Current World Map & Countries Guide

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Current World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 5:57 pm

The Known World of Naruto Saigen
Numbered Political MapShow
Biome MapShow

List of Countries:
1. Land of Tides
2. Land of Floods
3. Land of Monkeys
4. Land of Heaven
5. Land of the Tiger
6. Isle of Serpants
7. Dragon Country
8. Juu no Kuni
9. Land of Runes
10. Crescent Coalition
11. Gold Country
12. Land of Mercy
13. Owl Country
14. The Spirit's Nest
15. The Holy Land of Forests
16. Earth Country
17. The North Wastes
18. Iron Country
19. Pebble Country
20. Wind Country
21. Tea Country
22. Land of Stars
23. Aroma Country
24. Realm of Titans
25. Fire Country
26. Whirlpool Country
27. Steam Country
28. Water Country
Country 29
30. Lightning Empire
31. Yaseyama
32. Cold Country
33. No Man's Land
34. Fossil Country
35. Knowledge Country
The ContinentsShow
There are three continents in the world of Saigen. The main continent, or 'Honshu Taishuu', which contains the bulk of the countries of the world. The frozen continent, or 'Reikou Taishuu', which contains little more than frozen tundra. Finally, there is the shrimp continent, or 'Ebi Taishuu', named after its shape, which contains a culturally distinct group of people.
Shrimp ContinentShow
Cultural differences of the Shrimp continent:

Largely isolated except through sparse sea-travel, the Shrimp continent is culturally distinct from the mainland in several ways. The most apparent to any visitor is the shift in language and accent; while the mainland primarily follows Japanese culture, the Shrimp continent does so with Chinese. While the mainland-tongue is spoken and understood by at least some in most large towns, the primary language spoken among the people is different. Thus, the locations on the Shrimp continent - countries, towns, notable features of the land, et cetera - are primarily named in Pinyin. Rough translations of the countries are outlined below.

The local population are generally darker-skinned, shorter and stockier than those on the mainland, with very dark hair and eyes being common traits. There are a number of local religions, although only one has risen to dominance within recent generations; Jindàoism, or The Golden Way. With its spiritual centre in Tianguó (Country 4), the religion teaches of a spiritual "counter-world" to our own, and many other paired mortal-spirit worlds existing in dimensions beyond discovery. These 'female' spirituaal realms are the source of 'good' energy and benevolence in the world, including chi (chakra), spirits and good fortune. The 'male' mortal-world is the natural counterbalance, where all that exists is susceptible to evil and corruption over time. As such, anything 'spiritual' -- including ninja capable of utilising chakra -- are seen as fragments of divinity who have been in contact with the spiritual world.

It follows from this that practitioners of the ninja arts are exceedingly rare in the Shrimp continent. Those that exist typically do so in secret, and reject the theories of Jindào. Those that have exposed themselves openly as ninja have, in the past and whether intentional or not, sparked turmoil and war across the continent as faithful and faithless assumed allegiances and clashed. Despite this contrast in beliefs with much of the mainland, foreigners and their trades are typically welcomed in the Shrimp continent, and the people are known for their general lack of xenophobia.

Recent history and Political Climate:

Thirty years ago, the Shrimp continent was a prosperous, peaceful land. All nations on the Shrimp continent were once unified beneath one nation known as the Golden Empire, or Jīn Dìguó. The Shénzhèng, chief priest of Jindào in the city-state of Jīnshān, worked for the happiness of the citizens of the continent as head of state. He both ruled above and consulted with the Junfá of the 8 internally autonomous states to maintain peace. A brutal coup d'état in Laohudì and a conspiracy to assassinate the Shénzhèng, however, soon plunged the continent into a fierce and agonising decade of war, creating the countries and borders that we see today.

The war ended in a fragile, tenuous peace, and although further war has thus far been avoided, skirmishes and minor conflicts between neighbours are still a common occurrence; the old wounds are far from forgotten. The land and its peoples have yet to recover, and while many strive to stabilize their nations and restore peace to the land, there are those among the citizenry and nobility alike that believe a second full-scale war will soon consume the continent again. Borders are unsafe, many smaller villages have ceased to exist in the face of continual invasion, and tensions remain high in the face of political, economic and militaristic turmoil.

In the east, the Junfá of Xùntudi now seeks to reunite the continent in a web of diplomacy and alliances to return the land to peace, as it had been in decades past. The central and western powers, however, are concerned only with their own survival - often through dominance before all else. The armies of Guólóng grow year by year, and Laohudì responds with equal preparations. The border between the two is now a wide stretch of no-mans-land, dominated by half-rebuilt towers and fortifications, outposts and strategically positioned military camps.
Country #English TranslationPinyinRomaji
ContinentShrimp ContinentLù XiaEbitaishu
1Land of TidesCháodìShio no Kuni
2Land of FloodsXùntudiKozui no Kuni
3Land of MonkeysHóuzidìSaru no Kuni
4Land of HeavenTianguóEnmansujo
5Land of the TigerLaohudìTora no Tochi
6Land of the Dragon's TouchGuólóngHiryuu no Tochi
7Isle of SerpentsDaoshéJanoshima
8Isle of the Great MountainDàshanzhouOoyamatou

Junfá; A warlord or leading figure of a country; essentially the local title for a Daimyo.
The borders and countries from prior to the war can be found [here]

The Oceans

Between the continent of Friopa and the eastern border main continent, there is a strong southbound current caused by deep valleys in the oceans of the southern hemisphere. As a result, melting ice and Arctic water are waters are pulled into the current and sucked downwards into the warmer equatorial and southern waters. This results in violent clashes of warm and cold water, making it difficult to navigate for even the most skilled sea-fairers. It is alleged there are a number of small island nations that dot this ocean but it has not been properly mapped at any time.
Last edited by Valkier on Mon Jan 01, 2024 10:53 am, edited 6 times in total.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
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[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
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[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
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Ace Trainer
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World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:05 pm

Country 1
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Rank 2
Cháodì - Shio no Kuni - The Land of Tides Geography
Cháodì is a small nation forming the eastern peninsula of the Shrimp continent, far to the south of the mainland. Its terrain is relatively flat, forming lowland plains that gradually rise towards rolling foothills to the west that lead into a pass of low mountains at the border of Xùntudi.

The majority of Cháodì's land is covered by varying densities of temperate, mixed broad-leaf forests. Open plains roll down to the south-western and the north-eastern coasts, the latter of which become dense mangrove swamps for a small distance. The countries northern coast is composed of a series of cliffs and sheltered bays, broken by occasional beaches and off-shore reefs.

Much of the nation's population resides in coastal towns, preferring to live close to their source of income and resources. While none of these towns could ever truly be called a city, the capital Haizhong is a quite large town. The further one travels inland, however, the further they get from human civilization. One may walk across ruins of entire towns, abandoned since the collapse of the Empire that once ruled the entire shrimp continent, and the ruined statues which mark the main pass between the mountain range separating Cháodì from Xùntudi are a grand reminder of the peaceful rule that the country once enjoyed.

Ecology, Climate and Resources
Despite its potential in expansive grasslands, the soil of Cháodì is relatively poor and provides little agricultural wealth for the nation beyond basic sustenance. While the forests are rich in wildlife, particularly grazing herbivores, the small population of the nation are uncommon hunters and largely prefer instead to survive on fishing, marine aquaculture and other maritime endeavours.

The coasts of Cháodì are rich in life, providing a diverse and sustainable source of food for its people. Fishing also provides the country with its chief export, and farming for oyster pearls provides a rare luxury resource. In addition to this, the expansive forests provide a steady supply of lumber, much of which is traded over the border to Xùntudi, Tianguó, and beyond.

The weather patterns over Cháodì are mostly as expected from a coastal region; high winds and rain are frequent with the occasional storm, however as one moves inland the forests and low-lying basins provide a degree of natural shelter, and year-round the climate can be considered fairly mild.

Politics and History
Cháodì is known to have a very small population, about a quarter of which reside in its capital town, Haizhong, situated on its southern shore. The remainder generally live in small coastal fishing communities and trading ports. A man named Yu Fei currently rules in Haizhong, and claims to be Junfá of the country but in truth his power does not extend far beyond sight of the capital. The other communities of Cháodì are lead by magistrates or mayors, generally who rule either by acceptance from the people or through some measure of force or wealth. Those communities are left to organize and defend themselves from raiders and lawlessness, and take care of themselves the best they can. This leads to an exceptionally high crime rate in the incredibly unstable political climate of Cháodì.

The land is overwhelmingly poor despite the prevalence of natural resources available for trade, and this is almost entirely due to frequent raiding. Daoshé to the north are a plague upon the coasts of Cháodì, seizing whatever prizes they can find - whether they be gold, resources, or the helpless citizens themselves. Captives are often sold into slavery or kept for labour. Many of the trade deals between Cháodì and Xùntudi to the west are heavily in favor of the latter, who regard Cháodì as uncivilized and desperate. With such a small population, no central leadership, and little to no supporting infrastructure, the nation is powerless to resist either drain on its society, leading the people to continue to suffer on quietly year by year as their country slowly declines into deeper and deeper poverty.

Despite their situation, the people are known as optimistic and cheerful. They treat outsiders warily at first, but accept them with open arms if they're perceived to not be a threat. While attitudes shift from community to community, the Cháodì people are open and kind. As a people, they are more focused on doing what it takes to survive to the next day, but predominantly don't enjoy getting involved in anything like politics. Instead, they form strongly knit and usually familial communities and take care of each other as much as possible.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
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[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
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Ace Trainer
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World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:05 pm

Country 2
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Rank 3
Xùntudi: Kozui no Kuni: The Land of Floods Geography: Separated from the eastern peninsula of the Shrimp continent by the Shíkuò Range, Xùntudi contains terrain that is greatly envied by its neighbors to the west. The Shíkuò Range serves both as a physical barrier against any future threat from Cháodì and as a meager source of ores and minerals for use by the nation's tradespeople. Much of both the northern and southern coastlines are protected by steep cliffs and treacherous undersea rocks, making them easily defensible against naval assault. The southern half of the country is dominated by very dense mixed broad-leaf forest, which gradually thins and gives way to tropical grasslands and savannah to the north.

On the border between the two biomes and roughly following the curve of the Shíkuò Range footprint rests a long and thin lake. The city of Húzhèn has been built up on the lake's western shore and is the only major settlement that remains in the nation. Xùntudi's western border meets that of Hóuzidì along its full length, from the seas in the north to the coast of the southern ocean, and while many areas are disputed and fought over between the two, the actual border has not moved since the end of the last war.
Ecology, Climate and Resources:
The broad-leaf forest in the south of Xùntudi is teeming with a diverse range of flora and fauna and many local populations thrive through trapping, hunting and logging alone. The tropical savannah to the north is much more sparse, but provides a natural habitat to many larger mammals and free-roaming cattle. The land that meets the shores of the lake in the center of the country is largely dedicated to farming, providing a sustainable year-round supply of food to the nation's citizens.

Weather patterns across the country are relatively mild, with cold winds blowing down from the eastern mountains and from across the southern seas, and warmer air circulating from the north and west. Rainstorms are incredibly common, with clouds rising from the mountains in Hóuzidì and rolling eastward, or coming in from over the oceans.

In terms of resources, Xùntudi is largely self-sufficient, with supplementary support and resources traded to and from Cháodì. The main revenue of the nation is earned through craft secrets, created using locally sourced ore and lumber which provides a reliable source of income from overseas trade routes. Xùntudi ironwork and furnishings have circulated in rare cases as far away as the great nations away to the east, primarily the lands of Wind and Water where they can fetch incredible prices.
Politics and History:
Given the small size of the country, Xùntudi is a surprisingly prosperous place. With plenty of fertile land for expansion and natural resources, it has become a very stable nation among those of the Shrimp continent. Although it lacks the great military strength required to compete wholly with the larger nearby nations, its borders are entrenched and fortified enough to remain secure. Such a reliable economy and military is complimented by an expansive feudal system, with a Daimyo at its head and many tiers of organisation below. Raids from Daoshé to the north are rare given the strength of arms and danger of Xùntudi's coast, with the attackers generally preferring the easier pickings elsewhere on the continent. Hóuzidì, to the west, frequently attempts to test the borders of Xùntudi with small organised forces, but outside of these minor disputes there are have been no large conflicts in recent history.

The Junfá of the country is an expert in diplomacy and aims to use the stability and security of his nation to push the rest of the Shrimp continent closer towards a lasting peace. With a cabinet of over a hundred advisors (many of whom are relations by blood to some degree), he has a firm grasp on all aspects of his nations internal and external policies. Under his rule, the country has enjoyed a generation of relative happiness.

The citizens of Xùntudi tend to be optimistic and cheerful like their neighbors to the east, but with a far more privileged and patronizing tone. They often look down on their neighbors, believing them to be brutes that bring their own problems upon themselves.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
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[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
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Ace Trainer
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World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:06 pm

Country 3
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Hóuzidì: Saru no Kuni: The Land of Monkeys

Relative to others on the Shrimp continent, Hóuzidì is regarded as a large nation, stretching from mangrove swamps along its southern shore to the mountains and grasslands that dominate the northern coast. The eastern reaches of the great central desert occupy the middle of the nation and create a geographical barrier that almost splits the country into two smaller states. Nestled between the foothills of two peaks in the north, and along the shores of a small inland sea, lies the capital city, Zhōngyǎn.

In the south, the Jìntóu mountains tower up at the edges of the desert and block access to the coast. The only passage through these mountains also leads directly to the town of Chéngmò, beyond which lie much more temperate Mediterranean forests which thrive between the shadow of the mountains and the great sea to the south.

Another span of rocky highlands rise from the desert's northern edge, marking a change in conditions. Beyond this, the desert gives way to sparse tropical savannah, fed by mountain run-off streams, lakes and rainfall coming in from the seas to the north. A small inland sea forms a bay on the northeastern coast, on the south of which lies the capital. To the west of there, the land rises steeply into rocky and grassy highlands, before eventually ending in a border on the slopes of Fù Shan, the second highest peak on the Shrimp continent.
Ecology, Climate and Resources:
Hóuzidì is host to a diverse range of ecological regions, ranging from temperate forests and coasts in the south to the arid deserts through the center of the nation and the tall Jìntóu mountains, as well as plains of savannah and shrubland in the north. With the exception of the great desert region, life is abundant and varied, and the people of Hóuzidì enjoy commons sights of a wide range of flora and fauna.

The mountains of Hóuzidì contain scarce resources, and much of the nation's trade resources lie in crops from its arable northern plains. Economically, the country benefits greatly from taxation on trade routes passing through their lands and through previous diplomatic agreements with Tianguó, however this latter source of income ceased with the war thirty years ago. Since then, Hóuzidì have exercised military might to secure the resources and riches they require, raiding wherever they see opportunity.
Politics, People and History:
Hóuzidì occupies a crucial position in the center of the Shrimp continent, and has had to defend its borders against the press of invasion many times throughout its history. Although Xùntudi to the east has never officially attacked the nation, Hóuzidì's Junfá is ever cautious of their strength and suspicious lack of open aggression; they are a threat to nation, and one which is always being tested and gauged by small skirmishes along the border. Xùntudi's rich and fertile lands are highly desirable to Hóuzidì, and the Junfá is keen to push for aggression and conquest in the region as soon as the opportunity presents itself, however thus far their neighbor is proving staunch and stable against both investigation and assault. Such a conquest, if it could be achieved, would establish Hóuzidì as a major power on the Shrimp continent, securing themselves against present threats and granting them the strength to expand further and on to greatness.

Historically, Tianguó was never a concern; the small city-state did not have the military ambition to cause problems for Hóuzidì, and although the lands were exceedingly wealthy, much of that fortune came to Hóuzidì through diplomacy and trade. Further west, Laohudì have always been a clear and substantial threat, and much of Hóuzidì's strength has been exchanged many times over with that country. Were it not for Laohudì's priorities elsewhere, Hóuzidì might well have been conquered generations ago. With the outbreak of war thirty years previous, however, Tianguó came into their own as a military power and arose as a threat to Hóuzidì, and the nation lost a lot of ground to the former city state. Although some of that land has since been reclaimed and firmly fortified, the present-day borders of Tianguó still largely consist of seized friendly territory.

The people are known as a little crazy. They're generally a good people, but they have a tendency to be very passionate about what they care about, and also being very goal oriented. Almost all of their industries are conducted on a master-apprentices format that results in a constant competition between apprentices for the best masters in their field. The average citizen is ambitious and pragmatic, also leading many of them to be suspicious of others by default. The country is also known, however, for having some of the continent's biggest parties. The nation has many holidays and plays as hard as it works.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
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[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
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Ace Trainer
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World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:06 pm

Country 4
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Rank 2
Tianguó: Enmansujo: The Land of Heaven

At the heart of the Shrimp continent, Tianguó is a nation landlocked on three sides, spanning approximately two hundred and fifty kilometers at its widest point. Its southern coast is dominated by a range of tall mountains which the pious locals have for long generations called the Pillars of Heaven. On their far slopes the land falls quickly and sharply away into the vast ocean that lies beyond. The lower reaches of the inland northern slopes are swathed with sparse Mediterranean forest which extends for several leagues, before thinning out and disappearing as the land becomes more dry and arid. From here, the country stretches north out into the large desert that runs through the majority of the Shrimp continents length. A number of canyons and hills are scattered through the desert regions, however the continually shifting sands make accurate mapping or exploration of the area nigh impossible.

Halfway along the mountainside on the northern side, a large plateau juts out for some thirty kilometers and creates a wide shelf approximately two and a half thousand meters above sea level. In a wide basin on this shelf lies a great lake known as Jinhú, the Goldwater, created through run-off from the nearby peaks. On its western shores lies the Divine City of Jīnshān, the capital of the nation and former jewel of the Shrimp continent. Far to the north, amid the shifting desert sands, rests the only other remaining large town of the once prosperous country; a trading-post turned military compound, Lù'dào.
Ecology, Climate and Resources:
The desert that occupies the central reaches of Tianguó provides only rare cases of life, usually in the form of small insects and reptiles. Beetles, scorpions and snakes are the most common, with rodents and carrion birds emerging by night. As the desert gives way to dry shrub-land and eventually Mediterranean forests, life becomes far more abundant. Rainfall and run-off from the nearby mountains create a fertile region where woodland species can thrive and the land is rich enough to support many types of crop farming, while the summer heats are still significant enough to support the culturing of exotic fruits and spices. Where the deserts are brutally hot during the day and freezing by night, the sheltered regions near the mountains provide a much more stable, temperate zone. Cold ocean winds passing over the mountains and mixing with the arid air of the deserts often results in fierce storms, although these are usually far enough away from the few major settlements to be of little concern. The main consequence of these is the continual picking-up and depositing of sand across large stretches of the desert, giving the region the nickname of the "shifting sands".

In these forests, and on the slopes beyond the mountain shelves, many larger mammals thrive. Mountain goats and birds of prey are common sights, but are both dwarfed in quantity by the diversity of other life. Bears, monkeys, tigers and antelope are commonly hunted for sustenance or the fur trade, and there is a large local profit in the growth and processing of many herbs, spices and lumbers.
The main wealth of the nation stems from veins of gold discovered within the mountains themselves, which have for many years been exploited by Tianguó, boosting it to be one of the wealthiest and grandest nations on the continent. It is incredibly common here, and in years past people have successfully led extravagant lives through nothing more than panning along the shores of Jinhú or the rivers that feed into it.
Politics and History:
Tianguó began as a small, yet stable and prosperous city-state in the shadows of the mountains, famed for its religious freedom and piety. The city of Jīnshān, on the shores of Jinhú, housed one of the greatest temples in the known world; a vast shrine of Jindào, and the nation was led by a religious figurehead: The Shénzhèng, messenger and representative of their divine pantheon. The entrepreneurial spirit of the free peoples of the city soon discovered the vast wealth of gold in the nearby mountains, and very quickly the small nation erupted with untold fortunes.
Thereafter, for many generations, Tianguó was known across the Shrimp continent as the jewel of the south. Its vast fortunes in gold and its strong religious ideals created what many believed to be a seat in paradise, with gleaming white-and-gold walls encircling their plateau-city and multitudes of shrines reaching out across the desert. Their wealth was so great that they conquered the shifting sands of the desert to the north, establishing within it a rich and vibrant trading outpost to better access and draw their neighbours' interests.

But thirty years ago, their prosperous political climate came to a dramatic, brutal change. Unrest and war brewing in the west erupted, and for reasons very much still speculated over, the Shénzhèng of Tianguó was assassinated. At once the veil of peace and prosperity over the country vanished, and it became a nation of panicked and helpless citizens. Wars between Laohudì and Hóuzidì almost crushed the peaceful state, consuming many of its former lands and pushing Tianguó to the brink of destruction; it quickly became a lucrative prize for whichever neighbouring country could seize it first and hold it against the other.

After a few months of terror, a resistance faction arose in the rubble of Jīnshān, amassing their influence and wealth to gain control over the remaining peoples. Years of internal strife were revealed as this new government seized power over the nation and established themselves as firm military dictators; those citizens who resisted disappeared, and those who didn't resist became oppressed and abused to the point where submission became the natural way of life. Confusion and treachery triumphed, transforming the once peaceful religious state into a reborn, hardened military regime, hell-bent on its own survival - at any cost.

Whatever the price, the new government was successful in its efforts to save the country. The white walls of Jīnshān are now stained and decrepit, and no one remains who sees the country for what it once was - but its borders are now at least relatively stable and the country remains.

The people are generally described as solemn, dedicated and... sad. The current government is almost entirely focused on sustaining itself, abandoning almost every aspect of their religion to focus only on security and maintaining of power. The majority of individuals within the country were alive when their religion was what fueled and maintained society, not fear and power.

If not struggling to survive and hiding in fear of their government, citizens are usually very honest and passive. They're often the calmest ones in the room and have a large aversion to conflict on principal.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
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Taishou of Iron Country
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[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
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[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
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Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:06 pm

Country 5
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Laohudì: Tora no Tochi: The Land of the Tiger

Geography: One of the largest countries of the Shrimp continent, Laohudì is sandwiched between Tianguó to the south-east, Hóuzidì to the north-east, and Guólóng to the west. Daoshé lies to the immediate north, only a short sail away across the Daoshé Straits. As with its neighbours, the nations central landmass is almost entirely desert and xeric shrubland that provides little domestic value to its inhabitants. There remain many stories and tales of ancient cities and countries that once existed among its sands, but nothing now remains save occasional rumours of ruin sightings or unearthed trinkets. Many deep canyons and crevasses run through the desert beneath the surface of the sand, adding additional peril to those who try to cross.

The real land wealth of the country lies in the northern and southern extremes of its borders. To the north, it meets Hóuzidì by a border that crosses the peak of Fù Shan, the second highest point on the continent. East of this the land falls steeply into a fertile lowland, sheltered from the elements by a second set of highlands further east, and Daoshé to the north across the Daoshé Straits. In this valuable patch of arable land lies the nations capital, Bófeng, as well as its vast seaport through which the majority of the countries' trade flows.

Far to the south a large mountain plateau rises, the west side of which is so steep and impassable that it creates a natural border with neighbouring Guólóng. This region is filled with mineral wealth, and a sizeable portion of Laohudì's military and economical strength is sourced here in iron, silver and other resources both strategical and luxurious. The high altitudes are utilized by the people to escape the searing heat and inhospitability of the deserts below, and as such they contain various small communities and military camps. Together, they secure most of the mountains against ongoing attempts by Guólóng to push the residents of Laohudì out. In a small valley situated in a nook just to the east of the plateau is a large town, Lèyuán. A rare stream flows from the heights down here, creating an unlikely paradise tucked away in the shadow of a steep gorge, where dwellings are built clinging onto cliff-like walls and infrastructure is composed of networks of hanging bridges and ropes.

Along the foot of the southern plateau, running from the eastern border with Guólóng and following the coast to the edge of Tianguó lies a stretch of thinning Mediterranean forest. Although it is a region that is vital to the survival of the nearby population due to the source of foodstuffs provided, it is growing smaller through logging year by year which adds continual strain to the local ecosystem. A number of small ports dot the coast, although they are largely military fortifications that act as a deterrant to Guólóng. A large wall and fortress occupies the southwestern coast between the end of the mountain plateau and the start of the sea.
Ecology, Climate and Resources: Given that Laohudì is dominated by the great central desert that runs through the heart of the continent, it is therefore no surprise that its range of flora and fauna is fairly small. In these regions one can travel for many days without witnessing life, although a trained eye may discover tracks of rodents, insects and some small subterranian species that, as a rule, prefer not to be disturbed. Most of the ecological value in Laohudì follows its northern coastline, where cooler air and moisture from the Daoshé Straits provides better conditions. Unlike neighbouring regions of this coastline, the mountain Fù Shan and another range of highlands provide a good degree of shelter against storms and create an almost idyllic river-fed envionment in which the nation's capital is seated.

The Mediterranean forests in the far south of the country have for many generations provided a valuable source of food and raw lumber for the developing nation, however the region is now overcultivated and is at increasing risk of vanishing entirely. However, as with the ores and minerals of the mountain plateau on the west border, these are not prime source of the country's prosperity; that comes from silk. A rare and prized species of silkworm is found among the deserts of Laohudì, and is heavily exploited to produce some of the finest fabrics in the known world. The "silk road" is a network of traderoutes that run the length of the country from its origin in the southern sands, through the great desert and to the sprawling ports of the northern coast, where the valuable products are widely exported. This rare and luxurious resource grants Laohudì a wealth almost comparable to that of Tianguó's gold industry, and allows the nation to field an impressively large military.

Politics and History: Laohudì has a very turbulent, wartorn history. Holding a prominent and lucrative central position on the Shrimp continent, it has throughout the past been targeted by nations on all sides and this has created a country whose people are constantly on high alert. With the wealth of the silk trade beginning within its southern deserts, it is a tempting target; however the value of such a resource is sufficient to employ and support a sizeable military counterweight.

Local traditions suggest that the origins of the nation lie in conflicts between previously nomadic desert tribes, however few reputable accounts remain of such times and these beginnings are rarely supported by histories of the surrounding continent. One fragment of these origins does remain, however, in that all young men and woman are encouraged to cross the great desert and emerge safely on the far side before they can be considered adults; walking the path of their ancestors and facing the hardships of the desert is said to forge their bodies and minds ready for the challenges of adulthood in such a rough country. The beginning of recorded history starts many centuries after the supposed era of these nomads, however a warlike and aggressive culture has always been firmly rooted in the country's people.

The ruling warlord of Laohudì fits this demographic well. An ambitious yet paranoid man, he is widely regarded as a confident and talented military commander. He sees enemies on every side, and dreams of expanding his nation at any cost; he is the type of leader who has a vision of a better future, and will chase it through any hardship. He rose to power thirty years ago when he orchestrated the assassination of the previous Junfá in a brutal coup d'état, seized control of the military assets of the nation and immediately began killing off his opposition; the event is recorded today as the Night of the Hundred Wolves for the (supposedly) one hundred assassins and their targets.

One such target was the Shénzhèng, the religious leader of Tianguó, an advocate of peace and prosperity who had been working closely with the previous Junfá of Laohudì. It was this assassination that plunged the continent into a bloody war that rewrote the borders visible today. Laohudì spent much of its military strength in the war, but in doing so claimed large tracts of land from both Tianguó and Hóuzidì, and prevented any advance from Guólóng to the west. The conflict only ended when each nation realised that no further ground could be gained, and the combatants were forced to turn their attentions to broiling internal strife or else be shattered from within.

Citizens are generally known as high energy, hard-working people. Their aggressive government is a bit at odds with their citizens tendency to want to keep their heads low and work. It makes more sense once citizens feel threatened in any way. A history of contested lands has created a culture of people that are very proud and protective of both their land, their materials and their families. They don't take kindly to most outsiders.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
Kemurigakure no Sato

Taishou of Iron Country
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[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
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Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:06 pm

Country 6
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Daoshé: Janoshima: The Isle of Serpents

Daoshé is a small island, little larger than nearby Cháodì, which lies sandwiched between the spires of Dàshanzhou and the rugged shores of the northern Shrimp continent. Most of the island is covered with flourishing temperate broad-leaf and mixed forests, which reach from the central areas of the island up to and along the highlands on its northern coasts. A thin strip of xeric shrubland runs close to the southern coast in the unsheltered region that is scoured of rich plant-life from the rough Daoshé straits. The land rises up to the north, before suddenly falling away into the sea in a range of steep cliffs.
The coasts of Daoshé are very varied, with many sheltered bays, inlets and natural cave systems close to the shore that make it a haven for raiders and smugglers alike.
Ecology, Climate and Resources:
Daoshé generally receives very fair weather, likely due to the relative shelter provided by Dàshanzhou to the north and the rest of the Shrimp continent to the south, although rough seas along the Daoshé straits often carry storms over the coast. These stretches of the southern coast are mostly devoid of all but the hardiest grasses and trees due to the harsh salty winds, but further inland the ground becomes much more fertile. By the time one reaches the mixed forests the ground becomes nutrient rich and ideal for farming, although that is only rarely done so by the local population who prefer other means of sustenance.

Aside from the land quality, Daoshé offers little in the form of exploitable resources. Fishing is a strong food industry and used to feed the various villages, but it has never been performed at a level that would allow much in the way of exports. Many people speculate that it is this lack of natural raw materials that first drove the peoples of Daoshé to raiding and piracy, although it is more likely now a tradition and heritage among the citizens rather than their only option to survive. These activities account for almost all of the nations collective wealth, with riches plundered from anywhere they can be seized.
Politics and History:
The peoples of Daoshé compose a strong and fierce warrior society, with personal standing and importance based on skill in battle and victories won. This creates a very fractured, unstable relationship between neighbouring communities as more often than not there is no single leader among the people. Typically each village or region is ruled and organised by those within with the most influence over their peers. Local folklore frequently alludes to past or future "kings" of warriors who were, or will be, so great so as to unite the land; however in practise it is doubtful that this has or ever will happen due to the inherent nature of the people to fight one another and defy order in pursuit of more immediate gains.

This, of course, leads to the nation having a long and bloody history of warfare, much of which is not well documented. Since the prime concern of the people is war, little thought is given to cultural or personal development; education is minimal, healthcare is crude and the only crafts of major renown are those of martial relevance, such as shipbuilding and practical weaponsmithing. The ability to read and write is scorned by most individuals, meaning histories, treaties, news and other information is primarily passed only through word of mouth from parent to child.

With each community being independent of the others, all but the smallest fishing villages venture out to raid the various shipping lanes and port towns of the Shrimp continent to bring in the supplies and wealth needed for daily life. Cháodì and Laohudì are the main targets due to their vulnerability and richness, respectively. An unusual point of note is that the residents of Daoshé, warriors included, revere the secret peoples of Dàshanzhou and deliver tribute frequently to the safest shores of their northern neighbour. It is believed that they consider the peoples of Dàshanzhou to be heralds, messengers or descendants of a God or Gods; although their exact religious beliefs appear to vary wildly between different communities, and is the source of much in-fighting. On one thing they all agree - if they do not pay sufficient tribute, be it in gold, exotic goods, supplies, slaves or prized possessions (typically weapons) to their "superiors" on the northern island, they will retaliate with divine fury, bringing the storms and seas against Daoshé.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
Kemurigakure no Sato

Taishou of Iron Country
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[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
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Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:06 pm

Country 7
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Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
Kemurigakure no Sato

Taishou of Iron Country
Kirigakure No Sato
Experiment 81 v2
Sunagakure No Sato
The Soul Host
Iwagakure No Sato
Special Jounin
The Tungsten Princess
Sunagakure No Sato
The Revolutionary
Past CharactersShow
[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
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Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:06 pm

Country 8
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Juu no Kuni Geography
Once there was a land, filled with buildings the likes of which had never been seen before, filled with people who spoke a strange, and foreign language. No matter how many times people tried to invade this small country, no one could ever get past their stone walls. Over a mile high, and half a mile thick, the walls were rumored to be impenetrable, except by sea and air. These giant walls surrounded the entire country, except for a mile wide gap on the coast that allowed ships to come in and out of the biggest city's harbor. The strange rulers of this ancient country were so protective of their land that their walls extended out roughly around a mile and a half into the ocean, which had allowed them to dig out a massive harbor on the coast, allowing for even greater ships to come into the harbor. While the walls are over a four hundred years old, they were built so well that they still stand in all of their original glory, except for the fact that they are now covered almost completely in vines, and moss that have grown on them since the fall of the once great country. Along the walls giant gates were constructed to allow the country's military force to enter and leave the country. Rather than be constructed of wood or steel, the gates were made of the same granite as the walls, and were created in such a way that they blended into the wall seamlessly.

Just past the great walls are the rolling hills and farm lands of Juu no Kuni. As far as the eye can see is lush grasslands, occupied only by the occasional small village, and more frequently, large farms. With the lack of forests in Juu no Kuni, the only trees within the great walls are the massive orchids, each filled with various types of fruit, including new fruit that are the result of the trees being pollinated with pollen from other trees. This, however, is only are the outer most regions of the Land Of Curses. As one get closer to the main city the more evidence they find of a great war that had been fought within the borders of the country. The land surrounding the city is blacker than a moonless night, forever lifeless due to the taint of the human blood spilled upon it. It is not only the massive amount of blood that had been shed that has mutated the land, and the city. No, the main source of the mutation, and devastation upon the land were the various jutsu that had been used there, jutsu so powerful that their affects left a permanent imprint on the land they were used on.

Among the various mutations of the land are chunks of earth, stretching a mile long and a half mile wide, that float fifty feet in the air, suspended by massive amounts of magnetism. Not only are there floating plateaus, but there are also fields of lightning, where arcs of Raiton erupt from the ground at varying speeds, strengths, and sizes, and yet those are the tamest of the mutations housed within the country. Other forms of the mutations can been seen in the winds circling the city, winds that never fall below forty miles and hour, as well as a giant golem, created from the granite city, standing lifeless in the center of the once great city, waiting to be brought to life once more. The once elegant, and powerful, city of granite had been all but destroyed completely, and the strangest mutation among all of the others were the melted buildings inside the city, evidence of a once great fire.

The buildings of the once great city had been made solely of granite, though in varying colors. The most prominent stone that had been used to build the largest city in the country was Black Diamond Granite. As most of the outer most buildings had been built with the black granite it gave the city a very dark, but elegant feeling. As one drew closer to the harbor, they would come upon the speckled blue of the Blue Bahia granite, which had been the second most common color within the city. The buildings closest to the harbor, and what appears to be the Daimyo's palace had all made of the black and blue granite, though the most prominent building material had been Emerald Green Marble. These had been, by far, the most elegant buildings, displaying the former wealth of the city. While the city was beautiful enough to take your breath away, if was far from being in its prime, as most of the city was in shambles, more evidence to the great war that had taken place within the city, and its outskirts. In the dead center of the city was a massive, perfectly square, hole with crumbling stairs leading down into a pitch black darkness. The city is no more than a disgrace to what it once was, a hollow shell of a former great civilization. The harbor of the once great city stretched two miles straight down, and was three miles wide, easily allowing for large shipping vessels to dock within it. Should one decide dive into the harbor, not only would they find themselves face to face with the terrors of the sea, but would find the wreckage of ancient sailing boats, large pieces of the city, and even more evidence of the great war.

Due to the city above them excavating the earth for all of the stone they needed to build their city, and the wall protecting their country, the earth under the country was all but hollow. The enormous caverns that had once been mine shafts had been converted into the city's military compound, a compound so large it had actually become its own city. The city had been created over a giant geothermal lake, suspended in air by braces that secured the city to the sheer cliffs around them. The heat from the lake below was the main source of energy for the militant city, was literally the power source for everything they used, including their massive amounts of Fuuin. While the city held a wide variety of Ninja, all specializing in different things, every ninja was proficient in the Fuuin of their homeland. These Fuuin were used for everything. They were used from converting the geothermal energy into the electricity they needed to power their city, to converting it into chakra. Then from chakra, they were used to power the countless number of Fuuin that filled their tunnels, protecting them from potential invaders.

The city was constructed mainly of steel, and other such metals. Fuuin were, once again powered by the Geothermal energy, used to keep the city from over heating, while tunnels that led up to the surface were used to funnel in fresh air. To help keep the Shinobi from dying due to toxic fumes, and massive build ups of CO2 the tunnels that led up to the surface were consisted of two types; intake and outtake. Both tunnels were filled with large fans that blocked anyone from using them while the fans were active, fans that were so strong they actually created artificial winds when the right amount of fans were active. The city itself is just what one would expect of a militant compound, every inch of the city is designed to keep its Shinobi in top condition and ready for battle at a moments notice. There are countless training facilities, different types of armories, each being devoted to either weaponry, or, armor, but never both. Aside from the training facilities and armories, there were barracks that housed the Shinobi, with each barrack being used for only one rank, while the coed barracks were only used when married couples wished to be intimate with each other. There were no houses to speak of in the compound, and as such there was only one place to eat which was the galley, also referred to as the mess hall. Due to the lack of personal homes Shinobi were forced to bath in group showers, and use rest rooms that were designed for the large amount of people in the city.

Surrounding the compound was a countless amount of tunnels, all of which had a purpose. Not only were these tunnels filled with Fuuin that were filled with various types of jutsu designed to hinder and kill invaders, but they were also designed in a way that would keep invaders wandering for days as they went in circles. There were tunnels that led down to underground lakes, as well as tunnels that led up to the surface as to allow the Shinobi to protect their country should the need ever arise, not to mention gather the fruit from the orchids when they wanted it. There had even been tunnels constructed that led to large granite doors, which opened up into the countries around their own. These doors were never more than a half mile into the other countries. Another notable aspect of the tunnels were the tunnels that led to massive animal pens, which were the source of all of their meat.

Ecology, Climate and Resources

Juu no Kuni, as it's name suggests, is thought to be cursed, though it is not only the land itself that holds the curse, but the plants and animals as well. Among the massive orchids of apples, pears, peaches, and other fruits is an odd grouping of trees not found in other places. Seemingly alive in it's own right, the trees will attack any large creature that come to close by whipping them with vines, and their branches. Within the middle of the orchid of what many have called the Akuboku tree, the "Evil Tree," is an incredibly large tree bearing fruit that was once known as the "Golden Apple," though it is now known as the orange.

The animals of Juu no Kuni have also adapted to the mutations of the land, such as the flying snake that haunts the branches of Juu no Kuni's trees. Felines, and canines that were once domesticated have, through generations of living untamed, grown wild, and fierce. The canines have all seemed to form packs, each breed keeping within their own kind, where as the felines once deemed "house cats" have formed a single, giant, "pack," and seem to protect something dark hidden within the Akuboku orchid. It is said that the eldest, and most powerful of not only the feline pack, but of each canine pack are able to speak as humans do, and command those under them to protect what is left of the once great country, though what they are protecting it from no one knows.

There are other animals within Juu no Kuni, such as a unique breed of fox, rabbits, bovine, ferrets, and even mice that have gained the ability to use, and control chakra as a result of living with the mutations of Juu no Kuni for so long. To say the animals of this country are not to be taken lightly would be an understatement. Though there are no confirmed sightings of it, there is rumored to be an extremely large Hydra living within the bay of Juu no Kuni's captial city.

The land of curses has a mild temperate coastal climate, which means that the temperature changes around twenty degrees year round, though it rains more than one would think it to. While the climate for Juu no Kuni is a mild coastal climate above ground, the climate within the underground fortress stays seventy five degrees year round, with humidity added to the air by special fans at the end of tunnels leading to the ocean.

People and Culture
No one knows what happened to the inhabitants of the Land of Curses, though the evidence of an epic battle is obvious. The Densetsu, the name historians gave to Juu no Kuni's people, did not seem to care for jewels, or other such things, but rather seemed to prefer the beauty of stone over anything else. Some have suggested that their love for granite means that the Densetsu originated in the Rock country, while others believe that their love of stone came from the ease of access they had to it.

Many historians have died trying to uncover the secrets of Juu no Kuni, though their deaths have not all been in vain. It is known that the inhabitants came from another country looking to increase their own power, and that it had been ruled by a royal family, though why the wall was built is still unknown. Though little is known about the time prior to the war, historians have found remnants of an old painting depicting what is believed to be the country's final ruler: a sixteen year old girl.

Some believe the country was raided by incredible armies from the ninja villages long ago, while others think there may have been a very long, very deadly civil war. Documents have been found that suggest the military that occupied the fortress beneath the country had planned to take over Juu no Kuni, however, it is unknown whether they are the reason for it's destruction.

Juu no Kuni is a lawless land awaiting to be taken over by an organization strong enough to tame it.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
Kemurigakure no Sato

Taishou of Iron Country
Kirigakure No Sato
Experiment 81 v2
Sunagakure No Sato
The Soul Host
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The Tungsten Princess
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[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
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Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:07 pm

Country 9
Rank 4

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The Land of Runes
Etymology and History
Little is known about the Land of Runes' ancient history. Hardly anything remains, aside from the Runes themselves and the writings they bear. Some of the connecting pathways between cities do show sign of ancient and elegant architecture, however. Many of these passages are also riddled with artistically placed runic script.

The country was gradually settled by peoples from across the Western Ocean, long before any of the neighboring countries were ever founded. As the valley and its caverns were discovered, a government over eleven cities began to rise. The city with the greatest stone, a sundial, was elected as the capital after the cities were united under Rí Uamhnach, a great commander who arrived on the last of the ships from the west. A stable government soon emerged, and the academics system was born to educate citizens and create skilled laborers. A short time later, the additional military training was added as the country feared that it may be threatened by the much larger surrounding countries. While farming was developed in the initial phases of population in the valley between the mountains, subterranean farming wasn't begun until the end of the feudal era as the more adventurous began to explore the caverns and discover new ores and plant life. About this time The Darkness was also discovered, and is rumored to have been the end of the country's forerunners. It is rumored that the darkness is at least on the same level of strength as a s rank grand spirit such as the Genma. The only thing holding the Darkness back seems to be the strange runes.

The Land of Runes is known as such for its prevalence of vertical stones, on which strange runes are carved. They are placed throughout the interior of the valley, and even atop some of the mountain peaks. There is enough superstition surrounding the country and its inhabitants, however, that few are willing to venture forth without a guide. The country was thought to be devoid of life until it was found by a neighboring shepherd who was chasing after a man who had stolen one of his sheep. He followed the man up into the mountains, but eventually lost sight of him and could not find him. When he told his friends and the authorities about the man, he described him as "ghostly pale and dirty, with his body entirely covered in tattoos." This mounted a search, which lead villagers to the discovery of the Runes. It was a long time, however, before any outsider stepped foot through the Gate of Cairdeas. The runes seem to be based off the precursor to Fuinjutsu and can have many strange effects some can even mimic the effects of Genjutsu that is sealed in them

Some time after the discovery of the Darkness, the country’s leaders deemed it necessary to allow foreign trading, but decreed that no foreigner should pass beyond the city of Cairdeas. The influx of foreign influence led to a slow adoption of some of their culture, including their style of names. While many are still named in the runic tongue, far more have begun to use more basic names.

As the country entered the modern era, its rulers recognized that academic advancement was becoming far more important. While everyone was a trained warrior, few pursued their intellectual inclination. The government promptly add the second and third specialization to the academy: Scribe-school and Hybrid learning.

Government and Politics
Cairdeas is the seat of the Land of Runes’ government, but each city has its own Fear D'aois, or Elder, all of whom report weekly to the Sovereign in Cairdeas. A new Sovereign is elected every ten years, and new elders every five. Since the time of Rí Uamhnach, there have been twelve Sovereigns, the most recent being Rialóir, who has brought great economic prosperity to the region through trade with other nations. There is currently no conflict between The Land of Runes and its neighbors, although there have been several in the past. Even though this is so, the Land of Runes’ government is slow to trust, and keeps its military on standby at all times.
  • Organizations
Na Hiarrthóirí, or The Seekers, is a rebel organization that thinks the Land of Runes is held back by all the religious superstition, and want to explore The Darkness, but are not doing so carelessly. They are trying to better themselves and move slowly, knowing that there must be some backing to the claims about The Darkness, and not wanting to be caught unawares. Their research has not been criticized by the majority of the cities greater scribes, and is in fact secretly supported by many. Even the most superstitious of the scribes cannot deny their own curiosity entirely.

Na Seamsúir, or The Chanters, are a faction of self-dubbed monks who worship The Darkness, and are by far the palest of them all, as they live farthest from the surface in the city of Beinn. To reach their city, a traveler has to traverse nearly a mile of The Darkness itself, and it is known to be a fatally perilous journey. They claim that they can communicate with the Darkness, and that it blesses their prayers, but any who venture to their village disappear, said to be lost to The Darkness without the Chanter's blessing.

The Land of Runes’ military system spans the entire country. Cairdeas houses The Legion Headquarters, and each city has its own separate ‘Chapter’ of The Legion. Each Chapter reports to Cairdeas weekly, using the same harbinger that the Elders do. Harbingers, messengers between cities, are always accompanied by an escort of two scouts, as scouts are trained to run for both speed and distance, and can easily keep up with the fleet-footed harbingers.

Aside from Scouts, the main intelligence gathering service for The Legion, there are Guardians and Sentinels. Guardians are heavily armored behemoths, selected for their size, strength and ferocity. The Guardians provide the first line of defence in any battle, and are tasked with watching over the gates day and night. Guardians commonly wield shields, but many are known to carry Greatswords, Battleaxes, and Warhammers. Regardless of the armament, few Guardians are found without their thick steel battle armor, decorated with Runic engravings.

Sentinels wield long range weapons primarily, but always keep a dirk or short sword close at hand. Sentinels are mainly stationed on rooftops within the city, and handle most of the petty crime with an arrow to the back. As a result, crime is usually not a big problem. During wartime, warbands of Sentinels accompanied by a pair of Guardians would patrol the mountain passes, and were capable of shooting down enemies before they were ever seen, as a result of their skill and familiarity with their own Country. This gave rise to rumors in the neighboring countries that evil spirits roamed the high places of the mountains, stealing away the souls of any who ventured there.

Aside from providing escort for swifter persons, scouts handle infiltration and intelligence gathering. They are trained in the art of disguise, and they have the easiest peacetime job of the three. They are simply tasked with keeping on the lookout for crime and other dangers whilst going about their daily lives. This does not mean that everyone pursues this branch, however, as it is one of the most difficult to master and is in the greatest danger should war erupt.

  • Terrain
The Land of Runes is extremely mountainous around its borders, but as it slopes down towards the valley it gives way to gentle rolling green hills. The centermost area of the valley is the lowest, but not much more so than the feet of the mountains.

Cities in the Land of Runes are almost entirely subterranean, using the shelter of the caves to protect them from weather and notice. The entire country houses a labyrinth of caves and caverns, every one of which is connected to the others, allowing denizens to travel the length and breadth of the country without needing to set foot above ground.
  • Climate
Summer brings variable warmth to the Land of Runes, sometimes reaching temperatures high enough to melt some of the snow off of the lower mountain peaks. During the Harvest Season the temperatures slowly decline, and snow almost always arrives before it is fully winter. As winter rolls in, heavy snows layer the entire valley in many feet of snow. The torches and fires’ heat keep the caves warm, and the caverns return the favor by sealing in most of the heat. As a result, most of the cities are not faced by deadly cold, except in the worst of winters. In the deepest caves, most specifically the city of Beinn, the temperature maintains a cold, clamminess that brings chills to anyone not sufficiently dressed.
  • Biodiversity
The valley between the Land of Runes’ mountains houses all manner of plant and animal life. While fir trees are predominant, some others grow as well, but weaker trees cannot survive the cold winters in the valley. Voles, hare, caribou, and squirrels make up the majority of the herbivorous life, but there are also large wolfpacks, foxes, and bears, all of which are known to prey on the cities’ sheep-herds. ravens, snow buntings, falcons, loons, ravens, sandpipers, terns, snow birds, and various types of gulls make up the species pool for migratory birds. Rarely an owl can be found, but they usually tend to avoid humans altogether.
  • Environment
The valley is host to a number of lakes, rivers, streams, and smaller pools that encourage migration during the spring and summer, and a large river flows from the mouth of the cavern the houses the capital city of Cairdeas, flowing down the mountainside to feed into a larger river. Cairdeas itself contains a small lake, at the center of which rises the small island with the city’s Rune: The Sundial. Trees are most common near the foot of the mountains, but the majority of the valley could be described as a sparse forest.

The Land of Runes initially ran on a barter economy, and still does to some extent today. However, commodity money began to take over as the dominant form of payment around the time of the fifth Sovereign. The current commodity money is compressed tea leaves, but in the past rare mushrooms and pelts have also been accepted by merchants.
  • Science and Technology
Many rare subterranean plant species that grow only in the deep caves and along certain rock formations are used to make unique and potent medicines, potions, and poisons. The rise of alchemy in the Land of Runes came when people first began to venture deeper, and the discovery of such plants was first made. Alchemical materials and products are now made widely by many skilled alchemists and scribes, and some soldiers tip their weapons with poisons made by these. The same materials and products are sold to other villages for high profit, as they can be found nowhere else, but the sale of ingredients for the most potent potions and poisons is strictly prohibited: they are kept for the sole use of the village and its people.

  • Religion
A Rune is a standing stone, completely covered in the engravings of an ancient and lost language. There are eleven known Runes, each at the center of a city. When they were found, they were each inside their own massive cavern, and seemed to cast out the fear brought upon by The Darkness. The people found refuge in its embrace, and settled by each of them, eventually forming the eleven cities. They are said to protect and strengthen the people around it, and repel The Darkness. It is customary to isolate it from the population, but once per year, the father of each family may go in a boat to the stone to pray for protection.

The Darkness is considered to be any part of the caves that is not within two miles of a Rune. It is said to consume all who enter. Many believe it is a tear between the living world and the afterlife, and any who enter risk being called through the rift. Some believe The Darkness is one entity comprised of the souls of all who failed to escape. Even others believe it is a deity to be worshipped, and provide human sacrifices to it, though these are kept secret. Regardless of what it really is, all that is known is that anyone who does not fear The Darkness perishes. Any who venture too deep, whether in the name exploration or science, never return.

The people believe that the caves are sacred, and therefore do not do anything to 'harm' them. They do not mine the precious ores and gems, especially in The Darkness. It is said that anyone who tries to harm the caves will be consumed by The Darkness, never to be seen again. To date, not one has dared challenge this superstition.

Burial rites are fairly simple. Since many believe that the Darkness is a gate to the afterlife, they request that their body be carried into the darkness and left there when they die. This is done by a few of their closest friends and relatives, and the rites are performed with no light to guide the way. Alternatively, some prefer to be cremated, and are given a pyre atop one of the mountain peaks.
  • Languages
For many years, the people of the Land of Runes spoke a Runic tongue, a cousin to the Runic Writings found on the Runes themselves. Around the time of the fifth Sovereign, however, they began to slowly convert to using the Basic tongue, to improve foreign relations and expedite trade between the Land of Runes and neighboring countries. Even to this day, however, many names remain Runic, for both cities and people, and the denizens of the Land of Runes speak with a unique highland accent.
  • Education
All citizens of the Land of Runes undergo training in one of the three academies. The largest is in Rathúnas, but there are also facilities in Teacht Aniar and Misneach. Basic education to teach citizens to be of service to their community and to read and write, among other things, lasts until the students reach their sixteenth year of age. At this time, their specialized education begins. Specialized education trains the students in their chosen field: Soldier, Scribe, or a Hybrid, until age 19. Afterwards, students serve on standby for the military or the scribes, but it is not unknown for some to seek further mentoring by a skilled master of their field. At age 24, they are given the choice of whether to remain in service, or pursue farming, herding or other personal pursuits. Military school involves training the students in a variety of fighting styles, as well as handling most weapons to at least basic proficiency, after which they are encouraged to further pursue their personal preference. Scribe-school raises up the great minds of the village, teaching everything from recording history to medical training. The Hybrid specialization is responsible for producing the village's tacticians, officers, and combat medics.
  • Health
Many of the deeper cities are too far down for sunlight to penetrate, and as a result anyone who lives in them and does not make regular trips to the surface tends to have pale skin and more sensitive eyesight. Both can be countered by some of the region’s unique potions, but many who never venture to the surface at all are content with the normality of pale skin. The Runics are a hardy people, in both body and mind, and they tend to have greater fortitude against both bodily and mental illness, but for some the constant darkness surrounding them is too much, and they are driven mad by the unknown and in rare cases, claustrophobia, but most villages are housed by enormous open expanses of cavern, so it is almost like simply living in a darker world.

  • Cuisine and Agriculture
While the majority of the region’s crops are grown in the valley during the warm months, some of the deeper cities carefully nurture a harvest of much different plants: ranging from alchemical ingredients to exotic edible fungus, these subterranean plants bring variety to the area’s food vendors and are a popular sales item to foreigners. Moon Crops are species of subterranean plants that do grow in the surface, but are too delicate for the sun's burning rays, so they are covered during the day.

Aside from fruits and vegetables, both lamb and mutton are highly popular for the more carnivorous Runics, and the sheep-herds in the valley provide more than enough for both meat and wool for clothing.

Fréamh Gealach, or the Moon-Root, is the rarest of subterranean treasures. When in proximity to other life, the Moon-Root releases a steady silver light from its leaves and emits a tenor humming sound. While it is incredibly uncommon, and is known to grow farther into the Darkness than is safe to pursue, its uses are nearly infinite. Moon-Root is used to create the most potent potions for both healing and harming, depending on what it is mixed with. Only the greatest of the region’s alchemists are permitted to handle the plant, and it is strictly prohibited to sell the unique leafed item to foreigners.

Because there are exposed gold and diamonds in many caves, there are plants that thrive there that would never be found elsewhere. They have special properties because they siphon some of what they sprout on, giving them many different applications. Some of the stones shimmer lightly when combined with the plants that grow on them, creating an eerie glow some places in The Darkness that are thought to be the souls of those lost in the caves.
  • Sports and Entertainment
Many cities, Cairdeas included, house gladiatorial arenas. While fights to the death are forbidden, the matches in these arenas are extremely popular among citizens and foreigners alike. Students are most often the ones to test their skills against both each other and their mentors in the arenas, but sometimes mock battles will be staged for entertainment and hosted by the city’s ‘Chapter’ of The Legion.
  • Taverns
While drunkenness is frowned upon, it is not openly discouraged. Nearly every city has a large Inn or Tavern, sometimes several. Most nights see the taverns packed with Runics eager for some laughter and a drink after a long day of hard (or not so hard) work.

Cities of Note
  • Cairdeas
Cairdeas is the capital city and is the seat of both the region’s current Sovereign, and the Legion headquarters. It is the only city open to foreigners, and is guarded most fervently.
  • Beinn
Beinn is the deepest of the eleven cities. It lies so far secluded from the others that there is an expanse of The Darkness that must be crossed to reach it. It is the home of a mysterious and wicked cult, and most tend to avoid it if at all possible.
  • Rathúnas
Rathúnas is the nearest city to Cairdeas, only set about a half mile from it. The tunnel to reach it opens up to a large cliff overlooking The Darkness for a large section where the ancient wall is broken away. Since the two cities are so close, there is a large area where the influence of two Runes overlaps. This same place is where the break in the wall is, and is where the headquarters for the Scribes was constructed. Rathúnas is also the home of the largest and greatest of the country’s academies.
  • Other Cities
Other minor cities include Misneach and Teacht Aniar, homes of the second and third academies, Righneas, Gra, Dilseacht, Pirinne, Saoirse, and Deiridh. Each is located within the mountainous perimeter of the country, connected by a system of catacombs.
Last edited by Valkier on Sun Dec 11, 2022 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
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Taishou of Iron Country
Kirigakure No Sato
Experiment 81 v2
Sunagakure No Sato
The Soul Host
Iwagakure No Sato
Special Jounin
The Tungsten Princess
Sunagakure No Sato
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[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
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Ace Trainer
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World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:07 pm

Last edited by Valkier on Mon Jan 01, 2024 10:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
Kemurigakure no Sato

Taishou of Iron Country
Kirigakure No Sato
Experiment 81 v2
Sunagakure No Sato
The Soul Host
Iwagakure No Sato
Special Jounin
The Tungsten Princess
Sunagakure No Sato
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[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
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Ace Trainer
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World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:07 pm

Country 11

Rank 3

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A country quite literally forged in the fires of the Great War, Gold Country is a nation vast, wealthy, powerful in military might and industrious. Ever growing, ever evolving, ever learning, the citizens of Gold Country are united under the leadership of their Founder and Daimyo, Aimi Kaguya, despite being of vast distance and cultural differences. Through his guidance the people have risen, and continue to rise, from nomadic horsemen clans, pillaging raiders, cowering hunters and squabbling warmongers into a nation new and powerful. Powerful enough, perhaps, to rival the so called "Great Five".
Geography Divided by a wide expanse of land owned by Wind Country, Gold Country's geography is as varied as it is separated. To the south is a land of vast plains, an ocean of grasses of two different sorts constantly vying for supremacy over one another, one green and one yellow, that stretches for hundreds of miles to the north, south, east and west. The coast is lined with sea cliffs, beaches, mangrove forests and coral reefs while just beyond that are hills dotted with exotic tropical fruit trees that bleed into miles of large hills that descend below sea level into a large marsh in the south western portion of the land. To the northeast lies a massive volcano, Mt. Tletl, 4000 meters at the base and rising 5,859 meters above sea level, dormant but still smoking from time to time, and towards the center of the southern lands is a huge salt water lake which is duotoned - pink during the spring and summer, blue during fall and winter, Lake Blomst. The northern most portion of this southern half of the country is dominated by xeric scrubland that reaches to the base of the mountains at the southern portion of what used to be Dungeon Country while the west is largely dominated by grass save for a single large river cutting from the northwest to the southeast, the river Nibun, where it spills off of the seaside cliffs as a great waterfall into the ocean below.

The northern portion of Gold Country is no less varied. From south to north this portion of the land begins with a series of large manmade hills built in a tropical grassland with a river flowing through it. Beyond this is what is known as "The Scorched Lands". Mostly flat with now sparse amounts of vegetation and animal life as it once had, The Scorched Lands refer to the massive flatland ravine that, during the Great War, was set ablaze to combat the infestation of wild beasts that once dominated the land. Stretching from the manmade hills in the south to the gigantic stalagmite caverns to the north, hundreds upon hundreds of miles of land remain blackened and smoldering, seemingly permanently scarred. Despite this side effect of the ravages of war, nature survives. In particular the red grass known as "blood grass" which once grew in overabundance has taken the burning in stride and though the old forests that were once scattered across this portion of the country are now no more, new forests have already begun to grow in their place. Further north beyond the great stalactite/stalagmite ravine lies the deserts that make up a large portion of the country itself. At first rocky scrubland with less and less vegetation the further north you go the desert bleeds into a shifting sand sea that rises into great dunes that further give way to the dangerous Glittering Sand Sea or Gold-Dust Sea as some call it, a treacherous expanse of desert littered with quicksand pitfalls and plagued with harsh haboobs that make traversing this portion of the land constantly dangerous. The desert is also littered with numerous oases that make travel easier and life for people possible. Beyond the Gold-Dust Sea lies yet more grasslands in the northernmost part of the country, capping the country off with grass from top to bottom.
Climate, Ecology and Resources Just as the geography of Gold Country varies wildly depending on your location, so too does the climate and ecology of the land. In the south the land is lush and completely dominated by grass, the semi-volcanic soil allowing for the growth of two separate plains of grass of opposing colors, green and golden yellow, known as Cozauhqui and Groen respectively, the former of which is the larger of the two and expands as far east as the country goes creating an ocean of thick, wavy green grass while its' opposite stretches out as far as Mt. Tletl. The rich soil allows for various types of farms from tropical fruit to wheat that help sustain the population while the mangrove forests along the coast help protect from the weather. Said weather varies from tropical storms during the summer months to harsh, below freezing temperatures during the nights at certain parts of the land in the west while simultaneously supporting a near constant year-round temperature in the northern portion of the south thanks to the geographical makeup of the land. This makes the climate in the south difficult to manage but produces a sturdy people as a result.

In the south the types of animals that can be found is, of course, varied. Herbivores such as cattle, bison, antelope, deer, horses, sheep and llama that can be found both domesticated and in the wild. Carnivores include wolves, coyotes, foxes, badgers, leopards and various species of raptors. In addition to these land based animals, the sea provides an infinite variety of fish, mollusk, fungi, sea faring avian and other marine predators that live along the coast, in the mangrove clusters and further out at sea. Lake Blomst has it's own unique ecosystem independent of the sea, full of unique species that are believed to have been separated from the sea in an age gone by and adapted to their more limited environment. The apex predator within the southern portion of Gold Country is the blind jackal. This species of pack hunting jackal gets its name from the milky white color of its eyes. Despite their appearances, they do in fact have sight yet neither sight nor scent is the main sense which they use to hunt. The blind jackal's sense of hearing is especially potent, due largely in part to their enormous ears. Incredibly sensitive, they are able to hear even the slightest movement in either grass or water giving them the capabilities to hunt on both hand and sea. The indigenous people consider the blind jackal to be at once a sacred animal and the ultimate prize in hunting, as their incredible sense of hearing makes them quite difficult to hunt. In addition there are various sorts of snakes, insects, rodents and avian life that can be found if one were inclined to look.

In the north herbivores include cattle, bison, antelope, horses and a species of tuskless elephant. For carnivores there is namely the pale lion who is the apex predator of the north, a species of small white lion that live in large prides and hunt furiously and voraciously. In the Glittering Desert are giant scorpions, spiders and snakes as well as all manner of venomous predatory insects that call the sands home. Because of the lack of major rivers, lakes or any other form of water the wildlife is much less varied, but the species found here are more hardy and stubborn. The climate varies from a dry/wet season in the southern portion of the north to the harsh desert conditions found throughout the majority of the northernmost portion of Gold Country. Despite the lack of variety as compared to the south the climate is mostly stable as compared to the southern counterpart of the land which, arguable, makes living in the north easier overall.

In terms of resources, Gold Country has an overabundance of riches within its' borders. Though it may not appear so at first glance, with the country being as vast and as diverse as it is gives it a massive advantage in economic resources. Animal leathers, pelts, meats, milks, furs make up a significant but ultimately lesser portion of the trade between other countries and the citizens themselves. Farms in the north and the south produce all manner of staple foods and exotics from wheat, rice, other grains and root-based vegetables to fruits and of course the endless bounty of the sea. By far the greatest resource that Gold Country has at its' disposal is its' namesake however - gold. Gold, chiefly, and other ores and minerals of great value are supremely abundant within Gold Country. In the north the once closed gold mines have been reopened, leading to a resurgence of excavation in raw gold ore. Additionally, by order of the Daimyo Aimi Kaguya, efforts are continuously made to tame the desert in order to recover the Lost City of Rysambo and all of the treasures that it holds. Subsequently, ancient treasures are constantly being pulled from the sands - if at great effort - and the search for the city itself is continuous and ongoing. On top of all of this, Damiyo Aimi Kaguya has mandated a policy of desert reclamation leading to an entirely new industry of planting, cultivating and harvesting trees in the desert that supply building materials for civilization, jobs and an engress of the Gold-Dust Sea itself.

In the south, Mt. Tletl was found to be rich in ores and precious gems as well. Experts from the north were brought to the south shortly after to excavate and set up mines burrowing into the side of the volcano and into the earth surrounding it in search of, coincidentally, further and fresh caches of gold, which is the primary metal found near and within the mountain, as well as lesser metals such as silver and copper and gems, namely diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and rubies. The work is dangerous, exhaustive, extensive and time consuming... but the rewards are incalculable. Because of the excavations of, mostly, gold ore in the north and south as well as the rediscovery of the treasures found buried within the Glittering Desert in the ongoing search for the Lost City of Rysambo, Gold Country, although newly a major nation on the world scale, is an economic powerhouse, self sustaining because of the vast amounts of land useable for farming and the riches found in the earth below for use internally and externally as trade fodder with other nations. All of this has resulted in the newly christened Gold Country becoming one of the richest and most industrious countries in the world practically over night.
Politics and Economy As stated, Gold Country is an economic powerhouse on the world stage. Between the valuable gold mines in the north and south, the excavated treasures of Rysambo and the abundance of food available to all peoples, to say that the country was rich would be an understatement. Despite this, much of the country would still be what would widely be considered "impoverished". Most people in the south live in huts and makeshift houses of mud bricks and wood as well as grass, both out of tradition and culture as well as necessity, while in the north the majority of people still live either within the manmade hills or stalagmite/stalactite caverns. The deserts have always been inhospitable and, despite ongoing efforts to reclaim land from the desert, few people can live outside of the two majority cities within the area - Ohkazaki, the former capital of Gold Country before the Great War, and Ōnamazu, the oasis village south of this former capital that serves as a hub for the desert reclamation project, mining operations and the search for Rysambo. True economic growth takes time and despite the abundance of precious metals available within the country, enough time simply has not passed for the overall quality of life for people to have improved very much. The wealth of the nation is, as of now, mostly on the macro level.

In terms of politics, Gold Country is situated on a precarious balance. During the Great War, Daimyo Aimi Kaguya conquered many lands and was able to unite many peoples for the cause of protection against the larger world powers that surrounded the vulnerable and uneducated peoples that made up the various countries that were once separate from Gold. Now that the Great War is over, Daimyo Aimi Kaguya is constantly trying to balance political power between himself, who represents modernization and progress, the various Samurai clans from different lands who now must work together to form a single cohesive military, who wish to at once retain a level of autonomy and independence as they have always enjoyed, and the various cultures of the peoples he conquered. To say that this is a struggle would be an understatement.

This being the case, however, the over all political climate is... stable. This is due to Daimyo Aimi Kaguya's active presence within country and its' affairs. Not content to model himself like other Daimyo found within the Great Nations, Aimi Kaguya is constantly on the move, taking advantage of his speed and mobility to go from location to location within Gold Country as is needed to sort out issues and details as they arise rather than delegate these issues to another. In this way, while not perfect, he is able to help direct the country in the direction that he sees is best. To deal with the various samurai clans he need only remind them of their oaths that they took and the promises he made to make them into powerful clans on par with the Great Nations, as well as the occasional forceful flex on his part and show them the benefits of unification and modernization. He often relents in allowing their local customs and traditions so long as they do not actively work against industrializing the country as a whole. Examples would be allowing a yearly spring festival hosted by a specific samurai clan at a specific location while disallowing any activities that would disproportionately benefit the samurai "upper class" and keep the "lesser" citizens from improving their lot.

As far as dealings with other nations goes, considering that Gold Country is neighbor to both Wind and Fire territories, dealings with outside nations were inevitable. Particularly in the case of Wind, Daimyo Aimi Kaguya has managed to work out a dealing with the Daimyo of Wind to allow safe passage from the northern and southern parts of the country in exchange for part of the lands in the north and the subsequent return of any citizens who wished to return to their homes in these territories. As for Fire, political dealings are currently tenuous and perpetually in a state of limbo. To put it bluntly, there is simply too much to do within the borders of Gold to openly deal with Fire or even Wind beyond what is absolutely necessary. Thus a tenuous neutrality is in place with the three nations that has yet to evolve beyond the initial dealing with Wind. As for the other Great Nations, and indeed any other nations beyond, Gold Country has had no contact and will continue to do so until such time that the structure of government is more firmly in place.
Culture and People Just as balancing the political and economic situation within the newly formed Gold Country is an ever present challenge, so too is managing and indeed dictating the cultures of the various peoples who live within the country. This challenge, however, is ultimately made easier by the singular unified goal that the country was founded upon: Progress. Many of the people and cultures of Gold Country before the Great War were tribal, nomadic or classist, either stuck in the past in forgotten corners of the world or so entrenched in war and debt that moving forward was impossible. After the Great War and the unification that Daimyo Aimi Kaguya brought, efforts have been made to both unify the various cultures and modernize them in the name of progression.

The tribal peoples enjoy the quality of life increases brought on by modern applications of electricity, plumbing and the onset of non-rudimentary architecture. Those who were at the mercy of nature were given the tools necessary to fight back and expand beyond the stationary forts they were forced to inhabit out of necessity. The class differences of the samurai military, isolated elites and poor civilians is no more. Now there is an exchange of cultures and ideas between all peoples as samurai from all corners of Gold Country patrol and help to maintain infrastructure, as once nomadic peoples and warriors bring their art and religion to bear with more modern sensibilities that help translate them into formal institutions and, most importantly of all, the help and guidance of the Daimyo to model not just any one village or city after the comparative extravagance enjoyed by the Great Nation major cities and ninja villages but instead the entire country! It is the joint effort of all of these things and more to make the country as modern and industrial as possible, to improve the lives of all rather than some.

There are still cultural hubs in the form of cities and villages that serve as flocking points of familiarity for people as well as stations of expansion and progress. In the south is the city of Ulvengrad, built upon a wooden platform and functioning as a stationary boat sat upon Lake Blomst, with it's long huts and single small pyramid make for an already well established settlement that the people visiting from the north can come to. It is here and in smaller settlements around the lake that people come to build villages out of proper materials as well as live periodically when not at the mining operations at Mt. Tletl. Additionally, positioned more in the center of the southern part of Gold Country, is Kusagakure, a military village established during the middle of the Great War that serves as a military hub for all forces, samurai, warriors and pseudo-shinobi who work to patrol the country's borders, help in building efforts and all around participate in the progression of of the country.

Further north are the hill villages that were once heavily defended against the ravages of beast and bandit. Now more free to expand these people have begun to build outwards, living at the foot of the hills rather than solely high up them. Farming and cattle keeping efforts have expanded to such that corals are now possible and the need for banditry has dropped though a few roving bands still exist. Due to the "Great Burning" that occurred during the Great War that culled many of the beasts, it is now possible to continually expand outwards as the numbers of animals has dropped to such a manageable level that, with the help of military personnel, hunting parties are able to keep on top of the demands of nature. Similarly, further north still, the peoples of the stalagmite villages have been able to expand outwards as well from living within these caves to living in the flatlands beyond further south. Communications between these once separate peoples and beyond has never been better! While the 5 year cycle of the Flourishing, Bloodshed and Dying are still present, the "Great Burning" has made it so that, with the help of peoples from other parts of Gold Country and the various military units stationed there, this cycle is for the first time manageable by people and expansion can continue on.

Yet further north are the cities of Ohkazaki and Ōnamazu. The once spoiled people of Ohkazaki have since been greatly humbled by the events of the Great War. No longer isolated from the struggles of the world outside, they have been demoted in status given to them by the formerly corrupt politicians and Daimyo and given a shovel or a pick to help in the efforts to grow the nation. They are now miners, farmers, builders and restorationists, treasure hunters and city finders. They are helped by the people in the oasis city of Ōnamazu who, cheerful and friendly as ever, knew how to ease the sheltered residents into a life of comparative hardship. Together, the two cities serve as important historical and communal sites for the entire country. As the most advanced cities in Gold Country, much of their architecture is used as a building block in terms of societal structure for the rest of the lands further south. Historically speaking there is little more important cities than these two as well as the people who inhabit them and the historical records they have may yet help in rediscovering the Lost City of Rysambo which, once found, would undeniably creature a cultural resurgence that would echo all throughout the newly formed Gold Country.

The peoples and cultures of Gold Country are as that of a machine coming online. Each part of the country is utilized for the betterment of all. Farmland in the south is used to feed the people in the north who have less land to farm, people in the north send wealth and infrastructure down to the south so that they may better flourish, in all parts of the country modernization is currently in progress and the military presence helps to protect and monitor the nation as a whole. In all ways, Gold Country is a new nation that is still in the fires of a forge. People and cultures are mixing, the economy is growing and political aspects are being set in stone. This comes with the growing pains of any country, but the advantages of leadership, wealth and land give the peoples of Gold Country an edge that other nations do not have; they are progressing as one towards a better future that was promised to them, and very quickly rising to become a world presence, isolated no longer.
There is only one true religion within all of Gold Country, and that is the worship of En Framförallt, the Blind Idiot God. Once the dominant religion within the former Land of Plains and Sea, this religion has now become a minority in the much wider expanse of Gold Country but is never the less an important part of the people living there. Harbored mainly in the southern portion of Gold Country, though tendrils of influence have begun to stretch out further north as the people and cultures mix, worship of the Blind Idiot God is a polytheistic religion with a singular chief deity, En Framförallt, and a host of lesser deities all collectively referred to as Tlamatini.

What was once a state mandated religion has become just another piece of culture for the people of Gold Country to share. It has a complex history that enforces most aspects of the native Plains and Sea people's ways of life including their warrior ways, history of raiding, jewelry making and much, much more. Now just a small part of the world at large its' role has been greatly diminished though not forgotten. In the same way that samurai are allowed to continue their own unique festivals, worship of the Blind Idiot God is allowed and indeed, from a certain perspective, it has never been more flourishing. Yet the overall attitude of progression and modernization that permeates Gold Country largely leaves the religion as a relic of an isolated past. Despite this, the minority of people who worship En Framförallt, their jackal headed god, still do so fiercely, believing that their god walks among them to this day.

Sadly, it seems, much of the price of progress is the abandonment of old ways. Rituals and sacred rites are still observed by believers, but it is widespread worry that the religion is being left behind in favor of the new. This has lead to a surge in religious activity in the south that, while not necessarily disruptive, is looked on by "foreign natives" with ire, confusion and misunderstanding. Seen largely as a primitive religion by most people of Gold Country at best and a cult at worst, the fact remains that, much like many other aspects of Gold Country, not enough time has passed for understanding to be had. As such the religion is a point of contention, pride, cultural zeitgeist and mild division between those who worship and those who do not. Time will tell how this religion mixes with the industrial state.
Further Details For further details on the histories and cultures of the individual parts of Gold Country, see the following links.

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[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
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Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:07 pm

Country 12
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Geography and Ecology Located on the Western Coast, the Land of Mercy is dotted with thick temperate forests and gorgeous beaches. Considered a “travel destination” for the wealthy in the post-war world, the Land of Mercy has beautiful scenery, and an aura of peace about it that is practically indescribable. Rivers run through the country, pouring into waterfalls and eventually reaching the ocean. Due to the wealth of natural flora, there is also a wide variety of fauna; small mammals like squirrels and rodents, larger ones such as elk, bears, wild cats, and a vast array of amphibious life that dwells in the muddy shores of the rivers.The wild life in this region have been largely untouched by the residents, leaving them less wary of humans and more willing to interact.

Inherited from it’s mother country - Miracle Country - the Land of Mercy retained control of an Panacea, making the Land of Mercy home to one of the richest medicinal regions in the known world. Mushrooms, herbs, flowers and plants of all varieties grow within the Panacea, some so rare they can no longer be found anywhere else in the world. Twice a year the Panacea experiences a full week where hundreds of varieties of plants will activate their bioluminescence, causing the forest to exude a bright glow through the nights. It is thought that the Panacea holds some ancient magic in it, as people claim they feel aggression and ill-will melt away from them whenever they enter the forest.

People and Culture Following the capture of Dwarf Country and Miracle Country during the Great War, many of the people of both countries would flee and together form the Land of Mercy. As such, the Land of Mercy is filled with a mixed bag of the tall and beautiful natives to Miracle Country, and the short and sturdy people of Dwarf Country. This cultural mix has been a surprising success, due to the uncanny number of philosophical beliefs the group share in spite of their minimal contact prior to the war.

A society of skilled workers, the Land of Mercy is filled with people knowledgeable on just about every field imaginable. This makes them an efficient society The residents of Mercy have fondly taken to calling natives of Miracle ‘Sky People’ and the natives of Dwarf ‘Earth People’; and when referring to both ‘Blessed People’. The pseudo-religious belief systems of love, unity and compassion from the Sky People was practically intuitive to the Earth People who embraced a culture of understanding and togetherness. The vegetarian lifestyle has been adapted by many of the residents of Mercy, but the Earth People brought with them a wealth of knowledge on how to manage livestock with grace and respect and bring a peaceful death for them when they’re ready for meat.

Outsiders, much like they were in both parent countries, are fondly accepted by the Blessed, and are treated as if they have lived their entire lives in this new land. However, after the war they have good reason to be cautious, and those that arrive well armed may find themselves less accepted than others.

Politics and Government The Land of Mercy executes what is called an Indirect Democracy. Decisions are made by any able-bodied person currently in the country by vote. When a law needs to be established, everyone in the country is invited to the Capitol city to meet, where a debate is held regarding the rule. Anyone present - to include children, non-residents, etc - is then given the opportunity to vote. However, if you are not present for the full debate you are not granted the right to vote on that law. This form ensures that only those who have heard all aspects of the law and the positions with it are able to lodge a decision, and it is assumed all voters will do so in good faith. Debates are granted 2 hours, then a vote on an extension of any additional 2 hours is had. This continues until an extension is not voted affirmatively, in which case a vote occurs on whether the law passes or not. All votes require a simple majority, to include electing officials.

The leader of the country is called a Daimyo, but is far less formalized, and is simply someone who remains in the position, and is able to choose their own successor until a vote is passed to remove them.

The government plays a relatively minor role, there is a very small mandatory tax, and otherwise the government will often simply announce that it needs a certain amount of money to perform a task and it is up to the residents to decide if they want to contribute towards the cause or not. This is almost exclusively done for protective measures. Due to what happened during the Great War, the government is reasonably cautious about outside invaders, and has relationships with several outside countries that provide military squadrons to work the borders for Mercy. While they often do little but manage checkpoints, they are well equipped to respond to any sort of attacks.
Last edited by Valkier on Tue Jul 04, 2023 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
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[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
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Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:07 pm

Country 13
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Owl Country

Owl Country
Owl Country is located a ways North-West of Wind country and South-West of Rock Country. Its immediate neighbors are 26 to the north and 18 to the south. Owl Country surrounds a great deal of its eastern neighboring country, 24. Right on the western coast of the continent and nearing the North end, Owl Country is slightly odd in its vast amount of trees and forests which cover the landscape almost entirely all the way to the water's edge. Even though most of the country is dominated by the absurdly large amount of trees, the ground itself has many slants and slopes, being mostly hills in nature. This creates for odd viewing of the landscape from a distance, as when the wind blows it seems as though the entire country is a moving wave of trees.

In the "middle" of both the Northern and Southern parts of Owl Country, the already dense population of trees begins to become even denser, the ground becoming twisted and gnarled, almost entirely covered in roots. The general seasons of Owl Country are not the harshest of conditions, though one should prepare to be rained upon at any given moment if entering the area regardless of the time of year. The summers are not unbearably hot but do get rather humid half-way towards the beginning of fall, even when raining. The winters are not teribbly cold, just barely falling below freezing. Snow is mild, though generally sticks pretty well to the trees and barely gets to the ground. The soil in Owl Country is abundantly rich with minerals. Rock formations sprout up here and there within Owl Country, usually split open over time by trees growing straight through them.
Trees of many kinds make Owl Country their home, though the most common types are pine, fir, and cedar. There is also an abundance of yew and redwood, though the sheer amounts of other trees make the numbers less comparable. Despite this, most of the redwood trees in Owl Country have grown for many, many years and are quite massive in size and tower far above the wildlife which down below. The greatest of these trees is a redwood which rests in the northern end of Owl Country, looming over all of its surroundings with an impressive near 400 feet height and spanning a great many branches to the point where from a distance it can easily be mistaken for a tower.

Many types of flowers grow in Owl Country, though due to the ever so consistent rain they tend to not come in such an abundance as the trees. Notable flowers include the drooping red columbine flowers, many different types of ferns, poison ivy, and various types of mushrooms and fungus though none of them are fit to eat for human consumption. Berries too make there presence in the woodsy country, mostly in the form of chokeberries which can be found in rapid abundance through the entire country, northern and southern. The different varieties of the chokeberries supplies a constant source of them during all times of the year in one type or another, though most humans are unable to access them at all due to the animal residents of the country. Other types of berries can be found in Owl Country as well, though the most prominent throughout the years has always been the chokeberries. There are many edible grasses in the area, and nuts from the trees tend to be in an abundance along the ground level.
It is said that deep within the Northern parts of Owl Country, the Owl King, Yeritai, and his family make their home. Particularly, they claim the gargantuan tower-like redwood and its surrounding area. The trees in the area are seemingly always alive with the thousands of owls that make this their home, high in the treetops away from the quadruped and tetrapod down below. Many of these Owls are Summon Spirits, hiding from the chaos of the human-rich world, driving back most of them that would ever dare to enter. Even still, a great deal of them are regular owls of varying lineage and species that have grown unnaturally large over the course of many, many years. Commonly known Owls in the rest of the world can bee seen as large as six feet tall in Owl Country, with a monstrous wingspan. The Summon Spirits tend to grow even larger. The Owls tend to live in harmony with one another, a fact which seems to boggle the minds of many.

There exists only a small handful of other birds in the entirety of Owl Country, all of which are summon spirits. Of these are Miruka the Fire Swallow, Yeinto the White Cardinal, and Kaziochu the Fluid Crane. Each of these summon spirits are allowed into Owl Country only because they serve as great allies and spies for the Owl King, scouting out into other countries for him.

Down below on the ground level, a variety of frogs, snakes, and mice make their home. Very few of the snakes are venomous, the only notable one being a dark red snake with white rings that flow down its entire body. It has a strange "Y" shaped black marking on its head. This particular snake is able to grow up to eight feet long though never seem to reach such a length as the Owl Clan tend to kill them before they get the chance. Never the less, there are those that manage to survive from time to time and so they continue to breed. The venom secreted by these snakes will cause an extremely irritating burning sensation in the immediately effected area, which can spread through the entire human body over the course of an hour and will eventually stop the heart. Victims of this snake's bite will appear to have been injected with some red substance as their skin will turn nearly blood red by the end of the process.

The frogs in the area come in many different kinds and though most of them are entirely harmless, the Snagger frog is quite different. These frogs are rather unique in appearance, having black limbs and a gray torso if female, or gray limbs and black torso if male. They are exceptionally poisonous, every pore on their body except the stomach secreting an irritant that will cause rashes very similar to poison ivy. These frogs tend to become very large as the snakes in the country avoid them like the plague and the Owls will not eat them, though will tend to kill one once it has grown over a foot in height. The larger the frog gets, the more potent its poison becomes, increasing from a poison-ivy like rash to puss-festering boils from sheer contact. The mice in the area are of no notable concern, the Owl Clan tend to leave them alone for the most part, only killing as many as necessary in order to eat. This allows the mice population to boom in size over time, supplying the Owls with a constant food source.

Though there are many deer in the area as well, it is a constant wonder they they haven't been entirely wiped out by the presence of the Owl Clan and the wolf packs, which seem to have an unspoken mutual agreement with each other that the wolf packs will keep the deer in check, though the wolves always seem to eat more than they truly need to. That said, wolves too tend to make there way into Owl Country from time to time, generally crossing back and forth from 24. They are mostly gray in color and travel in packs of numbers ranging from as few as three to as many as twelve. They tend to group together to hunt the deer in the country, occasionally even going for the mildly numbered fox and rabbits in the area. The fox tend to eat whatever rabbit or squirrel they can get their paws on, while the rabbits and squirrels tend to eat whatever plants and nuts they can get.
There is little political Hierarchy in Owl Country. The entire area is ruled by the Owl King Yeritai, an ancient Spirit Summon that has existed far longer than most anyone in the world can remember. His word is law. He is exceptionally wise and though many view him as cruel, his actions are always for the benefit of his family, or she he tries to have them be anyway. This being the case, nothing goes on within Owl Country without Yeritai knowing about it. Since Yeritai has taken over Owl Country many many hundred of years ago, only a select few humans have ever stepped foot into the area and left unscathed and well.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
Kemurigakure no Sato

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[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
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Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:08 pm

Country 14
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Geography and Ecology Just north of owl country, there lies a forest that the Owl King and his legions have abandoned. Unlike the thick, lush forests that fill his borders, the Spirit’s Nest is blanketed in a dark, black forest. Constantly coated in heavy fogs and mists, the high humidity said to choke those who pass through it. The land is uneven and broken, as if marred by hundreds of earthquakes. There is a deficit of flat land to establish any sort of meaningful architecture on. This forest covers the entirety of the Spirit’s Nest, leading directly up to its recognized borders to the north, south and east, and directly up to the sea to the west. There doesn’t appear to be any openings or break-aways throughout the entire forest, nor any sort of noticeable path that can be followed through it. Rivers run throughout the country, but almost exclusively underground, making accessing water near impossible through the rough hard soil. What above ground water there is is exclusively brackish, slowly moving or entirely still bodies, entirely unusable for drinking or cooking.

The flora of the Spirit’s Nest is of particular note. Unlike most other places in the world, there are no colored plants or flowers throughout the spirits nest. No fruit bearing trees, only leaves that grow to be black or brown. They absorb all spectrums of light, allowing them to grow quite easily and quickly. There are exclusively two types of plants in the Spirit’s Nest: Trees and mosses. The trees have deep roots that burrow far enough into the ground to tap into the rivers flowing under them. Their bark is rough and coarse, with most of the trees covered in several layers of rotting wood before you reach its still living surface. The branches of the trees twist and turn, contorting themselves to reach out and layover branches of other trees to make a thick and complex skeleton-like canopy. The moss however feeds off of the rotting wood, and grows off of the humidity in the air. Thick bushes of moss puff off of the trees, crevices in the ground, and just about anything else it can grow on. Black as night, the moss is often dotted with eggs of various insects that nest within it.

Outside of plants, there are a variety of different fungus that grow within the Spirit’s Nest. Back, white, and shades of grey in-between, the fungi are almost exclusively poisonous (though many do carry hallucinogenic effects as well for those who would want a more interesting way out). They grow unrestrained and uninhibited, some mushrooms growing as large as bushes, or saplings.

There are few fauna within the spirits nest, at least naturally occurring ones. A variety of insects, some growing to be the size of small mammals, make up the bulk of any sort of actual life within it. There are 3 species of toad, all poisonous, and all exclusively nocturnal. They tend to sleep for long periods, and burrow deep enough underground to be able to access the underground reservoirs of water. There are a small number of small snake species within the Spirit’s Nest too, burrowing species that are able dig through the hard dirt of the land.

Finally, as expected given its name, the Spirit’s Nest is rich with spiritual energy that seemed to be naturally produced by the flora in the region. Many spirits cross into the human realm via this region. While few settle in such a lackluster environment, many spirits pass through, and even when one doesn’t, shadows of their presence remain evident. They move through the religion like ephemeral shadows, unrecognizable, but clearly present.

People and Culture Following the fall of the Holy City of Towers, the battles between the armies of Rock Country and Wind Country, the various small countries that made up the region would be broken apart and send refugees that would wander throughout the region. Some would, surprisingly, choose to settle in the Spirit’s Nest. Given the environment, the people are disparate, living in small groups of 10 to 15 at most. The people are highly individualized, carrying fragments of their previous cultures and their own personal beliefs. People from the Land of Forests make up a decent percentage of the population, and brought with them skill in building small homes in the trees, which is the most reliable form of architecture on the otherwise hostile landscape.

Worshipping spirits has become somewhat common among the small groups, doing their best to tender favor from the spirits that call the Spirit’s Nest home in order to gain the additional protection.

Politics and Government There is no centralized government of any form in the Spirit’s Nest, and borders are maintained almost exclusively by the sudden shift to the hostile landscape.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
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[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
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Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:08 pm

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Sunagakure No Sato
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[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
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Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:08 pm

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Experiment 81 v2
Sunagakure No Sato
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[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
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World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:08 pm

Country 17
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Rank 2
The North Wastes Geography: There is little geography of note in the North Wastes, the southern portion of the land is wide flat expanses with little byway of topography. There seems to be some sort of underground tectonic activity, cavern systems, or rivers because there are clear delineations in the flatlands, areas that change suddenly in orientation. Making the flatlands look like a hodgepodge of puzzle pieces forced together. As you hit the median latitude of the country, the flatlands suddenly jettison upwards into steep, practically untraversable mountains. The altitude of the country rises dramatically, and continues to rise as you continue north. It is alleged that there are a variety of wide hospitable plateaus hidden within these mountains, but they remain largely inaccessible due to the surrounding geography. The northern-most border of the country comes suddenly, an enormous cliff-face several miles high that stretches the entire border, there are no beaches or inlets here, only a straight drop that is unquestionably death to anyone who falls it.
Ecology, Climate and Resources:
The North Wastes are the coldest region on the continent. The lands are almost completely covered in a thick sheet of snow and ice. There are only two indigenous species of tree, both species of coniferous trees. There are several types of shrubs and grass, but they exist almost exclusively in the mountains, where the high altitude above the clouds causes a rapid heat-cool cycle due to the direct sunlight, exposing the ground level flora.

There are no large mammals in the region, almost exclusively limited to small species of rodent, and the carnivorous amphibians that feed on them. The rodents tend to have strong claws that let them dig through permafrost and into the tree trunks where they subsist off of tree fibers and root systems. Both tree species in the region produce large, fibrous fruits that are virtually the only source of a variety of vitamins in the region. The largest predator in the region is unexpectedly a reptile, roughy the size of a dog, the Paranacis is a large quadrapedal lizard with a wide flat tail roughly the length of it’s body. The Paranacis has long tall legs that lift it’s body high from the ground, necessarily as it has a large, weeping belly. As a reptile, it’s bodily structure, the wide tail and height, gives its a wide surface area to gather heat from the sun, as well as preventing it from losing heat against the ground. However, the Paranacis is called a “Hydrothermic” species. The lizard’s stomach is filled with a chemical cocktail it’s able to produce by eating the fruits from the tree in the region. When the Paranacis eats snow, when it comes into its belly the water triggers a chemical reaction that releases large quantities of heat, warming the lizard’s body. The Paranacis is omnivorous and will eat virtually anything, they are very fast lizards despite their girth, and are virtually always moving unless they are a sleep. It is easy to see when a Paranacis has recently left an area as there will be large holes in the ground where the warm lizard melted away all the snow as it slept.
Politics and History:
The North Wastes has no indigenous or native people, the terrain unforgiving and untenable. Occasionally people from the surrounding regions will come into the North Wastes to take the giant fruit or hunt the Paranacis, but this is a rare occasion. There has never been any recorded group that has set itself in The North Wastes, primarily due to the lack of resources. A group with enough resources could place itself in this region, but it would be very unlikely that it was a worthwhile use of resources to do so.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
Kemurigakure no Sato

Taishou of Iron Country
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[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
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World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:08 pm

Country 18
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Geography and Ecology The Iron Country is located in the north eastern hemisphere, and is made up of around 220 square miles making it a relatively small country. The country itself is covered in vast mountains, and, due to its position in the globe, appears to be covered in snow almost all year, with the only exception being the area near the borders of the Rock Country which is, despite still incredibly cold, a whole lot warmer than the interior. Due to its temperature, the fauna and flora of this Country is not incredibly varied in terms of families and species, though natural selection has made sure to make them among the strongest and most apt for survival in the world itself.

The entire land is covered in large conifer and fruit trees, such as peaches and pears. Surprisingly there is more fruit and vegetables growing in this country that would be expected such as turnips, parsnips, beetroot, potatoes and other fruit and vegetables that seem to be able to grow in the harsh weather.

There is quite a rich wildlife in the Iron country, such as Foxes , Hare, Puffin, Bald eagle, Bighorn Sheep, Goose, Chipmunk, Bison, Squirrels, Moose, Goose, Beaver, Blue Jay, Flying Squirrel, Heron, Grizzly Bear, Owls, Horses, Wolves, Falcons, Ox, Wolverines, Pigs, Chickens.

The country itself is loaded with Iron beneath its mountains, however no mines have been created in attempts to collect this resource due to the lack of civilians. Despite this, there are still personal mines. Iron Country did not receive its name just for kicks. Each Samurai and Blacksmith family has their own personal mine below their Compound, with their own personal purities of Iron and ways of treating it to make the best of steel. In times of need, these families may sell said Iron, but prefer not to, as they consider it to be only theirs by birth right.
People and Culture The people of the Iron Country are nothing but Samurai Families, Black Smith Families and a good amount of civilian hunters, fishers and chicken/Ox farmers living among them. Every man, woman and child who lives in said families lives by the principles and rules of a Samurai of course, the civilians are influenced by this rigorous philosophy as well. Few make it past childhood without basic training in the art of the sword, even if they don't have one. Bred to be powerful warriors and unmatched with a Katana, many styles have been trained and taught here. It is said that the Samurai Sabre was developed here as a way to counter shinobi.

Speaking of the Samurai Sabre, the only belief that these people hold is that of Spiritual Energy, also known as Qi. They believe that one is only as strong as they attempt to become. Anyone may practice with their Qi via meditation and practice. The Samurai Sabre style was developed as the Samurai practiced channeling their spirits into their weapons in order to increase their power. Needless to say, it worked fairly well.

While historically, the samurai of Iron have held an oath of neutrality, vowing not to intervene in the matters of shinobi villages unless it risks upsetting the balance of the world, a particularly greedy Taisho betrayed this oath during the Great War and opened Iron up to attack. The Taisho that replaced him learned from the mistakes of his predecessor and actually fueled a change in the political landscape, causing Pebble Country to replace them as a neutral force and allowing Iron to become even more self-isolated, focusing entirely on themselves and not engaging with external forces in any way.

The only liveable area within Iron Country is Sanrou or as it is also known, The Three Wolves Mountain. Inside is a complex building built with stone, designed for combat training. There are multiple living accommodations within this mountain as well as a mess hall. It is somewhat ran like a military base but functions as much more. Market, hospital, training grounds, military outpost, living quarters and relaxation center, all in one. It was designed with the idea of creating a safe haven in such a harsh place.

Lastly, even after the growth of the Samurai families in this Country, it is still considered very dangerous and most travellers tend to try and avoid it. After all, it is a freezing cold place inhabited by expert hunters who can barely see through the snow, wolves, bears, longhorn sheep, ox and much more. Spending more than a day in this country is almost a request for damage and injury.

A recent Taisho called for the creation of a secondary village, deep within the wilds of Iron Country. Named Seikoujo, this military facility is used as a training outpost to truly test their samurai. At a point in every samurai’s training, they are sent out to Seikoujo, forced to exist in the harsh climate for a month with nothing but their blade. In this time, the samurai’s Qi is refined, and their resolve tested, those who fail are lost to the harsh outdoors and those who survive are made greater for it. The incredibly harsh and expectant nature of Iron Country’s culture has made for this to be a moment most look forward to.
Politics and Government The Land of Iron unlike other countries does not have a Daimyo. It is too small a country to have one, with this fact being only worsened as it only has one hospitable place.

However, the Land of Iron does however have a Taisho, who is the leader of the Samurai army. The Taisho’s word is law. If they suddenly decide on mass murder, the Samurai follow the orders and that's final. This system functions on the basis that the Samurai's leader is the Taisho, and the Taisho's leader is his or her people, therefore bounding them to make the best and most just of decisions, becoming a way to avoid said mass murder

There is no council to vote, but before any major decisions, every Samurai, man and grown woman has the right to participate in one large appointment in the Three Wolves Mountain's great hall. There, they may express their opinion.

The Taisho is chosen on one thing alone, by strength. This being physical strength and spiritual strength. Anyone may become the Taisho. They must face three tests: The Test of Honour and Loyalty, which consists of having to wear a blindfold and follow instructions no matter the dangers their other senses may detect. Second, the test of Wit, where they must defeat the Land of Iron's current champion of Go and Shogi. Lastly, the test of Sharpness, where they must simply challenge the current Taisho and defeat them in one on one battle. This however doesn't have to be a fight to the death, as the Samurai want as many strong warriors as possible.

Iron was a major force that allowed for Pebble Country to rise to its immense international strength and play such a strong role. Neither country have any need for each other, given their individual strength and ability to produce any resources they need for themselves, however they do share an alliance by merit. It’s incredibly unlikely Iron would ever call for Pebble for support, but the countries do occasionally exchange pleasantries, or send samurai to each other to do additional training.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
Kemurigakure no Sato

Taishou of Iron Country
Kirigakure No Sato
Experiment 81 v2
Sunagakure No Sato
The Soul Host
Iwagakure No Sato
Special Jounin
The Tungsten Princess
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[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
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World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:09 pm

Country 19
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Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
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Taishou of Iron Country
Kirigakure No Sato
Experiment 81 v2
Sunagakure No Sato
The Soul Host
Iwagakure No Sato
Special Jounin
The Tungsten Princess
Sunagakure No Sato
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[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
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World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:09 pm

Country 20
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Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
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Taishou of Iron Country
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Experiment 81 v2
Sunagakure No Sato
The Soul Host
Iwagakure No Sato
Special Jounin
The Tungsten Princess
Sunagakure No Sato
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[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
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World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:09 pm

Country 21
Rank 6
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New Tea Country
Part of the Heart Empire

Geography & Resources

The coast of Tea country is littered with sandstone cliffs that rise upwards of forty feet in the air at their highest. These cliffs are home to the largest population in the country, with each major city housing over twenty thousand people, whose homes are carved directly out of the cliff side, as well as on top of the cliffs. Aside from the sheer cliffs of Tea Country, the coast also has many white sand beaches, whose turquoise blue water has also attracted numerous people. Inland of the beaches are many fishing towns, with piers that reach four to five miles into the sea. At the end of these piers, and even further into the sea, are floating villages that are crafted out of the bones of massive sea creatures.

The primary resource of Tea Country are the creatures of the sea. The denizens of Tea Country hunt animals of all sizes in the depths of the ocean, and do not waste a single inch of their kills. Whales are hunted for their oil, fat, meat, bones, and even their skins, while lobster, crabs, and turtles are hunted not only for their meat, but for their hard carapaces. Even coral is grown, and harvested as one would trees for lumber. Inland, the trees of the many forests are carefully harvested for lumber, fruits, and medicinal herbs, with the various animals within also being hunted for food. Thanks to the efforts of Ikuto and the Kobushi Kaishuu, proper Tea Country tea is also being grown again, and is a hot commodity that does well on international markets.

Traveling further into Tea Country, there is the Laughing Desert. The citizens of the Laughing Desert, like those of Tea Country’s coast, utilize every inch of their homeland. Not only do they hunt the various wildlife of their desert homeland, but they also grow and harvest the flora that grows naturally within the desert. While the homes of the coastal citizens are built out of the stone from the cliffs they live on, the homes of those within the Laughing Desert are all underground. All of their above ground buildings are constructed out of a mixture of animal bones, leather, lumber, and red clay.

Ecology & Climate
During summer, regions of Tea Country are strongly influenced by cold ocean currents which keep the weather in the region very dry, stable, and pleasant. Similar to desert climates, in Tea Country there is a strong diurnal character to daily temperatures in the warm summer months due to strong heating during the day from sunlight and rapid cooling at night.

In winter, Tea Country is no longer influenced by the cold ocean currents and therefore warmer water settles near land and causes clouds to form and rainfall becomes much more likely. As a result, areas with this climate receive almost all of their precipitation during their winter and spring seasons, and may go anywhere from 3 to 6 months during the summer without having any significant precipitation.

Tea Country is particularly noted for its spectacular array of endemic plants, with 52 percent of the 22,500 species found nowhere else in the world. Due to the long history of human occupation on the coast of Tea Country, many of the forests have been replaced by floristically rich scrubland. This ubiquitous scrub is sometimes classified into different types, depending on factors such as the plant composition and soil type, although the boundaries between these are blurred, producing a mosaic of plant communities. Perhaps the most iconic inhabitant of the shrubland is the olive tree (Olea europaea), a small, evergreen tree best known for its edible fruit. A range of familiar aromatic shrubs such as lavender (Lavandula), thyme (Thymus) and rosemary (Rosmarinus) also grow there, along with medically important plants like felty germander (Teucrium polium). As well as providing an array of habitats, this complex mixture of plants puts on a spectacular floral display every spring.

The forested areas of Tea Country are much more diverse than those found in other areas of the world. Of the 290 tree species native to Tea Country, an incredible 201 are endemic. The cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani) in particular is renowned for its timber, having been utilized for hundreds of years. The sea off the coast of Tea Country is host to a range of unique plants, including up to 200 endemic macroscopic species. One of the most important marine vegetation types, however, is the meadows of seagrass, such as Posidonia oceanica, which supports over 80 percent of the fish yield in Tea Country.

The sea, forests, and xeric shrubland of Tea Country is home to a wide variety of animals. In the sea the most common animals are the Monk seals, Loggerhead turtles, Shortfin Mako sharks, Saltwater Crocodiles, Bluefin Tuna, Rabbit fish, Dalmatian pelican, Dusky grouper, Angel shark, and the Balearic shearwater. However, there are some fish that are rarely found within the waters off the coast of Tea Country. After traveling out at least twenty miles, Giant Squid can be found on occasion, as well as massive sea snakes, Blue, and Orca whales, as well as what the fishermen of Tea country call Leviathan Dragons.

On the coast of Tea Country there are animals such as the Lynx, Spanish Imperial Eagle, many various types of lizards, with the largest being the Komodo Dragon, though another large lizard found on the coast are the Iguanas. Aside from the lizards there are many birds, and insects, such as the Dragonfly, that all live on, or around, the cliffs of Tea Country’s coast. Within the forests of Tea Country, the prominence of the Lynx becomes more pronounced, as it is the largest wild cat within Tea Country’s forests, though there are smaller wild cats. There are elk, antelope, and even barbary sheep that have escaped from their pens all living within the forests. There are large constrictor snakes, as well as venomous snakes, all living within the branches. There are field mice, boars, monkeys, and apes, even the Hyenas from the Laughing Desert will wander into the forest from time to time. The rarest animals within the forest, however, are the Silverback Gorillas, and the large elephants, which rarely leave the forest.

Within the Laughing Desert, some of the more common animals are the Caracal, Striped Hyena, Coyotes, Rattlesnakes, Addax Antelope, Arabian Horse, Bats, Bighorn Sheep, Collared Peccary, Desert Elephants, Dingoes, Dromedary, and the Fennec Fox. However, some of the more uncommon animals are the Ibex, Nine-Banded Armadillo, the Giant Armadillo, Oryx, and the Peregrine Falcon.

While those on the coast primarily eat fish, and raise lambs for slaughter, those within the Laughing Desert eat primarily the Addax Antelope, though they will eat any animal that they are capable of killing.

Politics, Economy, & History
New Tea as it is colloquially known is a country that was formed during The Great War taken by a Shogun desperate for power and land abandoning their home in the process, giving free reign for Water Country to establish footing in the mainland. With a new land and the ravishes of war, the people struggled to establish themselves economically bringing a wave of famine and poverty. Tea was liberated by the organisation known as the Kobushi Kaishuu, by rallying the people to revolt promising them a future. Becoming the largest exporter of Tea Leaf across the entire world has brought a huge boost to the country’s economy, due to the lush weather and the countries knowledge and expertise of tea growing makes it well sought after and is said to be the best tea money can buy.

New Tea is the home of one of the most ancient lineages of Samurai in the world, their unique kenjutsu known as Iaido is well sought after, having a variety of Dojos and masters teaching the style. Even though they live through a very traditional Samurai system they are under the jurisdiction of the Heart Empire and The Grand Shogun, however it has a local council led by the Shogun. This position is either gained by a vote by the council or can be attained by challenging the Shogun Zhang-Gi, a form of one on one martial combat and is usually decided by the fighters ability to draw their sword.

At the time of writing, New Tea and the Heart Empire keep a position of friendliness with all sovereign governments and the Big Five. Trade deals have been made with many countries, mostly offering luxury goods in exchange for things such as metals from Iron Country, or wood from Fire Country. However, the Empire does not have a pacifistic culture, and has strong anti-slavery and anti-tyranny outlooks, liable to step in to worldly affairs as they see fit.

Culture and People
Being a newly founded refugee state with a mixture of peoples primarily from Old Tea, River Country, and its former inhabitants of Shark Country, New Tea Country (and especially its capital city of Xincha) is a melting pot of cultures and peoples from various sectors of the world. This melting pot leads to a lot of intercultural mingling that has led to changes in many parts of the culture, including architecture (which has shifted to more quickly built western-style buildings), clothing (which has become more tight-fitting western-style jackets and accessories), and more. Of course traditionalists still exist, especially in more well-known or powerful families from before the war, only lending more to the clash of cultures.

While in general the populace intermingle in a friendly fashion, those who identify strongly with their prior places of residence tend to become more secular, leading to minor segregation between expatriots of different refugee groups. This segregation has led to the existence of towns within towns, and even organized crime that some get into to protect their stretch of the city, and others get into for greed. Such organized crime is handled by a branch of the military that specializes in catching criminals with minimal harm, to take them to a prison for punishment and rehabilitation.

Thanks in part to new technologies, but also a change in leadership, most communities look after each other and enjoy socialized government programs, including access to doctors, and help during disasters. While chakra access is slowly becoming more available, and the steam technology makes these things more prevalent than ever, people still fall through the cracks, a testament to no system being perfect despite constant improvements.

Holidays & Religion
Being such a mishmash of cultures, New Tea celebrates many different holidays from many different origins and religions. Internationally through the empire, two are primarily celebrated: Heiji day, and Kaibyaku. Heiji day is well known outside of the empire as being the yearly celebration of the end of the Great War, when leaders from the Big Five send representatives to Steam Country to pay their yearly reparations. Kaibyaku is a celebration within the empire, celebrating the founding of the Heart Empire, the day that New Tea was freed from its despotic ruler.

Both of the above mentioned holidays are widely celebrated by all, with a late spring festival for Kaibyaku being especially famous and attracting visitors from all over the world. However, the individual cultures tend to have their own celebrations, and while the original intent may not be understood by all, the celebrations are often joined in regardless.

Kyoutei is a day in early summer when a grand boat race is held. This holiday originates from Shark Country, and celebrates a creation myth wherein the god of the sea brought the first humans to land as punishment, and they now race back out to sea in defiance. These races are typically held in small to mid-size boats with crews ranging from 2-5 people. The destination of the race changes every year, with some races lasting only a few hours, and others going nearly a week long.

Gotta is celebrated in the first days of winter with a grand feast that often lasts two or three days. Traditionally from River Country, this holiday celebrated the end of the fishing season, and the people hold a feast in the name of Takiyasha-Hime, a deity who is said to have freed her people from the clutches of demons and allowed them to settle in River Country for the first time.

New Tea, synonymous with it’s name sake is the largest exports of Tea Leaves across the entire world. Twice a year, there will be two flushes on Tea Leaves one in spring and one in summer, making the Flush Festival. Every member of New Tea, citizen, tea, shogun, or diplomat alike will put aside all personal needs and give themselves to the farms. Tea will be picked, boxed and processed to be exported and once complete the country will celebrate as equals, drinking varied teas and pairing them with specific dishes.

While not all holidays celebrated feature creation myth or deities, most people in New Tea are spiritual in one way or another. While making an exhaustive list of the many kinds of spiritualism present isn’t realistic, a lot of parallels can be drawn to Shintoism. Common themes include spirits present in everyday objects (I.E. a spirit of the plow who oversees the fields, usually considered personal to each object) to spirits who exist in context with ideologies and grander concepts (I.E. a spirit of freedom, or a spirit of the fishing harvest.) These spirits are sometimes seen in parallel to spirits that shinobi can summon, but are often seen as a greater, or perhaps lesser, kind of spirit that cannot present itself to humans in a physical form.

New Technology, Schooling, & Military Service
Thanks to the efforts of Kisama, Oban and the rest of her clan, New Tea and by extension the rest of the Heart Empire enjoys technological breakthroughs powered by compressed steam. These steam contraptions range from steam-powered horses to assist in pulling wagons, to steam-based heating and cooling systems from houses, and many things inbetween, giving them some modern comforts that industrialized chakra offers the great ninja villages. This technology is readily available to peoples from all walks of life, though like any technological advancement the latest models and densest concentration of it is most readily available to those with the money to get it for themselves first.

These new technological advancements and cultural shifts have also led to a mass effort towards education. The world’s first Shinobi Samurai Academy (Doushikai Academy, funded by both the state as well as private investors) has opened up its doors in the capital of Tea Country. The academy is one of many that has sprung up, providing free education to any who wish to seek it, even those from outside the borders of the Heart Empire. For children of the heart empire, this education is required, at a minimum, from the ages of six till fourteen, though those with extenuating circumstances are often given leave. The academies are plentiful enough to cover even the most remote reaches of the Heart Empire.

These academies also serve as military training, which all citizens of the Heart Empire are expected to undergo. This military training includes basic fitness and health education, several fighting styles depending on what regional teachers are available, and even classes on chakra manipulation. Those participating in the free schooling are also pushed into community service that ranges from picking weeds in the fields to acting as guards against bandits on trade routes, depending on individual ability and need.

Military service after training is not required, nor are the leadership likely to institute a draft in most circumstances outside of actions in defense of the empire. Those who wish to find employment in the Heart Empire military after their mandatory schooling will continue to report to their local academy for further education, as well as an appointed commander who will continue to give them missions of community service in peacetime. Samurai are well compensated for their efforts, and enjoy the freedom of a 2 year contract to retire when they please.

Being not of ninja origins, despite teaching some ninjutsu techniques in their academies, the Heart Empire does not recognize ninja ranking systems for their soldiers, instead opting for a ranking system based off of the four seasons, starting with fall, the beginning of the fishing season from the first Shogun's home country, and progressing through the seasons in order. Below is the list of rankings.
Akibushi (Fall Samurai) 秋

Fuyubushi (Winter Samurai) 冬

Harubushi (Spring Samurai) 春

Natsubushi (Summer Samurai) 夏

Tanenseibushi (Perrenial Samurai) 多年生
Last edited by Valkier on Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
Kemurigakure no Sato

Taishou of Iron Country
Kirigakure No Sato
Experiment 81 v2
Sunagakure No Sato
The Soul Host
Iwagakure No Sato
Special Jounin
The Tungsten Princess
Sunagakure No Sato
The Revolutionary
Past CharactersShow
[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
[Futokutei Yasunari :: Konohagakure No Sato – Genin]

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Ace Trainer
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World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:10 pm

Country 22
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Rank 4
Hoshi no Kuni
The Land of Stars

  • Geography & Resources:
The terrain of Hoshi no Kuni is unique from the rest of the world due to a large concentration of craters dotting the country, while many of the older craters have over time have become unrecognisable some of the lands scars have been unable to heal. This gives the country an unusual appearance as a sub tropic broadleaf forest attempts to cut straight through the heart of the country, yet it finds itself broken in places by rocky craters of earth and what the locals have come to call star rock. In other places where the wildlife has managed to take over once more it has created a strange effect of a forest amongst dozens of valleys attempting to compete with each other, this creates a multi-tier effect through out vast portions of the land making traversal of this land a nightmare to the unprepared or inexperienced. In places where larger celestial bodies had impacted this changes up the terrain even further, creating seemingly daunting pointy peaks that surround vast basin like valleys. Many of these valleys no matter their hold ruins designed vary much with a Mayan/Aztec aesthetic to them, the older the ruins the more the vegetation has begun to reclaim what was once it's domain.
Image Example 1Show
Image Example 2Show
The majority of the water in Hoshi no Kuni has pooled in many of the craters and valleys, most streams having to pass through the walls of these craters to join up with any lakes. The country is devoid of anything large enough to be considered a river, a lot of the natural bodies of water tend to be stagnant and not fit for human consumption as a result. The Land of Stars is nestled between the Land of Wind, Fire and Earth bordering with each of them directly leaving the land with some key strategic value despite it's harsh unpredictable terrain.

The Country itself holds very few natural resources they can export other than the star rock, the one thing they do have is a extensive road network they have constructed through the uneven terrain that the craters have caused in their land along with the people willing to work those roads to deliver goods. While the land no longer suffers frequent meteor strikes some small impacts are made every so often to keep the supply of star rock from running out, it is in abundant supply within the countries craters. It has generally been used in the making of Jewellery and other such trinkets due to it's unusual patterns and colours, it has also been used to increase the durability of tools when mixed in with steel implements.

The southern most portion of the land of Stars sees a very different landscape, having seen the least amount of impact from any celestial bodies the terrain here remains relatively flat compared to the majority of the country. Leaving the land perfect for farming, many of the forests there have been cleared to make way for vast farmland. The crater impacts that do exist create nothing more than a rolling hill vibe amongst the grassland that has been cleared, the occasional coniferous forest clump together breaking up the long stretches of farm land and hillocks.
Southern Stars - 星の国の南Show
In the center of the country lies the second largest crater of them all, it is here that the many roads of the country pass through making it a key crossroad to trade between the surrounding countries and with the land of Stars itself. Built not only due to it's location but also being one of the more frequent and reliable sources of both clean water and star rock, the jungle itself has been cleared away over time both within the crater and some of the surrounding area making it one of the most accessible areas in the country if you were not to include the southern end of Hoshi No Kuni. In the giant crater the inhabitants of the country have built their capital city, in an attempt to be poetic they named it Heaven's Landing.
Heaven's Landing - 天国の着陸Show
One other area of key note that makes this country unique is the resting place of a spirit who has resided in the land far longer than anything in the country, before the breach between worlds brought chakra into the physical world and long before man had dominated the land large prehistoric creatures roamed the land, many held avian and reptilian features and are thought to have ranged through different sizes. A lone spirit fell through a crack that had begun to form between the worlds, this "crack" would later have potential significance in the breach that followed whether this is true however is entirely speculative. This lone spirit came to reside in this portion of the land falling in love with the climate, when the stars began to fall down killing many of the prehistoric creatures the spirit protected those within it's land draining vast amounts of it's energy as it did so. To this day the Spirit still slumbers in the center of the largest crater of the country on the western side in full view of Heaven's Landing is Ancient's Rest, the surviving prehistoric creatures reside within this large crater protecting their saviour from would be interlopers.
Ancient's Rest - 古代の残りShow

  • Ecology/Climate:
In the southern most portion of Hoshi no Kuni the weather tends to be considered more normal when compared to the rest of the county, they tend to have longer summers and shorter winters, a reasonable amount of rainfall not too much as to swamp the land but not so little that the summers dry out the land. The wildlife tends to be deer, wolves and gamefowl. The plant life typical to what you would find in a coniferous forest in the areas where the forests have been left intact, the grasslands tend to hold mostly crops or are used for grazing of cattle. Most domesticated animals in this region are dogs, cats, sheep, horses, goats and cows etc. The food produced from this area however is not always enough to feed the Northen portion of the land with the Capital taking priority.

North of the farm land of Southern Star is more complex, it tends to be summer nearly all year around here occasionally being broken up by subtropic rainstorms around the time most places experience winter, even during this time the rain feels warm. The inhabitants of this portion of the land who do not have the luxury of living in the capital find themselves hunting the local wildlife, eating from berries and other fruit provided by the vast jungles of their land. This can lead to dangers however as some of the local wildlife is just as capable as hunting them back.

Over the many years since the Prehistoric creatures were first saved they have flourished inside their crater, a few thousand years back however one of the worst rainstorms finally eroded a section of the natural wall that surrounded Ancient's Rest spilling forth a new wave of wildlife within the northern lands of the country. The beasts that now inhabit it are fortunately very acclimatised to the subtropic environment they have lived in for so long that they do not fair well outside of it. Most of the larger reptiles stick to the lower levels of the valleys, there are many predators however that are more than capable of traversing the precarious terrain of Hoshi No Kuni. Not all these prehistoric creatures are vicious killers there are some that prefer the slow life of grazing on flora and wandering at a steady pace in their herds.

The hunting of any of these creatures is highly illegal without the correct permits which in themselves are difficult to obtain, breach of these laws can result in public humiliation and execution as the people believe the animals quite sacred. Much of the plant life in this region vary in things such as vines, creepers, underbrush vegetation and trees of various shapes and sizes. Some regions see more dense clusters of tall trees creating canopies that can block out a vast majority of sunlight letting just enough through to light it up during the daytime and feed some of the lower plant life in small rays, other regions see more sparse clusters and shorter trees opening up to more rocky sections of the land.

Those who are permitted to hunt these great beast not only are fully equipped to hunt these beasts but also have learnt to respect the fact that these are a rare species and that over hunting could lead to their eventual extinction as such trophy hunting is completely taboo and all components that are not usable by the people along with the blood of the creature are returned to the ground in an almost ritualistic fashion this also helps to identify those who hunt the creatures illegally as they tend to be unaware of such a ritual.

One other unique property of this country is the star fall, while less common for celestial bodies to strike the land they are still seen on a regular basis soaring across the night sky and sometimes even during the day. Once a year the night sky becomes covered in an endless sea of shooting stars that sail through the night sky in vibrant colours, while the frequency of shooting stars at other times of the year is becoming less over time this one time during the end of winter is a constant.
  • Politics/People/History
The people here tend to look just like a vast majority of the other main land residents, their skin tone tends to lean towards darker colours from obvious tans to almost ebony mostly due to the climate in Hoshi No Kuni. Their architecture tends to be ancient south american in design taking heavy inspiration from Mayan and Aztec culture, the exception to this is southern star which have been heavily influenced by much of the feudal Japanese architecture that is popular throughout the rest of the world.

The inhabitants of Hoshi No Kuni are split into three different caste:
Those who inhabit the South of Hoshi No Kuni tend to have adopted a more traditional feudal Japanese appearance due to the influence of neighbouring countries, the inhabitants of these lands tend to mainly be farmers, hunters and craftsmen and while pleasant enough to outsiders the occasional bandit raids have caused a small leaning of caution upon the inhabitants of the south who tend to live in more isolated parts. Southerners who live on the trade posts and subsequent roads that lead south out of the country tend to be more tolerant of even the most rowdiest of outsiders. The vast amount of trade going through the country tends to bring enough protection with it that acts a deterrent to the majority of would be brigands.

The southerners have a relationship of necessity with the northerners, providing the capital with food in return for protection and wealth they tend to speak ill of their northern brothers and sisters behind closed doors only. They are subject to all laws that come down from the capital even if they don't always agree with them, the people in this region are treated fairly by the current ruler but the system of government is such that it could easily lead to making things difficult for the inhabitants of the south. Most people from the south are well off compared to the poor of many other countries, this is due to the bustling economy of the country through trade.
The dominant members of the country being the largest in population and also holding the center of trade in the region, many of the inhabitants of the Northern Junglescape have learnt to coexist with the land to some degree. Some of them have even domesticated the reptile-avian beasts that roam the jungles, turning them into household pets and beasts of burden. The Capital even has an entire defense force based on fighting alongside the more ferocious beasts, some of the larger more docile ones have been used in construction of various roads and towns by flattening out the landscape to suit the northerner's needs.

The Capital itself incorporates a subtle blend of the feudal style of the south and the Aztec/Mayan culture of their heritage, mixing ziggurat structures with pagodas and the like giving a rather unique feel that can't be found elsewhere in the country. Many of the other towns owned by the northerners are built along trade routes, they tend to hold more of the Mesoamerica feel to them having homes built into cliff faces in some places to conserve on space while other buildings being built on higher ground and lower ground with steps carved to get to each.

The people may be friendly and welcoming but they are by no means naive, knowing that as a smaller country they were easy pickings for the larger nations of Earth, Wind and Fire around them they settled for using something else than military might to maintain their freedom. Building a big name for themselves in trade, using the difficult terrain also as a selling point as only the local knew how to navigate it best over time the people built up enough wealth to act as a deterrent from any would be invaders. After all it was coin that won wars is a great philosophy shared by many of the past rulers of this nation, the consequences that would come from one of the five nations trying to invade this place would extend to upsetting the other neighbouring pair which acts as further deterrent at present. Not to mention invading this place is a logistical nightmare due to the terrain and the way that all the roads and bridges have been built so they can be sabotaged with ease by the authorities, the reason as to why this does not have any consequences for the inhabitants is explained further below. Along with the logistical nightmare comes the ferocious beasts which guarantee to make any invasion costly even if there is a victory.

People from the north tend to be Traders and Merchants, Hunters, Gatherers, Craftsmen and Jungle Riders (see spoiler below).
Some small groups have continued to avoid progress, because these individuals remain in seclusion for the most part very little is known about them. They hold a coming of age ceremony for their male offspring that involves surviving in the Ancient's Rest for three months, most of these tribes tend to have a tribal elder structure of government. Each tribe tends to have small differences but by and large they keep to themselves and will go out of their way to avoid outsiders.

The Jungle RidersShow
The reason the locals are confident they will survive without their road network is due to the Kakkū Hachūrui or Gliding Reptiles which have existed for as long as the locals have worked alongside the reptiles from Ancient's Rest. The people who ride them are known as Jungle Riders and they perform the function of couriers, traders and scouts. They tend to have developed a special bond with their animal of choice the Kakkū Hachūrui, many of them are trained from a young age and are well versed in spear techniques along with intel gathering techniques, pathfinding, survival and guerrilla tactics. The beasts themselves are similar to raptors in many respects, folded under their arms however is a very small membrane that can be stretched out to temporarily slow a fall for short distances while this can't cross great chasms coupled with their razer sharp claws with inhuman grip strength that are suited to scrambling and climbing up uneven terrain they are more than capable of travelling the more precarious paths in a rapid fashion.
The System of government is one based around their trade lifestyle, at the end of every year marked by the star fall across the sky a festival is held in the capital. It is a time for everyone to get together and appreciate the year they have had and to try new things, being a trading city first and foremost the festival tends to always have something new going on every year but one thing always remains.

The Annual Weight happens at the very end of the festivals, all the big merchant families gather and go through an audit of all their wealth both in assets, contracts and physical value. The person who is deemed the "wealthiest" is elected as the leader for the year, this can at times lead to the merchant king swinging trade laws in their favour so they can continue to stay in power very few people have any disagreement with this method as it just adds to the challenge. The every day people tend not to feel to hard done by this system either as they see much of the return on such a competitive trading environment, there are many who can sign up for work that way and there is very little in the way of poverty when it is compare to other countries. The only people who tend to disagree with the government's structure and the modernisation of this country are the tribes, even the southern population understand the benefits they are receiving from the way the north has handled affairs the tribe however are stubborn and stuck in their ways. Below the Merchant King are the wealthy merchant families who have no real power except to vote out an unjust Merchant King this rarely happens as they Merchant King tends to curry favour with the families and also is a member of at least one of those families usually. Until the next Annual Weight a regent will be appointed from the second wealthiest from the previous Annual Weight.

The country and it's citizens always try to maintain a good relationship with other countries - especially making strong ties to the three great nations surrounding it - not seeking to gain any land but always looking to secure the best trade deals that will further strengthening their ability to justify their existence as a country. When moving goods they either rely on Jungle Rider convoys to navigate the vast majority of the country spreading the load amongst the beasts of burden or they will use the roads that twist through the rough landscape if they rely on the first method there are usually trade points to load and unload to the Jungle Rider Convoys in their employ as the Gliding Reptiles like all the rest of their kind do not fair well outside their typical climate. From these trade outposts they are loaded onto more traditional means of moving cargo, all cargo that goes through this land is usually taxed and has begun a trend of Rogue Jungle Riders smuggling goods at a more reasonable price through the country for those who wish to avoid taxation on trade goods.
se who wish to avoid taxation on trade goods.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
Kemurigakure no Sato

Taishou of Iron Country
Kirigakure No Sato
Experiment 81 v2
Sunagakure No Sato
The Soul Host
Iwagakure No Sato
Special Jounin
The Tungsten Princess
Sunagakure No Sato
The Revolutionary
Past CharactersShow
[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
[Futokutei Yasunari :: Konohagakure No Sato – Genin]

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Ace Trainer
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World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:11 pm

Country 23
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Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
Kemurigakure no Sato

Taishou of Iron Country
Kirigakure No Sato
Experiment 81 v2
Sunagakure No Sato
The Soul Host
Iwagakure No Sato
Special Jounin
The Tungsten Princess
Sunagakure No Sato
The Revolutionary
Past CharactersShow
[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
[Futokutei Yasunari :: Konohagakure No Sato – Genin]

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Ace Trainer
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World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:11 pm

Country 24
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Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
Kemurigakure no Sato

Taishou of Iron Country
Kirigakure No Sato
Experiment 81 v2
Sunagakure No Sato
The Soul Host
Iwagakure No Sato
Special Jounin
The Tungsten Princess
Sunagakure No Sato
The Revolutionary
Past CharactersShow
[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
[Futokutei Yasunari :: Konohagakure No Sato – Genin]

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Ace Trainer
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World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:11 pm

Country 25
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Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
Kemurigakure no Sato

Taishou of Iron Country
Kirigakure No Sato
Experiment 81 v2
Sunagakure No Sato
The Soul Host
Iwagakure No Sato
Special Jounin
The Tungsten Princess
Sunagakure No Sato
The Revolutionary
Past CharactersShow
[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
[Futokutei Yasunari :: Konohagakure No Sato – Genin]

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Ace Trainer
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World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:11 pm

Country 26
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Rank 3

The Whirlpool Country is a warm country, filled with vast and wide grasslands, mixed forests, temperate broadleaves. It is home to many rivers, which cover the entire country, cutting apart its various islands. It has multiple and long mountain groups around its edges, which creates natural valleys and terraces, as well as a natural defense. This country is positioned in the north east section of the world map, between the Fire Country & the Lightning Country. It is used as a pathway for trading caravans, and has many flowing rivers and canals for small trading boats to make way between towns and cities.

Ecology, Climate and Resources:

The entire land space is covered in grass and pine forests, though there are several fruit tree-covered plains, such as apple, pear and orange fields. The country is lightly populated with a few crime dens that are rotting away, and have yet to be fully eradicated. There are a few towns spaced out that are in a bare-bones state with a strong presence of military attempting to keep peace and help rebuild. Its capital is located in a pit of the borderline near Fire Country so that it may call for aid if needed.

Wolves, Panda, Bats, Shrews, Moles, Sables, Sea Otters, Hares, Rabbits, Badgers, Mice, Racoon Dogs, Sea Lions, Squirrels, Weasels, Foxes, Deer, Serow, Koi Fish, Rats and Bears populate this Country, keeping it active and filled with life, while still somewhat dangerous for the occasional regular farmer or trader.

The climate is normal, almost lukewarm all throughout the year, though it does suffer from the regular weekly storm which ravages the land and the sea. The only real evident and permanent characteristic is Whirlpool's insane amount and variety of whirlpools. The rivers are testaments of this as they are literally filled with them. These waters are not for any inexperienced sailor or swimmer. Despite the ecology being hostile during storms or whirlpools creating dangerous conditions, the trained sailors of Whirlpool are no stranger able to expertly navigate the waters, and prevent them from taking them.

People and Culture:
The Whirlpool Country was a major trading ally of Konhagakure, very much like the tea country was. However, when a gigantic tidal wave struck the country, the entire poplulace was completely wiped out. The hidden village of the Fire Country, Konohagakure donned the symbol formerly used by Whirlpool on their flak jackets as a mark of respect and a way to remember their allies.

The Whirlpool Country was, put in gentle words, a place for the less reputable members of society. Thieves and bandits who attack trading carvans and a major hub for missing ninja. If something in Whirlpool seems too good to be true, it always is. The ruins of Whirlpool's cities were used as hideouts and illegal markets for missing ninja and bandits and few people who go there without permission come out unscathed. Whirlpool was a dangerous route to navigate during its terrible past, during this time many people died attempting to reach lightning country via ground or air. This was known the Route of Flame & Storms.
The Present

Now Whirlpool Country is a country that has a few sparse towns with more popping up. Its returned to its hunting and fishing roots for economics. Its people are a very diverse culture with no set way as it varies from people to people due to the mass immigration encouraged by the returning ruling family. They aim to rebuild a society fit for all to come and partake in to rebuild their lives, and be a contributing member to the growth of Whirlpool's hopeful rebuild. The people are trained by the nobles of old in the ways of managing the waterways, and the trades that once populated the area making the populace close with the ruling family. With the diversity comes disputes from the different walks of life and cultures that populate the towns. There are few feuds that are kept on the low with the military intervening with civil courts and nobles mediating the differences people face from the diversity.

With this Whirlpool country seems to be on an upwards trend of growth as it expands its trading allies, and hopefully grows to become a large trading hub sitting in-between Lightning Country, Fire Country, Tea Country, Water Country, Rock Country, and etc. they seek to expand their trade to help build a stronger region to prevent the tragedy from occurring to any neighboring country or themselves again.

Due to the natural disaster that effected the Whirlpool Country its entire populace were killed, deeming it a lawless place not important enough to be cleansed. Ruled by bandits and thieves, this means it has no political power.
Whirlpool Country is ruled by a Daimyo, and a noble family that passes its rule down by the generations. Its feudal system grants nobility of different regions and states in the area for the nobles to better serve their people. The nobles are close with the populace as they train, and work alongside to bring prosperity back to the region and to unite a strong front building a better society. The nobles also are there to unit people despite cultural differences due to the diversity, and help mediate issues cultural, political, or social. The nobles are very grounded people, empathizing, and growing close with the populace due to their own fate with the destruction of Whirlpool their fathers face. Their desire to serve, and grow like minded people to bring others together is admirable, and serves to inspire the populace to stick to the same ideals.

Whirlpool Country is close friends with Konoha and Fire Country, due to Fire Country harboring the remnants of the old royal family of Whirlpool, and Konoha clearing the lands out from heinous criminals. The trio have strong alliances and a vow to protect and trade with each other. Despite this agreement, Konoha and Fire Country have not prohibited Whirlpool from seeking other friends in the region, and have encouraged them to reach out to Lightning Country so that they can be their own country with their own goals.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
Kemurigakure no Sato

Taishou of Iron Country
Kirigakure No Sato
Experiment 81 v2
Sunagakure No Sato
The Soul Host
Iwagakure No Sato
Special Jounin
The Tungsten Princess
Sunagakure No Sato
The Revolutionary
Past CharactersShow
[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
[Futokutei Yasunari :: Konohagakure No Sato – Genin]

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Ace Trainer
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World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:11 pm

Country 27
Rank 5
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Steam Country

Situated on land previously controlled by Fire Country, Steam Country consists largely of lush, green forests. Due to its placement surrounded on two sides by warm ocean water, there are countless rivers that flow through the region. Contrary to the expectations of its name, Steam lacks any sort of major hot springs or geysers, making it a bit of a misnomer. There are some open field areas that are covered in healthy green grass, and any regions with cities and people are surrounded by a wide variety of plants and greenery. The beaches the extend up and down its east and west borders are sandy, and almost exclusively at sea level, with very few cliffs or high-altitude areas. As one moves more central to the country, there is an occasional larger hill, but its uncommon for the region to be considered mountainous. While Steam Country has small refugee camps dotted all over the country consisting often of fewer than 20 people, the vast majority of its population lives within it's only village, Amegakure no Sato, which sits at the geographical center of the country.

Ecology, Climate, and Resources
The weather in Steam Country is considered to be comfortable, temperatures rarely drop below 65 degrees farenheit, or above 95 degrees. The oceanic winds that flow over the country keep it cool, but draft in warm winds that prevent it from being too cold. Due to its position, Steam Country experiences year-round rainy seasons, making it incredibly rare that a week passes without some sort of rainfall. However, only during a short period on the tail end of the year - typically 2 to 3 months at most - do they experience more powerful storms that involve lightning and thunder. Otherwise, the rain is light and comfortable, often not even needing an umbrella to be out in.

This constant rainfall keeps the ground soft and healthy, and is likely what encourages such healthy and continous plant growth in the region. The massive trees reach high into the sky and have wide expansive branch networks that are covered in enormous wide leaves that collect rain water and direct it to the trees center. Plants flower into bucket-like blooms that capture and store water for extended periods to slowly nourish them over time. Small ground animals have evolved to either be amphibious and able to sleep in burrows unconcerned with the potential of rain, or various ways of climbing and staying in the tall vegetation. Larger animals tends to be mammals that sleep in the tall tree branches as well, or are big enough to sleep on the ground un-concerned with flooding.

This creates the ability to easily both obtain wood, and deep-ground ores. The trees can be cut down with new trees regrowing to replace them faster than most any region, and the soft soil makes it easy to dig deep down into the earth. However, it is rare for the people of Steam Country to do this extensively due to their economic situation.

Politics and Economy
Steam Country and Amegakure were created as a part of a treaty at the end of the Great War. As a part of it, the countries leadership is an official selected in mutual agreement by the 4 Daimyo of Earth, Water, Fire and Wind. The selected official - called simply the 'Elect' - is expected to select a successor upon his selection. Should the Elect pass or step down, his selected successor raises to Elect, and chooses a successor of his own. Only by the 4 Daimyo agreeing can a successor be overriden an a new Elect selected. This is to ensure Steam Country always has a leader. Steam Country was created to be a safe haven for the refugees following the Great War, making it a cultural melting pot. The unifying trait among these people is that they were displaced by the actions of the Grand 5, making the general attitude towards their creators less than favorable. Earth, Water, Fire and Wind are expected to provided financial and other economic support to Steam Country, but politically the Elect tends to keep the countries distant due to this attitude among the people. The Elect is typically the only political body that interacts with the external forces, otherwise laws, policies, and rules are made internally. One of the major laws within Steam Country is that shinobi activities is strictly forbidden, the Grand 5 are not permitted to dispatch any forces within the country, and likewise the country is expected not to enable the creation of a shinobi force within it. Steam Country and Amegakure have one singular purpose, to be a safe haven.

Due to the external support it receives economically, Steam Country is quite well off. While people within the country work, they are not taxed in any way, and receive support in many forms from the government. This does not mean people do not go without struggles, due to the cultural variety within it, there is a lot of political nuance that has to be managed within it. Because of this, the country does not appear to be nearly as rich as it is. The leadership within the country is well intended, and doesn't intentionally hoard its riches, but distributing support in a fair manner is difficult, and policing forces within the country only have the ability to cover but so much area.

Culture and People
As mentioned, Steam Country and Amegakure is a refugee safe haven following the Great War. As a cultural melting pot, it is very difficult to say there is any sort of singular overreaching cultural norms within the country. The only standard is a general distaste and dislike for the Grand 5 and shinobi in general. Unlike most of the countries where knowledge of shinobi and chakra is not widespread, the people of Amegakure are well aware of what some people are capable of. While there may be some desire within the people to grasp that power, the general consensus seems to be that with that power comes nothing good, and a general disdain for those who use it.

As the refugees are from so many different places, there tends to be a lot of social friction within Amegakure. While there aren't any official delineations of countries or people within the village, refugees from like-regions tend to stick together. This makes navigating Amegakure quite simple, if you are in need of specific crafts or foods from a specific region, you simply gravitate towards where those people live and invariably their shops, store and smitheries are there as well. However, this also means that former enemy countries are now neighbors. This doesn't make it uncommon for there to be clashes and issues. The police force with Amegakure consists of samurai from the various countries, perhaps the only unified organization within Amegakure. Even still, there is implicit favoring of allies and the inverse, but typically they act not only as a police force but also peacekeepers, mediators, and otherwise balancing and managing the tensions. Perhaps the greatest thing to come from this multi-national union is the coming together of so many craftsmen and skilled workers. Consequently, Amegakure is a marvel of engineering and manual labor. Towering buildings that don't even so much as creak when hurricane force winds come through, complex underground and above ground sewage and water systems that not only manage the enormous amounts of rain but filter and sterilize both rain and seawater as well. In a very short window of time, Amegakure transformed from what was effectively ground level refugee camps into one of the greatest marvels of the modern era.

Despite being a safe haven, the energy within Amegakure is hardly one of safety or prosperity. In spite of all thats afforded to them, the people are struggling for obvious reasons. Displaced, often injured and traumatized, the people seem to be just holding on and barely managing in many ways. The near constant rain within the village seems almost appropriate then, dampening any sort of joy, and hiding tears of those who are barely managing. Religion is incredibly present within the people, the numerous different religions and denominations mean there are churches and religious symbolism all throughout Amegakure, and various small temples and altars throughout the great forests of the country.
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[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
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Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:12 pm


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[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
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[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
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[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
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[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
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Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:12 pm

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The northernmost country of a small continent in the Northern Hemisphere, earned its name from those who have so far attempted and failed to explore it. Little is known specifically of most of the continent, this country specifically. The land is cut through by a large mountain range that travels up from the Southern part of the continent, following through the Eastern half of the country. The remainder of the country is uneven, lifting into high hills before descending into deep caverns cut into the icy snow. The coast becomes rocky within about a mile of the ocean, the terrain sloping down, creating a dangerous and epic ice terrain before flowing into the frozen waters.

Near the middle of the country, to the west of the mountain range exists underground a vast cavern that travels unknown distances across the country and even the continent. At one time, the cavern had been an underground river but with the continuously decreasing temperatures the ice built up and the continent rose, emptying the cavern of water and leaving behind a natural wonder that has yet to be explored.

Ecology, Climate and Resources

Not surprisingly, the flora of this country is practically non-existent until the southernmost area is reached. The remainder of the country is snow and ice covered year round causing it to be so far uninhabitable. While the flora is lacking, the fauna runs rampant, many creatures existing here that have been undiscovered in the rest of the world. During the winter months harsh blizzards ravage the country, moving and altering the terrain beyond recognition, recreating the country over and over again. During the summer months the blizzards take a break and allow the wildlife to thrive for a few months, the air becoming dry though remaining just as frigid.

Few species survive year round in the country, many of the land’s inhabitants migrating to the more southern region where it remains warmer, though only marginally so. This leaves the country barren for most of the year, leaving one hard pressed to find any sign of life. Despite this fact, there are a few species that have adapted enough to be able to survive in their home year round and they are the ones that rule the land.

Perhaps the most notable of creatures that rule the land is the large species of brown bear. Ranging from 7-14ft tall, these bears are lined with a thick double coat that not only protects them from the harsh climate but also creates a waterproof coating that allows them to fish without freezing to death. With large incisors and upwards of six-inch claws the bears are the most dangerous creature on the land. When the blizzards get to be too much, the bears search for caves and caverns that have been carved into the ice and hold out there until they brave the cold again.

As well as bears, the only animal species that lives solely on land throughout the year is a species of wolf. Unlike the bears, these wolves are smaller but thick, carrying large fat deposits in the long winter months. Though thick, their coats are not waterproof forcing them to be more creative with hunting, stalking penguins on land. They travel in small packs, sleeping in huddles underneath large snow banks to preserve their heat while sleeping. They remain in the same square mile during the winter time, branching out in the warmer months when more prey arrives.

The ocean holds a much more dangerous array of creatures, most large with little known about them. The most innocent of the bunch are the penguins that live inland in the winter time, huddled in groups of hundreds against the harsh winter weather though they travel in large groups to the ocean in the summer months where they become prey to the ocean creatures, versus the bears and the wolves. Multiple species of whales, dolphins, and seals live around the country on the coast, feeding on fish, each other, and penguins. The most notable and large whale that gets close to the country gets close to thirty feet in length. A toothed creature, the thick blubber that the whale possesses makes him more than capable of withstanding the harsh weather of the Northern Hemisphere.

During the summer time, the land remains just as white but becomes slightly more inhabitable. Several species of birds, including a large owl, as well as several species of rodents and many species of hares. Lynxes and fox occasionally travel up to the country though they rarely near the ocean, staying more in the mountainous region of the country.

Though the mountains are void of life at all, the deep caverns of the country have been rumored to hold some of the most curious creatures that could ever be known to man. Few sightings have ever been made, those that have been made being heavily criticized. Furry creatures with fangs that reach the ground, whose saliva is highly acidic. Underwater creatures with tentacles that reach through the cesspools and drag their victims under water to drown them. Until further exploration is done though, the rumors are merely that - rumors.

People and Culture

Currently, no one has been able to inhabit Yaseyama. The animals rule the land and are unwelcoming of all other visitors. Between the weather and the animals anyone attempting to inhabit the island even for a short period of time would have an incredibly difficult task.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
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[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
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Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:12 pm

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The land of cold isn't very different in geography from the rest of Friopa, basically a giant block of ice. The terrain is much like that of a desert, but with snow instead of sand The "Frost plains" dominate the majority of the country and are mostly unremarkable, not including the life that inhabits it Two medium sized mountain ranges mark the border to the west and to the east of the country The most hospitable areas the "life basin" in the southern point of the country, lying between the two mountain ranges and being at a lower elevation than most of the country while also having a tiny fumarole, or, a crack in the ground that releases hot steam and heat. This range is fairly protected by the harsh environment in the rest of Cold Country

Fauna + Flora
Like the rest of Friopa, cold country has a surprising amount of life, displaying a very unique world of specialized organisms The shore and some of the inland territory finds itself home to penguins and polar bears, with the coast being dotted with various kinds of seals and the occasional dolphin and whale.

The "Frost plains" are inhabited by a unique set of organisms that have evolved to fit the environment. These include flowering plants that also have fruits, storing energy during the summer and tapping into its fruit energy storage during the seasons with less sunlight. There are also plants that release seeds that upon contact with snow, release chemicals that heat up the immediate area, melting snow and ice so that the seed makes contact with soil. There are even plants with pitch black roots above the surface that absorb and retain heat, making the immediate area snow/ice and cold-free. The plains also sport the following unique animals (This list is incomplete as many of the organisms have not yet been discovered):
List of animalsShow
Ostruin - The evolutionary descendant of penguins, Ostruins are large penguins, essentially They have the shape and sizeof an ostrich but the anatomy and coloration of penguins Like penguins, their anatomy gives them protection from the cold. They are also very fast and surprisingly vicious and omnivorous. Usually found in areas with less loose snow where they can run.

Gof- The evolution of dolphin to land Gofs are extremely intelligent, medium sized dog-like mammals. The gof has a thick white fur coat and an even thicker body of blubber The golf has a dolphin-like snout and mouth and actually still has a blowhole. It is known to hide in snow to ambush prey and use its blowhole to breathe while buried in snow. Gofs are omnivores that feed mostly on smaller animals.

Friopic Hippo- Despite the name, Friopic Hippos are actually directly descended from whales. They look much like whales except retain the size of a small hippo at their largest These creatures thrive in land constantly covered with snow, crawling through it on their disproportionately stubby legs, eating anything it can get in its mouth by basically filter feeding through the snow It has a powerful jaw that can snap wood in half with ease

Blood Hare- The cutest andmmost voracious predator around. Blood Hares are regular sized rabbits that dominate Friopia and Cold Country. They have a murderous set of teeth and a bear-like sense of smell that allows them to detect prey from miles away they are notoriously good ambush predators, using their white fur to hide in the snow. Despite being so small, Blood Hares are dangerous because they're adept at leaping out and biting a target's carotid artery before quickly running away and waiting for the target to bleed out They got their name from their nasty habit of burrowing into their prey, hiding in their warm corpses as they fed from it as well. They would later reemerge coated in blood. Like most rabbits, the Blood hare reproduces very rapidly and frequently.

Hot Hounds- A very unique descendant of Seals, Hot Hounds look like small seal-like wolves. These creatures are the natural predator of Blood Hares. The get their name from their extremely high body temperature that gets up to 180 Fahrenheit and melts the snow/ice around the Hot Hounds. This bod temperature requires that they eat a massive amount of food on a regular basis, which is probably a major reason why the Blood Hares reproduce so often.

Heat Ticks -> Small ticks that burrow into mammals bodies and live off of their blood and heat. They carry a whole slew of diseases and, second to the harsh environment, are the leading cause of death in Friopian organisms. They're impossible to find, as they fully enter the body. They're also hard to avoid, as they're found both in the snow (hibernating until a nearby warm body awakens them) and on plants. They are small and white.

Snow deer -> Tiny dog-sized deer that lives in areas with plants and that doesn't have snow that's too deep.They're extremely fast with their disproportionately muscular and thick legs. Their hooves also have spikes that give them better traction on ice and it adds a means for the deer to protect itself.
Politics + economy
Cold Country has no true government, as it's not really a country population wise. The country is littered with nomadic tribes that stay in one place for as long as the food they hunt does These group, span from 4 people large to 50. They're known to trade animal pelts and meat with each others and those from other countries
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
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[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
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Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:12 pm

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Geography and Ecology No Man’s Land is a small chunk of coastal tundra on the western coast of Friopia. Gradually building into the mountainous region to the east, No Man’s Land has a steady, slow growth over it’s acreage, making it quite hospitable. There is little geography of significance, a few major rivers flow south from the mountains into the surrounding regions and eventually into the ocean. There is largely winter flora, large coniferous trees and tall tundra grasses. In the winters most end up covered in several feet of snow, and will bear fruit come spring. Due to the mountainous region neighboring it, there are many underground caverns and valleys throughout the country that make for good places to hide away in.

The fauna in the region is largely docile and unaware of any danger associated with human presence. The largest predator is a species of arctic bear, but there are a large number of winter birds, small mammals, and a number of elk and deer. During the heavy winters most will disappear to hibernate until the Spring.

People and Culture No Man’s Land was contested land between the lands conquered by Kirigakure and Kumogakure on Friopa during the Great Shinobi War. It eventually was left alone, and became a refugee center for the few cities in Friopa who fled from the foreign invaders. Now, the country is dotted with small refugee sites, mostly tents and temporary structures. The people have become nomadic, and many cling closely to their native culture.

As the Great War was the first time many witnessed a shinobi, or any interference from the Main Continent, worship of these “gods” has started to become common-place, with many believing they witnessed a supernatural war between higher powers. They view this as a bad omen, and consider it a sign for the end of times. Because of this, people in this region are hostile to unfamiliar faces, fearing they are putting themselves at risk for further destruction. However, these people are by-and-large craftsmen and caretakers, not warriors and they have little defensive capacity.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
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[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
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Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:13 pm

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Fossil Country Geography:

Fossil Country is located in the center of the Northern Wastes, northeast of Lightning Country. Colloquially referred to as “Zero Country”, Fossil Country is essentially one large ice field, with a large mountain range spanning the entirety of the border, and with a wide valley making up the majority of the country.

Spanning the entire border of the country are what can essentially be called ice mountains; large blocks of ice which vary greatly in shape, terrain and width, the result of a number of valley glaciers colliding and then being frozen together over many years. These mountains, composed mostly of ice, are often being misshapen by the weather and surrounding animals as the years go by, making it near impossible for maps or anything similar to be created.

The central part of Fossil Country is a wide valley. The valley possesses no major increases in elevation, but the terrain of the area is just as dynamic as the mountains surrounding it. Unlike the mountains, which are primarily ice, the valley is composed mostly of permafrost and frozen stone. Spanning through the entirety of the valley are numerous craters, caves and small sinkholes, many of which interconnect below the frozen earth to form an almost entirely different world below the surface. Fossil Country’s namesake originates from the many ancient relics, bones, as well as other remnants of an ancient era which have become frozen into the foundation of what is today infamously known as a place of the damned.

Ecology, Climate, and Resources:

The climate in Fossil Country, combined with the varying terrain, combine to create one of the, if not the most, dangerous living environments in the entire known world. The weather year round is constantly below zero, most commonly sitting at a range between -40 to -50 degrees Fahrenheit, although can drop as low as -70 during the Winter season. Summer is Fossil Country lasts only 17 days, where the average temperature is usually between 20 & 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Severe snowstorms constantly smother both the mountain range and the central valley, with wind speed reaching whole gale speeds (55-63 mph).

As a result of the harsh weather and rough terrain, plant life in Fossil Country is scarce, to the point of being almost nonexistent. The mountains are completely devoid of plant life, while the central valley is home to a handful of dead trees, all of which remain frozen to the core. A handful of species of moss grow on the rocks in the central valley, usually in some sort of stasis during the majority of the year, while their growth continues during the short summers.

The harsh weather has also had a significant impact on the animal life in the country. During the early years of Fossil Country, many of the herbivorous animals were dying off due to both starvation, or by simply being killed off by predators who were better suited for the harshening environment. As a result, many species of what would normally be herbivorous animals developed carnivorous tendencies as a survival tactic. As time went by, these survival tactics grew deeper and deeper roots into the natural instincts of said animals, turning them into full-blown carnivorous predators. These newborn predators, together with the natural carnivorous predators, have turned surviving in the wild of Fossil Country a game of who can kill and eat who first, giving people just one more reason to stay away from this frozen hell.
Notable Fauna in Fossil CountryShow
Lemming: Lemmings are one of the previously herbivorous species of Fossil Country who learned to adapt to their surroundings. These animals have developed very sharp claws and fangs, both of which allow them to dig into the frozen ground for shelter as well as hunt animals. Lemmings travel in large groups, usually between 20 and 30, and have developed a pack mentality of hunting. Hares are the most common prey of these lemmings, but can take down the occasional fox from time to time.

Ghost Hare: Ghost Hares, like the lemmings, have adapted to the dog-eat-dog world of Fossil Country throughout the years. Named for their all-white fur, and their solid white eyes, these hares are slightly larger than their herbivorous ancestors, growing up to 2 and a half feet tall and weighing as much as 30 pounds. These hares usually travel in small groups of about 3 to 5, and most commonly feed on lemmings, although they will also feast on straggling wolves and sleigh dogs from the occasional expedition.

Arctic Foxes & Wolves: Not much has changed about the foxes and wolves of Fossil Country throughout the years save for the fact they now have thicker coats of fur. Naturally carnivorous and blessed with amazing predatory instincts, these animals were able to adapt almost flawlessly to the changing environment.

Killer Reindeer: A very unique species of reindeer with a very generic name, these deer were another species of previously herbivorous animals that slowly evolved into carnivores. These deer are infamous for their incredibly aggressive behavior, towards other animals, humans, and even other deer. Killer Reindeer have no qualms when it comes to who or what they eat, making them one of the few animals in the wild capable of cannibalism. Although once abundant throughout the entire country, the overall reindeer population has diminished significantly throughout Fossil Country as a result of both their solitary nature and their overly-aggressive nature.

Polar Bear: The polar bears of northern wastes are one of the largest and strongest predators in the frozen land, and in Fossil Country they reign supreme. Although very skilled in both hunting and tracking, these bears are pretty docile creatures, only killing when they need to eat and only attacking other animals when they feel threatened. They inhabit roughly 40% of the caves in the inner alley, rarely leaving their homes unless they’re hunting or fishing.

Note: It’s important to mention that the above list is a very incomplete list of the animals, as much of Fossil Country has yet to be explored, in particular the various caves as well as the entire network of caves that lies under the frozen grounds. While many large roars, as well as screams, and loud stomping noises have been reported, it’s impossible to differentiate between fact and fiction. Those few brave souls who dare to enter the underworld of Fossil Country may find themselves facing them far beyond what they could imagine.
People, Politics and Culture:

Politics in the land of Fossils is all based on one law; only the fittest will survive. With it’s extreme weather, rabid animals and largely unexplored cave network, Fossil Country has no established human population, and therefore, no ruling government or even villages.

There are a handful of myths about the country that survive mainly in its neighboring regions, and in some regions around the world. Many believe that the vast network of caves underground is inhabited by demons, and that the thick ice and vast mountain range is there to prevent them from unleashing chaos onto the world. Others believe that there is a fully thriving society underground, which was established by a group of travelling nomads who sought protection during the era of constant wars. Others, still, believe that is inhabited by ancient beasts, such as giant bears and dire wolves who remain trapped under the frozen ground.
Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
Kemurigakure no Sato

Taishou of Iron Country
Kirigakure No Sato
Experiment 81 v2
Sunagakure No Sato
The Soul Host
Iwagakure No Sato
Special Jounin
The Tungsten Princess
Sunagakure No Sato
The Revolutionary
Past CharactersShow
[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
[Futokutei Yasunari :: Konohagakure No Sato – Genin]

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Ace Trainer
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Joined: Sun Nov 23, 2008 7:00 pm

World Map & Countries Guide

Post by Ace Trainer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:13 pm

Country 35
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Mistaki ShioShiimu KozanGekko IndraShoshiki HeiyaHizashi Ikinari
Kirigakure No Sato
Kemurigakure no Sato

Taishou of Iron Country
Kirigakure No Sato
Experiment 81 v2
Sunagakure No Sato
The Soul Host
Iwagakure No Sato
Special Jounin
The Tungsten Princess
Sunagakure No Sato
The Revolutionary
Past CharactersShow
[Kenketi Tenteki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Special Jounin]
[Setsuya Inka :: Sunagakure No Sato – The Soul Host – Special Jounin]
[Kaikyo Kohon :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shinwa Basuta no Suihouheki Yasahii :: Kirigakure No Sato – Mizukage :: Spirit of Capricorn, Topenga]
[Futokutei Hitoare :: Konohagakure No Sato – Pestilence (Four Horsemen) – Jounin]
[Aisu Koiji :: Kirigakure No Sato – Jounin]
[Shitagane Sakki :: Kumogakure No Sato – Genin]
[Batsu Betsuni :: Iwagakure No SatoJounin A Rank Missing Ninja]
[Futokutei Yasunari :: Konohagakure No Sato – Genin]


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