Swap Guide to New Site

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Swap Guide to New Site

Post by Yura » Tue Sep 25, 2018 8:44 am

Welcome to the New Self-Hosted NSRP!

If you are reading this, it means that you've begun the migration process from our old zetaboard forum. Once again we would like to thank all of you for sticking it out and being patient with us during this transition period. Ever since we got word that Tapatalk would be taking over all zetaboard forums staff (primarily Valk) has been preparing this website as a backup just in case Tapatalk’s end result was bad and...well...it was awful. It is unfortunate that it had to come to this after nearly 10 full years on the board, but at least now we have something fresh and new to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. We apologize again for the delay in migration, as we said before our server host experienced a massive outage after one of their server administrators made a critical error but this is the first major outage in their 11 year history so we do not expect it to happen often. Now that the issue is resolved and the website is back up and running, let’s get you all set up shall we.

Logging In

So let’s start by getting everyone logged into the forum. If you had a user profile on zeta-Saigen, then you will have one on here as we made sure to transfer over all user accounts complete with signatures, post counts and avatars. When logging in for the first time:
  • You will need to request a new password for your account. Once you hit login, select ‘I forgot my password’ and enter your username. If your username is not recognized, try using the username that you were listed under prior to Aug. 7th. We've made an effort to update people's usernames, but it is possible that there are a few that we missed.
  • Once you enter your username, an email will be sent to the email address that was associated with your forum account on NSRP. If you no longer have access to this email account, contact DirectorPR or Valk for assistance.
  • Once you receive the email, follow the steps to reset your password. Once that has been done, your account will be active.

The New Forum Overview

So there are a few things to note regarding the new forum. Layout-wise, everything should feel the same for all of you as the new website is formatted the same as zeta-Saigen. Additionally, we have managed to backup nearly all of your posts up to September 24th 2018, with the exception of the tourney posts and event polls which are in the process of being transferred again. The mod team has worked hard twice now to make sure that we salvaged as much as possible so all characters should have been transferred over in their most current state. If you notice a thread/posts missing or your character is not the most up-to-date version, contact one of the GMods or PR to assist you.

Probably the biggest change you will notice is in regards to the options provided to you when formatting posts. BBCode is still the predominant code format and can still be used just like on zetaboards, however you now have several more options to experiment with. You may find, however, that some of the coding that worked on zeta doesn’t work the same way or doesn’t visually look the same here. We noticed that there were some characters whose coding was messed up when transferred over to the new site and while we rectified most of the issues, there may still be some applications that will require updating/fixing. If you find that your character is one of these applications and you are unsure how to fix it, let us know and we will try to work with you to resolve it. Please note that at this time all links in your character applications and user signatures will need to be updated to new links on the new website so that they don’t redirect to the old forum. We are hoping to find a way to redirect most of the links automatically, but it may be easier to just update them yourselves.

Additionally, there are some general features that we had on Zeta that we do not currently have, most notably the ability to store personal color codes. Valk has been working hard to ensure that we have all of the features that we had before and the color code storage one is on its way, but at this point in time it is not a feature. We ask that everyone be patient while we find a way to add this and other features to the site.

At the moment, features that have been added/altered/will be added are:
  • the zeta tag [class=floatright][/class] is now: [float=right][/float]
  • [flash][/flash] isn't needed anymore as video urls should auto-embed now. If they don't (e.g. if you disable automatic link detection when posting) you can use [BBvideo][/BBvideo] instead.
  • [anchor] and [goto] do not currently work, but should be coming soon.
Overall, this website will function much like zeta did while giving us some freedom to add quality of life features in the future. There will likely be some small bumps in the road as we get all of the kinks worked out but for the most part everything should work as it should. We want to thank everyone for being patient with us while we finished setting up the site and once everyone has successfully transitioned over we plan to have a little event to show our appreciation for you all sticking with us.

That’s all we’ve got for you all for now, if you have any questions feel free to reach out to us on Discord.

--- NSRP Mod Team
SadakoGeninIwagakureTeam 13[color=#90D2D8]
Enkouten, MitsuoBanninIwagakureTeam 18|Jousai[color=#ff2200]
Retired CharactersShow
Nara, ShikariBanninKonohagakureMamorinuku[color=#fb8a00]
Takara, MorikoGeninIwagakure[color=#ffeb66]
Inji, AyakoC-RankWaterfall[color=#8080ff]

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Re: Swap Guide to New Site

Post by CDF » Wed Sep 26, 2018 3:48 pm

Nice work y'all
- zenchou
Most intense. Mission. EVER.
[color=#C9B037]Ouji Hito Kazekage[/color] Sunagakure no Sato
Wakatsuki, Zai A-ranked Missing Ninja Kumogakure no Sato


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