[Central Organization] Sunagakure no Sato

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[Central Organization] Sunagakure no Sato

Post by Niro » Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:53 pm

Sunagakure no Sato
Type of Organization: Central Org
Location of the Organization's Main Base: Wind Country; Sunagakure Province

Description of the Organization: Sunagakure no Sato is, first and foremost, one of the Five Great Ninja Villages within the shinobi world. Hidden within the vast desert of Wind Country, Sunagakure is in fact a massive sand barrier built around several small oasis that were geographically close enough to justify a large settlement. This village is the largest of Wind's Country's Sunagakure province and is among the largest in the entire country.

Sunagakue is the among the oldest of the Great Five Villages, being one of the first major human settlements following the breakaway from the Genma, and was in fact the first human settlement to conquer a Genma. The ancient origins of Sunagakure are evident in it's very traditional culture even into the modern era. One of the largest religious hotspots in the world, Sunagakure is built around a devout following of Yuumagure, and the religious teachings of the faith is laced within much of Sunagakure's culture, architecture, an even military. Sunagakure's speciality lies in two major art forms: Iijutsu (and subsequent to that, development of Poisons and Salves), and Kugutsu, an ancient form of ninpou used for manipulation (and subsequent to that, the building of puppets).

Requirements of the Organization: Born within Sunagakure no Sato.
Ryo Coffer: (83/818)
Members Of the Organization
Sunagakure no Sato Shinobi

NPCs Of the Organization

Organization's Jutsu/Defenses
Sunagakure no Sato DefencesShow
The Heat of Yuumagure
X-ranked Jutsu
With intent on weaponizing the desert around them, Sunagakure has found a way to use the heat to their advantage. With the help from the Hizashi clan, a blanket of heat surrounds the village for two miles. This roiling mass gives off the the mirage affect around Sunagakure, shifting its image and distorting it to almost make it disappear. Anyone within the heat wave has their Endurance and Strength reduced by 5. Those who have spent more than a week within Sunagakure will adjust to the heat better than others. Periods longer than a week not within Sunagakure will reset this requirement.
Wall of Brilliance
X-ranked Jutsu
Thanks to the efforts of the Kouseki clan, Sunagakure is constantly ready for a long siege scenario. The outer walls of Sunagakure contain a small smattering of Kouseki gems. Upon activation, they sprout up into a barrier around the walls, covering them in a layer of brilliant hexagonal crystals that function exactly like Shouton jutsu, allowing them to absorb artillery style jutsu and even activate to fire back with precise shards of sharpened crystals. These walls can absorb jutsu up to 50 strength before the hexagonal section of it will break off and can fire off pinpoints crystal shards at 50 Speed and 50 Strength, can travel up to 300 meters and are roughly 80 meters in width, roughly 20 meters long.
Sunagakure EquipmentShow
Defensive Frame ( 46 ryo)
A puppet frame made available to puppeteers or those interested in it in Sunagakure, this frame is designed for defensive operations. Roughly human shaped, the wooden frame is bulkier than standard frames and has wider arms and legs and a barrel chest. The frames are often customized as far as hair, facial features, etc. The frame has 30 strength and 10 speed, making it more durable than most standard frames available. Additionally, when the arms are brought together then can be extended to form a 3m x 3m flat wall with 30 strength, acting as a barrier.

Offensive Frame ( 44 ryo)
A puppet frame made available to puppeteers or those interested in it in Sunagakure, this frame is designed for offensive operations. Roughly human shaped, the wooden frame is smaller than standard frames and has shorter limbs but includes more bearings in its joints allowing for increased mobility. The frames are often customized as far as hair, facial features, etc. The frame has 10 strength and 30 speed, making it more durable than most standard frames available. Additionally, the left arm has a 30m chain coiled in it, which can be ejected with 20 speed and strength, allowing the puppeteer to wrap up targets engaging with the puppet.
Anti-Coagulant (32 ryo)
B-rank Poison
Formed from the combination of several native catci to wind country, this wax poison can be placed on weapons and activates immediately upon contact with blood. The poison further aggrevates existing wounds, doubling the required peroid of healing for any wound exposed to the wax. The village provides only a single dosage to shinobi, which is enough to coat up to 5 kunai, or one sword.
Sunagakure JutsuShow
*[Puppetry Style • String Toggle Technique]
D-Rank Ninjutsu
By releasing less chakra into his chakra strings, the user is effectively able to 'turn off' some of his chakra strings, giving them no ability to pull or retract anything. In order to accommodate this, the strings will lengthen and shorten so they don't react to anything that they are attached to. The strings can be reactivated by putting a bit of chakra into them, letting the user use them again. This can also be used to attach wires to someone, and then deactivate the wires so they aren't able to feel the wires at all until they are needed. The strings can still be removed as if they were on, though.

*[Puppetry Style • Puppet Transformation Technique]
D-Rank Ninjutsu
Much like the original Transformation Jutsu, the puppeteer does the needed handseals and causes their puppet to take on the appearance of their own body and their own body into the appearance of their puppet. By consistently emitting chakra throughout their body, the user is able to keep their appearance adjusted at the cost of their Chakra Pool draining over time. As this technique is quite strenuous to uphold, experienced shinobi may see more clearly through this delusive disguise. This technique lasts for a number of posts equal to that of the user's Chakra Pool.

*[Puppetry Style • Puppet Change of Body Stance Technique]
D-Rank Ninjutsu
After completing the necessary handseals, the user is able to quickly substitute his/her body with one of their puppets. This substitution allows the object to take the force of the attack that was meant for the user, additionally allowing the user to create distance between him/her and the opponent. This technique may only be used a total of two (2) times in a single thread, counting towards the (2) teleportation limit.

*[Puppetry Style • Initiate Puppetry Technique]
C-Rank Ninjutsu
The Puppetry Technique is a Ninjutsu technique used by puppeteers. By releasing chakra from their tenketsu, the puppeteer is able to release chakra strings from their finger. These strings are able to move 25 meters. This jutsu allows the puppeteer to attach their chakra strings to inanimate, chakra-less objects at [Control] Speed. While an inanimate object is being controlled, it’s treated as if it has a speed equal to the puppeteer’s control.

*[Puppetry Style • Storage: Puppet]
C-Rank Fuuinjutsu
Prerequisite: 5 Control
By writing out the needed fuuinjutsu on a scroll, the user is able to seal puppets into scrolls. Unlike other storage fuuin, this is able to store much more. However, whenever the puppet is removed, the user is only able to connect their chakra strings to the puppet and are unable to use any non-puppetry jutsu for the rest of the post. Puppets can't be sealed this way in combat.

*[Iijutsu • Diagnostic Check]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
A technique used by medical shinobi to deduce what is going on with a patient. They will perform a hand seal and green chakra will cover their hands. From there, they may place them upon a number of patients equal to their [Chakra Pool]/2. Their chakra will travel through the patient at [Control] Speed before coming back to them and allowing the medical shinobi to be able to tell their patients temperature, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and heart rate for as long as they have chakra.

*[Iijutsu • Blood Clot Technique]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After focusing chakra into their hands, the user will hover them over the bleeding wound and begin to channel chakra through it. The chakra will began to thicken the blood, causing it to clot at [Control] Speed. Wounds can be dealt with one limb at a time and the number of wounds that can be tended to within the three (3) posts that this technique lasts depends on their size. Although this technique stops the bleeding, the wound remains vulnerable and will require further care after this has been performed.

*[Iijutsu • Bandage Technique]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
The user may channel chakra into an object (such as a leaf, piece of cloth, etc.) in the absence of bandages to sterilize it and is able to apply it to the wound of a patient. Once applied, the selected object will adhere to the flesh around the wound, protecting it from bacteria and other harmful foreign bodies. Wounds covered by this jutsu not only are safeguarded against bacteria but also applied an antiseptic and burn ointment to further provide aid.

*[Iijutsu • Basic Antidote Technique]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
The user will channel their chakra and then make a small incision on the patient before placing their hands over the new wound. As this chakra is channeled into the body, the poison is extracted and contained in a green orb of chakra in the user's palm at [Control] Speed. Once extracted, the liquid poison will be suspended in the containment orb. Their chakra then mutates the poison at [Control] speed and rearranges it into an antidote. This antidote is effective on C-rank or lower poisons and induces immunity to the specific poison the patient was ailed with for 7 posts.

*[Iijutsu • Chakra Stitching][/color]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
The user performs a short set of hand seals and then will gently place their index finger at the base of the patient's wound. Once this is done, the user will lift their finger and touch it to the other side of the wound, causing a visible 'stitch' of chakra to appear and hold the wound together with [Control] Strength. This is repeated until the wound has been pulled together. Actions performed with more [Strength] or [Speed] than the [Control] used to create the stitch will destroy it.

*[Sand Projectiles]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
With the proper handseals performed, the user will gather a large amount of sand in their hands before throwing it outward as though it was a throwing weapon. The sand will launch forward with [Control] Speed and Strength, forming into a projectile as it flies up to 10m.

*[Sand Cloud]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After forming the necessary handseals, the user will take a deep breath before expelling a strong breath full of sand. The sand will then move over an area 10 meters around the user, creating a cloud of sand that floats for 3 posts before settling. Standing within the cloud causes skin irritation and can make it hard to see.

*[Sand Fist]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After forming the correct handseals, the user will gather sand around their hand requiring [Control] Strength to destroy. Anything they touch for the next 3 posts will have Sand's grinding effect applied to it, causing skin irritation and rashes to anyone they strike or grab.

*[Sand Pillar]
D Rank Ninjutsu
After forming the necessary seals, the user will channel their chakra into a 1 meter diameter area of sand underneath a target's feet, within 10 meters of the user. From this area, a 5 meter tall, 1 meter diameter pillar of sand will suddenly burst from the ground at [Control] Speed, striking and launching the target into the air with [Control] Strength. Regardless of whether the target is launched or not, they will suffer minor cuts and scrapes with sand in them, causing further irritation and pain, along with bruising from the impact of the pillar.

*[Sneak Attack]
D Rank Ninjutsu
The user will channel for a brief moment, then throw their hand forward. From their hand a small burst of sand will form, swarming around anything directly in front of their hand. This is often used to blind and surprise opponents to make a quick escape.

*[Desert Giant Spear]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
With the correct seals done, the user will hold their hand , forming sand into a sort of spear shaped projectile that is 3 meters long from their palm. This spear hovers beside the user before they form an extra handseal to launch it at their enemy, flying at [Control] Speed and Strength. It can cause deep slashes and pierce deep into an enemy, leaving sand in the wounds to cause further irritation and pain. This can travel up to 25 meters and lasts for three posts, or until it is used.

*[Sand Clone]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user will create a clone out of Sand. This clone will have the users stats. It lasts for [Control/5] posts.

*[Sand Wave]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
With the correct hand seals formed, the user will thrust their hands up, causing a wave of sand to form in front of them. The wave shoots up and travels forward at [Control] speed, enveloping anything in its path with [Control] strength, and traveling up to 25m before collapsing. The wave is only 2x2m in size, working mostly as an impromptu defense to capture projectile attacks.

*[Desert Coffin]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
After forming the needed handseals, the user will cause a small wave of sand to rise from the ground at their feet and roll towards the intended target with [Control] Speed up a total of 40 meters away. If the target doesn't avoid this jutsu they will be ensnared by sand that starts to wrap around their legs. The sand will then rise up to fully encase the target, holding the target in place for up to 3 posts unless they can break the sand with [Control] Strength or more. The entire time they're captured, the sand is grinding the target, causing extensive damage.

Organization's Outposts/Secondary Base (0/0 Used)
First OutpostShow
Name of Outpost:
Location of Outpost:
Intent of Outpost:
Defense jutsu tied to the outpost:
Second OutpostShow
Name of Outpost:
Location of Outpost:
Intent of Outpost:
Defense jutsu tied to the outpost:
Third OutpostShow
Name of Outpost:
Location of Outpost:
Intent of Outpost:
Defense jutsu tied to the outpost:
Secondary BaseShow
Name of Base:
Location of Base:
Intent of Base:
Defense jutsu tied to the Base:

Organization's Sub-Orgs Scribes of Sand
Thread Tracker
This keeps track of all the threads completed under the Org, those marked as being used as payment have an asterisk along with the name of the reward given(*)
Last edited by Ace Trainer on Tue Jul 16, 2024 6:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaChuuninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaChuunin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
Yamato [color=#C71585][b]KiriA-Rank
Yoshinori [color=steelblue][b]KonohaChuunin
Shikatsu [color=chocolate][b]KonohaGenin


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