[Closed] Forging Something New

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Willoria » Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:58 pm

Heidrun had risen early in the morning before the sun even rose. She had her morning coffee and a small breakfast before heading down to her forge. By time the fires were going once more in full force, the sun was over the horizon and her hammer rang against the anvil. Her leathers were set aside as the forge was always hot work. She wore her boots up her knees as always, and a dark pair of pants with a dark sleeveless shirt. Within an hour of her hammering the shirt clung to her in places due to the sweat running down her back and the back of her neck. She had yet to braid her hair that day and so it was only pulled back in a single ponytail and a bit of a mess. As it wasn't braided however, in the ponytail it reached almost its full length, down to the middle of her back. She spent her entire morning putting hammer to steel, and by early afternoon she had two partially made blades shoved into the coals to keep warm as she took a break.

She picked up a wooden cup from nearby and stepped out of the forge to get water from a small well. Leaning against the stone wall of it she sipped from the cup, catching her breath as a light breeze cooled the sweat on her skin and she saw someone approaching out of the corner of her eye. She had been told to expect someone to come to her for repairs to a sword, but little else. "Juu' here for a repair?" she asked in her typical accent, raising an eyebrow and sipping her water again before turning to look at who approached her.
The Tales of the Aes Sedai Fukusha Reina - Iwagakure No Sato - Jounin - #EF2B2D Atsushi Cho - Tea Country - D Rank Samurai - #A34402 Hanzo - Sunagakure No Sato - Genin - #35C4AF

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Rain21199 » Thu Oct 03, 2019 11:41 am

Zakuro was in need of a new sword, and a friend of his referred him to a blacksmith shop in the heart of the village. Zakuro wasn't entirely sure of the exact location, but as he approached this relatively quiet part of town, he could hear the rythmic banging of metal on metal. Following the noise led him down an alley, and eventually into a small courtyard. A small stone well sat in the center, and he could see his destination across the way from him. The shop was a bit of a distance away, but he could still make out the smith from here. She had long dirty blonde hair, roughly the same color of Zakuro's, as well as a beautifully toned body that shined with the sweat she earned from a hard day's work. It seemed like she was about to take a break. To avoid looking like a stalker anymore than he already did, he began to approach her. She seemed to be walking toward the well in the center of the courtyard, but she must've been too focused on getting water than to notice Zakuro. It wasn't until he got close that she took notice.

When she looked at him, she would see his light blue tank top that matched the icy blue color of his eyes, and her eyes would likely go to the nasty scar that encircled his right bicep. He wore a pair of shorts today. It was necessary for the hot Konoha sun. Zakuro's dirty blond hair was a bit messy today, but still pushed back. When Zakuro got closer, he took in her features. She was cute. Very very cute. He wasn't sure what voice he was expecting when she talked, but he was surprised by the accent for sure. It was very foreign, yet Zakuro liked it.

He probably looked at her in silence a little too long before he answered, and he was painfully aware of how awkward that it was. He gave his head a shake to snap out of it and spoke, "Sorry, no, I'm not here for repairs. I'm actually in the market for a new weapon, and word on the street is you're a damn good blacksmith." He gave her a smile, and looked away, hoping she would just forget about the fact that he was staring at her.
Hazashi, Soseki
Owl Country
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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Willoria » Thu Oct 03, 2019 6:14 pm

Heidrun nodded, finishing off her water and setting the cup aside as she motioned for Zakuro to follow her. "I y'am Heidrun." she said, introducing herself as she led the way. Behind the actually smithy was a small shop which she unlocked and led the way inside. She unlocked something on the wall and slid a panel down to display about five different swords. "Zamples." she explained, motioning to them and taking a step back to give Zakuro space to take a good look at them. "I kan sharpen any of z'em now if you need. Or pick one and tell me vhat changes you need and I kan make it kuustom." she added, sighing as she waited for him to check out the swords.

She watched him quietly, noting his appearance and the way he carried himself, though she didn't say much else. Most who came to visit her smithy didn't typically come for the conversation and for the moment she clearly expected much the same from Zakuro. "If you aren't sure vhat you vant, I kan help." she stated simply, wrinkling up her nose a bit at herself. The woman herself wasn't overly fond of her own accent, hating the way it sounded as she spoke but it was simply a side effect of her birth. She noticed over time she had lost some of it, but much seemed to stick.
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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Rain21199 » Thu Oct 17, 2019 1:30 am

Zakuro followed this strange lady to her shop. "It's a pleasure to meet you Heidrun. I'm Zakuro" He couldn't help but admire her muscular body and strong features. If there was any way to Zakuro's heart, it was fitness. With every step she took, he muscles flexed. Her defined back, amplified by the shine of her sweat, seemed to force Zakuro's gaze upon it. She was a magnificent specimen. He imagined she would be a fun exercise partner.

As the two entered the enclosure, Heidrun opened a container holding multiple swords. Zakuro knew that she wouldn't have what he was looking for, but this would be a testament to her skill. There was one there that did catch his eye however. Zakuro lifted the katana and felt it in his hands. Light, good balance. He grabbed the tipped and applied force, attempting to bend it. It didn't budge. It was strong too. He was thoroughly impressed. "You have some good skill, but I have a weird request if that's alright with you. I struggle when facing opponents that are at a distance from me. I want a sword that will give me at least a light edge with this. What I want is an odachi with a 217cm blade. I intend on wielding it both two handed and one handed, but I'd appreciate it if you made the handle longer in order to give me more leverage over my swings." He turned to face her, making sure he made eye contact. "I prefer a black wrapping around my hilt. Oh, and make the curve of the blade relatively straight. I think that should be all of the details you need."
Hazashi, Soseki
Owl Country
"A 7 for Zangy for example, is different from a 7 from Envy who is not quite a nuanced writer as Zangy is (sorry Envy), which is different from a 7 for Rain, who has English as his second language." - Onu 2016

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Willoria » Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:17 pm

OOC: Fyi, dropping the accent attempts. They keep getting mistaken for the wrong language and i can't find tips for the one I want to use so nvm. lol

Heidrun watched him test out a blade, her eyes fixed on him as he described his ideal weapon and she merely nodded at first. She took the katana he had checked and returned it to its place before putting everything away. "I can do that." she replied rather simply, leading the way out of her store and back to the forge itself. "Personally I use a spear to cover that distance, but the odachi should cover it well enough." As they neared the forge the woman would suddenly turn around and reach for one of Zakuro's hands. Assuming he didn't yank his hand out of hers, she'd run her thumbs across the space of his knuckles, mentally making notes of the width of them. After a moment of looking over his hands and chewing on her lip, she nodded. "I can make something that will work for you, one handed or two handed either way." she replied.

Her hands shifted to his wrist, turning slightly as if she were testing his own range. "If I make it too long it might hit your forearm when using one handed... but I think I can keep it from doing that." she mused, finally letting him go. "For the hilt... do you prefer the wrapping to be just enough to keep wear and tear minimal on your hand, or do you need a bit more cushion for prolongued use?"
The Tales of the Aes Sedai Fukusha Reina - Iwagakure No Sato - Jounin - #EF2B2D Atsushi Cho - Tea Country - D Rank Samurai - #A34402 Hanzo - Sunagakure No Sato - Genin - #35C4AF

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Rain21199 » Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:33 pm

Zakuro's eyes widened as Heidrun grabbed his hand. For a second he was beyond confused. She would say something to him, but all he could hear was the pounding of his heart. He curiously watched her move her hands to his wrist, and let his eyes wander back to her body. He didn't know what was wrong with him lately. Ever since he got close to.... he pushed the memory of her out his mind. Better to forget. However he seemed to be more interested in women lately. Previously Zakuro didn't care about them. He paid them no mind, but now he was transfixed. Unable to focus on anything but the beauty of the girl, no, woman before him. The warmth her skin against his. There was something to it that made him feel off.

When she let go of his wrist, he snapped out of it. Luckily it was just in time to listen to a question. What ever she had said before went in one ear and out the other. "Um... Yeah, no, I think the minimum would be fine. My hands are pretty calloused. They can take a beating." He let out a nervous chuckle and looked away, rubbing the back of his neck in the process. There's no way she didn't know he was checking her out just now. It's fine. He would just play it off like nothing happened. Not awkward at all.
Hazashi, Soseki
Owl Country
"A 7 for Zangy for example, is different from a 7 from Envy who is not quite a nuanced writer as Zangy is (sorry Envy), which is different from a 7 for Rain, who has English as his second language." - Onu 2016

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Willoria » Thu Oct 17, 2019 4:00 pm

Heidrun didn't immediately notice Zakuro's reactions to her touch. In her mind the actions she was taking were part of her job, it never occurred to her to notice something off. But after she released his hand and he tried answering her question, she finally noticed. Raising an eyebrow she simply looked at him for a moment before moving back to the well and leaning against the stonework. She crossed her arms under her chest and thought it over, nodding. "I can do it." she remarked, her mind seeming to be working on something a moment before she spoke again. "It's going to be quite a bit of coin though." she admitted, wrinkling up her nose a moment.

"New mold plus the usual work... I hope you've saved a bit for this." She said rather simply, turning around to drop the bucket and draw herself more water. Once she had the bucket up top again she dipped her cup and took another sip, still mildly glad for the break from the heat of her forge though she knew she'd be right back into it soon enough. "Assume then you focus on taijutsu more if your hands are that beat up... personally I don't have a talent for much else." she admitted, attempting to simply make conversation.
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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Rain21199 » Thu Oct 17, 2019 4:10 pm

Zakuro was glad that she didn't seem to notice. It let him relax a bit. He didn't follow her to the well, but remained relatively in the same location. He allowed himself to watch her walk and fetch more water, but looked away again as she spoke. He needed to cut it out before he got distracted again. "Don't worry. I have quite a bit of Ryu saved up. I might not be the richest man around, but I rarely have time to spend any of it." Not to mention the fact that he currently didn't have a weapon, so this was a top priority. When she mentioned taijutsu, Zakuro couldn't help but give a chuckle. "Focus on taijutsu is putting it lightly. It's all I do." Before it was by choice. Now it was all he could do. "By chance, are you a shinobi as well? I haven't seen you around before." She mentioned that she's a taijutsu practitioner. While there were others that weren't shinobi that trained in taijutsu, it was rare here in the village.
Hazashi, Soseki
Owl Country
"A 7 for Zangy for example, is different from a 7 from Envy who is not quite a nuanced writer as Zangy is (sorry Envy), which is different from a 7 for Rain, who has English as his second language." - Onu 2016

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Willoria » Thu Oct 17, 2019 4:16 pm

Carrying her cup of water with her, Heidrun walked back to where Zakuro stood. When he asked about her being a shinobi, the woman nodded briskly. "Most don't recognize me." she admitted. "My father was a merchant from here in Konoha, my mother a hunter from Fur Country. I didn't move here until I was about ten, raised by my grandparents." she explained, shrugging as she leaned against a wall. "In truth I have no talents in Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, drove my instructors nuts. But Taijutsu? I was born for it. They say my strength could rival a Bannin despite being only a Special Jounin." she added, smirking lightly as she spoke of her strength.

Her green eyes almost seemed to sparkle at him over her cup as she sipped at it. "Maybe you'd like to test my strength sometime." she said. "Its rare for me to find a sparring partner who can keep up with me."
The Tales of the Aes Sedai Fukusha Reina - Iwagakure No Sato - Jounin - #EF2B2D Atsushi Cho - Tea Country - D Rank Samurai - #A34402 Hanzo - Sunagakure No Sato - Genin - #35C4AF

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Rain21199 » Thu Oct 17, 2019 4:26 pm

She came from humble beginnings too. It seems as though the two were very similar. The challenge did seem to put a smirk on his face. "Strength to rival a Bannin, huh? Now that's something I'd like to see. And it's always nice to see another shinobi who wasn't born into the trade. My parents actually own a farm a half day's journey east of the village. Neither of them were ninja." He decided it was safe to walk closer to her. He sat down on a stone bench and looked into her eyes. "I'm only a Chuunin, but I bet I could show you a thing or two when it comes to fighting."
Hazashi, Soseki
Owl Country
"A 7 for Zangy for example, is different from a 7 from Envy who is not quite a nuanced writer as Zangy is (sorry Envy), which is different from a 7 for Rain, who has English as his second language." - Onu 2016

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Willoria » Thu Oct 17, 2019 4:31 pm

Heidrun couldn't help a chuckle as he issued his own challenge and she nodded. "Tell you what, I need a longer break. I'll lock up the forge." she said, stepping away for a moment as she went to do just that, soon returning to him with not only a smirk back on her face, but in her full gear. She had donned not only her leather warrior dress, but her own sword was at her hip, her shield was in her left hand and her spear in her right. With a grin she kicked at his foot to get his attention when she got back and nodded in the direction of the training grounds.

"What do you say?" she asked, still smirking a bit. "I could use the practice."
The Tales of the Aes Sedai Fukusha Reina - Iwagakure No Sato - Jounin - #EF2B2D Atsushi Cho - Tea Country - D Rank Samurai - #A34402 Hanzo - Sunagakure No Sato - Genin - #35C4AF

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Rain21199 » Thu Oct 17, 2019 4:39 pm

Zakuro was taken aback to say the least. The last thing he was expecting this morning was to get into a fight with his blacksmith, but that seems to be the situation he got himself into. "Ummmm..." He didn't really have a say anymore. Time to just roll with it. "Of course! I'm always down for a bit of practice." He walked away from the shop, and let himself take some water from the well. Hydration was important before exercise after all.

When she walked out, she looked as though she were prepared for war. Armed to the teeth, and wearing a devilish grin. Zakuro couldn't help but start to feel a bit nervous. If she was telling the truth and she actually was as strong as a bannin, then he'd be in for a rough go. Let's hope it was just talk. "You look good in that. Let's go." Zakuro lead the way to the training grounds she nodded her head at, assuming that's where she meant for them to go. As they walked, Zakuro decided that he should get to know his opponent a bit more. "So, Heidrun, how old are you? You look about my age, maybe a bit older. 20?"
Hazashi, Soseki
Owl Country
"A 7 for Zangy for example, is different from a 7 from Envy who is not quite a nuanced writer as Zangy is (sorry Envy), which is different from a 7 for Rain, who has English as his second language." - Onu 2016

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Willoria » Thu Oct 17, 2019 4:44 pm

Heidrun walked alongside him, the smirk still on her lips simply because the woman had always enjoyed a good fight. It could be a spar, a bar fight, anything, she loved it. "Nineteen." she said, answering his question. "Tell me, since you don't have a sword and I still need to make yours, do you want to keep this as unarmed?" she asked, curious as to how he answered. She didn't care either way, though she did enjoy the feel of the spear in her hand.

"I suppose I should tell you the village has my name of record as Hachirou Sayaka... but Heidrun is the name my mother gave me and the one I prefer." she spared a glance at him. "Call me anything else and I might knock your head off." she added, winking almost playfully at him.
The Tales of the Aes Sedai Fukusha Reina - Iwagakure No Sato - Jounin - #EF2B2D Atsushi Cho - Tea Country - D Rank Samurai - #A34402 Hanzo - Sunagakure No Sato - Genin - #35C4AF

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Rain21199 » Thu Oct 17, 2019 5:00 pm

Zakuro could tell just by the way she held herself with the spear that she really knew how to use it. Zakuro had quite a lot of skill with just using his hands, so he should be good without any weapons. "Go ahead and use what you have. I'll be fine. Plus, it's always good practice to be at a slight disadvantage." He gave her a warm smile. Heidrun was giving off a very playful attitude as she told him her real name, adding what she would do if he called her anything but Heidrun, then giving him a cute little wink. It was enough to make him melt, but he kept his composure. Man, why was he being like this all of a sudden. "Heidrun it is. I like my head, so I give you my word that I won't call you anything else." He laughed and shifted a bit closer to her.

They stepped into a flat dirt plot built for shinobi to train their skills. It was nice that Konoha had made so many of these around the village, but it was obvious that this one was old and neglected, much like the village that surrounded them. They were in the oldest part of Konoha at the moment after all. "Well, it seems we've arrived." He glanced Heidrun up and down again, taking note of her still smiling face. She seemed happy, or maybe excited. "It's a real shame that I have to beat up a girl as pretty as yourself." While saying that, Zakuro walked a few meters away and turned to face her. He didn't have any projectiles so there was hardly any reason to put too much space in between them. He reckoned that they'd just run together in the first seconds anyways.
Hazashi, Soseki
Owl Country
"A 7 for Zangy for example, is different from a 7 from Envy who is not quite a nuanced writer as Zangy is (sorry Envy), which is different from a 7 for Rain, who has English as his second language." - Onu 2016

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Willoria » Thu Oct 17, 2019 5:12 pm

Heidrun raised an eyebrow, but didn't saw a word as he told her to use what she had. For a brief moment she considered taking it easy on him, testing the ground between them and seeing how close they really were in skill level. But as he spoke of beating up a girl as pretty as her, that smirk turned into a wide grin and she just couldn't help herself. The moment the distance was set between them she charged, shield at her side and spear raised as if her goal was to throw it, but in the end she didn't. Her intent was to use the positioning as a distraction, and instead dropped low to skid across the ground. If she didn't catch him by knocking him off his feet with her own, she'd come up and swing with the shield in an attempt to slam it into his face and chest.

Coming up to her feet and taking a few steps back she grinned, sliding the shield onto her back to hold her spear in both hands as she waited to see what he might do next. "Pretty huh? Careful you don't get too distracted."
The Tales of the Aes Sedai Fukusha Reina - Iwagakure No Sato - Jounin - #EF2B2D Atsushi Cho - Tea Country - D Rank Samurai - #A34402 Hanzo - Sunagakure No Sato - Genin - #35C4AF

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Rain21199 » Thu Oct 17, 2019 5:28 pm

Honestly, Zakuro didn't see that coming. She came at him with a vengeance, and before he knew it, she was sliding on the ground. All Zakuro could do was stumble back to avoid getting tripped, but when she jumped to her feet and slammed the shield into him, he nearly fell onto his ass. By all means it hurt like a bitch, but Zakuro remained standing. His opponent put the shield on her back, looking like she was ready to impale him with her stick. "Good one." He choked out, trying to act like he didn't have a massive headache now.

Zakuro kept close, darting in, trying to get past the point of her spear. Zakuro anticipated her to thrust into him. Upon her doing so, Zakuro would switch his stance and let the spear enter his defenses just enough so that his forearms could reach the spear's pole, and then he would twist his torso, pushing the spear away and past him. Upon that transpiring, Zakuro pushed off of his back foot and slammed into Heidrun with his shoulder, likely throwing her off balance. It was easier to focus less on looks during a fight, but damn he still admired her. She was strong, and fast too.
*[Totem Style • Turtle's Shell]
D-Ranked Taijutsu Stance
This stance is focused on resilient defenses at the sacrifice of nearly all offensive ability. The user holds their hands open and their body perpendicular to their target. They use their strongest points to absorb incoming damage, protecting their core. Often they will grab or redirect attacks to simulate them sliding off a turtle's shell.

*[Totem Style • Turtle's Iron Wall]
C-Ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
Prerequisite: *[Totem Style • Turtle's Shell]
The user will use their open hands and forearms to slow the momentum of incoming physical attacks. They will then angle and push against to force the attack behind them and away. While not complex, this nearly negates all damage from physical attacks that aren't pierce of slash based.

[Brawler Style • Charge]
D-Ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
The user rushes the opponent with their shoulder forward. Once the distance between the opponent and the user is breached, the user plows into the opponent with all of their strength. If the target's Strength is lower than the user's, the target will fall over unless braced by some unmovable object. If the target's Strength is higher than the user's, they will become staggered.
Hazashi, Soseki
Owl Country
"A 7 for Zangy for example, is different from a 7 from Envy who is not quite a nuanced writer as Zangy is (sorry Envy), which is different from a 7 for Rain, who has English as his second language." - Onu 2016

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Willoria » Thu Oct 17, 2019 5:37 pm

Heidrun grinned still, even laughed, as he complimented her move. She was feeling the adrenaline from the spar already and rather enjoying herself. She had a leg up on him in both speed and strength but still found it all rather fun. As he pushed her spear away and past him, she released it, letting it fly away from the pair and stick up in the ground a few feet away and while he slammed into her true, she reacted quickly. She looped an arm into his, pulling him with her as he attempted to stagger her. Her other hand went to the back of his clothing and with a grunt she attempted to toss him physically away from her.

She followed him, whether she was able to toss him away fully or only a few inches, and spun with a low kick to aim at knocking him off balance. If successful she aimed a short punch into his gut to wind him. She could feel herself flush and her cheeks a bit pink just at the excitement of it all, likely enjoying it just a bit too much.
Jutsu UsedShow
*[Strong Fist Style • Leaf Gale]
D-Ranked Taijutsu Maneuver
A simple sweeping kick aimed low to knock the opponent off balance.

*[Strong Fist Style • One Inch Punch]
D-Ranked Taijutsu Discipline
When fighting in close quarters it becomes difficult to generate energy for full powered strikes. Practitioners have learned how to explode force from every muscle with minimal energy wasted and space needed. Every strike done by the practitioner has the potential to be at full strength, so long as they have at least one inch of movement.
The Tales of the Aes Sedai Fukusha Reina - Iwagakure No Sato - Jounin - #EF2B2D Atsushi Cho - Tea Country - D Rank Samurai - #A34402 Hanzo - Sunagakure No Sato - Genin - #35C4AF

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Rain21199 » Thu Oct 17, 2019 5:49 pm

Zakuro allowed himself to get flung. He had truly never faced an opponent like her before. She was stronger and faster than him. It was quite the sight to see. He was in awe. Zakuro watched with excitement as he landed and saw she was already there with another attack. "You're good!" There wasn't much he could do against the trip and the follow up hit to his stomach. He flexed the muscle in an attempt to avoid getting the wind knocked out of his, but he still took the hit regardless. Zakuro landed on his side and slid back a but, but quickly rolled onto his feet and leaped towards Heidrun to tackle her to the ground. He was going to keep this fight as close as possible so she couldn't use her speed against him. If Heidrun looked, she'd see a smile spread across his face, and a starry look in his eyes. He'd never had this much fun with a girl before.
[Brawler Style • Iron Flesh]
C-Ranked Taijutsu Discipline
Whenever the user gets hit by a physical attack, they instantly tense their muscles without needing to think, making the impact of the blow weaker. This causes physical attacks to stagger the user a lot less and keeps the user from getting stopped mid attack through the use of ballistic damage.
Hazashi, Soseki
Owl Country
"A 7 for Zangy for example, is different from a 7 from Envy who is not quite a nuanced writer as Zangy is (sorry Envy), which is different from a 7 for Rain, who has English as his second language." - Onu 2016

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Willoria » Thu Oct 17, 2019 6:57 pm

Heidrun's grin never left her own face either. She'd had sparring partners before, but none that she didn't have to hold back from. Though there was still a small difference between them, it wasn't enough that she actually had to hold back. When he moved to tackle her she took the hit with a grunt, hands on his shoulders as she fought to get a foot between his and yanked it to force him to lose his footing. If successful she'd steer him down on his back with her landing on her knees over his waist, straddling him. The woman laughed, hands on his shoulders as she looked down at him.

"You shoulda come to my forge a lot sooner!" she said, laughing still.
The Tales of the Aes Sedai Fukusha Reina - Iwagakure No Sato - Jounin - #EF2B2D Atsushi Cho - Tea Country - D Rank Samurai - #A34402 Hanzo - Sunagakure No Sato - Genin - #35C4AF

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Rain21199 » Thu Oct 17, 2019 7:13 pm

Zakuro made an attempt to keep himself grounded on top of her, determined to end this fight on top, but ultimately he couldn't fight her strength. His back slammed against cool dirt. His blacksmith was now on top of him after a relatively short spar. He could've kept struggling, but Zakuro knew a lost cause when he saw one. Zakuro rather enjoyed this new position, but frankly, he had no idea where to put his arms. Lay them in the dirt, or grab her with them? It was truly a conundrum, the likes of which Zakuro had never faced before. He decided to go for the riskier option, and placed one hand on her thigh, and the other around her waist. Hopefully she wouldn't mind.

He couldn't help but to break out into laughter at where he was. Who woulda thought that he'd be here, with a beautiful girl on top of him. One that was capable of testing Zakuro's skill as well. The world was a weird place, but Zakuro was thankful for every moment. It seemed Heidrun was happy they happened upon each other too. "I agree. I had no idea I'd be having so much fun when I got out of bed this morning." He'd give her a smile, and unfortunately was unable to hide the fact that he was blushing.
Hazashi, Soseki
Owl Country
"A 7 for Zangy for example, is different from a 7 from Envy who is not quite a nuanced writer as Zangy is (sorry Envy), which is different from a 7 for Rain, who has English as his second language." - Onu 2016

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Willoria » Thu Oct 17, 2019 7:21 pm

"Should do this more often." she remarked, grinning down at him. She could see he was blushing and it simply entertained her all the more. "Not used to losing? Or just not used to being under a woman?" she teased, sitting up a bit more with one hand on his forearm, the other resting over his hand that was on her thigh. She raised an eyebrow at him almost suggestively.

"Is the blush embarrassment? Or innocence?" she asked, curious as she inched his hand up her thigh just a bit, testing her own question and his answer as she watched to see if he'd blush further. After all, giving her amount of clothing it'd take some work for him to actually get somewhere, but if he were innocent as she suspected, the movement might be enough for a deeper shade of crimson.
The Tales of the Aes Sedai Fukusha Reina - Iwagakure No Sato - Jounin - #EF2B2D Atsushi Cho - Tea Country - D Rank Samurai - #A34402 Hanzo - Sunagakure No Sato - Genin - #35C4AF

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Rain21199 » Thu Oct 17, 2019 7:31 pm

Zakuro didn't know how to answer the question, but he didn't have to. His face gave away the answer in a heart beat. As she moved his hand up her thigh, Zakuro gave out a nervous chuckle and his face turned a shade deep red. He attempted to answer but the only thing that escaped his lips was "Um...." His eyes looked away from her. He wasn't expecting this at all, but he was far from complaining. Gulping down his embarrassment, Zakuro's eyes landed back onto Heidrun's face. Paralyzed with fear, Zakuro didn't move an inch.
Hazashi, Soseki
Owl Country
"A 7 for Zangy for example, is different from a 7 from Envy who is not quite a nuanced writer as Zangy is (sorry Envy), which is different from a 7 for Rain, who has English as his second language." - Onu 2016

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Willoria » Thu Oct 17, 2019 7:37 pm

Heidren's grin almost seemed to turn evil as she watched his reaction. From his chuckle, to his reddening face she knew the answer. Even moreso as she heard him try, and fail, to speak, the way he looked away from her for a bit. "Do you know what I believe? What my mother's people believe?" she asked, leaning down towards him. "If you wish to know a man, you fight him. You wish to know a woman? You fight her." she leaned down until their noses almost touched. "A fight heats up the blood and you can know friend from foe, coward from warrior. That is how you get to know someone." But she didn't close the gap entirely, she didn't kiss him.

She almost seemed to be waiting to see just what he would do. "I find you a warrior, a friend... stronger than I thought you were at first. What do you find?"
The Tales of the Aes Sedai Fukusha Reina - Iwagakure No Sato - Jounin - #EF2B2D Atsushi Cho - Tea Country - D Rank Samurai - #A34402 Hanzo - Sunagakure No Sato - Genin - #35C4AF

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Rain21199 » Thu Oct 17, 2019 7:57 pm

Zakuro had faced death at the hands of a Dragon. He's fended off groups of bandits by himself, yet somehow this girl made him tremble. He breathed in and back out. He let his body calm down and regained at least a little bit of courage. Heidrun mentioned her people, and their beliefs. It was true. You can learn a lot from fighting someone. Their intentions, what lies in their heart. Even know, this situation was akin to a fight. The way she was testing him. Her movements. The way she moved herself even closer to Zakuro. Zakuro didn't understand girls in the slightest, but he did understand combat. Reading her movements, he understood what his next logical step what.

He looked her in the eyes. "I saw your strength. I felt your passion. You live to fight, but I can tell you have a kind heart." Zakuro sat up slightly, and tightened his grip on her thigh and waist. His light blue eyes glanced down at Heidrun's lips, and then back into her eyes. Then in a whisper, he said, "But there's something else that you want from me."

Zakuro's eyes gently closed as his lips touched Heidrun's. It was his first kiss, but he wouldn't let that stop him.
Hazashi, Soseki
Owl Country
"A 7 for Zangy for example, is different from a 7 from Envy who is not quite a nuanced writer as Zangy is (sorry Envy), which is different from a 7 for Rain, who has English as his second language." - Onu 2016

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Willoria » Thu Oct 17, 2019 8:04 pm

Heidrun watched him, listened to his answers, and felt his grip tighten on her. As he insinuated she wanted more, she raised an eyebrow rather than vocalized a question. As his lips touched hers, she moved one of her hands behind his neck and head to return the kiss. At first it was fairly innocent, but after a couple of simple kisses her tongue snaked from her lips to his and deepened the kiss. By time she removed her mouth from his, she had to breathe deep to catch her breath, smiling at him. "Maybe." she replied, smirking a bit. "But do you? You seem oddly... innocent."

For a moment she looked at him as if his eyes could tell her his secrets. "If you really want to shed your naivety, come to my forge after dark." she told him, suddenly standing and walking away, grabbing her weapons as she went.
The Tales of the Aes Sedai Fukusha Reina - Iwagakure No Sato - Jounin - #EF2B2D Atsushi Cho - Tea Country - D Rank Samurai - #A34402 Hanzo - Sunagakure No Sato - Genin - #35C4AF

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[Closed] Forging Something New

Post by Rain21199 » Thu Oct 17, 2019 8:13 pm

And like that, she was gone. Zakuro laid in the dirt pondering exactly what had just happened, and what she offered him. He watched the clouds drift across the sky, his mind racing with thoughts. Should he go? Should he just come back in a week and check on the progress of his weapon? The man got up and dusted himself off. He started walking home. He couldn't tell if his headache was still from the shield bash or if it was now from the torrent of thoughts in his head. Slowly, but surely, Zakuro made up his mind. It was going to be a long night.
Hazashi, Soseki
Owl Country
"A 7 for Zangy for example, is different from a 7 from Envy who is not quite a nuanced writer as Zangy is (sorry Envy), which is different from a 7 for Rain, who has English as his second language." - Onu 2016


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