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Post by NSRP » Thu Oct 10, 2024 2:28 pm

Fuuinjutsu Fuuinjutsu is a unique type of art used throughout the shinobi world. Fuuinjutsu, known as Sealing Arts, makes use of symbols to channel and control chakra in the absence of an actual shinobi channeling the chakra. Fuuinjutsu are extremely powerful as they forgo the need to perform hand seals, channel chakra, or otherwise focus on the implementation of a technique, allowing shinobi to set fuuinjutsu and leave them to function independently, or be activated at opportune times, remotely, or in response to specific triggering events.
The user is able to utilize Fuuinjutsu, allowing them to create, draw, and read seals generated through chakra. This concentration allows for the user to utilize Barrier, Augment and Dimensional Fuuinjutsu
A type of ninjutsu, Fuuinjutsu has a reputation of being exceedingly complex, leaving it to be one of the more rare and uncommon skills utilized by shinobi. In truth, fuuinjutsu has a specific niche within ninjutsu that makes it beneficial for specialists who can learn to harness it’s power and incorporate it into their fighting styles. Fuuinjutsu come in three forms: Barrier, Dimensional, and Augment Fuuinjutsu, all of which are covered by the single Fuuinjutsu concentration. Below, you will find guidance on each type of fuuinjutsu.

Barrier Fuuinjutsu

One of the most frequently used forms of fuuinjutsu, barrier fuuinjutsu allow the user to construct 3 dimensional barriers that can be used to trap things in them, or lock things out. Unlike ninjutsu, Barriers formed by fuuinjutsu are self-sustaining, allowing them to exist as long as the fuuinjutsu creating them do, and are incredibly powerful in comparison to standard ninjutsu.
  • Barriers formed by Fuuinjutsu form instantly
  • Fuuinjutsu used to construct barriers can be placed either inside or outside the barrier, allowing them to be placed in strategic locations.
  • The fuuinjutsu used to construct barriers determines the boundaries of the barrier. One very large fuuinjutsu could be placed on the ground and the barrier would encircle it, or multiple fuuinjutsu could be used to set the boundaries.
    • Because of this, barriers produced by multiple fuuinjutsu are able to bypass standard range restrictions.
  • The [Strength] of the barrier is determined by the [Control] of the shinobi that kai’s the seal. In multiple seals are used to form a barrier in tandem kai’d by multiple characters, it uses ¾ the collective [Control] of every shinobi that kai’d it. This allows for incredibly potent barriers to be created.
  • A barrier is destroyed if any of the seals producing it are destroyed.
  • Once activated, a Fuuinjutsu Barrier remains active until destroyed or kai’d by it’s activator. It must be reproduced once destroyed or deactivated, and cannot be activated again.

This niche application of Fuuinjutsu allows shinobi who utilize it to create immensely powerful barriers, especially when working in tandem with each other, which can be used as great defenses, or a surefire way to trap your target.

Dimensional Fuuinjutsu

The second most frequently used forms of fuuinjutsu, Dimensional Fuuinjutsu, have an incredibly common usage that often overshadows its more complex and advances uses. Most frequently, dimensional fuuinjutsu are used to store things within them, acting as a dimensional pocket, typically weapons, puppets or supplies. However, more advanced Dimensional Fuuinjutsu can be used to rapidly communicate or move between locations by using linked fuuinjutsu.
  • Dimensional Fuuinjutsu create ‘pocket dimensions’ for specific purposes, which are detailed in the inscriptions making up the fuuinjutsu. This means the jutsu must clearly outline what it is used for.
  • Multi-purpose Dimensional Fuuin do exist, but are still somewhat restricted. A fuuinjutsu used to store weapons could store multiple types of weapons, but it could not also be used to talk through.
  • Dimensional Fuuin are not size restricted in any meaningful way beyond common sense. This means while a fuuinjutsu storing large objects does not need to be the size of said large objects, it could not be the size of a freckle on your palm. Staff will be able to provide guidance on the size necessary for dimensional fuuinjutsu if there are concerns, but a common rule is roughly 1/3rd the size of whatever is being stored.
  • While an infinite supply of an object could theoretically be stored in dimensional fuuin, the more the fuuin is capable of storing, the larger it should be. A fuuinjutsu storing 1000 shuriken would be significant in size, but still smaller than a fuuinjutsu storing 1000 broadswords.
  • Two (or more) dimensional fuuinjutsu can be produced that link to the same space. This means multiple people could pull items from the same space if they both had the appropriate fuuinjutsu (or could replicate it).
  • Dimensional Fuuinjutsu can also be used to communicate. They can be designed to be able to be seen through, heard through, etc, but having multiple versions of it that exist. Both ‘ends’ must be active in order to be used in this way.
  • A Dimensional Fuuinjutsu can be ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’. An open dimensional fuuinjutsu can be accessed, while a closed one cannot. This can be toggled on and off for a single ‘cost’ but then cost chakra to toggle again.
  • Dimensional Fuuinjutsu can also be moved through by the physical body, this follows restrictions set out by the [Space-Time] rules. However, Dimensional Fuuin cannot pass physical bodies further than [Control]m, meaning they often lack the ability to allow someone to traverse vast distances without the assistance of Jikukan.
  • As Dimensional Fuuinjutsu can be recreated, destroying one does not destroy the dimensional space it accesses, simply makes it inaccessible until a new fuuin is created.
Dimensional Fuuinjutsu thus are useful for many types of shinobi. While taijutsu users vastly expand their arsenal through the use of storing equipment via Dimensional Fuuinjutsu, other fighters might find use in them being great for covert communication or quick escapes.

Augment Fuuinjutsu

The rarest form of Fuuinjutsu, least commonly known to the average shinobi. Augment Fuuinjutsu are used to augment whatever they are placed on. While the effects can very, augment are unique in that they are able to be activated by the user but retain their effect until a specific prerequisite is met. This allows Augment Fuuinjutsu to be powerful weapons for covert operations and controlling the battle field.
  • Augment Fuuinjutsu carry ninjutsu-like effects, but are not a 1-for-1 replacement of ninjutsu. For example, both ninpou and fuuinjutsu could be used to make someone deaf, however an augment fuuinjutsu could not be used to produce arrows of chakra, and a ninpou could not be used to prevent someone from using specific words.
  • Augment Fuuinjutsu are paid for upon activation by the user, however, specific jutsu may have prerequisites before their effect is realized.
    • For example, an Augment Fuuinjutsu could be used to apply a stat boost, and the boost could come about instantaneously.
    • Likewise, an Augment Fuuinjutsu could be used to apply a debuff, but could require that the debuff does not activate unless the target utilizes a [Katon] style jutsu.
  • Augment effects are wide and varied, but can best be described as augmenting or restricting the target. An augment could make a wall stronger or weaker, could cause paralysis to the target, can remove access to memories or the ability to say specific words.
  • Augment Fuuinjutsu remain active indefinitely once activated, and must be destroyed to be deactivated or the original creator must cast [Kai] on it. The user pays the cost of the fuuinjutsu upfront. Augment Fuuinjutsu typically cannot be reactivated once deactivated, but some can.
Augment Fuuinjutsu are popular among specific types of shinobi who may use it for subterfuge, area denial, or other types of benefits. The more insidious functions of Augment Fuuinjutsu mean they are often viewed in a negative light, but very often more mundane fuuinjutsu functions are actually types of Augment.

Fuuinjutsu can be created 1 of 2 ways. First, they can perform hand seals (or channel), then place a hand on the surface the fuuinjutsu is being applied to, and a seal will form there. They can also be drawn, drawing a fuuinjutsu takes at minimum, the amount of time it would take to perform the hand seals. This means that all fuuinjutsu must be performed at close range. However, if you have a medium that can be used to drawn at a distance (Ink Release, Doton to kinesis to etch it into the ground, or a swarm that can take the shape), you can perform ranged fuuinjutsu by drawing them at a range with your medium. However this requires the Ranged Fuuinjutsu concentration below.
Ranged Fuuinjutsu:
Ranged Fuuinjutsu
By taking this concentration this user is able to use a medium to draw fuuinjutsu from long ranges, allowing them to place fuuinjutsu without being directly in contact with the surface they'd like to place the fuuinjutsu on.
[quote=Ranged Fuuinjutsu]
[b]Ranged Fuuinjutsu[/b]
By taking this concentration this user is able to use a medium to draw fuuinjutsu from long ranges, allowing them to place fuuinjutsu without being directly in contact with the surface they'd like to place the fuuinjutsu on.[/quote]
Fuuinjutsu Removal

Removal Fuuinjutsu deals with the disposal, deactivation, and all around extermination of Fuuinjutsu. Removal Fuuinjutsu only requires the Fuuinjutsu concentration. The only requirement for removal of Fuuinjutsu is that the user has Control equal to that of which the Fuuinjutsu was created with and the Removal Fuuinjutsu in the archives. For example, if a user is attempting to remove a Fuuinjutsu created with 35 Control, they would need to possess 35 Control themselves. The only exception there is to this rule are Fuuinjutsu seals created with Tenkujutsu which require their own Tenkujutsu variant.
[b]*[color=black][Fuuinjutsu • Air Sealing][/color][/b]
D-Ranked Fuuinjutsu
A truly unique move in that it can be used alongside other Fuuinjutsu, by channeling into their finger as they draw in the air directly in front of them, the user releases raw chakra the lingers for a small amount of time, allowing it to be used as a seal formula. Alternatively the user can also do hand seals and place their hands forward, causing a seal to burst to life in the air in front of them. This technique consumes chakra equal to the cost of the technique.

[b]*[color=black][Fuuinjutsu • Removal][/color][/b]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user will hold their hand over a seal, and begin to remove it. This removal will be successful as long as the user has more [Control] than that of which the Fuuinjutsu was sealed with.

[b]*[color=black][Dimensional Fuuinjutsu • Tool Storage][/color][/b]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
After drawing a seal formula on a surface, ensuring it is large enough for the object that is about to be stored. The user will then begin placing the object into the seal. The user can only seal objects up to their ([Control])m^3 in size.

[b]*[color=black][Augment Fuuinjutsu • Explosive Device][/color][/b]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
The user will draw a fuuinjutsu seal on the surface of an object. Should the seal be activated with [Chakra Kai] it will explode with [Control] strength of whoever performed the [Chakra Kai].This destroys the object the seal is placed on.

[b]*[color=black][Barrier Fuuinjutsu • Simple Barrier][/color][/b]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
The user will draw a fuuinjutsu up to [Control] meters in diameter. Upon activation with kai, the fuuinjutsu will produce a barrier with [Control] strength. The barrier is a basic cube and has no special properties.

[b]*[color=black][Dimestional Fuuinjutsu • Sealing Defense][/color][/b]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
By having an empty surface with a seal formula placed on it, the user is able to use the seal as a defensive measure. Holding a single, one-handed hand seal, the user attempts to block the incoming projectile with the surface. Right before contact is actually made, the projectile will be sealed into the seal. This seal can protect up to the user’s [Control] in Strength. Once used to seal and then release again, the seal will need to be rewritten.
[b]*[color=black][Dimensional Fuuinjutsu • Storage Strike][/color][/b]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
Used in conjunction with storage seals, the user will perform [Kai] on a seal causing it to launch an object stored within it, as if they were thrown at a strength of the user’s [Control]. The three objects will be released in a small spread, only a few inches apart from each other.

[b]*[color=black][Augment Fuuinjutsu • Secret Keeper][/color][/b]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user will chant off a list of words, then they’ll then touch the target’s tongue as the seal forms on it. As long as the seal remains on the target's tongue, their ability to speak those words is removed.

[b]*[color=black][Fuuinjutsu • Tattoo][/color][/b]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
The user can inscribe fuuinjutsu on a surface to have a ‘permanent’ quality. While standard Barrier and Augment fuuinjutsu disappear after usage, fuuinjutsu applied with this technique remain after deactivation. The user must pay full chakra to re-activate the technique, but this allows them to maintain techniques that are more effective with multiple uses

[b]*[color=black][Augment Fuuinjutsu • Strengthen][/color][/b]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
After drawing the necessary seals on the object, the user will imbue the object with a strength equal to their [Control]. The size of this fuuinjutsu is contextual in terms of the object it is applied to and the strength it is enhanced to. For example, if imbued with 50 strength the object will have 90% of its surface space covered, while if only imbued with 25 strength roughly under half of its surface space would be taken up by the seal.

[b]*[color=black][Barrier Fuuinjutsu • Freeforme][/color][/b]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
The user must create between 3 and 10 seals, within any 3 sequence of seals being within 30m of each other. Once the seals a placed, the user(s) perform [Kai] on all the seals simultaneously. This will create a barrier with [Control] strength that will encircle the escribed seals, creating a shape based on how many seals there are, with each seal being a vertex for the planes that connect to it. This allows users to create barriers that go around specific obstacles or have specific shapes.

[b]*[Dimensional Fuuinjutsu • Link][/color][/b]
C-Ranked Ninjutsu
By performing the necessary hand seals, the user will then touch their target’s ear and on the lips, this creates a dimensional space that works as an audio link between themselves and any targets they personally place this seal combination on. While hearing is always active, channeling chakra into the seal allows affected targets to speak, their words being stored and transmitted to the other seals. The act of speaking charges negligent chakra.
[b]*[color=black][Dimensional Fuuinjutsu • Scrying Eyel][/color][/b]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
The user creates two identical fuuinjutsu on any surfaces. When either is activated, the opposite seal will also activate. The fuuinjutsu provide a fisheye lens view from each other, allowing those looking at them to ‘see’ out of the other fuuinjutsu.

[b]*[color=black][Augment Fuuinjutsu • Deafen][/color][/b]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
The user will perform the necessary hand seals then touch their target, a seal on their target will form, completely removing their ability to hear until the seal is removed or deactivated.

[b]*[color=black][Augment Fuuinjutsu • Pinky Swear][/color][/b]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals or inscribing the seal on the target, the user will chant off a list of words, then they’ll then touch the target’s tongue as the seal activates. If the target uses any of the words the user listed off, the seal will activate, spreading over the users body in a spiral shape. Anywhere the fuuinjutsu is touching, the target will feel intense stabbing pain with [Control] strength.

[b]*[color=black][Barrier Fuuinjutsu • Scarlet Fever][/color][/b]
B-Ranked Ninjutsu
The user will place fuuinjutsu into a square, or produce a single fuuinjutsu up to 100m in size. Once activated, the jutsu will create a perimeter. Within the perimeter, no one is able to hear or see anything, and is completely unable to talk. Exiting the perimeter immediately returns these senses, however.
[b]*[color=black][Barrier Fuuinjutsu • Santen Kesshun][/color][/b]
A-Ranked Ninjutsu
The user will draw a fuuinjutsu on a surface, but wait to activate it until someone is standing on the fuuinjutsu. Upon activation, an almond shaped barrier will form around whoever is standing on the barrier. Unlike standard barriers, this barrier moves with whoever was standing on the fuuinjutsu upon activation. The barrier has [Control] strength, and the person protected by the barrier is able to fire jutsu or throw projectiles out of the barrier without breaking it, allowing them to have a mobile defense.

[b]*[color=black][Augment Fuuinjutsu • Doppleganger Trap][/color][/b][/color][/b]
A-Rank Ninjutsu
Prerequisite: *[color=#s][color=#s]Shadow Clone Technique[/color][/color]
After drawing a 8x11 inch seal formula on a surface, the user forms the needed hand seals for the shadow clone technique then touches the seal. Next, they will place the seal on any desired surface then perform an additional set of seals locking it in place and arming the technique. If the seal is removed physically, the fuuinjutsu activates releasing a shadow clone of the person who removed the seal which proceeds to combat them, attempting to kill their original. This trap is best used in situations where the seal needs to be removed in order to achieve a separate objective. This usage of the Shadow Clone will not halve the user's Chakra Pool, and the doppelganger will poof after a two to three solid hit. The main strength though is the doppelganger knows the same moves at its user, making it hard to land blows on.

[b]*[color=black][Augment Fuuinjutsu • Chakra Forbid Seal][/color][/b][/color][/b][/color][/b]
A-Rank Ninjutsu
After forming the necessary hand seals, the user will have their hand glow with five seals on each of their fingers before they make contact with their target transferring the seals. This seals off the target's tenketsu, disturbing their chakra flow and blocking it, essentially making the target incapable of utilizing their chakra for jutsu as long as the seal is on them.

[b]*[color=black][Augment Fuuinjutsu • Paralysis][/color][/b]
A-Ranked Ninjutsu
After forming the necessary hand seals, the user will have their hand glow with five seals on each of their fingers before they make contact with their target transferring the seals.This seals off the target’s ability to move their body and limbs disrupting their nervous system. This does not affect jutsu casting or ability to think.

[b]*[color=#fe0][Dimensional Fuuinjutsu • Perfect Redirection[/color][/b]
A-Ranked Ninjutsu
The user must draw two copies of this fuuinjutsu, most often one they carry on themselves as a tag and one they place at a location outside of combat. The user will throw the tag at a projectile or jutsu and perform [Chakra Kai] activating the fuuinjutsu. Upon activation, the fuuinjutsu will activate, and whatever it contacts next will move into the dimensional space, and then be immediately ejected at the opposite seal. This can be used to avoid opponent attacks, but also to redirect them back at the opponent.
[b]*[color=black][Dimensional Fuuinjutsu • Sudden Escape][/color][/b]
S-Ranked Ninjutsu
The user must draw two copies of this fuuinjutsu, most often one they carry on themselves and one they place at a location outside of combat. Upon performing [kai] on one of the seals, it will open and the user is able to vanish into it. When they do, the opposite seal will automatically activate and force the user out of it, allowing them to instantly teleport to the location. Anyone the user is touching upon activation will move with them as well, if they do not resist. The seals must be within [Control]m of each other in order for this technique to work, otherwise it fails.

[b]*[color=black][Barrier Fuuinjutsu • Draining Barrier][/color][/b]
S-Ranked Ninjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user will touch the ground creating a sprawling seal on the floor beneath them up to 200m in size. This barrier has a strength equal to the user’s [Control], it also drains anyone who enters this barrier’s [Chakra Pool] by -8 per post dissipating it into the air outside of the barrier. This barrier lasts for 5 posts.
Last edited by Kabu on Thu Oct 17, 2024 10:39 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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