Weapon Lottery

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Weapon Lottery

Post by Kao » Sun Jul 28, 2019 1:45 pm

All of the Five Great Evils except for Ignorance are up for lottery. Nintoku’s Crown in the Emperor's Armory is also up for lotto. Here are the rules:

• You may enter for more than one weapon, up to three. List them in your order of preference. You may only win one lotto.

• Once you have won the lottery, you have one week to put up a D ranked PB request that contains one tread to retrieve the weapon. Staff will put up the actual thread.

• Once you have begun your weapon retrieval, others can invade your thread to attempt to take the weapon. Invaders must not have a stat total more than +15 than the winner.

• If you win a lotto you cannot invade another thread with the same character.

• Invaders may steal the weapon however they please, such as either killing others involved in the thread or by taking the weapon and running.

• The thread is open to all for 7 days. If no one invades, then the winner of the lotto gets the weapon.

• You may not enter the lottery if you have a genma or a weapon from the Emperor’s armory. However, you may invade a thread.

• If you enter both the genma and the lotto and you win both, you may only choose one. In this case I recommend that you choose the genma lotto since you can invade weapon threads even if you have a genma, but it's up to you.

• Collaboration and teaming up is not permitted.

• The eventual winner of the weapon must pay 25 points for the weapon. If you do not have 25 points when you sign up, do not let this deter you. You make the payment when you put up the mod to add the weapon, so you should have plenty of time to earn your points.

You may enter this lottery until August 20th.

Sign up below.
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin - S-rank Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman, tenkujutsu specialist [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]

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Jin the Sugar Glider
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Weapon Lottery

Post by Jin the Sugar Glider » Thu Aug 15, 2019 10:29 pm

Putting in for Nintoku's crown. If I get it -and- soul i'll work it out and figure which one I want.
Active Characters
Village of OriginCharacter Name & LinkRankColor
Sunagakure no SatoHenrin EmiGenin[color=darkgoldenrod][b][/b][/color]
Konohagakure no SatoIbakuro AiyaChuunin[color=#8CD600][/color]
Kumogakure no SatoJinrai ShizuneGenin[color=#de2c9b][/color]
Kirigakure no SatoTsukino KazushigeGenin[color=#FCA311][b][/b][/color]

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Weapon Lottery

Post by Takumi » Fri Aug 16, 2019 5:26 pm

I'll put in for desire, anger and ignorance, in that order of preference.

Takumi already has Ignorance, so it's no longer up for lotto

-Kao (August 17)

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Weapon Lottery

Post by Servant » Fri Aug 16, 2019 5:32 pm

In order of preference: Desire, Crown, Anger.
My Thread
Inken Nikuya
  • Seiryu - [color=#007FFF]
  • Suzaku - [color=#e62a09]
  • Genbu - [color=#80461B]
  • Byakko - [color=#007FFF]
Sadame Juusha
Imuka Makumi
Yamanaka Yaya

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Weapon Lottery

Post by Sia » Fri Aug 16, 2019 7:24 pm

Crown, Ignorance, Desire
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

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Weapon Lottery

Post by Willoria » Sat Aug 17, 2019 8:50 pm

Entering for:

The Tales of the Aes Sedai Fukusha Reina - Iwagakure No Sato - Jounin - #EF2B2D Atsushi Cho - Tea Country - D Rank Samurai - #A34402 Hanzo - Sunagakure No Sato - Genin - #35C4AF

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Weapon Lottery

Post by Zao » Sun Aug 18, 2019 8:32 am

Desire, envy, anger.

I will be giving up the breast plate on Kasai if I win.
Tsukino Hisato - Kiri Chuunin - Seven Swordsman Dagger - S-Rank

Saisuko Ziv - Fifth Year Sky Reach Student - D-rank

Sachi Battosai Member - Heart Country - A-rank

Arashiyama, Toushi - Kumo Bannin - Rakurai - Retired Shinobi

Akujin - Konoha Genin, Art Ninjutsu Guy / Root member

Kyōhō Ken - The White Snake Sage - Heart Country Assassin/Bounty Hunter - S-Rank

Aburame Kemuri - Konoha Missing-nin - Cresent Coalition member - S-Rank

Kisama, Jimmu - A Rank Bounty Hunter

Old CharactersShow
Saisuko Zao - Suna Missing-nin - Spirit Weapon Saint - S-Rank - DEAD :( , used as inheritance.

Arashiyama Ning - Kumo Chuunin - Weilder of the Ghost Spear

Yami Kasai - Mizukage - The Black Reaper - DEAD

Genso - Elemental Crafting Shaman - A Rank Monk - Inactive

Aburame Akiro - Konoha Jounin - ANBU Member - Inactive

Hyōryū -- Suna S-Rank / Dead / Used as Inheritance.

Xi - Iwa Jounin / Inactive

Sato - A Rank, "The Cleaving Swordsman " / Inactive

Toukai Touma - Kiri Genin / Inactive

Hitachiai - Iwa Jounin / Inactive

Ji Ning - Iwa Genin / Inactive

Naegi, Chin - A-rank MN / Inactive

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Weapon Lottery

Post by Niro » Sun Aug 18, 2019 4:14 pm

Entering for Desire, Anger
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaChuuninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaChuunin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
Yamato [color=#C71585][b]KiriA-Rank
Yoshinori [color=steelblue][b]KonohaChuunin
Shikatsu [color=chocolate][b]KonohaGenin

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Weapon Lottery

Post by Kao » Sun Aug 18, 2019 10:31 pm

Entering for Anger, Envy
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin - S-rank Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman, tenkujutsu specialist [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]

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Weapon Lottery

Post by Varian » Wed Aug 21, 2019 2:25 pm

Results are in:

Anger: Zao
Envy: Kao
Crown: Sia
Malevolence: Kat
Desire: Serv

If you have also won a genma please post which you would prefer to keep
Active Characters
Sun IchiC-RankDungeon CountryN/A
Fukusha YujiGeninIwagakure No SatoN/a

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Weapon Lottery

Post by Servant » Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:24 pm

My Thread
Inken Nikuya
  • Seiryu - [color=#007FFF]
  • Suzaku - [color=#e62a09]
  • Genbu - [color=#80461B]
  • Byakko - [color=#007FFF]
Sadame Juusha
Imuka Makumi
Yamanaka Yaya

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Weapon Lottery

Post by Zao » Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:58 pm

I'll be dropping the gemna for the weapon. I will be throwing up a PB after my MN gets through registration.
Tsukino Hisato - Kiri Chuunin - Seven Swordsman Dagger - S-Rank

Saisuko Ziv - Fifth Year Sky Reach Student - D-rank

Sachi Battosai Member - Heart Country - A-rank

Arashiyama, Toushi - Kumo Bannin - Rakurai - Retired Shinobi

Akujin - Konoha Genin, Art Ninjutsu Guy / Root member

Kyōhō Ken - The White Snake Sage - Heart Country Assassin/Bounty Hunter - S-Rank

Aburame Kemuri - Konoha Missing-nin - Cresent Coalition member - S-Rank

Kisama, Jimmu - A Rank Bounty Hunter

Old CharactersShow
Saisuko Zao - Suna Missing-nin - Spirit Weapon Saint - S-Rank - DEAD :( , used as inheritance.

Arashiyama Ning - Kumo Chuunin - Weilder of the Ghost Spear

Yami Kasai - Mizukage - The Black Reaper - DEAD

Genso - Elemental Crafting Shaman - A Rank Monk - Inactive

Aburame Akiro - Konoha Jounin - ANBU Member - Inactive

Hyōryū -- Suna S-Rank / Dead / Used as Inheritance.

Xi - Iwa Jounin / Inactive

Sato - A Rank, "The Cleaving Swordsman " / Inactive

Toukai Touma - Kiri Genin / Inactive

Hitachiai - Iwa Jounin / Inactive

Ji Ning - Iwa Genin / Inactive

Naegi, Chin - A-rank MN / Inactive

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Weapon Lottery

Post by Kao » Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:21 pm

Final winners:

Anger: Zao
Envy: Kao
Desire: Serv

Malevolence and the Crown are still available and will be up for lotto again in the upcoming weeks.

In addition, Zao has given up the Chest Piece of the Emperor's Armory, so it will be up for lotto as well.
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin - S-rank Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman, tenkujutsu specialist [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]


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