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[Graded]Where do you want this?

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 8:09 pm
by Flo
Holy shit, he found himself in a spot that he normally didn't come to; the konoholic. He could have sworn there was some reason or another that he just didn't want to come into this hell hole of a place, and when he saw most of the jounin and citizens being all social and drinking, he knew why once more.Don't get me wrong, being social is alright in his book, but being social to the point where you sometimes have to yell at each other to get a point across was not one of his favorite things to do.

Nobody really noticed berser since he was only twelve the last time he stepped foot in most places in konaha, but that was alright with him for the most part. He shifted his way over to a free seat at the bar to immediately lay his head on top of it raising one finger in the air. "One glass of milk please"

[Graded]Where do you want this?

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:53 pm
by Servant
Niku scurried out from the back of the restaurant, an empty tub in her hands. She moved from one table to another, grabbing all of the plates, cups and trash and putting it into her tub, slowly filling it up. Once it was full enough to make a trip, she carried it to the back, unloading everything into its proper places. The trash went away while the plates and dishes were given to the dishwasher. She grabbed the tub and headed back out to the eating area for more stuff.

It wasn't the most glamorous job, but it was a job. Ever since she was 11, she'd been working in the bar busing tables. The owner and her grandfather had become good friends many years ago and the owner owed her grandfather a favor. In truth, Niku and her mother weren't that well off and they needed a second income as Niku's mother didn't really want to take money from the retired samurai. That was why Niku had started working at the Konoholic, to help out her family. Truthfully, Niku's grandfather also thought it would be good for her to see the shinobi that hung out there and hear how they spoke and acted, so that she wouldn't be surprised by it all when she became a genin.

She rushed to a table and quickly grabbed all of stuff from the table before wiping it down. She turned with her tub before a shock came to her... Berser was at the bar. One of her new genin teammates had come to the bar, she knew he had to be there for her... there was no other reason he would be there, unless it was a coincidence. Her hand drifted to her hip, only to remember that the owner didn't allow her to wear her wakizashis while she was working. She started to freak out mentally before deciding that, since his head was down, she could sneak by and he wouldn't notice her. She grabbed the tub tightly, her knuckles going white, and ducked her head a little and began rushing by the bar, hoping that he didn't notice who she was. Then she could hide out in the back of the restaurant until he left.

[Graded]Where do you want this?

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 10:13 pm
by Flo
What the heck was taking them so long? Did they think they were too good to accept him as a customer!? Well, he decided he would give them a run for their money today! Putting his head up with a determined expression, berser looked at the piece of...Was that Niku? He curiously leaned over the bar to peek over in the direction that she went rushing in. Why was she in a rush? He assumed she thought she was too good to serve him as well! How dare her! Curling his hand into a tight fist, the nara brought his fist up into the air and shouted " Hey!". Then, he aimed his fist straight towards her before ejecting his index finger. " What's the big idea? You don't serve naras around here!? What are you racist!?"

[Graded]Where do you want this?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 11:57 am
by Servant
She was almost to the back when she heard a loud "Hey!" in what was definitely Berser's voice. She stopped and then heard the rest of his remark. She, personally, had nothing against Naras, or any other clan for that matter. Of course, the issue at the moment was that she couldn't serve drinks, she was a busgirl. The other problem, for Niku, was that she didn't have her swords and that meant that she was extremely nervous and was sure she'd be a stuttering mess if she tried to talk to him without a sword.

Instead of rushing off, she turned to Berser and waved before sliding into the bar area. She tugged the bartender's sleeve to get his attention and then pointed to Berser. With that, she rushed into the back of the bar. Once there, she leaned against the wall and exhaled deeply. Her eyes were closed as she allowed some of the nervousness and tension to leave from her body.

[Graded]Where do you want this?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:12 pm
by Flo
Hm. Sometimes he wondered about that girl.One minute she was boldly talking about relationships and the next she was shyly waving at him. Berser wasn't too upset that she told another person to handle his milk request, sitting down and repeating what he said when he first came in. What he was a little weirded out at still was the fact that she didn't rush up to him and start chatting away about how dreamy fanhoe was.He assumed it was just a bad day for her or something. So, he let it slide.

[Graded]Where do you want this?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 12:09 pm
by Servant
Niku didn't want to go back out there because she'd have to interact with Berser. It was one thing when she had her blade, but it was something else without it. It was like trying to have a normal conversation with someone when you're naked... at least that's how Niku felt when she tried talking to people without her sword in hand. Even now, the idea of having to confront Berser was making her sweat. Luckily, her eyes were closed and she was hiding in the back where no one would bother her, or so she thought.

"What are you doing?" asked the middle aged chef that prepared the relatively low quality food the Konoholic served to its customers. Niku's eyes shot open, realizing that someone was in front of her. "You never take breaks, little lady. Something must be going on out there," he said with a slight chuckle. Niku just shook her head and muttered "S... sorry." She began to leave, before realizing that she was now stuck between the chef and Berser as to which one she preferred to interact with. "Must be a boy, all you young girls get messed up by a young stud coming around." The chef had never interacted with Niku when she had a sword, he only knew the quiet, hardworking, shy girl that came and went. When he stepped up next to her, he asked "Which one is it?" His balding head poked out from the back, looking around.

That was too much for her, Niku burst out of the back with her busing tub in her hand. She went to the first table that was nearby and began grabbing the trash and dirty stuff from the table. She just hoped the chef would go back to doing his job, just as Niku had done. She kept her peripherals on Berser, wanting to be prepared if he did try to approach her.

[Graded]Where do you want this?

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:13 pm
by Flo
She obviously wanted him to approach her after she came out of the room like that. Berser could take a hint that something wasn't quite right, and being as smart as he was, he knew it wasn't because she was working and didn't want anyone to notice she was on a team with him.It was something though. The bartender slid him a tall glass of two percent milk, a drink that he didn't really want to know where he got from in this village with limited amount of rural land for farming. He picked it up in his right hand and stood up from his seat to pursue niku from behind while occasionally taking a sip from the glass."You know i'm usually a goof ball but, I can tell theres something wrong with you" He whispered to her with a milk mustache. He wouldn't have even let her know he was concerned if they weren't going to see each other the next day or later on that day."Maybe it's just work?"

[Graded]Where do you want this?

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 5:57 am
by Servant
She turned when Berser approached, facing him directly. "I-i-it's, n-n-n-no, n-n-not." Niku stopped for a second, trying to compose herself a little before continuing. "It's not like... I just don't, I mean, I... I have t-t-troub-ble with p-p-p-pe-peop-p-ple. S-s-sorry." She just stared at him, a look of apprehension and shock on her face.

[Graded]Where do you want this?

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 7:43 pm
by Flo
Was she studdering? Is this real right now?He couldn't help smirking from ear to ear when she started to do that, he didn't want to, but it was a sort of instinct that he couldn't stop.She just got worse and worse the more she spoke, making berser's happy expression changed into a serious one.He took another sip of his milk, and softly grabbed onto her shoulder and lead her off to a corner of the room where most of the ninja had cleared out. Once they were there, he switched places with her and put his back against the wall, signalling her to look directly into his eyes."Calm down niku. Pretend it's just you and your friend in this corner, and slowly try to form your sentences." He was starting to worry about her now, she was acting extremely strange and he didn't know what to do if this didn't work.

[Graded]Where do you want this?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:41 pm
by Servant
Niku allowed herself to be physically moved and positioned in the corner, before Berser took the corner position. With her sword, she may not have allowed Berser to move her however he wished, but without it, she provided no resistance. Once he indicated that she should share eye contact, she blushed and looked down near immediately. This whole thing was so embarrassing and it made Niku want to be anywhere but where she was.

After Berser tried his using his voice and words to calm her down, Niku looked back up to his eyes, but only briefly. Then she looked over shoulder, as if there were something interesting to look at there. "It's n-n-n-not you. T-t-t-the b-b-boss doesn't l-l-let me b-b-b-bring in a s-s-s-sword." In her mind, that all made sense. She knew she acted differently when she didn't have a sword on her and that the boss' restriction on weapons was why she was acting differently. However, her words didn't necessarily convey all of that so Berser may be unable to make the connections that had easily been formed in Niku's head.

"I h-h-have work t-t-to d-d-do," Niku said, her tone one of submission and pleading, as if asking for Berser to let her go. The fact that she could likely overpower him didn't even cross her mind.

[Graded]Where do you want this?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:29 pm
by Flo
...What in the halibut did a sword have to do with her being so shy all of a sudden? Maybe that was the cause of this happening to her and the sword was like some kind of medium that made her feel confident in her everyday endeavors.Understanding a bit where she was coming from, oddly enough, he started to think of ways to help her out with her problem as he felt on his chin and stared at her.

Holding onto her shoulder, he told her to"Wait a second. We can think up something really quick." He said peeking over her to see if he could find a replacement for a sword. There was nothing there that really stood out, and he didn't bring any of his ninja tools in here. Scanning over each ninja in there, table to table, the only thing he could assign for the position with her sword would be a knife or a leg of a barstool. He could see why the boss didn't let her carry that thing in there, though."Why don't you use a knife or a barstool leg? It would look weird as old ladies on girls gone wild but if maybe it would work as a substitution. That or you could take something you put on your sword off and ask the boss man if you can carry that around instead of the actual sword." He was kind of shocked that the dude managed to get the weapon away from her in the first place if she knew something like this was going to happen. At least, he knew one of her submissive weaknesses now...He would probably inform their sensei about this cuter side of the girl, depending on if he ended up actually taking a liking to her or not.