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6) Store, Training and Weapons

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:20 am
Ryo On NSRP there is a single currency that we call Ryo. Ryo is recognized as the global currency within the world of NSRP. While some countries may have their own internal currencies, Ryo is acceptable almost universally and most will know the conversion rates to local currencies if necessary. Ryo is also used for in-character interactions, and its value is thus determined by the individual players in most cases. Ryo can be used to buy things, information, or people, as well as to gain access to a variety of resources. Additionally, it can be used to buy things onto your character that are more abstract or systematic, such as companion slots, certain abilities, jutsu, stats, and so forth. Exchanging Ryo between players comes at no cost, but exchanging between your own characters will have a 2:1 rate, so 10 Ryo would become 5 when moved between your own characters.

If you want to use points to just buy things, here is the pricing list:
E-Ranked Jutsu2 Ryo
D-Ranked Jutsu4 Ryo
C-Ranked Jutsu6 Ryo
B-Ranked Jutsu8 Ryo
A-Ranked Jutsu10 Ryo
S-Ranked Jutsu12 Ryo
Exchanging for like rank jutsu 4 Ryo
Disposable Weapons (Kunai, Arrows, etc)1 Ryo for 5
Wire, rope, etc.1 Ryo for 5m
Swords, Hammers, and standards3 Ryo each
Explosive (Max 15, per character to include companions)5 Ryo each
1 Stat4 Ryo
1 Stat Reallocation5 Ryo
General Equipment (bandages, gauze, vials, etc.)2 Ryo
Companion Slot50 ryo x # of current slots*
*For example, if you had 2 companion slots, you would pay 100 ryo for the 3rd.
Note: Characters that know a jutsu can “charge” Ryo in order to teach the jutsu to another player. The cost can be no less than half the cost to buy it from the store, (i.e, no charging 1 ryo for an S-rank jutsu), and can no more than 3x the cost to buy from the store (no charging 50 points for a D-rank jutsu)

*For example, if you had 2 companion slots, you would pay 100 ryo for the 3rd.

Members can achieve discounts off of their weapons when they do a topics towards earning said weapon. These topics come with limitations however. 1/2 Points are earned during the topic, but for the total amount of points earned x2 gets discounted off the weapon. To demonstrate this it is shown in the spoiler below.
Discount ExampleShow
Member A does a topic for a discount on his new weapon which costs 100 points. Member A's topic earns 10 points, and after calculating the discount he earns a 20 point discount off the weapon. This now makes the weapon 80 points total. However the member earns 5 points total in addition to the discount after completing the topic when we 1/2 his total earnings.

And that is how discounts work with weapons.
Special weapons and weapons not listed in the store will be brought to deliberation among the moderators. These do not require pre-submission and can just be put in a mod, however PM'ing it to a moderator and having it priced beforehand is advantageous. After careful discussion regarding the balance of these weapons, the moderators will assign a point cost for the weapon. As a guide, moderators will always consider the strength of the weapon's ability relative to Jutsu ranks, whether any abilities or concentrations are usually required for such powers and how the weapon has the 'special' feature imbued within it. Prices are non-negotiable.
  • Weapons require Strength equal to 2/3rds of its Strength to properly wield it and Armor requires Endurance equal to 2/3rds of its Strength to wear with ease. Using either without the appropriate stat requirement will cause a debuff. A Speed debuff will occur when wielding Weapons without the proper Strength and a Strength debuff will occur when wearing Armor without the proper Endurance. These debuffs will be equal to half the difference of the required Strength of the weapon or armor, per weapon or armor piece.
  • Armor has a flat +75 ryo per piece if one wishes it to have the 2.5x Defensive jutsu bonus and needs to be made of a suitable material for its strength. A 10 Str cloak is fine but a 50 Str cloak is not.
  • If a character receives a weapon created by another player, such as a kunai with a special fuuinjutsu on it, the user receiving the weapon can add it to their sheet to used beyond that thread at 50% the cost. Using it within the thread costs the recipient no points. Moderator discretion will be used in cases where this could be abused.
Bows & Misc. Projectile Launchers Projectile Weapon are most commonly thrown (or in our world, something they’re spat), and when this happens projectiles are most commonly a direct translation of the users strength into their own striking strength and speed. However, some people will use bows and arrows, or other launching mechanisms. In this case, there are two distinct advantages in doing so.
  • Techniques that are based on using projectiles are defaulted at being done with a Bows or launcher, meaning a projectile technique that does not utilize a bow or launcher would be considered more complex, and thus be +1 rank.
  • When a projectile is launched with a bow or launcher, it is considered as having 1.5x its launching strength for the sake of defenses. Since defenses have 2.5x strength against strikes weaker than them, if a 30 strength defense was erected it would have 75 strength, and after a projectile was thrown at it with 20 strength, it would then have 55 strength left. However if a projectile was shot/launched at it with 20 strength, the defense would lose 30 strength, giving it 45 strength remaining.
  • This bonus applies only to launchers that are listed in equipment, not those created through jutsu. Projectiles made through equipment or jutsu can confer this bonus however.
This gives bows, and other types of launchers a minor advantage, so no need to run around just throwing arrows at people!
Poisons Poisons come in two types: natural and artificial. Natural poisons are free and found on summons, pets, and companion creatures that naturally have access them. These start at the user’s rank, and increase when they rank up, but can't exceed what the poison would naturally do.

Artificial poisons are considered special weapons and are priced by staff based on their effects, duration, method of transition, and quantity.

Training Another option to get jutsu or raise stats is to train for them. This involves posting a lonely or social where you have your character train according to the following table:
TrainingBase Word CountTrainingBase Word Count
E-Ranked Jutsu1000D-Ranked Jutsu1400
C-Ranked Jutsu1800B-Ranked Jutsu2200
A-Ranked Jutsu2600S-Ranked Jutsu3000
For these, this is the base word count. Every character gets a reduction, based on their stat total. To calculate your reduction, simply multiply your stat total by 10. So, if you have 55 stats, an E ranked taijutsu would take 450 words. However, this is to a minimum of 400 words. Additionally, if you are training in a thread with multiple participants, you may use the average of your character's stats and any number of participants to determine the reduction (i.e: If your character has 80 stats, and is in a thread with 2 characters, one with 140 stats and one with 250 stats, you could use the average of all 3 [156] or the average of your character and the 250 [165] to determine your reduction.

You may also train multiple jutsu at the same time so long as you clearly denote what is being trained and the word count for all jutsu equals at least the minimum combined total.

If a person were to train jutsu of a concentration same as their Primary Affinity, their minimum for that affinity is 300 words instead of the traditional 400.

Stat training, though is a bit different. You are only allowed to stat train 75 times. You cannot combine stat trainings into a single word count; for example: having a 1000 word tai training and 1000 word speed training, and just training for 2000 words. Each training must meet the count separately. Stat trainings are always 1000 words in length, though a moderator may request that you add additional information if they feel it was not adequate enough. Companions follow the same guide lines for stat training, but can only stat train 25 times. You can train multiple stats of the same kind by increasing the word count as necessary. For example, writing a 2000 word stat training for strength will earn you 2 strength stats, 3000 words will earn you 3 strength stats, and so on so forth. However like stated before you cannot do 1000 words for strength and 1000 words for taijutsu).

Pre-Approved Jutsu You can have your jutsu approved through modifications before you train them. They are treated like any other jutsu in the grading process, and are added underneath your other jutsu in a spoiler called "Pre-Approved Jutsu". However there are limitations that come with this.
  • Jutsu may not be used until trained/bought
  • Pre-approved jutsu can be trained in Socials.
Abilities Some abilities may require them to be purchased as well as earned with a thread. These are essentially any abilities that allow you to bypass restrictions that current exist. The abilities still need to follow some form of logic, but can be genetically passed on, the result of a spirit being sealed in you, the blessing of a priestess, or a curse by a witch, or as simple as a fuuinjutsu placed on you by someone else. These abilities can grant conceivably anything, but should not just be random concentrations or skills loaded on to them.

What requires to be purchased and what doesn't is left to the discretion of the moderating team. And they will be priced on a case by case basis until further notice.

This concludes the look on the basics of training, weapons, and other items. For a look at pricing for more specialized items or weapons beyond the basics please follow this link to visit the Special Pricing page and/or contact a member of the moderator team to assist you in creating your ultimate dream weapon!