Staff Applications Open

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Staff Applications Open

Post by Nafan~ » Fri Jul 23, 2021 6:16 am

Staff Applications Now Open

Attention Saigen members, with things picking up again and members returning we're seeking more help for the volunteer staff team. Members are encouraged to register their interest below. Applications will be considered from all members, however keep in mind that positions will be offered based on the amount of experience had with the board and its rules.

Staff members perform all the functions of the board that keeps things working, including:
  • Reading and grading topics
  • Finding errors on registration and modification applications
  • Contributing to rule changes
  • Organising board wide events
  • Moderating and maintaining the lore descriptions and board wide story-line.
We hope that you'll consider helping us continue to keep this board working!

"Tululila, Talila Tulula."
S-rankSunagakure no SatoHIzashi, Kougyoku

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Staff Applications Open

Post by Zao » Fri Jul 23, 2021 12:56 pm

I'd be interested in helping out.
Tsukino Hisato - Kiri Chuunin - Seven Swordsman Dagger - S-Rank

Saisuko Ziv - Fifth Year Sky Reach Student - D-rank

Sachi Battosai Member - Heart Country - A-rank

Arashiyama, Toushi - Kumo Bannin - Rakurai - Retired Shinobi

Akujin - Konoha Genin, Art Ninjutsu Guy / Root member

Kyōhō Ken - The White Snake Sage - Heart Country Assassin/Bounty Hunter - S-Rank

Aburame Kemuri - Konoha Missing-nin - Cresent Coalition member - S-Rank

Kisama, Jimmu - A Rank Bounty Hunter

Old CharactersShow
Saisuko Zao - Suna Missing-nin - Spirit Weapon Saint - S-Rank - DEAD :( , used as inheritance.

Arashiyama Ning - Kumo Chuunin - Weilder of the Ghost Spear

Yami Kasai - Mizukage - The Black Reaper - DEAD

Genso - Elemental Crafting Shaman - A Rank Monk - Inactive

Aburame Akiro - Konoha Jounin - ANBU Member - Inactive

Hyōryū -- Suna S-Rank / Dead / Used as Inheritance.

Xi - Iwa Jounin / Inactive

Sato - A Rank, "The Cleaving Swordsman " / Inactive

Toukai Touma - Kiri Genin / Inactive

Hitachiai - Iwa Jounin / Inactive

Ji Ning - Iwa Genin / Inactive

Naegi, Chin - A-rank MN / Inactive

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Staff Applications Open

Post by Rain21199 » Fri Jul 23, 2021 4:27 pm

Three years of modding experience required with a Bachelors Degree in Human Resources.
Looking for hard working, independent, go-getters.
Must be willing to work all weekends and holidays.
Hazashi, Soseki
Owl Country
"A 7 for Zangy for example, is different from a 7 from Envy who is not quite a nuanced writer as Zangy is (sorry Envy), which is different from a 7 for Rain, who has English as his second language." - Onu 2016

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Staff Applications Open

Post by Diatenshi » Sat Jul 24, 2021 8:59 am

Previously worked as a apprentice until life got busy life has slowed down a bit and id like a second chance at mod work
Tools of WarShow

Will of Fire-
Senju Masaru


Light of Hope-
Awai Akihiro


Viral Menace-
Toukai Chisaki


Yin Yang Divided
Naegi Waruhito


King of Pirates-
Ryoshi Kaisui

B-Rank MN

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Jin the Sugar Glider
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Staff Applications Open

Post by Jin the Sugar Glider » Sat Jul 24, 2021 10:57 am

Y'all know I've been a mod on and off for a while lmao. I'm willing to be a mod again just to be able to check and 2/2 things and such, but I'd want to be able to recuse myself from the discussions regarding rules changes and such. Thats the stuff that gets me bitter and then I leave.

So, if that's an acceptable compromise, hmu.
Active Characters
Village of OriginCharacter Name & LinkRankColor
Sunagakure no SatoHenrin EmiGenin[color=darkgoldenrod][b][/b][/color]
Konohagakure no SatoIbakuro AiyaChuunin[color=#8CD600][/color]
Kumogakure no SatoJinrai ShizuneGenin[color=#de2c9b][/color]
Kirigakure no SatoTsukino KazushigeGenin[color=#FCA311][b][/b][/color]


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