

"Animals?"She repeated, his voice probing and intent. Memories of her childhood surfaced, moments of solitude spent wandering the woods, seeking solace among the creatures of the wild. Nakano nodded slowly, her gaze fixated on a distant point as if staring into the past. "Yes, there were animals," she admitted, her voice carrying a touch of skepticism. She recalled encountering injured animals in the forest, their pain mirroring her own. In those moments, she would tend to their wounds, offering them solace and comfort, as if she were mending a part of herself in the process.

"They were wounded, broken, just like me," she confessed, her voice tinged with a mix of melancholy and introspection. "In their vulnerability, I found a strange sense of peace. It was as if we shared a common bond, united by our suffering." The Yamanaka's penetrating gaze lingered upon Nakano, his expression inscrutable. She wondered what thoughts traversed his mind as he sifted through her memories. Was he searching for a glimpse of humanity within the darkness that consumed her? "But those moments of solace were fleeting," Nakano continued, her tone tinged with regret. "The darkness within me grew stronger, overpowering any semblance of compassion I once held. The urge to inflict pain and wield control took hold, and the line between man and beast blurred."

A tumultuous mix of emotions surged within her, the memories merging with the present. The weight of her past actions pressed upon her conscience, and she couldn't help but wonder if redemption was still within reach. "I recognize the darkness that resides within me," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Last edited by HotelBravo on Wed Jun 28, 2023 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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[Lonely] Taming Nakano

Post by HotelBravo » Wed Jun 28, 2023 3:45 pm

Nakano's mind recoiled, the images of her first human victim seeping into her consciousness. The memory surfaced, unbidden yet hauntingly vivid. She found herself transported back to that fateful night, consumed by a maelstrom of conflicting emotions and twisted desires. "It was a moonless night," Nakano began, her voice laced with a chilling detachment. "I had grown restless, consumed by an insatiable hunger that gnawed at the depths of my soul. The darkness beckoned, whispering promises of power and liberation."

Her words spilled forth, laden with a mix of regret and fascination, as if the lines between right and wrong blurred in her recollection. The memory unfolded like a macabre dance, each step leading inexorably towards an irreversible act. "I spotted him in the shadows, a man cloaked in his own shadows. His presence ignited a primal urge within me, an instinctual need to dominate and exert control," she confessed, her voice quivering with a hint of something akin to excitement.

As the memory played out, Nakano's mind was cast back to that pivotal moment. She felt the surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, the sickening euphoria of power as she took her first life. It was a dance of brutality and grace, an exhibition of her twisted prowess."I felt alive, more alive than ever before," she admitted, her voice tinged with a chilling combination of satisfaction and remorse. "In that moment, I believed I had found my purpose—a conduit for the darkness that dwelled within me."

The Yamanaka's presence loomed, an ominous reminder of the consequences that awaited her. His demand for insight into her mind echoed through the depths of her being, fueling a simmering defiance. "I did it because I craved control," Nakano confessed, her words laden with the weight of her darkest secrets. "In the midst of chaos, I found solace. The power to take a life was intoxicating, a means to assert dominance over a world that had rejected me."

The memories cascaded before her, a twisted montage of violence and agony. She had reveled in the pain she inflicted, the sense of authority it bestowed upon her fractured existence. But beneath the veneer of sadism, a flicker of something else lingered—a yearning for understanding, a longing for redemption. "I know what I have done is unforgivable," Nakano admitted, her voice laced with a raw vulnerability. "But as I confront these memories, as painful as they are, I hope to find a way to silence the darkness that consumes me. I long for redemption, for a chance to break free from the chains that bind me to this life of torment."

The Yamanaka's penetrating gaze bore into Nakano's soul as he dissected the depths of her memories. He discerned the stark disparity between her spoken words and the true emotions that lay hidden within. A flicker of disappointment danced in his eyes, revealing his astute perception of her deceit. "You weave a skillful tapestry of falsehoods, Nakano," the Yamanaka stated, his voice laced with a cold detachment. "Your feigned remorse and desire for redemption belie the darkness that truly resides within you. Your words may deceive others, but they hold no sway over me."

Nakano's heart sank, a mixture of fear and frustration pooling within her. She realized that her attempt at manipulation had failed, her facade crumbling before the penetrating gaze of the Yamanaka. With resignation, she prepared herself to face the consequences of her actions, for there was no more room for deceit. The Yamanaka's next question hung heavy in the air, probing the depths of Nakano's twisted journey. She hesitated for a moment, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The memories surged forth, unrelenting in their vividness, as she embarked on a grim recollection of her victims.

"There were many," Nakano admitted, her voice laced with a chilling mix of detachment and perverse fascination. "Each one held captive by my insatiable thirst for power and control. Their lives became mere pawns in my dark dance of dominance." As the memories unfolded, a chilling tableau of carnage and devastation, Nakano described the meticulousness with which she carried out her crimes. Each victim became a canvas for her perverse artistry, their lives extinguished in acts of sadistic pleasure.

"The bodies," she continued, her voice betraying a macabre pride. "I hid them in the depths of darkness, where their existence would remain forever concealed. I sought solace in their eternal silence, believing that their absence would amplify my own power." The Yamanka saw the metaphysical shape and location of the bodies form into what seemed like a cavern that was reached by the sewers. He silently wondered how it had been missed so many times - but well it did get found in the end by the ANBU, which lead to the arrest and what they were doing now.

The Yamanaka's expression remained impassive, the weight of her revelations a burden he carried with seasoned composure. He had delved into the darkest recesses of her mind, peering into the abyss that consumed her. Yet, amidst the shroud of darkness, he glimpsed a glimmer of vulnerability. "But tell me, Nakano," the Yamanaka pressed on, his voice laden with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. "Beyond the facade of control and power, beneath the perverse ecstasy that accompanied each kill, what truly drives you? What void were you attempting to fill with the bloodshed of your victims?"

Nakano's gaze met his, a fleeting moment of introspection illuminating her eyes. The facade began to crumble, revealing a glimpse of the fractured soul that lay beneath. "I sought validation," Nakano confessed, her voice trembling with a mix of anguish and self-realization. "In the twisted symphony of death, I yearned for recognition and acknowledgment. With each life I extinguished, I believed I could silence the voices that echoed my worthlessness."

The Yamanaka considered her words and nodded to himself. "If you sought Validation, what wasn't service in Konoha's shinobi forces enough for you? Even after you graduated from the Ninja academy in our village the killing continued, didn't it?" The Yamanaka's inquiry cut through the air, probing Nakano's motivations with an unwavering gaze. His question dissected the depths of her desires, seeking to understand the elusive yearning that had driven her beyond the confines of Konoha's shinobi forces.

Nakano's eyes flickered with a mixture of reflection and contemplation as she pondered the Yamanaka's words. She understood the weight of his question, for it struck at the core of her tumultuous journey. "It is true that Konoha's shinobi forces offered me a sense of purpose and recognition," Nakano responded, her voice laden with a tinge of bitterness and self-reflection. "But even within those ranks, I felt the lingering shadows of my past, the whispers of inadequacy that haunted my every step."

She paused, the memories resurfacing, recounting the relentless pursuit of validation that had fueled her actions. "I sought to transcend the boundaries that confined me," Nakano continued, her tone tinged with a mix of regret and longing. "The killings were a twisted manifestation of my desperate quest for power and control, to prove to myself and the world that I was more than just a product of my upbringing, more than a mere pawn in the grand tapestry of life."

Nakano's words hung in the air, her vulnerability laid bare before the Yamanaka. She recognized the fallacy of her actions, the futility of seeking validation through acts of violence. It was a path that led only to self-destruction. The Yamanaka listened intently, his eyes reflecting a blend of understanding and empathy. He recognized the deep-seated need for validation that had driven Nakano beyond the boundaries of Konoha's embrace. It was a yearning that had consumed her, blinding her to the true source of self-worth.

"Our journey together is about discovering a new path, one that transcends the need for external validation," the Yamanaka affirmed, his voice gentle yet resolute. "Through rehabilitation and introspection, we will explore the depths of your identity and cultivate a sense of self-worth that is grounded in your inherent strength and resilience."

"Now the next thing that I need to measure is how well we can control these urges of yours. I'm going to rewire your brain to a degree, this will feel strange as you feel the shift in your emotions in real time. Removing impulses just paves the way for other behaviors to take their place so Lets try this one on for size; I'm going to rewrite your urge for killing and change it to following orders for the village. When you follow orders you will be rewarded with dopamine. I'll apply the changes and see how this affects your behavior. You don't have a choice in the matter and we're not interested in wasting an asset. Now stand by. " The Yamanaka reached into her mind with his technique and began to make the changes he had described just a moment before. He watched the twitching in her face closely as he continued to read her mind while he made these changes to ensure that they had been applied correctly.

Nakano's mind was flooded with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation as the Yamanaka explained his plan to rewire her brain. She felt a strange blend of resistance and resignation, knowing that she had no choice but to endure this procedure. As the Yamanaka delved into her mind, she could sense the shifting of her emotions, like a tectonic shift deep within her being.

She closed her eyes and focused on maintaining her composure, steeling herself for the unsettling experience that awaited her. The Yamanaka's technique began to take effect, and Nakano could feel the subtle alterations in her thought patterns and desires. The once overpowering urge to kill was being rewritten, replaced by a new compulsion to follow orders for the sake of the village. It was a disorienting sensation, as if her very essence was being rewritten.

The Yamanaka meticulously monitored her reactions, observing every twitch and flicker on her face to ensure the changes were being implemented correctly. Nakano tried her best to maintain her stoicism, even as her mind and emotions underwent this transformation. She couldn't deny the unsettling nature of the process, the feeling of her agency slipping away, replaced by a new set of directives imposed upon her.

As the procedure continued, Nakano couldn't help but wonder about the implications of these changes. Would she truly become a loyal servant of the village, driven solely by the desire for dopamine rewards? Or would this new compulsion simply be a façade, masking the deeper turmoil and darkness within her? Only time would tell the true extent of the Yamanaka's modifications.

Nakano's thoughts drifted to the future, uncertain of what lay ahead. She knew that this process was part of her rehabilitation, an attempt to redirect her destructive tendencies towards a more constructive path. But deep down, she wondered if her true nature could ever truly be tamed or if she would forever be haunted by the shadows of her past actions.

Amidst the inner turmoil, Nakano resolved to endure whatever lay ahead. She would adapt to these changes, learning to navigate the complexities of her new compulsions. Whether this transformation would lead to redemption or simply serve as a mask for her underlying darkness, she was determined to face the future head-on, accepting the consequences of her past actions and striving to find her place within the village once more. "Now, I'll erase the memories of this entire conversation, and of my alterations to your mind." As he spoke he did so. He watched the familiar slack expression cross Nakano's face as confusion replaced what was there before. Yes, she would be confused, unsure of how she had gotten here. He would fill in the blanks, and knew that in her confusion her mind would make up excuses and play along with him.

"Thank you for confessing Nakano. We'll do our best to help you handle your urges. from now on you'll speak with me twice a week and I'll check your progress. We really value your service as a kunoichi of Konoha. So long as you direct your killing for the sake of the village for now on, you will be forgiven, but for now you will be on probation. Confessing was a really brave first step. I think you've proven your loyalty to Konoha. Good girl." He waited to see how this new Nakano would react to the praise of her loyalty to the village. If the rewiring wasn't rewarding her with dopamine properly he may have to do this again.

Nakano's mind was clouded with confusion as the Yamanaka spoke to her, revealing his plans to rewire her brain and alter her urges. She felt a mix of apprehension and curiosity, unsure of what this process would entail. As he continued explaining, she couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness, realizing that she had no control over the situation. Her instincts urged her to resist, to fight against this intrusion into her mind, but she knew that resistance would be futile. Her heart raced as the Yamanaka's technique reached into her mind, causing an odd sensation that made her shudder involuntarily. She could feel the shift happening within her, like the twisting of gears in a complex machinery. It was a strange experience, as her emotions fluctuated in real time, a rollercoaster ride she couldn't escape. A surge of dopamine accompanied the rewiring, triggering a mix of pleasure and discomfort. It felt unnatural, as if her very essence was being manipulated.

The Yamanaka's words echoed in her ears, promising rewards for following orders and redirecting her urges towards serving the village. The concept felt foreign to her, conflicting with her own desires and motivations. The idea of being driven by external commands rather than her own instincts made her uneasy, but she knew she had no choice but to comply. As the process concluded, Nakano's mind felt muddled, the memories of the conversation fading into a hazy fog. She struggled to grasp the details, the exact words that had been spoken, as if they were slipping through her fingers like sand. Confusion settled within her, her thoughts searching for answers in the gaps left by the altered memories.

The Yamanaka praised her for her confession, commending her bravery and loyalty to Konoha. His words were meant to reinforce her new narrative, to solidify her commitment to the village. A part of her wanted to accept the praise, to believe that she was redeeming herself. But deep down, a flicker of doubt lingered. It was as if a part of her true self was resisting the manipulation, whispering in the back of her mind, questioning the authenticity of the changes. Gratitude mingled with confusion as Nakano responded to the Yamanaka's praise, her words filled with uncertainty. She felt a strange mix of relief and discomfort, knowing that her actions and thoughts had been tampered with. A lingering sense of unease settled within her, like a nagging voice warning her that something was not quite right.

As the Yamanaka concluded their interaction, Nakano was left grappling with a multitude of conflicting emotions. She yearned for clarity, for a sense of control over her own mind. Yet, she knew that her path was now dictated by the village's expectations. The weight of her probation hung over her, a constant reminder that her actions would be closely monitored. Leaning against the wall, Nakano closed her eyes, trying to make sense of the fragmented memories and the conflicting impulses within her. She knew that the true test of her transformation would unfold in the days to come, as she navigated the complexities of her altered mind and attempted to reconcile her new purpose with her innate nature.

In the depths of her being, a flicker of resistance remained, a spark of defiance that refused to be extinguished. It whispered to her, reminding her that she was more than a puppet to be controlled. And as Nakano took a deep breath, she silently vowed to uncover the truth buried within herself, to reclaim her identity, and to find a way to navigate this new reality on her own terms.

2653+863 +41 = 3557 /3

+ 3 Chakra Control
Last edited by HotelBravo on Wed Jun 28, 2023 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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