AR K) Attacks, Land Seizures, and War

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AR K) Attacks, Land Seizures, and War

Post by Niro » Sat Feb 24, 2024 2:20 pm

Attacks, War, and Land Seizure In a multinational hyper-militarized world like our own, land skirmishes are an inevitability. Oftentimes in the roleplay, these will be simple topics between only a couple of roleplayers and won’t require any guidance or intervention from the staff. However, on some occasions nations or states will make active attempts to seize land from an opponent, and will be met with active counter-maneuvers to retain control over the land. In order to prevent the logistical nightmare of a thread representing an actual war, we have a simplified approach to manage these events. This page details the general process to accomplish that.

General Information
The general process for stealing land or attacking another country can be split into two paths: Official Declaration of Attack and Surprise Attack. This process is more-or-less the same for both paths, however certain decisions go to different sides based on the process taken.

Instead of having a war, the ‘war’ is represented through an event centered around the capturing/destruction of landmarks. Each side will have a goal of either defending a landmark, or destroying it. By the end of the thread, whichever goal is accomplished determines the winner. Depending on the size of the attack, a single landmark could represent the entire attack, or only a single battle in a series of attacks. Landmarks always have 125 strength, and regenerate their strength every 3 posts. Meaning concentrated attacks must be used to destroy them. Staff may require a minimum amount of landmarks based on the specific circumstances of an attack.
If you are ready to attack another country or village, you must first decide if you’d like it to use an Official Declaration of Attack, or a Surprise Attack.
If it is an Official Declaration of Attack, you can do a single thread declaring intent towards the land you’d like to attack and formally request that the land be surrendered to you. In this case, the leader of that land may choose to give you the land or deny your request, in which case Staging begins. Surprise Attacks work much the same way but have added benefits for invaders.

Low Ranking sites may be agreed upon by both sides prior to the start of combat. If either side cannot fill these Low Ranking Sites after agreeing upon them, they will be struck. If one side does fill while the other does not, the site will continue as if there was a response. These Low Ranking sites are limited to a cap of 125 Stats with a limit of 2 100+ stat participants in each site. Low Ranking sites will not affect the overall outcome of the event, however, they will provide a +/-25 to Landmark Strength for whichever side wins the site.

Once Site 1, 2, or 3 has its Landmark destroyed, Site 4 opens up. Site 4 is an interior, unmanned site. The Invaders and Defenders may rotate participants from any of the Sites to Site 5 up to the participant max cnce Sites 1, 2, or 3 are either taken or defended. If Site 5's tower falls to the invaders, the village secrets (Scrolled styles such as Sand/Chalk/Ash/etc, Kujutsu/Nara/Yamanaka/etc, and Kuuton/Kouton/Sankaton/etc) will be earned as a reward. If Site 5 is successfully evacuated from, the village secrets will be safe from the invaders.

During Staging, the Defense will set up 3 threads for landmarks they would like to defend. Each thread must define what the landmark is (most often a tower, organization outpost/headquarter, or X-rank jutsu), and also assign characters to defend the landmark. A landmark can have no more than 3 characters, and no more than 2 S-ranks in the thread per side.

Once Staging is set up, the Attack begins. The Invaders will assign characters to each landmark and engage with the Defense to incapacitate the Defenders and their Landmark. They can assign any appropriate characters to any landmark they choose, but cannot have more than 3 characters, and no more than 2 S-ranks in the thread. This means if a Landmark is being defended by 1 B-rank, the counter attack could choose to send 2 S-ranks in to counter them.

Official Declaration of Attack
  • Allow for Allies to assist both Invaders and Defenders
  • Defense will post first to set up the Site Landmark
  • Defense will assign participants first
  • Invaders will post second at max distance (200m) from the Landmark
  • Invaders will assign participants second
Surprise Attack
  • Allow for Allies to assist both Invaders and Defenders
  • Defense will post first to set up the Site Landmark
  • Defense will assign participants first
  • Invaders will post second at half distance (100m) from the Landmark
  • Invaders will assign participants second
Sites end after 10 rounds if neither side has destroyed the Landmark or incapacitated all enemy combatants. Should a landmark be destroyed, but everyone in the thread is alive, they may choose to cease fighting, or continue until death, or 10 rounds are up.

If you choose to leave one landmark for another, you must state in the thread you are leaving that you are abandoning it. After you abandon your current thread, a full round (one post from every other roleplayer in the topic) must elapse, even if you have means of instant movement, which prevents players from simply jumping around threads and effectively acting in every thread.

At the conclusion of 10 posts, whichever team has the most points (defense meaning number of landmarks standing, offense meaning number of landmarks destroyed) wins. However, in some cases the overall event could be won while some land is still lost. This falls to the discretion of staff and agreement of participants prior to the skirmish starting.

  • Generally, who can/cannot participate in these events will be self-evident by the location, set up, etc. However, staff will use discretion to determine when it’s appropriate for other parties to join in.
  • Simultaneous invasions have the same deadline for sign ups to avoid weird or bad faith interplay.
  • Simultaneous invasions cannot be traversed across (i.e; a war in Suna and a war in Iwa happening simultaneously locks characters at one from the other)
  • You can ‘both sides’ on separate zones (Iwa and Suna) but not separate sites (Iwa Site 1, Iwa Site 2)
  • In single zone events (Village A @ Village B) you may invade w/ a 3rd party, you must treat all people on both sides as hostile. Max of 3 invaders, still capped at 2 S-ranks
  • In multi-zone events (Village A @ Village B, Village C @ Village D) you may not invade w/ a 3rd party.
Last edited by Niro on Sat Mar 02, 2024 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaChuuninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaChuunin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
Yamato [color=#C71585][b]KiriA-Rank
Yoshinori [color=steelblue][b]KonohaChuunin
Shikatsu [color=chocolate][b]KonohaGenin


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