[Graded] [Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

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[Graded] [Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by Niro » Mon Sep 09, 2019 7:14 pm

The sun's rays spilled across the stone buildings that made up the portion of Iwagakure no Sato visible above ground. A new day began and for some it was the start of something great while for others it would be just another day. For one Tate, Iwamaru it held the potential to be the former. Today was the date his Chuunin exam was scheduled for.

Upon registering for the exam, he had been given a scroll with instructions on where and when to be as well as a specific door to enter through. His first task of the day would be to make it there on time. Assuming the young chuunin hopeful was able to follow the directions on the scroll, the location of the actual exam was a nondescript stone building with multiple levels and entrances. Iwamaru's entrance was on the east side of the building, 1st floor.

Once he had entered the building, he would find himself in a waiting room for several minutes. It contained several chairs and a second door on the opposite side of the room. Finally an intercom buzzed with his name being called and the door opened. It would open to a poorly lit hallway that emptied out into an earthern arena with stands surrounding it. In the center stood a teenage girl with neon green hair and dark purple eyes. She stood about 5ft 1in and her gaze would lock onto him as he entered the area. In the stands surrounding the pit, Iwamaru would find the familiar dark red hair and royal purple eyes of Jousai's leader among them.
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaChuuninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaChuunin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
Yamato [color=#C71585][b]KiriA-Rank
Yoshinori [color=steelblue][b]KonohaChuunin
Shikatsu [color=chocolate][b]KonohaGenin

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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by ShinobiTruth » Tue Sep 10, 2019 1:40 pm

Iwamaru had been up since before dawn. He'd made sure to get the needed rest before, spending the whole day yesterday resting and tending to light chores before heading to bed early. He knew he had to be in prime condition for tomorrow. He would not allow hubris and overconfidence to cause him to fail. It was plenty likely that he'd be facing an opponent at least as skilled as himself if not more so. The village's resources were extensive and considering all of the work he'd done around the village for his training just to work with the Jousai, not to mention actually working with the Jousai themselves, he had to assume the proctors had a reasonably accurate snapshot of his capabilities. Iwagakure was many things, but one thing it wasn't was a place that would excuse or tolerate weakness. It was not afraid to show you your own weaknesses plainly if need be.

After a light breakfast, Iwamaru left his home with enough time to ensure he'd arrive at the location he'd been directed to in the scroll thirty minutes beforehand. The extra time would be necessary to properly stretch, prime his body for action with some light exercises and meditative breathing, and clear his mind of potential distractions... the primary distraction taking the form of his father's absence. He wasn't sure which upset him more: the lack of his presence... or the fact that Iwamaru wasn't surprised he wasn't here. The man was so obsessed with his work now that they hardly ever saw each other. He'd hoped, just this once, considering it had to do with his career, his father might actually care enough to show up. It was okay, though. His father wasn't the reason he'd worked this hard to get here. Iwamaru himself had decided to pursue this life path. The only people he needed to prove himself to was himself and his village.

He allowed himself a small smirk. He had no way of knowing, but if he won, he was going to be so excited to tell Tatsuo-san. Iwamaru had no siblings, but after meeting the bannin that had so effortlessly earned his respect, it almost felt like he had an older brother... even if that relationship was likely one-sided.

When his name blared out over the intercom, Iwamaru was ready. The door opened, and he walked through the solitary hallway. As the hallway expanded out, he was a bit surprised by the fact that it opened to an arena... or rather, that it had stands for onlookers to observe the match. Sure, he could see a few others being here in order to evaluate the match, but there was enough space to fit a small crowd in those stands! Why...?

On his way down to the arena, his eyes found the unmistakeable violet eyes and deep red hair of Tatsuo himself. His eyes widened in surprise, and his first instinct was to stand at attention and salute, but he resisted. Such a reflex could not only be viewed as him not taking the battle seriously, but it could also communicate information to his opponent he didn't intend to. His eyes ablaze with determination, he limited his acknowledgment to a respectful nod. He wanted to show proper deference, but he had the battle ahead of him to focus on.

His eyes now shifted to his opponent, scanning her up and down. Already, her lethal experience wafted off of her. Iwamaru had worked hard, but one thing he'd not yet experienced was a match against a truly equal opponent, at least not since the academy. Every mission he'd walked into, he had always been confident he'd have the tools to win. But this young woman, his opponent, was a mystery given form. She had no outward tells of her arsenal, her specialties. He was walking into this battle blind. He knew right from the start this would be a fight like none he'd ever experienced before... He couldn't focus on whether he thought he was going to win.

He would simply have to will that possibility into reality.

Clasping his hands together and nodding slightly in respect to his opponent, he did not speak, merely following the proctor's directions as he poised himself, ready for battle. This was it. Do or die time.

...Hopefully not literally, for that second part.

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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by Niro » Tue Sep 10, 2019 2:26 pm

The neon green hair of the teenage girl standing across from Iwamaru reached down a bit past her shoulders and her purple eyes locked onto him with an almost bored expression, as if this wasn't her first exam she was the test opponent for. Her arms were crossed against her chest, waiting until the proctor signaled for them to take their places as the two stood 5 meters apart. Just how many genin did she see walk through those doors, hoping to become chuunin? Just how many did she stop, their dreams halted?

"So you're the kid he's taken an interest in, huh?" The girl spoke, a bored tone inflected in her voice. To those in the stands the words meant nothing. They had no idea who had taken an interest in who but Iwamaru had caught sight of him and Misato could tell when he had walked in and nodded into the stands. "Hope you can keep it. He's not easily impressed." Somehow this girl knew of him and knew of his relationship to Tatsuo. The war of information was already being won by the opponent in front of him.

"Akari, Misato versus Tate, Iwamaru! Begin!" The voice of the proctor came over the intercom, signalling the beginning of the bout.

A small smile spread across her face as the battle began and she both began to channel the needed chakra to her shiin and leapt back 10 meters to give the two of them space. In mid air four thin dark red tentacles emerged from her lower back, writhing in the air as she landed. Immediately she flew into a short set of seals and aimed her right hand's first two fingers at him before a bright bolt of lightning came rocketing forward.
[Basic Formation: Enhanced Melashiin]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
Channeling chakra to their shiin, they cause it to inflate, fully forming into its full glory. Taking the shape of a long fleshy protrusion, the melashiin is able to recover at double the rate of a normal body part would. The user's melashiin has been combined with a temershiin granting it strength equal to user's strength.

*[Raiton • Bright Bolt]
D-ranked Raiton Jutsu
After performing the correct hand seals the user will extend two fingers toward a target. A bolt of lightning will jump up to 10 meters from their fingers at a speed of 6, striking with a strength of 4.
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaChuuninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaChuunin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
Yamato [color=#C71585][b]KiriA-Rank
Yoshinori [color=steelblue][b]KonohaChuunin
Shikatsu [color=chocolate][b]KonohaGenin

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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by ShinobiTruth » Tue Sep 10, 2019 4:10 pm

Iwamaru’s eyes narrowed. True, he had nodded to Tatsuo, but that information could have easily been provided to her beforehand. His beaming admiration of the Bannin had been no secret up to this point, but the fact that she chose to speak up meant she was either observant, already knowledgeable about Iwamaru as a person, or both. More so than any knowledge about his jutsu or weaponry, she had the psychological edge before the match even started.

He’d just have to fight that much smarter.

Iwamaru took note of the name that the proctor called and the tentacles that emerged from Misato’s back. So she was an Akari, like Tatsuo. He had little knowledge on the clan’s Kekkei Genkai, only what was widely known by the village. He disregarded the rumors that were outlandish or he couldn’t confirm himself.

Running forward even as she leaped back, the genin kept a close eye to look for her hands possibly weaving seals. Quickly grabbing two shuriken from his belt pouch, Iwamaru would throw them, holding back some of his Strength (12 Strength) as he aimed the shuriken to curve up into Misato as she was landing. He’d have to test how dexterous those tentacles were.

Catching sight of the seals for her jutsu, Iwamaru readied himself to respond. When Misato aimed her fingers at him and Iwamaru perceived the Raiton chakra arching from them towards him, he deftly strafed to the right to avoid it without losing his forward momentum while grabbing one of his grenades from his pouch. Channeling unstable chakra into the small orb, this one he threw at his full Strength and detonated it. He was hoping that the shift in tempo might catch her off-guard. If not, at worst, he’d still get a good idea as to how durable her Kekkei Genkai was.
[Ninpou • Explosive Enhancement]
D-Rank Ninjutsu
After taking an explosive tag or another explosive item in his hand, including those produced from Iwamaru's jutsu, he channels unstable non-elemental chakra into the item. Until the end of the post, if the item is detonated, the additional chakra detonates along with it, adding the explosive force of a D-Rank explosion on top of the explosive's base force.

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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by Niro » Tue Sep 10, 2019 5:18 pm

The melashiin batted down the incoming shuriken with ease, their exteriors having nay but a scratch. They were clearly a bit tougher than whatever strength the shuriken had been tossed at, Iwamaru would have to actually land a blow to dent them. They continued their writhing in the open air, acting as a sort of anti-projectile system for now. Misato watched as the boy dodged to her left and broke off into a run in the same direction. She waited for a moment when the boy's hand went to his pouch before she took out her own equipment. A kunai with an explosive smoke tag tied to it rested in her hand until the boy tossed his projectile that was glowing with the faint hue of imbued chakra.

It was coming at her fast from her left, the projectile coming in at diagonal angle as he had thrown it while still putting space between them. It gave her plenty of time to calculate the trajectory of the incoming sphere and loose her own kunai at it. The two impacted mid way between the two shinobi, bits of shrapnel exploding outwards and the area being filled with smoke.

The area between them was filled with the light gray smoke of the explosive tag Misato had thrown. The chuunin began to run through another set of hand seals before a shiny spear of lightning appeared in her hands. She tossed the spear to her left at his last known location before she took off to her right before cutting upwards and aiming to come up on him from his left, her melashiin primed for close combat.
C-rank Taijutsu
As long as the user has the range and needed preparation time to see the incoming projectile, they can throw their own projectile to meet it in mid air.

*[Raiton • Sky Spear]
C-ranked Raiton Jutsu
After performing the correct hand seals, the user will create a two meter long rod of lightning in their hand. They are then able to launch it at 15 speed in a single direction. Upon contact the spear will explode with the force of a single explosive tag and apply the Raiton shocking effect. If it has not been launched by the end of the second post it will dissipate.
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaChuuninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaChuunin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
Yamato [color=#C71585][b]KiriA-Rank
Yoshinori [color=steelblue][b]KonohaChuunin
Shikatsu [color=chocolate][b]KonohaGenin

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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by ShinobiTruth » Tue Sep 10, 2019 8:42 pm

Iwamaru came to a halt. He thought about retreating from the smoke but immediately stifled that notion. He wouldn't win this match through predictable tactics and conceding to fear of pain or death. That much, he was sure of.

If he hadn’t been certain before, he was fairly confident now that she was a Nin/Tai fighter, one that valued Speed. Seeing both the movement of her tentacles and the accuracy with which she had thrown her smoke tag, she was at least decently proficient in Taijutsu, and she had at least an affinity for Raiton. The tentacles were fairly durable, taking only small scratches from the partial Strength shuriken he’d thrown. What Iwamaru most noticed, however, was the confidence in her movements. He was not the first person she’d fought... and considering her apparent confidence, she’d probably had more victories than defeats. The gap in real battle experience was undeniable.

This was real. Right now, she was no different than an enemy out in the field of combat. His mentality had to change, and he had to change now. He had to treat this fight like his life was on the line... because, in a way, it was.

Iwamaru had no way of knowing where she was exactly in this smoke... but neither did she, not exactly at least, though he could hear her footsteps and had a general idea of the direction she was coming from. And he had to assume she might have a similar idea of where he was as well. What if he could control where she would go? Those tentacles looked like they could be nasty in an up-close fight. It was risky, but his options were limited. Right now, he'd have to take measures against a potential long-range attack first, since she'd clearly planned to use this smoke bomb to mask her position. If she was confident fighting in low visibility, she likely had some long-range options in this situation, and her Raiton attack earlier proved she had at least some ranged attack options.

Weaving a quick set of seals, Iwamaru plunged his hand into the ground, pulling a small barrier of stone from the ground before taking a single step back. She would clearly hear the sound of him ripping the barrier from the ground, which was what he wanted. He didn't need to completely block or even deflect whatever attack she was using. He had strong enough physical toughness to shrug off at least some of the damage, enough to continue acting. He steeled his nerves weaving another set of hand seals, even as the lance of Raiton chakra erupted from the fog and slammed into his freshly made barrier, crumbling to the ground in a messy heap. The earth around him would be slightly weaker, but not likely weak enough for her to notice even fifteen meters out.

Now he had to wait for the sound of her footsteps to get closer. He didn't have any special training in tracking every small sound, but he was remaining still. Any sounds he would hear wouldn't be coming from him. Eventually, he heard her footsteps closing in from his left, and with a short hop, he slammed his feet into the ground with his full Strength. The dirt, rock, and stone around him would explode in an eruption of earth and shards of stone. He didn't wait for the resulting explosion to finish, weaving a set of seals to cause a rudimentary suit of rock to form on him as he scanned his surroundings.
Doton • Sunken Shield
D-Rank Ninjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals, Iwamaru plunges his hand into the ground and pulls up a wall made of solid stone. The wall is lifted out of the ground at a speed equal to Iwamaru's strength. The wall itself has dimensions of 3 x 3 x 1 meters and has 5 Strength.

Doton • Improved Sundered Domain
C-Rank Ninjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals, Iwamaru channels Doton chakra into a 15-meter area around his person, including stone and concrete terrain or structures. The stability of the ground/terrain is weakened. If Iwamaru punches or stomps on the ground with 10 Strength or greater, the ground will break apart, rasing slabs of rock and stone around him at a Speed equal to his Strength. Each of these slabs has 10 Strength. This technique cannot be used against structures or terrain infused with an opponent's chakra if the average of their Ninjutsu and Control, rounded up, is higher than Iwamaru's Control.

Doton • Basic Titan's Armor
D-Rank Ninjutsu
Prerequisite(s): 7 Strength.
After performing the necessary hand seals, Iwamaru creates a thin segmented breastplate, thin greaves (boots), thin gauntlets, and a thin helmet of stone which lift up from the ground and attach themselves to Iwamaru in segments. This set of armor forms at 3 Speed and has 7 Strength. The gauntlets cover the top of Iwamaru's hands to leave his hands free for weaving hand seals and managing his equipment.

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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by Niro » Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:21 pm

Misato was not just doing nothing in the smoke while she ran towards him. She knew the next portion of this fight would be in close combat and it wasn't hard for her to figure out the boy opposite from her was physical strength. The young Akari teen could see the muscles lining his arms and body when he was closer to her. It wouldn't be the smartest idea to fight him up close with no defense to help her.

She channeled another small spurt of chakra to another shiin sac and this time, a violet set of opaque-tinted armor began to cover her body up to her neck. Misato continued her run through the smoke until the ground around her began to rise up in multiple slabs, smaller bits of rock acting as shrapnel that left scratches in her armor and additional appendages. The girl didn't let that stop her however, using one of the rising slabs to jump up and into the now-dispersing smoke before aiming her fall at the figure in the smoke.

Her melashiin were poised and at the ready as she came down, two on each side aiming to grab each of his arms while Misato would attempt to plant a hi-kick into his chest and send him to the ground.
[Basic Formation: Perfected Lacrishiin]
D-Ranked Ninjutsu
Channeling chakra to their shiin, they cause it to inflate, fully forming into its full glory. Taking the form of an almost opaque armor with an appearance of glass, the lacrishiin almost completely covers the user's body. As a pseudoarmor, the lacrishiin has strength equal to the user's strength.
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaChuuninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaChuunin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
Yamato [color=#C71585][b]KiriA-Rank
Yoshinori [color=steelblue][b]KonohaChuunin
Shikatsu [color=chocolate][b]KonohaGenin

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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by ShinobiTruth » Wed Sep 11, 2019 4:56 pm

A momentary sweep of his surroundings and the quickly dispersing smoke told Iwamaru she wasn't on the ground. That left either underground or in the air as the only two options. Considering her Raiton affinity and her earlier retreating long jump at the beginning of the match, while it wasn't impossible to burrow with Raiton, the air was the most likely avenue of her next attack. Quickly drawing his sword, Iwamaru quickly channel chakra into his feet, careful to avoid the charges in his boots. Those were an ace in the hole he wasn't ready to use so quickly in this match. Their near-instant utility was too important to spend on a single bum rush. Much like his previous attack, he wouldn't simply defend or take the hit; Iwamaru's intent was to try and intercept her mid-action. If she was as skill of a Taijutsu user as he suspected she was, she'd likely have her own rhythm, one tight and carefully coordinated. To score a choice hit, his best chance at this point was to try and disrupt that rhythm as best as he could.

He had his Stone Armor and his body resistance training he'd put himself through to shoulder as much damage as he could from the attacks he'd be running face into. He waited to spot the sudden darkening of the dispersing fog to tag the location of his mark before crouching and blasting upwards with his legs, releasing the gouts of chakra from his feet to more quickly accelerate him through the air as he spun both his body and his sword while flying through the air. This motion both shrunk and shifted his profile, causing her kick to instead glance off his thigh. He was aware the tentacles would likely find purchase somewhere on his body, but his outstretched swinging arm, along with the 30" of sharpened steel and hilt swinging at his full Strength and unexpected Speed as he burst from the fog would hopefully be enough to find purchase in a clean slash across her torso.
Passive Jutsu Related to Resisting PainShow
Ishi-Kyojin Ryuu • Titan's Body - Arms and Shoulders
D-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Prerequisite(s): 6 Strength, 6 Stamina.
After years of body conditioning, the bones in Iwamaru's shoulders, arms, elbows, forearms, and hands have increased in density, and the nerve endings have decreased in their sensitivity to pain. It takes more force to cause Iwamaru pain by attacking these areas of the body, and attacks with these areas of the body will cause more damage, such as punches, elbow strikes, and shoulder bashes.

Ishi-Kyojin Ryuu • Titan's Body - Legs and Feet
D-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Prerequisite(s): 6 Strength, 6 Stamina.
After years of body conditioning, the bones in Iwamaru's thighs, knees, shins, calves, ankles, and feet have increased in density, and the nerve endings have decreased in their sensitivity to pain. It takes more force to cause Iwamaru pain by attacking these areas of the body, and attacks with these areas of the body will cause more damage, such as kicks and knee strikes.

Ishi-Kyojin Ryuu • Titan's Body - Chest and Core
D-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Prerequisite(s): 6 Strength, 6 Stamina.
After years of body conditioning, the bones in Iwamaru's rib cage and clavicle have increased in density, and the nerve endings have decreased in their sensitivity to pain. It takes more force to cause Iwamaru pain by attacking these areas of the body.

Ishi-Kyojin Ryuu • Titan's Body - Back and Trunk
D-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Prerequisite(s): 6 Strength, 6 Stamina.
After years of body conditioning, the bones in Iwamaru's shoulder blades, spine, and pelvis have increased in density, and the nerve endings have decreased in their sensitivity to pain. It takes more force to cause Iwamaru pain by attacking these areas of the body.

Ishi-Kyojin Ryuu • Titan's Body - Head and Neck
D-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Prerequisite(s): 6 Strength, 6 Stamina.
After years of body conditioning, the bones in Iwamaru's neck, jawbone, and skull have increased in density, and the nerve endings have decreased in their sensitivity to pain. It takes more force to cause Iwamaru pain by attacking these areas of the body, and attacks with these areas of the body will cause more damage, such as headbutts.
Active JutsuShow
[Ninpou • Chakra Jet] x 2
D-Rank Ninjutsu
After channeling chakra into one of his feet, Iwamaru releases it from their feet in a burst of concussive force in the form of an outward explosion in a cone away from his feet. This explosion has the force of a D-Rank explosion and can be used in a multitude of ways, such as either adding additional force to a kicking attack, to allow Iwamaru an additional jump in midair, or to redirect his jump in midair.

Tora Tosshinken Ryuu • Crushing Paw
D-Rank Taijutsu Discipline
Prerequisite(s): 5 Taijutsu, 5 Strength.
As the majority of basic attacks with this style only make use of one arm, Iwamaru has learned how to efficiently use his movements and kinetic linking to generate the force necessary to strike with full force using only one hand without creating openings in his defense or movements. This Discipline represents Iwamaru's capacity to attack and defend at his full Strength with a Sword Weapon using only one arm.

Tora Tosshinken Ryuu • Morning Sky Sword Rush
C-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Prerequisite(s) Strength must be equal to or higher than Speed, Tora Tosshinken Ryuu • Hidden Predator Sword Rush.
Building on the use of centrifugal force in Tora Tosshinken Ryuu and giving it an advanced offensive application, this technique can be used to defend, attack, or counterattack an opponent while in the air. Iwamaru jumps at the opponent. At any point during the jump, Iwamaru can twist his body while spinning the sword, generating a large amount of centrifugal force before either blocking the opponent's attack or striking with a powerful slash or thrust, immediately accelerating to Iwamaru's max Speed.

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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by Niro » Thu Sep 12, 2019 1:02 pm

Misato hadn't been expecting him to meet her mid way in the air. Her melashiin tentacles moved in front of her chest to protect her from the slash while her kick found purchase in his thigh. Three of the four tentacles were cut in half and useless. The severed bits fell to the ground and flopped around on for several moments before disintegrating into blood while the still connected portions retreated and disappeared back into her body. Still in the air for the moment, her lone tentacle aimed itself at the boy's sword wrist in an attempt to disarm him and send the sword flying elsewhere in the arena while she aimed a double open palm strike to his abdomen to launch him away from her and her away from him.

The two would fall back to the earth ten meters apart as the smoke finally cleared fully. Blood covered the ground and an annoyed look spread across Misato's face. Her melashiin were her primary form of attack and with three of them gone she'd be pressed in close combat. The lone tentacle would be a helpful third arm but the boy had a larger advantage than he probably thought at the moment. In sheer physical prowess he matched the majority of those who bore the rank of chuunin and his dedication to finding an opening in her attack rather than run away was also impressive for a lone genin.

Not wasting time with only such a short distance between the two, Misato flew through another set of hand seals and generated another Sky Spear she tossed at the boy while taking short hops backwards to put even more distance between them. Once the spear was loosed from her hands, the aforementioned limbs delved into her equipment pouch and withdrew five more tagged kunai. In short fashion she tossed one dead center at him, one to his left, one to his right, one above him, and the final one at his knees while continuing her backwards hops.
Sky Spear from earlier
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaChuuninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaChuunin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
Yamato [color=#C71585][b]KiriA-Rank
Yoshinori [color=steelblue][b]KonohaChuunin
Shikatsu [color=chocolate][b]KonohaGenin

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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by ShinobiTruth » Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:18 pm

A mild pain bloomed from Iwamaru’s thigh as Misato’s kick landed on his thigh, but it wasn’t anything significant enough to hinder him. There was a grim satisfaction he took in the sensation of his blade connecting, the melashiin crumpling under the might of his sword. Though he’d been hoping to actually score damage, Iwamaru was content with seeing three tentacles severed and rendered useless, his blade glancing off of the fourth as he completed his swing. His eye caught the fourth tentacle lashing out at his sword hand, and knowing he wouldn’t have enough time to fully avoid the attack, he twisted his wrist to minimize the exposed profile on his wrist, forcing the stone gauntlet from the Stone Armor technique he’d casted earlier to take the brunt of the attack. It shattered, the potent attack from the tentacle reduced to a light scratch, the warm, familiar sensation of blood emerging from the cut.

Pushing against the force of Misato’s double-palm strike with his chest, the breastplate shattered, but it served its purpose in both dulling the damage and cutting down the amount of force being successfully transferring into his body. That, in combination with a quick forward thrust of the chest, further cut the pushback he would suffer, quickly landing as the smoke cleared. One of Misato’s weaknesses was apparent now, and Iwamaru’s skill set happened to be well-suited to exploiting it. He could not let up the pressure, not for an instant. Not only was it important to press his advantage while he had it, Iwamaru had not the faintest clue about the melashiin’s regenerative capabilities. His advantage he’d fought hard for could easily disappear.

As he had been the lower of the two when Misato had struck him with her palms, Iwamaru landed first and immediately ran towards Misato even as she was still falling back down towards the ground. He caught sight of Misato weaving seals as she landed and started trying to increase distance between each other. The slabs of rock from his Improved Sundered Domain still littered the battlefield, and with quick hands, he’d quickly grab three slabs (10 Strength each) and throw them with his full Strength before weaving a set of seals of his own. The first would meet Misato’s Sky Spear head on, and though the slab would be weakened by the attack, it would continue forward. The second slab would intercept the tagged kunai thrown straight at him, and the third would be aimed at where Misato was about to land after she threw the tagged kunai.

Finishing his seals, Iwamaru momentarily crouched and torqued the muscles in his legs before vaulting off of a small stone pedestal that emerged from right underneath his feet, launching at a shallow angle as shooting him through the gap he’d created by deflecting the center tagged kunai. Even if she detonated them, the damage he would suffer would be minimal. Performing a single front flip through the gap to minimize his profile and ensure that his back, one of the tougher muscle groups on his body, would bear the brunt of any assault he might face from those tags detonating. Landing on the ground for a brief moment in a crouching stance, Iwamaru decided that now would be a good time to try and close out the match. He’d used a number of jutsu during the match already, and though he had higher than average chakra and physical stamina reserves than the average chuunin, he knew that the longer this dragged on, the worse of a position he would be in.

Detonating both shaped charges in his boots, Iwamaru shot forward in a burst of speed while channeling chakra into one of his feet, bull-rushing Misato. He knew that this meant taking any attack she had up her sleeve, and he was already mentally prepared for whatever he might suffer. The chakra in his foot was to change direction should she try to dodge at the last minute before slamming his knee straight into her torso. If he didn’t end up having to use it to redirect his trajectory, he’d release it the moment after he made contact, to further drive his knee into his opponent.
Doton • Gaia Boost
D-Rank Ninjutsu
After performing the necessary hand seals, a small 1-foot wide, 2-foot long pedestal will shoot from the ground anywhere within five meters of Iwamaru's position with 5 Strength and 5 Speed. If Iwamaru uses this technique to jump, it will increase his Strength by 5 for the purposes of determining the height/distance his jump covers.

Ishi-Kyojin Ryuu • Flying Titan Knee
C-Rank Taijutsu Maneuver
Prerequisite(s): Ishi-Kyojin Ryuu • Stone Titan's Strength.
One of the more mobile moves in the Stone Titan Style, Iwamaru leaps forward either from standing still or from a dash and momentarily draws his knees in towards his torso before violently thrusting his knee outward into his opponent torso or weapon and armor. Aside from causing significant damage, as Iwamaru's entire weight and Strength is behind the attack, this technique has the possibility of breaking the opponent's weapon or armor if they defend against the attack with either one. If Iwamaru's Strength is higher than the opponent's average of their Taijutsu and Strength, rounded up, Iwamaru can break the opponent's weapon or armor used to defend against the attack so long as the armor does not list a Strength rating that is equal to or higher than Iwamaru's Strength.

[Ninpou • Chakra Jet]
D-Rank Ninjutsu
After channeling chakra into one of his feet, Iwamaru releases it from their feet in a burst of concussive force in the form of an outward explosion in a cone away from his feet. This explosion has the force of a D-Rank explosion and can be used in a multitude of ways, such as either adding additional force to a kicking attack, to allow Iwamaru an additional jump in midair, or to redirect his jump in midair.

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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by Niro » Thu Sep 12, 2019 8:03 pm

Misato frowned as the boy grabbed three of the slabs from his previous jutsu off of the floor and used them as an improvised offense and defense. The first slab would find itself weakened by the sky spear but destroyed by her once it came into range by a single strike from the remaining tentacle, the rock crumbling into dirt from the blow. The second stone slab would impact her throne kunai and be destroyed upon contact, the projectile still flying for a moment before crashing to the arena floor.

She sidestepped the final stone slab as he came rushing at her. He had launched himself off of a platform into a flying knee as she pulled back her right fist and began to tense and build torque with every muscle in her shoulders, arms, and core. She could feel the physical force building up within her body with each inch that he crossed of the arena. The two coming blows would be the largest that had been thrown up yet.

Once he got within 4 meters, she released all of the built-up energy and torque within a single punch aimed at the incoming knee. At the very least she planned to move it off of its original striking point while at the most break his knee cap.
*[Strong Fist Style • Thunder Leaf Fist]
C-Ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
An attack that is slow to wind up but powerful in execution. The adept tenses every muscle in their shoulders and arms while twisting their core for a powerful strike. For the 1/4 post they spend winding up they're treated as having a -6 speed. However, when the strike is released it comes nearly instantly and at a +6 strength.

Nin 10
Gen 1
Tai 10
Stam 19
Con 10
Str 20
Spd 20
Int 20
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaChuuninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaChuunin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by ShinobiTruth » Thu Sep 12, 2019 11:02 pm

Iwamaru’s eyes widened in surprise as Misato did not dodge or block. He saw Misato pull back her arm. She was clearly planning something. Iwamaru cursed mentally. He’d thought that pressing his advantage would be the appropriate option, but he had been careless and reckless in his assessment. If he didn’t think quickly, he’d be suffering more than the minor damage he’d taken up to this point.

The fist made contact with his knee, and just from the immediate sensation alone he knew that he’d be in a world of hurt if he didn’t move right now. But he couldn’t simply abandon this attack; the charges in his shoes were too much of an investment. Pulling his back foot in and pointing the sole of his foot toward the side, he released the Chakra Jet he’d prepared out to the left, causing the fist to roll off of his kneecap and slide along his leg as he channeled the remaining momentum toward Misato’s chest. With any luck, his blow would still land.

If he still didn’t make contact, he’d land in a roll, skidding on crouched feet while still facing Misato’s back. Iwamaru’s knee was screaming at him from the sharp pain it’d just suffered, and it was only the last minute adjustment that had allowed him to avoid having his kneecap be shattered outright. He could still move, but he was in pain, that much was undeniable.

Getting back to his feet, Iwamaru considered his options even as sweat soaked into his uniform. There was no sign of defeat in his eyes, but he was vexed for a solution. The one thing he thought he had working for him, his physical strength, was only equal to his opponent, at best. What was he to do? Had his attack landing earlier been a mere coincidence? Happenstance?

The one attack he’d landed had come only after he’d waited for the opportunity. Had his mistake been in trying to force an opportunity to come into existence? Jumping back, Iwamaru weaves seals to renew his Stone Armor, awaiting his opponent’s next move.
Doton • Basic Titan's Armor
D-Rank Ninjutsu
Prerequisite: 7 Strength.
After performing the necessary hand seals, Iwamaru creates a thin segmented breastplate, thin greaves (boots), thin gauntlets, and a thin helmet of stone which lift up from the ground and attach themselves to Iwamaru in segments. This set of armor forms at 3 Speed and has 7 Strength. The gauntlets cover the top of Iwamaru's hands to leave his hands free for weaving hand seals and managing his equipment.

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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by Niro » Fri Sep 13, 2019 5:28 pm

Misato's blow had landed although it was not as cleanly landed as she would have preferred. Iwamaru's knee had met an impacted with her punch but a last moment adjustment by the boy served as enough to prevent his kneecap from shattering entirely. In the heat of battle he was quick enough in both body and mind to realize continuing without alterations would lead to his failure.

She felt the blow impact against her lacrishiin and it creak against his strength before the two were separated. He had landed somewhere behind her and although he was injured, this fight was not yet over. Her armor was damaged and barely holding on, if her Thunder Fist had not negated some of the blow she'd have been in serious pain.

Turning around to face him with a grimace spread across her features, she was willing to bet he was feeling fatigued begin to set in. She could, too. The chuunin began to run forward, towards him, and cross the 10m gap between the two. She had an idea of what he could do with his ninjutsu and his ability to think and act under pressure. Now she wanted to see how he'd fare while injured. Would he fight? Run?

As she came into close quarters combat range she would throw a quick jab at his face while her lone remaining tentacle aimed for his injured knee.
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaChuuninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaChuunin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by ShinobiTruth » Fri Sep 13, 2019 8:38 pm

Iwamaru locked eyes with his opponent even as she began to close the distance between them. In the small pause after the last attack, he had been racking his brain for a solution. A simple bait wouldn't be enough to trick an opponent as skilled as Misato. No, something more was needed. What was it-

The pain in his knee flared up momentarily, and in that moment devoid of thought, Iwamaru found his answer. What did he need? What had he trained to do this entire time? Of all of his skills, he'd relied on it the least. Maybe it was fear, maybe it was caution, maybe it was even arrogance. Had he learned nothing? Mariko-sensei and Seng-sensei had taught him something so simple, and yet he'd nearly forgotten it when it mattered most. If there was something you really wanted...

You had to be willing to suffer for it.

The pain in his knee turned from a hindrance into a motivator. Channeling chakra into the foot with his injured kneed, his eyes steeled as he dashed towards his opponent, and as the jab came, he turned his head to force the stone helmet on his head to take some of the brunt and cause the jab to glance off the side of his head, which shattered under Misato's strength. In the moment immediately following the contact, Iwamaru would attack to clinch his hands around the back of Misato's neck, gripping tightly, before releasing the chakra jet from the sole of his foot to bring his injured knee up and slam it into her diaphragm. It would help him avoid the tentacle if he managed to get the clinch, and he was ready to face the wave of pain he'd feel from slamming his swelling knee into Misato's lacrashiin. If he landed the first knee, he'd repeat the same move again with the same knee, using his uninjured leg as a base to assure that the blow would use his full strength, even as he grit his teeth against the pain of his knee suffering repeated abuse.
Ishi-Kyojin Ryuu • Stone Titan's Presence
D-Rank Taijutsu Stance
The basic stance of the Stone Titan Style, Iwamaru squares up; his chin is lowered, his arms are raised and prepared to defend and quickly lash out with quick punches, his shoulders are raised and drawn back slightly, and he stands poised on the balls of his feet, ready to lash out with quick straight or side kicks. Punches and arm strikes in this style can take a variety of forms, such as quick jabs, twisting straights, quick hooks and uppercuts, or elbow strikes. Attacks with the leg can also be quite varied, ranging from crushing heel strikes to pin-point kicks with the balls of the feet, powerful sweeping side kicks with the shins to break bones and joints, groin kicks, and even powerful knee strikes. While in this Stance, all Titan's Body techniques have their effectiveness increased by a small margin, allowing Iwamaru to resist even more pain when those areas of the body are attacked.

[Ninpou • Chakra Jet] (first Pulverizer only)
D-Rank Ninjutsu
After channeling chakra into one of his feet, Iwamaru releases it from their feet in a burst of concussive force in the form of an outward explosion in a cone away from his feet. This explosion has the force of a D-Rank explosion and can be used in a multitude of ways, such as either adding additional force to a kicking attack, to allow Iwamaru an additional jump in midair, or to redirect his jump in midair.

Ishi-Kyojin Ryuu • Pulverizer x 2
C-Rank Taijutsu
Rushing forward, Iwamaru will attempt to clinch with an opponent, tightly gripping the opponent at the base of their neck to gain leverage, before driving a powerful knee strike directly into their torso or solar plexus. Aside from winding the opponent and causing serious pain, if Iwamaru's Strength is higher than the opponent's average of their Strength and Stamina, rounded up, this technique can potentially cause serious internal bleed and break bones and cartilage.

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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by Niro » Sun Sep 15, 2019 4:36 pm

Misato's fist glanced off of his face but not before her blow ripped the stone helmet from him and she found herself trapped in a clinch with the boy. Her arms came up, forearm against forearm, in a block as the boy began to hammer away with his knees. The first blow destroyed her armor and caused it to recede back into her lower back to repair itself. It also impacted hard against her forearms and she could hear her bones creaking. The second knee took the stress fractures that were forming even further and broke her forearms.

Misato's lone melashiin tentacled snake its way down to his ankle before yanking it out from under him and tossing him away. They look of pain blossomed across her face as she looked at her broken forearms. Taking a deep breath and threw a pain voice she called out,

"I surrender."

"The Proctor forfeits and The Challenger wins!" The announcer over the intercom called as the meager attendance in the stands burst into cheers for the boy. Up in those stands, one red-haired purple-eyed Bannin smirked before disappearing in a feet of extreme speed. He reappeared seemingly from nowhere in the arena between the two shinobi.

Two medical ninja rushed from the tunnels on either side of the arena. Immediately their attention was on the twos' injuries. Their hands flared up with the green glow of medical chakra before the Medics began to run their hands over the combatants injured bodies. Once done, Misato walked up to Tatsuo. The two Akari waited while he was healed and had made his own way over. A pout marred her features as well as slight tears pricking away at her eyes.

"Really?" Tatsuo asked his junior with a laugh and ruffle of her bright hair.

"Only because I hate losing in front of you, nii-sama!" Misato turned away and crossed her arms. The usually cold sister loved her older brother even if she found it embarrassing to show.
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaChuuninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaChuunin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by ShinobiTruth » Sun Sep 15, 2019 5:12 pm

The second knee into Misato’s chest sealed the deal for Iwamaru’s kneecap. Even for the body-conditioning training he’d done, the attack earlier had done a number on the bone, and the pain shot through the genin like a hot lance. Iwamaru hadn’t experienced full-breakage in a long time, and the pain was considerable. It was so potent that he didn’t register the tentacle wrapping around his ankle until he was already being tossed away. Pulling his legs and arms in as tight as he could, he rolled side over side, sliding to a halt with his fatigued arms trying to push himself up. He couldn’t afford to stop. No matter how much pain he was in, Iwamaru had to keep fighting. An agonized growl ripping from his throat, he managed to get back on his good knee:

”I surrender.”

The words didn’t fully register in Iwamaru’s mind even as he heard them. The fierce expression on the rather plain-looking boy’s face slowly relaxed into one of shock as the realization sank in:


The intercom blared with the announcement of his victory. Iwamaru fell back on his bottom as the extent of his fatigue started to show. Shaky arms barely managed to hold him up as a sensation of relief flooded the genin’s mind. Eventually, the medics forced him to lay down as they tended to his freshly shattered kneecap. He wasn’t certain if the feeling of breaking it or the sensation of having it be slowly reassembled was worse. Like everything else, he endured it a clenched jaw and his trademark ferocious green eyes.

The majority of the damage reverted, Iwamaru slowly walked toward his opponent, a slight gait in his step due to the swelling in his knee. Clasping his hands together, he first bowed deeply to Misato. ”I didn’t truly know what it meant to fight with everything I have until this match. Thank you, Misato-sempai,” he offered to his opponent.

He then bowed to Tatsuo, his voice more strained as he had to pause before getting his words out. ”Thank you for coming, Tatsuo-san... Even if it wasn’t just for me, you came to watch... when I had no one else here with me,” Iwamaru managed, only just barely managing to stifle his own tears.

Marido-sensei was one thing. She’d been planning on coming but suffered an unexpected delay in her return to the village. But his father had known for weeks. He’d had the opportunity to make plans. He chose to take a mission that would see him gone for the exam. It was shameful, but the bitterness that Iwamaru felt, the need to prove he didn’t need his dad there to win... it had fueled him on in the fight.

He still wasn’t sure how he was supposed to feel about that...

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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by Niro » Sun Sep 15, 2019 6:23 pm

Misato turned to Iwamaru as he offered a bow and words of praise for their fight. She returned them with a slight bow of her own before the boy turned and bowed to her older brother. She was still not used to the amount of respect his rank commanded from others. To her, he was still just her goofy older brother. She didn't see any of the titles or monikers, just a lovable idiot who had been there since forever.

Tatsuo silent listen to Iwamaru. The Bannin had done some digging into his soon-to-be recruits personal life and was not shocked by what he found. The boy's mother had passed a few years ago... he could guess the results of that. His own father had requested a mission out of the village instead of watching. Tatsuo also looked into who was currently training the boy and although he was pleased someone was keeping an eye out for him and teaching him she had been unable to make it due to a mission in the village had assigned. He waited until Iwamaru raised his head before clasping him on his right shoulder. He turned his head towards his little sister with a gentle smile.

"You did well. Misato head to the house and I'll stop by later." she told her, the brotherly edge to his voice leaving no room to argue. She nodded in the affirmative before beginning to walk to one of the exit tunnels. "Come with me." Tatsuo told Iwamaru and within seconds the scenery had changed to an office. To the undertrained it would look like they had teleported but to those who could follow they knew it was just the man's raw speed. A desk, two chairs, and a couple of shelves decorated the room and if the boy's tired body was still keen enough he would spy the name plaque revealed this wasn't actually his superiors office.

"I was impressed with your fight. My cute little sister is tough, she's already caught the eye of her own superiors in that she's not too far off from her own promotion." Tatsuo admitted as he swept the tailcoat of his duster under him and deposited himself a top of the desk.

"Do you have any idea what it means to be a chuunin, Iwamaru? "
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaChuuninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaChuunin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by ShinobiTruth » Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:09 pm

Tatsuo’s firm hand found its way to Iwamaru’s shoulder right before the world around them seemed to scramble. Iwamaru was no small child, yet Tatsuo had moved him with such ease that it practically felt like the result of a summoning jutsu. They were now in an office with two chairs sitting in front of a desk. It took him a second to notice, considering the draining nature of the fight he’d just finished, but he did catch the name tag on the desk. Perhaps this was an office that true village allowed for general interview usage?

The next question seemed answered easily enough, but Iwamaru made himself wait and really think on the question. What did it mean to be a chuunin? It wasn’t merely the missions, it wasn’t merely the status... It meant something more. It was something heavy and solemn that now rest on his shoulders. What was it?

”It means playtime’s over,” the boy replied. ”It means that, even more so than before, real lives will be involved in the missions I’m assigned. The consequences to myself, my teammates, and the people involved will be real and everlasting. I’ll be expected to fight with everything I have and die, if need be, for the sake of something greater than myself... And the village trusts me with that duty, that sacred charge.”

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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by Niro » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:03 pm

"Exactly. You're no longer a green horn; the majority of shinobi militaries run off of the backs of our chunin. You'll be expected to not only lead genin on less dangerous missions but provide support for jounins and higher. It wouldn't be a bad idea to distinguish yourself from the other chuunin. Do you rise to the challenge or do you crumble?" Tatsuo posed the question but did not really expect an answer right now. "This is where your true career begins. As such, I would like to be the one to tell you: congratulations on being promoted to chuunin." He leaned and reached behind the desk and produced a standard-issue chuunin flak jacket. He tossed it into the boy's lap before starting up once more.

"So, Iwamaru-kun. You've finally attained the rank of chuunin, it's only appropriate. Jousai is always looking for members, will you join us?"
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaChuuninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaChuunin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
Yamato [color=#C71585][b]KiriA-Rank
Yoshinori [color=steelblue][b]KonohaChuunin
Shikatsu [color=chocolate][b]KonohaGenin

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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by ShinobiTruth » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:30 pm

Iwamaru nodded in understanding as Tatsuo further elaborated on what being a chuunin really meant. The gravity of leadership wasn’t something he fully grasped yet, but he knew that, with time, he would come to fully understand the breadth of such a responsibility. Iwamaru could not help the small grin that crept up on his face when Tatsuo congratulated him on becoming a chuunin. He held the flak jacket in his hands as of it were something sacred, something holy. It also brought to mind some very important practical changes he might need to make to his arsenal and equipment.

The next question Tatsuo asked him set Iwamaru’s eyes ablaze with determination. The very offer he had been waiting months for was finally laid before him: not merely the chance to work with the Jousai, but to join their ranks as a tried and true memeber. Iwamaru would have normally made himself consider such an offer more carefully, but he was beyond caution at this point. Any opportunity he could have to grow under this man and the organization he represented was something he simply wouldn’t allow himself to pass up. ”It is an honor to join you and the Jousai, Tatsuo-san,” he replied, not missing a beat.

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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by Niro » Sun Sep 15, 2019 10:05 pm

"I'm glad to hear. Upon joining Jousai a handful of opportunities open up for you. The first is you're given your own room in the headquarters if you please. If you wish to move in, we can have it arranged fairly quickly. Second, a lot of our work is extremely hazardous, especially anything we do deep in the Catacombs. The amount of hazard pay you'll have a chance at may actually surprise you even as a Shinobi. I was a chuunin at your age as well, so I have high hopes for you in the future, Iwamaru-kun." Tatsuo revealed as he stood up from the desk top.

"However, your day is over after your exam. Relax and prepare for the whirlwind of paperwork you'll have to deal with to officially rank up." He told Iwamaru before nodding at the fine young at chuunin in front of him. "Good job today, you are dismissed for now." Tatsuo would finish and wait for Iwamaru to leave before hightailing it from his senior's office.
Tatsuo [color=#940839][b]IwaTsuchikageTeam 18 Jousai
Kinomichi [color=limegreen][b]IwaBanninJousai
Kotetsu [color=slategray][b]IwaChuuninTeam 7
Ashura [color=coral][b]SunaChuunin
Sai [color=#FF14A1][b]Kiri - MND-Rank
Yamato [color=#C71585][b]KiriA-Rank
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[Plotboard] Sweet Dreams

Post by ShinobiTruth » Sun Sep 15, 2019 10:21 pm

There was so much for him to process today. He’d spent months preparing for this very day, and the fact it was already over threatened to send Iwamaru’s mind reeling. For now, he would take Tatsuo’s advice and take the rest of the day to decompress, take everything in. He was thinking there was a harp waiting in a particular testing room waiting for him.

Standing and offering a nod and a salute, he rose from the chair and walked out the office door, the gait in his walk a fresh reminder of the brutal battle his body had just endured. He’d not forget this day for the rest of his life... though from what he’d heard, he’d be dreading the mountains of forms and documents he’d be sifting through for days to come.

Still, in the long-run, it’d be worth it. Iwamaru would make sure of it.


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