kage revival

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kage revival

Post by CDF » Tue Nov 21, 2023 4:33 pm

Application: viewtopic.php?&t=8120457/
Change: Activate him, update his stats/personality/history/appearance, update concentrations to remove the one that no longer exists, add unused perks, move all custom jutsu to a "to revamp" spoiler, update all archive jutsu.

payment: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=2680038&p=535538& ... to#p535538 (to show he started at chuunin)

Profile: Had to split into two posts, as it's reached the character limit.
post oneShow

Username: Crocoduck
Points: 35/916
VP: 297
Ryo: 0
Perks: [2/4] [Professor, Fundraiser]
Companions: (1/5)
Ouji, Hito - Kazekage

Suna no Kami Kouken

Suna’s Divine Protector ]
Age: 42 years old. :Gender Male. Height: 5 Feet 11 Inches :Weight 160 Pounds Hair: Hito’s once beautiful long jet black hair has become a long tangle of unkempt white-gray hair with spatterings of black strands. His hair’s clearly gone through considerable neglect and only looks as good as it does through the sheer force of genetics. Devoid of moisture and most care, he looks like a sand nomad with excellent lineage. :Eyes Emerald green eyes that now contrast shockingly with his leathery skin Body Build: Hito has always kept himself fine-tuned like a well-oiled machine, but with age, he has become scrawnier and has a more withered look. He clearly does not exercise as carefully as before, but he obviously maintained a toned physique. :Traits Leathery tan skin exposed to years of desert sun and sand, littering his skin with scars of tears.

He wears a tattered white robe that is vaguely reminiscent of his kazekage robes, if they had been hacked at to be made practical and then made to roam the desert for a decade. The entirety of the hoodless robe has a series of fancy golden and once-black now gray trimmings. The robe is layered and always tied snugly around his body, leaving no flesh below the neck or above the wrists open. The Suna symbol stands alone in gold on his left shoulder while the SoS symbol stands alone on in black on his right shoulder. His robe has sleeves that drape around his arm. So of course, these two are also pushed against by the wind.
Forehead Protector: Hito has no forehead protector :Personality
After spending the last 20 years essentially drifting mentally through spirit dimensions and different moments within his past and even simulated lives created by his own mind: Hito is not ok.

He struggles to maintain himself in the here and now constantly, needing to use tactics and even jutsu to keep himself grounded and in his central, core personality. He is not really capable of combat anymore and is barely capable of interacting with other humans. His thought process is constantly frayed and exhausting and he’s prone to things like visual and auditory hallucinations as well as brief inexplicable lapses in logic.

It’s hard to define who Hito is anymore, as at any given moment he could be himself from 5 years ago or 20, or a version of him that’s never existed beyond his imagination. His mind is in a precarious state and it’s only by his immense intellect that he’s able to hold it together in any kind of functional way.

Charisma and Politeness: Hito's base charisma has faded, replaced by an unsettling presence that unnerves those around him. He no longer possesses the knack for winning over conversational partners with ease and his interactions have become strained. The general feeling is that he knows what you’re about to say and he’s bored of it, while also knowing what you’re actually thinking and responding to that.

That’s largely because he’s exerting so much effort into keeping it all together, but there are moments of peace and clarity or even confusion where he is essentially a version of him that was more charismatic. The problem is being able to turn it on.

Authority and Expectations: While he once cared little for rank in greetings and expected mutual respect, he now struggles to interact with people on any level. His considerable authority as a leader has taken a toll on his demeanor. He no longer expects to be treated as an equal, nor does he command respect effortlessly. His tone has shifted from casual and disarming to uneasy and detached. Once he was a man that was considered a god and he made even the lowest ranks feel like his undeserving equals. Now he was a man with the mind of a god that could barely register the sentients around it.

Love for Suna: His love for Suna persists, but it's now a distant and enigmatic admiration that’s anchored to him through a sense of obligation and nostalgia. It’s likely the most human and powerful emotion he still has within him, a small ember that hasn’t been smothered by his newfound nihilism. Even if Suna is no longer the greatest, for nothing is, it’s still his and it still deserves to exist.

Tradition and Ambition: Hito's disregard for tradition has grown more resolute. He sees most human rituals as frivolous spasming of neurochemicals now and dispenses with most rules and traditions that dont match up with his own personal reasoning. The ambition that used to drive him for Suna’s betterment has now expanded and simmered into an overall vision of how things could be for the betterment of all humanity.

Introversion and Procrastination: Hito's introverted nature has intensified, and his aversion to small talk has grown into a profound distaste for social interaction. He has to be practically forced into it these days, preferring instead to talk to himself and his puppets

Genius and Arrogance: His genius remains, but it's now shrouded in apathetic arrogance. Hito's mind, scarred by his experiences, processes information at superhuman levels, but his intelligence fluctuates with his stress levels and occasional anxiety. He now views himself as a bearer of the universe's secrets, which has made him increasingly arrogant and dismissive of others, creating blindspots in his reasoning where he lacks context and humility. At the same time, he genuinely has become more intelligent and knowing, living so many lives has shown him so many patterns of humanity and reality that it all just makes so much sense to him.

Mental disorder: Hito’s mind is so damaged that he’s constantly dealing with glitches and bugs that can range from full on sensory hallucinations, to intense belief in sudden illogical thoughts and more. It’s made life very hard to deal with.
  • Kept on his belt pouch:
    • 15 x kunai
    • 5 x exploding tags
    • 10 x smoke bombs
  • Kept on the inside of his robe:
    • 100x senbon (50 in the inside lining of each sleeve.
  • Chakra Pool: 44
  • Endurance: 35
  • Control: 50
  • Strength: 30
  • Speed: 41
  • Will Power: 50
Combat Style:
Hito’s combat style is exhaustingly versatile and oppressive. Reflecting his strange multitude of lives, his style seems to encompass every variable and every aspect. It’s what happens when an inventor, scientist, philosopher, doctor, ninja, leader gets what seems like a millenia to develop weapons, styles and techniques.

With his space-time and his realm, he has access to a seemingly infinite armory of self-made toys, seals, jutsu, etc. and a memory and filing system that allows him to access it all with a moment’s notice.
Abilities and

Abilities: [1/3]
Companion Master:
This character specializes in the organization of others, and has committed part of their time in coordinating themselves with pets, summons, or henchmen in combat. This gives the user of this ability four[4] companions, each companion is separate from the other and can be any type of companion. There is no limit to ranks for companions.
Ninjutsu Concentrations: Charge & augment, Storage and Force, Do…Show
Charge & Augment Fuuinjutsu:
Charge& Augment Fuuinjutsu
This user is able to utilize Charge & Augment Fuuinjutsu, making it possible for them to utilize any jutsu with the Charge & Augment Classification. Charge Fuuinjutsu are used to create jutsu-like effects using seals. Augment Fuuinjutsu are used to enhance or limit the power of whatever they are placed on.
Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu:
Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu
This user is able to utilize Storage Fuuinjutsu and Force Fuuinjutsu, making it possible for them to utilize any jutsu with the Storage or Force Classification. Storage Fuuinjutsu can be used to store supplies, weapons, armor, or anything in between. Force Fuuinjutsu are used to release, counteract, and capture energy.
Doton Affinity
A character with this concentration is able to utilize Doton, and can make and use any custom or archived jutsu that require the doton affinity. Doton has a passive enduring effect.
Fuuton Affinity:
Fuuton Affinity
A character with this concentration is able to utilize Fuuton, and can make and use any custom or archived jutsu that require the Fuuton affinity. Fuuton has an cutting effect.
Passive (Cutting)Show
Fuuton has a natural cutting property to it, that exists in all jutsu unless otherwise stated. This gives fuuton a unique opportunity to strike with additional power, and to act as a offensive defense. Regardless of their purpose fuuton jutsu passively cut with no distinct pattern at 1/3rd the strength of the technique rounded down unless otherwise stated. This means if someone punched a 19 strength fuuton wall, they would get cuts on their hand applied with 6 strength. This also means that fuuton jutsu specifically designated to cut things can create devastating wound by essentially striking twice.
Sand Style:
Sand Style
A character with this concentration is able to utilize Sand, an extension composed of Fuuton and Doton, and can make and use any custom or archived jutsu that require Sand. Sand style has a grinding effect. You must be a current or former Sunagakure shinobi, and have both Fuuton and Doton to utilize this concentration.
Passive (Grinding)Show
Sand, however, is rough, and grinds in it's movement, eroding and tearing at anything it comes in contact with. This makes Sand an aggressive element that adds to it's strengthwhen coming in contact with solid matter by breaking it down and adding it to it's mass. When Sand breaks through anything it is strong against, it adds 1/5th of the strength of that thing to it's own strength. A 30 strength Sand Wave breaking through a 10 strength Doton wall would add 2 strength to itself, having 32 strength. Against organic matter, Sand grinds against skin and wounds, catching microtears that can become irritating and worsen existing wounds. Below is a list for how Sand interacts with solid matter
  • 1-10 Ninjutsu Requirement: Minor skin irritation
  • 11-20 Ninjutsu Requirement: 1st Degree Burns on Contact
  • 21-35 Ninjutsu Requirement: Removal of skin, heavy bleeding
  • 36+ Ninjutsu Requirement: Grinding of flesh, profuse bleeding.
Jikukan Ninjutsu
Practitioners of this art are able to manipulate Space/Time to create localized pockets within either, or both, that they have control over. An extremely advanced form on Ninjutsu, it demands a firm control and complex understanding of the fundamentals of chakra.
[Puppetry] is an old, tradition-bound style with some variation found within each Hidden Village. Chakra Strings are the progenitor style of Puppetry and is limited to Sunagakure ninjutsu only, due to the secret techniques. Chakra String users learns to utilize the tenketsu on their fingers to create strings of chakra, which can be used to control a multitude of things. Most users focus primarily on the use of puppets, wooden, or partially wooden contraptions. Puppeteers as they are called, rely on high control.
The users of this style have a strong affinity towards spirits, and are able to utilize certain chakra techniques based off of spirits. Those with the affinity have a Maroon color tint to their chakra when using these techniques. Tenkujutsu jutsus fall underneath their own pyramid, and do not have ties to Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, or Genjutsu.
Weapons Crafting:
Weapons Crafting
With large amounts of experience in the forge and with creation, individuals with this concentration are able to craft and create most types of weapons and armor. While this typically doesn’t grant the individual himself any additional powers, it allows him to make more powerful tempered gear for himself and shinobi than what can typically be found. However, those with such familiarity with weapons and armor are often skilled at noticing the strengths and weaknesses of weapons they face, and allow them to more easily exploit them.
Requires [Deft Hands] Concentration
Advanced Channelling:
This user has superb chakra control, and has learned to perform jutsu by channeling, without the use of hand seals. The user can channel any ninjutsu that is designed to be channeled, and there are no specified parameters in which a jutsu must fall to be channeled by this method. To get this concentration the user must be a Ninjutsu Specialist, and have picked Control as one of their specialized stats.
Taijutsu Concentrations: Close Quarters Combat, Deft Hands, Medi…Show
Close Quarters Combat:
The fundamental skill of [Close Quarters Combat] indicates the user's proficiency to efficiently utilize martial arts and advanced combat moves involving the body, for example but not limited to, advanced kicks, grapples, advanced punches, etc.
Deft Hands:
The fundamental skill of [Deft Hands] indicates the user’s proficiency with using their hands in very specific and complex movements, like sleight of hand and targeting very small and specific points on an opponent’s body. This facilitates their use of related Taijutsu in various ways.
The fundamental skill of [Medicine] describes the user’s mental and physical ability to perform traditional and mainstream medicinal practices. This facilitates their use of related Taijutsu.
The fundamental skill of [Perception] describes the user’s practiced methods of more keenly focussing their senses for a short time. This facilitates their use of related Taijutsu.
Genjutsu Concentrations: Warp, SoundShow
Warp Genjutsu:
This user has learned to combine the basics of Status and Illusion genjutsu, allowing them to use single techniques to create sensory illusions, as well as status changes on their target.
Sound Initiation:
This user has learn to use sound cues to initiate genjutsu. Allowing them to create sounds and sustain sounds to capture their targets in a genjutsu.


Hito was a massive fish born into a tiny pond. His family was kind, polite and devout. They weren't stupid, they just had no need for intelligence. They had just enough education to survive and were content with living as faithful, hardworking citizens. They were your staple Suna citizens, and Hito loved them and they loved him. Yet, he was always an outsider. Even from a young age it was clear the boy was special.

He was insanely curious, rebellious and intelligent since he was a toddler. He was always stubborn to a fault and had a surprising amount of problems with authority for somebody that had his family. They tried their best to understand him, but found his insistence on being logical and rational to be unbearable on the day to day. As a child, he was lazy and obnoxious with not much of a friend group. He wasn't good at talking to people and he didn't want to be.

He barely passed through the shinobi academy, being far too lazy and disinterested to prove his worth or his skills. This continued until he was a chuunin, at which point he began to grow up. In a period of two years, Hito matured almost an entire lifetime. He spent the time looking inward, tackling his faults and deciding who he wanted to be. By the end of it, he had plans and he had ambitions.

It took him some time, but with this newfound energy, he quickly rose to Jounin and became one of the most prominent shinobi in the village. He steadily learned to be charming and understand people and their emotions, and quickly he was becoming more and more capable as a person and ninja.

Eventually, he managed to pass through many of his ingenious ideas that led to Suna becoming arguably the best defended and hidden village in the world. He became familiar with most of the powerful entities in the village, and upon reaching the rank of bannin, topped off his status by defeating the soul genma.

After this, his ambitions were realized and he became Kazekage. Since taking office, however, his muse and energy have dropped drastically. The anxiety and mild depression he's dealt with since he was a boy returned, but most importantly, the office just didn't suit him well. While Hito has always done well in a position where nobody is telling him what to do and where he can make his ideas a reality, he is not suited for authority. His many ideas tend to be scattered and half finished, he finds it nearly impossible to do work if he's not in the mood.

This led to a stagnant period after he first became Suna's leader. Now, however, his fire is back and he's beginning to learn how to properly delegate and surround himself with people that will help bring out the most in him as a leader.

Almost immediately upon becoming Kazekage, Hito’s unnoticed mental disorders kicked in. He found himself finding it impossible to get work done or interact with other people, and despite being a usually very aware and in control individual, it became harder and harder for him to reason and function.

This was soon after he mastered Jikukan and he ended up spending more and more time alone, meditating within his personal realm and avoiding all interactions with humanity and responsibilities. At one point, he started looking into using his Jikukan to resolve what was clearly more than just a small emotional issue.

Not having anybody to work alongside with him and being in a very incapacitated state, Hito quickly found himself digging an infinitely deep hole he couldn’t dig himself out of. Through meditation in his personal realm, he got lost within the continuum of existence. His mind was sent barreling through not only dimensions, but also moments in his timeline. Being in his personal realm, his consciousness was able to drift endlessly while his body remained relatively safe and maintained by his realm. Though it did nothing for his body’s comfort, becoming a large, desolate wasteland with nothing but one small library. Hito’s body was usually laying in the middle of the library, exposed to the harsh winds of the outside through the windows.

After 20 years of this, tryinug to piece together his consciousness and identity from the realm, Hito’s body has been spit back into the real world by its realm, possibly because it felt he was on the brink of being able to manage it, or possibly because it just couldn’t maintain him any further.
Archive JutsuShow
*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Earthen Ninja Tools[/b][/color]
[i]D-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
After performing the correct hand seals the user will form a set of up to 10 basic projectiles, such as kunai, shuriken, or senbon, in their hand. These tools have [Control] strength.

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Binding Formation[/b][/color]
[i]D-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
After channeling doton chakra into their foot the user will slam the ground within 5 meters of a target's feet with their heel, causing a formation of rock to shoot upwards at [Control] speed binding the target's feet at [Control] strength

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Dirt Cloud[/b][/color]
[i]D-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
After performing the correct hand seals the user will form a 1 meter diameter ball of loose dirt in front of them, launching it off up to 10 meters away at [Control] strength and speed. Upon impact the ball of loose dirt breaks apart forming a vision-impairing cloud of dirt with a 5 meter radius.

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Wall[/b][/color]
[i]D-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
After performing the correct hand seals the user will form a solid stone wall up to 5 meters away from them at [Control] speed. The wall has [Control] strength and is 3x3x1 meters large.

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Trip Fault[/b][/color]
[i]D-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
After performing the correct hand seals, the user will cause a 1/2 meter pot hole to appear at [Control] speed somewhere within 5 meters.[/quote]

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Landmine[/b][/color]
[i]C-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
After performing the correct hand seals the user will tap their foot on the ground charging a 25 meter radius around their foot with explosive chakra. This is armed at [Control] speed. For the next three posts if anyone other than the user steps on the area it will explode with at a [Control] Strength explosion.

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Harden Earth[/b][/color]
[i]C-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
After performing the correct hand seals the user places their palm on the ground, channelling chakra into it and increasing the density of the earth beneath them in a 25 meter radius around them. This earth is extra resilient to digging and takes strength stat equal to [Control] in order to even dent. Falling on this section of ground without a proper landing could also potentially increase damage.

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Manica[/b][/color]
[i]C-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
By channeling doton chakra into their arm, the user will form rock from their shoulder downward, encasing their forearm and hand in rough and simplistic layered plates of stone. The stone passes over the hand on the back-side but leaves the palm-side uncovered allowing full dexterity of the hand for seals. This essentially resembles a manica, which is a segmented armor that spans the length of the arm. The armor has [Control] strength and speed.

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Tremors[/b][/color]
[i]C-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
After performing the correct hand seals and holding the last one, the user will stomp their foot on the ground, releasing their chakra in it and causing it to tremor violently for one post. The tremors radiate out from the user in a 25 meter radius, knocking down anyone standing on the ground without a stability taijutsu technique of a rank equal to [Control]. Lasts as long as the last seal is held, for up to 3 posts.

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Spike Shot[/b][/color]
[i]C-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
After performing the correct hand seals the user will form a stone spike directly in front of them roughly 1.5 meter long and 1/2 meter in diameter at it's thickest point before launching the spike forward up to 25 meters away at [Control] strength and speed.[/quote]

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Enduring Maze[/b][/color]
[i]B-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
After performing the correct hand seals the user will form a series of walls in front of them at [Control] Speed, closing the top off. This maze covers a 7mx7mx3m area and the walls have an endurance of [Control] Strength.

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Moving Earth Core[/b][/color]
[i]B-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
After performing the correct hand seals the user places their palms on any earthen ground, channeling chakra into it allowing them to lower or raise any 5x5 meter segment of the ground within 40 meters at [Control] speed and strength. The maximum distance the segment can be lowered or raised is 40 meters. The user must keep their palms on the ground during the course of the jutsu. If they remove their palms at any time, the jutsu will end and they will not be able to raise or lower it any further without redoing the technique.

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Stone Maw[/b][/color]
[i]B-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
After performing the correct hand seals the user will form a nondescript 2x1x2 meter jaw complete with a dense row of spiked teeth. They will then launch the head at a target for up to 40 meters traveling at [Control] speed. During the course of it's travel at any time the user can perform an additional hand seal, causing the jaw of spiked teeth to close shut, clamping and impaling whatever is within it at [Control] strength.[/quote]

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Earth Dragon Bullet[/b][/color]
[i]A-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
After performing the correct hand seals and holding the final seal the user will form a dragons head directly in front of them. So long as they hold the seal they will be able to rotate the head and fire up to 20 meter long stone spears, one at a time, up to 65 meters away from the mouth of the dragon. The spikes fire at [Control] speed and hit with [Control] strength. While using this technique the user has to stay immobile and any movement will cancel the technique.

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Earth Coffin[/b][/color]
[i]A-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
After performing the correct hand seals the user will form two gigantic slabs of earth around 2 cubic meters in size 65 meters away from either side of a target. The two slabs of earth will then lurch forward at [Control] speed attempting to crush the target between them at [Control] strength. This technique is slow, but powerful, and tends to work better on bigger targets who have less wiggle room to dodge.

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Earth Corridor[/b][/color]
[i]A-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
After performing the correct hand seals the user will form a dome of earth at [Control] speed, up to 65 meters away. The dome has a diameter of 15 meters and it's walls are nearly a meter thick, having [Control] strength. This can be used defensively or to surround/trap an opponent in a location ideal for earth style techniques.

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Earth Flow Divide[/b][/color]
[i]S-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
Said to have split even mountains, after performing the correct hand seals the user will slam their palm down on the ground. Their chakra will violently rend the ground tearing it apart in 80 meter line [Control] speed and strength. The tearing is 5 meters wide and 7 meters deep, shooting dangerous rubble, rock, and everything on the ground into the surrounding air during the technique. Over all this causes great destruction and being even near the path of this technique is quite dangerous.

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Birth of a New Mountain[/b][/color]
[i]S-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
Myth says this technique was said to have been used by some of the worlds most skilled earth style shinobi over the course of that past eight-hundred years to create and shape the mountains of today. After performing the correct hand seals the user will hold the final seal and become immobile as they begin to form a mountain beneath them. Should the user break the last seal for any reason, the mountain will stop forming. The mountain forms with [Control] strength, making this extremely devastating to terrain and capable of rewriting entire maps. The mountain forms at a rate of 7 meters for length and 3 meters for height for every 10 points of control the user has put into the jutsu, per post, growing out from the user which is it's epicenter. This technique can be used for a maximum of 5 posts, however it is very rare for anyone to hold such a taxing technique for such an extended period of time, due to it taking the full amount of stamina from the technique. The mountain formed has a single peak, the rest of it being a ridge.

*[color=saddlebrown][b]Doton • Soften Ground[/b][/color]
[i]S-Rank Ninjutsu[/i]
After performing the correct hand seals the user will place their hands on the ground, channeling their chakra into it. Beyond a 2 meter diameter radius around the user, the earth in a 80 meter radius around them will soften into extremely fine dirt at [Control] speed and to a depth of 1.5 meters. Anyone caught in the pit will begin to sink rapidly, however those with at least 35 Speed will be fast enough to move before the fully begin to sink into the earth.
*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • Vortex Screw[/b][/color]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After doing the needed hand seals, the user creates a small vortex of Fuuton chakra around a projectile in their hand that spins with [Control] Strength. This causes the projectile to corkscrew through the air, allowing it to travel an extra 10m and applying the Fuuton passive when thrown. This doesn't make the projectile any faster, only increases its range and ability to cut.

*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • Enhanced Launch[/b][/color]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After doing the needed hand seals, the user gathers wind around their feet. Then, the user will use the wind to blast them from the ground, enabling them to leap into the air an extra 10 meters at [Control] speed. The Fuuton passive is not applied in this technique.

*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • Wind Skating[/b][/color]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the needed hand seals, the user is able to glide on air as if they were skating on ice. This allows them to move faster (+3 speed) but lowers their ability to translate force (-3 Strength). This doesn't allow them to fly, but rather to travel over things like land, water, and ice with greater ease. The user is only held several inches off of the ground. This Jutsu does not expire until the user’s chakra supply runs out or the user shuts it off. The fuuton passive is not applied in this technique.

*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • Redirection[/b][/color]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the needed hand seals, the user covers a projectile they are holding in fuuton empowered wind. Then, when the weapon has been thrown as normal, the user is able to change it's direction by up to 90 degrees once with no drop in momentum on the projectiles part. This technique only lasts one post.

*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • Wind Bullet[/b][/color]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the required hand seals, the user expels a basket ball sized ball of wind from their mouth. This ball of wind travels up to 10m at [Control] speed, and explodes with [Control] Strength on contact with solid matter or at the end of its range.

*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • Great Breakthrough[/b][/color]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
By performing the needed hand seals and bringing their hands to their mouth, the user can release a wide blast of air. This wave of air moves outward in a cone shape with a 25m width at the end of the cone and moves with [Control] Speed. Once it makes contact with a substance, the wind both cuts at it and pushes it away with [Control] strength. This blast goes out for a maximum of 25m if it doesn't hit anything, where it will dissipate into the surrounding air.

*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • Godly Mountain Wind[/b][/color]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
After forming the necessary hand seals, the user will thrust their hands forward as a vortex of wind blasts through with [Control] Speed. The vortex's direction can be controlled. The control, however, is limited; it can only be moved in a 45 degree angle, up to three times. A hit from this vortex packs a large push back force, though the person can avoid being pushed back with more than [Control] Strength. Control of this Jutsu fades after two posts and spans an area 3m wide and up to 25m in length. Direct hits result in long but shallow cuts on the victim's body, covering the whole radius of the techniques point of contact, no deeper than half an inch.

*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • Flying Swallow[/b][/color]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
After forming the necessary hand seals, the user coats their weapon in a vortex of wind. This extends the weapon's range by 1m while not adding anything to its weight for 5 posts. It also causes the weapon to gain an edge as sharp as your average sword. This also applies the fuuton passive with [Control] Strength on contact with an opponent.

*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • Wind Clone[/b][/color]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user will create a clone out of their fuuton chakra. This clone will have the users stats. It lasts for [Control/4] posts.

*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • Tornado Trap[/b][/color]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
The user will first perform the required hand seals and then gather wind around an opponent. This will form a tornado around them at [Control] Speed which extends 25m into the air and has a radius of 3m. The tornado will push back anything that touches it with [Control] Strength, while also cutting at whatever tries to push through as well as a kunai would with the same strength. This technique lasts for 4 posts.

*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • Pressure Damage[/b][/color]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
After making the required hand seals, the user will focus chakra into their mouth. They will release the wind chakra as a large sphere with a 10m radius at [Control] Speed, which has a maximum range of 40m. Should the target be hit within the first 20m, the attack will inflict the maximum amount of damage, causing a [Control] Strength explosion, spreading cutting winds capable of slicing close to the bone over the same area. Should they be struck in the last 20m, it will only apply [Control/2] Strength.

*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • Grand Whirlwind[/b][/color]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
Prerequisite: Some kind of Fan
After completing the needed hand seals, the user imbues their fan with chakra and waves it, launching multiple gusts of wind at an opponent at [Control] Speed. If the opponent cannot escape in time then the winds will circle them and rise into a tornado that continuously cuts the victim trapped inside. This will cause moderate to serious injuries depending on how long the victim remains trapped inside. This has a max range of 40m and the trapped victim can escape with [Control] Strength or higher. This Jutsu lasts a maximum of 3 posts.

*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • Vortex Pillar[/b][/color]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the required hand seals, the user stirs a great amount of wind around their person. A tornado with a 20m radius will form around them at [Control] Speed, extending up to 40m in the air. This wall of wind is perfect for defense or trapping an opponent in an enclosed area. Anything that tries to pass through the winds will be sliced viciously with [Control] Strength blades of wind as sharp as katana blades. This technique lasts for 4 posts, unless released earlier.

*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • Dragon's Tempest[/b][/color]
A-Ranked Ninjutsu
After forming the needed hand seals, a fierce whirlwind will radiate out from the user at [Control] Speed, surrounding the user with winds that will cut any opponent or object within range to pieces. There is a 2m radius around the user that would be the “eye of the storm.” If struck by this Jutsu the victims will face blades of wind that strike with [Control] Strength and can leave wounds and deep cuts. This Jutsu covers an area of 65m in all directions for 3 posts.

*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • Gentle Caress of Suffocation[/b][/color]
A-Ranked Ninjutsu
Once the user has performed the required hand seals, it is recommended that they take a deep breath. This is because their fuuton chakra will visibly surge outward to cover an area of 65m in all directions around their person. While this does not create a vaccuum or remove all the air, it does push specifically all of the oxygen out of the area and keeps it that way for 4 posts, though the duration can be extended if the final hand seal is held. Note that extending the duration will incur additional chakra costs. This technique causes all who remain within this area to lose 5 Endurance per post that they do not escape it. If they reach 0 Endurance, they will black out. The Endurance regenerates at a rate of 5 per post that they are outside of this technique's effect.

*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • Dragon's Deadly Descent[/b][/color]
S-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the correct hand seals the user will create a serpentine dragon of wind approximately 40m long and 20m in diameter. This dragon will move at [Control] Speed according to the user's will for 3 posts. While it does not have a hard skin, anything which it passes over will be exposed to incredibly strong blades of wind constantly roaring within it, which strike rapidly with [Control] Strength. These roaring blades of wind not only constantly sound like the intimidating roar of a dragon, but are sharp enough to cut through steel. The user cannot move while controlling the dragon, nor can they cast any other techniques. The dragon may only move up to 80 meters away from the user.

*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • The Last Breath[/b][/color]
S-Ranked Nintaijutsu
After performing the correct hand seals, the caster of this technique will coat a single one of their hands in a large amount of fuuton chakra. They will then have 2 posts to touch the chest of their target. It must be the chest that they touch. Once they do so, the fuuton chakra will pass through the target's body and transform the air in their lungs into blades, which will then puncture the target's lungs with [Control] Strength. This can almost definitely lead to the death of an opponent who is not treated almost immediately after being struck.

*[color=lightgreen][b]Fuuton • Big Bang Blast[/b][/color]
S-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the correct hand seals, the caster of this technique will be required to gather air into a golf-ball sized orb in their hand for a full post. During this time they are able to move as normal, they must simply wait for the air to gather. In their second post after casting this technique, the user will have a huge amount of heavily compressed air in their hand. They are then able to launch this orb at [Control] Speed up to 80m away. Once it comes into contact with something or reaches the end of its trajectory, it will explode with [Control] Strength.
[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Sand Projectiles][/color][/b]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
With the proper handseals performed, the user will gather a large amount of sand in their hands before throwing it outward as though it was a throwing weapon. The sand will launch forward with [Control] Speed and Strength, forming into a projectile as it flies up to 10m.

[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Sand Cloud][/color][/b]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After forming the necessary handseals, the user will take a deep breath before expelling a strong breath full of sand. The sand will then move over an area 10 meters around the user, creating a cloud of sand that floats for 3 posts before settling. Standing within the cloud causes skin irritation and can make it hard to see.

[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Sand Fist][/color][/b]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After forming the correct handseals, the user will gather sand around their hand requiring [Control] Strength to destroy. Anything they touch for the next 3 posts will have Sand's grinding effect applied to it, causing skin irritation and rashes to anyone they strike or grab.

[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Sand Pillar][/color][/b]
D Rank Ninjutsu
After forming the necessary seals, the user will channel their chakra into a 1 meter diameter area of sand underneath a target's feet, within 10 meters of the user. From this area, a 5 meter tall, 1 meter diameter pillar of sand will suddenly burst from the ground at [Control] Speed, striking and launching the target into the air with [Control] Strength. Regardless of whether the target is launched or not, they will suffer minor cuts and scrapes with sand in them, causing further irritation and pain, along with bruising from the impact of the pillar.

[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Sneak Attack][/color][/b]
D Rank Ninjutsu
The user will channel for a brief moment, then throw their hand forward. From their hand a small burst of sand will form, swarming around anything directly in front of their hand. This is often used to blind and surprise opponents to make a quick escape.

[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Desert Giant Spear][/color][/b]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
With the correct seals done, the user will hold their hand , forming sand into a sort of spear shaped projectile that is 3 meters long from their palm. This spear hovers beside the user before they form an extra handseal to launch it at their enemy, flying at [Control] Speed and Strength. It can cause deep slashes and pierce deep into an enemy, leaving sand in the wounds to cause further irritation and pain. This can travel up to 25 meters and lasts for three posts, or until it is used.

[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Sand Clone][/color][/b]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user will create a clone out of Sand. This clone will have the users stats. It lasts for [Control/5] posts.

[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Desert’s Spire][/color][/b]
C-Rank Ninjutsu
After forming the necessary handseals, the user will channel chakra into the sand in a 2 meter area beneath an opponent’s feet within 25 meters of them. After a moment, the sand in this area will violently burst from the ground and form an 8 meter tall spike of sand at [Control] Speed. This spike is capable of piercing an opponent’s body with [Control] Strength and leaving sand in the wounds it creates, causing irritation and pain of the wound. After the spire is formed it remain for 3 posts before turning back into sand.

[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Sand Wave][/color][/b]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
With the correct hand seals formed, the user will thrust their hands up, causing a wave of sand to form in front of them. The wave shoots up and travels forward at [Control] speed, enveloping anything in its path with [Control] strength, and traveling up to 25m before collapsing. The wave is only 2x2m in size, working mostly as an impromptu defense to capture projectile attacks.

[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Desert Tree][/color][/b]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
Prerequisite: [b][color=#FFA54F]*[Desert’s Spire][/color][/b]
After performing this technique’s prerequisite, the user can perform an additional set of hand seals and channel more chakra into the large spike of sand. In doing so, a plethora of smaller spikes will extend up to 10 meters in all directions at [Control] Speed and Strength. These spikes are just as sharp as the Desert’s Spire, capable of piercing an opponent and causing great irritation and pain to the wound by leaving sand in the wound. These spikes will last as long as the Desert Spire does, falling to normal sand along with the spire.

[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Sand Battle Clone][/color][/b]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
After forming handseals, the user creates a clone made of sand up to five feet away from their current position. When a ninja goes to attack the Sand Clone, they'll find that the malleability of the sand allows the blow to sink into the sand, which can then wrap itself around the limb to constrain the attacker, requiring a strength higher than the clones to break free from the clone. While it is holding an opponent with it's trapping ability, the clone ceases to function as a clone and instead becomes a trapping jutsu. This means it cannot do anything a clone could do (move, attack, etc) and the hold itself only lasts for 3 posts before the clone is destroyed. This clone will have the users stats. It lasts for [Control/5] posts.

[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Desert Coffin][/color][/b]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
After forming the needed handseals, the user will cause a small wave of sand to rise from the ground at their feet and roll towards the intended target with [Control] Speed up a total of 40 meters away. If the target doesn't avoid this jutsu they will be ensnared by sand that starts to wrap around their legs. The sand will then rise up to fully encase the target, holding the target in place for up to 3 posts unless they can break the sand with [Control] Strength or more. The entire time they're captured, the sand is grinding the target, causing extensive damage.

[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Quicksand Waterfall Flow][/color][/b]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
After forming the needed handseals, the user will expel a large amount of sand from their mouth. This will then expand towards a target area in the form of a wave, covering and crushing them in an ocean of sand. This travels with [Control] Speed, traveling a grand total of 40 meters. This wave is 15 meters tall, 20 meters wide, and 10 meters thick, and impacts with [Control] Strength, washing over it’s enemies and crushing them beneath the sand.

[color=#FFA54F][b]*[Desert Mortar][/b][/color]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
Forming the necessary handseals, the user channels a large amount of chakra into the ground beneath their feet, then slams their hands on the ground in front of them. In doing so, the user creates a 20 meter diameter sphere of sand that rockets into the air at a speed of 20, hovering 40 meters in the sky above for the rest of the post. Upon casting this jutsu, the user must select a specific target area for the sphere to land on, and this area cannot be changed. At the beginning of the sand user's next post, this sphere will descend on that target area at [Control], crashing into the ground with [Control] Strength, crushing anything in the immediate area before spreading out in a giant wave of sand in all directions. The wave impacts with [Control] strength, and spans 10 meters in all directions, starting from the edge of the initial impact area.

[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Armor of Sand][/color][/b]
A-Ranked Ninjutsu
After forming the necessary handseal, the user will cover themselves in a thin but heavily compacted layer of sand. This sand looks like the user and is indistinguishable from their skin in most ways normally, but when they are hit it will crack and chip off, with sand jumping out and enveloping whatever it touches, grinding at anything it touches. The armor can absorb impacts of up to [Control] strength. The sand armor will remain for up to 5 posts, and does not interfere with things such as creating hand seals due to how thin the shell is.

[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Desert Spike Barrage][/color][/b]
A-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals the user will thrust their hand forward, causing sand to jump up from the ground in front of them in the direction they're pointing, and blasting forward like a wave up to 65 meters. The wave is 20x20m and its front turns into a mass of 3m long spikes intend on crushing and grinding whatever comes in its wave to bits.

[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Desert Funeral][/color][/b]
A-Ranked Ninjutsu
Prerequisite: [b][color=#FFA54F]*[Desert Coffin][/color][/b]
After ensnaring their target within the Desert Coffin, the user will perform an additional set of hand seals, holding the final hand seal and constantly funneling chakra into it as it takes place. Upon completion the coffin will begin to crush the opponent during the first post and then the user may elect to cause spikes to pierce inwardly with [Control] Strength and Speed during the 2nd or later posts.

[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Desert Execution][/color][/b]
S-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the necessary handseals, the user will channel chakra into the sands around them, and this sand will start to gather up into the air in the shape of a sphere easily 30 meters in diameter. This giant sphere will then spread itself into a thin oval shape above the area, covering a total area of 80 meters before separating itself into a large number of 1-meter blades made of sand. All at once these blades will fall back to the ground at [Control] Speed and Strength, ravaging anyone that isn’t within the 3 meter safe zone around the user and cutting their bodies to ribbons.

[b][color=#FFA54F]*[Desert Prison][/color][/b]
S-Ranked Ninjutsu
A powerful capture method, the user will perform the needed hand seals and release their chakra into the ground, turning all the ground within an 40m radius of their body into loose sand at [Control] speed as they do so. The sand will begin grinding and churning, sucking in the terrain, and turning the ground into a sand pit. Anyone in the area with less than [Control] strength will be unable to resist being pulled into the ground, where the ground will begin to grind and tear into them. Any defenses that formed from the ground will be sucked into the sand pit as well, only adding to it's strength.

S-Ranked Ninjutsu
The user will do a series of hand seals, thrusting their hands into the air and then throwing them down. An intense wind will kick in, with it, in an 80m radius of the user a massive amount of sand will form in the air, swirling and twisting in the air up to 80m in the air. The sand will swirl with [Control] Speed for 5 posts, grinding down defenses, tearing into flesh, and destroying the environment with [Control] Strength. At the end of the 5 posts, the sand will die down, and the terrain will be completely devastated, devoid of anything that could have been destroyed. The user must remain perfectly still for the duration of this technique or they'll be sucked into the haboob themselves.
[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Hidden Needles][/color][/b]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the correct hand seals the user will focus chakra into their mouths and into up to five senbon within 10 meters of their position. The senbon will be summoned from their persons or nearby into the user's mouth, where they will be spit out aided by chakra at [Control] Strength and Speed. The senbon can be shot up to 10 meters away.

[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Chakra Burst][/color][/b]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After channeling chakra into one of their fists, the user will then attempt to strike their target and if successful, they will release additional concussive force in the form of an outward explosion with [Control] Strength from their fist. If the user does not strike a target within 3 posts the jutsu dissipates.

[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Tracking Device][/color][/b]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the correct hand seals the user will coat one of their hairs in chakra. Once this has been done, they will place it on their target. The user can track the exact location of the strand of hair for up to 10 meters. For up to 20 meters out, the user can track a rough location. From then out to 100 meters, the user just gets a general direction of where the opponent is. The chakra in the hair will dissipate at the end of 6 posts.

[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Wall][/color][/b]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the correct hand seals the user causes a thin 3x3x1 meter flat barrier to form within 10 meters of them at [Control] Speed and has [Control] Strength. It lasts for 3 posts.

[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Sensory Deprivation: Sight][/color][/b]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
A technique used for a variety of purposes, each unique to the user's needs, the user channels chakra over their eyes. This chakra will act as though it were solid, rendering the user blind until it is dispelled. This can be held as long as the user has chakra, but once it has ended, it has a cool-down period of 2 posts before it can be used again.

[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Binding][/color][/b]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the correct hand seals the user will focus chakra into a rope, wire, or a similar object in their possession. The object will then lash out at a target at [Control] Speed for up to 25 meters attempting to then coil around them and bind them. After coiling around the target, the chakra will cause the object to harden to [Control] Strength. After 4 posts the chakra will run out and the bind will break.

[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Multiple Chakra Kai][/color][/b]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
Despite requiring both hands and more time than *[color=#80A0FF][Basic Jutsu • Chakra Kai][/color], Multiple Chakra Kai allows the user to activate up to five objects simultaneously, up to 25 meters away.

[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Barrier][/color][/b]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the correct hand seals the user forms a 5x5x5m barrier around a target up to 25m away from their position. The barrier forms at [Control] Speed, has [Control] Strength, and lasts 4 posts before fading away.

[b]*[color=#80A0FF]Ninjutsu • Spiritualism Technique][/color][/b]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
The base technique for summoning, the Spiritualism Technique allows users to bring forth their summons to fight on their behalf. Once an agreement has been made between the user and their summon, they will be able to use this technique to call upon it at any time unless stated otherwise. The chakra used for this technique varies, as it is dependent on the size and rank of what is being summoned. Once it has been summoned, the initial cost of the summon is equivalent to its rank. It is paid upon being summoned and then the same cost is paid as often as follows:
  • D-Rank: Free to maintain once summoned.
  • C-rank: 10 posts
  • B-rank: 9 Posts
  • A-rank: 7 Posts
  • S-rank: 5 posts
[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Advanced Transformation Technique][/color][/b]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
An advanced form of the Transformation Technique, after performing the correct hand seals and holding the final one temporarily, the user will coat and mold chakra around their body into the shape and form of something or someone which is no more than twice their size. This technique's true advantage is that the disguise is given physical substance. This means, for example, if they transform into something with claws, they will have claws that can physically be used. For the disguises 5 post duration, if it is damaged by a hit of more than [Control] Strength, the disguise "poofs" from existence. This includes collateral damage caused by striking an opponent that may occur to the disguise.

[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Rattrap][/color][/b]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the correct hand seals the user will imbue an item with their chakra that is no larger than a basketball. The next thing to touch the object within 3 posts will feel the chakra lurch off the object, surging into their body and overwhelming them. For those with less than [Control] Strength they will find themselves immobile for the next 5 posts. If the target that touches the object has [Control] or higher Strength, they will find themselves unaffected.

[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Underworld Guardian Spikes][/color][/b]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the correct hand seals the user will cause their hair to rapidly grow and cocoon their body for protection. The hair does this with [Control] Speed, and when done, will have formed thick layers of rigid hair to protect the user with [Control] Strength. Upon completely cocooning the user, the hair disconnects from the user's hair, leaving it at it's original length.

[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Palm-Top Cannon][/color][/b]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
After the user has channeled a massive amount of chakra into the palm of their hand, the user releases the massive amount completely raw without any form of manipulation, releasing a blast of chakra outward from their hand in a 40 meter long, 10 meter diameter cone at [Control] Speed and Strength. Though seemingly simple, this technique can be coupled with loose objects in the air or thrown by the other hand, such as shuriken or a variety of different materials, to launch them at the techniques strength.

[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Trash Compactor][/color][/b]
A-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the correct hand seals the user will cause their existing barrier to compact at [Control] Speed and Strength, shrinking as it's walls push in and caught whatever is inside, before dissipating completely.

[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Body Flicker Technique][/color][/b]
A-Ranked Nintaijutsu
After channeling chakra into their body, the user enhances their movement to attack or retreat suddenly, the ninja almost instantly moves up to 65 meters on the ground in a single straight direction. While doing this, the ninja cannot move through anything or anyone, nor can they supplement it with an attack of any kind. After the quick movement has stopped, there is a brief pause where the user must recover from the movement. Even though it's not a full teleportation, this jutsu uses up one of the 2 teleportations a character can use in a single thread.

[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Shadow Clone Technique][/color][/b]
A-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the correct hand seals the user proceeds to create a number of clones of themselves (maximum is equal to 1/3rd the users Chakra Pool). Unlike the Clone Technique, these clones are actual copies of the user in both appearance and substance. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing jutsu on their own, be given complex commands, caught in genjutsu, and can even bleed, but they will usually disperse after one or two solid blows. The clones will be created in roughly the same condition as the original and any experience the clones gain during their existence is transferred to the user once they are dispersed. Given that the clones are an exact replica of the user, they share the same stats except for Chakra Pool, which is determined by the number of clones presently in effect.

[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Advanced Shadow Clone Technique][/color][/b]
S-Ranked Ninjutsu
[b]Prerequisite:[/b] [b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Shadow Clone Technique][/color][/b]
After performing the correct hand seals the user proceeds to create a number of clones of themselves (maximum is equal to 1/3rd the user's Chakra Pool). Unlike the Clone Technique, these clones are actual copies of the user in both appearance and substance. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing jutsu on their own, be given complex commands, caught in genjutsu, and can even bleed, but they will usually disperse after one or two solid blows. The clones will be created in roughly the same condition as the original and any experience the clones gain during their existence is transferred to the user once they are dispersed. Given that the clones are an exact replica of the user, they share the same stats except for Chakra Pool, which is determined by the number of clones presently in effect. The advantage of this form of the technique is that once dispersed, the chakra distributed to the clones returns to the user, allowing any un-used chakra to be regained, slowing the draining usage of this technique. The chakra returns to the user at a different rate depending on the user's control.
  • 1-15 Control: 1/5
  • 16-25: 2/5
  • 26-35: 3/5
  • 36+: 4/5
[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Shadow Assassination Technique][/color][/b]
S-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the correct hand seals the user will disguise themselves in a process similar to the transformation technique, "flattening" themselves and causing them to appear like a semi-opaque solid black image of their flattened self, giving off the visual illusion they are a shadow. The user may then send themselves flying to a nearby target's shadow, within 80 meters, at [Control] Speed. If successful, they will mirror themselves in the users shadow so that they may follow them for up to 5 posts. At any point if the users attempts to attack, the disguise will be released, causing a "poof " of smoke. This jutsu uses up one of the 2 teleportations a character can use in a single thread.

[b]*[color=#80A0FF][Ninjutsu • Reflect][/color][/b]
S-Ranked Ninjutsu
After doing the needed hand seals, the users creates a 30x30 meter flat barrier that is concave to them. It forms directly in front of them at [Control] Speed and whenever a technique hits the barrier, if the barrier survives, a moment later the barrier will reflect the technique back at it's point of origin. This barrier can be broken by an attacker stronger than [Control] Strength or if 5 posts pass.
Storage & ForceShow
*Fuuinjutsu • Tool Storage
D-Rank Storage Fuuinjutsu
After drawing a seal formula on a surface, appropriate in size to the weapon being sealed but no larger than 3x9 inches, the user forms the needed channelling then may place as many of that singular object into the scroll as desired. When done, the user performs another set of channelling and touches the seal closing it off as the seal condenses to the shape of the object stored. This seal is the only known sealing applications that allows depth storage and unfortunately this cannot be done at larger sizes. Tools can only be released at a maximum of 10 at a time, and are released with zero force.

*Fuuinjutsu • Explosive Tag
D-Rank Force Fuuinjutsu
After drawing an 2x5 inch seal formula on a surface the user forms the needed channelling then touches the seal, arming it with their chakra. Upon being kai'd, the tag releases it's stored energy as a D-Rank Explosion of concussive force outward from itself.

*Fuuinjutsu • Minor Weapon Defense
D-Rank Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu
By having an empty scroll with a seal formula placed on it, the user is able to use the seal as a defensive measure. Holding a single, one-handed hand seal, the user attempts to block the incoming small sized weapon (kunai or smaller) with the scroll. Right before contact is actually made, the weapon will be sealed into the seal. This seal cannot be used multiple times, and if the incoming projectile has more than 5 strength, it will overpower it, making the technique useless.

*Fuuinjutsu • Tattoo
D-Rank Storage Fuuinjutsu
Developed for clandestine operations originally, instead of using ink and paper, the user draws a seal onto their body the size of the item they are sealing into their body. Upon doing a set of channelling, the user then slides the item into the tattoo and performs a second seal, causing the seal to go dormant. When kai'd the seal releases the stored item.

*Fuuinjutsu • Storage Strike
C-Rank Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu
Used in conjunction with storage seals, the user forms the needed channelling then touches the storage seal causing it to release up to three of the objects stored in it simultaneously, as if they were thrown at a strength of 10. The three objects will be released in a small spread, only a few inches apart from each other.

*Fuuinjutsu • Large Storage
B-Rank Storage Fuuinjutsu
After drawing a seal formula on a surface, up to 7x7 meters in size the user forms the needed channelling and stores one singular object within the scroll. When done, the user performs another set of channelling and touches the seal closing it off as the seal condenses to the shape of the object stored. In order to retrieve any stored objects a separate technique is required.

*Fuuinjutsu • Projectile Defense Formation
B-Rank Storage Fuuinjutsu
By having an empty scroll with a seal formula placed on it, approximately 3 meters in diameter, the user is able to use the seal as a defensive measure. Holding the seal and it's surface in one-hand, and signing a set of channelling with the other. Right before contact, the user then performs another seal with their free hand causing the seal to pull in any incoming objects in a 4 meter long cone with a 6 meter diameter from the seal at a strength of 20. When the objects are pulled into the seal, it will close, finishing the technique. This seal cannot be used multiple times, and if the incoming projectile has more than 20 strength, it will overpower it, making the technique useless.

*Fuuinjutsu • Temple Trap
A-Rank Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu
After drawing a 2 meter radius seal on the ground, the user will perform a set of channelling, then drop Kunai and other projectiles into the seal up to however many they can fit in the seal. After another set of channelling, the projectiles sink into the seals and the seal arms. At any point, if any pressure touches the trap, it will release and fire out all the projectiles stored within simultaneously in an upward direction with a strength of 25.
Augment & ChargeShow
*Fuuinjutsu • Air Seal
D-Rank Charge Fuuinjutsu
A truly unique move in that it can be used alongside other Fuuinjutsu, by channeling into their finger as they draw in the air directly in front of them, the user releases raw chakra the lingers for a small amount of time, allowing it to be used as a seal formula. This technique consumes chakra equal to the cost of the technique.

*Fuuinjutsu • Barrier Trap
D-Rank Charge Fuuinjutsu
After placing four exploding tags in a 10 meter radius, the user draws a line connecting each of the tags. When kai'd, all the tags are set off simultaneously.

*Fuuinjutsu • Ranged Air Seal
C-Rank Ranged Charge Fuuinjutsu
Prereq: 19 Ninjutsu, Ranged Fuuinjutsu
By focusing on an area of air within a 10 meter radius, Hito is able to create a seal of chakra. This blue chakra must be in an area that is visible to Hito the entire time he's creating the seal and must be used alongside another fuuinjutsu to give it any kind of effect. The chakra seal is created at a speed equal to the user's control with a max of 38. Once created, the chakra seal lasts for up to six posts or until activated.

*Fuuinjutsu • Ranged Seal
C-Rank Ranged Charge Fuuinjutsu
Prereq: 19 Ninjutsu, Ranged Fuuinjutsu
By focusing on a surface within a 10 meter radius, Hito is able to create a seal of chakra that binds to the surface. This blue chakra must be in an area that is visible to Hito the entire time he's creating the seal and must be used alongside another fuuinjutsu to give it any kind of effect. The chakra seal is created at a speed equal to the user's control with a max of 38. Once created, the chakra seal lasts for as long as the surface does or until the seal is activated.

*Fuuinjutsu • Ranged Doton Seal
C-Rank Ranged Charge Fuuinjutsu
Prereq: 19 Ninjutsu, Ranged Fuuinjutsu, Doton
By focusing on an earthen surface within a 10 meter radius, Hito is able to essentially carve a seal into that surface. This area must be visible to Hito the entire time he's creating the seal and must be used alongside another fuuinjutsu to give it any kind of effect. The seal is created at a speed equal to the user's control with a max of 38. Once created, the seal lasts for as long as the surface does or until the seal is activated.

*Fuuinjutsu • Four Seal Barrier Formation
C-Rank Charge Fuuinjutsu
After drawing 4 approximately 2x5 inch surfaces, the user forms a set of channelling arming the tags. When finished, they will place the tags into a square formation up to 15x15 meters in size. After setting the seals in their desired locations, the user may kai any one of the seals at anytime to activate the jutsu, causing a barrier the size of the formation to pop up around the area in-between at a speed of 8. The barrier has a strength of 12.

*Fuuinjutsu • Endure
C-Rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
By doing the needed channelling, the ninja inscribes the fuuinjutsu onto a surface (non-organic). This seal releases chakra into the structure, strengthening it to a durability of 10. If the object is stronger than 10, there is no effect. This effect persists as long as the seal does, or the item is intact.

*Fuuinjutsu • Link
C-Rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
By placing a small seal behind the ear and on the inside of the lip, then performing a short set of channelling, the user creates an audio link between themselves and any targets they personally place this seal combination on. While hearing is always active, channeling chakra into the seal allows effected targets to speak, their words being stored and transmitted to the other seals.

*Fuuinjutsu • Mute
B-Rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
The user will draw a small, 5inch by 5inch seal on their target, completely removing their ability to speak until the seal is removed or deactivated.

*Fuuinjutsu • Five Element Seal
A-Rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
After drawing a seal formula consisting of the a 1-inch sized kanji character of each element on a target, the user forms the needed hand seals then touches the seal, arming it. This seals off certain points of the target's tenketsu, disturbing their chakra flow and blocking it, essentially making the target incapable of utilizing their chakra for jutsu as long as the seal is on them.

*Fuuinjutsu • To the Grave
A-Rank Charge Fuuinjutsu
The user will draw a fuuinjutsu, then activate it. From the fuuinjutsu, 6 tentacles of chakra will lash out, reaching for the nearest life form, that isn't the user, within 15m of the fuuin.The tentacles move at 20 speed, and grab onto things with 30 strength. Once they get a hold of someone, they'll pull them back towards the fuuin, where they hold the target for 5 posts. During the entire time the tentacles are holding the target, they wriggle and crush with 30 strength, doing their best to break bones in the target.

*Fuuinjutsu • Scarlet Fever
S-Rank Charge Fuuinjutsu
The user will draw a series of seals, each 1m in diameter, to form a square. Once activated, the jutsu will create a perimeter. Within the perimeter, no one is able to hear or see anything, and is completely unable to talk. Exiting the perimeter immediately returns these senses, however. This perimeter remains in place for 10 posts, but destroying one of the seals will deactivate it.

*Fuuinjutsu • Drain
S-Rank Augment Fuuinjutu]su
Prerequisite:: 40 Ninjutsu, 45 Control
The user will draw this seal on their target, most commonly the back of their neck. When activated, the fuuin reduces the targets strength by 18.
*D-Rank Seal Removal
D-Rank Removal Fuuinjutsu
Prerequisite: 5 D-Rank Fuuinjutsu
After performing the correct channelling, the user traces the outline of a D-Rank fuuinjutsu. After doing so, the user places their hand over the seal, removing the seal. This does not protect against any traps that may occur as a result of removing a seal.

*Seal Analysis
C-Rank Removal Fuuinjutsu
Prerequisite: 1 S-Rank Fuuinjutsu
Fuuinjutsu is an extremely formulaic style of jutsu, the seal itself almost forming a "source code" of sorts to the actual purpose of the seal. After the appropriate channelling, the user will touch the seal, scanning it carefully with their chakra and analyzing the handiwork of the seal. Due to the complexity of seals, it takes a significant amount of time to tell more than the rank and whether or not a seal may have negatives to being removed. Outside of combat however, where time is a plenty, adept fuuinjutsu user can study a seal in depth learning most of it's secrets.
*Recycle Space: Projectile
C-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
After throwing a projectile the user will do a short proper channelling, ending with a single finger pointing at the small projectile(kunai, shuriken, etc.). Spontaneously a second projectile will form anywhere within 1m of the projectile in motion, moving at the same speed and strength as the original. After 3 posts the weapon will disappear as the universe self corrects.

*Close Space: Anchor
C-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
The user will do a proper channelling, then touch an object they’ve turned into an anchor. The anchor will then close, no longer acting as a means to move through space.

*Open Time: Resume
C-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
The user will do a proper channelling, then focus on anything they’ve Closed Time on. Time will resume for that target, no longer Closed.

*Tighten Space: Displacement
B-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
The user will do a proper channelling, then focus on a 30x5m area. Anything within this space will become slightly distorted. Any time in the following 3 posts, if anything passes through this area the user will focus, causing the area to rapidly tighten at a speed of 20. After a brief moment, the area will return to it’s original form, but anything that was passing within the area can be displaced from its original location. This allows the user to change the trajectory of weapons, or even people.

*Tighten Time: Deteriorate
B-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
The user will do a proper channelling, then focus on a ninjutsu within 10m of their person. Any posts counts on that ninjutsu will be sped up by 4 posts. Should this go beyond the limit for that ninjutsu, it will end as it would had it reached completion.

*Expand Time: Coagulation
B-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
Focusing on a bleeding wound on themselves or someone else, the user will do a proper channelling, then place their hand on the wound. Time around the wound will expand for 4 posts, halving the rate in which time flows for those 4 posts. This may give someone infected by a poison, or suffering from a major wound a longer chance to respond or seek treatment.

*Expand Space: Tail
B-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
The user will do a proper channelling, focusing on the area immediately behind them. As the user moves, a 20m wide stretch of area behind them will expand at half the rate they’re moving, for as far as they travel. This jutsu lasts only for 2 posts, after which the area that was expanded will reduce back to it’s normal size, closing the distance between them. Oftentimes, however, this additional distance can be enough to allow the user to escape before it’s closed. Because it expands at half the rate they’re moving, anyone or anything within the space is slowed down by half the user’s speed (i.e; 40 speed reduces everything by 20 speed).

*Recycle Time: Replay
A-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
Having used a contact based technique in the past post, if the user fail or misses their target, they can perform this jutsu to recycle time by a single post, resetting everything to how it was prior to them attempting the technique. This allows them to attack again, with the knowledge of how their opponent intends on dodging.

*Open Space: Seeking Truth
A-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
The user will do a proper channelling, then reach out into the air in front of them and physically grab “space” pulling apart their two hands to tear apart Space right in front of them up to 3x3 meters. This tear is new, and will cause the universe to self correct and make a personal realm for the user. This technique is required for the user to have any techniques that involve the use of a personal realm. This technique can only be used once to create a personal realm, but can be used repeatedly in order to enter that realm. An Architect using this technique within their realm will merit no reaction, while using it within someone else’s realm will allow the user to enter their own. Specifics on the Realm can be found within the Jikukan spoiler.

*Erase Space: Drought
A-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
The user will do a proper channelling, then come in contact with a body of water no larger than 10x10x10m in size. The moment they come in contact with it, the body of water will vanish, regardless of it’s speed, strength or temperature, having absolutely no impact on the user. 5 posts after the application of this technique, a short rain will appear from nowhere for 2 posts. The targeted body of water can be naturally occurring, the byproduct of a jutsu, or a jutsu in motion itself.

*Recycle & Open Space: True Link
A-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
The user will do a proper channelling then place one hand on an any object small enough to fit in their grasp. Upon doing so, they will Recycle Space, creating an exact duplicate of that object. The duplicate of said object will act as an Anchor, turning both objects into links to each other. Should any party aside from the Architect come in contact with either anchor, they’ll be instantly transported to the other Anchor either a) they elect to or b) their control is less than the control of the Architect. The Architect can opt to use the Anchor at any point as well, should they so choose.

*Tighten Space: Step
A-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
The user will do a proper channelling, then focus on a location within 50m in front of them. There can be no obstructions, to include people, in this 50m range. Once they’ve targeted the location, they’ll take a step forward. The space between their current location and target location will rapidly tighten at 25 speed, allowing them to take a single step to cover the distance, then return to normal.

*Close Time: Mist
S-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
The user will do a proper channelling, then throw their arms into the air. For the next 4 posts, everything airborne within a 30m radius of the user will have time closed around it. This means for jutsu, their post counts are paused. This technique includes jutsu, particulates, and projectiles of all forms. Everything is Closed by it’s strength, and requires more than it’s strength in order to move it. This means that particulates which are suspended purely by their weight, are easy to move through, by weapons which are thrown at a strength, would required more strength than that to move beyond it. At the end of the 4 posts, Time will Open and everything will resume as it was.
[b]*[Puppetry Style • String Trap Technique][/b]
D-Rank Ninjutsu
After using chakra strings, the puppeteer is able to attach them to objects, then solidify pieces of the string as someone is passing by, causing them to trip if they don’t notice the invisible wires.

[b]*[Puppetry Style • Puppet Ventriloquism Technique][/b]
D-Rank Ninjutsu
A fairly simple jutsu, this one uses the strings of chakra to carry the puppeteer's voice to the puppet, so it will sound as if the puppet is talking when in reality it is the puppeteer's words. If it is equipped with a sound vibrating device, the voice can also be changed to whatever the user wishes it to be.

[b]*[Puppetry Style • String Toggle Technique][/b]
D-Rank Ninjutsu
By releasing less chakra into his chakra strings, the user is effectively able to 'turn off' some of his chakra strings, giving them no ability to pull or retract anything. In order to accommodate this, the strings will lengthen and shorten so they don't react to anything that they are attached to. The strings can be reactivated by putting a bit of chakra into them, letting the user use them again. This can also be used to attach wires to someone, and then deactivate the wires so they aren't able to feel the wires at all until they are needed. The strings can still be removed as if they were on, though.

[b]*[Puppetry Style • Puppet Transformation Technique][/b]
D-Rank Ninjutsu
Much like the original Transformation Jutsu, the puppeteer does the needed handseals and causes their puppet to take on the appearance of their own body and their own body into the appearance of their puppet. By consistently emitting chakra throughout their body, the user is able to keep their appearance adjusted at the cost of their Chakra Pool draining over time. As this technique is quite strenuous to uphold, experienced shinobi may see more clearly through this delusive disguise. This technique lasts for a number of posts equal to that of the user's Chakra Pool.

[b]*[Puppetry Style • Puppet Change of Body Stance Technique][/b]
D-Rank Ninjutsu
After completing the necessary handseals, the user is able to quickly substitute his/her body with one of their puppets. This substitution allows the object to take the force of the attack that was meant for the user, additionally allowing the user to create distance between him/her and the opponent. This technique may only be used a total of two (2) times in a single thread, counting towards the (2) teleportation limit.

[b]*[Puppetry Style • Initiate Puppetry Technique][/b]
C-Rank Ninjutsu
The Puppetry Technique is a Ninjutsu technique used by puppeteers. By releasing chakra from their tenketsu, the puppeteer is able to release chakra strings from their finger. These strings are able to move 25 meters. This jutsu allows the puppeteer to attach their chakra strings to inanimate, chakra-less objects at [Control] Speed. While an inanimate object is being controlled, it’s treated as if it has a speed equal to the puppeteer’s control.

[b]*[Puppetry Style • Manipulate Advancing Blades][/b]
C-Rank Ninjutsu
[b]Prerequisite:[/b] [b]*[Initiate Puppetry Technique][/b]
By attaching multiple chakra strings to their kunai, the puppeteer is able to hover multiple kunai around them before throwing them all forward. The puppeteer is able to hold an amount of kunai equal to their [Control].

[b]*[Puppetry Style • Puppet Invisibility Technique][/b]
C-Rank Ninjutsu
By channeling chakra to a puppet, the puppeteer is able to form a chakra coating over the puppet. This coating causes the puppet to become completely invisible as long as every piece of the puppet is completely still. Once the puppet moves, it becomes fully visible.

[b][color=saddlebrown]*[Doton Puppetry • Puppet Earth Concealment Technique][/color][/b]
C-Rank Ninjutsu
[b]Prerequisite: Doton[/b]
By channeling doton chakra to their puppet, the puppeteer causes the puppet to be absorbed by the ground, as long as it’s on soft ground or sand, rather than rocks, concrete, or anything metal. Once underground, the puppet is able to reappear and surprise opponents.

[b]*[Puppetry Style • Puppet Senses][/b]
C-Rank Ninjutsu
[b]Required: *[Puppetry Style • Initiate Puppetry Technique][/b]
By connecting a chakra string from a part of a puppet or person, the puppeteer is able to transfer their senses from their body to whichever part the strings are connected to on the puppet or human. This allows the puppeteer from ‘see’ and ‘hear’ from the perspective of what is connected to the string.

*[b][Puppetry Style • Storage: Puppet][/b]
C-Rank Fuuinjutsu
[b]Prerequisite: 5 Control[/b]
By writing out the needed fuuinjutsu on a scroll, the user is able to seal puppets into scrolls. Unlike other storage fuuin, this is able to store much more. However, whenever the puppet is removed, the user is only able to connect their chakra strings to the puppet and are unable to use any non-puppetry jutsu for the rest of the post. Puppets can't be sealed this way in combat.

[b]*[Puppetry Style • Advanced Puppetry Technique][/b]
B-Rank Ninjutsu
[b]Prerequisite:[/b] [b]*[Puppetry Style • Initiate Puppetry Technique][/b]
Master Puppetry is a Ninjutsu technique used by puppeteers. By releasing chakra from their tenketsu, the puppeteer is able to release chakra strings from their finger. These strings are able to move 40 meters away. This jutsu allows the puppeteer to attach their chakra strings to humans or animals arms and legs at [Control] Speed, using every part of the puppet to its max potential. In order to break out from this technique, the target must be willing to break out and at least [Control] strength to resist the strings. While being controlled, the target is unable to move on their own and the puppeteer can move their arms and legs in any natural way.

[b]*[Puppetry Style • Puppet Separation Technique][/b]
B-Rank Ninjutsu
[b]Prerequisite: Puppet with detachable parts.[/b]
This is a Ninjutsu technique used by puppet masters. The ability to control a multitude of separate objects with chakra strings is a difficult one, but once mastered it can be most useful. That way, the puppeteer is able not only to give his puppet a better chance to avoid attacks by simply separating its various parts, but also the ability to attack an enemy from several angles all at once.

[b]*[Puppetry Style • Perfection of Puppetry Technique][/b]
A-Rank Ninjutsu
[b]Prerequisite: [/b][b]*[Puppetry Style • Advanced Puppetry Technique][/b]
Perfection of Puppetry is a Ninjutsu technique used by puppeteers. By releasing chakra from their tenketsu, the puppeteer is able to release chakra strings from their finger. These strings are able to move 65 meters away. This jutsu allows the puppeteer to attach their chakra strings to humans or animals arms and legs at [Control] Speed, using every part of the puppet to its max potential. In order to break out from this technique, the target must be willing to break out and have at least [Control] strength to resist the puppeteer’s control. While being controlled, the target is unable to move on their own and the puppeteer can move their arms and legs in any way.
*[color=#8C004C][b]Shizumeru • [Flare][/b][/color]
[i]C-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
[i]Prerequisite: Sensory Concentration[/i]
After performing the necessary hand seals the user will then place his palm against a target. If the target is imbued/possessed with the power of a spirit their hand will visibly flare up with [color=#8C004C][b]Maroon[/b][/color] chakra.

*[color=#8C004C][b]Shizumeru • [Vision of Spirits][/b][/color]
[i]C-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
[i]Pre-Requisite: Sensory Concentration[/i]
After performing the needed hand seals, the user focuses chakra to their eyes, causing [color=#8C004C][b]Maroon[/b][/color] chakra to flare up around their eyes. This allows the user to see the chakra of spirits and spirit related objects/people as an aura of [color=#8C004C][b]Maroon[/b][/color]. While useful for a quick glance, it can be used up to [Chakra Pool]/5 posts, before needing to be refreshed.

*[color=#8C004C][b]Shizumeru • [Voice of Spirits][/b][/color]
[i]C-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
After performing the needed hand seals and focusing chakra into their hand, the user places their hand on the head of a Spirit host, or on the object containing a spirit. This allows them to speak directly to the spirit in a telepathic link.

*[color=#8C004C][b]Shizumeru • [Containing Spirits][/b][/color]
[i]C-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
After doing the needed hand seals, the user will create a 10x10x10m barrier at [Control] Speed with [Control] Strength. This barrier is created of pure [color=#8C004C][b]Maroon[/b][/color] chakra and will only stop things that are related to spirits, normally jinchuuriki. As a result, those that are stopped by the barrier are unable to make their way through unless they can break it. Those untainted by spirits are able to pass through the barrier at their leisure. This barrier lasts for 4 posts.

*[color=#8C004C][b]Spirit Binding • [Seishin Kanri][/b][/color]
[i]C-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
After preforming the necessary hand seals, the user shoots out a chain of [color=#8C004C][b]Maroon[/b][/color] Chakra at [Control] Speed & Strength that wraps around a spirit. If the spirit stays sealed within this chain for 4 posts, the spirit is subjected to the control of the user of the technique, regardless of contracts up to 4 posts. If the spirit has more Strength than the chain, it can be easily broken free of. This jutsu can only be used on similar and lower-ranked spirits.
*[color=#8C004C][b]Shizumeru • [Unconnected Connection][/b][/color]
[i]B-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
After performing the needed hand seals, the user focuses chakra into their body, giving them a slight [color=#8C004C][b]Maroon[/b][/color] glow. For the next 10 posts, whenever they speak, they are able to communicate with Spirits of all sorts, including those inside of jinchuuriki.

*[color=#8C004C][b]Shizumeru • [Intention of Spirits][/b][/color]
[i]B-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
[i]Prerequisite: Sensory Concentration[/i]
After performing the needed hand seals, the user focuses chakra, causing the [color=#8C004C][b]Maroon[/b][/color] chakra to flare up around their eyes. This allows the user to see the chakra of spirits and spirit related objects/people as an aura of [color=#8C004C][b]Maroon[/b][/color]. Additionally, they are able to see how the spirit is interacting with and influencing their host, be it a jinchuuriki, or a joruri. While useful for a quick glance, it can be used up to [Chakra Pool]/5 posts, before needing to be refreshed.

*[color=#8C004C][b]Ochiiru • [Minor Possession Removal][/b][/color]
[i]B-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
After performing the needed hand seals, the user will place their hand on an object that is being possessed by a spirit, such as a joruri. Over the course of a full post, the spirit will be pushed from the object unless its Control is equal or greater than the users.

*[color=#8C004C][b]Kuchiyose • [Numa Seitai][/b][/color]
[i]B-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
After preforming the needed hand seals, the user summons an area up to 20x20x20 meters that lasts for 5 posts. This barrier creates a swamp overlay transferred from the spirit realm, that is layered with a thick heavy bog, and the sound of muck bubbling up due to carbonation. This allows the user to summon spirits cost free at the cost of one lump sum of chakra up-front.
*[color=#8C004C][b]Shizumeru • [Grasp of Authority][/b][/color]
[i]A-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
After performing a set of hand seals, the user focuses chakra towards their hand. A chain made of [color=#8C004C][b]Maroon[/b][/color] chakra will shoot from their palm towards the target with [Control] Speed and Strength. If it hits a spirit, a jinchuuriki, tsukimogami, or other such being, the chain will wrap around them and bind their arms to their sides. These chains cling to the chakra of the Spirit itself and are unable to be broken through physical means. If the target has a Mastery stat or a Spirit has a Strength greater than the users Control, they are able to break the binding. If the chains are able to stay on their target, they will drain away -6 Mastery from hosts or -6 Strength from Spirits until broken free of and for 3 posts thereafter.

*[color=#8C004C][b]Spirit Binding • [Domesticating the Beast][/b][/color]
[i]A-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
After preforming the necessary hand seals, the user places their hand over the spirit as they flood their chakra for an entire post. If the spirit has a control stat higher than the user's, then the spirit will resist the claim. If they do not, they will be bound to the user, and are able to be summoned at any time at the will of the user and have to obey their every command. This jutsu is effective on similar and lower-ranked spirits.
*[color=#8C004C][b]Ochiiru • [Temporary Housing][/b][/color]
[i]S-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
[i]Prerequisite: Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu Concentration[/i]
After doing the needed hand seals and writing the correct seals or having them premade on a storage device (such as a pot), the user is able to take advantage of a spirit, even the legendary Genma, that has been recently ejected from a host/object or one that has been defeated. As long as this jutsu is used the post after the spirit was ejected/defeated, the fuuinjutsu consumes the spirit, trapping them inside until the seal is broken or it is purposefully released.

*[color=#8C004C][b]Ochiiru • [Tsukimogami Creation][/b][/color]
[i]S-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
[i]Prerequisite: Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu Concentration[/i]
After doing the needed hand seals, while having the *Shizumeru • [Temporary Housing] of a spirit close by, the user will attempt to seal the spirit within an object as long as the users Control is greater than the spirits Chakra Pool. By writing a seal onto the object, the spirit will then be sealed within the object and imbue it with a portion of their power. This cannot be used in combat and cannot bind more than one spirit to an item.

*[color=#8C004C][b]Shizumeru • [Complete Dominion][/b][/color]
[i]S-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
[i]Prerequisite: 45 Control, Augment Fuuinjutsu Concentration[/i]
By placing the correct seals on the person and placing their hand making contact onto a spirit or a spiritual being, and then by performing "Chakra Kai", the caster is able to temporarily stop the spirit from influencing an object that it is possessing or sealed into, prohibiting the ability for the host to call upon the spirit's chakra until the seal is broken or removed with Fuuinjutsu Removal.

*[color=#8C004C][b]Ochiiru • [Jinchuuriki Creation][/b][/color]
[i]S-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
[i]Prerequisite: 45 Control, Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu Concentration, (optional) multiple people[/i]
After doing the needed hand seals, while having the *[color=#8C004C][b]Shizumeru • [Temporary Housing][/b][/color] of a spirit close by, the user will attempt to seal the spirit within a living host. By writing a seal onto the host, the spirit will then be sealed within the host. Users with less than 40 Chakra Pool who attempt to perform this jutsu will die after its completion. However if the user has additional help, they can use an additional person to supplement the Chakra Pool they do not have as long as the grand total equals 40 Chakra Pool.

*[color=#8C004C][b]Ochiiru • [Spiritual Extraction][/b][/color]
[i]S-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
[i]Prerequisite: 45 Control from the jutsu caster, a minimum of 200 Chakra Pool, Storage & Force Fuuinjutsu Concentration[/i]
Each participant must share their chakra with the unsealer, as they perform the needed hand seals. The user will then pump this vast amount of chakra into the seal of a host, such as a jinchuuriki. This process takes a total of 200 Chakra Pool from the group to extract the spirit from the host, who will in turn die. If the total sum of Chakra Pool is not met, the participants will all die. It only takes one individual in the group to know this jutsu.
*[Genjutsu • When Pigs Fly]
D-Ranked Illusion Genjutsu
A rather simple genjutsu that is put into place when the user says a statement ending in "When Pigs Fly". Seconds later, anyone who hears the user say that will see several pigs with full hawk wings fly past, just a few feet above the user and the victim’s head, serving as a somewhat confusing distraction.

*[Genjutsu • Pins and Needles]
D-Ranked Illusion Genjutsu
After performing the hand seals and pricking the opponent with some sort of small weapon (usually senbon), the opponent feels their arms and legs fall asleep. It feels as if the blood flow to these appendages has basically stopped, making their movements a tad sluggish and just all around uncomfortable. This jutsu doesn’t really hinder a person, but it makes everything they do feel off. For those who are attuned to the way their body feels during battle, it can be extremely distracting. Lasts 3 posts.

*[Genjutsu • Smell Of The Deceased]
D-Ranked Illusion Genjutsu
An illusionary jutsu that, after performing the necessary hand seals, causes the target to begin to smell rotting flesh and decaying bodies. The jutsu can cause nausea and vomiting from the target, depending on how sensitive their sense of smell is, and begins once the victim witnesses the user perform the hand seals. The smell of the dead can also cause some mental stress on the target. This genjutsu lasts for three (3) posts.

*[Genjutsu • Boom!]
D-Ranked Illusion Genjutsu
The user will do a series of hand seals, then within the next post, snap their fingers. Anyone who hears the snapping will hear an explosion in the distance behind them. This works as an effective distraction, or a scare tactic, if properly utilized.

*[Genjutsu • Doubt]
C-Ranked Status Genjutsu
The user will do a series of hand seals, then whistle, initiating the genjutsu in anyone who hears the whistle. For the next three posts, the victims of this technique will feel tinges of doubt when listening to other people talk. While the doubt isn't strong, it creates a slight feeling that can be used to dissuade them from following instructions of other people if utilized properly.

*[Genjutsu • Reverse Hypnosis]
C-Ranked Status Genjutsu
This is a three post genjutsu. To start the genjutsu, the ninja does the hand seals that are needed and then places a hand on the target. Until the genjutsu ends the target is able to remember a lot more about their past and has a lighter barrier over their consciousness making it easier for them to spill information. This doesn’t weaken their will, however, meaning if they are aware it’s a genjutsu, they are more than capable of using Kai.

*[Genjutsu • Contagion]
B-Ranked Warp Genjutsu
After performing the hand seals and making physical contact, the user captures the target in this genjutsu. The victim of this jutsu becomes aware of strange rashes and other signs of illness on the user of this jutsu. They notice that the user of this jutsu looks very sick and that they are extremely contagious. They believe whole-heartedly that if they touch the user of this jutsu, if the user of this jutsu bleeds on them, or if any other bodily fluids get on them, they will become deathly ill. It becomes almost impossible for the victim of this jutsu to physically attack the user, and even something as simple as the user’s spit will be seen as a deadly attack that they need to flee from. The genjutsu lasts for 3 posts.
Last edited by CDF on Sat Nov 25, 2023 12:07 pm, edited 9 times in total.
- zenchou
Most intense. Mission. EVER.
[color=#C9B037]Ouji Hito Kazekage[/color] Sunagakure no Sato
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kage revival

Post by CDF » Tue Nov 21, 2023 4:33 pm

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The jutsu below have not been evaluated and should be considered nonexistent.

*[color=#8C004C][b]Shizumeru • [Dispersing the Beast][/b][/color]
[i]B-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
[i]Prerequisite: Overlay Concentration, Touch Initiation[/i]
After forming the needed hand seals, the user will touch the target's forehead. This projects the user into the subconscious of the host, allowing them to see and interact with the host and spirit sealed within. During this post, the user is able to talk and discuss with the spirit and host. During the overlay anytime the user places their hand over the spirit and squeezes, the spirit will "shatter" and the spirits power feels weakened afterwards. During the next 5 posts afterwards, this will cause a drop of -6 Mastery. This jutsu lasts for 5 posts and neither the host nor the user are able to move in real time unless provoked by an outside source.

*[color=#8C004C][b]Shizumeru • [Obliterating the Beast][/b][/color]
[i]S-rank Tenkujutsu[/i]
[i]Prerequisite: 50 Control, Overlay Concentration[/i]
After forming the needed hand seals, the user will touch the target's forehead. This projects the user into the subconscious of the host, allowing them to see and interact with the host and spirit sealed within. During this post, the user is able to talk and discuss with the spirit and host. During the overlay is the user places their hand on the spirit and squeezes it will cause the spirit to "shatter" and feel weakened. During the next 5 posts afterwards, this will cause a drop of -21 Mastery. This jutsu lasts for 5 posts and neither the host nor the user are able to move in real time unless provoked by an outside source.
Doton • Enhanced Ninja Tools
C-ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the correct channelling the user will form a set of up to 20 basic projectiles, such as kunai, shuriken, or senbon anywhere within a 10 meter radius. These tools have a strength of 10.

Doton • Explosive Creation
C-ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the correct channelling, Hito focuses chakra onto one of his doton creations within a 10 meter radius. For the next three posts, he can choose to cause said creation to explode with the force of a C-ranked explosion. The process of arming the target with the explosion happens at a speed of 10.

Doton • Copy Statue
B-Rank Ninjutsu
After channeling, Hito creates an exact replica of himself within a 15 meter radius using earth. This replica forms at a speed of 10 but has a strength of 30. The statue is inanimate, but sturdy.

Doton • Weapon Field
B-Rank Ninjutsu
After performing the proper channelling, Hito slams his foot on the ground and creates a field of weapons in the 10 meter radius area around him. These weapons are created at a speed of 5 and have a strength of 15. This jutsu can create up to 15 different weapons, each having a maximum size of 4x4 meters.

Doton • Battalion Statue
B-Rank Ninjutsu
After channeling, Hito creates up to 5 exact replicas of himself within a 20 meter radius using earth. These replica form at a speed of 10 but have a strength of 30. The statues are inanimate, but sturdy.

Doton • Golem Field
A-Rank Ninjutsu
After performing the proper channeling, Hito slams his foot on the ground and creates five humanoid golem statues. If they were standing, the golems would be 6 feet tall with proportional limbs and the shape of a regular human. These Golems are created at a speed of 10 but have a strength/durability of 30. Upon creation, they rise out of the ground with their heads, torso, arms, hands, legs and feet segmented.

Earth Detection
D-rank Ninjutsu
By performing some hand seals and touching the ground, Hito can use this jutsu. Once the seals are performed and the ground is touched, Hito sends numerous pulses of doton chakra into the ground. These pulses travel up to 5 meters in all directions inside the earth before traveling back. Once they reach the 5 meters, they bounce back and return to Hito. Once they return, Hito instantly knows the composition of the earth within the 5 meters, allowing him to detect any foreign ores. This can’t detect organisms or even hidden structures or items. For example, if there was a wooden chest or a metal base hidden underground, this jutsu would just tell Hito that the earth had a wooden element or a metal element in it. Organic molecules are entirely ignored.

Terrestrial waves.
C-ranked Ninjutsu
By performing some hand seals and slapping the ground, Hito can cause the surface of the ground to ripple momentarily. The ground ripples exactly like the surface water, large circles radiating from the spot Hito slapped, rippling for 10 meters. The rippling, at its highest, reaches 3 feet, enough to cause people to trip. Anyone with a strength less than Hito’s control will be prone to falling over, provided they are within ten meters.

Earth Detection Improved
C-rank Ninjutsu
By performing some hand seals and touching the ground, Hito can use this jutsu. Once the seals are performed and the ground is touched, Hito sends numerous pulses of doton chakra into the ground. These pulses travel up to 10 meters in all directions inside the earth before traveling back. Once they reach the 10 meters, they bounce back and return to Hito. Once they return, Hito instantly knows the composition of the earth within the 10 meters, allowing him to detect any foreign ores. This can’t detect organisms or even hidden structures or items. For example, if there was a wooden chest or a metal base hidden underground, this jutsu would just tell Hito that the earth had a wooden element or a metal element in it. Organic molecules are entirely ignored.

Lake Creation
B-ranked Ninjutsu
By performing some hand seals and concentrating on the ground, Hito can create a water-less area. By sacrificing five stamina, Hito can create a lake with a 20 meter radius. By sacrificing one more stamina stat, Hito can harden the walls of the lake to be harder and denser than stone. He can also sacrifice an extra stamina stat for each extra 10 meters put into the radius. The creation takes three posts.
Fuuton • Burst/b]
C-ranked Fuuton Jutsu
While in mid air, Zai perfoms the proper hand seals and creates a small film of fuuton chakra around herself. This film stretches from her arms to her body, creating a wing-like fuuton area that allows her to glide through the air. when gliding, she'll be falling but at a very slow pace. She can glide up to [Starting height*10] meters if uninterrupted.

Fuuton • Burst
B-ranked Fuuton Jutsu
While in mid air, Zai channels chakra into a part of her body, usually her feet, and releases compact bursts of fuuton as needed for the next 4 posts. These bursts have both speed and strength that are adjusted as needed, but can be used for evasion and cutting damage. The burst has no concrete shape, instead it's a cone-shaped (with no hollow center) blast of air. The stronger the blast, the larger the cone, but usually bursts are kept small.

Fuuton • Stepping Stone
B-ranked Fuuton Jutsu
After performing the proper hand seals and focusing on a spot in the air touching her body, Zai is able to create small fuuton blocks for the next 3 posts. These stepping stones are small bricks of fuuton chara that all the densest particles in the nearby air along with fuuton chakra and condenses it all into essentially providing a solid foothold to interact with in air. The bricks are only material when they encounter Zai's chakra/body, so they can not be used to harm others. Once created, a stepping stone will exist for up to 6 posts. A big advantage to this jutsu is that the stones are almost invisible, being composed of air and particles in the air. Depending on the environment, this becomes more or less true.

Divine Tint
C-Ranked Fuuton Jutsu
After performing channelling and focusing fuuton chakra into his eyes, Hito releases a pulse of fuuton chakra that spreads to a 10 meter radius around him. For the next 8 posts, Hito can see air currents tinted different shades of green. This jutsu doesn't do much, but is helpful in locating sources of movement and to see the actual wind currents.

D-ranked Ninjutsu
A simple but effective jutsu where Hito creates a thin layer of fuuton around his body after performing the correct hand seals. This coating does nothing except create an invisible layer of wind current that passes over Hito’s body at all times. This ventilation can be used to manipulate Hito’s scent. It can’t mask the scent or even alter it, but it allows Hito to release it from different directions and angles than he’s actually in. He can do this by releasing currents from this coating in specific directions and locations within a 10 meter radius, confusing those trying to locate him by sense. This jutsu lasts for up to 6 posts.

Weak Pulse
D-ranked Ninjutsu
After performing a single hand seal, Hito releases a single burst of fuuton chakra in every direction. This burst moves with a speed and strength of 3 and has no cutting properties, it only pushes back using fuuton chakra. This push is non-selective and pushes against anything and everything within a 2 meter radius.

Finger blade
D-ranked Ninjutsu
By performing a quick hand seal, Hito can coat up to two fingers or Toes in fuuton chakra. This coating is sharp on all sides and makes every inch of the finger capable of cutting. This coat is as sharp as a regular blade. This coating does not cut Hito and lasts up to 5 posts.

Extremity Sword
C-ranked Ninjutsu
By performing a set of hand seals, Hito can coat one hand/foot. This coating is sharp on all sides and makes every inch of the hand/foot capable of cutting. This coat is as sharp as a regular blade. If it’s the hand, the coating starts at the wrists and goes to the finger tips. If at the foot, starts at the ankle and ends at the toe tips, covering both top and bottom of the foot. This coating does not cut Hito and lasts for up to up to 7 posts.

Medium Pulse
C-ranked Ninjutsu
After performing a single hand seal, Hito releases a single burst of fuuton chakra in every direction. This burst moves with a speed and strength of 5 and has no cutting properties, it only pushes back using fuuton chakra. This push is non-selective and pushes against anything and everything within a 2 meter radius.

Air Filter
C-ranked ninjutsu
By performing some hand seals and creating a storage of fuuton chakra in his mouth, Hito can filter air. The point of this jutsu is to be able to keep Hito breathing without even having to open his mouth or nose. With this jutsu, whenever Hito’s lungs release CO2, it goes up to his mouth where the fuuton chakra filters and modifies the air before sending it right back to the lungs again, only now it’s breathable air. This jutsu can be used for up to 10 posts before the number of things that were filtered out of the air becomes too high and the jutsu needs to be released. When this jutsu is released, the user usually needs to spit several times.

Flexible Air Dome
C-ranked Ninjutsu
Prereq: Fuuton • Eado-mu [Wind Element • Air Dome]
By forming the necessary hand seals, Hito can create a dome of concentrated air. This dome protects from light projectiles and taijutsu and ninjutsu. This dome can be up to 6 meters in radius. If the enemy is in this area, they will be pushed out as if the dome was pushing them with a strength of 5. The enemy is whoever or whatever the user identifies as the enemy. Unlike the regular air dome, This dome can be made UP TO 6 meters in radius, meaning he could make a small 1 Cm by 1 Cm barrier if the user chose to. The edge of this dome is sharp and will cause shallow cuts when touched. The dome forms at a speed as fast as 6.

Gaseous Vision
C-ranked Ninjutsu
By releasing a pulse of chakra and performing some hand seals, Hito can create a large dome 9 meters in radius made of regular chakra. This dome has no special protection, it has a different function than protection. The fuuton in this area embraces the wind nature of chakra and mixes with the air in the area, glowing a very visible bright green as it does so. Hito can, if he concentrates, force the fuuton to concentrate in one particular location within the area, but it has no other effect other than causing the glow to bunch around a location.

Strong Pulse
B-ranked Ninjutsu
After performing a single hand seal, Hito releases a single burst of fuuton chakra in every direction. This burst moves with a speed and strength of 7 and has no cutting properties, it only pushes back using fuuton chakra. This push is non-selective and pushes against anything and everything within a 2 meter radius.

Flexible Strong Dome
B-ranked Ninjutsu
Prereq: Flexible Air Dome
By forming the necessary hand seals, Hito can create a dome of concentrated air. This dome protects from projectiles and ninjutsu/taijtsu. This dome can be up to 10 meters in radius. If the enemy is in this area, they will be pushed out as if the dome was pushing them with a strength of 7. The enemy is whoever or whatever the user identifies as the enemy. Unlike the regular air dome, This dome can be made UP TO 10 meters in radius, meaning he could make a small 1 Cm barrier if the user chose to. The edge of this dome is sharp and will cause shallow cuts when touched. The dome forms at a speed equal up to 8.

Divinity Incarnate
B-ranked ninjutsu
By performing a few hand seals, Hito can basically coat his body in fuuton chakra. The fuuton chakra is extremely sharp all throughout. Although it doesn’t take the shape of a blade, every part of the fuuton chakra is sharp and can cut like a metal blade. This coating does not have any special barrier protection, only it protects like a regular metal blade would (strength of 8), only throughout the entire body. The jutsu lasts, if not broken by another jutsu or dispelled, for up to 7 posts.

Reverse flexible sphere
B-ranked ninjutsu
By performing some hand seals and focusing on a target or object up to 10 meters away, Hito can use fuuton chakra to create an up to 10 meter radius sphere around said object. Unlike most fuuton domes/spheres, this jutsu keeps things from exiting the dome. The dome stops anything from exiting it, such as projectiles and solids and it even isolates explosions up to 7 explosion tags worth of force. Medium strength jutsu break the barrier or attacks with 7+ strength. This dome can be UP TO 10 meters in radius and up to 10 meters away. The inside surface of this dome is sharp and will cut when touched. The dome forms at a speed equal up to 8.

Suffocating Prison
A-ranked Ninjutsu
By performing some hand seals and concentrating on a target for a whole post, Hito can immobilize a target by causing a barrier of fuuton to develop tightly around the targets body, stopping them from moving at all unless they have a strength higher than Hito’s control. To maintain this jutsu, however, Hito has to concentrate on the target the entire time and be within a 10 meter range of them. Meaning Hito can't perform any jutsu and can not break the hand seals, meaning he can't use his hands. This jutsu can last up to three posts. This jutsu also acts as a barrier, not allowing anything in or out; including oxygen, although three posts worth of oxygen deprivation is usually only dangerous to those with less than 4 stamina.

Divine Force
A-rank ninjutsu
By performing some hand seals, Hito can create a green dome of chakra to form with a 5 meter radius. This dome doesn’t act like a barrier, like most fuuton domes, but instead, it has a constant amount of fuuton pushing away in every direction except down. The fuuton pushes with a strength of 9, so most projectiles thrown into the area will be pushed back suddenly. People/anything that comes into this area will feel like a man with 9 strength was pushing them away. Those that have less than 9 strength will be thrown back. Hito is the center of this force, so when he moves, the radius moves with him. This jutsu lasts for an amount of posts equal to Hito's (Stamina/2) rounded up (if necessary), with a max of 10. Those with higher than 9 strength lose a certain amount of speed depending on their strength and hito's control:
StrengthSpeed reduction
Stairway to Heaven
A-ranked ninjutsu
Prereq: 10 control
By performing a string of hand seals and molding his chakra, Hito can cause his body to release bursts of fuuton chakra that allow Hito to rise into the air. This continuous bursting of chakra requires high control to be able to use correctly, letting the user constantly release small bursts or constant bursts to keep them in the air and make turns. With this jutsu, the user can basically fly through the air while making sharp movements. The jutsu can only lift Hito up to 30 feet, unless not fighting or when fighting another aerial opponent, in which case the height Is limitless. Hito can fly up to a speed equal to his control, but no higher than his speed and this jutsu lasts up to [stamina] posts.

Gaseous Vision
C-ranked ninjutsu
By releasing a pulse of chakra and performing some hand seals, Hito can create a large dome 3 meters in diameter made of regular chakra. This dome has no special protection, it has a different function than protection. The barrier gives colorless gasses inside this dome a tint/color. For example, regular breathing air gains a heavy blue tint. Carbon monoxide would gain a heavy red tint, most poisons would gain a purplish color.

[Blade's Dance]
C-ranked Ninjutsu
After channeling chakra for a short period of time and holding his blade of sand, Hito can cause a specific spot on the blade to split in half before reforming again. The split happens with a speed of 10 and reforms again at 10, happening immediately. This technique is often used while locking weapons with another target.

[Surprise of the sand]
B-ranked Ninjutsu
Prereq: [Blade of the sand]
After channeling chakra for a short period of time and holding his blade of the sand, Hito can create a small cones of sand to shoot out from within the blade. This cone is 5 inches long and at its widest has a diameter of 2.5 inches, but is sharp all around. It shoots from the blade at a speed and strength of 20 and moves in a linear direction. Upon contact, these projectiles will penetrate, but then stop the moment they're about to pierce through the other side of the target, remaining inside the freshly created hole as loose sand. The cones come from the very center of the blade, not impacting the constitution or physical stats of the blade itself.

[Blade of the Sand]
B-ranked Ninjutsu
After performing a short string of channelling, Hito can create a sword made of sand and wind. This blade can be up to eight feet long from the tip to the base, and the fuuton hilt can be up to a foot long. This technique can also be used with a preexisting hilt, saving some chakra in the process. This blade is made of dense sand either newly created or pulled from his surroundings. The dense sand makes up the core of the blade, but is coated by a thin, barely noticeable layer of fuuton that makes it as sharp as any blade. The surface of the dense sand will rotate rapidly whenever making physical contact, creating a saw like effect that increases the cutting power of the blade. This sword lasts for up to 8 posts before having to be recreated and has a durability of 30 and is created with a speed of 10.
[Ninjutsu • Deflection]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the correct channelling the user causes a thin 3x3 meter flat barrier to form directly in front of them at a speed of 5. This barrier can take a hit of up to 5 strength before shattering, otherwise it lasts for 3 posts. The unique thing about this barrier is that it's always angled, allowing it to slightly alter the path of some attacks.

D-ranked Ninjutsu
After doing the needed channelling and focusing on one of his barriers within a 15 meter radius, Hito can cause the barrier to change color, in a way. This jutsu causes the barrier to go from a regular light blue chakra color to a thick, solid blue. This new blue is amplified enough that nobody can see in or out of the barrier. This tint lasts until the barrier is destroyed.

C-ranked Ninjutsu
After doing the needed channelling and touching one of his barriers, Hito can transfer his sight to any of his barriers within a 15 meter radius. This means that he loses his sight, but can see within or look out as if his eyes were on one of the sides of any of his barriers within that area. The sight he gains is perfect 20/20 vision, but requires full concentration and can only be used on one barrier at a time. This vision lasts for as long as Hito focuses on it

[Quick Trip]
C-ranked Ninjutsu
After channeling and focusing on a target's trajectory, Hito creates a well-timed barrier to make them trip. The barrier rises out of the ground within a 20 meter radius at a speed of 10 and is timed to block the target's foot as it's rising. Since this is essentially a battle between Hito's timing and the target's balance, this jutsu only works on those with equal or lower Taijutsu than Hito's control.

[Ninjutsu • Hammer Barrier]
C-ranked Ninjutsu
After channeling, Hito creates up to five Cuboids within a 5 meter radius of him. These cuboids are 5 feet long, 2 feet wide and 2 feet thick. They form and move at a speed of up to 10 and are used offensively to cause blunt trauma with a strength of 10, shattering upon impact. These barriers must be shot off immediately and Hito has no control over their paths once released. The final targets of these barriers can be up to 5 meters away from each other.

[Ninjutsu • Elastic Defense]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
Channeling on a particular barrier that's within a 10 meter radius, Hito turns between 1 to all of its sides "elastic." This elasticity makes it so upon impacting a barrier, the aggressor sinks into the barrier by 30 centimeters before the impact affects the barrier. In effect, this makes the outside force be resisted for 30 centimeters of the original strength of the barrier, slowing the force down. If the force was large enough to destroy the barrier when contact was first made, then the barrier will be destroyed at the end of the 30 centimeters as well.

[Ninjutsu • Barrier Transition]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
Prereq: 19 Ninjutsu
Focusing on an existent barrier within a 20 meter radius, Hito switches its function from defense to entirely offense. The barrier in question rises out of the air and either remains whole, or splits up into as many barriers as Hito chooses, so long as none of them are smaller than 1x1x1 meters. These barriers each have the same strength as the original but move with a speed of 19.

C-Ranked Ninjutsu
Channeling chakra for an appropriate amount of time, Hito is able to let certain things through one of the barriers within a 10 meter radius of him. The chosen barrier is able to open up a pore at a speed of 10. This pore can be as big as an entire side of the barrier. It also closes with a speed of 10, and anything it closes onto will be pushed back with a strength of 10.

[Ninjutsu • Rising Platform Barrier]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
After channeling for the appropriate amount of time and focusing on an area within a 30 meter radius, Hito creates a cuboid that's 6 meters long, 6 meters wide and .5 meters thick. The platform forms and rises with a speed of 20 and has a strength of 20. The barrier rises until Hito makes it stop or it reaches 30 meters, at which point it remains there for up to 6 posts.

[Ninjutsu • Poison Barrier]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
By channeling and focusing on an existing barrier, Hito makes it able to filter out any poisons in the air. The barrier allows in normal air only and stops the entrance of gaseous poisons that may be mixed in with the air otherwise.

[Ninjutsu • Rapid Barrier Transition]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
Prereq: 24 Ninjutsu
Focusing on an existent barrier within a 20 meter radius, Hito switches its function from defense to entirely offense. The barrier in question rises out of the air and either remains whole, or splits up into as many barriers as Hito chooses, so long as none of them are smaller than 1x1x1 meters. These barriers each have the same strength as the original but move with a speed of 24.

[Ninjutsu • Porcupine Barrier]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
Prereq: 24 Ninjutsu
Channeling while focusing on an existing barrier he created and is within a 10 meter radius, Hito gives it an offensive option. The barrier will shrink by up to 10x10x10 meters and release the same volume of barriers, split up into up to three different cuboid barriers that sprout from any side on the existing one and launch off. The sprouting and launch happen with a speed of 20 and the barriers strike with a strength of 28. Once these barriers are created, they remain attached to the surface of the original barrier until launched within the next four posts. If not launched, the volume of the unlaunched barriers return to the original. The barriers shoot in a single direction either individually or together and shatter upon an impact strong enough to stop them.

[Ninjutsu • Barrier Fortification]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
Prereq: 24 Ninjutsu
After channeling and focusing on up to two different barriers within a 20 meter radius, Hito adds chakra to them and makes them stronger. The fortification happens with a speed of 10, but can bring the strength of the barrier up to 38. This fortification lasts for as long as the barrier does.

Undine’s Domain
B-ranked Ninjutsu
By performing some channelling and touching a nearby inorganic surface such as a wall, the ground or a body of water, Hito can prevent others from using act of tree climbing or a similar jutsu on top of it, as long as they're within a 10 meter radius of him for the next 6 posts. To do this, Hito sends his chakra coursing through the surface in question, disrupting the chakra of those attempting to walk on top of it. Those with a control lower than his will find that they can not stick to the surface using act of tree climbing while those with equal or higher control will completely bypass the effect.

[Ninjutsu • Hammer Barrier]
B-ranked Ninjutsu
After channeling, Hito creates up to five Cuboids within a 10 meter radius of him. These cuboids are 2 meters long, 1 meter wide and 1 meter thick. They form and move at a speed of 20 and are used offensively to cause blunt trauma with a strength of 20, shattering upon impact. These hammers must be shot off immediately and Hito has no control over their paths once released. The final targets of these barriers can be up to 10 meters away from each other.

[Ninjutsu • Direct Barrier]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
After channeling chakra, Hito creates a barrier around whatever he has a chakra string attached to. This barrier can be up to 15x15x15 meters large and forms with a speed of 15 and has a strength of 25. This barrier is immobile, though the object at the end of the chakra rope can still exit the barrier if it desires. This jutsu does sever the chakra stringconnection, however.

[Ninjutsu • Barrier Transition Flurry]
A-Ranked Ninjutsu
Prereq: 29 Ninjutsu
Focusing on an existent barrier within a 20 meter radius, Hito switches its function from defense to entirely offense. The barrier in question rises out of the air and either remains whole, or splits up into as many barriers as Hito chooses, so long as none of them are smaller than 1x1x1 meters. These barriers each have the same strength as the original but move with a speed of 29.

[Ninjutsu • Mass Direct Barrier ]
A-Ranked Ninjutsu
Prereq: Direct Barrier
After channeling chakra, Hito creates a barrier around up to 5 different things that he has a chakra string connected to. This barrier can be up to 20x20x20 meters large and forms with a speed of 25 and has a strength of 35. This barrier is immobile, though the object at the end of the chakra rope can still exit the barrier if it desires. This jutsu does sever the chakra stringconnection, however.

[Ninjutsu • Concealment]
A-Ranked Ninjutsu
By channeling and selecting up to two barriers within a 20 meter radius, Hito is able to make them completely invisible so long as nobody steps out of it. This invisibility lasts for up to four posts and makes everything on and within the barrier impossible to see.

Fuuinjutsu • Strength Booster
B-Rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
Focusing on a target and channeling until a seal appears, Hito is able to strengthen the non-living surface he puts this seal on. The seal increases the target's durability & strength by 10.

Fuuinjutsu • Speed booster
B-Rank Augment Fuuinjutsu
Focusing on a target and channeling until a seal appears, Hito is able to strengthen the non-living surface he puts this seal on. The seal increases the target's speed by 10.

Tighten Space: Strike Acceleration
C-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
By performing an extra proper channelling while performing a jutsu that releases a projectile or throws a strike, Hito can tighten the space directly in front of that projectile or body part. The tightened space must be in a single, linear direction and can be up to 10 meters. The space tightens with a speed of 10. This allows the technique to immediately traverse that distance and surprise his enemy.

Shared Burden
C-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
By performing an extra proper channelling while creating an anchor, Hito can reduce the stamina cost to him when others are within their realm. So long as the visitor is willing and the Anchor is somewhere within 5 meters of them, the achor will slowly pull from their chakra pool to sustain their presence. This causes the visitor to split the stamina drain caused by their presence in half with Hito.

Link Time: Traveler's companion
C-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
After channeling Jikukan into a target within a 10 meter radius, Hito makes it so for the next 3 posts, if they enter into any jutsu that reverses time, they will retain memory of the time that elapsed.

Open Space: Monitor
C-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
After doing a proper channelling, Hito will create a small window into another dimension. If this window is into Hito's personal realm, he can direct it to any part of the realm. If it's directed to any other dimensioin or the original dimesion in which the user normally exists, the window only displays the last spot Hito was in within that dimension, or to where the anchor this technique is directed at would teleport him to. This window is an actual hole into the dimension in question, meaning that things can come through the window from either direction without his control The window lasts for up to 5 posts or until cancelled and will travel beside Hito at a max speed of 10

C-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
Prereq: Must be in personal realm
While in his realm, Hito is able to shape the space to his will by channeling Jikukan into the realm. The shaping occurs at a speed of 5, so it doesn't have much combat use, but it allows him to create, destroy or modify buildings and natural structures. He often uses this jutu, as he likes to visualize his ideas using the realm.

Open Space: Barrier Swap
B-ranked Jikukan Ninjutsu
Prereq: Active barrier
By channeling and focusing on up to four of his barriers within a 20 meter radius, Hito can swap the positions of the barriers. More accurately, the contents of both barriers are flooded with his Jikukan and moved past each other in time and space until they're in different barriers. Of course, the more barriers and the more volume he does this to, the more chakra gets drained.

Expand Time: Liquid air
B-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
After performing a proper channelling, Hito can focus on a 5x5x5 meter area within a 10 meter radius. This selected area has time of the air within it slowed to such a point that the air requires a strength of 20 to move through it.

Open Space: HomeboundB-ranked Jikukan Ninjutsu
After channeling Jikukan throughout his body, Hito essentially phases his body through space and time to his personal realm instead of creating a full portal. This teleportation is slower than if he had created a portal and stepped through it, but it happens at a speed of 20. With direct contact, he can also perform this jutsu along with other people, so long as they're all willing.

Link time: Traveler's memory
B-ranked Jikukan Ninjutsu
By channeling Jikukan chakra through his mind, Hito is able to reverse any effects done by time manipulation within the last 4 posts. Meaning that if time was stopped or reversed in the last 6 posts, Hito would now regain the memory of what happened during that time.

Expand Space: Forewarning
B-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
After performing a proper channelling, Hito focuses on an incoming target within a 10 meter radius and expands the space in front of them. The space expands at a speed of 20 and will move/expand along with the target's trajectory. The space is expanded by up to 30 meters, giving Hito plenty of more time to react.

Open & Tighten Space: Funnel Portal
B-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
After doing the proper channelling, the user creates a small, 6 inch-diameter portal within a 10 meter radius. The unique thing to this portal is that the area 10 feet in every direction from the portal has the space tightened, shrinking anything that enters that area down to 6 inches and making them able to fit within the portal. Once they either go through the portal or leave the area, affected targets return to original size. This portal and tightened area are created with a speed of 20 and exists for up to four posts.

Open Space: Contact Portal
B-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
After doing the proper channelling, Hito focuses chakra into the palm of his hand and essentially turns it into a sort of portal. For the next three posts, he can choose to teleport people or objects that he touches with that hand. The target in question must be smaller than ten feet and requires that full contact with the hand be made, meaning a slight poke or quick tap would not suffice. The portal in his hand is either linked with another existing portal within a 10 meter radius or his personal realm. Targets with a higher control than Hito can resist this teleportation.

Open Space: Extended Contact Portal
A-rank Jikukan Ninjutsu
After doing the proper channelling, Hito focuses chakra into an object or chakra string connected to his body and essentially turns it into a sort of portal. For the next three posts, he can choose to teleport people or objects that he touches with that object. The target in question must be smaller than ten feet and requires that full contact with the object be made, meaning a partial poke or quick tap would not suffice. The object in question is either linked to another portal within a 10 meter radius, or to his personal realm. Targets with a higher control than Hito can resist this teleportation.
[Puppetry Style • Chakra Reeling]
C-ranked Ninjutsu
By channeling chakra into an existing chakra string, Hito is able to either reel himself towards whatever the string is attached to, or pull the target towards him. The pulling/movement occurs with a speed of 19 and a strength of 1, making it essentially impossible to use on somebody that's resisting the pull.

[Puppetry Style • Launching Pad]
C-Rank Ninjutsu
Once the user has connected a chakra string to an object, they are then able to perform any of their chakra-string creating jutsu and have the strings erupt from the object in question as opposed to their own fingers.

[Puppetry Style • Taijutsu Army]
B-Rank Ninjutsu
Prereq: Humanoid shaped puppets or objects
After channeling, Hito pours chakra from his body in the form of strings and connects them to up to 5 humanoid puppets or objects within a 20 meter radius. Once connected, these puppets are used to perform taijutsu that Hito knows, performing as though he had -2 taijutsu per puppet he's controlling. This technique can not be used on non-humanoid puppets, as all of the Taijutsu he knows require a human body to perform.

[Puppetry Style • Advanced Initiate Puppetry Technique]
B-Rank Ninjutsu
Prereq: Initiate Puppetry Technique
The Puppetry Technique is a Ninjutsu technique used by puppeteers. By releasing chakra from their tenketsu, the puppeteer is able to release chakra strings from their finger. These strings are able to move a max of X times 3 meters away, where X is equal to the puppeteer’s control stat. This jutsu allows the puppeteer to attach their chakra strings to inanimate objects at a speed of 20. While an inanimate object is being controlled, it’s treated as if it has a speed equal to the average of the puppeteer’s taijutsu and control and a durability equal to the object's natural durability.

[Puppetry Style • String Strengthening]
B-ranked Ninjutsu
By channeling chakra for the appropriate amount of time and flooding chakra into strings that he's controlling, Hito is able to increase their size and strength. The targeted strings can grow to be up to 1 foot in diameter and have a strength and durability of 20. Only one string per finger can have this jutsu applied to it and the strengthening lasts for up to five posts before needing to be redone.

[Puppetry Style • String Fence]
B-ranked Ninjutsu
When controlling multiple puppets, Hito is able to connect them to each other by extending the string from one of them to go through the others. The string goes literally through the puppets, reaching up to 10 feet away to the next one. Once connected, the length of the string becomes dynamic so that it adjusts to the puppets movements relative to each other. Meaning if they change from 10 to 5 feet away from each other, the string will adjust accordingly. The strings connecting the puppets are all technically one string, so any effects applied to the one string will be present in the string connecting the puppets as well.
[Kaziniki's Realm]
B-ranked Tenkujutsu (Ranged Fuuin)
After performing the proper channelling and creating at least 3 seals with a total area of up to 20 meters^3, Hito will summon another realm. The summoned section of realm comes from a world that is essentially one massive volcano. Because of the massive size of the realm Hito chose, he is able to slightly customize the summoning each time, with the realm summoning ranging from an uninterrupted sea of lava to mostly hot earth with deep pools of lava.

[Swamp Realm]
B-ranked Tenkujutsu (Ranged Fuuin)
After performing the proper channelling and creating at least 3 seals with a total area of up to 20 meters^3, Hito will summon another realm. The summoned section of realm comes from a world that is essentially one massive swamp. Because of the massive size of the realm Hito chose, he is able to slightly customize the summoning each time, with the realm summoning ranging from an uninterrupted sea of murky water to dense mangrove and grass covered soggy soil.

[Desert Realm]
B-ranked Tenkujutsu (Ranged Fuuin)
After performing the proper channelling and creating at least 3 seals with a total area of up to 20 meters^3, Hito will summon another realm. The summoned section of realm comes from a world that is essentially one massive desert. Because of the massive size of the realm Hito chose, he is able to slightly customize the summoning each time, with the realm summoning ranging from an uninterrupted flat plain of sand to hilly dunes with oasis between them.

[Blizzard Realm]
B-ranked Tenkujutsu (Ranged Fuuin)
After performing the proper channelling and creating at least 3 seals with a total area of up to 20 meters^3, Hito will summon another realm. The summoned section of realm comes from a world that is essentially one massive tundra. Because of the massive size of the realm Hito chose, he is able to slightly customize the summoning each time, with the realm summoning ranging from an entirely frozen body of water to land covered in feet of snow.

[Realm of War]
B-ranked Tenkujutsu (Ranged Fuuin)
After performing the proper channelling and creating at least 3 seals with a total area of up to 20 meters^3, Hito will summon another realm. The summoned section of realm comes from a world that is essentially nothing but one massive ball of broken, shredded weapons strewn over the land. The realm is much lke a desert where instead of sand, there are ininite amounts of broken weapons and metal to the point that they form hills or plains.
Spirit Sealing & BindingShow

C-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Focusing on a possessed object or individual within a 10 meter radius, Hito releases one of his spirits from the target using chakra kai. The spirit must have been put into the target by Hito and is released from the target at a speed of 20. Summoning jutsu may be used in conjunction with this one to keep the released spirit in this realm.

[Posession Tansfer]
B-rank Tenkujutsu (Nin)
After channeling for the appropriate amount of posts, Hito is able to transfer posession from one host to another. For this to work, the targets must be in contact either directly or through a connection such as rope or chakra string. The spirit passes through the point of contact at their own speed and will return to the original host should the contact break. Living hosts have the same requirements to be bound as the original jutsu that bound the spirit to the original host in the first place.

Memory Jog
D-ranked Taijutsu
By constantly training his memory through exercises and through the use of carefully crafted mnemonic devices, Hito has effectively and greatly boosted his memory. Names, numbers and dates are extremely easy to remember, even when there are multiple things going on. This doesn’t apply so much for other information such as images, sights, or random information/data.

Memory Catalogue
C-ranked Fuuinjutsu
Prereq: Memory Storage
By performing this jutsu once, Hito can permanently create this seal on his brain. The seal allows the memories stored in the Memory storage jutsu to be neatly organized. This means it’ll separate and tag memories, organizing the recorded memories into specific dates and times, like a log. This jutsu doesn’t actually allow Hito to use the catalogued and organized memories any better, it just organizes them.

Memory Search
C-ranked Ninjutsu
Prereq: Memory Catalogue
By performing a single hand seal and applying chakra to his brain, Hito can quickly search through his memory. By using this jutsu, Hito can manipulate the memory catalogue jutsu into easily finding a memory by either date or another criteria.

Memory Share
B-ranked Ninjutsu
By performing a long set of hand seals and touching his hand to a targets forehead, Hito can transfer his memories into them. The memory that is transferred is the memory that Hito is concentrating the most on, which allows this jutsu to be used in conjunction with memory search or memory catalogue. The memory implants itself into the targets head instantly, allowing them to remember periods as long as an entire week in a second. If the target is voluntarily accepting this memory, it happens immediately. If the target isn’t accepting them voluntarily, it takes 2 posts of direct contact. If the target is asleep/unconscious, it takes 1 post.

Memory Retrieval
B-ranked Ninjutsu
Prereq: Memory Share
By performing some hand seals and touching his hand to a targets forehead, Hito can receive memories from them. The memory that is received is the one that the target is currently concentrated on. The memory is transmitted instantly and requires that the target is willingly giving Hito the memory. The memory instantly sets itself into Hito’s head, meaning an entire weeks worth of memory will seem like less than a second. This rapid intake of information causes a brief two second shock however.

Memory Storage
A-ranked Fuuinjutsu
By placing a seal on his brain through this jutsu and performing this jutsu once every three threads, Hito gains a much boosted memory. This jutsu acts like a video camera fuuinjutsu, only in his brain. The jutsu stores images, sights, emotions, thoughts and even things like pain. It’s stores everything Hito sees/hears/smells/feels/thinks, even if the brain currently isn’t capable of doing it. For example, if Hito were asleep, this jutsu would still record everything that his eyes saw and his ears heard. Unfortunately, however, this jutsu isn’t accessible by pure concentration alone, other jutsu must be used to access it.

Legible Corpse
A-ranked Ninjutsu
By using this jutsu on a corpse that has been dead for less than 72 hours, Hito can extract vital information from them. This jutsu focuses less on the brain extraction and more on muscle and chakra memory on the targets body, but also extracts actual brain memory as well.
If the target has been dead between 48-72 hours, Hito can discover their affinity(s), how much stamina they had, how old they were and how many jutsu they knew.
If dead between 24-48 hours, Hito can discover their affinity(s), how much stamina they had, how many jutsu they knew, how old they were, how fast and strong they were, and can record up to four jutsu the target knew.
If dead for less than 24 hours, Hito can discover their affinity(s), how much stamina they had, how many jutsu they knew, how old they were, how fast and strong they were, which 5 jutsu they used most and can record up to eight jutsu the target knew.
When a jutsu that the target knew is discovered, Hito learns the hand seals and how the chakra was used and manipulated to create said jutsu. Hito still has to buy or train for the jutsu if he wants to have it, but with this, he can teach the technique to others or just know how it’s done. To use the discovered jutsu, of course, Hito needs to have the same affinity, but he does not need the same affinity to teach the jutsu.

Memory Extraction
S-rank Ninjutsu
By performing a long set of seals and touching his hand to a targets head, Hito can forcefully extract their memories. This jutsu allows Hito to pick out particular memories from a particular time or event and transfer them into his own head as if they were his memories. This technique can also be used on corpses that have been dead for less than 24 hours, in which case, memory extraction is clear and crisp and takes one post, but Hito must have at least 10 wit, control and Ninjutsu. The clarity, memory time capable of being extracted and number of posts this takes depends on Hito’s and the target’s stats.

Sage's FistShow
Sage's Fist Concentrations required: Upper body, Lower body, Medicine, Perception
Calculated Strike is Hito's personal taijutsu style that is the ultimate translation of his intellect into a fighting style. The style's focus is on effeciency, wasting no movements and with each technique serving an express purpose. The style itself is very utilitarian, allowing Hito to both attack and defend intelligently. The style is a science and uses anatomy and physics greatly to provide devestating attacks and skillful evasions that compensate for his lack of speed or strength. Perhaps the true strength of the style is in the user's control over their own body, using awareness and intelligence to do amazing things.
Pressure Strike
D-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Using his instinct and knowledge of the body's pressure points, Hito can strike various pressure points on the body to hit sensitive areas. This technique makes it so for the next 3 posts, a poke produces the same amount of pain as a powerful punch. While this jutsu itself can cause the opponent quite a bit of pain, this technique can't be used to do anything otherwise, such as freezing up parts of the body or causing spasms. This technique is even more effective and painful if Hito uses a weapon, but completely ineffective unless he can strike at least three different pressure points.

Axiliary Strike
D-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Using his instinct and knowledge of the body's pressure points, Hito can manipulate the axillary nerve in a counter attack. When provided an opportunity, Hito attempts to ram his index finger and forefinger into the opponent's axiliary nerve, which is located just above the armpit. This causes the arm to spasm.

Floating Snap
D-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Using his intellect and knowledge of the body's weak points, Hito can strike the opponent's lower ribs with his fist (more commonly known as the "floating ribs") and can easily cause them to fracture. If Hito's strength is 5 or more higher than the enemy's, the rib completely breaks instantly, otherwise, the ribs only completely break after enough repeated successful strikes. This jutsu is often used on stronger opponents while using other Calculated Fist jutsu, as he can switch between fast combination strikes to delivering a powerful punch when the opportunity presents itself.

Achille’s hurdle.
D-ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
Using his intellect and knowledge of the body’s weak points, Hito can make it so targets feel pain whenever they walk. By very accurately impaling a target in their Achille’s tendon in a perfect way, Hito makes it so the target feels a strong pain each time they move the tendon. The impaling object can be easily pulled out but while it’s in the tendon, it proves to limit movement a good deal, seeing as how painful movement becomes. The target of this technique, if properly struck, loses 1 speed and experiences a strong pain every time they put weight on that foot. The larger the penetrating weapon is, the worse the pain becomes. This jutsu lasts for as long as the object is in the heel.

Cracked Support
D-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Using his intellect and knowledge of the body's weak points, Hito can target the opponent's legs with a damaging strike. Hito can kick the side of the knee, striking a pressure point that can cause the knee to buckle and fracture. While this can cause significant pain, this will by no means debilitate the joint or cause it to stop functioning properly unless used multiple times on the same spot. This works on opponents with up to five strength more than Hito

Limb Yank
D-ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
By grabbing an opponent’s limb and pulling sharply, Hito can pull the limb out of its socket, thus dislocating it and causing a great deal of pain. This jutsu works better if Hito manages to use leverage, such as pulling the arm with one hand while pushing against the target’s body with the other. This jutsu works on targets with 3 less strength than him, but with good leverage can even work on stronger targets.

Statistical anomaly
D-ranked Taijutsu Discipline
At any point, Hito can move as if he has less speed, strength, taijutsu or stamina. Those that have an average taijutsu/instinct higher than him are able to realize he’s faking it, but even then, they can't tell how much of a lie it is.

Act of a leader
D-ranked Taijutsu Discipline
After years of practicing, Hito has mastered the ability to mimic virtually anybody. By watching his targets, he is capable of perfectly mimicking any mannerisms, vocal tones and idiosyncrasies that he witnesses. This jutsu is passive during the observation stage, in that he's naturally observing everyone around him and catching all of the subtle things that would sell the act if he were to pretend to be them. Generally, if he's heard somebody say around a paragraph's worth of dialogue, he can mimic their voice to say anything, but it's risky since they may have unique pronunciations and mannerisms when saying things Hito didn't hear them say.

Divine landing
D-ranked Taijutsu Stance
After years of experience and training, Hito has mastered the art of falling in a way that not only doesn't hurt him, but also makes practically no sound. Upon landing, Hito will immediately break into a roll, causing the force to be distributed more slowly and more equally through his legs. This allows him to land from falls of up to [Taijutsu/2]*5 feet without hurting himself. Additionally, the same principle that saves his ankles from breaking also causes less noise to be created, making landings with this jutsu (so long as the height wasn't too high) virtually without sound.

Calm and collected
D-ranked Taijutsu Discipline
Even in the most irritating of moments, Hito has practiced his mindfulness to the point where there's nothing that can get a rise out of him for more than a half second. If he ever notices he's being irritated, or that he's angry, he can quickly recognize and change the emotions so that he's got a clear mind.

D-ranked Taijutsu Discipline
Usually used for meditation, this technique allows Hito to slow down his body to the point that the average human can't detect it. Hito slows his breathing to one slow, long and quiet breath per post and is able to remain entirely motionles for up to [Stamina] posts.

Sly hands
C-ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
Hito has mastered the art of pickpocketing and sleight of hand. He is able to utilize distractions (such as bumping into somebody or making them look elsewhere) along with very quick and nimble hands to steal things without people noticing. With this jutsu he can easily take objects out of, or put them in to, a target's pocket. He can also steal things at a distance and use this jutsu to make sure he goes unnoticed. This only works on people that have a lower (Instinct+Taijutsu)/2 than Hito's (Instinct+Taijutsu)/2

Throat twist
C-ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
Prereq: Throat punch
Instead of punching the throat, Hito grabs it with his open hand, squeezes tightly and then twists his hand powerfully. The twist can dislocate and disfigure the target’s larynx, causing them to no longer be able to breath or speak if successful. He can perform this jutsu on those with equal or lower strength

Jaw dislocation
C-ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
By forming a single knuckled punch in a very specific location, Hito can easily dislocate a target’s jaw. The location is directly below the jawline that’s right below the ear. By applying concentrated force through a single knuckled punch, the targets jaw can be instantly dislocated. This jutsu works immediately on those that he’s stronger than, but can also work on those that are stronger by using repeated strikes in the same exact position. This technique is even more effective if he uses a weapon.

Sleeper hold
C-ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
By wrapping his arm around a target’s neck and squeezing tightly, Hito can knock them out. The squeezing of the neck stops the blood flow to the targets head and if held for a full post, will knock out any targets with a stamina lower than 25. Targets with stamina between 26 and 40 require 2 posts, and those with 40+ stamina need to be choked for three posts before they'll knock out

Foot stomp
C-ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
A simple but effective jutsu where Hito stomps onto the targets foot in an attempt to break it. This jutsu is delivered by slamming Hito’s heel onto the arch of the target’s foot, instantly breaking it if he’s strong enough and the conditions are ideal. If the opponent is stronger, Hito will have to perform repeated strikes on the exact same spot to cause it to break.

Golgi Break
C-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Using his intellect and knowledge of the body's pressure points, Hito can cause one of the four major joints to break violently. After using Golgi Flex, Hito can strike the joint in the opposite direction and break the joint, severing the tendon itself and disabling the arm or leg completely. If Hito uses this correctly and exerts enough force while pulling one end and striking the middle, he can even break limbs..

Chest Lock
C-Rank Taijutsu
Using his instinct and knowledge of the body's pressure points, Hito can cause the opponent's upper torso to constrict. By striking the pressure points below the back of the ribcage, Hito can cause the respective side of the opponent's upper torso to lock up, restricting their movement for the next two posts and resulting in -2 Taijutsu for the remainder of the next two posts. Because of the area of the body it affects, it will also negatively affect the opponent's breathing. This technique can even be performed on targets that are significantly stronger than he is.

Preemptive strike
C-ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
This technique allows Hito to diminish the force of an incoming strike, as well as allowing him to transition quickly from defense to offense. Whenever an opponent winds up a kick or a punch, Hito rushes forward and hits the limb with anything he can. The objective is to interrupt the attack before it's actually released (as the force of a strike comes afterwards, when the limb is extended fully and the attack is followed through). This causes these attacks to have a drastically diminished strength. This is mostly used during fast exchanges so that Hito can practically neutralize a target's attack while also temporarily tying down an attacking limb and getting him closer to the opponent.

C-ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
Through great accuracy and skill, Hito target’s a persons’s voice. By slamming two fingers in the proper location, Hito damages the already sensitive vocal cords, paralyzing them and making the target in capable of anything other than breathing. The strike is not enough to cause damage to anything else, however. This lasts until the target receives medical attention. This technique can also be performed with weapons and at a distance with projectiles, but it would cause the target to be incapable of breathing as well.

Collapsed Tunnel
C-ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
By striking a target’s wrist expertly, Hito hits the median nerve and its surrounding nerves. The strike causes the target momentary numbness and lack of control over all of their fingers except their pinky, making grasping or holding onto anything tightly impossible. This only lasts for a post, however. If he performs this technique with a weapon, it lasts for two posts.

Gained Immunity
C-ranked Taijutsu Discipline
By watching his target for at least two posts, Hito develops a general feel for their combat style. Thanks to this familiarity, once a target uses a taijutsu, Hito will be able to recognize it and what lead up to it. Because of that, he is much more likely to recognize the jutsu the next time it’s about to be performed. This merely acts as a warning system for any taijutsu that he's seen before from the target.

Ranged Death
C-ranked Taijutsu Discipline
Prereq: projectile weapons
This jutsu is simple but requires years of training and practice. After familiarizing himself so well with the Assassin's strike jutsu, he is able to turn any of his taijutsu that use weapons into a ranged attack. He has the same target, but just using a projectile weapon.

Accelerated Deflection
C-ranked Taijutsu Stance
Prereq: Trajectory Reader
Whenever he's in a position to do so and capable of reading a target's trajectory, Hito evades the target by pushing it along. In the case of a hook punch, for example, Hito would just barely dodge the strike and then pull/push on the target's elbow, continuing their punch and forcing them to move more than they intended. The same can be applied to kicks or any attacks where Hito can cause the attack to keep going. This is used to throw the enemy off their rythm, as well as make it harder for them to pull back and defend against any incoming counters.

Mnemonic Recall
C-ranked Taijutsu Discipline
His intellect combined with years of practice and research has gifted Hito with an incredible memory. Using his base inelligence as well as a plethora of mnemonic devices, Hito is able to perfectly recall names and informtion that he's seen previously. Because of the enormity of his memory, however, it would take him sometime to recall the memory and he may find himself only able to recall memories that have been specifically asked for, as he has trouble sorting through all of his memories without an additional jutsu.

Trajectory Reader
C-ranked Discipline
With his intellect and taijutsu, Hito is able to easily predict the trajectory of projectiles and even bodies so long as no external changes are made to the trajectory and that the targets aren't moving faster than his eyes can see.

Wind reader
B-ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
Prerequisite: 30 Intellect, [Perception], Divine Tint
Once Hito has performed Divine Tint, he is able to use the movement of the air to predict his target's movements. Air is extremely delicate and the slightest movements and flexing will cause changes to the surrounding air, giving Hito a strong indication of what will be moving next and in what direction. Of course this only indicates movement and isn't perfect, but it's pretty close. This results in Hito gaining extra miliseconds to react, which can be more than enough to make a difference.

B-ranked Taijutsu Discipline
Thanks to his incredible intellect, Hito is usually able to tell when he's being lied to. So long as he's spoken to or watched a person speak for more than two posts, he can understand their speech and body language pattern. This understanding only gets more concrete the more time Hito spends with a person. By detecting even the slightest of changes in a target's voice and their body language, he is able to tell if they're lying, nervous, angry, sad, elated, etc. Any general mood that can be portrayed by voice and body language will generally be picked up. The only instance in which this isn't the case is for individuals that have an average taijutsu and instinct higher than Hito or are actively trying to disguise their emotions.

Impact Domination
B-ranked Taijutsu
Through research, practice and instinct, Hito has developed a master understanding of force and impact. Through this knowledge, he can cause strikes delivered to his body to cause far less damage by moving with the attack and ensuring that most of the opponent's attack's force is avoided or absorbed more slowly. This is done in a variety of ways, such as jumping up when being pushed or being struck with an open palm, causing his body to be sent flying easier, but less of the force is distributed to his body. Or when dealing with a strike like a punch to his side or to the face, he can turn along with the punch, causing only a fraction of the strike's force to actually hit. This technique can cause strikes to be extremely weaker than they were originally intended to be. While this works for the force behind cutting/piercing attacks, it does nothing to stop the cutting/piercing itself.

Naked Truth
B-ranked Taijutsu Discipline
With his study of the human body and his extreme intellect, Hito is able to clearly imagine the anatomy of his targets. Regardless of size or layering of clothing, Hito can quickly calculate his opponents size and know exactly where their organs and body structures are, barring unique circumstances and anatomies.

Occipital Slumber
B-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Using his instinct and knowledge of the body's pressure points, Hito can cause the opponent to black out. By striking the opponent's head on the occipital ridge (where the base of the skull meets the spine), Hito can cause the opponent's senses to dull and make it so essentially all their senses are halved in strength. (Blurry vision, poor smelling/hearing/tasting ability) This effect lasts for 3 posts. If he uses this technique on those that aren't as durable as he is strong, he can usually cause the targets to fall unconscious at the end of the post they were struck. If fighting stronger opponents, Hito can strike repeatedly to be able to induce the same effect. Targets will remain unconscious until woken up, essentially as if they were asleep.

Carpal Rift
B-ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
Prereq: Collapsed Tunnel
Using a bladed weapon, Hito creates a gash through the target’s wrist, specifically aiming for the target’s median nerve and surrounding tendons. If successful, the target loses control and feeling over all of their fingers other than their pinkies. This effect lasts until healed.

B-ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
Using his intellect and knowledge of the body Hito slaps the opponent's ears powerfully with a well-aimed open palm. This attack can be performed with just one or with both ears. When struck, the opponent becomes temporarily dazed with their vision becoming blurry and their hearing sounding like they're underwater. Additionally, their balance is thrown off and they're treated as having -6 taijutsu for 3 posts. If this is done on only one ear, target's only experience balance issues when moving the side of the body that was struck.

Achille’s Slice.
B-ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
Prereq: Achille's hurdle
Using his intellect and knowledge of the body’s weak points, Hito can make it so targets are incapable of manipulating their ankle. By using a bladed weapon to slice a target's achille's tendon, the user makes it so the target can no longer control the up and down movement of their foot. They can still stand, although any pressure on the foot would cause pain, but they will be unable to do more than waddle.

Golgi Slice
B-Rank Taijutsu
Prereq: Golgi flex
Using his intellect and knowledge of the body's pressure points, Hito can cause one of the four major joints to stop functioning completely. Using a bladed weapon, Hito can slice at the inside of the knee or elbow, severing the golgi tendon itself and disabling the arm or leg completely. This damage can't be healed naturally or repaired without iijutsu.

Axiliary Slice
B-Rank Taijutsu
Prereq: Axillary strike, bladed weapon
Using his intellect and knowledge of the body's pressure points, Hito can cut the axiliary nerve in a counter attack. When provided an opportunity, Hito attempts to slice his weapon across the opponent's axiliary nerve, which is located just above the armpit. This causes the arm to become paralyzed for the rest of the thread until healed and sends a painful shock up to the opponent's head.

Temple strike
B-ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
By applying a very concentrated strike to the target’s temple, Hito can very likely knock them out with one strike. The temples are the thinnest area of the skull, and by concentrating all of his strength on this location, Hito causes serious damage. Most people that are weaker than him will be instantly knocked out, while stronger opponents need repeated strikes.

Sternum split
A-ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
By applying a very concentrated strike to the target’s sternum, Hito can very likely kill them with one strike. If Hito is stronger than the target and applies a concentrated single-knuckle punch to the sternum, he can usually cause it to break in half while simultaneously pushing against it, actually causing the resulting bones to perforate the targets lungs. If the target is stronger, Hito will have to strike repeatedly to break the sternum. If Hito performs this technique with a weapon it becomes even easier to break.

Multi-track Mind
A-ranked Taijutsu Discipline
Prereq: 45 Instinct, [Perception]
Long ago realizing that being able to think harder and faster was only helpful to a point, Hito dedicated himself to thinking about multiple things at once. After years of practice, he's now capable of maintaining up to four different streams of thought at once. These streams can be just him thinking through an idea, or visualizing something or even recalling a memory. While he is capable of this incredible feat, once he's past two different streams of thought, he often has to pause and make sure he's not mixing up the streams. For this reason, he generally doesn't go beyond two when in combat or stressful situations.

S-ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
Prereq: 50 instinct, [Perception]
While Hito already is normally a very quick thinker with quick reflexes, he's not usually working at his full capacity. With his enormous intellect, experience with taijutsu and his considerable physical prowess, Hito can function beyond superhuman levels. With concentration and by committing the entirety of his intellect and focus to a battle Hito's mind functions at such a pace that everything appears to be moving a third of it's speed. This technique doesn't require chakra, but it is mentally draining. The jutsu lasts for 5 posts with no repercussions. For every post after 5 that Hito maintains this technique, he temporarily loses 5 intellect as well as a headache that by 5 posts is extremely distracting and painful. His intellect gradually returns at the same rate it was lost and he can't perform this jutsu again until the effects have worn off.
Sage’s first
[Genjutsu • God's Reality]
B-Ranked Status Genjutsu
After performing the proper hand seals and calling out by saying "Hey:, Hito captures the target in this genjutsu. The target becomes convinced that they're currently in an overlay genjutsu. Their reaction is entirely up to them, but they would be reacting to the idea that they were now within an overlay.

[Genjutsu • Alzheimer’s]
A-Ranked Status Genjutsu
This jutsu can be extremely useful when used at the right time during battle. After performing this jutsu and whistling, the opponent who hears the wistle forgets how to use all of the ninjutsu and genjutsu they know, except basic jutsu. They don’t realize they have forgotten though and if they try to use one of the jutsu they will just flounder with it confused and nothing will happen. Lasts 2 posts.

Vigor of Youth
A-ranked genjutsu
By performing some hand seals and by saying the phrase “Let’s go”, Hito can capture a target in this genjutsu who hears it. Once caught in the genjutsu, targets will disregard any signs of fatigue and judge them unimportant. They’ll still feel fatigue and signs of fatigue, but they will feel as if it’s insignificant and that they can easily troop through it. This causes the target to push past their limits when they’re tired or running low on chakra, which can prove to be dangerous.

Lullaby Wind
A-ranked genjutsu
By performing a few hand seals, Hito says the phrase “Sleep poison manipulation.” and captures the target if they hear the phrase. Once in the genjutsu, the target slowly drifts to sleep. It takes a total of 5 posts for it to happen. The first post ends with the target feeling a little more tired. The second post results in the target showing more signs of fatigue and they begin to yearn sleep. Third post, the target might yawn as their sleepiness increases and they get even tired. By the fourth post, the target gets increasingly tired, their attention starts to drift and their eyes seem to get heavy as they get tired and tired, becoming more stiff and slower, if they stay still for too long, they might even find themselves napping for seconds at a time. At the end of the fifth post, the target will become too tired and simply gently lower themselves to the ground and fall asleep. If during those five posts, the target realizes this is because of a genjutsu and they have a genjutsu stat higher than 5, they can kai out of it before it happens. While asleep, the target can be awoken as if it was a normal slumber. The sleep lasts for a minimum of three posts if it isn’t disturbed by any outside forces. The target can extend the post count it takes to make them sleep by causing new pain or jolts to themselves, this can only bump them up to a maximum of five extra posts however

Last edited by CDF on Wed Nov 22, 2023 9:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
- zenchou
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kage revival

Post by Niro » Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:38 pm

Perks say 4/4 but I don't see which perks are picked on the app?

I count 8 concs in ninjutsu, Upper and Lower Body concs have been combined into CQC conc

Jutsu are spoiler hell to the extreme wtf
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
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kage revival

Post by CDF » Tue Nov 21, 2023 6:03 pm

fixed. couldn't for the life of me fix the list on weapons, so gonna leave it like that for now. gonna need a full fix of his coding anyways
- zenchou
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kage revival

Post by Niro » Tue Nov 21, 2023 6:26 pm

List tag and Center tag do not play well together plus there's a table code messed up somewhere too. Feel free to just quote my post above, I took it from your test thread so double check for any changes you've made I hadn't caught
Last edited by Niro on Tue Nov 21, 2023 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
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kage revival

Post by CDF » Tue Nov 21, 2023 7:35 pm

fixed, thanks. you can delete that post you put now if you'd like, to make the thread shorter
- zenchou
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[color=#C9B037]Ouji Hito Kazekage[/color] Sunagakure no Sato
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kage revival

Post by Niro » Thu Nov 23, 2023 10:10 am

Double check the stats on this and make sure they're what you want, I remember the stat block being different than the one I c/p'd from your test thread.
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
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kage revival

Post by CDF » Thu Nov 23, 2023 12:51 pm

fixed, thanks
- zenchou
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kage revival

Post by Ace Trainer » Sat Nov 25, 2023 9:05 pm

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[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
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[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
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kage revival

Post by Niro » Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:36 pm

Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaGeninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaGenin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
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