[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves


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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by WrightJustice » Thu Oct 18, 2018 10:50 am

Nishiki had grown a decent amount both physically and metaphorically over the past year as a genin and was in fact ready to finally face his chuunin exam, though it would appear to be quite different than he expected when he originally thought it was finally time as waves of change began to wash over Kirigakure with this whole new Kage situation on top of this odd meeting with Iwagakure which meant his exam would in fact be a joint village exam.

The young fox had wandered off down the beach somewhat nervously as he had no real idea of the circumstances surrounding this strange exam and was told simply to wait for confirmation, as such he slowly moved through the sand until he found a little corner of his own where he took off his sandals and stepped into the water and felt the waves lap over his clawed toes.
"I guess water is always amazing no matter where you find it. Shishishi" the boy said as he chuckled quietly to himself, a bit of a grin breaking through his pent up nerves as he then crouched down and started to swirl his right index finger through the sea water.

When news spread of this meeting of Iwa and Kiri shinobi in celebration of their joint efforts Katsumi had gone to great effort to make her son more presentable and fahsioned him a grand red Kimono with flowing red sleeves and black 3/4 pants that where both draped by cloth that went over the shoulders, down the legs and tied at the bottom to form a frill whilst the back flowed out like a split cape.
This cloth had a flowery design along the middle of each side with sakura blossoms being particularly prominent and then there was the Tsukino symbol on the back with the Muramasa sigil embedded directly into the collar of both the Kimono ad additional scarf-like addition that also held his headband that appeared to hand loose under the red and white rope that tied tit down similar to his rope sash (refer to wip for updated look).
Perhaps a style of outfit he could actually get used to and make his own, growing out of his old style and feeling like he needed to wear hoods and other such things.

Though the hopefully soon to be chuunin was nervous and unsure of the situation he still felt ready as he now had 2 and 3/4 tails now happily swishing behind him as he played with the water, though his fur was perhaps fading in its pinkish colouration for whatever reason but that probably just made him all the more intriguing and interesting for anyone who looked on.

If someone where indeed to look upon the boy and approach him it would certainly help get his mind off things and perhaps they could in fact spar a bit to make sure he was in shape and ready for the supposed chuunin exam.

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Kao » Sat Oct 27, 2018 3:48 am

The beaches of the Land of Fountains were much different than the cold and harsh environment of Iwagakure. Merely days before, Komiya Shizuo had been wrapped up in a thick coat as he traveled through Rock Country, the cold biting at his exposed skin. He was used to the freezing weather, being an Iwagakure native, and his barbarian heritage ensured he could withstand it. The island's weather, on the other hand, was nearly insufferable. Within hours of being on the island he had suffered burns to his shoulders, forcing him to slather a soothing cream on the angry, red skin. At that moment he was wandering around, a cool towel protecting the burn and an umbrella over his head to protect the rest of him.

'At least the water feels good,' the special jounin thought to himself as the waves lapped at his toes. So far the only thing pleasant about the trip was the ocean and the scenery. Shizuo walked along the beach, moving farther away from the rather large crowd until he found a more secluded area. For a moment he thought he was alone, but then he saw someone nearby. He probably would have passed by silently, but the younger boy's appearance stopped him dead in his tracks. The boy didn't look entirely human, and his vulpine features certainly stood out. Shizuo had never seen anyone in Iwagakure who looked like that, so he naturally assumed the kid was from Kirigakure.

"You Kiri guys sure have interesting looks," the special jounin commented, calling out to the boy. "We don't have many people in our village with such features." Shizuo raised his free hand to point at his own head, mirroring the location of the Kirigakure's ears. "Are those natural? Or were they modified surgically?"
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by WrightJustice » Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:05 am

Nishiki played around in the water, swirling it about with his fingers, thinking to himself how fun and refreshing it was especially compared to the heat of the sun baring down on everyone though his outfit was nice and breezy and flowed well so he did not get overly warm and was pretty well covered so no burns as of yet which was good.

After a short moment of pleasant alone time the boy was suddenly interrupted with a look of surprise on his face as he heard some man calling out to him, his ears twitching over to his voice as he turned his head to look what was up; a tall man with white hair and an umbrella stood before the vulpine boy who for a moment continued to stare in shock, his mouth slightly agape as he took in the man's words of which mentioned his appearance and caused him to kind of glance up as if he would see himself.

Nishiki continued to look up for a short moment like a dummy before snickering to himself "shishishishi" he chuckled like the idiot child he was before losing balance and falling over face first into the water, causing huge embarrassment to flood red into his face as he then slowly got up and properly stood and faced the stranger not fully sure how to properly reply at this point.
"Aahh... Err... Hello... Um, yes, all very real" he started to finally find his words, though feeling the nervousness from before flooding back
"Its... More like the second thing... I guess..." he went on to explain, though his finger came up to his right cheek as he sort of did this look like he was thinking if he should say anything at all on how his ability worked also perhaps revealing more of the black rod that seemed to pierce through his wrist and stick out toward the forearm thanks to his sleeve sliding down.
The boy then glanced back back at the unknown Iwagakure shinobi like he might be ready to talk with him but was unsure what to even say and didn't even think to introduce himself at this time, his mind being a little extra blank thanks to the looming exam.

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Sia » Mon Oct 29, 2018 12:59 pm

An event to celebrate the crowning on a new Mizukage? Inner-Maido rolled her eyes. How idiotic, her other half spoke to her. At least this was something that the two of them could agree on. Even still, appearances had to be kept and maintained so Maido found herself in the beachy goodness of the Land of Fountains. Quite the crowd had been drawn. Some of the folks she recognized, but the vast majority of them were completely new to her. She would catch a glimpse of her family crest here and there and make small idle chatter, but nothing out of the ordinary kept her attention for more than a few passing moments.

You could always liven things up a bit. Ya know, take control of a few morons and put on a puppet show. Inner Maido materialized next to her. "Shut up" she muttered under her breath. "I won't hurt them." Inner-Maido sneered and rolled her eyes again. Maido was appropriately dressed for the weather which was quite humid, much look Kirigakure, but in a much warmer sort of way. Her clothing was kept to a minimum. A top that covered her exactly where it needed to, and a bottom that matched. Her cloak had been condensed into a sort of Sarong which tied around her waist. In contrast to the white of her other articles, it was a deep and unnerving crimson. Her hair was down, its snow-white color contrasting starkly with her garnet-red lips. Though she looked as though she belonged at the beach she was as pale as the snow, save for her face which had just the slightest blush to it.

Maido strolled through the sand, unable to feel the heat beating down upon her inhabited body. She could feel the sand getting between her toes but was unable to find it aggravating. Sometimes, her state of being was not quite as enjoyable as she would have liked. She slowly came up on a young Tsukino bled for her family which seemed to be conversing with this other individual. Male in appearance, though she couldn't quite make out the Tsukino as well. An Umbrella and a towel were the most adamant things about him, from where she stood. She plopped down a ways away, sticking her feet into the water. It was cool to the touch, but she couldn't tell. Maido channeled a bit of chakra throughout her host body's limbs, causing her to be able to actually feel more than just slight differences in pressure. She could feel the cool chill of the water on her feet. It had been so long, it actually startled her for a moment. She sheepishly glanced around to make sure no one had noticed her yelp, just in time to witness the Tsukino boy get himself all sorts of wet and flustered. She listened intently, but did not interact. Suddenly, she could also feel the heat baring down from the sun. Luckily she couldn't burn from it. It's warmth was however a nice new sensation that was very rare to experience in Kirigakure.
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Izanagi » Wed Oct 31, 2018 9:34 pm

Thus far the journey to the land of Fountains had been rather uneventful. Shinjiro had been told his presence was required, something about showing off Kiri’s prized Jinchuriki which meant that at some point he was encouraged to spar with the Iwa allies in order to gauge their comparative skill and ability. That much at least was something to look forward to, challenge was ever a driving factor of his existence but there too was some part of him that wondered what sort of people he would meet. Perhaps he would be able to reunite with Kayuri, the cautious young Iwagakure shinobi that he had befriended nearly a year ago. The more he thought about that encounter however the more he realized that such a reunion might have its share of awkwardness, knowing that he had killed the third member of their unlikely group and the one who seemed to tie them together the most with his natural charisma and mediating ways. Yes, perhaps it would be best to avoid the young woman if she had in fact come along.

And so, Shinjiro had spent the first few hours of their permissible mingling simply wandering about, determining how many fellow Kiri shinobi he recognized and scouting for potentially interesting Iwa shinobi all while keeping to himself. Perhaps what made him the most uncomfortable was the fact that he had left all of his weaponry at the main camp and had even set aside his stealth outfit in favor of a simple pair of dark green swim shorts. He wasn’t self-conscious by any means, his body was exceptionally fit, rippling with lean, highly defined muscle and covered in dozens of prominent scars displaying years of torture via burns and stab wounds across his body as well as deep sword slashes along his torso and wall of lash marks across his back. The only area that wasn’t scarred was his face and neck with clearly displayed the 15-year-old’s youthfulness. His vibrant green eyes shone with energy and a competitive gleam as he strode along the hot sand. The boy was a skilled assassin and naturally favored stealth though he decided now to walk out in the open across the beach, seeming quite confident and relaxed even in such an unfamiliar situation.

Growing up near the sea the breeze of the salty air was comforting to him, even if the sun was far brighter than he was used to and the sky clear and quite arid in comparison to Kirigakure. A figure caught his attention as he approached, two in fact. First there was Maido, a seemingly young woman with white hair whom he had met in a bathhouse back during the Water Festival and then there was Nishiki, Kirigakure’s second Jinchuriki whom Shinjiro had observed many times though he couldn’t recall for certain if the two had formally introduced themselves to one another. He had even heard that the two of them shared the same mentor to some extent. Shinji had come to see Kaguya Aimi as a great inspiration and training partner, he wondered just what kind of person his true student was developing into. For the moment however that introduction would have to wait, Shinjiro would approach the ancient Chiton master first, their encounter last time had been rather brief and he still wasn’t aware of the true nature of the woman before him. “You look familiar…from the Water festival right?” he said as he approached, observing her behaviour around the water. Something about her intrigued him, almost a natural attraction to power. He recalled feeling a little flustered by her the last time they had shared a bath but also curious about her. He wasn’t sure if they had been properly introduced last time either, it was rare for people to not recognize him however especially given that now that he was shirtless the Karagata sigil burned into his shoulder was clearly visible as were his blackened hands and forearms. To an outsider the brand might seem a indication of slavery but to those who knew him it would be obvious that it was a volunteered act of devotion to his family, similar to the Kiri sigil burned into his opposite shoulder.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Kao » Thu Nov 01, 2018 12:39 am

As the newcomers looked on and greeted one another, Shizuo's attention never left the vulpine child. As a shinobi who was interested in the medicinal arts, he found it fascinating that this boy had somehow added these animalistic features in a way that was, simply put, unnatural. One of his many personal goals was to become a renowned medical nin, someone that could rival a certain infamous traitor of Iwagakure. To do that he needed to see all manner of body modifications so he could see what others were capable of, all so he could surpass them. He took a few steps forward while mumbling, "Fascinating...." The special jounin wanted to touch the kid's ears and strongly considered stretching out his hand to do so, but he knew nothing about this Kirigakure kid. Had it been someone from Iwagakure he might have asked to get a closer look.

But Shizuo was a cautious man. He, like many other Iwagkure shinobi, didn't entirely trust their "allies" from the mist. It had taken a lot of persuasion from his parents to get him to attend the celebration, and even as he traveled to the island he had grumbled quite a bit along the way. The purpose of the celebration was to improve relations between the two villages, but Shizuo wasn't yet convinced it was necessary, or even possible. With this in mind he had hesitated to engage with Kirigakure shinobi, no matter how young, innocent, or pretty they appeared. But his fascination with this child's appearance got the better of him, and he shoved his reservations to the wayside.

"My name is Shizuo by the way," he began as he circled the younger boy. He noted that the kid had sharpened fingernails that could be called claws. "The ears blend in with your hair, I don't see any incisions or evidence of a transplant at all. Wow, you have a tail, too? You went all out. What's the purpose of it? Do you fight with them? Is it just a cosmetic procedure? What about those?" With his last question he pointed to the boy's wrists, where a black rod jutted out from the skin. Those didn't fit the animal theme, Shizuo thought, but perhaps they were somehow related to his appearance.
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by WrightJustice » Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:33 pm

Nishiki stood nervously as the wetness from faceplanting into the water began to drip down his face and fur, his ears lowering a little as he cautiously watched the strange white haired man step closer and encircle him all whilst bombarding the poor thing with questions over the supposed bizarre modifications to his body.
"Ah... Erm..." his voice cracked as words tried to form but could not, his right hand hovering near his face as he watched the man move around him in curiosity.

Then Shizuo, a name the boy almost missed thanks to all the intrigue and queries, seemed to settle on the black rods with his final question which almost threw the slightly distraught soul completely off until clenched his fists, closed his eyes and took a deep breath to shake off some of the nerves which where at the very least transformed now thanks to this situation.
"Ah... Um... Yes, actually, I am Nishiki and I suppose when I said before about all this... Umm... It is also kind of natural but like in a special artificial way that we kind of do ourselves and well I suppose I cannot get into specifics but you can see that everything grows as if it is my own" he tried to reply, the nerves cracking through his voice still as he opened his eyes and made a sort of weird smile and turned to show his three tails of which one was clearly not quite fully grown like the others and seemed about one quarter in length short.
"Umm... As for these..." he then went on to explain, perhaps feeling a bit more at ease now he was getting into it, sliding his left hand down to right rod to both move the sleeve more out of the way and to make it more clear.
"Well, they're something different... Umm... I dunno if I would be able to explain it, though because of this people in my village can easily recognise me and it can become quite daunting to be honest even if I have started to get used to it... Yeah... Shishi..." his words slowed a bit as he sighed and chuckled a small amount at the end; thoughts of what it meant coming to mind.
"We are supposed to be true partners now right? Does that mean I am supposed to tell people from Iwagakure? I suppose they will see the power of it later in my exam right?" he thought to himself before turning to look up at the man holding his umbrella.
"Do you guys know about Jinchuuriki?" he then posed his own question to the intrigued man.

Whilst this was going one a sneaking shadow lingered quite further back up at the ends of the beach where sand began to give way to soiled land and trees began to grow; a figure spied upon the scene far below from atop tall branches, their eyes remaining truly focused on the pinkish fox all whilst maintaining their distance out of respect for this spectacle of an event, though their main purpose was simply to keep tabs on their precious weapon and perhaps call in reinforcements if something where to go wrong.

Much closer to home but perhaps still much like a lingering shadow, a second mind stirred deep within as a powerful beast theoretically shifted in a capricious manner.
"Hmm...?" internally intrigued thoughts of a different kind began to stir as if something could be sensed nearby, somewhat difficult ones to ignore at that but the boy remained focused on the white haired male for now, perhaps glancing to the side for a mere moment as he felt to the urge to look over at Shinjiro but quickly looked back as he pushed the urge away for now.

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Sia » Wed Nov 07, 2018 10:48 am

Maido had been listening intently, as she always did. She wondered if the young Tsukino would let the stranger touch his ears. She recalled that Tsukino ears were quite sensitive to the touch. She recognized the rods through the wrists. An old being sealed into a tiny container. In that regard, Maido sympathized with the great beast, Yoshimitsu. Had she her way, she would set them free of their flesh prisons. She couldn't do that here however. Or rather, she shouldn't. As easy as it would be to simply kill the boy and unleash the great beast inside of him, there were far too many witnesses. Another time, perhaps.

You really should just do it anyway. Inner Maido spoke to her. The stranger from Iwa commented on the rods through the Tsukino's wrists and Maido thought for a moment that she should intervene. No. It's not my business. He may belong to my family, but his actions are to be his own. She shoved the thought aside as a young man from Kirigakure moved towards her, joining their dysfunctional little gathering of souls. A Karagata-bled, and a hard-working one from the looks of it. She had no problems with the Karagata. Her and Shiv got along quite splendidly, and the rest of them she cared little about either way. Come to think of it, this specific boy looked somewhat familiar.

"Ah, Yes, yes. I do recall you now. We met briefly in a...hot spring, was it?" Maido's intense and piercing red gaze would meet with the newly arrived. The words came out yet her mouth did not open. A deep, resonant voice that seemed unlikely to come from such a small and fragile frame. She noted that his limbs appeared to be...blackened. How interesting that three of the oldest being in Kirigakure happen to wind up in such close proximity...at a beach festival.
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Izanagi » Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:39 pm

Shinjiro narrowed his eyes slightly as Maido’s voice came despite her mouth remaining closed. Naturally it put him on guard to some extent, being an unsettling occurrence though mostly he was simply curious. There were a great deal of unique abilities among Kirigakure shinobi and this was certainly nowhere near the strangest or most unnerving thing he had witnessed. Would it be rude to ask her? ‘What is she? A Jinchurriki of some lesser spirit?’ he wondered idly to himself, though the thought had seemed to awaken Vorashu whom laughed in a deep snickering fashion that seemed to resonate and echo within the caverns of his mind. ‘A demon whose blood runs old as Kirigakure, Maido. A being whom cast aside her humanity, returning thousands of desecrated corpses to the earth.’ The Phantom beast informed smugly. Unlike most he did not seem to hold any disdain for this woman, seeing her as a natural force that helped to purge the earth of the plague that was humanity.

The young Karagata host looked at the woman more cautiously now. If what the Genma said was true then surely that meant this woman was S-ranked level and possessed some form of immortality. He would have to tread carefully to not cross her, though the allure of her perceived power was strong and he hoped to one day bare witness to the carnage she could invoke. “Yes, that’s right.” He answered after a moment before continuing. “You must be quite strong Maido-sama, even Vorashu seems cautious of you. Perhaps I will have the privilege of fighting alongside you some day” he hoped. Just thinking about slaughtering countless opponents had his heart beating faster. Though he was trained to remain an emotionless assassin, to only kill those he was contracted to he couldn’t help but experience a sense of enjoyment as he tore people apart in his various predatory forms. He had grown to savor the taste of blood and the feeling of complete dominance.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Kao » Sun Nov 18, 2018 10:20 am

Oh, how desperately he wanted to examine this kid. The knowledge that the tail and ears were somehow artificially implanted was enough to raise his interest to the point that Shizuo felt that he absolutely needed to get to know Nishiki before the festival's end. Shinobi were secretive by nature, and from the way the younger boy danced around the topic he knew that he wouldn't get a straight answer regarding the nature of his vulpine features. Shizuo's mind raced with possibilities - he could secretly use iijutsu to examine the ears one way or another, perhaps - but his train of thought screeched to a halt at the mention of a certain word.

"Jinchuuriki?" His tone fell, and so did the umbrella that was shading him from the sun. Shizuo knew quite a bit about jinchuuriki, especially considering he had been present when one of Iwa's own caused quite a bit of damage during a sealing. That information was still classified as the village was still hastily covering it up and reeling from the loss of several important individuals. Of course Shizuo couldn't tell an outsider as much, even though Kirigakure was supposedly their ally. They would learn what happened in due time, if the village thought it prudent to share the information. Until then, "Of course. I deal with jinchuuriki on a weekly basis."

Was this child a host to a genma? It would explain his strange features and why he seemed reluctant to discuss the circumstances of his appearance. Shizuo parted his lips to ask but then stopped when a strange voice resounded around them. Though he ignored them to speak with Nishiki, he had remained aware of the boy and girl nearby. As a shinobi he naturally kept them in his peripheral and he heard them speaking, though the didn't listen to the details of their conversation. That voice, however, tore his attention away from Nishiki, and he stared.

There was something off about that voice. It didn't suit the shirtless brunet boy who was branded by some unfamiliar symbol, and it certainly wasn't something that he would expect from the girl who stood in the surf. He considered the pair for a moment then directed his gaze toward the boy. As he spoke it quickly became clear that he wasn't the one with such a heavy tone. 'That came from her?'

"Do you know that person? Not the slave, but the girl."
His tone had changed, no longer cheerful but instead becoming more serious, even cautious. For the time being, Shizuo had no idea he was surrounded by immense power on three sides.
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by WrightJustice » Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:47 pm

The strange man who seemed awfully interested in the young fox-like boy suddenly pulled back in surprise as if Nishiki had uttered some crazy, unthinkable, never to be told secret which the boy supposed he technically had in a way but being a Jinchuriki in Kirigakure was something of great fame and he also figured he would not hold back from using his powers when his exam finally occurred before everyone's eyes so at the time it felt alright to at least question if the man knew but now he began to feel somewhat uncertain.

Nishiki in turn also looked a little shocked and wary when the umbrella lowered a little and Shizuo mentioned he knew very well all about jinchuuriki and that he dealt with them on a weekly basis, which was quite intriguing and he wondered if he was like his sensei Aimi or perhaps more akin to someone like Hideki who could control and seal away spirits.
The genin became kind of frozen as he now clammed up a bit over whether it was actually okay to directly mention such things to someone who was not from their village despite this odd new reforging of partnerships; light grey eyes continuing to scan and analyse the boy, now more deeply than ever almost as if they shrouded their subject with great pressure.

Luckily there was the distraction occurring nearby that had already briefly taken Nishiki's attention previously and now this strange doctor's for the man could no longer ignore the increasing loudness of babble and so he turned to look at the strange pair who stood nearby, removing his focus from the young lad and in fact asking if the boy knew them or rather the woman in particular.

With concern over whether he had said too much washing away the vulpine humanoid turned with a sigh of relief to once look over to his side so that he could see who the man was concerned about.
"Maido?" Nishiki instantly replied in a surprised tone, sure he recognised the crazy woman "Aah, that old hag is here is she?" Yoshimitsu then chirped up inside, sounding as condescending as ever to his host.
Then the boy also glanced over at the topless male once more, this time taking him in even more than before, especially his ashed hands which sort of rang a bell also but he wasn't fully certain until once again a deep boom voice bellowed within his mind "VORASHU!" it was very unexpectedly excited for such a pretentious beast, though it had been some time since the genma had crossed paths given the two newest hosts had not yet met one another.

This powerful urge then sort of overcame the young jinchuuriki as he felt this kind of pull toward Shinjiro and he just sort of instinctively walked forwards toward the two people that stood by them, his mind feeling like it was zooming toward the other host in such a strange and focused way as if pulsing and trying to connect.
"HA! I wondered when you would finally connect with that other pathetic fool of a host and when I would also come in contact with that idiot of a nature freak!" Yoshimitsu continued to berate and comment within the boy's mind, his own seemingly pushing out and reaching toward the phantom beast of body if only to see just how stupid and pathetic they where doing as if he wasn't also trapped inside a human host himself.

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Sia » Thu Nov 22, 2018 11:53 pm

The newest jinchuuriki of Vorashu was rather polite, which Maido did find pleasing. It was a rare occurence with those so much younger than her. In her day, they'd have been put to work. Still, this boy before her could prove useful some day. Perhaps they would indeed work well together. The hosts of Vorashu did tend to lean towards being physically adept, making them ideal host body's for her.

Poor Vorashu, she thought to herself. A great spirit of colossal proportions, reduced to nothing more than a weapon sealed into a small boy. She felt bad, truthfully. She of all humans could understand how harsh a long imprisonment could be. A miniature wave of red chiton chakra flew from Maido's hands, out from her body and into the ash-covered jinchuuriki. She noted that the others nearby were paying more attention to the two of them now but continued about her business anyway.

Maido motioned her hand to control Shinjiro, lifting him ever so slightly off the ground and causing him to float towards Maido until their noses all but touched. It was not in anyway a painful experience, but should he attempt to move, blink, or even talk, he would find himself unable to do so. Maido's piercing gaze would seem to stare into the jinchuuriki's very being. Her voice projected from within her cores and again her mouth remained shut.

"Yes, perhaps we will work together some day soon." Her other hand came up and caressed Shinjiro's face. "I will free you some day, great one. But not here." With that, she released her kinesis grip and became aware of how bizarre the situation must have looked, also how small this particular host body was. She willed her cloak to lengthen a bit reflexively, should things become messy. It flowed outwards from its shaw-like fashion, resembling more of a robe now than anything.
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Izanagi » Sat Nov 24, 2018 6:51 pm

Shinji’s eyes widened as a small wave of blood moved from the woman and into him. His eldest sister was a shinobi whom used IIjutsu, Genjutsu and to a smaller degree Chiton. He had never seen the full applications of such a strain of jutsu but he knew of its existence and of the devastating potential of its powers. And now he could feel a taste of that himself as his body suddenly refused to respond. Naturally he tried to move, to break away but it was all in vain. His feet lifted off the sand as he was pulled towards the woman. A moment of worry crossed the young man’s mind. Ordinarily he was unshakable, fearless but having his control so completely stripped of him in a way he had never before experienced had created a small crack in his emotional defences.

It was her words however that truly unsettled him. It was the first time somebody had treated him like he was nothing but a vessel, seeming to speak through him and address the Genma within. Luckily she was not able to actually enter his mind in order to converse with Vorashu but of course the Phantom Beast was always lurking within the boy’s mind, able to overhear any on going’s that he deemed worth listening in on. In a low haunting tone the powerful spirit began to laugh joyously. ‘How I long to be free of the shackles of humanity, to rip the flesh from the bones of every last human and restore Natural Order. Maido, you shall have a place in this New World.’ The great spirit spoke within the mind of Shinjiro. Though only he as host could hear Vorashu in this moment the Spirit would not forget Maido’s promise and nor would Shinji. He would have to be exceptionally wary of Maido in the future, she had made it clear that she was no friend of his. While he didn’t value his life beyond what he knew he could do to benefit Kirigakure he did value his village and the Karagata Family and he knew that Vorashu intended for nothing but the utter destruction of all that Shinji stood for.

As soon as Shinji had control of his body again he moved away from the mysterious and powerful woman. He didn’t speak a word but they way he eyed her and moved swiftly away while keeping his body turned slightly so he could keep her within sight was a blatant indicator that he was very much on guard and nervous. He noted Nishiki walking towards them and hastily clasped the young kid on the shoulder, turning him around. “I’d stay away from her if I were you. Something not right about that woman, watch your back” he insisted. Despite his training as an assassin to keep his vitals supressed for silence his heart rate was rather elevated and he still felt tense and jumpy. Exhaling slowly he began to regain a semblance of calm. “So Nishiki, it’s about time we met. I heard you’re going for your exam soon, you better not screw it up and make us look bad, got it?” he insisted, digging his fingers into the boy’s shoulder hard enough to bruise. Releasing him he would look to the other man. “Who’s your friend?” he wondered casually.

Meanwhile, the moment Shinjiro made contact with Nishiki the Spirits within them would connect, able to communicate with one another freely so long as they remained in relatively close proximity of one another. “Yoshimitsu. It has been many moons since we last spoke. Your host shares in my influence I see. The blood of the fox runs through the young Kit. In the end Nature will always find a way to prevail. In time all humans will be returned to the earth and feasted upon by my creations.” Vorashu boasted, taking great pride in seeing his creations thrive. Perhaps one day the Tsukino would fully embrace their primal nature and raze Kirigakure to the ground. One could only hope.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Kao » Sun Nov 25, 2018 12:08 am

As soon as he asked about the newcomers, Nishiki perked up and mentioned what Shizuo could only assume was a name. Maido, he had said, and the word had barely left his lips before the vulpine boy started to wander away. Shizuo's curiosity was still driving his actions so he followed behind him and began to channel chakra to his eyes. When the jutsu completed his approach came to a sudden halt and he nearly dropped his umbrella completely. The young shinobi wasn't completely surprised to see the aura erupt around the boy, a violent whirlwind that filled the area and twisted around him on all sides like a hurricane; Nishiki had hesitantly mentioned 'jinchuuriki,' after all, and the word was almost exclusively used to refer to individuals who were hosts to genma. Shizuo, astute as ever, was almost certain that the boy was a host to one of the ancient beasts.

The special jounin tensed and continued following Nishiki, turning his gaze toward the woman. He watched as she made a motion and a wave of red rolled toward the shirtless boy and he was lifted off his feet. Normally such a thing would have drawn Shizuo's interest; he wasn't sure what that wave was, having never seen chiton in action. But it was certainly something he usually would have deemed wortht of his attention, something to pick apart and analyze. But as he looked on she spoke again, her voice coming without her moving her lips and sending a brief shudder down his spine. Not only that, but he was close enough to clearly make out her words now, and what she said was alarming. I will free you someday, great one. With jinchuuriki at the forefront of his mind, those were words that made him think of a certain ancient beast just before it had succumbed to its sealing.

'I don't like the sound of that at all.'

And then, with several fluttering blinks, he noticed something was off about Nishiki's aura. Shizuo expected a suspected genma host to have a large aura, but this one was enormous. He stared at it for a moment, and with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach he realized he wasn't looking at only one aura. 'There's two of them!' The two auras were close, intermingling with one another as Shizuo looked on, and the longer he watched the more he could differentiate between the two - between the different thicknesses and the opposing directions of movement between the two whirlwinds. It seemed Shizuo had possibly stumbled upon not one, but both of Kirigakure's genma hosts.

At first he assumed it was the woman. She was strange in more ways than one, and both the fact that Nishiki knew her and that she eerily spoke without moving her lips made Shizuo sure that she was the one who contained the spirit. But when the shirtless brunet hurriedly moved away from the woman, the aura moved with him, and once again the Iwa shinobi looked on in surprise. The woman had no aura at all; it was this boy, the one who he assumed was a slave, who possessed such a strong spirit within him. He dispelled the technique when the brunet clasped a hand around Nishiki's shoulder and then cleared his throat when he was acknowledged.

"We've only just met," Shizuo admitted when the boy asked, his light grey eyes piercing him with a heavy stare. "I'm Komiya Shizuo of Iwagakure. Pleasure to meet you, 'great one.' That's what she - Maido, wasn't it, Nishiki? - that's what she called you, right? Or was she speaking to someone...mmm, something else?"
[Shizumeru • Analyze]
B-Ranked Tenkujutsu (Nin)
Pre-requisite: Sensory Concentration, [Vision of Spirits]
After channeling the necessary amount of chakra, Shizuo focuses chakra to his eyes, causing the Maroon chakra to flare up around his eyes. This allows Shizuo to view the chakra of spirits and spirit-related objects as an aura. The appearance of this aura reflects soul size and the strength of the spirit.

• Petty: The spirit’s aura will appear as a very faint glow around the spirit
• Lesser: The spirit’s aura will emanate considerably as a strong glow around it and slowly pulsate
• Common: The spirit’s aura will flare considerably around it and will flicker and pulsate like fire
• Greater: The spirit’s chakra will take the form of a large, slowly rotating aura around the spirit
• Grand: The maroon aura will be take the form of a strong whirlwind around the spirit
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by WrightJustice » Sun Nov 25, 2018 8:16 pm

Nishiki's walk slowed as he witnessed Maido doing something sinister looking to Shinjiro as a red vapour seemed to stream to the shirtless boy, reminding the young fox of the crazy woman's ability to use chiton which sent some chills down his spine as he watched his fellow jinchuuriki suddenly float up into the air with zero control of his body.
"Riiight" the now skittish genin thought to himself as he shuddered, memories of a similar time during his brief encounter with the one he personally came to know as the blood witch though she had tossed him aside like a rag doll at the time to talk to Shiv and he saw no reason to meet back up with her.
"Hehehe! Still scared of her? She may seem ancient to you but remember I am older, plus her chiton is simply a corrupted version of suiton but then again I must give credit for being so well versed in it but then I wonder if she is the first? Ah, well history is so blurred these days and not worth my time but I would let her be one of my underlings for sure. Hehehe!" Yoshimitsu piped up, bringing his attention to Maido for but a moment as he had confusing recollections of human and spirit stories alike surrounding her or what he thought could be about her.

Once the devilish red riding hood-esque woman finished speaking her crazy sweet nothings in her toy's ears, though more so directed to the beast within, he backed off and scurried over to the frozen vulpine humanoid and warned him from further approaching the blood user before commenting on them finally meeting and enquiring about the strange white haired man who had almost been forgotten.

After a small pause an equally small grin formed back on the sheepish genin (but he's a fox?) as the shivers went away and an odd comfort filled him as Shinji spoke, though it didn't some of his thoughts he had been having about his exam though he did hope to prove his skill and win.
"Ah, yes, it is good to finally meet you... Shinjiro?" he replied a little unsure, questioning the boy's name as he tried to recall what he heard about the other host whereupon doing so he then turned to look at the man with an umbrella once again.
"Oh and, yeah we just kind of met, shishishi" he commented with a little nervous snicker as Shizuo replied and revealed such facts himself.
Nishiki then glanced back at Maido with a wary stare, truly taking in the warning before which he knew all to well now though was too shocked to say but as he did and all this was happening a part of his mind connected with another; the two genma where powerful enough to communicate even through seals it seemed and finally they met after quite some time.

"Hmph. As I thought; you are still all about your nature and environment or whatever Vorashu" Yoshimitsu replied in true cockiness "Though we are the most primal of all beings and truly above any nature, plus you could say I am the one at the root of all things given my will to bend the basic of all chakra" he began to brag about himself, making himself sound like he was the most important of all and far superior.

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Sia » Sat Dec 01, 2018 9:18 am

It would appear to Maido that she had scared Vorashu's host away. Ah well, it was inevitable she supposed. The removal of Vorashu from the boy would likely spell his death, so he logically had reason to be afraid of her. Perhaps she could develop some way of doing it without killing him? She really should delve into the arts of Tenkujutsu, she thought to herself. Come to think of it, she really needed to fine tune her mistwork. Perhaps she could do a combination of the two? Her mind wandered off.

It would be so easy to set the two of them free here, her other self told her. Too many witnesses though. She had an appearance to keep up, after all. The other three beings present moved away from her, which was fine. Maido was used to being alone. Besides, she had herself to converse with. They were of course, still within earshot of her and so she would listen. Her cloak relaxed, shrinking again into its shaw-form as she fell into the water and began to float. She wondered what to do with the rest of her day? She wasn't likely to make many lasting friends here.

Perhaps she should stir something up. Bah, it would probably be better that she didn't. She'd caused a minor ruckus already. There really wasn't any sense in getting involved any further than she had. Still, she was awfully lonely. She just didn't fit in anymore. Perhaps she should leave the village after all. Go out and explore the world. Find where she belongs...
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Izanagi » Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:05 pm

The young assassin nodded casually, confirming his name. Despite the way Jinchurriki were treated in Kirigakure he didn’t actually expect everyone to remember his name or even recognize him, he didn’t leave his household particularly often, at least not in human form and even as an animal he made a habit of blending in and moving about undetected, a stark contrast to the previous host of Vorashu whom roamed about naked and favored the transformation of a large bear when utilizing the Genma’s powers, making her presence known by all. So to have Nishiki even remember his name with some degree of certainty was a sign of respect. “You can also call me Shinji if you’d like” he informed in a nonchalant manner. He had very few friends but those handful whom he had become more familiar with tended to refer to him by the shorter and more relaxed version of his name. The fact that Nishiki was also a host and of a similar age meant that they already had a great deal in common and though he likely wouldn’t admit it he did hope that they could become friends.

As the tallest male of the trio spoke, Shinji directed his attention upon him. The difference in Shinjiro’s presence could practically be felt as he regarded Shizuo. Though his posture remained relaxed and his mouth retained a hint of a smile his eyes grew distinctly more rigid, the playful light dispersing completely as a hard gaze replaced it. He hadn’t missed the way the white-haired man had been watching him and while he had thought little of it, especially given Maido’s little display, he still felt very guarded around this man whom had been revealed to be a foreigner. It was a natural reaction really and even many Kirigakure shinobi often received cold regard from the young assassin of the Karagata. This hostile presence persisted until the man finished speaking. It became suddenly apparent that this man was a very curious individual, an intellectual and someone whom had already easily connected the dots that Shinjiro was a Jinchurriki of some sort. Once Shinji had realized this however he was able to relax again, understanding the reason for the feeling of scrutiny that had put him on edge. “Oh that? Do you always ask questions you already know the answer to?” he responded with a notable bite to his tone. “Karagata Shinjiro, Jinchurriki of Vorashu no Kategenma, the Phantom Beast of Body” he stated proudly, instinctively standing straighter and pressing his chest out. He was not a particularly large teenager though he was exceptionally muscular for such a lean frame. Combined with his array of scarring and menacing gaze he truly did carry a predatory presence.

Within his mind and unaware to Shinjiro the Phantom Beast continued to converse with its counterpart. “You’re almost as despicable as those abhorred humans with your blatant disrespect for nature. As true primal beings it is our place to maintain balance and order in the natural cycle. Humans with their abuse of chakra have grown too bold, disrupting the evolution of my mighty creations. Your precious elements have their purpose, to aid in the ebb and flow of the animal kingdom.” He stated decidedly. No matter how many times they had this argument neither of them had agreed with the other though Vorashu had lost track of how many years it had been since the two had last spoke. Even the act of conversing with one of his kind was refreshing in of itself, almost allowing one to forget for a few moments the fact that they were sealed within a human host to be used as tools to the benefit of a village that Vorashu despised.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Kao » Sat Dec 08, 2018 2:46 pm

Shinjiro's self introduction confirmed Shizuo's suspicions. That giant aura of his was due to being the host of a genma rather than some other type of grand spirit. Though the young fox boy hadn't said as much, Shizuo was now certain that he too was a genma host; the two seemed familiar to each other and their auras were so similar that it was the most logical conclusion for him to make. It was interesting to watch their brief exchange, and Shizuo thought he should probably get both of Iwagakure's jinchuuriki on a similar level of familiarity and friendliness when he returned home.

The special jounin took note of Shinjiro's change in demeanor and posture. He expected it after so casually inquiring about someone's greatest weapon, and the reaction told him quite a bit about the boy in front of him. The green eyed jinchruuriki was wary but proud He didn't recoil under Shijiro's cold gaze, but instead replied with a smile, "I find it at times those to be the best questions to ask. Certain questions reveal a lot about those who answer them. They separate an honest man from a liar, an early indication of who can and can't be trusted. That's important in this beachside celebration of ours. Trust is essential between allies."

Shizuo adjusted his umbrella so that it provided more cover, wincing as his sunburn was irritated by the movement. Shinjiro was open and proud, but the other two were still a mystery. The Iwa shinobi wasn't done prodding. "So you two are jinchuuriki to genma, hm? Lucky me, meeting two of Kiri's jinches at once. That brings my total jinchuuriki acquaintance count to four." He set his gaze on Nishiki for a moment to gauge his answer, whether or not he would confirm or deny. He then looked to Maido and asked, "So what does that make you?"
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by WrightJustice » Mon Dec 10, 2018 6:06 pm

Nishiki turned once more to the strange, silvery haired man who had indeed been very curious about the young boy and surely bursting to get in real close and break social boundaries to get a proper grasp of his foxy nature, though the man did now appear more serious as he glanced between the two genma hosts until the more naked of the two went full soldier mode and introduced himself whilst detailing fully that he was indeed such a host.

Shinjiro's friendly reply and nickname suggestion earlier, to which he replied with an equally friendly nod, and passionate introduction to the Iwagakure stranger actually instilled some confidence into the young Tsukino who closed his eyes and nodded to himself before opening them once more with a glimmer of courage; Nerves shaken out and will steeled, the boy began to grin as he looked up at the group once more, now with vigour.
"Shishishi I guess I didn't introduce myself properly before when we first met" he commented with a hearty snicker before standing more to attention like his fellow jinchuuriki, though still more slacked and not so army like as he then added with great fervour "Nishiki, bled for the family Muramasa, born of the house Tsukino, Jinchuriki host of Yoshimitsu no Etaigenma the Phantom Beast of Elements" though he still wasn't sure if someone outside Kirigaure would get the whole thing about being bled and being born but whatever he at least felt more comfortable saying it fully now.
"Shishishi" he then snickered, a little bit embarrassed again, his hand coming up to his head but he quickly shook it off as he then thought about what the pale man actually said "Wait four?" the boy asked curiously, somewhat confused "You now know four genma hosts?"
Shizuo had mentioned to Nishiki he dealt with Jinchuuriki often but it was now just fully clicking that definitely meant Iwagakure's own genma and that the silly seeming idea that he may be like Hideki could actually be true.

Though Shizuo had momentarily became interested in the ancient blood user known as Maido, as such the soon to hopefully be chuunin glance back over to the eerie woman who he was very cautious of and truly uncertain about especially after seeing her speak and play around with Shinji.
However as this was going on there was also the internal conversation of sorts between grand spirits which each spoke in both conflict but also a small amount of enjoyment from not seeing each other in some time.
"Ha! Me as despicable as those pesky little ants... Oh, sorry, humans?" Yoshimitsu scoffed in reply "The only part I agree with is how those beings are abhorrent and completely in the way but to liken me to them is no just wording, surely even you are better than that?" he spoke arrogantly and a with a hint of disdain, not wanting to be lumped with such awful lifeforms "Though I imagine you would have their smarts and skills stripped so that they may return to your precious nature; all living once again as the animals they are, which I wouldn't mind seeing for myself for ridding the world of them simply may not be enough... then again... maybe a few can be loyal soldiers, at least for a time, once we break free of these vessels" he continued with a bit of a stereotypical evil chuckle to his words, delighting in escaping and sending the humans back to a primitive state for punishment of abusing their power and gifts.

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Sia » Sat Dec 15, 2018 10:46 am

Listening intently but growing rather bored by the seemingly dull band of the lot of them, Maido began to think she should take her leave. After all, there wasn't really anything particularly interesting happening here. Idle chatter of the sorts. Iwagakure and Kirigakure were supposed to be on good terms now, supposedly. That was a good thing, she supposed. She had always been in full support open borders. To her, this was definitely a step in the right direction and even though she had come to the festivities willingly as a show of good faith, she just felt out of place.

Maido willed her body to move closer, so it did. Floating just a mere inch off of the ground before landing gracefully next to the two jinchuuriki, she poised herself for a moment. "Do not misunderstand me, little one." She paused. "I wish not for your death. The thought of the spirit inside you being imprisoned forever just disgusts me. Spirits should be free to roam the earth. Not imprisoned inside of children. I hope you can work with me in the future to make the relations better." A voice spoke into Maido's mind and began to unravel details to her of what she should do. She would need to seek out Faisa. He would have answers. She knew that eventually she would cross paths again with these Genma hosts in one form or another. But would they be on her side, or against her? She would have to wait and see. "We'll speak again, young ones. Perhaps the world will have a use for you after all."

To the inquisitive minded question of the other person present, she responded. "They call us Maido, the eldest of the Muramasa, Ambassador of Spirits." She looked away momentarily before focusing her intense red gaze upon the stranger.
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Izanagi » Sun Dec 23, 2018 8:26 pm

Shinjiro stared at the Iwa shinobi, unwavering as his aura seemed to spur the kind of tension that was sure to make most rather uncomfortable. To his credit however the taller man did not back down, answering calmly and deliberately. His answer was satisfactory. Both shinobi were testing one another, aiming to determine just what kind of person they were dealing with. Waiting a few long moments after the white-haired man finished speaking, Shinjiro nodded slowly. His posture shifted slightly and the tension in the air seemed to instantly dissipate. “Trust. Hmm” he seemed to ponder casually, his hands slipping into his pockets as he relaxed. He couldn’t ever say that he had truly trusted anyone before, not really. He had loyalties, obligation, duty but even on missions he was always prepared for the possibility that information was left out intentionally for some reason or another or that he might be only a pawn meant to be sacrificed for some greater goal. Since becoming a Jinchurriki he held more value to the village and continued to earn a higher place the stronger he became but that never meant that someone wouldn’t decide to try to kill him one day. He was trained to be ever vigilant and skeptical, constantly tested by his father and older siblings. The only thing he could truly trust in was his own strength to be able to overcome whatever obstacle stood in his way.

Still, as he pondered on the notion he considered that even though trust was not an attainable goal he could value teamwork and cooperation. When goals were aligned, and both parties stood to gain from something there was a much lower chance of deceit and betrayal. “I look forward to working more closely with Iwagakure shinobi. I believe we have much to gain from our cooperation.” He proclaimed thoughtfully, barring circumstances essential to mission success he was a very direct and honest individual at the very least. The boy gave a vaguely quizzical look as Shizuo flinched from the sunburn. It seemed exceptionally odd to him for a shinobi to be bothered by pain of such an insignificant level. Perhaps this man had not seen much actual combat. Likely he was more geared towards a support role. He went on to state he had met two other Jinchurriki, presumably from his own village, supporting the notion that he was a Specialist in the Tenkujutsu arts.

Shinjiro smiled genuinely as Nishiki properly introduced himself. It spoke to his pride to see his fellow Jinchurriki act so bold and confident. He truly did want to see Nishiki thrive, knowing that he was Aimi’s student, a man he considered a role model himself, he saw Nishiki not only as a rival but also akin to a brother. Even just in this short encounter, looking at Nishiki now spurred thoughts of Mitsuo, the similarly aged brother that had been killed nearly four years ago. His expression saddened as these thoughts bubbled to the surface. ‘Do not mourn the young pup felled in combat. That is the way of the world, the strong prey on the weak and only those that can adapt and grow stronger may thrive’ Vorashu insisted, for once offering advice instead of beratement. ‘I know that! I’m not stupid’ Shinji snapped back in a childish fashion. He pushed the thoughts aside, supressing them as best he could if nothing else to keep Vorashu at bay. This may have been noticed as he closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. He was getting better at regulating his connection to the Genma, able to supress his interjections with enough focus.

The Karagata’s eyes opened, seeming more refreshed as he turned his attention back to the conversation at hand. “So, these other two Jinchuriki, what are they like?” he wondered with genuine interest. Aside from Nishiki he had thus far met another Jinchurriki of a Genma as well as one of a lesser Spirit and he was curious how many others there were, what their abilities entailed and how well he might get along with them. Meanwhile, Vorashu had been forced out of Shinjro’s immediate thoughts though still retained the connection with Yoshimitsu unbeknownst to Shinji. The Genma seethed at the insolence of the human for shoving him away so rudely, 'You’re right, every one of us is far superior to their race. They disgrace me with their advancement, yes perhaps some could be salvaged, returned to living as Apes, forced to cower under our might and once again return to the natural order after all their villages and libraries have been burned and trampled, their leaders flayed and fed to the crows and every shinobi ripped limb from limb. Yes, perhaps then..' the old Shaman spirit cackled in a haunting cacophony, savoring the thought of violence of such magnitude.

The green-eyed assassin turned his attention back to Maido as she gracefully approached. Her words were in fact of some comfort. He would embrace death if it was in service to his village though to die needlessly and have a powerful spirit relinquished from Kiri’s control would be the ultimate dishonor to his family and his own legacy, and that was not something he could bare to imagine. “I’m sure Vorashu would agree with you. He never shuts up about wanting to destroy Kirigakure and see every last human suffer and die. But what kind of shinobi would I be if I were to support something like that being set loose? My loyalty lies with the Mizukage and with the Karagata family. My interests are theirs.” He stated resolutely. Maido was one of the last people he wished to make an enemy out of, though he simply couldn’t turn his back on everything he knew and from his perspective that is what her proposal seemed to suggest. Vorashu seemed to revel in the conversation taking place, snickering in a haunting laugh within the boy’s mind he spoke out to Yoshimitsu in a low growl, 'The Blood witch will be spared'.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Kao » Sun Jan 06, 2019 11:32 pm

Shizuo blinked several when he realized his mind had wandered. It could even possibly be said that he had been so distracted by his own thoughts that his mind had gone on a journey for several days, and by the time he returned to the present moment it took the special jounin several seconds to remember what had just been said. "Yes, Nishiki, host of Yoshimitsu no Etaigenma. My count is now four: you two, and the two hosts of Iwagakure. Hope neither of you mind that I don't reveal their identities just yet. I'll let them do that on their own terms. They're young like you two, but...cuter. One's a bit on the shy side. Neither of them are likely to introduce themselves as jinchuuriki just yet."

Even that small bit of information felt like too much. Shizuo had grown quite fond of the younger of the two hosts, and he was fiercely protective of her from both other shinobi and from the beast that lurked within. She wasn't ready to have her identity revealed just yet, and neither was the newest genma host. The special jounin intended to change that; one day, with his help, they would be able to stand before others and flaunt their power without fear or hesitation.

After his response, the one named Maido demanded attention. Shizuo didn't fail to notice the otherworldly air about her, nor did the way she floated inches above the ground escape him. To the man who worked tirelessly to control and contain spirits, her words sounded threatening. He didn't know the two young hosts, but he instinctively stood between them and the strange woman. Their gazes locked, hers scarlet with an intensity that would make most men balk; Shizuo's eyes carried their own strength, reflecting not his physical power but his mind that grew sharper as he gained more experiences and strange acquaintances.

"Children grow into powerful shinobi, and I'm sure these two are no exception. What better container for spirits like the genma than people who would use their powers for our villages' benefit? There's no finer 'prison,' as you call it, that they could ask for." He turned to the boys momentarily with a warm smile. Beneath the surface though, there was a mocking quality to his expression. "Isn't that right?" Whether they realized it or not, the man was speaking directly to the genma with those last few words. He didn't bother to use a technique to speak directly to them; he knew from experience that the genma had a special connection with jinchuuriki; what the hosts knew and heard, so did the ancient spirits.

With that he turned back to Maido. "If that's all then, Ambassador of Spirits, perhaps we will speak some other time." It was clearly a polite dismissal, one that he wasn't sure she would heed. The young man stood his ground still, waiting for the woman to leave them.
Kao's CharactersShow
Akari KotaruBanninIwagakure no Sato Team 18 Jousai [color=#1fb8a3]
Komiya ShizuoJounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#209DD3]
Yanagida Yukino Special Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#a07ac2]
Ishiwara SetsunaChuunin Iwagakure no Sato[color=#E81D1D]
Enkouten Mai Jounin Iwagakure no Sato [color=#CE5412]
Aisu Namie Chuunin Kirigakure no Sato [color=#5bc2d4]
Awai FusaeA-Rank MNKonohagakure no Sato[color=#D95FEA]
Important NPCsShow
Akari Kanehara Akari clan elder [color=#80A0FF]
Sakata KannaIwagakure Councilwoman [color=#3DA43B]
Hazuki Shuran Jinchuuriki researcher [color=#E854C0]
Enkouten Kaizen Iwagakure councilman, clan leader [color=#C65871]
Rock Country Daimyo [color=#AC4A4A]

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by WrightJustice » Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:37 pm

The Genma may disagree on a bunch of things such as simply who was best and which of their methods where best but they could both feel comfort in believing the humans where below them, simply living on luck that they even captured them and imprisoned them and that one day they would break free and show them no mercy.
"Well at least we can agree on that, natural order or not they must be punished and we will prove why they where only so lucky to have even locked us away in their vessels in the first place" Yoshimitsu replied with his own sinister chuckle "Though, yes, we can use a few like the crazy blood user" he agreed, though definitely framing it as if they did not need Maido's help and if she did it would be them using her.

Nishiki was intrigued about there being more Genma hosts which he guessed made sense, though when the white haired man came back to his senses and replied it seemed he would not truly reveal much info about the two hosts in Iwakagure which he also supposed made sense given he was unsure whether to really share at first but Kirigakure was all about being proud of their Jinchuuriki so he came out with it.

Though what Maido had said was kind of scary in a way as it was something he knew Yoshimitsu wanted and it was clearly very dangerous, plus he was under the understanding that he could very easily die from having the spirit extracted which he obviously did not want but it also seemed their new Iwa friend agreed as he surprisingly stepped forward and before the crazy lady.

Full of shock the young Tsukino stepped back a bit as he fully turned to face Shizuo and Maido, not expecting the curious man to have such oomph and power to his tone of voice and the will to confront such scarily powerful looking shinobi head on. Unsure of what to do in the situation the vulpine male turned quiet, grinning slightly when their defender turned back to the pair of hosts with a smile before confronting and dismissing Maido like it was nothing.

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Sia » Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:34 am

Having broken eye contact already and turned to leave, Maido grew increasingly annoyed with the situation. Before her were two great and ancient beings of immeasurable potential. Locked away and imprisoned within mere children. She hated it. She couldn't stand for it. Had she her way, they would be released from their fleshy prisons immediately. It was disgraceful. Infuriating. She of all beings could understand them the way no other human could. Centuries of imprisonment and for what? That wasn't to say it was the children's faults, she reasoned to herself. It was quite likely they had not chosen this for themselves. No, the mist had chosen it for them. The mist. Maido scoffed at the thought. Shinji spoke of his loyalties to the Karagata and the Mizukage. A noble thought, if a foolish one. Hmm. If it were only that simple, she could just become the Mizukage. A Jinchuriki under her thumb would make things much easier, she supposed. To release the beasts. Or perhaps utilize them to her advantage?

Now was not the time for that line of thought, however. Shizuo had snarked at her. Already agitated, Maido found this to be quite infuriating. Her form changed ever so slightly, eyes glowing a bright red whilst a pulse of ink-black chakra rocked through her body. Her face contorted with anger and a spectral overlay of a wolf enveloped her figure as she turned to look at Shizuo. Her voice was hoarse and very clearly full of hatred. The words which came from within her came though her mouth was not open. Eye contact with Shizuo was re-established and a primordial growl rang through the air. "They should not be imprisoned like animals!" Her voice carried with it a wave of chakra and a loudness that boomed. It was quite likely that the several of them would be fearstruck, as would the others that happened to be nearby. She was causing a scene, she realized. She must calm herself. She can't let loose her. She can't get out of control. Not here.

The ghastly overlay disappeared and Maido's expression turned from anger to nothingness. Balance. She must find balance. Too quick to the trigger, she knew she was. Even still, she knew within her heart of hearts that her point was valid. The great genma did not deserve what had happened to them, just as she didn't deserve what had happened to her. Now her expression softened, realizing what she had done. "Forgive me, Shizuo of the rock." As she spoke, she turned to look towards Shinji, gazing upon his soot-covered limbs. "Then again, perhaps we can have some use for you after all." She also gazed upon the other jinchuriki but turned away from the lot of them again. "Another time then." Her cloak flexed out from her back, growing in size at a frightening speed as Maido walked away, disregarding the onlookers that had been startled and drawn to her outburst. She had work to do, a different Iwa shinobi to find. A world to crack.

Maoujutsu: Terror Voice
B-Ranked Maoujutsu
Speaking in a most Ancient Tongue, Maido's Ancient Presence will send waves of chakra outwards to those that listen to her, inciting within them feelings of fear. within 20 meters of her person. When speaking in this way, Maido's voice sounds malevolent, guttural, and displeased. Arms and legs will tremble at the sound of her voice. Those with greater ([Stamina+Instinct]/2) in comparison to Maido''s ([TotalStamina+Control]/2) will not be affected whilst those who do not will feel the effects quite strongly for the next 7 posts.
A Compilation of Things to Keep in Mind on NSRPShow
And then he tried to bang me and I asked if we could just cuddle so he knows I’m still upset about it
Do you have one of him looking at daddy angrily
boo fucking hoo
validusrex#1137 — Today at 12:28 AM
25% American is still 100% FREE BABY LETS FUCKING GO
This Delightful Exchange:
Sinpoder: Where can I find a mentor?
Sinpoder: or is that Sia?
Nick: Sia is more of a palpatine than a mentor
Sia's the opposite, they know the system better than any of us but then ignores it to try do/allow whatever regardless 😛
Your intention doesn't matter if your action creates pain
Validusrex, Size of 15 Ryo Puppet Boat:
Half a kayak, large enough to fit one person bent-over or crossed-legged.
There is peace in being trash.
calling people pussies, bitches or whatever and threatening to hurt people makes you very much less than a man and much like a young boy
You intentionally handicapping yourself is not a reason to change the system.
It is not the mods job to build ideas for you, its our job to make them systematically acceptable. If there is a core concept to it that isn't acceptable, there is nothing any mod can say that will magically make it work.
"Over half of the questions asked in the box can be answered by reading the rules."
"Everything is banned until balanced."
"Tourneys bring out the worst in people."
And part of why I scooped him is cus I wanted to make him a Toukai and people told me they thought it was a bad idea :/
so now Ryoga is a constant reminder to always do what I WANT to do, not what others think I should do
saigen is like the dysfunctional family you choose to be part of
Crazy how elaborate the system is for a group of people who only finish a fight a tenth of the time after 2 months of arguing over 3 seconds of combat
If you want to speed up the process you can just talk to one of the other staff members about it.
Most of them have been around longer than Director and can actually read.
The Best Fucking Chuunin Exam Ever:

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[Beach Party]Pre-Exam Nerves

Post by Izanagi » Sat Jan 12, 2019 9:53 pm

Shinjiro found himself rather disappointed by the lack of information presented about Iwagakure’s hosts, though his head tilted slightly at the mention of them both being rather cute. Did that mean they were both girls? He had never met a female Jinchurriki before, the thought was interesting to him. He wondered how strong the pair of them were, though it did seem odd that it sounded as if both were rather timid. Perhaps they were more recently sealed, Shinji had only become a Jinchurriki a little over a year before Nishiki though he had always been rather confident in his strength whereas Nishiki seemed to be still growing used to his power. Still, they were both public figures in the village and most at least knew their name, for Shizuo to not even want to reveal that much meant that either he didn’t trust Kirigakure nearly as much as he advocated or that Iwagakure simply handled their Jinchurriki quite differently. Either way, Shinji’s curiosity had grown greatly. He was very much interested in learning more about Iwa and its customs. Perhaps he would be permitted to fight alongside some of their shinobi and earn some trust to the point where he could actually meet these other Jinchurriki.

The teenage assassin continued to frown a little at the lack of information, even while speculating what kind of powers the Iwagakure Jinchurriki might possess. However, there were simply far too many options and nothing concrete to form any speculation from. If they were timid however he doubted either of them were taijutsu focused like himself, likely they would have got along better with Nishiki, though Shinji was learning how to be softer around certain people. When it came to social interactions however tact and patience were something that was proving difficult for him to learn. Already he was growing bored of the conversation, in fact he was considering simply leaving and seeing if he could pick out any shy looking girls from Iwagakure out from the many shinobi gathered on the long beachfront. The conversation with Maido didn’t help much either for his growing sense of being uncomfortable. He didn’t know exactly what she was planning but she didn’t feel like someone he could trust and anyone who would want to strip Kirigakure of some of its potentially greatest weapons was not someone whose interests were of the village. A day would come where Maido would betray Kirigakure, he was sure of it and yet he was fearful of her power and wished to not get on her bad side if he could help it.

Shinji’s eyes widened as Shizuo stepped between Maido and the pair of Jinchuuriki. Could he not sense how dangerous she was? There was something completely inhuman and ancient about her and the way she so effortlessly controlled his body earlier despite his great physical strength meant that she could easily do the same to the others. If the Shizuo was counting on the setting to deter Maido from hostile action Shinjiro was hesitant to believe that was enough to offer them protection. The blood user wasn’t like Shinji, she wasn’t a soldier or an assassin whom had dedicated their life to the village. She was a renegade who lived by her own code and seemed to align herself with the village out of convenience rather than loyalty or necessity. Still, the young Karagata respected the man’s bravery and discovered a flicker of trust build within him. He had accepted from a young age that not everyone in Kirigakure was an ally, shinobi killed one another on a whim almost daily and even Shinjiro had struck down a few that had crossed him. He knew how it felt to have the power to snuff out the lives of others and so too did he respect that there were still many stronger than he and so he tended to tread carefully around superiors and be sure to show respect. However, he could not have imagined a day where a foreigner would stand up to someone of such might on his behalf. As much as it was brave more than anything it felt incredibly foolish.

Still, he couldn’t simply stand by. Sliding his hands out of his pockets Shinjiro began to move forward, intending on standing next to Shizuo as a show of support, however as Maido’s voice shook through him the young assassin froze in place, his normally carefully measured heart rate nearly doubled its pace and he found himself shaking slightly and having difficult breathing. He wanted to run, transform perhaps and fly away as quickly as possible though he felt frozen, like a mouse cornered by a snake knowing that even the slightest motion might incite the predator to strike and end his life. He utterly despised this feeling of complete and utter terror. It felt as if all his power had been stripped away from him, all his relentless training for nothing. He was the predator, he was the one who incited fear into others and hunted them down as they scrambled to cling to life and yet in her presence, he was nothing. His eyes were wide and head tilted just low enough to not make eye contact with Maido while still looking in her direction. Fists clenched his nails grew into claws, digging into his flesh, the familiar sensation of pain granting some slight semblance of comfort as the blood dripped from his darkened hands.

As the blood witch addressed him, Shinjiro willed himself to look her in the eyes, “Maido-Sama” he acknowledged respectfully before bowing. It was a loyalty derived entirely from fear however it was one that had ultimately been earned nonetheless. He didn’t know exactly what she had in store for the future but he realized now that he wanted to live through it. Even as she walked away he could feel the fear coursing through his body. “You’re a brave fool to cross her. I’ve never felt anything like that before.” He admitted, still rather shaken. Turning to face the pink haired boy Shinjiro would force a smile, “I’ll be cheering you on at your exam. Next time we see eachother I expect you’ll be a Chunin” he stated confidently before suddenly glowing with a green aura as he tapped into his own Genma’s powers, nodding to the Iwa shinobi one last time before seeming to vanish entirely. To the astute, one might note the small winged beetle he had transformed into before flying off at incredible speeds.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD


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