[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

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[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

Post by Director » Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:57 pm

Fanho watched the towns people as him and Kazuo walked through the town closer to the temple. They could notice the pick up in those with monk garb. Hell, even those with just monk related items were more frequent. The closer they got to the inner sanctum, the crazier these people got. The Awai peered around before darting in another back alleyway with Kazuo. "Gonna see if Susaku has another message for us yet." Flying through the hand seals, Fanho summoned the ninja fox as he appeared with note in tote. "I t-ink yo- may w-nt to re-d it!" Fanho cocked his head a bit before rolling his eyes and taking the note from his mouth.

"They're up-ranking the mission and requesting we go intervene and disrupt whatever they're planning." He glanced up at the Inuzuka Jounin. It was clear there was something they both knew was wrong. Neither of them could quite right place it however. With a sigh and a fold of the note from Konoha into his pocket after letting Kazuo read it. "Well, I'm down for some wedding crashing. How about you? Free food, beautiful brides maids to hit on, and a red carpet to strut on. Well maybe minus the red carpet." He kinda cringed at the idea of a red carpet. Cultists were weird so he wouldn't trust a red carpet from them.

Fanho nodded at Susaku before dispelling the fox into his home spirit world. "Look's like there's no time to wait. Guess we should take an identity of one of the monks, infiltrate, observe, and then we can release the bull in the china shop." He glanced around outside of the alley to ensure no one watched them as they enclosed on the temple. It was large with monks constantly patrolling the outside, those training on the inside, and those that were praying. The different ranking statures were clear. Red's were leaders, purples were leaders in training, and burgundy were the peons. From here it looks like they'd need some of those with the fancy red robes of satin (And satan as some would say).
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

Post by Sanjuro » Sat Dec 09, 2017 1:13 am

Kazuo let out a soft whistle as they ducked into the alley, a blur of brown shadow appearing from the rooftop above as Koji landed next to him at his call. He smiled down at the ninken before turning his attention back to Fanho and his summoned fox. "Throwing a monkey wrench into the works is what we specialize in." Kazuo wasn't surprised by the change in mission directive. He had anticipated it to be perfectly honest. There were specialized teams available for handling infiltration and espionage that should handle a mission like this, but Kazuo suspected that the brass back in the village thought it was still just something minor. He wasn't going to complain, it gave him a chance to flex his spying muscles so to speak.

"Getting inside should be easy enough. I'll take the face of the guy you handled, and you can take the face of the guy I trailed. I looked like him when I came back remember? But if you need a refresher I can switch back again." He turned to Koji and smiled sadly at the dog. Koji pinned his ears back against his head and bared his teeth at Kazuo, already knowing what was coming. "Sorry buddy. Infiltration isn't exactly your speciality-" Kazuo cut himself off as he suddenly had an idea. He turned with a devious grin towards Fanho and motioned back to Koji. "He can be me. He can be me in bindings. We could walk straight up to whoever is in charge with a 'prisoner' and get the drop on them."

It was a crazy idea, especially since Koji immediately growled at the idea of being bound in any way, but it would get all three inside. Kazuo grinned broadly, as if surprised by his own stroke of genius, and awaited Fanho's opinion on the matter. If he got the go ahead, Kazuo would transform himself into the large monk that he had seen briefly knocked out in the tea house earlier before weaving the hand seals for Koji so the dog could use his own chakra to transform into his Beast-Man state, becoming a perfect copy of Kazuo.
Name Village Rank Color Code
Hirohito, Hideki Kirigakure Bannin #0047AB
Higurashi, Kazuo Iwagakure Special Jounin #FFC40C
Akechi, Gendo Cold Country C-Rank pink
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[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

Post by Director » Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:33 pm

Fanho's eye brows fluttered at the idea of turning Koji into Kazuo as bait. With a second to mull it over, it wasn't a bad plan to fit all three of them inside. Surely though the monks had to know there were more than just Kazuo. "It'll do the trick but they know there's more than just one. They'll still be on edge, but it'll get all three of us in." He gave a nod agreeing with the idea, he'd just need to be prepared to break cover and start wreaking havoc. As Fanho peered around the corner of the alley way before ducking in further weaving hand seals changing his appearance once more into the monk he saw Kazuo form as earlier.

"Koji, just make sure you don't bark. I'm pretty sure humans don't do that, well maybe Kazuo does." He flashed a humorous smile back at his friend before stepping outside onto the street enclosing to the temple. He glared around as towns folk watched him, but this time less worrisome and more respectful. Some lowered their heads, others gave a slight bow as he walked. None blinked twice at him not returning the favor, it seemed they were used to the monks holding themselves in high regard.

Fanho in a hushed whisper stepped a bit closer to Kazuo holding Koji locked up. "Tell me I'm not the only one feeling something unsettling here. Like the people are lost in the sauce?" Albeit his light hearted wording, every word was meant filled with worry. The towns people all seemed to enraptured by the monks, as if they were themselves gods. It sent an unnerving shiver down Fanho's spine to be looked at in such a way. For the monks it seemed like it was second nature to walk with such gusto and respect given. As they grew closer to the temple Fanho watched as a group of monks made a beeline to their location.

"Brother Arifusa, please come with us. We must discuss matters of the grand prayer." The monk's eye brows fluttered with urgency before glaring at Kazuo draped in a cloak of deception as Bando with such disdain. Fanho cocked his head backwards looking at Kazuo darting his eyes to the corner before giving a sigh and turning to face his "fellow monk". "Yes brother, but do we trust this..." The Awai mulled over several words before settling on one, he had to say the right one to fool them. "Vagrant with such cargo?" The monk looked over Fanho's shoulder at Kazuo and Koji disguised before rolling his eyes. "If the vagrant can detain them, he can take care of them inside of the prison."

He peered behind Fanho once more. "Vagrant, take this pest to the lower levels of the temple. You shall be given your due and be dismissed. Is that clear?" The monk took any movement or word as an answer before giving a loud, "Hmph." Then strode off as Fanho glanced back slightly worried at Kazuo trotting behind the group of monks.
Jutsu UsedShow
*Ninjutsu • Advanced Transformation Technique
C-Rank Ninjutsu
An advanced form of the Transformation Technique, after performing the correct hand seals and holding the final one temporarily, the user will coat and mold chakra around their body into the shape and form of something or someone which is no more than twice their size at a speed of 4. This technique's true advantage is that the disguise is given physical substance. This means, for example, if they transform into something with claws, they will have claws that can physically be used. For the disguises 5 post duration, if it is damaged by a hit of 16 or more strength, the disguise "poofs" from existence. This includes collateral damage caused by striking an opponent that may occur to the disguise.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

Post by Sanjuro » Mon Dec 11, 2017 8:10 pm

Kazuo transformed Koji first. It was always a little strange, looking at a mirror image of himself, though if someone looked hard enough they could see the feral look to Koji's eyes even in his transformed state that gave him away. It was a look Kazuo adopted in combat, but not one he wore at all times like his partner did. Taking some wire from his pouch, he carefully bound Koji's hands in a way that made it appear solid and secure but with one quick tug would snap the wire in two as if it were no more than a thin piece of twine. "It's not for long, bud. I promise there is the biggest steak waiting for you after this is done." The transformed dog glared at Kazuo before turning to snarl at Fanho's comment. The one thing the transformation didn't provide was human language.

Assuming the visage of the unkempt vagabond of a monk that had attempted to assault Fanho, Kazuo took the end of the wire and began to lead Koji out of the alley. Where Fanho was largely ignored or shown signs of respect, kazuo was looked at with interest or degradation. Or more accurately, the 'prisoner' he was escorting. Some spat, others gasped in horror, as if surprised that a ninja would dare enter their sacred grounds. Kazuo mentally frowned, he knew shinobi were often viewed as things of fear or myth, but this was… strange. The Fire Temple had once had a fairly close relationship with ninja. Was it just this sect doing something different or was something larger at work? "You're not the only one, trust me. Keep your eyes peeled."

When they were suddenly approached by a group of monks, more than one of them looking his way with disdain, the feeling in the pit of his gut that told him something was wrong with this place grew a hell of a lot worse. "I ain't no vagrant! I dun me work jus' like anyone else 'ere!" Kazuo looked at Fanho, betrayed, but when the other monks agreed and ordered him off to the sub levels of the temple he bowed his head in a show of barely restrained anger and obedience. "O-o'course, brother." When they started marching off, Kazuo raised his hands to his chest and made a few quick signals when Fanho looked back.

'Stay safe. Get info. Get out.'

With that, Kazuo set off towards the temple, trailing behind the monks, and began looking for whatever it was that amounted to an entrance to the lower levels of the temple. Where they apparently had a prisoner. Because temples of a religious order of monks needed a prison for some reason. What in the Will of Fire had they managed to walk themselves into?
*[Basic Jutsu • Transformation Technique]
E-Ranked Ninjutsu
After completing the needed handseals, the user of this technique will be able to alter their physical appearance to match that of another person. By consistently emitting chakra throughout their body, the user is able to keep their appearance adjusted at the cost of their stamina draining over time. As this technique is quite strenuous to uphold, experienced shinobi may see more clearly through this delusive disguise. This technique lasts for a number of posts equal to that of the user's stamina.

[Beast Man Clone]
C-Rank Ninjutsu
After Kazuo performs the necessary hand seals, Koji uses his own chakra to transform himself into a perfect copy of Kazuo. This transformed state gives Koji access to Kazuo's Taijutsu techniques and is classified as being in the Four-Legged technique for use in Piercing Fang. The transformation lasts for 5 posts but can be broken like all transformation techniques; with a few solid hits.
Name Village Rank Color Code
Hirohito, Hideki Kirigakure Bannin #0047AB
Higurashi, Kazuo Iwagakure Special Jounin #FFC40C
Akechi, Gendo Cold Country C-Rank pink
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[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

Post by Director » Tue Dec 12, 2017 10:59 pm

Fanho watched as Kazuo stressed the importance of the signs as he followed behind the monks closely an expression of seriousness befalling his face. It was important to keep the look up as an important monk otherwise their cover would be broken. As they walked the initial monks right hand man spoke up. "Narihiro, are we sure our calculations are correct? This is quite the large operation and we already have those shi-" The initial monk now with a name of Narihiro spoke up interrupting his right hand man with a single finger lifted into the traditional "shhh'ing" symbol. "Hush you imbecile. Everything will go as planned Nakaari. The village looks upon us as the true disciples, with our messages we'll reach wide and encompass the fellow lands. Our people are already in Rock Country, Water Country, and Wind Country. Soon we'll reach Lightning Country as well."

Nakaari flashed a look at Narihiro that was worry some before shutting his own self up knowing it'd just be dismissed. Fanho glanced at the two before proposing his own question but asserting his own dominance over the Narihiro by taking a deeper tone. "Go into further depth Narihiro, it can't hurt to review our plans could it?" He fleeked his eyebrow up before glancing at Nakaari nodding his head putting the other monk at ease. The rest of the group nodded as Narihiro sighed before furrowing his eye brows and scratching his head. "If you all must hear it once more I'm going to lose my patience entirely."

As Kazuo garnered closer to the temple upon first glances on the outskirts it was huge. However now the temple seemed full in size as it did back there measuring to the full scope. It was hard to determine where it ended or where it began this close. If he went close to the initial steps the two monks outside of the front doors holding bo' staffs stepped in front angling them in-front of the door as well. If not there were several patrols of monks wielding anything from bo' staffs, katanas, or even daggers. It appeared they got their own personal choice of weapons. "Side entrance over there drifter." The monk nudged his head towards a shady looking door that led to the basement of the temple. It was still a large solid door but quite dark in appearance compared to the shiny candy red paint of other parts of the temple.

Upon entering the basement of the temple it was dimly lit with torches and completely barren. Not appearing to be guarded by many grunts. At the end of the dimly lit walkway held a jail cell that was empty with the door open and a lock laying next to it. If Kazuo used any sort of sensing technique he'd know he wasn't alone. On the other-side of the basement had a set of stairs that led to the main procession up stairs. However all that lay between him and it were the pillars supporting the floor above. The rest laid barren with no sort of furniture or accessories. It was entirely a concrete floor with wooden pillars scattered about and a steel cage that had fuuinjutsu written all over it. If Kazuo had any skill in fuuinjutsu it'd read that it'd drain chakra.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

Post by Sanjuro » Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:41 pm

Kazuo's eyes shifted from one guard to the next, taking in the weapons they were carrying and more importantly the way they were carrying themselves. Some were confident in their stance, others relaxed, some even seemed nervous. He sniffed as he walked past, focusing on the combination of sweat and chemicals that the human body released. Not all the monks were comfortable with something, but some were doing what they could to hide their fear. Noticing the tension that the monk guarding the main entrance resonated, he made his way along the side, trying to get a measure for the immense size of the temple ground, when he finally found someone willing to speak to him rather than scowl. Kazuo smiled a twisted smile at the monk that pointed the way, aware of how his disguise looked, and fought back a smirk at the look of disgust on the monk's face.

Stepping down into the door he pointed out, Kazuo fought back a shudder as they stepped down into the darkness, their only warmth and light coming from the nearby torches. He took a moment as he made his way down the stairs to close his eyes and open his other senses. He took in the faint smell of oil underneath the smell of smoke and fire, the flickering of the flames in the wind now that the door was opened, the subtle shifting of cloth and feet from whomever was further down the narrow hallway. A heartbeat, the smell of human. Walking towards the jail cell, he frowned at the markings around it. He didn't use fuuinjutsu, it was a skill well beyond him, but he had worked with enough people that did.

There was no way in hell he was putting Koji into that death trap. He wasn't going to do it before he got down here anyway, but he definitely wasn't going to do it now. Nodding to Koji, he turned and took in however many guards were standing around. If any of them seemed nervous or unsure, he would leave them standing. The ones that smelt confident, sure of themselves, those were the ones that needed to be taken care of immediately.
[Predator's Instinct • Distinct Sounds]
C-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Kazuo mentally takes in and registers the default sounds of an area; creaking on a boat, wind against walls, their own breathing and other sounds one would expect. By doing this Kazuo becomes more acutely aware of sounds that 'don't belong', such as footsteps in an empty room or a branch breaking in a quiet forest. The contrast of sounds is what is important here, not the type, and Kazuo can discern differences in natural sound versus those made by action in most cases unless the actions are deliberately made to sound natural. This focus on distinct sounds once again opens up the user to sonic attacks very damagingly and can often deafen the user.

[Predator's Instinct • Primal Nose]
B-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
After utilizing his nose and training his sense of smell for so long, Kazuo has become able to tap his sense of smell to its most refined and most bestial. Kazuo is able to pick out the most common scents and focus on the freshet ones in an area of 10 meters around him. By doing this Kazuo is able to tell the amount of individual humans, animals or creatures and the most intense smells of each person, including if they were injured or if they were tired by gauging sweat levels. Kazuo can then track these groups of scents with relative ease.

[Predator's Instinct • State of Affairs]
C-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Having spent so much time honing his sense of smell, Kazuo has become more attuned to the way smells can reflect the emotional state of the one who emanates them. He can tell when someone is nervous or excited, scared or happy, etc, from their scent alone.
Name Village Rank Color Code
Hirohito, Hideki Kirigakure Bannin #0047AB
Higurashi, Kazuo Iwagakure Special Jounin #FFC40C
Akechi, Gendo Cold Country C-Rank pink
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[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

Post by Director » Fri Dec 22, 2017 11:10 pm

The guards were hidden behind pillars. Kazuo and Koji's peculiar senses could easily pick up on the eight guards surrounding them slowly. Darting in between pillars, under the cover of the dimly lit room to an untrained eye they wouldn't notice. However unfortunately for them they were dealing with some of Konoha's best known trackers, and were at the disadvantage here. However there wasn't a brooding sense among the monks down here, rather confident, full of ego, and boldness that would shake an ill prepped soldier. These guys were disciplined and fighters, they would not be an easy fight.

Two hid to Kazuo and Koji's six o'clock position. Another two to their three o'clock, two to their ten o'clock, and as they were picking up on those hidden two would emerge from behind the cell with a stern look of a soldier who had experienced several battles. These were not ordinary monks but rather retired experienced samurai. The scars whittled from their skin in battle, one of the men's eyes were milky white from where they were blinded. The sheer sight of their confidence would cause a shiver to go down the spine of most soldiers. However perhaps not for the Konoha shinobi brought to bring them to justice.

"You are no vagrant, you could have not taken this prisoner in for your discipline lacks in the most vital areas. A shinobi of any high stature would've torn you limb from limb. Either you are an insider or one experienced in the deceptive shinobi arts..." His voice ended on a cold steely essence as the samurai gripped his katana slightly pushing the blade out with his thumb on the hilt while his hand grasped the sheath. This would be the disciplined fighters the further they pushed into the temple that they'd see more of.
Fanho kept pace with the rest of the monks as Narihiro kept going on about their plans. "Well Arifusa because you want us to review again. As normal from you... Once we gain the energy of the five elders we'll summon the spirit of Masayoshi. Only his true form can bring justice and enlightenment to this plain. Not these shinobi that taught their chakra abiliti-" One of Arifusa's other monk friends tapped him in the shoulder as they entered the west atrium of the temple. It was much larger than what first appeared. However it appeared it was Arifusa's tendency to get carried away ranting about shinobi.

"Arifusa, we must make our way to the central atrium and begin the preparations." His voice shaky, he certainly wasn't prepared for whatever awaited at the end of these preparations. However he was a trusty devoted follower so if Fanho could corner him alone he could garner more information. Perhaps he'd be the easiest to crack out of this little group following. Only time could tell as they made their way through the winding halls on the first level of the temple passing artifacts, artwork, and different scripts detailing the many spirits these kooks worshiped.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

Post by Sanjuro » Sun Dec 24, 2017 12:40 am

These men… did not move like monks. Monks were light-footed, carried themselves with purpose but also with peace. These men were men of war. Kazuo could smell it in their sweat, could practically taste the battle that they had lived for. Eight soldiers, all of them confident, all of them battle-hardened, all of them… zealous. They would kill him without a moments hesitation or an ounce of regret. It had been a long time since Kazuo had last felt fear. Worry, uncertainty, doubt, these were common. But genuine fear was something that has escaped the Inuzuka since the events of the Crush.

A feral grin emerged across his face.

"You got me."

Twisting, Kazuo pressed his feet down to gain traction before exploding in a flurry of movement, Koji doing the same in the opposite direction as he reacted to his master's body language. With each step he took, Kazuo pressed himself further, moved in erratic patterns, Koji ducking in and around him, creating a maze of copies in the air. He pulled deeper from his reserves and he made the hand seals that would allow his muscles to begin enhancing themselves with chakra. There would be not one Kazuo as his transformation dropped; there would be several. Throwing himself into a spinning motion, a sharp whistle as he moved told Koji what to do in the ensuing chaos.

The transformed ninken threw himself into a spin and the duo aimed at the two scents they had picked up to their three o'clock to begin with. Regardless of whether the attack was succesful or not, they would use their momentum to move clockwise and attack the duo that had been in their six originally. The transformation wouldn't last much longer. They had to begin and end this fight quickly, without alerting the rest of the temple. Kazuo could only pray that Fanho was having better luck.
[Jūjin Taijutsu • Mirage Assault]
B-Rank Taijutsu Stance
Prerequisite: [Heavenly Body Control]
Kazuo begins to move so fast that he can create afterimages of himself. This can potentially cause an opponent to get easily confused by the afterimages so Kazuo can capitalize on an opponent's openings. The number of afterimages he can create in a single post is determined by his (Taijutsu+Speed)/5 and Kazuo can maintain this for up to (Stamina/5) posts.

[Four-Legged Technique]
C-Rank Ninjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals, Kazuo will flood his system with chakra and take on a more canine appearance. His pupils will become nothing more than slivers, his teeth will sharpen and his canines will extend into full-blown fangs, his nails extend into razor-sharp claws, and he will be able to travel faster on all fours. While active, this technique increases Kazuo's Speed by 6, although this comes at the cost of -6 Control over his chakra for 5 posts.

[Jūjin Style • Dual Piercing Fang]
B-Rank Taijutsu Manoeuvre
Prerequisite: [Jūjin Style • Piercing Fang], Both the clan member and the companion must have this technique.
A combination technique utilized by the Inuzuka clan members and familiars, this portion is performed by Kazuo. By spinning rapidly, Kazuo turns into a whirling mass before launching himself at his target. Using a full body attack allows Kazuo to hit an opponent or nearby object at full strength when they connect with their claws. In conjunction with the familiar's portion of this technique, it becomes extremely dangerous and can cover large areas with continuous assaults. Lasts for 5 posts or until it is cancelled.

[Jūjin Style • Flash Assault]
C-Rank Taijutsu Manoeuvre
Prerequisite: 30 Speed
Pushing his speed to his absolute limits, Kazuo will utilize this technique in order to approach his target in a manner that throws off their concentration and makes his next attack unpredictable. This approach is made more or less effective depending on the opponent's abilities.

5 less Instinct/Taijutsu average than Kazuo's Speed = Kazuo's movements appear distorted as long as he continues to move at full speed.
15 less Instinct/Taijutsu average than Kazuo's Speed = Kazuo becomes a complete blur as long as he continues to move at full speed.
25 less Instinct/Taijutsu average than Kazuo's Speed = Kazuo is almost completely invisible as long as he continues to move at full speed.

[Spat • Dual Piercing Fang]
B-Rank Taijutsu Manoeuvre
Prerequisite: [Spat • Piercing Fang], Both the clan member and the companion must have this technique.
A combination technique utilized by the Inuzuka clan members and familiars, this portion is performed by Koji. By spinning rapidly, Koji turns into a whirling mass before launching himself at his target. Using a full body attack allows Koji to hit an opponent or nearby object at full strength when they connect with their claws. In conjunction with the Kazuo's portion of this technique, it becomes extremely dangerous and can cover large areas with continuous assaults. Lasts for 5 posts or until it is cancelled.
Name Village Rank Color Code
Hirohito, Hideki Kirigakure Bannin #0047AB
Higurashi, Kazuo Iwagakure Special Jounin #FFC40C
Akechi, Gendo Cold Country C-Rank pink
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[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

Post by Director » Fri Jan 19, 2018 7:58 pm

The first two soldiers crumbled with the surprise attack and flurry of speed. It caught them off guard enough they were quickly knocked out of the fight flying into pillars that combined with the speed they were thrown at, they were out like a candle in the spring wind. However this let the two on the 6 o'clock side aware of what was coming their way as they quickly stepped backwards sliding away with a near miss. The two from the wooden cell sprinted forward, one armed with a spear, the other armed with a traditional katana. The two on the 6 o'clock were prepped with traditional bo' staffs, their aim was to not kill, but to subdue obviously. The two on the 10 o'clock were armed with a zanbato and a great axe. They were bulky and burly to promptly carry such a weapon.

The two from the 10 o'clock side quickly approached swinging their blades in an attempt to catch Kazuo and Koji in the middle of their swings. However they were noticeably slower, perhaps from having to heave such a weapon. However if they were to be caught in the swing, that'd be a limb loss, or at the least a decent chunk of their body would be carved like a turkey. Kazuo would have to act quick if he wanted to end this fight quickly, silently, and without arising too much attention.

As Fanho and the group of monks hit the atrium of the temple he saw now the markings on the walls and high vaulted ceilings. This wasn't a group of monks but cultists with fortunes written of summoning a large spirit to do some sort of cleansing. Whatever it was they were planning, Fanho read enough horror stories to realize where this plot line was going. Certainly wouldn't be a great outcome for either party, and now him and Kazuo would have to Deus Ex Machina, however this wasn't a novel but reality, and Deus Ex Machina didn't work. Damn.

"Are we ready my brothers to begin this next step in the great cleansing?" The rest in the group nodded as one of the well older members hummed in agreement, nodding before speaking. "Yes brother Arifusa, but we must begin to gather our chakra to prepare the seal, otherwise he will escape from our grasp once more."

As they further progressed into the atrium Fanho noticed that several other high level monks with the same headdress as Arifusa grouped in a circle with fuuin on the ground lining them together. In the middle of them sat an extremely tall muscular man with a bald held meditating. It appeared they were preparing for some kind of ritual, and it'd deal with summoning this spirit and turning that big, buff, bald dude into the host for it. Definitely not the outcome the two seeked to deal with. However Fanho alone couldn't deal with the sheer amount of guards lined in the room, nor the few he presumed while eyeballing that could perform jutsu. He just had to bide his time for Kazuo to regroup a bit more.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

Post by Sanjuro » Fri Jan 19, 2018 9:33 pm

Moving at the speed they were, it was already difficult to hit them. Add in the fact that they were spinning at insanely high speeds and any kind of precision attack was rendered ineffective. Still, it was better to be safe than sorry, and with Kazuo's ears and nose he was able to follow the movement of the two from ten o'clock and he whistled, landing against the wall behind the two at six they had missed with their follow up assault. Koji followed suit, landing, and the duo pressed off with enough force to leave a few cracks, throwing themselves into a spin at the new attackers.

Kazuo went first with Koji following behind at a higher angle, aiming to take out the one with the great axe first; a hafted weapon was awkward to wield in close quarters at the best of time but if any blow landed it could very well prove immediately lethal. Just as Kazuo would move into range, he would shift his body in such a way that the momentum of his spin would carry him around towards the one with the zanbato to swiftly attack from his unguarded side. While Kazuo did this Koji would continue through with his original attack in an attempt to gore straight through the chest of the axe wielder.
[Jūjin Style • Rebound]
D-Rank Taijutsu Manoeuvre
Prerequisite: [Jūjin Style • Piercing Fang]
Although it may not look like it to the untrained eye, the Piercing Fang technique can potentially do just as much damage to Kazuo as his target. However, by landing on all fours before launching himself back into the Piercing Fang after missing (or going through) a target, Kazuo can attack repeatedly from multiple angles in rapid succession with a greatly lessened chance of harming himself.

[Jūjin Style • Arm Distance]
D-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
A passive technique, whenever Kazuo is rebounding from an attack, he will always jump away with enough distance so that his opponent can't lash out with their arms, legs, or any melee weaponry they have. This allows Kazuo to jump out of harm's way and then jump right back in without much hesitation.

[Predator's Instinct • The Beast Within]
A-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
By giving equal focus to all of his senses rather than relying primarily on his sight as most human's do, Kazuo gives himself an edge in combat. As long as his (Taijutsu + Instinct)/2 is greater than the opponents' Speed or Taijutsu Kazuo is able to predict nearly all strikes aimed at him so long as he is able to perceive them coming, whether by sight, sound or scent, and then react to them as necessary.

[Jūjin Style • The Wild Hunt]
A-Rank Taijutsu Stance
Prerequisite: 25 Instinct
A method of fighting that relies almost purely on instincts and focuses on the use of all of his senses together, Kazuo is able to fight and track any number of opponents in the area up to his Taijutsu/2. While fighting he delivers strikes to vital areas with pinpoint precision and brutal efficiency while remaining in a constant state of motion, using the terrain and even his opponents as points of movement.

[Jūjin Style • Aerial Fang]
B-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Hefty bending exercises have led to Kazuo being able to contort, and otherwise control, his body while under abnormal situations. Namely being able to use momentum to better dodge mid-air, changing direction up to 45 degrees mid-way through a Piercing Fang without landing, and allowing great feats of taijutsu that normally require his feet to be planted firmly on the ground.
Name Village Rank Color Code
Hirohito, Hideki Kirigakure Bannin #0047AB
Higurashi, Kazuo Iwagakure Special Jounin #FFC40C
Akechi, Gendo Cold Country C-Rank pink
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[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

Post by Director » Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:12 pm

The axe and zanbato wielder succumbed to their goring from the savage duo. The two that had originally approached Kazuo and Koji were much faster, agile, and weathered than the others that had surrounded them. These were the battle hardened samurai, faster than a normal soldier, enough brain juices flowing to keep up with the sheer combat of a shinobi. These were the freaks of nature that had broken their natural barriers, but yet weren't shinobi. The two bo staff wielders quickly moved to corner Kazuo and Koji on their 6 o'clock, while the spearman and swordsman moved from their 12 o'clock at a rapid pace. That equal to Kazuo and Koji.

The bo staff wielders were slower, and were the weakest out of the entire group. However they still attacked with blind faith that they stood a chance. One quickly swung a downward swing on top of Kazuo's head as the other bo staff man swung to the side of Koji. While the swordsman and spear man whisked quickly onto their position with the swordsman swinging to the side in an attempt to corner Kazuo into a deadly combo. While the spear man attempted to slice Koji in half by performing a downward swing. Jump up and get hit by the bo staff, or stay still and get cleaved by the katana. While for Koji his options were to get clubbed with the bo staff or diced in half by the spear man.

The wall of the atrium shook, unbeknownst to the monks or Fanho that it was Kazuo and Koji playing pin ball on the supports below. Fanho's eyes drew to the floor before up at the ceiling seeing some dust relieve itself of its old place due to the shaking. The young Awai's eyes widened as he looked up at the elders focusing their chakra into the fuuinjutsu undisturbed. However the other guards and monks around participating in spectating looked disturbed at the vibrations as well. Fanho furrowed his eye brows in frustration, if things kept popping off he'd have to intervene up here and hope he could maintain crowd control til' Kazuo finished his dance below.

"Hurry up beast boy and wild mutt..." He muttered as another monk cocked his head at the disguised Fanho. "Did you say something Arifusa?" The disguised Awai as Arifusa shook his head before sighing. He put on a fake smile before laying his eyes in a theatrical manner on the other monk. "No worries brother, I am just worried that their blessing may not shine upon us." The actual monk sneered at the remark before turning his head to keep watch of the ritual.

In Fanho's head he proverbially wiped the sweat off of his brow with an internal sigh of relief. Hurry up and get here Kazuo. I know its typically bad to finish early, but this time its acceptable!
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

Post by Sanjuro » Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:27 pm

Kazuo ignored the blood on his hands, both literally and figuratively, as his enhanced senses told him it was time to move again. Realizing that the duo now had no way of escaping the combined assault without being struck by something, Kazuo performed a move he really was hoping to avoid. He threw himself not at any of his enemies but at Koji, kicking his clone with all of his considerable might and using him as a launch pad. The resulting force send the duo flying off in either direction and the sudden shift in form from man to dog would make hitting Koji that much harder.

Assuming his gambit worked and they both managed to avoid injury, Kazuo would keep his distance for a moment and start raining down shuriken and kunai at random against the four while Koji recovered and went for the spear-wielding man that had attempted to cleave him in half. Darting side to side to throw off a counter attack, the dog would aim to bite the man's arm and throw him toward the roof before snapping at the throat.
[Predator's Instinct • The Beast Within]
A-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
By giving equal focus to all of his senses rather than relying primarily on his sight as most human's do, Kazuo gives himself an edge in combat. As long as his (Taijutsu + Instinct)/2 is greater than the opponents' Speed or Taijutsu Kazuo is able to predict nearly all strikes aimed at him so long as he is able to perceive them coming, whether by sight, sound or scent, and then react to them as necessary.

[Jūjin Style • The Wild Hunt]
A-Rank Taijutsu Stance
Prerequisite: 25 Instinct
A method of fighting that relies almost purely on instincts and focuses on the use of all of his senses together, Kazuo is able to fight and track any number of opponents in the area up to his Taijutsu/2. While fighting he delivers strikes to vital areas with pinpoint precision and brutal efficiency while remaining in a constant state of motion, using the terrain and even his opponents as points of movement.

[Jūjin Style • Vault Kick]
C-Rank Taijutsu Manoeuvre
Prerequisite: [Four-Legged Technique] or variant active.
Kazuo charges on all fours towards an opponent, building up momentum. Once within striking distance Kazuo will vault forward, swinging his legs under him and sending all of his built up momentum into a flying front kick with both of his feet aimed at the opponent's chest. If it successfully connects, the opponent will fly 1 meter from the knock-back for each point of difference between the Kazuo's Strength and theirs.

[Jūjin Style • Arm Distance]
D-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
A passive technique, whenever Kazuo is rebounding from an attack, he will always jump away with enough distance so that his opponent can't lash out with their arms, legs, or any melee weaponry they have. This allows Kazuo to jump out of harm's way and then jump right back in without much hesitation.

Koji: Dropped Beast-Man Form

[Spat • Go For The Throat]
B-Rank Taijutsu Manoeuvre
A technique used for brutal efficiency and relying on primal instinct. Koji begins by snapping down on any point he can gain leverage on his target. If his strength is higher than that of the target he will toss them from side to side by throwing them into the air a number of meters determined by the difference between his Strength and their own. Whilst vulnerable and in the air, Koji will jump up to them and attempt to bite their throat. If successful and Koji's strength is at least 10 higher than that of his target's, he can completely completely tear away their throat. If his strength is higher than the target's by 9 or less, this bite still causes profuse bleeding of the carotid artery.
Name Village Rank Color Code
Hirohito, Hideki Kirigakure Bannin #0047AB
Higurashi, Kazuo Iwagakure Special Jounin #FFC40C
Akechi, Gendo Cold Country C-Rank pink
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[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

Post by Director » Fri Mar 23, 2018 7:38 pm

With the bo staff wielders being frozen in their confused daze at what move Koji had done. The swordsman and spear user had dived quickly out of the way from the shuriken. The bo staff users had been then turned into nice neat pin cushions. Their bodies heaved to the floor quickly as Koji reared for another attempt to rip the spear user's throat out the spear user had twirled his spear quickly deflecting Koji's leap to the side before side stepping back placing his own back against the swordsman. They were smart to regroup and reevaluate their situation. It was becoming more and more dire the seconds past. The two shinobi could out last the two, but for now it was an even match for more or less.

With a dash the swordsman sprinted for Kazuo ushering some quick slices to keep him off balance, while the spear user sprinted for Koji once more aiming with short quick stabs at the dog. In the middle of their attack they quickly crossed spear and sword with each other before sliding them down the staff and the blade of the sword in an attempt to cross attack Koji and Kazuo. This would leave them open for a minute, but perhaps give them an opening to land a strike on the duo.

Meanwhile up top the proceedings kept happening. At this rate the sealing would be done by the time Kazuo had finished up down stairs. The chakra had began to lay thick in the air as the sealers began chanting a mantra along the lines of, 'Praise be to they, that bless us with the God of justice.' The fuuinjutsu on the floor lit up like a Christmas tree and began to make its way onto the buffer bald monk. Not only that but a maroon portal began to open up above the man that led to a stormy day with purple clouds and blue lightning surrounding it. It was as if they opened a portal to the spirit realm.

Not good.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

Post by Sanjuro » Sun Mar 25, 2018 12:37 pm

Kazuo danced backwards, one foot moving behind the other, his entire body shifting and swaying as he moved around each of the sword swings, all of which delivered with an amount of precisions that led the ninja to believe this man was supremely well trained in the art of war. Clearly, he had saved the best for last. Koji back in his ninken form, was having a harder time dodging the constant spear thrusts, and took a few nicks to the nose and side, all of which seemed to only infuriate the dog even more. When the time came, and they swapped sides, Kazuo used it as an opportunity to weave a few hand seals while whistling for Koji to move. The dog leapt as far back from the fray as he could manage, avoiding the sword strike, while Kazuo leapt straight up into the air as he finished his hand seals, sticking to the ceiling and out of reach for the moment.

No effect would come from Kazuo as he finished the hand seals, but all of a sudden there would be a blur of brown as Koji, with a shell of hardened, sharpened spikes of fur, turned into a whirling frisbee of death and drove himself forward to take out the remaining two of the guardsman. Whether it was successful or not, Kazuo would whistle once more and the duo would take off running for the exit. The entire plan had revolved on finding a way in through the back and looking around the temple but that had gone to shit the moment these so-called monks had attacked. He needed to find Fanho and warn him assuming he hadn't run into as much trouble as the duo had.
C-Rank Ninjutsu
After Kazuo performs the necessary hand seals, Koji channels chakra into his fur causing it to grow spiky and harden for the next 5 posts. These spikes are capable of withstanding blows up to 10 strength, and pierce with the same level of effectiveness as a kunai or shuriken.

[Spat • Rotating Fang]
C-Rank Taijutsu Manoeuvre
Koji begins this technique by curling himself into a ball and rolling towards his target in a buzz-saw like shape. When contact is made with the target, Koji continues the motion, delivering slashing attacks with his claws with each rotation. He can maintain this technique for up to 4 posts.
Name Village Rank Color Code
Hirohito, Hideki Kirigakure Bannin #0047AB
Higurashi, Kazuo Iwagakure Special Jounin #FFC40C
Akechi, Gendo Cold Country C-Rank pink
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[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

Post by Director » Sun Apr 08, 2018 2:54 pm

The swordsman that Kazuo had fought was caught first in the flurry of the spiky haired dog which tore through his abdomen spilling entrails to the floor. A gruesome sight, but necessary for the duo to get back to their ally. From there the spear man charged at the dog before being caught in the leg by his flurry which dropped him down then ultimately finishing him off as the dog's spiked hair caught him in the jugular. As the two men bled out and died one of them whispered underneath their breath. "You're.... Too late."

The ground shook above Kazuo and Koji as the building began to reverberate with energy and force. It seemed as if an earthquake but contained to their area. Pebbles and dust seemed to float mid air while everything seemed to feel heavier. Little did they know what horrors that Fanho saw above them.

The baldy monk that stood in the middle of the fuuinjutsu was captivated by it as it wrapped around every part of his being dazzling him in a tattoo'd mess. What extended from above that seemed to be conveyed through the portal was horrors unspeakable. It appeared to be a monstrosity that bore resemblance of a squid, but yet just tentacles with no solid body to speak of. These tentacles ensnared the man who bore a smile on his face that quickly churned into screams of pain and agony as it forced its way into the man's mouth. It slowly filled his face as blood dripped from his eyes.

His arms began to bleed from what appeared to be nothing that slowly bore into small slits on his arms. This slowly grew across to his legs, his back, and his chest as tentacles began ripping through over taking the man. Soon he transformed into the monstrosity that now came through the portal. As Fanho glanced around the room frantically seeing the faces on the monks turn from pride to horror at what they had brought through. This looked nothing like the artwork on their ceilings or their scrolls. Narihiro approached the spirit with a smug look on his face. He had bought into the propaganda they had spewed, not only that, but he must've assumed this was just a mistake or they had figured the appearance of their god wrong.

"Masayoshi, you are here to save us from great calamity and enact justice ye-" Narihiro had been cut off as a tentacle from the disgusting being had pierced his abdomen before retching out of the back like a caged animal. He clamored at the tentacle attempting to pull it out as he gasped for air before falling forward. As if on cue the tentacle'd spirit began to thrash around crushing monks to ripping them apart. It was an utter blood bath. The young Jounin had to watch as he skidded backwards dispelling his disguise. He had to intervene or the alternative was this thing went on a rampage in the village killing every innocent.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]

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[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

Post by Sanjuro » Thu Apr 19, 2018 4:01 pm

Running as fast as he could manage, which wasn't an insignificant speed, Kazuo followed the sounds of screaming as his blood turned cold at the thought he was way too late. Skidding to a halt just in time to see the atrium doors blast open and a dead monk come sailing out, the Inuzuka whipped his head around to see a horror beyond the likes he had ever seen in the room, Fanho skidding backwards to avoid the assault, and blood coating the walls of the temple atrium.

The fight hadn't taken much out of him but his jutsu use during the day had reduced his reserves to maybe half. "Fanho!" He screamed as he started charging forwards to stand by his teammate's side. "Blast it with everything we got. Damn the temple." Even as he spoke he was readying hand seals, drawing flame-natured chakra to his lungs as he sucked in a deep breath. He would give pause, wait for Fanho to launch his attack, and strike at the same moment, smashing his foot into the ground to shatter the floor of the atrium before kicking them wildly at the tentacled beast, igniting the makeshift projectiles with his fiery breath.
[Katon • Scorched Earth]
B-Rank Nintaijutsu Manoeuvre
Prerequisite: 21 Ninjutsu, 35 Strength, [Lower Body]
Kazuo performs the necessary hand seals while stomping the ground, causing it to break apart into 5 chunks and fly up into the air in front of him. He then breathes out a wave of fire to ignite the broken ground while he kicks them, causing them to fly in a straight line in whatever direction he aims at a speed, strength, and number of meters all equal to his strength. Anything impacted by these burning projectiles will cause the fire to spread at a speed equal to 1/3 his strength, rounded down, and causes third degree burns to organic material.
Name Village Rank Color Code
Hirohito, Hideki Kirigakure Bannin #0047AB
Higurashi, Kazuo Iwagakure Special Jounin #FFC40C
Akechi, Gendo Cold Country C-Rank pink
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[Plotboard] Summonings from Down Under!

Post by Director » Sat Jun 02, 2018 8:03 am

Fanho watched as Kazuo blazed the debris coating it in flames before launching it in the direction of the beast. In tandem with Kazuo's own attack Fanho flew through a series of hand seals as a beam of pure raiton shot out from his hand guiding itself towards the beast. The blade hummed with a low rumble as the vibrant electricity was directed to slice the tentacle'd monstrosities hand off. With the flurry of attacks being thrown at it, the spirit directed its attention towards Fanho and Kazuo. It was thrown ablaze by Kazuo's rocks which it solved by just disconnecting the tentacles that had been caught on fire before regrowing them at near Kage levels. To solve the issue of Fanho's jutsu he allowed his hand to be pierced before gripping the blade and snapping it with sheer strength.

The young Jounin hopped back as he assumed Kazuo would do the same to give some breathing room. If this monster was able to shrug off those two, they'd need to break out the big guns to make do. Fanho had an idea, but it was dangerous. If it didn't work, it was a lot of chakra expenditure for nothing. "It can regrow so we've gotta distract it! I can use hiton, but you've gotta advert your eyes at the last second!" Fanho began to channel a solid ball of swirling Hiton chakra similar to that of a rasengan, his own personal variant the volatile rasengan. If he got a hit with this it'd disable the creature long enough for Kazuo to draw its attention, and maybe allow them to land a solid hit. During this time the creature lashed out with a blood curdling roar as it utterly shattered the roof with the sheer force of the roar, showering the two with small pebbles from it. With a sling of the wrist Fanho threw the volatile rasengan at the beast to distract it for a minute to help the two plan a bit.

The singe of the light caused the beast to roar as it stepped backwards knocking into a wall of the temple. The destruction at minimum had to be kept inside of the temple grounds, blinding the beast for a few minutes would help the two usher in a plan to take it down.

They had to stop this beast here, otherwise the town would be leveled. There would be no reinforcement for miles. "You have speed and strength to dash around and grab its attention. If you can keep it occupied, I can focus on a technique to kill it. However it takes me a while to conjure it up because I've never used it a whole lot before." Fanho nodded towards Kazuo. He had faith Kazuo was a great shinobi, and was more than capable of doing what was necessary. "Its a risky move, but this hunk seems too slow to catch up to you. Not only that, but you can keep battering it so the technique does more damage."
Jutsu UsedShow
Raiton • Thor's Blade
B-rank Ninjutsu
By forming the necessary hand seals, Fanho channels to his hand then extends a stream of pure raiton that moves outward at 15 speed with the ability to cut with 25 strength. The length this stream can extend up to 20 meters. This beam is very thin only measuring 12 centimeters in diameter. The intent of this jutsu is to be able to slice into things with little to no resistance. He is able to move this blade around, and hold this jutsu for 2 posts.

Hiton • Volatile Runt Rasengan
B-Rank Ninjutsu
After channeling chakra to his hand with the other hand assisting in control Fanho will begin to form a large grey glowing ball of spinning chakra in his hand that billows with steam of the cool air making contact with it. The Volatile Runt Rasengan is no larger than a baseball. The Volatile Runt Rasengan strikes expanding outwards at 20m^3 at 20 strength causing a burning blinding light to be produced outwards.

Ninjutsu • Thrown Rasengan
C-Rank Ninjutsu
Pre-Requisites: 25 Control, Ninjutsu • Rasengan
By funneling another set of chakra into any of Fanho's rasengan variants or originals, he can now throw them up to control x 2 in meters. This adds a spin on a traditionally held in hand technique now making it a viable projectile.
Konshi, Yuichi - Jounin - Kumogakure no Sato - [color=#0051BA]
Awai, Fanho - Hokage - Konohagakure no Sato - [color=#682860]


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