Times of Good and Bad

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Times of Good and Bad

Post by Niro » Fri Dec 18, 2009 11:12 pm

The Blues Kaishin stepped into the dimly lit bar that was the Konoholic. The worn out Jounin grabbed a free bar stool and sat himself at the edge of the bar. He called for a light drink, and that was what was given to him. He took a light slip of the beverage and then stared into it. He had come here today because something had reminded him of an event after his father had died. That something was a middle aged man who had been in the Konoha Hospital after a heart attack. The poor man didn't survive the myocardial infarction, as he had been brought in too late, and died. Kaishin breathed out a deep sigh and took a large drink from his mug of light alcohol. He hunched over his mug and stared into the liquid, his mind going back in time.

Kaishin had just returned home from a simple mission that he had been given as a newly promoted Jounin and was bouncing across the shingled roofs happily. He arrived home several minutes later, greeting his aging parents. They were both shinobi, yet they were inactive. He greeted his old man and his mother before stealing a fresh biscuit his mother had cooked up. Kaishin made his way to his room on the opposite side of the two story house and kicked off his sandals and pulled off his flak jacket. He hung the jacket on a wooden rack by his door, and his black sandals under it. He grinned at the success of the B-rank mission and the praise he had received from his friends before falling into a deep sleep. That night he dreamed on being held up high upon the shoulders of his peers, everyone congratulating him for an excellent and highly beneficial mission to his village of Konohagakure no Sato.

Kaishin awoke several hours later to the sounds of shouting and wails. He jumped off his Queen-sized bed and rushed to the cause of the noise. He found a Medic nin next to his father and his mother screaming and crying. The Medic nin stepped away from his father, the glow of his hands fading and his head hung low.

"I-I'm sorry ma'am...He's gone." The medic whispered. Kaishin's eyes widened and his mother fell to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. He rushed to his mother, hugging her close to him, tears also rolling down his face. The medic exited the room to leave the two alone and say goodbye. That is when the worst blow came him. He normally sweet mother pushed him away and stood up on shaky legs.

"You!" She hissed. "It is your fault he is gone! If you weren't sleeping like a buffoon he might still be alive! You're a medic, you could've helped!" She came up to him and slapped him. He stood there stunned as she moved slowly towards the chair on the side of the bed. He just stood there, blinking. He moved to his dead father's body and kissed the poor old man's forehead whispering but a few words.

"I'm sorry Father, I love you." Kaishin then turned and removed himself from the room, racing upstairs and gently closing his door shut before sitting on his bed and hugging his knees close to his body. Salty tears ran down his face from both eyes, dripping onto him and his bed. That night, he cried himself to sleep.

When the young Jounin awoke in the morning his silently walked downstairs, his eyes red and puffy from crying. He found his mother down there in the kitchen also, quietly nibbling on a biscuit. He exited the house and left for his mission assignment for the day. Now, this was wear the young man started to ask for more dangerous missions, just to keep him busy and away from his mother, he also had a personality change. His once happy attitude had turned serious and reclusive, instead of his proud and exuberant one that he used to have. Well, that was before his father died, and after he was accused of the death being his fault. This was a major turning point in his life where his career turned serious. After his second long term mission, his mother confronted him again at home.

"Kaishin, please stop taking those awful kinds of missions! I've lost your father, I don't want to lose you also." She cried as she hugged him.

"I'm sorry Mother, I can't." Kaishin muttered back before leaving for his room. She then cried, cried like she did when her husband first died. She couldn't lose him. No, not him, not her baby who still had a long life to live.

Kaishin's mind exited the horrible memory and he finished his mug of light alcohol. He dug in his pants pocket for his wallet and finally pulled the blasted thing out. Withdrawing the needed amount of cash and a small tip he paid his bill and left, his mind wandering elsewhere now.
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaGeninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaGenin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
Yamato [color=#C71585][b]KiriA-Rank

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Times of Good and Bad

Post by Niro » Sat Dec 19, 2009 4:03 pm

The Blues (Pt. 2)

Kaishin once again entered his favorite ninja bar, the Konohalic. Another string of events led him here, this time was because of something new. That something new was his new genin team mate, Kotoya Juri. The young fool was like his old man in the aspect that he had some tricky jutsus and had the Never-Give-Up attitude. This kind of attitude was the opposite of his mother's own personality and it promptly led him back to this great bar again. He moved back to his lone bar stool and sat himself into it.

He called for a slightly more heavy drink then yesterday as he was going home after this. The mug was slid down the bar to him and he caught it, nodding to the old bartender. He swished the drink around and then lifted it to his lips. He consumed a large portion of it and put it back down, resuming his position from yesterday with his body hunched over and his eyes staring into the mug, his mind once again rewinding itself.

Kaishin had recently told by his mother to stop the dangerous missions, yet he couldn't bring himself to. He could only do this horrible missions as they took his mind off his mother's words and his father. His new personality swap had allow caused his missions to become more brutal. The young Jounin felt this missions were his redemption for his failure as a son. His mother could only look at the poor young man in pity as he came home with new wounds that he hadn't healed. The look in the aging woman's eyes was one of grief, probably for her out of order reaction. She had after all told the poor boy it was his fault his father was dead. Pity was also in her eyes as she had pushed this onto the poor lad. One night he hadn't come home from a largely violent mission. Instead he had been commissioned to the Konoha Hospital. His wounds were extensive but he had been saved.

His mother spent the long week in was in the dreaded Hospital crying. She almost lose her baby boy and it was her own fault. She was a horrible parent, how dare she blame her only child for her late husband's death. Because of these unfortunate series of horrendous events she considered suicide. Whether it be cutting her wrists, maybe even her jugular, and hell, maybe even jumping off a bridge when the next thunderstorm came and the rivers running through the village were in full force. Kaishin eventually returned home and these thoughts exited the poor woman's mind. Kaishin immediately took up missions again, causing his mother even more stress yet he could not realize it. With the threat of her son dying, financial problems, and house hold chores.

Kaishin eventually was forced on a break from his missions, which in turn disappointed him. He spent his days thinking of the horrible past, thinking of his mother's words and the his father's joyful attitude when he was outside of battle. The grieving Jounin was forced to eat out now as he couldn't stand to see his mother and her sad eyes. He could also see her graying hair and tiring face. it was the first time he really looked at her. She was around 5'6" and had an only slightly rounded physique. Her eyes were a dull gold and her nose sharp. He could only smile at her sadly when he passed her, so full of grief. Kaishin thought about himself and frowned. He had lost a good amount of weight after his father's sudden death as it had pushed him into a deeper mental depression. He could only stare at his blue blanket covered bed with wide eyes. He was pathetic like that, that being avoiding his only family member left, his mother.

Meanwhile downstairs the stressed out old woman was on the ground, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Kaishin had heard the crash and punched a solid hole through his ceiling, landing into the living room. He raced past the chairs and jumped over the coffee table. His eyes widened as he found his mother. He didn't have the right tools here and couldn't help her correctly. Preforming the needed hand seals though he was determined to try. He ran his hands over his mother's chest, whispering to his young self. No, he needed her, she couldn't die. But, it proved futile in the end. He sadly picked his dead mother up and shunshined to the Hospital. She was pronounced dead upon arrival and he kept her ToD in his head, as a remembrance of his worthlessness. After words, he had turned in his headband as he slipped into the inactive ranks to set his mind straight again.

Kaishin once again snapped out of the horrid memory and finished his mug of alcohol before ordering another and gulping it down. A small jug of sake finished his night of drinking as the rice wine burned his throat and went down. With a nice buzz going on, Kaishin left the establishment after paying from his wallet, a generous tip included in it.

Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaGeninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaGenin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
Yamato [color=#C71585][b]KiriA-Rank


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